10 Things I’d Say to 15-Year-Old Me

You know what I love doing?

Looking back at old pictures from middle school/early high school.

I mean, the fashions, the hair styles, the flip phones, the boys I had crushes on. It is just a blast from the past.

And let’s be real, it wasn’t thaaat long ago. But given every twist and turn my life has taken thus far, it feels like a lot of life has been lived since then.

I developed anorexia when I was 16. And looking back and reflecting on those delicate and formative years, I can see traces of the disease creep in at various points in my adolescence.

I think we all have things on our hearts that -in hindsight- we wish we could say to our former selves. Nuggets of sage wisdom that could have been helpful.

So here’s 10 things I would say, given everything I know now. Things that recovered me would say to a budding young me, on the brink of succumbing to what would be a long battle with ED.

Dear Fifteen-Year-Old Me,

Freshman year can be a pretty scary time. New high school. Older boys. Drivers licenses. Changing bodies. Navigating it can be tough. So here’s a little help…

1. Relationships are important. Invest in the people who know who you really are, and love every quirk and imperfection. At a sleepover, if you can’t wear your retainer or walk around in sweats with them…reevaluate.

2. Mischa Barton from The OC is pretty awesome, but you don’t need a boy to rescue you. And while we’re at it: stop idolizing her body type. You’re not 5’10.” You never will be. And  being waif-thin is not something to gamble your life for.


3. Everyone’s bodies change at different paces. No, your body may not look like your voluptuous friend, but that doesn’t make you any less beautiful, or any less worthy of being loved. Just be patient. Bikinis aren’t everything. And being able to fill out a Victoria’s Secret bikini isn’t the “be all, end all.” Nor is having your ribs show.

4. Boys will say a lot of things. Good and bad. But never let that determine how you feel about yourself. Or how you dress. Or wear your hair. Or who you’re friends with.

5. Knowing the dance to High School Musical is great, but that’s not real life. High school is not idealistic, and boys won’t serenade you like Zac Efron. Don’t expect them to.


6. Don’t dismiss people because they belong to a certain “group.” People are people. And they can surprise you. But you have to give them a chance. And the “cool” table, is full of just people.

7. Just have a damn beer.


8. Getting good grades is important, but not at the expense of your mental health. Get a B. You will be okay. Perfection is stupid.

9. Don’t do the beauty pageant. Just don’t do it. There’s more to you than your outer beauty. Being judged by how you look in a bikini is frankly stupid. You are so much more than that. Oh yeah – and stop going to the tanning bed. Like, immediately. Your skin will thank you later.

10. You are enough. Just as you are. You don’t have to be the lead in every school play. You don’t have to play varsity sports. You don’t have to sit at the “cool” table. You don’t have to get straight A’s. You don’t have to wear a size 0. You are enough. Just by being you. You don’t have to earn your worth. Your worth was established when Jesus went to the cross.

11. Let people love you. The real you. You don’t have to put on the air of not caring what other people think. You have feelings and emotions, and that’s important. Honor them. Feel them. Share them. Your heart is a beautiful temple. Protect it, but don’t be afraid to show it.


High school is kinda like a big game of poker. Everybody has insecurities. Everybody’s in the same boat, a little bit over their head, just trying to figure it out. And everybody’s trying to put on their best poker face that they’ve got it all together. Spoiler alert: they don’t.

The sooner you realize that you are beautiful just as you are, and that your worth doesn’t come from any of these superficial things, the more abundantly you will live.

Respect and accept your body. Listen to your parents. Stop striving for perfection.

You are enough. Right now.


Your older and wiser self 😉

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298 responses to “10 Things I’d Say to 15-Year-Old Me”

  1. Dear Beauty, the things you’ve said in this blog are absolutely perfect. You should seriously consider sharing your travels through life with high school girls and any other groups you think might benefit from your experiences. I know you’ve said more than once that outer beauty is not the bench mark of who you are…it is the inner you that should capture someone’s heart. But let me just say that of the pictures I’ve seen of you, you have been beautifully made by our creator. I feel certain He gets a smile on His face when He thinks about you…which, by the way, is all the time!!!

    • Hi Russ. Wow what a wonderfully kind note of encouragement and support. Thank you. Truly. This means so much. I would absolutely love to speak to high school or young college aged girls. I just pray for God to use me in whatever way He wants. Thank you for that affirmation. Hope your week is off to a great start. Hugs and love my friend xox

  2. 😬😬may I please borrow your title ??! I love it !! I tell you one of my weekly goals I like accomplishing is reading everyone’s blog that I’ve subscribed to and you’re one that I’m trying to read from your beginning to now! You’re awesome:-)

  3. Yes, girl! Relearning some of these things all over again after a breakup.
    You’re heart is so big and open. I love reading your posts.

  4. This is such an amazing post and it speaks to so many issues that not only impact teens but adults as well. We can get so caught up in wanting to be like everyone else that we lose ourselves in the process. I think more stress should be placed on being authentic and embracing our uniqueness.

  5. Well said, except I would be cautious of encouraging underage drinking as that can be equally as damaging as an eatting disorder. I realize you were more likely going for a “loosen up” attitude. But it too is a slippery slope.

    • Hi there! You’re right. I in no way am condoning underage drinking. I should have been a little more clear about that. But for me, not the whole striving for perfection – in alllll areas of my life – was the biggest factor that led to my anorexia and eventually getting down to 78 pounds. I look back and something think to myself, jeez if I would have just let my hair down and didn’t try to be perfect and have a beer with my friends, maybe things could have been a lot different. But you’re right. It is a slippery slope and alcohol is not the answer. Thanks for this dialogue. I should have been more clear. Thanks for reading! Hugs and love!

  6. This is just so beautiful. Life really is about living and learning isn’t it? Older and wiser. I have a 15yo boy who struggles with his own insecurities and feelings of self worth as well, it’s a hard road growing up. Thank you for sharing. Hugs to you. xox

  7. This is a great exercise! I wonder what I would tell my 15-year old self. I would probably say that friendships will come and go and that’s ok. Family is not something you can always depend on, so do not define yourself by them. Be your own person and you will be happier.
    Great post!

    • Thanks Ellie! Yeah it was kinda fun to go back to that time and think about what I would say. Those are some really wise nuggets of advice. Being your own person is so important. Especially when you’re in high school. It is so easy to jump on the band wagon and forget who you are. So true. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a fabulous start to the week! Xox hugs and love!

  8. What a heartfelt post. I think I might do something similar at another point. If I could tell my 15 year old self to come out sooner, life would have been much easier

  9. A beautiful, intelligent and witty post 🙂 All 11 of the things you would say to your 15-year old self is stated with perfection 🙂 As for women who worry whether or not they are going to look pretty in something If they do not have the figure for it, my answer would be this: SHOULD THAT EVEN BE CONSIDERED A PROBLEM? Sorry for the uppercase words, but seriously who cares If one has the figure for something or not, all clothing has different sizes for the item. This is all based on what I have observed from some people I hang around with 🙂 Also as you imply, beauty can come come from the inside as well as the outside. This is a truly wonderful post 🙂 Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

    • Hey John! Thank you so much:) you’re right- beauty really does come from the inside and we should let our insecurities get us down. Very very true. Thanks for stopping by! Hope your week is off to a great start! Hugs and love xox

  10. What would we have done if someone told us we were enough at 15? Can you imagine how much difference that would truly make! Whoa!
    Another great post Hun. And have a great week. Hopefully it’s filled sunshine.

    • Hi there friend! Thank you so much:) I hope yours is too! And you’re right — although my parents would tell me that, I just didn’t believe them. But what a difference that would have made if we claimed that truth! 🙂 thanks for stopping by! hugs and love xox

  11. There probably some things that you may need to tell your future older self too. 😊 I remember way back when, when I was 17 and on the gymnastics team and some of the things I could do back then. When I hit about 40 I tried to do a few moves and found I couldn’t come close. I started to grieve about it, then I realized how stupid it was to grieve over something that wasn’t important to do in the last 23 yrs., nor would I probably ever find a reason to do it again. Just because it was important to do it when I was 17, doesn’t mean it will be important later in life. ( Yep, I probably got a few things I could tell my younger self too!)

    • Hi friend! Thanks for this great perspective. A lottttt of wisdom there. You’re right- there are definitely some things my younger self would tell my current self too! Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love — and also– good for you for trying to do those moves! That right there is something to celebrate ☺️☺️☺️

  12. I have a 12 1/2 year old who is very athletic, hockey and baseball. I love that she eats anything but likes to eat healthier. She is tall and strong. What would you say to her regarding what you know now, or to me in making share I support her. Love your post!

    • Hi Jodi! Thanks for this. Hmm, I would just encourage her to keep the healthy relationship with food. I played a lot of sports in high school and the anorexia set in after I quit sports. In my mind I think I equated eating with being fuel for sports. We’d always have “pasta dinners” and “carb up” before games so I think in my mind it was like, okay it’s only okay to eat that way if I was going to run for 2 1/2 hours on the field the next day. So when I stopped exercising for my sports I had this fear that I was going to get fat. But the fact is, food is not just for fueling sports. It’s for living. Fueling the brain. And yes, for enjoyment too! I guess just not placing too much stress on Carbing up or making some foods “good” or “bad.” Thanks again for this question. Sorry if it was a little all over the place. This is something I hadn’t thought about before and really got me thinking. Hugs and lovenxox

      • She is on the thinner side so I never make comments unless I think she needs to add something healthy. Tonight she had hot Cheetos and a banana, lol. She will eat a lot after the game, not before because hockey is so active. There is so much out there that I think she gets from the media about being perfect. I don’t ever want to say the wrong thing. Though I do believe I spend serious $$$ on her weekly food. 😜

      • Yeah, you’re right the media is a strong force 😬 It sounds like you’re a great mom. I guess just keep building her up and reminding her where her truth worth comes from. And that the images of women in the magazine are all altered.

  13. My high school latin teacher pointed out to us that the root of our word perfect, is perfecto which means finished, and that the only time you are finished is when you are dead. She encouraged us to do our best, but to have fun too. Those words at that time in my life were so helpful to empower me be just a bit less rigid.
    I think that these loving words you are sending to your 15 year old self are somehow healing her within you- and maybe healing someone who needs to hear your wise words of advice now.
    namaste iris
    (p.s. thanks for liking some of my posts- it is super encouraging to me in the here and now.)

    • Thank you so much, Iris. That really means a lot:) and how interesting about the word perfect! I had no idea but gosh that really makes sense. Sounds like a great teacher:) so glad you stopped by! Sending hugs and love xox

  14. Oh, the things I would say! The things I would say… One can go mad just trying to come up with a list. How did you keep it down to eleven? I would sit in deep thought and ramble a list a gajillion miles long!

    But you are so right. “You are enough. Right now.” If only more people would believe this about themselves, they would be spared of so much self-hatred and the ensuing torture that accompanies such hatred.

    Thank you for sharing!

    • Hi Lizzie! I know it was so hard to narrow it down! I completely meant to keep it to 10, but I just had to throw an extra one in there 😂 thanks. Yeah I have to keep reminding myself that one. Thanks for reading! Hugs and love xox

    • Hey friend. Wow thank you so much. I’m so glad this resonated with you. I’m sorry that we have a history of ED as a common bond, but I’m so glad that we’re on the other side❤️ sending hugs and love. Thanks for sharing this❤️

  15. Another great post, thank you for sharing! Most teenagers don’t seem to put God in the centre of their lives, which is why some things in high school happen. I’m incredibly blessed and thankful to have parents who raises me with a strong faith in the Lord, and as a teenager I’ve learned to give God the pen to write my story and seek Him first before anything else. Teenagers must read this post and make a difference now that they have the chance. May God bless you! 🙂

  16. Wonderful post. 🙂 My heart goes out to all the young girls navigating high school, trying to fit in and be good enough. I hope many of them read this!

    • Thanks Milena! Same here–it was hard to navigate when the only “social media” was IM and Facebook! I can’t imagine the pressures today. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  17. Such wise words, no matter how you look on the outside you will always be beautiful, because you are obviously beautiful on the inside x

  18. I guess you don’t know this, but you’re helping this parent prepare for having a son in high school next year. You think you’re writing about your life, but you’re ministering to me, teaching me, reminding me, and helping a 47 year old try to parent his 14 year old (and 11 year old daughter). So. Just in case nobody else appreciates what you’re doing here, I do. Thanks.

    • Hey Bernard! Oh gosh, I’m so glad you found this helpful! Wow what a kind thing to say. Seriously. You just made my day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Sending hugs and love xox

    • Hey Tony! Thank you my friend:) you’re right- boys need encouragement just as much as young ladies do. Slightly different but you’re right-same overall message. Hope your week is off to a great start! Hugs and love xox

  19. I like your posts in general, and I like this one as well, but you wouldn’t be who you are today if you hadn’t made all those mistakes throughout your life. Guess what? You will keep making mistakes, maybe not as life-changing, but when you look back they will still appear as “mistakes”.
    What I’ve learned in my short life is that God actually wants you to err. I don’t mean that he leads us into temptation, but that He wants us to understand the nature of sin and all its facets.

    • Hi Ovtavian! Thank you for this great perspective. I think you’re right. I definitely would NOT be who I am today without what I went through before. It’s like, I’m not grateful per se for that dark period of anorexia in my past, but I AM grateful for the lessons i had to learn the hard way. Thanks for this thought provoking comment. Sending hugs and love xox

  20. A wonderful post. As I read and reflect on your wise words, you’ve said the same thing 10 differently nuanced, yet necessary ways. I say necessary, for our culture, from time before time, proclaims precisely the opposite, trafficking in the power of pretension. Again, a wonderful post. I thank you!

    • Hi there Paul! Thank you so much for these affirming words. You’re right-society, with all its air brushed models and “envelope pushing” shows and media, does proclaim the opposite. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  21. I relate to this- I developed anorexia at sixteen as well, and looking back is always hard, as there sometimes seems to be too much I could have said.

    I like these points though- and to go off one of your bullets, I know that celebrity you’re referring to, and her character on TV was just that… a character. In real life, she is just as human as the rest of us- and in fact; a lot unhappier, and a lot emptier than most.

    Thanks for writing!

  22. Music always comes to my mind as I ponder what you have written. Today it was 100 Years by Five for Fighting. My you continue to grow in wisdom and beauty each and every day.

  23. Your advice is wise. I hope you find it an anchor in life. Though it seems many years away for you, it goes without saying that when we get old we lose the beauty we once had. Through my aging process I learned & advised my daughter, when she doesn’t like a photo of herself put it away for five-years then look at it again. You’ll question why you ever thought so critically of yourself and learn to appreciate what you do have “today.” Good wishes.

    • Hi friend! Thank you for this heartfelt reflection. This is really wonderful insight. Thanks for that. You’re right-we spend so much time being critical that we don’t celebrate who we really are! Thanks for reading! Xox

  24. Wow, just awesome and amazing advice! I love especially the quotes on vulnerability, and being a masterpiece. Having a beer sounds good too! Just one though. Smiles.

  25. Hey my beautiful friend hope you are well. the relationship part is so important I have realised this myself, I have so many people in my life and spending time is the best thing ever. of course my relationship with my god my Jesus is most important to me 🙂 I hope you like my new blog 😀

  26. Beautybeyondbones, so nice to hear from you again! I really enjoyed this last. The “big game of poker” killed it for me, and that is what I meant in my post about sharing my blog with “the less said the better”. My blog is like my secret weapon to work out my insecurities while appearing together which I am sometimes so not! Thanks for your “like” and great job on your blog.

  27. Thank for these important words! They mean so much to me! They have blessed me greatly. I wish I knew these truths in high school and college! I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  28. And, considering the evidence of this blog, one more:

    Every human flaw matures to beauty through love. Be patient – let love do its work on you.

    And remembering Cain: yes, EVERY human flaw.

  29. Great post…especially the Mischa Barton part. Her character was such a game player. NEVER want to be like Mischa Barton. LOL By the way, I was 5’10” and skinny as a rail…and people still make fun of you when you’re tall and thin. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. God bless.

    • Hi Lisa! Aw thank you so much. That’s great insight on Mischa. It was really interesting to watch her recently on Dancing with the Stars. You’re right – we’ve got to love the bodies we’ve been blessed with! Hugs and love xox

  30. You should put out a booklet, in HS sections of bookstores, that outline each one of these. They are insightful, truthful, powerful, and wonderful. They are totally things HS students need to know. <3 <3 <3

  31. Love this! I’m working on a letter to my teenage self for a workshop for teens next month – so this was a great read. I agree with most things you said 🙂 Thank you for the “masterpiece and work in progress” idea. So true. Oh, if we could go back to high school knowing what we know now…wait, I wouldn’t. Not in a million years 😉

      • I have a 15 year old daughter, and I have always done my best to show her the truths of life so that she makes informed choices. If I could, I would put her in a glass bubble and spare her from all pain, but pain does have a purpose in life too. How would we learn? You paid a price for your wisdom, but thank God and, non-coincidentally, by His very own design and plan, you stand to testify of how He spared you and rescued you during this process of learning and transformation. Keep up the good work! 🙂

      • Thank you for this. You’re so right-if we go through something, there was a purpose for it. Though I’m not thankful for having had anorexia, I AM thankful for the lessons I had to learn the hard way. You sound like a great mom. God is good. Hugs and love to you xox

      • I used to wonder why I have a child with autism (my youngest one, a boy), but I do see after 6 years since his diagnosis, 9 years since his birth, I’m much better off for it. I’ve had to change my many wimpy ways. Still working on it. God knows what He’s doing. 🙂
        You are a brave young woman! ☺️👍

      • Thank you for sharing this. Yes, God does know what He’s doing. And there’s such comfort in that. Sending you s big hugs through the screen! It’s been great “chatting” with you tonight xox ☺️

  32. wow bbb, what an awesome post. I agreed with all ten things, I am wondering how you make your pictures? Are you going to follow up with the 10 things to say to future self? Did you get the acting gig?

  33. “Size 0” should not be what women strive for… “Size 0”, in reality, is the measure of the IQs of Madison Avenue admen and adwomen who narrowly define and perpetuate the totally unrealistic, unattainable “perfect”, Barbie Doll, body image… one, which no woman should ever strive for. Forgive my appraisal of Ad agency personnel for being so harsh… but the damage they do both maddens and saddens me. Women are literally dying to be thin. Again… your intellect, wisdom and writing talent has wowed me! Keep up the good work… and…. most importantly… keep on being you!

    • Hi Tom, thank you for this! I can feel your passion behind your words. I appreciate that concern-because you’re right-the standards are unrealistic. Not even the models themselves look like that-they’ve been photoshopped! Thanks again for reading! Hugs and love xox

  34. I’d say that older bad boy seems dangerous, exciting, he looks cool he’s friendly funny and really kind but he’s exactly how u think of him a bad boy. He’ll get you into trouble in the future dont date him don’t do it !!

      • It feels like I’m doing that all the time. It’s like a black hole trying to suck me down. But I hold firm–No, Mrs. I-love-to-wear-tight-sweaters, you may not flirt with me! No, mr. Too-cool-for-school, I don’t want to double date in your hot tub! I dunno, I could do without it, myself.

      • I had the gall to make a comment to some old classmates (FB), and there were three that weren’t contented until they had ripped me to shreds. It was not a pleasant experience. I am so glad that high school is past. I guess that I should have just said, Diddo, but I got all wordy again.

      • Yea, you’re right. It was unmerited. I don’t really mind, though. What they say or think about me doesn’t make me any less or any more of the person I am. I can still whoop any of their kesiters in a race, and it’s been that way since I was the designated merry-go-round pusher in first grade. One girl got thrown off because of the inertia. Now I have to stutter to slow myself down. It works out, though.

  35. If only I could speak to a younger me, things would be different know. But would that be a good thing? Definitely in some ways, but I might now be a less caring person.

    Maybe, the experience has given you something, I don’t know.

    • Hey Harry! Definitely some the ought provoking things to think about. Yeah I’m definitely not who I was. An interesting thought indeed. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs xox

  36. For some reason besides running a gillion races, HS was a blur for me. I was not allowed out after dark, never a party but I had 11th grade friends in 7th and was Varsity in 3 in the same season. I had aches and pains, a bully or two that after class I would have a little talk with. Girls, I had ones 4-8 years older and I was a gambler, I had my own money, had good grades and dressed well as my parents stopped paying for anything for me at 5th grade. They did not pay for my class picture or ring but my sister thinks I had it good, when I was treated badly by all of my family and the one thing I would say is do what you want and do not believe in false promises or plan to have you and are HS gf go to school in the same general area out of state.

    • Thank you for sharing this. It’s always Amazing to think of how everything we’ve gone through has shaped who we are today. I’d say who you are is pretty swell:) sending hugs and love my friend xox

      • I appreciate it and sure do need it and reciprocate it. I am sadly known to some as a bad person, putting it mildly. But they have issues. 🙂

      • I’m trying. I need more work, maybe even off site and for good money. I get possible gigs for acting that are scams and until recently I was stuck at home and now I am to secure my belongings until my sister leaves here. But she wants her security but her and her bf have done a whole lot to me. I could use a hiatus.

  37. This is a great post. I wish I could tell my high school self the same things. It has been a little over ten years since then for me, but I was never part of the popular crowd. The awkward years of middle school and high school were rough on me, but I love how God can use those years to teach us about finding our self-worth in Him. It can still be hard to remember even after all those years though. This is a good reminder to find our worth in Jesus whether we are in high school or a few years removed.


  38. lots of good messages here. Being a teen can be so hard–its nice to receive hugs and good advice every now and then. The only thing I would have added (in a message to myself) is to put Christ first in your life. Everyone else is secondary, and that includes grades and boys. By the way, thanks for liking my blog.

  39. I agree with all of this. It’s strange because I was fifteen like six years ago and in such a short time so many things have changed. My priorities, my friends, my body. Great article!

  40. I’m a little late to this “party”, and I’m not a girl, but I just want to include my kudos for a some terrific advice. I think it should be handed to every young girl on a small card they can carry in their phone case. I grew up in the 50’s and was terrified of girls, so relationships for me wasn’t an issue. But I matured, married the love of my life (from high school) and celebrated 48 years together last month. We have an exceptional granddaughter who lives by the rules you stated and I gotta tell you it works. Thanks for your sage advice.

  41. Love this: At a sleepover, if you can’t wear your retainer or walk around in sweats with them…reevaluate. Same thing goes for if you feel you can’t invite them to your imperfect, modest, not always clean house without them thinking less of you, they aren’t worth your time. Perfectionism is unattainable, and trying to attain it will actually make you less than what you are. I have held off from even trying to do certain things because I’m afraid it won’t be good enough. A psychologist one told me people say, “Anything worth doing is worth doing well should be, ‘Anything worth doing is worth doing’.” I mean, how many ways can you put a loaf of bread on a shelf, is what my manager of a grocery store many years ago told me. As far as letting people love you, same thing goes for compliments. Just say “thank you”. Don’t be a humblebrag (that’s worse than being a braggadoccio). Accept them graciously, but don’t be overly effusive, because you will embarrass them. Great post!

    • Hi Sarah Lea! Thank you for this great response. So much great wisdom here. I like that: anything worth doing is worth doing! Amen! Thanks for the advice! Hugs and love xox

  42. For we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Thanks for sharing. Frankly I think some of what you say applies to adults too. Until we learn to love ourselves the way God made us, we will always think there is something wrong with us.

    • Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. And thanks for passing it along to your kids. I’m honored that you would want to share it:) sending you big hugs xox

  43. I had to stop at #8… that one really hit for me. A month ago, I was going through some difficulty with anxiety, and I was talking to a friend… and said those exact words. I will get good grades but NOT at the expense of my mental health. Quick note. Sorry if I’m bombarding your notifications, but I can really relate to your blog.. This is crazy.. and wonderful 🙂 Thank you.

    • Hi again friend! Oh my gosh, no worries at all! I am so honored that you would take the time to read my posts and respond! so thank you! I’m glad you could relate. You’re so right, there are some things that are just more important that perfect grades when it comes right down to it. have a beautiful weekend! hugs and love xox

  44. This is so awesome! I wrote a letter to myself at seventeen as a blog post, and it’s so therapeutic! I hope it has brought you healing love ❤

  45. Hello Caralyn, thanks for liking my article: ‘Christianity on Trial (Biblical Evidence)’, I really appreciate it. I’ve read a couple of your posts and I’ve just got to commend you on your writing prowess and your ability to express yourself with such honesty. It’s quite refreshing I tell you. Even your name’s honest if that’s possible(how ironic coming from the guy who’s named Adeyinka) haha. But, jokes aside from my observations you’ve touched and are still touching lots of people with ‘beautybeyondbones’ so keep it up Caralyn it’s great thing you’re doing on here.

  46. A wonderful piece. The honesty and vulnerability you reveal cause the reader to connect deeply to your thoughts and emotions.

  47. Hello BBB,

    New to your blog. Found it due to your comment on my blog post about Dr. Campbell-McBride’s shocking words to GAPS practitioners.

    As a Gut & Psychology Syndrome consultant I know ED is a result of the disruption of gut flora early in life which changes how the brain functions (emotions, thoughts, perceptions, etc.).

    I’m trying to learn more about how this all fits together (the chicken and egg question) and appreciate the current wisdom shared with your 15 year old self. It does give me insight into the decisions of that 15 year old girl.

    Hopefully I will continue to learn from people like you!

  48. Really loved this! Thank you for liking one of my posts, I so appreciate it. Look forward to reading more, and this post should be mandatory reading for every teenager 🙂

  49. “7. Just have a damn beer.”
    Haha, well, I don’t think I’ll go for a beer but I’ll take that box of chocolates. I get what you mean. Treat yourself. I’m currently fifteen years old, but already have a serious sugar addiction. I’ll keep your pointers in mind, except for number seven. I’ve taken too many chocolates for my own good.

    • Haha thanks 🙂 I’m so glad this hit home with you. Sounds like you’re on an awesome path! Keep it up! I feel you there – I need a sugar detox after the holidays! Hugs and love xox

  50. You are right about being enough, perfection is so over rated as if anyone was to become perfect there would be nothing to strive for
    They could also become unbearable to live with, so imperfection will do me until the day I am made perfect by God

    • Hey again Graham, thanks for this. You’re right – perfection is impossible. One One Man was perfect 🙂 haha yeah, I feel ya there. I’ll embrace my imperfection until that day! 🙂 big hugs xox

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