Preparation: A Lesson from Hurricane Irma

I don’t know about you, but it seems like the level of devastation and destruction is at an all time high here recently. Between Harvey and Irma, mother nature has been giving us a run for our money.

And I just want to say, my heart and prayers go out to all those who have been impacted by these horrific natural disasters. My heart breaks for those who are left to pick up the pieces.

Hurricanes are something else. It’s like, you get two – maybe three days – of a “heads up” to plan for the end of the world.

Living in NYC during Hurricane Sandy back in 2012, I remember the chaos in the days leading up to the storm.


And scanning social media today of all the photos of empty grocery shelves and Walmart looking straight out of the Zombie apocalypse, I was brought back to that time. And I couldn’t help but think about the powerlessness we have when it comes to mother nature.

We can’t control it. But we can do our best to be prepared.

I remember during Sandy, all the local news stations would be playing up the importance of a “Go Bag” – and telling us all the essentials we’d need to survive the impending doom: Canned goods, bottled water, diapers, candles, an emergency radio…

I’ll tell you what, you could not find a flashlight battery in all of lower Manhattan to save your life.

My Sandy Survival Kit

Looking back, in actuality all I really needed was a bottle of wine, some dry roasted cashews and a puzzle, but that’s a story for another day.

With all this news coverage of hurricane preparation today, I found my mind wandering to the thought of another kind of preparation.

How am I preparing for salvation?

Really. How am I preparing for the day when I come face to face with my Maker?

And in case you’ve never thought about it, I invite you to right now. And spoiler alert, it’ll sober you up real quick.


There are a lot of things in my life that I’m going to have to “answer for.” Things that I am not proud of. Thoughts I’ve thought. Things I’ve done and said. And frankly, things I haven’t done or haven’t said. I’ve got some ‘explainin’ ta do…you know what I mean?

But all kidding aside, in preparation for this hurricane, seeing the lengths that people will go to for a loaf of bread, makes me question if I should be a little more panicky when it comes to the fate of my salvation.

Really, what am I doing?

Sure I go to church. I try to be a good person and love Jesus. But is that enough? Frankly, I’m impatient, self-centered, and lazy at best. And if I’m being totally honest, I spend more time fixated on The Bachelor or other trash TV than I do in worship to Jesus.

And that is a statistic I am straight up embarrassed to admit.

But despite my shame in that fact, one thing has become blatantly obvious:

Repentance and humility are nowhere to be found in pop culture, or frankly society at large.

People would rather hold grudges or have public “beefs” that get played out in petty songs or catty Twitter fights than show any type of remorse.

Arrogance, indignation, pride – there are so many more “attractive” or easy alternatives to humility or apologizing.

So I have to ask myself: have I truly asked for forgiveness of those things I have in my closet?

Because Jesus loves to forgive. But I’ve got to ask for it.

And what about those things I have asked forgiveness for, and yet continue to do – over and over?

Can you relate?

Preparing for the hurricane – there is a “life-and-death-ness” to the urgency people go about it with. Because it is: survival is in the balance.

Why don’t we treat preparing for our judgment day the same way?

Where’s the urgency? Where’s the priority?

What is one thing I can do today – right now – to prepare for that day when I have to come face to face with God?

It may be as little as putting down my phone and – gasp! – actually praying in the middle of the day.

Or instead of watching the latest reality TV garbage, spending that time reading my Bible and getting to know the One who died for me.

We need to take a cue from the empty bread aisles and boarded up windows.

The storm is coming.

The question is: what are you doing to prepare?

***Thanks to everyone who has ordered by book, Bloom: A Journal by BeautyBeyondBones!***

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225 responses to “Preparation: A Lesson from Hurricane Irma”

  1. We lived in SC for 6 years and were always reminded of Hugo. We were blest with a quieter era. God Bless you and all those in FL and The South x0x0x0x0x0

    • We heard story after story about Hugo’s wrath and aftermath. The Charleston papers celebrated its 10th anniv when we were there. Every time there was one coming around that put the Charleston tv stations on “Hurricane Mode” they were constantly recalling Hugo’s landfall, where and when, especially the veteran meteorologists who were at the same station as they were for it. We lived in a rural town ourselves and there were so many stories of the power out for weeks (1989 SC infrastructure) lines down, people gettng shocked by live wires because they walked about “sightseeing the damage” Of course the big FL recall is Andrew in ’91. They made a tv movie about what (back then “the big 3” used to show movies on given nights instead of filling slots with reality and contest type shows) Irma is so scary because as destructive as those 2 storms were, this one is larger in size. I’ve never seen one whose path projection is straight up The State of Florida either. And now comes Jose. At least Katia is not hitting The US. We are in un-easy times for most. We have to keep having faith that God will help us all through things no matter who and where one lives. I’m glad you stayed safe at Sandy. They even sent us home early for that one because the wind swells were supposed to be so bad way up here . Love and hugs!!!

      • Gosh that is just so heart breaking. It is just harrowing the power of Mother Nature and the destruction it can bring. Yeah those poor residents of Fl. Massive massive prayers for them and their loved ones.

      • Intense Times

        Winds are blowing.
        Near futures not knowing.

        Grounds are shaking.
        Many lives the disaster taking.

        Western fires burning.
        Walls of flames constantly churning.

        Many people fleeing.
        Safer locations they hope to be seeing.

        Island living destroyed.
        Aid workers soon to be deployed.

        Prices of gas and necessities rising.
        Gauging, while illegal, is sadly not surprising.

        Many searching for loved ones buried in rubble,
        hoping to rescue them safely from trouble.

        Many others passionately praying
        that God will listen to what they are saying.

        Hearts are opening and hands are giving
        to aid those in need of the basics for living.

        That those who need help
        will rightfully receive it!!

        That those who can tend to someone’s pain
        will relieve it!!


      • wow Miguel, this is so powerful. thank you for sharing it. Yes, let’s passionately pray for those in Irma’s path, and all who are picking up the pieces after all these horrible natural disasters as of late. Hugs and love xox

  2. The beautiful thing about true salvation is that it cannot be returned, refunded, taken or exchanged. We don’t have to be driven by shame when we know God has forgiven us! He says his children will never be “snatched from my hand”. We’re responsible for how we live out our faith, certainly, but that’s proof of salvation, not just going through the motions! God holds His children in His arms, in HIS saving grace- not ours! The reason He came to save is that we cannot save ourselves! That’s where faith comes in. Because we believe, we trust God to deliver us, not the other way around! We don’t have to run in at the last minute and snatch the last ticket to heaven. Jesus says, ” I am the Way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” If you know you’ve truly accepted Christ and asked for forgiveness of sins, that counts for the past, the present AND the future. . .because He already paid it ALL on the cross.

  3. Yes, the fear of the Lord, as He becomes more real to us. A very intimate process that bears much fruit, including trust and confidence, and assurance. A daily rest that becomes a daily walk. Almost like a “disciple”.
    Thank you for your excellent writings.

  4. I can totally relate! I’m too often a slave to distraction. Fr. Mark Goring said in a talk that maybe those little sins can sometimes be like a shear pin on the motor of a boat. So if the propeller would hit rocks or roots in shallow water the shear pin would break and keep the motor or transmission from being damaged.

    He said sometimes those little struggles keep us from falling into the greater sin of self-righteousness.

    Great and encouraging post!

  5. Amen! Between the hurricanes, some familial health problems, and writing a prayer service for Suicide Awareness month this very topic has been on my mind quite a bit these past couple of weeks. Gotta tell you, I absolutely adore how you frame the issues and then hit home with the message. Please keep doing what you’re doing and being who you are, we need a lot more of that! Peace, Rich

    • Thanks so much Rich. Gosh what kind things to say. I really appreciate it. And wow what a powerful prayer service. I will definitely lift up prayer for you and those in attendance. Hugs and love xox

  6. That was a very brave post. Sharing your own short comings while warning others of the coming storm. We are all going to struggle till the day we die while we are still trapped in the flesh. But Christ is a love that brings mercy, grace, understanding. You don’t have to give in, but never give up. He loves you!! I am praying for you, and praying with you for all those affected by Harvey and Irma.

  7. Amen. Thanks for your honesty. In the same boat as you…”I don’t have time” is too easy to say and do. Thanks again for your thoughts and conviction.

  8. Katrina happened just a little after my divorce. I have everything away and went to New Orleans. I donated a lot and stayed there for a few months in the wreckage. When Sandy came I still didn’t have anything. Haha My friends in Maine and Pennsylvania wanted to help Manhattan. So, we brought 80,000 gallons of fresh water. Harvey came, I still don’t have anything haha. An older pastor said he had a truckload of donations but no one wanted to help him. He asked everyone to put in for travel and had about a quarter of what the fuel was to get there. So, I paid for his truckload. Then I worked on getting my two truckloads there to the farms near Harvey.

    Before any disaster our world is only about us.

    Your little Sandy stash may not have had the water I brought and handed out. I think, I would have remembered you. Maybe.

      • Thanks. Its like Jeremiah 29:11-14. I don’t see what you’re doing as selfish in fact it’s normal for this age. Reality TV, media, and social all focus on themselves. Look at me. 😀

        I don’t talk about all the things I’ve done to help others but it has become a big part of my life. Just like your book and blog, here.

        That’s where Jeremiah 29:12-13 kind of, happen where you follow your heart you will find Him even in exile.

        So, maybe some churches need their visitors looking posh and dropping twenties in their baskets…much like Mother Teresa. Wait, she didn’t. 🌞

      • I think what you did here is amazing. There are not many women at your age that are thinking of others. That is special and it is hard to be have those interests and be “current” in pop culture. Indie? I’m not sure what they say. haha

      • One more. You mentioned in your post a kind of regret for watching reality TV. Or, the extra time you have. Why feel this way? As a parent, I don’t know its complicated. I look at them and think, wow. I collected cans for months for a Nintendo. haha. They have, because I didn’t and I don’t know. Somehow, that’s okay.

      • I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself. Thomas Jefferson said once that we are soldiers and farmers so our children may be artists and scientists. I don’t know about your family but, it rings true with mine.

      • GK Chesterton wrote, There is the great lesson of ‘Beauty and the Beast,’ that a thing must be loved before it is lovable.

        I also read Chesterton was a favorite of CS Lewis. Love. I don’t know. I like how he says it. It’s entirely the opposite of current dating culture.

  9. Very well said! There is a sense of urgency when you can see the image of the hurricane coming at you head. Sadly, people miss the signs that God is giving daily that show time is drawing near. Like I said in my most recent post, a lot has happened since the eclipse 2 weeks ago. Now is definitely the time to make sure our house is in order and make preparations for eternity.

  10. Excellent, and true! Really struck a cord with me as I too often overlook the urgency of my walk with Jesus, and how I go about living for and with Him.

  11. Thank you Caralyn, for another honest post, and sharing the love and Salvation of Jesus The Christ as being so important, because it is the most important decision anyone can, or will ever make. And in this case, no decision is a decision of refusing the free gift to us that Jesus offers through His death and resurrection for all who will receive.
    I can relate to your comments of asking forgiveness, then finding yourself doing the same thing later on again. The neat thing about God, is once we seriously ask forgiveness of our sins, and repent, He will never bring it up to us again. He will not remind us in this life, nor when we meet Him face to face.

    God Bless You, Caralyn,
    Luv, 🌹❤️😀

    P.s. Your post is so important and good, many need to read it, so I shared it on Facebook.

  12. Well said, Caralyn. Salvation is a free gift, but there’s no reason why we should not do everything we can to prepare ourselves for the day we meet Jesus face to face. I fail on this issue again and again, but keep trying. Blog posts like this are a good reminder that perhaps I’m not giving it my best effort, or even the “pretty decent” effort I give to earthly things, but that it’s never too late to start fresh . . . again.

  13. Dear Carolyn, if I was to speak to you one one one there wouldn’t be enough space to explain all that I needed to tell you. So if you allow me to with your permission I would like to email you. All I ask in return is notify when you have read it. I would love to continue on but you will understand in the email. May God give the wisdom to understand its words. The reason I say this to you is not that of your pretty face. It’s not because I want to condemn you. I may not always love the things you do, but friend, I love your soul. I have been waiting for this blog post for the better part of two years for this particular blog post. It is with great love and compassion that I have for souls that allows me to send you an email of this much importance.
    May I have your permission to send you that email?

  14. Thank you for posting this, I can’t say my faith is super strong right now, so it’s awesome to see someone who’s running after God like you are and inspires me to go deeper.

      • You’re welcome! I grew up in the church and I actually went to Bible college, so I have the head knowledge, it just hasn’t transferred to the heart in a while. Anyway, it’s late I should probably go to bed 😂 . Keep writing, you’re really good at it, I’m so inconsistent with blogging, I wish I had more time to write, but it seems to be put on the back burner, often. Sorry, I’m tired and rambling, night!

  15. Sobering thoughts indeed and beautifully expressed, as usual. Thank God He has forgiven us for sins past, present, and future, so long as we don’t harden our hearts.

  16. In the Eastern church St. Seraphim of Sarov (my Avatar) said that all that we need remember when we meet our Lord is the simple prayer he gave us:

    Lord Jesus Christ,
    Son of God,
    Have mercy on me,
    A sinner.

  17. It is true Jesus died for our sins to reconcile us with our Heavenly Father. It is also true we should seek a deeper walk with Him every day. The reason, I believe to seek to be closer to Him while we are still here in the flesh is He said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. He meant that to mean, the closer we are to Him, the more meaning our lives will have right now, here on Earth. Our shortcomings will not completely disappear, but the joy we find in walking with him daily will shine a light to the world that we need not live in self-condemnation, but free and happy.
    You are His child and He knows every hair on your head. I think you are beautiful and He thinks much more of you than I.

  18. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers with a wonderful perspective. You reminded me this morning that though I’m facing Irma in a little less than 48 hours to keep my eye on my Star, Jesus. God Bless Milly.

  19. That’s true. You’ve struck a rare diamond with such inspiring thought and connection to our preparation toward Eternity. Keep it up as God continues to enable you with His Spirit.

  20. Wow. This post is really eye-opening and thought provoking. I feel like I’ve been doing the same thing- spending too much time on Twitter and my phone instead of with Him. And for the record, I admire how strong your faith is and He shines through you beautifully- I have no doubt you make Him smile. 🙂

  21. Caralyn, I wanted to let you know that you’re not alone. I do my best to walk with Him every day but, as a sinner, I fail miserably. However, the one thing I can be certain of is my salvation. If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He rose from the dead, then you will be saved. This doesn’t mean we can live our lives the way we want; it means that we need to live our lives for Him. I repent every day of the things I have done and said. It doesn’t mean my salvation is in jeopardy; it just reminds me of how much of a sinner I am. Your blog is a reflection of the work that God is doing in you. You write to help others who are going through what you went through. You are loving your neighbor as yourself. Don’t ever stop what you’re doing. You are reaching so many who are, whether they know it or not, reaching out to you. God Bless!

    • Thank you so much for this encouragement, Joe. It really means a lot. You’re so right! God is good and has already paid the price. thanks for your incredibly kind words. made my day 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  22. I’ve been thinking along a similar line. There is something sobering in the preparation for a storm. But, in addition to focusing upon my need for sanctification, I’ve also been struggling with the human reluctance to receive grace, mercy, and forgiveness…There is a real (human) struggle between crucifixion and resurrection – maybe that is why we are most at ease on Saturdays. I really don’t have a point, just the current place of my thoughts, as we prepare from what is coming.

    As always, thanks for your words! And, blessings to you.

  23. The hurricane craze has been intense! I agree with you about the wine and cashews. 😛 Add a Sandra Bullock movie to that combo and you’re good to go – at least that’s what me and my roomies discovered during Harvey. Lol.

    The great thing for a believer is that our judgment day is not condemnation, but a giving of rewards for what we’ve done on earth. Just like Jesus’ sacrifice brought us grace and, consequentially, gratitude, we can have the same response to meeting God face to face: gratitude. We don’t deserve the rewards He will give us when we see Him, but He’ll give them to us anyways, because He loves us.

    I think this is important because it changes our motivation for our actions. Instead of fear and panic (in likeness to the masses cleaning out Walmart and bread aisles), we live for God out of love and gratitude. We are generous with what we have because we know we have so much more.

    I’m excited about your book!! Also, loved your Iceland recap. It looks so beautiful… if I didn’t dislike cold weather so much, I might give it a try. Lol.

    • Thanks Meg! Haha, yeah if we would have had power I would have been all about a little Miss Congeniality! haha Thanks for this thoughtful response. you’re so right – Gratitude. That’s what it’s all about. Thanks for your kind words! Hugs and love xox

  24. You know what – I am so glad that you wrote this article. It made me stop for a minute and really think about the “what if”. I ask all of your readers as well – “What if God was coming back – in 3 days” Can you imagine the panic then??? I know that you or I are not alone when we say we have a lot to ask forgiveness for but if you stop and think about each and every little thing – wow it gets to be overwhelming! Thanks for brightening my day with this news because if you stop and think – Our God is a forgiving God and one who loves us beyond anything else imaginable. All we have to do is seek him NOW and let Him sort out the rest!

  25. It seems like every year in the summer, the Caribbean and the southern US are subject to the storms, and yet it seems that people are always taken by surprise unprepared.
    Finding shelter is a must, but the whole area of the hurricane’s path will look like a war-place because it was associated with nuclear devastation. To whom it is possible I understand that it would be necessary to move away from this critical area at this moment.
    I hope you get well!

  26. Caralyn! First, great picture of you. You look…different somehow. Maybe it’s getting books sold, breaking 30,000 readers…chocolate? There’s a more mature look to you that I haven’t been struck with before.

    Do you recall how I spent some time once telling you about your voice and all I heard IN it? It wasn’t JUST about your voice alone but what it was telling me about you when you were recording, WHERE you were recording, overall state of being etc. Your picture today was talking to me in the same way. Something different – read “better” – there; an improved / improving version of you. Anyway, you know I don’t normally comment on your pictures – except when the horse smiled when you didn’t! So there you are.

    Or maybe I’m still lagged from all of the jet time in the last 2 days. I ain’t getting’ any younger!

    Soooo… My response for Patreon turned into something much too long to be just a comment (I know, I know. When has that ever stopped me before?). It’s going to be this evening’s post on my site. That’s because I get into some essential theology, which is good – and hopefully comforting – for a lot of people.

    I’m going to be writing a lot of positive things about you while I hope to correct something you wrote. Or maybe mis-expressed. That being said, I don’t know if you ever caught my comments at Patreon on August 21. Take a look when you can.

    Also, I’m glad you’re not writing about the hurricane immediately before Irma. Otherwise you might have found yourself accidently writing about Preparation H.

    • oooooooh i can’t wait to read it!!! hahaha preparation H….oh Jeff. 🙂 Thank you so much. You always have the kindest things to say. That photo was actually taken right after I got back to the city from Ohio…So i guess I still had that “home glow” in my blood. Anywho, thank you 🙂 I really am looking forward to your words on your post tonight! so glad you’re home safe and sound! Hugs and love to you and Julie! xox

  27. I am suspicious that everything you say is the opposite what you mean. Will there ever be any trustworthiness in you? I ask myself and no one else in particular. You seem to only use people as Taylor Swift uses people to create her songs.

  28. AMEN to everything you said !!! Sadly, I could add my name to the list of things you say you are ashamed of ( love the shame box ) Thank you for writing this … it is INDEED an EMERGENCY for all to check on themselves and their standing with their maker. jan

  29. I am SO soo thankful you posted this, Caralyn! I have been having these same thoughts the last couple days, and the way you articulated this was perfect. Our country (rather the world) is in desperate need of Jesus, and we are becoming so complacent just giving such a small, small fraction of our time and energy to Him, if any at all. I know I am super convicted about my own lack of priorities, and I’m thankful you are starting this conversation too. So much love to you, Chica <3

  30. I don’t think we need to fear judgement, so to speak, but we should participate in Christian life
    … and I think that’s something we do in community, and so it’s more than us alone

    … the unfolding nature of Christian ministry is interesting… and I think we can be more conscious of what God has already done in history

    … have a great weekend 🙂

  31. Excellent point about salvation… but don’t forget that getting two or three days to prepare for a hurricane is better than the absolutely NO time you get to prepare for an earthquake. I survived the World Series earthquake in 1989, and let me tell you, that thing hit without any warning. Everything was going fine, I sat down in the living room getting ready to watch the baseball game, and all of a sudden the cable went out, the power went out, and the shaking started, in that order, all in a span of about a second or two.

    I should add that “survived” is a bit of an overdramatic term. I was close enough to the earthquake to have felt it quite strongly, but my house and most of the city where I grew up only suffered minor damage. A few old 19th century brick buildings had to be torn down. I wasn’t near any of the collapsed bridges or freeways.

    And the day after that earthquake was the only time in my life I’ve ever had school closed due to a natural phenomenon, because the power stayed off for about 24 hours. (I was in 8th grade.)

    • Thanks so much. So true – those two or three days is crucial. My heart goes out to those in Mexico who were blindsided without warning. Wow – what a horrific thing to live through. I’m so glad you were okay! Mother Nature is not to be taken lightly! Hugs and love xox

  32. So happy to read your post, if you remember we discuss about how to handle depression. I suggest that absence of God in our life has a lot to do with stress and depression.

    With your post, I am sure you might be finding a lot of peace inside as I found when I was fighting that depression.

    I wish you peace, happiness and health. Loved your post as always 💚💚💚💚💗💗💗💟💟💟💙💙💙💓💓💓

  33. Wise words!! I know this feeling very well, but it helps to remember that we serve a forgiving God who loves us. He knows the depths of our hearts and is FOR us, not against us!! Thank you for the reminder though. God bless

  34. Caralyn, you could stop watching all the trashy TV in the world but you still wouldn’t be saved. That’s not to say it’s not a good idea because it probably destroys brain cells. You could ask for forgiveness for absolutely everything but even though forgiveness is good it doesn’t save you.
    For by grace we have been saved not by any work we do. He has forgiven all our sins while we were unable to even ask. Justification is our title to heaven and sanctification is our fitness for heaven and both are the work of Christ.
    We have assurance of salvation (aka we’re prepared) and we know he will complete the healing work he has begun in our hearts because he is faithful, trustworthy, compassionate, and kind. As we trust in his love and acceptance, fear is cast out, we will live for him and give up to him all that steals life, and we don’t gulp in anxiety about meeting our Daddy but long for the joy of running into his arms.

  35. It’s rewarding in its own right to see you’re doing well even if you’re feeling fallible. This post you did here made me smile when I read it just now. Considering the possibility that you’re doing the kind of thing you’re talking about in your blog at the moment, rest assured there is room for different eventualities and different possibilities. I am absolutely sure you are a good human being given how kind of emotionally charitable your point of view is, and given how much you return to the people who care. Why wouldn’t you entertain the odd guilty pleasure? It’s called being a complicated human being. I am looking forward to what your book is like, for as soon as you took it official I jumped on the opportunity to order that from the site.

    • Thanks so much for this kind reflection. I really appreciate your encouragement. And gosh thank you for ordering my book!! I’d love to know what you think!! Hope you have a beautiful rest of your weekend! Hugs and love xox

  36. Congratulations on all you’ve accomplished in the past months! I have been quite busy with many things lately, but I do get your updates delivered to my email. Keep up the good work. I’ll connect with you on IG shortly!

  37. Truly eye opening.. Thank you. It’s been something on my mind quite a bit recently, and as soon as I am done finishing up this comment, I’m going to get up and get my Bible. My Bible is what brought me trough one of the most difficult times of my life, and once things got better I started neglecting it.. Life is short, eternity is forever. Time to make to right choice. Thank you!

  38. Caralyn,
    I so admire your bravery, courage, and truth. I too, live in a box of shame, and I pray as much as I can and when I remember that God would help me to be more willing. I will now incorporate asking God to help me escape the box of shame.
    Thank you for always sharing such relatable wisdom and encouragement.
    God bless.

  39. Thank you for your thought provoking words…I know when I am in a dark place I can forget to turn to my spiritual path (Hare Krsna) I also know how important it is (for me) to have a strong spiritual foundation that underpins who I am and what I do…I chant daily, give thanks for what I have got and honor my feelings…good and bad, the thing I have found about God is that he never leaves me…I just need to turn my attention back to him and he welcomes me with open arms……much love to you and I wish you all the best with your book …. Paul x

  40. Amazing how a disaster of nature can expose the fragility of our lives. I like how you are able to keep your spiritual focus. “Repentance and humility are nowhere to be found in pop culture, or frankly society at large.”: Very true! we get so distracted away from these spiritual basics, don’t we?

  41. HI BBB,

    Yes, keep praying and finding ways to help. I am praying that we see people with open hearts ready to receive the Lord.



    On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 4:00 PM, BeautyBeyondBones wrote:

    > beautybeyondbones posted: “I don’t know about you, but it seems like the > level of devastation and destruction is at an all time high here recently. > Between Harvey and Irma, mother nature has been giving us a run for our > money. And I just want to say, my heart and prayers go out to” >

  42. Thank you for liking my post that I recently did please check out some more. By the way can you receive the email that I sent you and if you did and you had a chance to review it? Remember if you have any questions I’m always here

  43. I know what you mean, but you’re living a life, don’t be hard on yourself. None of us are perfect and we can’t be straight off for sure. We’re here to grow, make mistakes and learn. Sure we should strive but should we agreed out over it? I don’t think so… There’s enough of that already ☺️

  44. All of the back to back storms and crisis have me remembering my grandmothers words “These are the last days”. We must stay prayed up for ourselves, our families and our nation.

  45. It’s not mother nature. Those hurricanes are geoengineering and we’re in a movie 2 yrs ago. How prophetic is Hollywood right. Not much when they write all the scripts. Illuminati new world orda plans Happening and people are still asleep. How sad

  46. I was living in Sint Marteen when Irma hit!! I cant believe how devastating these natural disasters are… it still feels unreal
    M & bear

    • Oh my gosh, how scary! I’m glad you were okay!! It really is so unreal. Praying for you and your community. Hugs and love xox

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