Let’s Hear it for Halloween!

Halloween in Greenwich Village in NYC is a cultural happening. Lower Manhattan literally shuts down during the parade. Imagine MardiGras, but with costumes and candy, and where the temperature is hovering right above freezing.

It is something you just have to experience.

This is my first Halloween in almost seven years that I’m missing the big Halloween parade. I just got back to Ohio for a shoot tomorrow. So I will be passing out KitKats and Reese’s Cups in the suburbs.


I think that makes me officially an adult.

Ugh. Say it ain’t so.

Oh well. Over the weekend in NYC, I got carded at the liquor store, and the guy goes – “I could have sworn you were 16.” — I’m hanging onto that with a death grip.

Anywho. Just yesterday, my mom and I were listening to a podcast in the car, and it was one of those Christian-motherhood podcasts. You know the type. Very…I don’t know…peppy. Sunny. Everything is…amazing. And they always feel so blessed.


Annnywho…the topic of the episode was about Halloween. And it was all about how they weren’t going to be partaking in trick-or-treating with their kids because it wasn’t “Christian.” How they didn’t want to expose their kids to something so secular and borderline satanic.

And I got done listening to the episode, and I was almost angry, thinking…wow, that is a really extreme stance to take.

Later that night, we watched an interesting documentary called One of Us, which is an eye opening exposé about the alleged abuse inside the Hasidic Jewish community in New York City.


This extreme religious sect has largely closed themselves off from the world, and have created a insular community, with its own Hasidic police force and ambulance system, and private school and bussing system. They’ve created a life where nobody from the outside world gets in, and no one inside the community gets out.

And watching the credits roll, I couldn’t help but draw an eerie similarity between the podcast and the closed off life of Hasidic Jews.

It raised the question:

How do you navigate the secular, godless world as a Christian?

How do you raise your family and keep your faith in a world where God is nonexistent?

Do you close yourself off and forbid your children from partaking in a fun, community tradition of dressing up and carving pumpkins, and hayrides and getting candy in the neighborhood with their friends?

How are we to live as Jesus followers, in a world that disregards Him?

Because I just don’t think that an existence of extreme religious seclusion is what Jesus called us to do.

Be in the world, but not of the world.

I think this quote draws a fine line in the sand, that keeps blurring and fading as time goes on and faith gets pushed further and further out of mainstream culture.

The world isn’t going to nurture your faith. It’s going to lead you to the altar of money and power and selfish advancement.

And sadly, a once-a-week church attendance, and even a christian education isn’t going to foster a fruitful faith life.

Faith starts at home.


Because anyone can teach their kids to share, and be a good person, and tell the truth. Those universal “goods” are true in every family, Christian or not.

For followers of Jesus, it’s the why behind it.

Why are you being kind to others? Why are you helping those less fortunate or befriending the kid sitting by themselves at lunch?

Why?  – Because we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus on earth. And the fact is, He demonstrated how to love one another. And it’s our job to respond.



So — does that mean that we board up our windows and deny children the joy of candy and dress up with friends?

I don’t think so.

Because, in my opinion, another hallmark of living a Christian life in a godless word, is finding the good.

And there’s a lot of good to be found with Halloween. I know a lot of people think it is the “Devil’s Night” but frankly, I think that’s just a bunch of poppy-cock.

And frankly, the real thing people should be upset about is the sexualization of little girls with hoochie-mama Halloween costumes that should make their fathers blush. But I digress.

Halloween is simply fun. Kids can dress up and foster their imaginations with costumes. You get to mingle with the neighbors and partake in a community-building activity.

The fact is, I think a lot of Christians can get so caught up in consciously removing themselves from secular activities that, if we’re not careful, decades down the road, we can find ourselves in an reclusive existence that doesn’t look too different from the Hasidic Jews.

Christians can get so up in arms about being counter-cultural — and yes, there is good in that, but as with everything, it shouldn’t be taken to the extreme. Faith needs to be attractive. If you’re going to bring anyone to Jesus, it needs to be appealing.

Not stand-offish. Not “too good” or “too holy” for a little pumpkin carving fun.

People need to see and feel the joy that comes from being a Christian and the way you live. And make it something that people want to be a part of.

Where does that joy come from? Answer: Jesus at the center of your life.


I don’t really have any answers here – And obviously, I don’t have any kids, so what authority, really, do I have on this topic.

Because there are definitely some strong verses in the bible about how we are to live. 1 John 2:15 and John 15:19 come to mind.

But it just struck me, and I thought I’d share with you, and see what you all thought.

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255 responses to “Let’s Hear it for Halloween!”

  1. Annnywho…the topic of the episode was about Halloween. And it was all about how they weren’t going to be partaking in trick-or-treating with their kids because it wasn’t “Christian.” How they didn’t want to expose their kids to something so secular and borderline satanic.

    I ran into this group of people many years ago, I actually work with one. These are the people who condemned Jesus for going into Matthew’s house and partying with him.

    • Hey friend! yeah, it just doesn’t seem to carry a lot of weight in my head. Jesus hung out with tax collectors – ya know? He met people where they were at. so glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  2. “If you’re going to bring anyone to Jesus, it needs to be appealing.” Exactly. I talk with my mom all the time that we are a greedy bunch, and want what others have. Like the LORD doesn’t know this 😉 “why is she so happy? I want to be that happy?” “Why do things always go his way? Why can’t they go my way? We see and hear these and other statement all the time. We are suppose to be so full of love that others will want that love. God can manage the rest. If we are judging, chastising, making the belief in Jesus an unattainable, and unattractive venture by our actions, then we are the stumbling blocks. God bless you :):)

    • yes! Thanks for sharing this, Margaret. You’re right – we need to attract people with our love. That’s what drew people to Jesus – was how He loved people. 🙂 big hugs to you xo

  3. After being born again we never celebrated the day. Let’s face it, there is a lot of scary stuff, and death, ghosts, goblins and even demons that are highlighted. But as I left the very conservative Christian world dressing up and having fun didn’t seem too bad. I still think I want to witness to others with life though not death. As parents we looked to team sports for our children to help them interact with others. To be honest what you heard on the podcast is the primary view of many evangelicals and certainly fundamentalists.

    • Thanks so much for sharing this. That’s a powerful perspective. you’re right – life-giving and life-celebrating love is the best. I guess part of my feeling too is that Halloween in our house and with our friends was never about death or demons or anything like that. it was about fun costumes, and friends, and trying to get more candy than my older brothers 🙂 haha So i can definitely understand if the focus is on those other things, it would not be something i would want to be a part of either. Thanks for sharing that. Hugs and love xox

    • Yes! Thanks Daphne, yeah I look at some of the costume options for young girls, and it just breaks my heart to be honest. It really is engraining a strong message to kids about what is “beautiful” and what traits/clothing styles (revealing/short/tight) we celebrate for women. Breaks my heart. thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  4. We struggled a little when our kids were old enough to trick or treat – and decided in the end it’s all what you make it to be. You can choose to see the bad OR choose to see the good. We’ve chosen to see the good and set some parameters around what kind of costumes our kids could dress in. As long as what they do honors Christ, they can do it. We’ve had some great conversations and open doors because of this. Thanks for the post – awesome as always. ❤️

    • That is so awesome. I love the way you’ve handled the trick or treating debate. i think when i have a family, that’s the exact stance I’ll take too. thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  5. wonderful post as always. My mother has a friend who is a God freak. Christian but very holier than thou. It was people like her that made me stray from god many years ago. She thinks that her ways are better than everybody else’s and that is shutting herself off from society one person at a time. God has to be about love and love is experiencing life and finding the good

  6. It is with great sadness I inform you the enemy uses Halloween to hurt people. I have counseled and prayed with many people of all ages who were caught up in this cruelty. The unthinkable was done to them, especially children. I personal cannot do anything with Halloween because of this knowledge. I was once like you and thought it was just not real but God has shown me what really happens. Jesus Christ is my Lord and my

    • Oh gosh, I’m sorry to hear that. Yeah, I guess I have been pretty sheltered and blessed to have grown up in a community where there was no real mischief going on, and the festivities were all about superhero costumes and chocolate. Yeah, when people get mixed up with the dark side of things, that’s definitely something to stay far away from.

      • Satanic rituals are done using children that have been taken against their will. The unthinkable is done during holiday and others, all in the name of the enemy. And yes, some are adults that have been deceived and paid a heavy price for that deception. I share openly now because I too did not know.

  7. Rabbi Kalman Packouz at Aish.com has a different take on the Hasidim regarding why they wear such (to us) outlandish clothing and seem so internally focused. My wife has been back to Brooklyn (thought it’s been a few years) with the local Chabad Rabbi’s wife for a women’s conference. I too have heard of abuses inside the Hasidic community, and the risk potential certainly can skyrocket in a group that’s so self-contained, but there are also good sides to want to keep yourselves separate.

    Halloween in an event the Christian Church is terrifically conflicted over. I listed to a short video of a Pastor who used to be a Satanist for 25 years warning believers not to celebrate it in any way shape or form, but some (most) of the things he said seemed pretty sketchy.

    My wife and I don’t celebrate just because we’re not into it and our kids are all adults. We close up the house, turn off most of the lights, and I for one, watch Ghostbusters (1984) as my traditional movie for October 31st.

    • Ghostbusters hah that’s awesome. personally have never seen it. But in all seriousness, thank you James, for sharing this perspective. Yeah, I guess I have been pretty sheltered and honestly, blessed (there’s that word, lol) to have grown up in a home and in a community where Halloween was just about fun costumes and getting more candy than my older brothers! There was never anything dark or scary about it. But you’re right, we need to stay away from the darkness. and what’s that Ephesians verse…”Whatever is pure, good, lovely…think on those things?” Thanks again for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  8. Savior. I realize how hard it is to live in the world as a Christian. Yet, if we ask God will reveal what we need to know. Bless you

    • (continued)…And you’re right – when faced with good and evil, we need to keep our eyes fixed on Him, that’s for sure. thanks for sharing this perspective. Hugs and love xox

  9. Is that little angel you??

    Tough issue. I hear echoes of Paul in one of his letters telling people that, if eating meat offends someone, don’t eat it in front of them. So what do we do about holidays with questionable origins? Is it “whether or not” or “how to do it in a God-pleasing manner?” Christmas is the one I’ve wrestled with over the years, but Halloween is another one that has changed much since my childhood.

    More at Patreon.

    • haha yes it is me!!! yeah, i can definitely see both sides of the debate for sure. it’s tough, especially since it is seen as such a fun fall tradition. i look forward to reading more 🙂 thanks for stopping by, Jeff! Hugs and love xox

  10. I’ve always enjoyed Halloween as a kid. As I got older I learned that many people use this day for satanic rituals – with youngsters. It’s sickening to think about but it’s out there. To this day I continue to pass out candy to see the kids faces light up. Can’t beat that. 💜

    • thank you for sharing this. yeah i am learning through the comments section that that is a sickening reality. it just wasn’t a part of my upbringing to even think about that. yeah – the joy with the kids is truly priceless. the power of sugar haha Hugs and love xox

  11. Good post Caralyn! Funny, I wrote about the subject myself earlier today. In thinking about it being a community thing, I agree. I too am currently kid-less and even though I’m personally not for the celebrating of Halloween, I can’t bear the heartbreak it would give my two nephews if they were forbidden to trick or treat. If God ever blesses me with children, I think I’ll go the route our parish and my previous Novus Ordo priest suggested which was to have the children first research then dress up as their favorite saint. I can’t argue with that, right? They get to learn about a saint and hopefully they will be inspired to live a holy life as the saint of their choosing did as well. Plus, perhaps it can evangelize a few people along the way. 😊

    God bless you, my friend in Christ.

    • Hi David, thank you so much! I really appreciate your perspective. Yeah, that’s a really great compromise, and I have some family friends that do the same. It’s a great way to navigate. thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  12. Ahh, the Halloween debate; I didn’t even realize there was such a thing until I was about twelve, and one of my teachers told us about the extensive history of the holiday. Like you, I grew up with it being more about dressing up (which the actress in me loved) and getting candy, but suddenly there was another side to it. And I think lots of things should be taken into account when deciding how to handle Halloween, but I read an interesting perspective on that a few years ago. One (Christian) mom-blogger stated that she uses it as an opportunity to engage with her neighbors because the whole neighborhood willingly knocks on your door. What better way to show Jesus to them. I don’t have kids yet either, but I do like her thoughts on the subject, and I’ll likely take that approach someday.

    • Thanks for this reflection. Yeah, i fully agree. it definitely is a community building evening. That’s what i remember about it during my childhood. it was like *the* neighborhood happening. complete with one house having a cotton candy machine! haha so glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  13. Thanks for a nice post. The Halloween I remember (from the 70s) was still good fun and aimed at kids. I also took a poke at this same topic previously on my blog: https://imlacsjournal.wordpress.com/2012/10/11/fall-is-here/ . I agree with you that it’s the type of costumes one has to worry about, or apparel in general — Halloween or not. Recently I was in Las Vegas, for the first time, and honestly the way this country’s fashions and behavior have trended the past 30 years, I didn’t think it was that outrageous a place (on the surface) and probably less so than many bigger cities! “Sin CIty” really ain’t that special anymore, at least not on that score.

  14. You know what? I never understood why some Christians chose to not allow their children have fun with their friends and the neighborhood as well. Sure, I may be an adult and don’t mind passing out treats to the children, but I’d rather they enjoy themselves and have fun, as I had when I was a kid. Plus, as a bonus, both my mother and I smile at the costumes the children wear and how they’re so appreciative to receive a treat. All we can do is pray that they have a safe walk around the neighborhoods and be careful.

    As for the Jews and Christians that live on the extreme, I cannot lock myself away from the outside world. To me, that will feel like that of a prison cell. I never been jailed or locked up before, but I have watched documentaries about that where you can only eat when it’s time, and so on. I do believe that… and it hurts to admit this… but that’s why some Christians are having divisions on topics, actions, and steps that a Christian should walk and abide by. Before I get to know Jesus, I asked my spiritual mother a lot of questions about situations like this and she told me that she couldn’t understand it either. Lol. All we can do is stay in prayer about it all.

    Happy Halloween and enjoy passing out the treats with your mom! 🙂
    Hugs and Kisses xoxo

    • so true, thank you for this reflection! lots of really great food for thought here. yeah, i love seeing children just delight in being a princess or a superhero for the night. it brings out imaginative play, and it’s really special to witness! thanks for stopping by! hugs xo

  15. This just reminded me of the sermon series Make Disciples (Liberty Church Marietta) that my pastor has been going through this year explaining that we are the only culture that has rejected the multi-cultural community where children grew up interacting with other responsible, reliable, believing adults so they did not outright reject Christianity in adolescence or college because their parents were not the only believing adults they truly knew and no teenager wants to be like or spend time with their parents regularly. Faith does start at home and within that God also intended for the church to be a safe place to foster community and allow teens to interact with other strong adult believers to properly develop their brains.
    The way that many church communities have decided to safely do Halloween is through trunk or treat in the church parking lot where you know everyone coming onto the property and are able to dictate more of what is allowed instead of sending children into neighborhoods that are both safe and dangerous simultaneously. Halloween is definitely a tricky time for believers to regulate how to handle the occasion properly and in the way that they can present those days to the Lord as each is responsible for children in their lives. I think it is great to be intentional to make memories and have fun with kids, but you cannot ignore the evil in the world like you mentioned shutting families away from the world so maybe trunk-or-treat is the best for many families. We all know that it is up to each parent because they are the ones responsible to God for raising children properly and that is no easy feat!

  16. Interesting post! I’ve been thinking about this subject lately – how the Church has taken very questionable cultural practices and essentially redeemed them. It’s one of the most important things we as followers of Christ are called to do; but what about those times when something is so bad that we can’t participate? Just a philosophical musing! 🙂
    I was one of those kids who never did trick-or-treating on family principle, and I understand the objections – though as an adult, I’ve come to see how much clean, innocent fun it can be! But I have grown more concerned about Halloween in recent years: Not because of the pagan roots, but because it has become so sexualized and ghoulish. It seems less about kids, then about adults’ fetishes and obsession with blood, gore and zombies. Even as someone who never really celebrated Halloween, that’s just sad!

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts! yeah, i agree. everything is short and revealing – for little girls! it just breaks my heart actually. sending the wrong kind of message. thanks for stopping by! hugs x

  17. Amen, Amen, Amen. I could just hug you. Jesus didn’t avoid the woman at the well. He approached her with love and acceptance. Only through loving others can others see the beauty of the Christ we love.

  18. I’ve known a lot of people like this who pretty much already have closed themselves off from the rest of the world. And they don’t just say Halloween is borderline Satanic, they say it IS Satanic. It’s sad. I feel exactly the same way you do about all this.

    Incidentally, the legalistic Christians who love to point out Halloween’s Satanic roots never say anything about the pagan fertility festival roots of Valentine’s Day. No, let’s celebrate Valentine’s Day, because it’s about love and marriage, which these kind of Christians pretty much literally idolize.

    • Thanks for this. Yeah it is sad. Because for little kids, there’s so much joy with the princess and superhero costumes and the candy – it’s priceless to see the delight in their faces 🙂 lots of great food for thought here. Hugs and love xox

  19. I completely agree with this!! I have been asking myself these same questions while trying to raise my 3year old son in a Christian environment but I have come to the same conclusions that it’s up to us to find the good in each celebration and let it shine on to others!!

  20. I think you nailed it with “Be in the world not OF the world.” It’s fun for kids. I think it encourages creativity and it allows them towel part of the community. Such a shame.

  21. God is Love. INFINITE LOVE IS THE ONLY TRUTH. EVERYTHING ELSE IS ILLUSION. Choose life and Love. God has given you the way to Him through LOVE; He gives us His son and divine love. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to our conscience, but shouts in our pains and grief. Your forever journey leads to C. S. Lewis’ “GOD and us.”.Love is forever. When the mind, body and spirit work as one anything is possible.

  22. So totally agree! Couldn’t have said it better myself (really, I couldn’t have 😉) I’ve been on the legalistic side of religion and it was not good—tends to breed rebellion if anything—plus it’s short-sighted. Like you said, Jesus wants us to be in the world and show others the love of Christ, but we, as Christians, can’t do that if we isolate ourselves and push others away with overly strict rules and judgmental views.

  23. Golly gee, Caralyn, for saying you don’t really have any answers here you certainly display more than a little discernment with wisdom! As far as being in the world but not of the world, I always say “chew the meat, but spit out the bones.” That is, to look for the good that is good for use, but reject the corruption and abuse. I remember seeing Jesus chastise the pharisee and scribe for adding so, so many man-made laws to God’s laws which smothered the true meaning of God’s guidance through the purpose of His laws. Anyway – Happy Halloween!

  24. Thank you for this! I often see people post on Facebook how terrible it is for Christians to celebrate Halloween. Usually it just makes me roll my eyes. I see nothing wrong with letting kids dress up and go trick or treating. We are called to redeem The darkness in the world, not shut ourselves out from it. Sure, I don’t love all the witches and zombies and scary stuff, but we can still have fun and celebrate with our neighbors and friends.

    • Hi Carla! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. That’s such a great way to put it – we really are supposed to bring the light!! So glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  25. Halloween was my least favorite “holiday” as a Christian. Now we remember and invite the memories of this who have past back for a visit

  26. I ask myself, does Halloween honor God? The answer is no.
    So, I choose not to celebrate the occasion.
    Does that make me legalistic, or closed in? The answer is no.
    Am I critical of those who think it’s innocent fun? No.
    It’s so sad, they do not know who they are celebrating. They think they are just dressing their kids up and handing out candy.
    It is only when we understand for ourselves the true nature of the occasion will we make the choice who we will honor.

  27. We don’t celebrate Halloween simply because we believe it does not give God glory. But we don’t lock our doors, hide from it and sulk while others ‘celebrate’ and ‘have fun’. We also dont condemn other Christians that do. Instead we use it to evangelize, we have candies and gospel tracks we give away to the trick or treaters. We are in this world but we are not of it, we live here but we dont do as the world does, so it may seem killjoy that we dont dress up but we do something else that is just as fun! I have a 4 year old who and I dont shield from this world, but i explain that we don’t celebrate ghosts and spirits and witches and monsters which is the very theme of Halloween and we only celebrate God! Some things may seem harmless, but as Christians we should always be alert, on the look out for anything that may deceive us. And in everything, yes find the good, but make sure that good is God’s standard of good and it brings Him glory all the time.

    • Hi Lara, thank you so much for this powerful perspective. this seriously provides such great food for thought. you’re so right – we need to be alert and ready. I appreciate you sharing your position on Halloween. There’s something awesome to be learned from every person’s experience! big hugs to you xo

  28. The way my husband and I see it, there are two sides to Halloween: the child side, that’s all about dressing up as someone/thing else for an evening of running around the neighborhood and getting candy, and then the adult side…which I choose not to know much about; I just know it’s dark and it exists (I went to college near Salem, MA, and we were warned never to go into the woods on Halloween). Our family focuses on the child side, but once the kids are older, it will be nice to ignore it, save for answering the door multiple times that night. 😉

    I don’t think people can just throw out a blanket statement about Halloween, though, as in, “Christians should never participate,” because that boxes God in, IMO. I think it needs to be approached prayerfully by each individual, and God will ask some families to do one thing and other families to do another thing, and we shouldn’t go pointing fingers or judging those on the “other” side. But I do agree with what another person said, about keeping costumes modest and honorable to God. Thankfully we live in Montana, so modesty isn’t a problem as we typically battle winter temps and crazy wind–haha!

    • Hi Laurie, thank you so much for this thoughtful response. this is such a great perspective. you’re right – i’ve always -and still do- think about Halloween from the child’s side – that’s how my community celebrates it. but you’re right – the darkness should be stayed far far away from. It’s scary stuff for sure. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. i really appreciate it. Stay warm up in Montana!! 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  29. Love this! Totally on point! We need moderation! Extremism is toxic! Christians need to embrace the culture by being in the world but not of it. We can enjoy Halloween without embracing the Satanic! Our church in fact hosts a Trunk or Treat annually! It’s good fun! And it is relevant! Why not dress up as Biblical characters? There is always a reasonable solution! I grew up in a church that was against Harry Potter! Man were they rigid! Imagination is healthy for children 🙌🏻 Praise God that we can have these creative minds who come up with characters to play! It is a blessing not a curse!

  30. Hey ya Caralyn,
    Another great post. Look forward to them like it was 60 minutes or sumthin! You are so funny.
    Okay, here’s my 2 cents:
    You nailed it. Right down the line. Bearing in mind I consider myself a hardcore evangelical fundamentalist Christian I think it carries some weight because I see Christ in the letter and spirit of your post. Am in full agreement with you on this deal. If Jesus were here i believe He’d be handing out Almond Joys and Butterfingers and not ” forbidding the little ones who came to Him”.
    Listen, you are full of the Spirit of God and He’s going to keep blessing you for it.

  31. Love the post. As a family, we keep the decorations and costumes on the fun-side. No death or dark stuff allowed. It has opened up conversations with our three boys about Halloween – that we omit the dark parts because they remind us of death and separation from God, and we include greeting neighbors and wearing nice costume because that stirs up fellowship and celebration, which are Biblical ideas. I have friends that don’t celebrate for various reasons, Hallowen is a difficult holiday — it’s just one of those celebrations that falls into gray, rather than black and white.

    • Hi Jan, thanks for sharing this. I think that’s a great compromise, and when I have a family one day, I’m going to take the same approach. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  32. It’s a difficult one, a lot of the things we take for granted as Christian come right out of Sharman and Druid practices not to mention the pagan Roman practices. Same with the trappings of Christmas and Easter as practiced in today’s commercial world. It’s Santa and the Easter Bunny now. That’s the history but in our generation we don’t celebrate with the same purpose as the ancients did. We’ve given our current holidays different meanings, different purposes. Sometimes we do need to think about what our purpose is. I don’t think our generation kids celebrate our current season for more than just plain fun. “In the world, not of the world”. That’s a statement that will carry different meanings to different people. Witnessing for one’s faith cannot be accomplished sitting in an ashram on top of the Himalayas though I applaud the sincerity of those who do that. But as we celebrate our fun days, and we should, we need to pause to reflect on the fact the majority of our world people groups can’t scrape up enough money or energy to get one meal a day or spend much of the day walking miles to get drinking water. They really don’t know what fun is! Enjoy your visit with your Mom and see how many you can scare trick or treating. 🙂

  33. Like all things, you can find good and bad in the holiday. The kids pointed out to me this year how some witches they see at Halloween are scary and some are cute. They asked me why??? I didn’t know exactly how to answer that question other than to say, Halloween is what we make it to be. We can choose to make it scary and evil. OR we can choose to make it fun and a time to spend with friends/family. Our tradition is to go to Trunk or Treat at our church which is actually quite amazing. We don’t have to worry about scary or inappropriate costumes or tampered with candies etc. We can focus on just having fun with our church Ohana (family) and celebrate being together.

  34. Wow. I love this! We are exactly the same over here in NI. There are some from my local churches who refuse to celebrate Halloween. But as a Christian bringing my children up in our local community, in what you would refer to as “the burbs”, we as a community are embracing it. We are meeting on the green where we live. We are having a cookout. The parents can stand around and chat, whilst the little kids safely trick or treat in our line of site at the homes that surround the green. Many of the organisers are incredibly active in our church but it is for everyone, all the families regardless of your faith or denomination. It’s really just a bit of fun and innocent dress up for the kids. And all I can see is that we will shine out as a light in the darkness. Surely that’s something to aspire to?

  35. Halloween is an interesting one… as a child my dad used to run light parties on the same night and we played games and sang songs, got our faces painted etc… but it was all around positive life affirming things.
    I haven’t necessarily got such a strong opinion on it as yet although I am now a mother of an 8 month old.
    In terms of making Jesus appealing – I think the gospel is forever appealing and relevant, but I know what you mean. But When you look at Jesus He was anything but community building, He was controversial, messing with the views and culture of the time and it got Him crucified….. however it was all for love. And He definitely loved all it wasn’t just for a special community, His love and forgiveness were and are relevant for all.
    His radical dedication to love.
    I do also believe those that practice things of darkness use this holiday as a key date in their calendar and I don’t think I would want my kids dressing up as the devil and making light of something as a joke that is actually real. I wouldn’t go as far as to say they are worshipping him just because they celebrate this night though! It’s rather just making him into a fictional character when he is real.
    However Jesus has overcome the world, so I guess I would rather focus on that like others have said.
    I was thinking I might use it as an opportunity if people come knocking to give them a treat with an invite to our Christmas carols attached! I didn’t get organised quick enough (# new mum life).
    I think there’s ways to not ‘celebrate’ it and still be kind to people and also make it not a big deal for your kids so they don’t feel left out and others don’t feel like you’re holier than thou.

  36. you know something your blog title understates your beauty you are beautiful beyond imagination I hope your shoot goes well. I did some drama in college but I couldn’t act to save myself and to be honest it’s not something I wanted to pursue.
    You have to be very strong to be an actress/actor and hold on to your faith in Christ. I wanted to be a singing artist when I was a young man and but illness ravaged my voice and to be honest I’m not sorry.
    You’ve come the other way through illness and it is Christ who brought you to where you are. Don’t trade your beauty, your youthfulness and most of all your integrity if it means compromising your faith.
    You are so very precious.

  37. Brave piece since so many Christians can end up behaving like the whole point of their faith is to become separate and to ignore or condemn ‘the world’. God ‘so loved the world that he gave …’ etc – in other words, he got stuck in and Jesus teaches us why we do things, and that underlies a lot of things secular people do which are good and right, but they do them with no acknowledgement of Jesus! Hallowe’en is what people make it – fun or sinister … and everything, absolutely everything, can be turned into dark and evil by people who have that in their hearts. “Out of the heart …” comes how we handle things … Hearts where Jesus dwells should not fear this celebration, or use condemning it to look more moral than their neighbours.

    • Hi Mari! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I think you’re right – it is what we make it. And yes! With Jesus in our hearts we have nothing to fear! Hugs and love xox

  38. The problem with Halloween isn’t Halloween…it’s the people who forgot why we celebrate it to begin with. Both Christians and non-Christians have secularized it a great deal, much to our detriment.

    Let’s go back to the meaning of the word itself: All Hallows Eve. For the Catholic, this should be familiar. Hallows are the Saints we know have gone on before us into Heaven and have defeated death. Tomorrow, Nov. 1, we celebrate that day as All Saints Day (Nov. 2nd is All Souls Day, for those who are saints but not Saints). So tonight, in the realm of the Church we begin our celebration of the victory over death. We celebrate all Saints starting tonight, much as we do every Sunday by celebrating Mass at 5PM on Saturday.

    Halloween, therefore, and properly celebrated, is a night of victory over death. Where we don’t have to be afraid of the dark. Children go out and mock death because as Christians we can be assurred that death is not the end of us.

    Christians and non-Christians alike forget this history, and so they have a lack of understanding of the meaning of the day. It’s because of this lack of understanding that what started out as a mocking of death and destruction has turned a bit and become more like a fright night.

    So, let’s celebrate Halloween! Let the kids have their fun and Catholic parents all over the world will bring their children to Mass tomorrow to reinforce Who we celebrate when we celebrate the Saints victory over death.

  39. You are wise beyond your years. I’ve always been a huge fan of Halloween and the many traditions from around the world that it blends together. My youngest daughter is too old to trick or treat, but we’re all going this year to show our Central American exchange student what a small-town Halloween is like. My husband and I can’t wait (we might be more excited than the teens) because it’s all about seeing friends and neighbors and watching people have fun together in a harmless, friendly atmosphere. Families should enjoy it while they can. Kids grow up too fast, and someday, parents are going to regret all the things they never let their kids do. Faith begins at home. If you’ve got that covered, one night a year of gathering candy with friends isn’t going to hurt anyone.

    • Hi Amy! Gosh thank you for the encouragement. I am humbled by your words. Yes! It was always such a fun holiday growing up – getting to dress up and hang out with friends on a school night. Love hearing your thoughts! Hugs and love xox

  40. We have light parties at church, which are alternative to Halloween, which is nice in one way. Also look how we celebrate Christmas, we expect to be receiving presents and/or money when we should be focusing on celebrating Jesus’ birth, even if he wasn’t born on that specific day 😂, this post honestly cleared my mind about Halloween so thanks Caralyn, you don’t need to dress up as an angel for Halloween you already are one 😘😍 God bless you & love you 💛

  41. I love your writing but struggled a wee bit with this post. Living in the UK Halloween was never really such a big deal until the last 20 years or so … as kids we went guising (trick or treating if you’re not Scottish or Irish!) but it wasn’t a big celebration. As a family we don’t celebrate Halloween, partly because it we feel uneasy about it but also because our sons who have autism are absolutely terrified by people in costume. Yes, as a Christian I find Halloween doesn’t fit in with my beliefs but I don’t feel as if I’m closing myself from the world … we celebrate other events with gusto and take joy in decorating our home for Christmas. Thanks for your blog … I love reading your posts and have pointed more and one friend in your direction. Blessings xx

  42. Once again, you have a post that is incredibly relevant to so many things right now and I couldn’t agree with you more on this idea that Jesus wants us WITH the people of this world, not apart from it. Jesus chose to accompany himself with the worst of society for a reason, right?

    I’m about to ramble, so I’ll stop…

    Anyways, I truly value this idea that we live among the world and trying to live an exemplary life while living among the world is what is important.

  43. Our Catholic Christianity is the life of our family, LITERALLY, in every possible view of the word! But we ALWAYS took our kids out trick or treating, because it was so fun and innocent. However, even back then, people were starting to get a bit overly-morbid in their decor and in trying to scare little children. You could see it coming, so I would either skip those houses (knowing that my girls would NOT appreciate being scared!), or I would say loudly (in an obvious joking manner), “If you scare my kids, you won’t just be pretending that you’re a ghost anymore….you will BE ONE!” But nowadays, our neighborhood has changed SO MUCH, that the whole evening is truly annoying. I am glad that my kids are now too old for t-or-t, and we no longer hand out candy from our house. (It’s all described in a humorous manner in this recent post of mine, in case you missed it – https://grandmascoffeesoup.wordpress.com/2017/10/25/my-halloween-game-plan/)
    I think the MOST IMPORTANT thing to keep in mind is not to judge. People make their own good decisions, and if you choose instead to keep your kids home, or do a “trunk-or-treat” at your local church, or attend an All Saints Party, that is wonderful, but don’t be gettin’ all high and mighty about it. It is OKAY for people to make their own, prayerful choices concerning their kids, because we all know our own kids best, and God will guide us down the path that is best for them! 😘 🙏🏻

    • Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. You’re right – innocent Halloween is nothing to fear. But when you bring in the darkness, that’s cause for concern. Great advice! Hugs and love xox

  44. Thank you for the interesting post! I think it’s so important to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. I grew up not celebrating Halloween– my mother knew Wiccans (one who committed suicide) and Halloween was a big night for them, so it just freaked her out. However, she always made it clear that she did not believe it was inherently wrong to get dressed up and participate. When I was in high school she left the decision entirely up to me when I was invited to Halloween parties. I went. I was a forest fairy. It was great fun. But, I totally respect her decision to have us go to harvest parties rather than Halloween parties when we were kids. We were very involved in our communities in other ways– going to public school, participating in sports, singing in choir, acting in plays– so, spending one night a year doing something different didn’t isolate us from our community.
    I think issues really spring up when someone feels convicted to do or not do something…then judges others and takes religious pride in their decision.
    Thank for the relevant post! Blessings. 🙂

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts Donielle. Yeah me too. And I think a harvest party is a great alternative and compromise. Because at the end of the day, playing dress up is just plain fun! Haha Hugs and love xox

  45. Caralyn, a lovely post. Thank you. And I say, “yes, amen”, to your point about the why behind the impartation of values. Yes, amen, Christians are called – and empowered via the Spirit – to be Jesus’ hands and feet in this world.

    One observation about Halloween… It has roots in Christian tradition. In Medieval times, on the eve of All Saints’ Day (November 1), those in the community who were poor ventured to the homes of the wealthy and offered to pray for the departed loved ones of those households; the belief being that more prayers from more folk made it more likely that the souls of the dead would enter the paradise of God. Those who prayed, then were given gifts of food and, yes, beer. Also, this day is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of his 95 theses; the general drift of which inveighed against the idea that prayers of many guaranteed the salvation of the souls of the dead.

    Again and always, Caralyn, thanks

  46. I appreciate your post and thoughts. I have mixed feelings about Halloween due to the level of gore, sexuality, and creepiness that has flooded in the past few years. I remember it as fun to dress up and go visit neighbors. My family isn’t big on candy (we still have last year’s candy in a bag!), but look at this as a fun way to go talk to others in our community.

    In regards to part of your post about sheltering and hiding our children away, I’ll refer you to this post that I came across last week. https://herviewfromhome.com/when-i-realized-my-family-was-my-idol/
    Are we so focused on keeping our children safe and immersed in only our faith activities that we keep them from seeing how God actually functions in the secular world? Are they too sheltered from experiencing and sharing God’s grace for others? Food for thought.

    Thank you for your thoughtful writing. I enjoy reading your perspective.

  47. Yes! The why is what counts. I’ve always said motivation is everything when it comes to a Christian’s activities in the secular world. Thank you for this post!

  48. “And sadly, a once-a-week church attendance, and even a christian education isn’t going to foster a fruitful faith life.”


    Blessings on this “All-Hallows-Eve”


  49. This was a very thought provoking post Caralyn, My parents, especially my mom, were truly devout Catholics but they always let us celebrate Halloween. She felt that it was an opportunity for us to dress up and dream of what it’s like to be a princess, dinosaur or a superhero. Choosing our costumes, going out, and having fun was all done as a family affair. The fact that we did this as a family was all that matters.

  50. I think you read my blog on Halloween last week. It IS, or at least WAS a Christian holy day. It’s a shame that we’re afraid to reclaim it again and return it to its rightful place. We do trick-or-treat. I’m thinking of possibly saying a prayer (quietly probably, so as not to freak out non-believers, lol!) for each home where my kids get treats…bringing back the tradition of prayers in exchange for goodies. If the kids aren’t into it, I think at least I will. Wouldn’t it be a lovely thing to see all Christian children and their parents do that after every treat is given? And all the souls prayed for in just a couple hours. It boggles the mind.

  51. Preach it Sister!! How on earth are we to be the light and salt to our community around us if we’re not involved in our communities? Jesus command in Matthew 28:19 is GO and make disciples not sit at home secluded. He has given us a sound mind that does not include fear. Another reason it is so vitally important that we stay tethered to Him daily so that we are confident and secure in our identity in Him. We are to be modeling to our children a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus so they can go boldly into the world and give Him to others. Much love to you, Caralyn! Have fun handing out candy, I can’t wait for it to get dark!

  52. To be honest, I held onto the thoughts you mentioned by segregating my kids from “the world” by taking them to the church activities where the outcome was still the same (for the kids – candy).

    However, in reading your thought-provoking post, I have to agree that we need not bottle up our Christianity under a bowl but allow our light to shine in the darkness around us. People need to see that Christians are in this world, not OF this world anymore. Thanks for the reminder Caralyn.


    • Hi Solomon, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I think a church halloween festival is a great compromise. and you’re so right! we are to let that light shine 🙂 hope you and your family had a fun evening! Hugs and love xox

  53. It’s funny how today was our very first ‘Halloween’ experience as a family. This year we moved to a house and now have a doorbell so we qualify for ‘trick or treat’ rings. It was quite uncomfortable. We hadn’t really discussed what we would do if we got a knock on the door. Funny my husband mentioned it in passing during the day but we kinda brushed it off . . . until the bell rang! Awkward moment, I tell you. We were standing before these children dressed up in scary costumes, and for the life of me, I didn’t want my 2 year old seeing any of it before it freaks her out. After so many rings, I eventually settled for this line: ‘Sorry darling, I’m not a halloween fan’. And they would smile and walk away. Thinking about it now as I write this, I probably would have handled it better if I took the time to think of a proper response. I might have even handed out candies.

    Truth is I live in the UK but I’m Nigerian. Nigerians do not do Halloween for many reasons. Yes, the witches and wizards over there aren’t funky, they are real. So we don’t meddle around anything that looks like them, and we certainly don’t celebrate them either. I know when my kids are older they’ll want to know why we don’t join the halloween charade, and when that time comes, I pray for wisdom to teach them in the best way I can that just for the fact that I know how real evil can be, I choose not to play with it.

  54. Those scriptures, I haven’t thought on them as much as I once used to…
    To not love things in the world, and of the world hating the church

    I love your pic, choose joy and then share it

  55. I carved a Jack o’ Lantern to let kids know we had candy at our door. Posted a pic of it and got chided on Facebook by a well-intentioned Christian. Thanks for your thoughtful post. Very welcome word!

  56. Ok, I know I posted this back on your last blog, but sending your love and hugs that you were not in NYC today and prayers for all of NYC!! Also wishing you and your family a Happy Halloween!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  57. I’m glad we celebrate Halloween and I also celebrate Day Of The Dead. Back in the 80s and 90s there were too many spouting off about how Halloween was “begging” and “devil worship”. I’m with you, its just fun. Yes, All Saints, and All Souls (which is what Day of The Dead celebrates) are important too, but really its a 3 day importance, and the fun of Halloween should not be left out. Once again, hugs and love that you are safe and weren’t in lower Manhattan today. xoxoxoxo <3 <3 <3

  58. REally good thoughts here. The whole Halloween issue is a finer line than you may realize. The “roots” of Halloween are not good — but for the most part, today, it IS primarily a night of fun (I do not think most people give it any thought beyond that). As in all secular activities, we need to be sensitive to the Spirit and heed His direction at all times. As for your main points, you are exactly right… we must always take care to be “in the world, and not of the world.” God has never intended us to seclude ourselves from the world. We simply cannot BE salt or light without connection to the people around us! Great job, as usual. M. A.

    • Hey friend! Thank you so much! Amen to that – we need to be sensitive to the Spirit for sure. That’s what I’ve been praying for actually. Sending His gentle nudging. Yes! Let’s be the light! Hugs and love xox

  59. I’m always puzzled by gut-reactions like that as well. It is clear that modern Halloween (or at least trick-or-treating) has evolved into an innocent opportunity for children to express themselves and receive candy in return. With all of the actual evil in the world, it seems a bit unhelpful to go looking for it where there is none.

  60. In a Jesus-based faith, we have always before us a demonstration of how we are to operate in the world in the GOSPELS. The only time Jesus stepped back from the world was the times when he needed to be refreshed in the Spirit and talk with the Father! We have to get an understanding of what it means to “be in the world but not of the world” and as said … it starts in the very HEART of man … which, by the way, is where the HOLY SPIRIT resides in those who have accepted the gift of Salvation. Let us be not only hearers of scriptural instructions as “the church” but let us be doers as well. And the DOING is DRENCHED IN LOVE & OBEDIENCE to God first, and then our neighbor!! How else will the world know WHAT AN AWESOME GOD WE SERVE!?

  61. Hi, I’m a born again Christian, and I don’t endorse or bring any denomination to you.

    I also recently wrote a post about this very topic of halloween on my blog site.

  62. Thanks and well written Caralyn – I too have been conflicted on this very topic and I do have kids so another perspective always helps. We all value your opinion and life lessons else we wouldn’t be reading your blog (lol) but seriously – I believe you are right when you quoted “Be in the world, but not of the world”. Let Gods light shine through you onto others. Best wishes to you in this season!

  63. It is such a fine line to tread. On one hand, we want to protect our children and have them grow up and serve and love God, but on the other hand, if they don’t interact with the world at all, how will they know how to fight evil when they encounter it? We all know how sneaky the devil can be. He doesn’t always lead us astray in the big, obvious ways. It’s usually in the small, “little”, seemingly harmless ways. Such a fine, fine line to tread. And just like everything, I think we need to remember to keep our eyes on God. He will help us navigate the world, while remaining His and not of this world. How do we live in the world but not be of the world is what we all need to figure out. Thanks for the thought provoking post, as usual:) We do participate in Halloween to a certain extent. The kids dress up, we have candy and we trick-or-treat at Gramma’s but that is it. We will usually do something fun, like play games and whatnot, but we also live in a very rural area and would have to drive somewhere to really get involved in trick-or-treating.

    • thanks for this reflection, friend. you’re right – it really is a fine line. Yeah, i think that’s how I’m going to handle it with my future kids and family. just fun 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  64. The bible versus always make my head spin and I find myself deep in study determining meanings! lol.. I agree with your article. As a father of five and of course wanting to make my kids happy and have fun in local festivities. Not to mention Halloween and scary movies, good and bad, *laughs*. Has always been fun, if not even a tradition! You can remark on the evil but you also have to see the good in all things. Teaching what is wrong, what your emotions tell you. The respect and faith you help your children understand. The respect and faith you discover, that you never knew existed before you had children! Some people need to loosen up. I wanted to watch “One of US” for awhile. thank you for reminding me! God bless… HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

    Side Note: What if there was a big Halloween party in heaven.. Make you wonder what the Big guy would be? How many devils? lol.. okay.. i’m rambling..

    • Thanks for this reflection. Yeah me too! I so agree – there is good to find in any situation, and I think the joy of community and imagination – when done in a spirit of fun – is good. hahah that’s a funny thing to think about! haha hugs to you xox

  65. And a post like this, dear lady, is why I love your blog. I remember walking my kids around to trick or treat when they were little. We were walking up the sidewalk when we heard a lady at the door yell at some kids “WE DO NOT DO HALLOWEEN, WE ARE CHRISTIAN!!”

    OK under my breath I muttered something I won’t type here. My oldest looked at me (he was 7) and said, “what does christian have to do with Halloween?”

    I was not raised going to church, nor did I raise my kids going. But I was raised that Halloween was just a fun time to wear a costume and get candy. So it at the time I didn’t have a good answer for him.

    Its one of the last truly fun things for kids. And for kids who never grew up. You are exactly right, walling things like this off from your life in the name of religion does no good for anyone. One of my most devote friends looks forward to taking her kids out every year!

    KUDOS for handing out candy, and lady, if you can into the winery I work at from time to time, you would be carded everytime!

    • Hey Tony! Oh gosh, thank you so much. Yeah, I definitely agree – when celebrated in the spirit of fun and community and creativity, I don’t think there’s anything to think twice about. That’s the exact same thing my mom said – she said, “there just aren’t that many purely fun things for kids anymore. let them have halloween!” haha sounds like the two of you are on the same page! 🙂 thank you for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  66. Amen. I am new to Christianity after a very long absence but in this short time I come to realize that being a Christian is not about pointing the finger or being the moral police; it’s about how I treat people with kindness and forgiveness ( including forgiving myself) Its about my relationship with Jesus and him healing me of sinful behavior. I think kids should be allowed to be kids and have fun like everyone. If you board up the windows and keep the outside world from coming you are doing more harm than good. Eventually that kid is going to resent you and equate Christianity with being punished every time they want to have a fun ( like the rest of their friends) Somewhere down the line they will leave the church and might not come back. So thank you, I enjoyed reading your post.

  67. We celebrate because there’s nothing wrong with dressing up and trick or treating. I’ve known really strict parents who don’t allow their kids to partake in any way and I feel that’s damaging because kids feel like they are missing out and may come to resent the faith and rebel when they’re older.

  68. Love your comments on Halloween and spirituality. I couldn’t have said it better. I agree that the best way to live is with love, compassion, a hunger for social justice fully living in the world secular or religious. Too often people want to retreat into a narrow black and white world. It can be dangerous as you described well with the Hassadic Jews. This happens among all faith groups. I think Jesus would be pleased with your attitude about faith. You describe so well what I believe. So let us go and celebrate Halloween. The New York tradition sounds awesome. Blessings on your day.🎃

  69. Hi,
    I didn’t have time to read all the comments, so perhaps someone has already said this, but it is something to think about. Halloween is the only time non-Christians come to our door asking for what we have to give!! I mean think of that!! It is mind-boggling. Now, I don’t advocate beating them over the head with tracts or the Bible, or anything like that, but we can show love and engage in conversation. And in the South where I live, we have “trunk or treat” parties at church which are fantastic opportunities to introduce people to Biblical thoughts.
    Anyway, I just thought that was a great way to think of Halloween.
    Blessings to you~

  70. so well said!!! Thank you for this insight. I am trying to raise my toddler– and as the world is becoming further and further away from my faith and God— I am honestly worried. and I too thought– I can’t just shield her from the entire world. What good is that? I believe God is always testing our faith.. this world- it is an entire test!! It is what keeps our faith so strong.

    And I definitely am not shielding my daughter from innocent fun of trick or treating!! (although, I may limit her chocolate afterwards HAHA)

  71. You’re right, it is difficult to decide where to draw lines at. Growing up, our house was a “no Halloween, no Santa” zone. But only after enormous amounts of research into the origins of every single little tradition. By the time I was in high school my parents had realized that if you research almost anything long enough, it will contradict what the Bible says. In the end, it’s all just a big balancing act trying to maintain the standards that you most want to instill in your children and that you want others to see in you.

  72. So true. I have always tried to raise my kids the right way, teaching them kindness and empathy of others and those things are gifts from God, that should be passed onto others. In our home we have always celebrated Halloween and even though my kids are grown now, we love opening our doors to all those kids just being kids and sharing smiles with one another.

  73. Christians can be so annoying at times. I’m a Christian and I posted a Halloween short fiction piece this week called Witches Road. I’m sure some of our followers disapproved of it.

  74. Sister, I love you — but …

    “Be in the world, but not of the world” is a conformist interpretation of what Christ actually told his disciples — that the reason they were hated by the world was because they were not of the world (John 17:14). Yes, we are physically present, but we are not to be conformed to the world (Romans 12:2). That is, we are to be set apart as a peculiar people (1 Peter 2:9).

    Not unlike the Hasidic Jews, Christians are to be a distinctive people separated from the customs and traditions of the world. So, in my home there are no carved pumpkins, Santa Claus, Christmas trees, or Easter eggs. None of these are Christian traditions although some Christians have adopted them.

    One of Israel’s greatest sins was that it adopted the customs and traditions of the heathen nations. Of course, they were judged harshly by the LORD for their disobedience, and expelled from the land.

    When the world looks at a Christian they should have the same sense that you expressed with regards to the Hasidic Jews.

    People of God should be distinct, and hated for their distinction. It is not our duty to make Christianity attractive to the world, but to be the light of the world — which hates the light because it exposes people’s sin.

    When my sister stopped believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny she decided that Mom and Dad lied about God as well. Halloween is a Celtic tradition which is the summer sacrifice to the Druidic gods. The only way to escape the god of death was to wear a costume or disguise. Like Israel, Christians have co-opted these traditions and, in so doing, have conformed to the world.

    We can’t use the defense of Christian liberty, either. We don’t have the liberty to drink, for example, if it causes a brother (in recovery) to stumble. We don’t have the liberty to celebrate Halloween if, by so doing, a brother might conclude that it’s alright to consult a fortune teller. An elder in my church, exercising his liberty, collected boxes of pornographic magazines which he kept hidden from his wife. No, when Paul wrote that all things are lawful (1 Corinthians 10:23) the literal Greek text reads:

    “All things that are lawful to do, I may do”, but not even that is absolute if what you do causes a brother to sin.

    Solomon, when he adopted the customs and traditions of his pagan wives, fell out of favor with God. Caralyn, you are a seed of truth planted amongst a garden of weeds, but Jesus warned that the weeds grow up and choke the good seed.

    • Hi friend, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. This is definitely a powerful perspective, and I appreciate you sharing it with me. I definitely agree that we need to be the light of the world. that is how i try to live my life every day. I know I fall short a lot, but I do try. Thanks again for stopping by. lots of powerful food for thought. Hugs and love xox

  75. I am a little late weighing in on this. I have been too busy with life to read much; however, I am glad I took time to read this. I believe that you are on target. As Christians we are called to be His light in the world. We are not called to exile ourselves from secular society. If we did that we could never go to a ball game or watch television. Halloween is not about devil worship, it is about kids and candy and spooky, scary fun. Just because I dress up like Dracula doesn’t mean that I am a vampire or a devil worshiper. It is “pretend.” If I dress up like an angel it does not mean that I am one. If you are so insecure in your salvation that you cannot pass out candy at halloween, then you need help.

    God Bless!!

  76. You made a cute angel. I like what’s God’s is God’s and what’s man’s is man’s. It was a social compromise for certain holidays. I have a Rabbi friend and, we go to the deli. We don’t discuss religion unless he’s come to church or I’ve gone to Temple. So. We split a sandwich and talk. My Amish friends are much the same way. Yes. Insular. Yes. Women are more restricted but, one must hope they are somehow finding a path to God without the pop culture influence of man. I really don’t know who’s path is, more better. I do like the sense of community of people that you can touch. That believe. That trust in faith. It’s all very powerful.

    • Aw thanks Kenzie! This is a great perspective – it’s true – what’s God’s is God’s. It really makes me think about what I *should* be giving to God that I’m not right now. Hmmm sobering. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you’re having a great night 🙂 Hugs and love xox

      • I’m in New Orleans. 😳I think it’s, important to keep your spiritual self more than fellowship. Humans are social and there can be misguided leaders. Pop culture is a kind of religion itself with, similar restrictions on female behavior as Hassidism. In dress. In attitude. I want to think all of us if we are with God we are giving the most for our communities. I’m not the best guy but it does help me to see people as, people.

        I like that about you, also. That you are a person that has tried hard to keep God, in everything. I’m sensitive to the struggle of others because I’m, right there. A paycheck away from just, losing it all. It’s not your fault that what you say may appear as insensitive. We are all working toward our authentic selves.

      • I don’t know how you make it New York. The tolls to get there from Chicago are $400 for me. I’m glad you’re there though. It’s where the serious actors go. My friend in LA, sold a screenplay, went to Mexico for a month, came back broke. That’s a great example of the working actors between LA and NY.

      • When Coke gave me all those truckloads of water for Hurricane Sandy. I used my last week’s paycheck for tolls for six of us. Then, my card for the rest. It’s a hundred to cross the GW bridge. Plus, parking tickets at the deliveries. Even, during disasters.

        Unlike larger companies where, you do get 80% back I get 10-20%.

        I was triathlon training at the time so I just used my bike savings and, skipped a few races. Oh well.

  77. Hi BBB,

    Yes, we need to be salt and light that does affect our world. I am seeing believers hidibg out and it is easy to close the door to our neighbors. If there was ever a time we need believers to be all in it is now. Other Christians may not get it, but Jesus does.

    In the next week or two I am doing a post on this subject. It is called “50/50”. The idea is that believers who have faced challenges or even death in their life know they live in two worlds. This temporal one is passing away and not where we find out happiness. Our forefathers knew this, but society is changing. I wanted to do a thank you for those people I know who live in with one foot on this world, but are also walking in Eternity. I wanted to showcase a few bloggers, such as your self who live this. I wanted to give you all shout outs for what you do, a link to your blog, and whatever you want to promote. Being a writer it is easy to work on a solitary fashion. However, I feel like the Lord is telling me to support and work with others in online ministry. This is a first step and if you feel like this is something to do let me know. I am asking folks to send me a link and if you have a digital pic, great, I can use an cartoon Avatar. If you have any question or concerns you can email me at: garyavants66@gmail.com.

    Thank you,


    On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 4:00 PM BeautyBeyondBones wrote:

    > beautybeyondbones posted: “Halloween in Greenwich Village in NYC is a > cultural happening. Lower Manhattan literally shuts down during the parade. > Imagine MardiGras, but with costumes and candy, and where the temperature > is hovering right above freezing. It is something you just ha” >

    • Hey Gary! Thanks for sharing this. I can’t wait to read 50/50! It sounds like an incredible idea. And wow, I am truly honored that you would want to include me on your list! Sure thing. I will send you that stuff right away. Thanks again 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  78. Hi Caralyn.. Life was busy this past week, so I read Monday’s post now, following Thursday’s. When I heard of the attack in NYC, I immediately thanked our Lord Jesus for Him guiding you by His Spirit to choose to be with your Mom and Dad, then I could pray for the injured, and their families, along with the families of those who were deceased.

    Anyhow, you nailed it on this post, when you wrote:
    “Where does that joy come from? Answer: Jesus at the center of your life.”

    Jesus Christ is the True Giver JOY, by His Spirit:

    Galatians 5:22
    22–23 But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions:
    joy that overflows,
    peace that subdues,
    patience that endures,
    kindness in action,
    a life full of virtue,
    faith that prevails,
    gentleness of heart, and
    strength of spirit.
    Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.

    The actions of a few, comparatively speaking, on Hallowe’en, cannot be allowed to stop our Christian children and grandchildren from having fun, either at a church / school party, or getting candy from neighbours. A few on our street go waayyy overboard, in decorating eerily, but when our grandchildren come over they skip those houses.
    Somehow, as Christ followers, we need to influence our communities, but if we stay away from everything they do, how will we ever meet and chat, and have an opportunity to share Christ.

    Thank you for another blessing Caralyn,
    God Bless You Abundantly,

    • Hi George! Thanks so much for that – yeah what a sad day for nyc, and then today in Texas. It really is so tragic. What is happening in the world? Lord, help us. That’s so true – we need to be a light in the darkness. Thanks for this encouragement. Hugs and love xox

  79. I love the way you think deep about things. It’s so hard to find that these days. Personally, a God given vision burning in my heart has always been my guiding light to keep me on track. That, and “Prayer before coffee”. Thanks for visiting my site. I’ll drop in here from time to time just to see how you’re doing. The journey of a soul is always interesting.

  80. This is very good. As I just had my first child, I had to ponder this Halloween whether or not to celebrate. My husbands parents lock their doors, shut off all their lights, and ask holier than thou over anyone who chooses to trick or treat. My parents pick crazy costumes and drive around to everyone they know and love to get pictures with loved ones and lots of candy. Halloween IS a satanic holiday actually, so that bothers me. I don’t think it is something to be “celebrated”. I’m not quite sure how I feel about it. But I still handed out candy. Maybe next year I will hand out little bibles or something. I’m still not sure what we will do, but I know for certain that closing yourself off to the world will only shut others off to Christ. I do know that I WILL always hand out candy. 🙂 because that’s what Jesus would do. Smile and greet all those beloved little children and tell them they are loved. ❤️

    • Thanks so much for sharing your story. That’s a great point. We must keep our doors open 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  81. Hello there I am new to this whole blog thing but I am doing my best to work my site up! I would really appreciate some loving or critiquing if you have a minute. I am working to share the love of Jesus as well. Thank you so much and have a great day:)

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