Life’s Souvenirs

You know you’re becoming an adult when you get excited about washing your mattress pad…


I was chuckling to myself, thinking about that. I was vacuuming and listening to a podcast on world events, waiting for my sheets to finish in the dryer and I realized — it’s taken me a while, but I’m actually growing up.


And, I realized that there are definitely some things I know now, that have changed who I am and how I live my life, for the better.

And not that I can take credit for any of these. Most are either taught from my beautiful mother, or the humiliating/devastating result of trial and [critical] error.


1. Invest your time in the people who matter to you.

Your actions speak a lot louder than your words, and how you spend your free time is a big indicator to what and who you value. And at the end of the day, your “true blue” friends are going to mean a lot more than any loud and obscure party. So choose accordingly.


2. If someone takes the time to leave you a voicemail, listen, and call them back.

Even if it’s just a text reply, RESPOND. I spent years and years during my anorexia just not picking up the phone and not returning the calls and texts from my friends. They’re reaching out because they care about you. But if you don’t reciprocate, the rejection will eventually wear on them, and they will just stop trying. Friendships and relationships matter.


3. If people matter to you, let them know.

I have lived by the rule that a lady should never show her cards and keep her heart close to her chest. But you know what? That has gotten me nowhere. And in one weekend here, I have interacted with three separate men, all of whom had feelings for me during different periods of life, and I never let them know that I too, felt the same. And you know what? They are now all happily in relationships, and there’s nothing I can do about it.


4. There is no better accessory than confidence.

If you feel good about yourself, then other people will too. Period.


5. Say “yes” more often.

I’ve learned that if you really want to start living, you need to say, yes – Incorporate it into your vocabulary. Embrace the lifestyle that it produces, and don’t look back.


6. Listen to your gut.

Here’s the thing: some people call it intuition, some people call it your conscience, some people call it a gut feeling, but I’m here to tell you…it’s the Holy Spirit’s nudging. Cheesy, sure. Accurate? Absolutely. You’ll know you’re doing the right thing because you feel at peace. That’s the Spirit moving in your heart. Listen. And if you’re feeling restless, that’s a big ol’ Red Flag, and probably something should change.


Which is why, I’m actually writing this from Ohio. 


Yes, I actually decided to come home for a little bit while my mom gets a heart procedure done.

Ever since her stroke back in December, I’ve adhered to that final advice, following the peace. But when I was back in NYC, let’s just say I was a tinderbox of emotion the whole time. It was as though I were there in body only…my heart and spirit were back in Ohio with my mom.

So I’m going to be home for a few weeks and be with her while she’s recovering and adjusting to her new post-stroke normal.

It turns out, that we really only get one chance in life. One go around the sun. And the older I get, the more I’m realizing that there are actually, very few things that truly matter…and probably the biggest of these is family.

So there you go…

If you need me, I’ll be basking in this glorious peace.

What are some of the best “Life Souvenirs”  you’ve picked up along the way?

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@beauty.beyond.bones – Instagram




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274 responses to “Life’s Souvenirs”

  1. Life is a book we live one chapter at a time. One of my souvenirs.
    Enjoy your time back in Ohio and tell “mom” we are praying for her and you.

  2. Such a beautiful photo, your smile is contagious! Best wishes for your mum, may she be whole again very soon. Such good words, you are very wise for your young age my friend. And I totally agree that it’s the Holy Spirit moving in you. I’ve been a Believer for decades and am familiar with the sensation when He moves upon you. It’s a wonderful thing and so reassuring. Be well! ❤️

  3. YES! This material could not have been presented any better way! It was all practical, realistic, and healthy. People do need to realize more that what is important should be invested in. I feel like every age group struggles with something whether it is finances, marriage, money, career, bullying, comparison, identity, and/or family but some things are worth fighting for and some things are worth letting go of. I choose to let go of more of the nonsense and keep more of my sense. Blessing to you and your family. 🙂


    • Thank you so much JV! I think you’re right – every life stage has its “thing.” But you’re right – there are really only a handful of things that truly matter. thanks for stopping by! big hugs xo

  4. You look so content in this photo, and your eyes glow. More than just your normal beautiful smile. I’m so glad! God bless you as you continue to listen to his voice and follow, even when it ends up differently than you expected. Enjoy your time with your Mamma! 🙂

  5. Some proverb-size souvenirs:

    If you can’t make a mistake, you can’t make anything
    Moderation in everything, including moderation
    Balance in everything, including balance
    If you can’t measure it, it can still exist in large measure.
    Everything looks broken in the middle (R Moss Canter – referring mostly to projects)

    .. and there are more.

    But I want you to know that the joy you are writing with is just contagious. You’re keeping us all bubbly!!


    • Hey John! Thanks so much for these awesome souvenirs! I love that so much – Balance in everything, including balance. Such powerful pearls of wisdom! thanks for sharing! big hugs xox

      • So some more spiritual ones:

        God has no grandchildren.
        God loves you just the way you are but loves you WAY too much to leave you that way.

      • Thank you so much for these! I absolutely love that one: that he loves us as we are but too much to leave us that way…I mean WOW! What a powerful thought and truth! Hugs and love xox

  6. I am sitting in my house reading your beautiful words with tears streaming down my face as my daughter is in the tub. I have been feeling isolated and out of sorts. Your reminders are timeless and eye-opening and helped to fuel my tired soul. Thank you so much. I am praying for your mother and rejoicing in the peace only Ohio can give you right this moment.

    • Awww thank you so much! I’m so glad this hit home with you. I’m sorry you’ve been going through a trying patch. You’re definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for your kindness. Sending you the biggest hugs xox

    • Thanks so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed them:) yeah I definitely have to remind myself of that a lot – to spend my time with the people who matter. Thanns for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  7. Your blog exudes such positive inspiration that we could all learn to live by. Always look forward to your new posts. Sending my thoughts and prayers to your mother and wishing her much success in her heart procedure and post-recovery!

  8. Often we shrug away those Holy Spirit nudges – but they are so important! And I love the advice on letting people know if they mean something to you. Great post. Love your work! And enjoy Ohio.

  9. This is good. I would have to agree with your souvenirs. Particularly the ones about friendship. They do matter. It takes no time to answer a call or reply to a text. Or to even make one. “I’m busy” is one of my most despised phrases. If you don’t have time for me in life don’t make time for me in death. All of these are great. Good post.

    • Hi Tammy! Thank you so much. Yeah friends are what make the world go around 🙂 and living in such a way that values those relationships is so important. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  10. You’ve obviously grown into a beautiful (inside and out) and wise woman. Congratulations on learning well from life’s lessons at such a young age! And you’re able to pass them on so eloquently, too 🙂

  11. Liking your list 🙂 One “life souvenir” to add to your list is the opposite of what you wrote. Yes, I completely agree that we should say Yes more often. It widens out worldview. But, we should also feel it’s okay to say NO. We women especially are raised as people-pleasers, and sometimes we get over-scheduled, or corralled into social invitations we don’t really want to accept. We should remember that it is our time too. And Just Say No. It’s hard at first, then liberating.

    • Hi Cindy! Thanks so much for sharing this! You’re so right – saying no is just as powerful a thing to do too! I guess to clarify, when I said say yes, it was less on the people pleasing and more on saying yes to relationships and invitations from friends. During my anorexia, I spent years in isolation, and so a big part of my healing has been embracing relationships and saying yes to social things. But you’re right, there’s a fine line between saying yes and people pleasing. And amen! It is our time and we should feel free to say no if we so choose 🙂 thanks so much for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  12. “He leadeth me, He leadeth me, by His own hand He leadeth me.” An old hymn I picked up long ago and now sing to myself as a prayer. It helps me trace back over a long life and remember/recognize how He was leading me by His own hand at every juncture of my life. I’ve been reading your blog silently for a time now, Many times you talk about things I’ve long ago experienced and think about, but you have the right words to describe them. That is a blessed gift. May the Lord continue to bless you richly!

  13. Beautiful and I am so proud of you for following the peace and being there for your mom. Such a blessing to spend time with them whole you can. I chose dad for as long as he lived here before he passed and I do not regret one minute of that… now. You rock! About life souvenirs… give up immediately is my wisest advice. Being humble is always at the tip of my tongue and thought process. Being humble keeps you in an attitude of prayer and relationship with God so He can handle life with you and lead you easier through the Holy Spirit. Any problem arises, give up n immediately and pray and give it to God and ask for help. He is generous and loving and full of grace and helps you make the best choice. Love you! XO

  14. I really appreciate your post. Yes, family matters the most. As I said to my daughter, for different circumstances, friends come and go, but family stick together even if they are miles apart. My side of the family is in Hong Kong. I also appreciate what you said about nudging by the Holy Spirit. I learned to be as ease about silence, especially in counseling situation. I told my clients that I don’t have any agenda, I listen to the Holy Spirit to guide what I want to say to respond to what they say. It’s so good for you to spend a few weeks with your mom after her stroke. Yes, we only have one life to live. I’m thankful that God extended my life after a stage IV cancer. I’m grateful for every moment of my life.
    I said that already but say it again, that you’re very beautiful. I’m so happy so see you becoming a sensitive beautiful lady! Blessings to you and pray for your mom’s recovery!

  15. I had to laugh when I saw the pic of you with a new Furby; I had a couple of them when I was 10 or so! 😄

    Back in Ohio! What is your gut telling you about remaining in NY? As The Clash famously asked, ‘Should I stay or should I go?’

    • Hahahaha thanks Steve…yeah I found that old pic, and just busted up laughing! Had to share:) yeah that’s a good question- I’m still not ready to give it up completely, so I think I’ll be splitting time for a while:) Hugs and love xox

  16. Great advice and suggestions. I too will be returning to Ohio in a couple of weeks. Enjoy your time there, peace and prayers be upon you and your family 🙂 <3

  17. I love #3. I’m so glad you’re listening to your gut, that nudge from God. I often wish I’d moved back to my mom’s when I had the chance, but I chose to stay in Maryland, and met a guy who later broke my heart. I have to believe it was all for a reason ultimately or I’d live in regret. Sending prayers for your mom.

    • Aw thank you so much:) yeah we’ve gotta tell people they matter 🙂 thanks so much for your kind words. I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go through heart break. 🙁 I pray that it will somehow be used ultimately for good. Thanks for your prayers. Big hugs xox

  18. Love this sis, especially numbers 1, 2 and 5! I am realizing these things as I get older and am maturing as well. Bless you and glad you are following peace. It’s the most important thing we have when we have Jesus.

    • Thanks so much:) I’m so glad you enjoyed the read! You’re so right- once we realize that Jesus is the most important thing, everything else kinda falls into perspective. Hugs and love xox

  19. The run and the jump – that’s cruel! (And on mistakes, it’s probably good to think on how God sees them, in the sense, grace was always there)

    Hmm… the reg flag of restlessness. Touches a chord…

    Life souvenirs? And perhaps to save me some thought, wisdom is feminine…

    • Hahah yeah I thought it was pretty fitting. Thanks for these thoughts — I love that, His grace is always there, even in the mistakes. Very powerful….thanks for your kind words. Hugs and love xox

  20. Tremendous post! Reading it was a beautiful way to start thinking about more than just what’s happening this weekend. Thank you for such terrific writing.

  21. I’m so glad you are with your mom. When she is gone you won’t be able to bring her back. And there will be many times you will wish you had said something to her that you didn’t or done something with her that you could have and didn’t so I’ll encourage you to do and say those things now as they pop up over the days you are together, do and say whatever comes up. There are questions I wish I had asked my grandmother about our family that I will never have the opportunity to ask now. There are things I wish I had told Mom that I can never tell her now. So let me encourage you to do and say things with your mom.

    • Aw thank you so much. Yeah I am really glad I’m with her too:) she’s my best friend I just need to be here. That’s really great advice. I definitely will take it to heart. Thank you for sharing that. Sending big big hugs xox

  22. Wow, this post really resonated with me! Your second and third points reminded me that I shouldn’t let fear hold me back from being transparent, even if it may lead to rejection, and just say Yes and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and direct my path.

  23. Hate to say it (not) but I told you so – You needed Ohio as much as it needed you!!! Anyway, so glad that you are on track and things are going well. Great words to live by as well ( ….be the Love You want to Receive) I absolutely agree with this statement!

  24. Thank you for yet another meaningful and thought provoking post! In regards to item #6, it could also be called ‘discernment’ and, like so many other things in life, if you “don’t use it you’ll lose it. If you continually ignore these nudges you will eventually lose the ability to even feel/notice them as our hearts become hardened and seared. If we continue to ignore these promptings, we need also to remember that God will not contend with man forever (Isaiah 57:15)…

    One item I had to “pick up” (learn) along the way is the opposite of #5 on your list. One of the coping mechanisms I (unfortunately) learned at an early age was that life was easiest for me if I kept those around me happy. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this was to say “yes” to their every wish and/or whim – a perfect recipe for a full-blown co-dependent and future addict!!! It took many years, but I learned to set boundaries and – horror of horrors – learned it really was okay to say “no”… Keep up the good work and “hugs” and prayers to your Mom!

  25. Great list. Lots of this stuff is what our grandparents would call “normal behavior” that had sadly been lost nowadays.

    Much of modern life seems like we’re trying desperately to reclaim the pieces of tradition that are sorely lacking in our lives.

    Wow, this got melancholy fast! And all I wanted to say was, “Great post!”

  26. I actually just posted on FB the other day the question about who I was in the mirror because I don’t recognise myself.

    So, I just thought of something…..
    I’m growing plants,
    I’m doing crafts,
    I’m writing a well accepted Christian Blog,
    I’m pushing myself to go outside my comfort zone moving out of NC….
    I still masquerade as a guy in a green hood, mask and light sabers,
    But really, I don’t recognize myself in the mirror, who is that guy?

    I have never in my life owned plants, done crafty things on my own, been one to write like I do now.
    I’ve always been one to listen and call people back. I’ve had too many near death experiences to realize time is short. But this was beautifully written as always! It’s such a joy to read your posts.

  27. As soppy as it sounds you are one treasure I value a lot, I look forward to the times we interact ❤ you mean more to me than I could ever tell you 😊 that smile! After the things you have been through that smile just shines through and hits my heart in the biggest way possible! It keeps me going so many days ❤

  28. Awesome post! Here are few lessons I imagine myself telling if I’m ever asked to give a commencement address at my alma mater.
    1. Don’t be generic. God made you unique and gave you unique gifts to offer the world. Offer them, and be proud.
    2. If you have enthusiasm for something, pursue it. The word enthusiasm literally means “breathing in God.” If you feel yourself breathing in God in any activity, that’s a big clue to your purpose in life.
    3. Follow a career path that allows you to focus on your strengths. Don’t follow a path that’s not right for you just because you think you can make a lot of money at it.
    4. Don’t try to change your basic nature. If you are extroverted, don’t force yourself to be an introvert. If you are introverted, don’t force yourself to be an extrovert. Both of them have their advantages. Whatever you are, do something that fits your personality rather than forcing yourself to change.
    5. Believe in yourself and believe in the Almighty One. Wait, shouldn’t believing in God come first? That’s what most religious people will tell you. What I’ve learned is, if you don’t believe in yourself, nothing else you believe in will have any power for you.
    6. Know yourself. If you don’t know who you are, what you believe in, what your unique gifts are, what your personality is, and what you have enthusiasm for, you won’t be able to follow points 1-5.

  29. This was a wonderful post. I used to be so afraid to express myself for fear of rejection. I wasted so much time being afraid that I missed out on receiving love. I’m still growing up in that area of my life, but the best souvenir I’ve received from being myself, is joy!

  30. Hey Caralyn: After all these previous posts, there is basically nothing new to add, so I will just say, you are an awesome young lady, with a wise, intelligent, witty mind.
    There are two major obvious important aspects in your life: your love of God our Heavenly Father, and your love of His Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ, including your openness to speak freely of Jesus and what He means to you, as well as what He has done.
    Next, your love and devotion to your Mom and Dad. Reading what you write of them, your heart is seen by all, as warmth and love radiates from you, about them. I am certain that all others following you realize that also, and are blessed. I sure am.
    God’s Blessings Good Friend.
    Luv, 🌹😀🌹

  31. I love Ohio, it’s one of the places I’ve visited since trying to say Yes more often the last year or so.

  32. Thank you again for sharing your heart with us. I hope you have a great time in Ohio and that you are a blessing to your dear Mom.I especially liked your idea of saying yes more. It is easier for me as a grandparent to say yes instead of always saying no.

    • Thanks Steve. I really appreciate your encouragement. Hah I bet your grandkids love your Yes Policiy 😉 hehe but you’re right – let’s embrace the Yes! Hugs and love xox

    • thanks for this reflection. I feel ya there! i mean, even listening to them…i have so many un-listened too…i’m horrible!!!! going to remedy that TODAY! 🙂 big hugs xo

  33. I don’t need you. I don’t want you. But I do want to ask a question, if I may. Why did you turn to semi-weekly publishings? You did not start that way. As you say, we only have one life. I am only in it for the information.

  34. I think your title fits perfectly. I think all you’ll ever be, a souvenir, nothing more. Like my Les Mis playbill that I threw away. Just wasn’t worth hanging on to. Good-bye.

  35. The Holy Spirit leads us to growth in SO MANY WAYS, if we can only find the courage to listen and follow. And, even though that guidance will lead us into some rather uncomfortable spots at times, it’s always for our greater good – to help us learn something we really need to learn; to bring us in touch with someone we really need to know; to lead us to tremendous gifts that we would never find on our own; to move us out of our comfort zones, on to bigger & better things. I’d be lost without the Holy Spirit…I certainly couldn’t write the way I do without the Holy Spirit. I’m sure you feel the same way. Thank you for sharing this wisdom with the world! (And, enjoy your visit with your mom. If you’re anywhere close to Cincinnati, drop by the incredibly beautiful Old St. Mary’s Church for the Latin Mass on Sunday, & say “hi!”)

    • You’re so right! the Holy Spirit is our advocate, comforter, guide, peace, encourager — and how grateful am I 🙂 You’re right – we’ve got to find that courage to listen and follow. thanks for your kind words! hugs xox

  36. I’ve always loved…”Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with….ME!” Couldn’t help but hum this tune, while looking at the peace radiating from your photo! Hugs n’ sweet blessings!

  37. Hi Caralyn!
    I love your writing style and how you refer to life’s lessons as souvenirs. What a beautiful perspective :). Your post was just what I needed to see today and brought me a sense of peace. I have bounced around through many phases in my life. Throughout my youth I always wore my heart on my sleeve, but then I often got hurt or taken advantage of. In my early to mid twenties I became very guarded and was afraid to feel and be vulnerable. Then I went through a period of opening up to the wrong types of people and learned that we have to be selective about who we “let in.”
    Lately I have been a lot more careful about who I choose to spend my time with and it has made such a beautiful difference in my life.
    There is definitely an art to finding the balance.
    Thanks again for sharing your wisdom and beautiful insights. I am saying prayers for your mother and sending you great big *Hugs*

    <3 Alana Xoxoxo.

    • Oh my gosh thank you so much! I’m so glad you’re feeling the peace:) and what a powerful change to make in your life, Alana…love it. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. Hugs and lots of love xox

  38. Hey Caralyn, another fantastic post! Your honesty and your attitude are always refreshing. Reading this one today, I couldn’t help but think that maybe number 6 is part of the reason you didn’t open up to the guys you talk about in number 3 (if that makes sense). If they are all happily in relationships now, then maybe they weren’t the right guys for you, and the times you knew them in the past weren’t the right times for you to be finding your future husband. God works in amazing ways, and so often we get impatient but there is always a reason for the times of waiting. My wife did a sermon at church recently on Jeremiah 29:10-11. Verse 11 is a verse we are all familiar with (For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord etc.) but we always skip over verse 10 which says “his is what the Lord says: “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place.” So yes God will prosper us etc, but in His time, because His time is perfect. I’m sure you’re not going to have to wait 70 years, but just think of the growth and learning you have done over recent years in your recovery and how that prepares you for a relationship in the future.
    Also, I was excited to read you are back in Ohio, that definitely seems like the place for you to be right now. I think God is going to do amazing things for you there!
    Hope that all makes sense! Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s awesome!

    • Hi Tim! Thank you so much for this thoughtful response. I really appreciate your encouragement. You’re right – I think number 6 definitely played into number 3…that’s a great thought. And how true is that! God knows the end game and is going to work everything together for good. Sounds like a powerful sermon. Thanks for sharing that. Big hugs to you and yours xox

  39. I can’t tell you how much I love this post. There’s so much truth in it, and the quotes and photos throughout it are BEAUTIFUL. YOU are beautiful. Never forget that.

    Life Souveniers that I’ve picked up:
    1. God loves you, and He’s always right by your side.
    2. Being different is not only okay, it is beautiful.
    3. Be unafraid to say the words that are on your heart. Doing so opens doors that will lead you to beautiful people and things.
    4. If someone means a lot to you, tell them.
    5. Pain makes you stronger.
    6. No dream is impossible.

    Hope you’re having a blessed weekend! Enjoy Ohio!

  40. Some life tips are: Accept Jesus as your Savior, love your enemies, respect everyone including the people that don’t like you, Make sure you treat everyone with kindness and love not hate, Accept people as they are and respect other people’s opinions even if you disagree.

  41. Needed #3 for a reminder. I’m so bad at reaching out, keeping in touch, and making sure that people I care about know that I do.
    Praying for your mom and your whole family. God is sovereign!

  42. I was really enjoying your points when all of a sudden – bam!! – you’re back in Ohio! That’s fantastic. Your points are truth filled and they spoke to me. I like how they are “being” orientated rather than doing orientated; relational. I do have one concern… you still deal with voicemail?

    • hahah yeah , surprise!! 🙂 thanks so much Brad…it’s good to be home, even if only for a few weeks. haha yeah…will always be a voicemail gal. Call>text (if important) 🙂 hehe hugs xox

  43. Thank you so much for this, it really resonated with me–especially your words about listening to the spirit. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I really resonated with that point–the Spirit speaks to each of us so individually, and I’ve been working really hard to listen to Him while starting a new job. Don’t worry if the answer is slow in coming on what you’re suppose to do, revelation is generally more of a “sunrise” thing than a “light switch” in my experience. Good luck in Ohio, I’m praying for you and your family!

  44. I will add to your list, In addition to saying yes, do NOT be afraid to use the word No. There are just somethings that we all don’t want to do for one reason or another. But we are afraid of hurting someone’s feelings if we decline. Using both yes AND no as we feel fit can make our lives SO much easier!

    I know too many who say yes WAY too often as well as those who say NO. Use them both as needed and life will be MUCH better!

    Great post!

    • That’s a great one too Tony. Saying no is definitely important as well. Thanks for adding that powerful insight! Hope you’re having a great day! Hugs and love xox

  45. Hi BBB,

    You post are good nuggets and reminders to treat everything and a blessing from the Lord. You also have some great gihfs. I think it so important to connect with people with humor as well. Life moments: Autumn and I waiting for lady bugs to land. Backyard camping. Sitting by a river with cold water and rocks, relaxing with others in silence. ( I am learning the beauty of silence or just listening as a talker.)

    Have a great week,

    Gary On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 4:02 PM BeautyBeyondBones wrote:

    > beautybeyondbones posted: “You know you’re becoming an adult when you get > excited about washing your mattress pad… I was chuckling to myself, > thinking about that. I was vacuuming and listening to a podcast on world > events, waiting for my sheets to finish in the dryer and I rea” >

    • Hi Gary! Aw, thanks. You’re really kind to say that. And what great memories! Yeah, listening can be really powerful. It lets the one you’re listening to really process and potentially have an epiphany. Sometimes the best conversations are when we don’t say anything at all, and just let the other person process and come to a realization all on their own. Sounds like some really precious moments in time 🙂 thanks for sharing that 🙂 big hugs xo

  46. Good word. From my own past experience I would include “love laughter and learn to cry.” I’ve always lived with a mindset that it laughter is better than crying. But obstructing the painful experience of tears will short-circuit your emotional balance. Don’t live in mourning but don’t be afraid to visit when the season calls for it.

  47. Wow! I really love this post! I really like that expression, “Life’s souvenirs” You hit on a lot of good points. btw, I love the pic of the guy falling on his face – made me laugh out loud! Perfect representation of trial and error! I will definitely keep both you and your mom in my prayers! Once again, great post!

  48. I know how you feel C I mean I used to Google myself too sometimes. Maybe you should google Mike and Ike’s candy they are delicious. 2. I don’t use Facebook anymore. I have not for 3 years. The reason why is because Drama, Drama, Drama and let’s face it Facebook has become like an old episode of Passions in real time. 3. Put down the vodka and soda and come out of your feelings and step into faith. You won’t find God at the bottom of a soda can of vodka. Walk by faith not by sight.Lean not on your own understanding. Look C. I get it the flesh is weak. You’re human, that doesn’t make you any less worthy of being taught to be loved. Stop looking on Facebook and Look to God. He will guide your heart.

  49. Thank you so much for this beautiful post. It took me a very long time to realise that it’s ok to be me. I have combat PTSD, and I believed that I was the ‘Beast’ from beauty and the beast, someone who is nice and caring, but someone who people may fear. Since my recovery, I have learned that to be me is a wonderful thing, and now people respond to me in a positive way – because it was me that was hiding away, not other people avoiding me. Thank you again. I love your Blog!

  50. Just wanted to thank you for your hard work and dedication in this much needed field. I know you are reaching many people, I know you are encouraging and inspiring along the way. I think many many people can relate to your story. You do a phenomenal job, and as future RDN, eating disorders are a strong component of my future career. Thank You for helping heal others in this journey to health in aspects of life: beyond physical health but spiritual, emotional, social as well. I appreciate your heart and passion and genuine purpose behind your work.
    Keep it Up and I hope you feel refreshed and rejuvenated each day as I know you wish for your followers.

    • Oh my gosh thank you so much for these incredibly kind words. I am so touched 🙂 good luck with your RDN career! What an awesome line of work! Hugs and love xox

  51. Reblogged this on ZigZag with ZaZa and commented:
    I wanted to share this post, as it provides an amazing display of someone with a heart for helping others. I think anyone and everyone would be encouraged by following her and learning her story.
    Feel Free to check it out! #Health #Life #Faith #Family #Anorexia #Recovery

  52. Sorry I haven’t stuck my nose out lately… Process of moving and all that… But, here I am!

    Some of Life’s souvenirs… Hmmm… Battle scars!

    Probably the most relevant thing I’ve gotten on my travels. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to tell my stories. I don’t think anyone would be able to, honestly… including you and I enjoy reading… strike that… I adore you telling all of us and we get the privilege of getting to listen and digest… these stories and experiences that you have. I don’t subscribe to many blogs, YouTube channels, or whatever… but this is one of the few.

    Great thoughts as always and well articulated! Looking forward to the next one!


  53. Seems ironic that with all the easy options to “reply” (e.g. those texts, e-mails, voice mails, even writing a real letter) folks so often do not reply. I call it the Black Hole of Social Media. We consume without gratitude. – Oscar
    P.S. You can hit the “star” now. ☀️

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