Pregnancy Hospital Bags, Moving Boxes and My Best Friend’s Wedding

Hello friends! Boy, I’m going to be 36 weeks tomorrow, and I feel like Baby Berbs is getting restless in there! She’s moving around like crazy, and I just feel like she is so ready to make an appearance!

SO: where are we…by the numbers.

Gestational age: 36 weeks
Baby’s age by measurement: 38 weeks
We’re moving in: 10 days
Birth window begins: 19 days

Things around here have been absolutely crazy, and I want to apologize for my sporadic posting.

Between moving and being nine months pregnant, there just simply are not enough hours in the day!

Since our house isn’t ready for us (the people we bought it from — who are now renting back from us — haven’t found a house yet), we are moving in with my parents and putting all of our furniture into storage.

How long we’ll be there? We could get a call tomorrow that they found a house, and it’s only 30 days…OR it could be as late as October 1…

So — things are really up in the air! Couple that with the fact my baby is measuring two weeks ahead, so we don’t really know if she’ll arrive on her due date or much before…these next four weeks are like…a big black hole!

As I mentioned, only our furniture is going into storage. All of our boxes and everything, my sweet husband has packed up and every weekend for the last month and a half, we’ve been driving car-loads of boxes over to my parents’ house.

And my job in all of this is just “cheerleader.” My husband won’t let me lift a finger! I’ve just cheered him on as he’s packed up and moved this entire 3 bedroom condo by himself!

Talk about my knight in shining armor! (I have been keeping him well fed though…delicious meals are my contribution 🙂 )

But last weekend was a particularly emotional for me. It was my best friend’s destination wedding…and my doctor restricted me from traveling. So I couldn’t go.

I was the maid of honor, and with every fiber of my being, I wanted to drive the 10 hours to South Carolina to be there for her, but — particularly with our due date being moved up — I had to listen to my doctor.

It was the hardest decision I’ve had to make…in decades, but it was the right decision.

But this weekend, being her wedding weekend, I was a little down in the dumps that I wasn’t there.

But my wonderful husband helped cheer me up. My parents went to the wedding, of course, and so they were sending me the play by play in photos and videos.

And Steven and I set up the nursery that night while I wore my bridesmaid dress in her honor. We washed all the little baby clothes and hung them up, and organized them by size. And folding those tiny little clothes really put the decision into perspective.

And not only was my bestie the most beautiful bride, but she also was so incredibly gracious and understanding that I couldn’t be there. Obviously, we both have known about this for the months leading up to the wedding, but still — the reality of it happening at that moment and me not being there…it still was a hard reality to face for me.

Speaking of getting ready for baby, I am now in the time period of needing to have my hospital bag packed!

I’m going to list off everything I’m bringing, and for those who have “done this before,” please sound off in the comments if I’m missing anything!

For Me:
Delivery gown/socks with grippies (that I will throw away afterwards)
Robe (that I also don’t care if it gets ruined)
Going home outfit — loose/baggy dress
Compression socks
Loose pajama pants and nursing tops
Nursing dress (long sleeved and sleeveless)
Nursing bras
Long sleeved athleisure cardigan if it’s cold
Birthing comb for pain relief

*Shower cap
Breast feeding N cream
Hair ties
Belly oil (from Hatch)
Phone Charger
Baby book (for newborn footprints)
Bible verses on index cards
Shower shoes
Slip on going home shoes
Twinkle lights
Eye sleeping mask
Snacks (dried mango, Larabars, Rx Bars)

For Hubs:
Change of clothes
Warm layers for cold
Button up for skin to skin
His own pillow/blanket/towels
Shower shoes
Eye mask

For Baby:
Car seat
Going home outfits in several sizes
Receiving blanket/swaddle
Mini Hatch sound machine
Baby Nail buffer
Breast pump

Should I bring my nursing pillow??

Anyway…sorry if that was unnecessary to list out…just thought I ask the seasoned pro’s if I’m missing anything glaringly obvious, please let me know in the comments!

Other final pregnancy things:

I have finally developed a pregnancy symptom! I have developed carpel tunnel in my right wrist – which makes my arm go numb when I’m sleeping. Which is annoying but that’s literally the only symptom I’ve had this entire time so I’ll take it! We ordered a little splint for me to sleep in, hopefully, that helps, because I haven’t slept well in weeks!

So there you have it!

What did you put in YOUR hospital bag? What tips do you have for these last four weeks when you’re in the “twilight zone” of an upcoming birth!

Talk to you Wednesday!

13 responses to “Pregnancy Hospital Bags, Moving Boxes and My Best Friend’s Wedding”

  1. I definitely recommend bringing the nursing pillow. It is so much more comfortable. Also, make sure your going home dress has a way to easily nurse if needed. The amount of diapers you need in the beginning is insane. Not that the baby poops alot, but it is the frequency. Like you change a diaper, they nurse and then poop a little again. Be prepared for the poop that occurs as you are changing. Never move the old diaper until you can move the new diaper under immediately.

  2. I second the nursing pillow. It will help a lot. Another thing I’d recommend are the ice maxi pads. Boy do I wish they would have had those when my kids were born! I’d also pack a lot of flexibility in expectations as the birth experience is so unique and rarely goes to plan.

  3. I will third the nursing pillow! Haha. I used it constantly with my first. Ice maxi pads are brilliant. Stool softener pills… I think many hospitals provide them but bring some just in case. Your bowels may be a bit slack and out of it those first few days and the first post partum poo can be rough. 😣

    The last few weeks are the hardest!! It gets soo hard to wait. Just keep praying and trusting in God’s timing. We are all cheering for you guys!! ❤️

  4. Sounds like you are well prepared and your hospital bag is not too big! With my first I had three bags! one for before, during and after birth! by the second it was two bags and with my third, I walked in with a pull on hand luggage airplane suitcase and they asked me where my stuff was. haha. When I said, this is my third, the gave me knowing nods. 🙂

    A couple of things – a bendy straw! most useful item we brought. because you’ll get thirsty in labour and might be in a position where trying to drink from a bottle or a glass will be tricky, a bendy straw is perfect. I also brought some books/magazine. There is quite a bit of waiting involved, so something to occupy your time. can you play music there? We played worship music during our labours and it was really special having worship sung over our babies when they were born. On our first it had shuffled to a recording from our own church and I distinctly remember one of our worship leaders singing over our daughter as she made an entrance.

    You’ll also need pads – they sell maternity pads here, or just really strong period pads. Sorry if this is too personal, but you’ll bleed after birth (quite a bit).

    There aren’t nappies on your list, so not sure if your hospital provides those?

    Anyway, that’s my bid of wisdom! praying for you and cheering you on!

  5. Yes, bring nursing pillow.
    Suggest you leave the nail buffer and sound machine at home.

  6. Such exciting time for you guys! And stressful too. Your husband is such an amazing man, you are blessed to have him, Caralyn! 🙏🏻❤️

  7. I’m so sorry you didn’t get to attend you bestie’s wedding, but yes… you know you made the right decision. You are looking really ready to pop any minute! God bless Steven for all that packing and moving!! Exciting times! Thank you for sharing. BTW, my babies were born over 50 years ago. I have no idea what I took to the hospital (if anything!)

  8. Yes to the nursing pillow!

    One of my cherished ways of delivering our 3 children (unmediated) was to have a “focal point” I could center my gaze upon, as I breathed through each contraction. This was tremendously helpful for me. I chose a porcelain (table-top size) head & shoulder statue of the BVM. It was beautiful for me to breath and pray through each contraction gazing upon her peaceful, supportive, motherly face. You have a few weeks to discover your own focal-point to pack (and perhaps consider sitting in a chair, running your Berb-belly for a few practices.😊) Hugs to you Caralyn & your beloved knight! I will be praying for all 3 of you. 😘

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