You guys. I literally just pushed the publish button and ran away.



Because I finally did it.

After 173 posts, 533 days, and about a bajillion funny cat gifs later, I have FINALLY worked up the courage to share with you who I am.


And courage is definitely the correct verbiage here, because let’s be real — I’ve shared some rather recklessly personal things here on BBB.


Anywho…if you want to subscribe to my YouTube channel, that’d be freakin’ awesome…if not, you won’t hurt my feelings 🙂


Alright…enough chit chat! Let’s get into it!


Lastly, any future video suggestions are more than welcome! 🙂

Thanks for watching!



515 responses to “HELLO, IT’S ME! ”

  1. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
    You did it!! 😀

    You have an amazing sparkle and light…but you’d already let us know that even through the little glimpses 😀 This just confirms it
    And really cool space too :O


  2. Hi Caroline, no need to run away, you’re out in the open now, and how lucky for us! 🙂 You’re gorgeous, sparkly and so brave, just like you sound on your blog and I’d love to see more of you and your adventures in NYC. Great video, well done beautiful lady and hope you do more. Big hugs to you from a friend down under. xo 🙂

  3. Congratulations on your video!! The funny thing about this video is that you sound EXACTLY like how I thought you would lol. Keep on posting! Your personality really shines on camera and you’re hilarious!

  4. Caroline, you are so adorable. I love your qwerky and weird vibe. I think once you’ve done this a few times, you’ll be more relaxed. It’s so nice to meet you. You are such an inspiration. I look forward to more videos and learning more about you. Congrats on your first video. You are awesome!

    Much love,

  5. So excited to subscribe to your YT channel!! Just did, in fact 🙂 you inspire me. I’m in recovery for an Ed.. Mia. I’ve been attending/leading a Celebrate Recovery group for 4 years. Just spent the last 18 months in a horrible relapse. The great news? I’m 30 days sober today! Haven’t strung 30 days in a row in 18 months. God is good and I’m learning more about myself and my dependence on Him. My need for control has really been exposed these last months and it’s given me time to really work on myself and learn to daily surrender! You are BRAVE my friend and I’m excited for this next step for you!

    • Aw thank you Christy! That’s so kind of you! Wow how powerful that you’re leading that group. And congrats on 30 days! That is something to really celebrate. Amen to that-God is SO good. Stay strong my friend. You inspire me!! Sending big big hugs xoxo

    • Wayne!! Aw thanks friend. You seriously played such a role in giving me the confidence to share more of my story-share my voice. I am so grateful for the opportunity you gave me on your podcast. You’re a great friend. Thanks☺️☺️☺️ Hugs and love xox

  6. Well well well welcome to the internet. Thank you for the reveal. I know at first when I begin to read your blog I thought for sure you were an Olsen twin and I was going to say something stupid like they have a twin too. In all seriousness you have guts. But I have 2 questions for you now that your big reveal is complete what is the next step for your website? my next question is when is Relevant Magazine or People magazine going to knock on your door and ask you for an interview regarding this whole subject the subject of you? AFS.

    • Haha thanks friend:) LOL! an Olsen twin–that is — my dream 😍 haha oh my goodness you are so kind. I’m going to just keep the blog going as usual with the addition of YouTube videos! So nothing too earth shattering! lol thanks for for enthusiasm and friendship through it all! Hugs and love xox

      • You know what buddy I have to tell you something over the past and what you’ve shared a lot with us. I appreciate that and I’m sure many other readers do as well. I know the blog has transformed you into beautiful person in Christ. That’s actually one of the reasons I started my own blog. I got into a bit of an accident in college that almost cost me my very life and I can’t believe that I’m telling you this but I made a covenant with God to spare me because I knew that I was going to heaven God is so gracious that he accepted the Covenant that I made with him that night and I went on to receive salvation and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. all the former things this guy used to take part in I count as dung I’ve given my heart to the Lord and I have now for the past three years I haven’t regretted any of it and I’m so humbled by how he was able to reach me I’m so honored and yet I feel unworthy to receive any of it one of these days I will have to write my testimony so you can get a better idea of who I am. I know I have given you my name but I feel like because you shared so much with me I have to share so much with you. Thank you Carolyn even your name sounds cool much better than that Hilary Swank girl just kidding

      • You know what Carolyn the truth is is that I’ve shared so much with you already that it’s like we’re like best friends or something I don’t know how to put it. I don’t know why I can talk to strangers on the internet better than I can talk to my own parents about certain things. I’m glad for your friendship Carolyn and now that I know your name I can officially put you in prayer so that you can have a standing order upstairs

  7. Gratified to see that I was right about the “perfect symmetry” thing. For my part, I can’t even open my mouth to talk without my left brain taking over, causing the left side of my fact to go all limp.

    So maybe you should change the title of this thing. How about “Beauty Beyond Boundaries”?

    And from your early posts, I have the sense that you can generate a little gravitas. I would enjoy an apologetics or reflection on a favorite passage of scripture; or just a sharing about a person that you love. Putting a tone of voice to the serious matters you’ve written about would add an extra dimension.

    • Hey there Brian! Hahaha oh gosh thank you ☺️ those are some really great video suggestions. I love that idea about a scripture passage. Taking note! Thanks for your constant encouragement and friendship, Brian. It means the world. Hugs and love xox

  8. Awesome! This probably took a lot of courage, but you did it! Yay! And, yes, you should definitely continue with the videos (w/o giving up your blog, though.) I am so grateful for you, your blog, your life story, your faith… God bless you!

    • Thank you friend!! No, definitely not give up the blog! It would strictly be an additionally thing:) seriously though, thanks for saying that. It really means a lot. Hugs and love xox

  9. You are beautiful in mind, body, soul, and spirit. Please do make more videos. It was so nice to meet you Caroline. I do think of you as a friend. 🙂

    • Thank you so much! Aw you’re so sweet, thanks for this. That’s so awesome! You’re brave! I don’t think I would have the courage-I’d chicken out last minute and send my friend in my place! Hahahahah not really-but…id chicken out for sure! Hugs and love xox

  10. It was nice to meet you, almost like a skype with a friend. What I see is what I felt, that you are so genuine and real in your effort to recovery and in sharing the path to victory in such a personal way, that I see the light in your soul and it shines as a beacon for others to find their way out of darkness too. It was a brave and beautiful thing to do. I would love your videos to stay true to who you are no matter the subject. Because who you are is the best part of all. Cyber hugs and congrats from me and the dragons.

  11. Well, you did it! As so many have said before me. What does it do for me? I know your name and a little of your personality. What does it do for you? I can only speculate, but my tears while watching we’re of such joy for you. I could feel the freedom being released. The end of long, chapter in your life. A time of self exploration and deep healing. Sharing much of it with your loyal followers. The best feeling is that I felt a whole new beginning opening up for you, which I believe will be an even larger and more amazing adventure.

    Congratulations!! It’s truly a pleasure to finally meet you. 🙂

    • Thank you Matthew! Yes! We did it! Because I couldn’t have had the courage to push publish without your kindness! Thanks for all your wonderful encouragement. Grateful for you. Hugs and love xox

    • You, my dear, are definitely beautiful beyond your bones. Everything about you rings of honesty and the light that only Jesus can cause to shine. What a wonderful spirit you have. I have not read your blog postings, yet. I did watch your video and I will now go back and read. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. Blessings!

      • Oh my gosh thank you so much! You have no idea how much your words have touched my heart. So glad our paths crossed. Thanks for watching. Big hugs xox

  12. Thanks for sharing! And good job on stepping out of your comfort zone. I look forward to more videos.

    I know how you feel. Although I haven’t ever struggled with anorexia, much of what you write about I can relate to on other levels, and even though we only know each other through our blogs, I think of you as a friend as well, or at least I feel like we could be friends if the opportunity ever came up. I sometimes have things I wish I could say in replies, but I’m not always comfortable putting it in a comment where everyone can see it. I know you have tons of followers and I’m just one of them… but I really appreciate the way you always respond to comments individually.

  13. This is the first of your posts/videos that I have read and watched. And seriously just that 5 minute video was encouraging to me. I’m just starting up my blog and Instagram so that I can eventually share my story of binge eating and my fitness journey. And I loved what you said about “claiming the freedom God has given you”…it’s so true. And there’s no need to be ashamed of my past because it’s not me anymore. Thank you for your transparency and charming weirdness 😉 embrace all of you because it is beautiful!

    • Thanks Sara! Aw that means so much. Go get it girl! It sounds like you have a powerful story and I look forward to reading/watching more from you! Thanks for your kind words! ❤️ Hugs and love xox

  14. You are so cute and radiant! It shows even more in this video, thanks for sharing, I really enjoy your content Carolyn (I hope it’s with a C and not a K, cuz that would be awkward 👀🙈😂)

  15. Thanks for sharing yourself with us, Carolyn. I so enjoyed watching that video, and it’s great to be your “friend,” though we’ve never met. 😉 Left a comment on the video! You’re amazing!

    • Hey Amanda! Thank you❤️ yes! I just read your absolutely wonderful comment. I sent a reply so hopefully it went through-in still trying to learn that platform haha. But seriously I’m so grateful that our paths crossed and that we’re friends! Hugs and love xox

  16. You are so very pretty! When I started my blog I didn’t hide who I am, but consequently I haven’t been the most transparent in my writing. You are so brave!!! Thank you for sharing and giving me a bit of encouragement to be more open

  17. Hahaha that first picture though. So going to check out your video and subscribe. Looking forward to the day I would hit publish and run too. 😂😂😂 well done.

  18. The Office video is hilarious, and the cats are TOO funny! You are a brave woman, congratulations on your ‘victory video’! I was uncomfortable doing the ‘Why I’m Blogging’ post/assignment (thank you for liking!), so I can relate!! And yes the apartment looks VERY clean 😉
    Thanks for the Blog and video, your are inspiring! And VERY funny!

    • Haha thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking he time to watch! Haha glad you find the office so amusing too:) Michael Scott for president! Lololol Hugs and love xox

  19. You’re beautiful Carolyn! Inside and out! Thanks for sharing this and opening up to us here!!!! I would love to see more videos from you. Blessings and love your way!

  20. Triple B keepin’ it real. And fun. Elderly people like me are still trying to figure out the YouTubery and Podcastings of you kids, so bear with me with advanced technology. If Gosling is filming in Pittsburgh I’m totally showing him this. He’ll love it Caralyn! – Larry

    • Hey Larry! Thanks:) I appreciate it. Haha you’re funny. Youtubery that’s hysterical. YES! Oh gosling 😍😍😍😍😍 Thanks for stopping by! Big hugs to you friend xox

  21. Hello!!

    What a courageous step you’ve taken!! Proud of you and excited for you! I love seeing your posts come up because they are relatable to everyone even beyond those recovering from anorexia.

    And I’ll totally admitting to have a fangirl geek out moment when you liked my blog post Fearless this week on guidinggrace.org!

    Keep being your beautiful fearless self Caroline!

    You’ve certainly got a friend in me!
    -Michelle (GuidingGRACE)

    • Hey Michelle! Aw thank you so much:) I so appreciate you sharing in the excitement with me! Haha you’re so sweet. ❤️ looking forward to reading for from you!! Big hugs to you friend! Xox

  22. Caroline…….Neil Diamond did a song for you and it sat on a big black CD, those nylon ones, for forty years waiting for you to step out. Welcome in the limelight you deserve. Now to find some broadband so I can watch…..only a few on the planet can watch YouTube. Most still can’t. Pen, please, write.

      • How great to finally meet you as your identity has been shrouded in mystery! You are great on camera and I’m sure all those who read your blog would like a video insert every week as well. I was surprised that you liked my post about finding the perfect sperm donor as it’s not very Christian..although it was tongue in cheek. Great that you have recovered from the anorexia and are writing about it. 🙂

      • Thanks Caroline! So glad you enjoyed the video! Yes! I plan on making a video every week-in addition the to blog, of course! Haha hugs to you friend xox

  23. Hi! I found your blog a few months ago and I’ve enjoyed it since. I remember you were apprehensive about making a video but girl… good on you!!.. You did it and it’s wonderful!! You’re a beautiful young woman.. Im just so happy for you 🙂

    • Hey friend! Aw thank you so much!!! That’s true-I was SO nervous about posting, so thank you for making me feel accepted and good! I really appreciate it! Sending massive hugs xox

    • Thank you so much! Is it weird that the scene from brave heart just popped into my head?! Freeeeeedommmmm! Haha jk jk but seriously. Thank you:) sending big hugs! -Caralyn 😉

  24. Thanks truly for all your likes on my blog! I want to say, “Nice meeting you?” Seriously though your recovery truly shines through and is a beacon of hope for so many people. Beautiful, funny and down to earth too! Success is your destiny.

  25. Run, Michael! Run! 😀 😆 That Office clip just cracks me up.

    Congratulations on your video! I know it must have taken a crazy amount of courage to make it and post it. And, please don’t take this the wrong (because I mean this in the most uncreepy way possible), but you are so cute. 😀 It was a pleasure to finally “meet” you.

    May God bless you always.

    • Thanks friend. Aw that is so kind of you to say! Yeah I literally pushed the Lurton and then pulled my hand back and was like “oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh!” Hahahah thanks for watching! Hugs and love xox

  26. You did great hunni!! Good job!! 💜💜💜Way to be brave!!! Keep up the great work! You are an inspiration!!! 💜💜💜💜Prayers and love always!!!

  27. You’re as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. I have always believed that beauty shines out of people. Beauty flows from a heart at rest. Your beautiful soul has come out of hiding and has invited others to come into your life to see that the Lord is good and who doesn’t go back on His promises to heal and redeem us. GOD BLESS YOU <3

  28. Hey thank you so much. What a joy to meet you! Your bravery has made me cry and your goofiness made me laugh. You’re a beautiful inspiration and I feel so proud of you. X

  29. Congratulations Caroline on this bold move! Do you think this step and the responses you have received so far will encourage you to vlog as well as blog? If not then congratulations still on what you describe as your ‘Victory Video’ and taking ownership of your story on camera. All I can say is ‘Watch this space?’ 🙂

    • Thank you so much! 🙂 haha yes! the Victory Video 🙂 hehe You know, I do! I’m actually working on editing another video right now!! so yeah! totally loving the idea of both blogging and vlogging! 🙂 thank you for the encouragement. it means more than you know! hugs to you friend xox

  30. Congratulations on making the leap! Like many others here, my reaction was, “That’s how I pictured her!” Just imagine how God sees you. That is the true beauty beyond bones. God bless.

  31. Bravo! New Creation. Old things are GONE. New things have come. Free as a bird. Free to become who He made you to become.
    He’s set you free to be His hands and feet and voice in you to set others free. Selah

    I love your name, and I love your courage for stepping out and revealing who you are. 🙂
    I was so excited when I found the video, I was literally smiling so big throughout the whole thing. 😀 😀 😀
    Please do make more videos in the future, cuz you can be sure I’d watch them to bits. 😉

    Love you for who you are, Caroline.

    • Hey friend! hahahah oh my goodness you are seriously so sweet. I’m blushing! I’m blushing! lolol Thank you for sharing in the excitement with me. It really means the world. Grateful for you 🙂 sending massive hugs xox

  33. No more secrets now! Hah, I didn’t even think that your first name never really came up but I like the spelling and am sure it’s been spelled a million different ways. Great video and I look forward to more!

  34. Hey Caroline! You’re beautiful on the inside as much as you are on the outside! Thank you for sharing your victory video to all your followers – we really appreciate it!! I’m looking forward to watching more of your video/adventures!! You go girl <3

  35. Hi Caroline! I’m so excited to “meet” you, though I hope this won’t be weird, but I do feel like we’re friends in a strange way. It is so comforting to come to your blog, read your writing, find strength, encouragement, and wisdom, and to feel like someone really “gets” it in a way that others can’t (not for their lack of good will and love, just because they don’t share the same experiences). Now, I have a face to and voice to put with your words!

    You are so brave to share so much of your genuine self unabashedly with the world. When I read your posts, it encourages me to share more little bits about myself, too. Like my real name (Laura). I’m still working through telling people what I do professionally, and letting my diagnosis be known widely in my professional setting (right now, just my closest work friends know about my ED), but yesterday morning as you were preparing to post your video, I was disclosing my history to a colleague I trust. It’ll be necessary for me to “go public” in order to pursue my next goals, and this was the first step.

    Thank you for blazing the way with your enormous bravery, grace, and faith!!! Sending you so much love!

    And yes, I’ve been on a blind date, and it was SO awkward. And yes, you DO look like Audrey Hepburn! 😄❤️ Xoxo

    • Laura! Hello my friend!! Can I just say, I just finished reading your comment only to realize that I had a big smile on my face 🙂 Thank you for this. For the incredible positive words about my blog, and for sharing more about yourself too. “Going public” – you’re right- is super scary, but like you said – it’s a huge first step in doing what comes next. So I applaud you for that, and know that I am cheering for you as you do! You have such a beautiful spirit, and sharing your story with others will only make them love and appreciate your heart even more. Rock on, friend. Sending massive hugs! -Caralyn 😉

      • Caralyn! What a beautiful name! I, too, have a smile on my face as I read your comment again. 🙂 You have shared so much and have been so unbelievably vulnerable. You said in your video that maybe you had been a bit “irresponsible” about what you had shared online, but maybe love and vulnerability are always a bit “irresponsible.” God, after all, radiates his love upon all of us, regardless of our “worthiness,” even forgiving the worst of our sins. Isn’t that a bit irresponsible? Yet, it is also one of the most encouraging and hopeful examples that keeps me going when I want to withdraw into myself. I am working up the courage to send you an email. Maybe I’m not quite ready to tell the whole world everything about myself, but I would like for you to know me a little better, if that’s ok.

      • Laura, oh my gosh that is such a beautiful image to reflect on: Jesus radiating his love regardless of our “worthiness.” Holy Camoley that is so powerful. And true!! Absolutely. I would be honored if you did! ❤️❤️big hugs to you Laura! Have a beautiful day Xoxox

  36. How nice to see and hear the young lady whose words I’ve been reading all this time! Caroline, eh? Well, hello, Caroline! I will probably think of you as “Beauty” first, though. I’m sure this was pretty scary. I’ve had times when I debated on whether I should hit that “Send” button. Once I did, there was that cold pit in my stomach that knew if I’d just made a mistake, it was gonna be HUGE!

    You didn’t make a mistake, though. The best part – for me – was in the middle; genuine, warm…the Beauty I’ve come to know. Thinking about it now, I see BBB morphing and becoming more under the same title. You’ve just started showing us the Beauty who has made her way beyond being “Bones.” *Insert Star Trek joke here* From here on out, it’ll be how beauty has pervaded your life. You have passed the veil, if you will, and are fulfilling the destiny inherent in your title.

    So keep bringing it, Beau…, um, Caroline. It’ll be fun!

    • Jeffery, my wonderful friend. Thank you for this. You have absolutely touched my heart and made me smile this morning. What a gift your friendship is, seriously. haha — would you believe me if I told you that I’ve never seen Star Trek!?? I know – The Horror!! haha But seriously, hope you’re having a beautiful afternoon. Thanks for always building me up and giving me the courage to share my heart. hugs -Caralyn 😉

      • Oops! Sorry for the misspell! And it’s ok that you’ve never seen Star Trek (it isn’t, but I’m trying to be nice) 🙂 . Check your email; I sent you an inquiry regarding Julie and me. Hopefully, we can…

  37. Hi Carolyn! You’re even cute when you’re awkward. That’s not fair 😜. So proud of and happy for you! Now that you’ve jumped, I pray you soar wherever Jesus takes you.

    XOXO Vanessa

    • Hey Vanessa! aw thank you so much! Amen to that – God is good and I trust His plan! Thank you for the prayers and for sharing in this excitement with me. Sending massive hugs xx

  38. You’re so quirky, sweet, sincere, and weird😘
    Let’s be honest though, the weird ones have the most fun! Thank you for trusting this community enough to take that final step of coming out to us- physically.
    You’re right, it did feel kind of like a blind date (I’ve never been on one either…which makes me sound like I have).
    Anywho, I think there’s an important lesson in your journey: you gave us the opportunity to love you for your spirit before we encountered you physically. It’s smart too, because now we’re more invested in you.

    Sharing your vulnerabilities, concerns, mistakes, beliefs, happiness, and recovery has reminded us all of what life is really about- simply being human toward one another.
    I’m rambling now, so I’m going to stop. But great to meet you Caroline, and please continue to do great things! ☺😘💃💪

    • Hey Celestial! haha YES! The weird ones DO have the most fun! haha seriously though, thank you for your wonderfully kind comment. I absolutely love that sentiment : Being human toward one another — what a powerful thought. Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to watch! big big hugs xox

  39. I am so proud of you! I was traveling yesterday (actually to a Basilica about 90 miles away from me) and found myself lifting you up in prayer during the drive & again once I arrived to the Church. I’d remembered it was your ‘reveal’ day and simply asked that you be surrounded by His comfort and peace.

    Watching the video myself (today) the Scripture passage from Luke 17 leapt in my heart! This was where Jesus healed the 10 lepers; and yet only one returned to give thanks. For me that’s what you did in your video…you gave thanks! Thanks to God and to us as you showed each of us, who have grown to know you and love you for the heart you have broken open,….that this is the healed ME. Thank you for the bravery to do so and thank you for reminding each of us that we are all called to be the ONE who returns to give ‘thanks.’
    HUGS n’ blessings!

    PS-On a side note….what equipment did you use to record yourself? It was just perfect!!

    • Hi Dawn! Oh my gosh, that is seriously so kind and thoughtful and just–wow I am so honored and touched that you would remember me In your prayers. Thank you. I think they worked-because I did have a serene sense of peace about it all. God is so good! And I love that scripture. So powerful. Gosh, what a way to start my day Dawn! Thank you for being such a great friend. Grateful for you❤️ And thanks! It’s a Canon EOS 80D with a rode bullet mic 📽 I did a lot of research on quality cameras and this was far and away the model that got the best reviews for what I was looking for. Have a beautiful weekend friend! Massive hugs! Xoxox

  40. Good for you! I only just discovered your blog and am already envious of your strength. I run an anonymous blog and perhaps never will let anyone I know personally that I even have one. I write to basically understand all the thoughts and feelings that don’t get shared with anyone else. All the raw and exposed stuff that used to keep me up at night, the stuff that breaks relationships, friendships, and family. I’ve discovered an entire community of people all at different places in their lives using their writing as a form of self-help. It’s amazing and empowering. Thank you for sharing your strength as it has provided me some inspiration.

    • Thanks friend! Thank you for sharing this. There’s something really healing about processing life through writing. Even if it stays anonymous, just the fact that you’re writing is so powerful. And empowering yes. So glad it resonated with you. Big big hugs xox

  41. You’re so beautiful!!

    This made me so happy!!!! I know we don’t know each other personally, but I wish we did, because I think we’d have a lot of fun together! 🙆🏻

    P.s. What mascara do you use, bc ohmagosh.

  42. Sometimes, I am reminded of Max Lucados words.
    Life turns every person upside down. No one escapes unscathed. Not the woman who discovers her husband is in an affair. Not the teenager who discovers a night of romance has resulted in a surprise pregnancy.

    We’d be foolish to think we’re invulnerable. But we’d be just as foolish to think evil wins the day. The Bible vibrates with the steady drumbeat of faith; God recycles evil into righteousness.

    I don’t have an easy solution or magic wand. But I have found something—or Someone—far better. God Himself. When God gets in the middle of life, evil becomes good. Trust God. No, really trust Him! He will get you through this. Will it be easy or quick? I hope so. But it seldom is. Yet God will make good out of this mess. That’s His job.

    I am also reminded every person is either about to have a crisis, is in the middle of a crisis or is just getting out of a crisis. Knowing this, how much are we willing to let a crisis burden us? We all have different dynamics; however, a willingness to face those dynamics and a willingness to face them head on with great attitude which helps us defeat the demons, so to speak, makes all the difference and is the smart thing to do. Sometimes, it helps to ponder. Don’t analyze. Keep up the good work.

  43. Dear BBB,

    Thanks for taking time to visit my blog from time to time. I appreciate your faithfulness. I also enjoy your blog very much. And–I appreciate your candor.

  44. Hi, Caralyn, thanks for sharing this video… it is so wonderful to know that God has used your posts to encourage and bless others! I do appreciate your visits and it’s great to meet another beautiful Christian. Keep inspiring, keep writing! Much love, Iris <3 🙂

  45. OMG!!! …this is FABULOUS …you are SO gorgeous ..and SO funny …the bit where the siren went off had me laughing out loud …yes please you MUST do more of these little films ….it’s made my day:D:D:D

    • Hey Fijay! Oh my gosh you’re so sweet. Thank you:) lol yeah those sirens are literally NON STOP! hah yes! editing one now actually😎 thanks for watching! Hugs and love xox

      • Same to you ….look foreward to more …maybe don’t bother editing them …they add to the NY vibe ….they could become a kind of feature ….it’s kind of authentic ……as are you ….you are amazing ….REALLY:):):):):):) x

  46. Well B–well I guess it’s actually C, isn’t it 🙂 –It’s nice to meet you! I pray this victory precedes many more and I don’t know about anybody else but I am SUPER proud of you and to be able to call you my friend (:

    Anyway, I hate to be brief but I must be going – Happy Friday!

    • Hey there Carson! Aw thank you so much. Seriously, I’m so grateful to call YOU a friend:) you’ve been so kind, I just really appreciate it. Hope you have an awesome weekend! Hugs and love xox

  47. This was wonderful! Although I’ve loved your partial pictures! Very clever but it is time to reveal the complete you! And you are complete, in Christ! Congratulations on a well received first video!

  48. So encouraged by your leaps of faith. How exciting to see you step into a new era! I saw the video and I am a subscriber now. You are quite the one to watch. Go slay.


  49. I was at my darkest hour and still am. But seeing your “Coming out” video provided a spark. I love how you reach out to people and have found a way to save yourself through God. I hope one day I’ll get there. Thank you, Carolyn.

    • Hi Marc, thank you for sharing this. Glad you enjoyed the video. I hope things get better for you. Know that you are in my heart and thoughts and deepest prayers. Truly. ☺️ grateful for you my friend xox

  50. To bring Life to a face half seen,
    To hear the Voice your fingers have been,
    To feel the Sincerity of your Heart,
    Your Humor generously slathered from the start
    Seeing you…brings Joy, Hope, Strength
    Hearing you…brings Love and Laughs at length.
    In all this, you never forget to place
    Our Father’s Love and Hand
    In your recovery and grace.
    ‘Tis wondrous to see
    The perfect…complete…
    Beautiful…and sweet…
    So humbled to meet…

    • WOW! this is such a beautiful poem:) I am so touched that you would take the time to write this! Oh my gosh this is seriously the best thing ever. Today is my birthday and waking up this morning and reading it has seriously put the biggest smile on my face, so thank you ☺️ sending massive hugs and love to you! Xoxo

      • You are defintiely one of the most grateful people I know…for the most simple of things. How could God not send blessings to someone like that? It’s great to rub “virtual” shoulders with you. Happy 20+-ish birthday!

      • Yay! Yay! Yay! 😀 Do the royalties of the zodiac rock or what?!!! 😀
        Carolyn Dearest,
        Huge, warmest, divinely healing blissful hugs from your four-days-”younger” Brother, with All God’s Blessings showering on us!!!

        :star: <3 :star: <3 :star: <3
        (Aug. 10, 1970)

  51. Your smile is infectious Caroline and all I could do while watching the video was smile back. So lovely to see you in person and being you. What an awesome and inspiring person you are. Love you, Margaret x

  52. Praise God. We are beautiful, all of us. And He is a good good Father, and we are loved by Him, that’s who we are, that’s who we are, as the song says.
    Blessings on you, you have such an important, needed ministry.

  53. Hi Carolyn….hope that’s the way you spell your name 🙂 I have been following your blog for a while now and I actually share it with many young women that I meet at the street mission where I work. I am a street pastor in London Ontario Canada (urbanstreetpastorblog@wordpress.com) and most of the things you talk about in your blog, many of the women I meet have or are going through similar stuff. They find your insight helpful. God is using what the enemy meant to destroy you to benefit others. I love your transparency with your testimony….it makes you the “Real Deal” in this often very fake-it-until-you-make-it world of ours. Thank you for your heart. Pastor Dan

    • Thank you so much Pastor Dan! That seriously means so much that you would pass my blog along! Sounds like you have a powerful ministry going. That’s awesome. Will definitely keep you and your outreach in my prayers. Thanks again for your encouragement. Hugs and love xox

  54. This was really needed. “To be able to come out and say who I am, that my name is Carolyn and I write a blog about anorexia recovery, it’s in doing that, that I get to own it. I get to say that I am not ashamed of who I am, because that’s not who I am anymore. To claim the freedom that God has given me, and that I am a new creation. That I am not defined anymore by anything that is dark, or painful, that is in my past… ” Jesus has been showing me this… That I need to let go of my painful past, to receive and accept what He wants to give me, now.

    I have been living in the lie that I am helpless to remove the bondage caused by legalism in my life. Well, I may be hopeless by myself to remove the chains, but I have Jesus on my side! I want to break free, but have believed I can’t– because “I don’t have enough faith.” (Not faith in a healthy way; in a condemning, ‘You’re not good enough way. ‘) This is such a LIE! All I need is to receive. Please be praying for me, that I too, would walk in Jesus’ already-given victory! Thank you!

    Praise Jesus, that He has made you a beautiful, dearly beloved, brave-in-Him Creation! ❤❤❤ Love you, Carolyn!
    Your sister in Christ,

    • Hi Annalee, I really appreciate you sharing your heart. I will definitely keep you in my prayers. Amen to that-He does want to give us wonderful gifts. Claim that freedom, friend. You’re worth it. Hugs and love xox

  55. Great video 🙂 It was fascinating to hear about who you are and all the blog posts you did that led you to your first video blog. This video is great introduction to who you are and what this blog is about. Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

  56. Great video! Congratulations on this new phase in your blog and your journey. I’ve been reading your blog a lot lately since I’ve just begun recovery from anorexia, and it’s been such an encouragement. Thank you for sharing your story with the world and letting Christ shine through you! Perhaps someday I will have the courage to reveal my identity and own my journey, too.

  57. Anorexia is a part of your life but you are an amazing and dynamic person. Your video made me laugh because you are hilarious and it’s you just being you. When you are feeling down, play this video and see the beautiful person the world sees. Happy Sunday. Be blessed.

  58. You are a true inspiration ! I’m a newcomer (somewhat) to Instagram and just ‘renewed’ my blog, after two years. Thank you for sharing this and God bless you!

  59. Oh I am soooo proud of you . I am soooo proud of you. Thank you for this. Your fabulous. Keep growing in grace and beauty and light. Today sweet angel is truly smiling. Blessed be

  60. really cool blog! thanks for liking my post, I think you’d like my blog a lot! would you mind checking it out and perhaps following?

  61. you too cute to be a blogger
    Start your own youtube channel
    you will be a star in no time, and can make few dollars while have fun.
    All the best

  62. Congrats Carolyn on your Victory Video. It is truly a very special milestone. Even though a relative new comer to your blog, I was really pleased to see you and place a face to the encouraging posts and sharings. Rock on.

  63. So last week I was working as a counselor at summer camp all week, but when I saw the email for this I was soooo excited!!!! 😀
    I’ve been reading your blog for several months now, and it is an honor to hear your voice and get to know you a little bit better. (I feel like I already know you really well, since you are so open in your blogs.) You’re a courageous writer, and I want to write as openly and honestly as you do. 🙂
    This video is so cool; you are sweet, sarcastic and funny all at once. (Which I already knew from your blog, but hey, it’s great to see it in person!) You genuinely write who you are, not just a glossed over professional version. I respect that greatly.
    Yael Eliyahu

    • Hi Yael! Aw you’re so sweet. Thank you so much! What a cool opportunity to be a counselor! Some
      Of my favorite memories are from summer camp growing up. That’s a huge gift you’re giving those kids. Thanks for watching! Big hugs xox

  64. OMG! I was just thinking about you yesterday. I just started my own channel. Was literally going to ask you to subscribe. If you would. I’ll head over and subscribe to you now.

  65. Finally got a chance to watch the video and I stayed until the awkward end! That is a good thing. I’m awkward too, I prefer writing to edit out the weirdness, i really am glad you’re moving in this new direction. I did something similar in my latest post https://postgraduateglitter.wordpress.com/2016/08/03/big-news/?preview=true connecting my real life self to my blog self. Let’s hope it just helps us both create more love and connections!

  66. It’s empowering to speak of who you are. So many of us were taught to stay quiet especially about those things that are frowned upon in our society. I’ve begun revealing myself little by little. I applaud your bravery!!

  67. I had a lot more posts by a longshot. Abo0ut the same amount of days. But I too just did my first one a week and az half ago. I need better lighting, makeup as I keep doing them post workouts. LOL

  68. Well done on posting a victory video! What a huge accomplishment, so brave and endearing. I don’t think I’m anywhere near that point yet, I still have a lot of work and healing to do with my own recovery. But my time will come, I have no doubts about that. So great to see who you are and to see that sparkle in your eyes, that shows true self happiness. Don’t look back unless it’s to see how far you’ve come. Congrats! X

      • All credit to you beautiful lady! Like you said, you own it. And you should be so proud! It’s not an easy thing to open up and be vulnerable with anyone let alone doing this online. Your blog resonates with me (and I’m sure a whole lot of others) in the respect that I too am on the road to recovery and to find self love and happiness. Our illnesses may have been/ are different, but the journey back to truly identifying who we are now is much the same. You have been a source of strength and inspiration. Keep it up! X

      • thank you again 🙂 So glad that you’ve found the freedom of recovery. You’re right-we’re learning to reclaim our identity. Know that i am cheering you on, my friend. xoxoxox

      • Thank you, that really means a lot. You inspired me to make my first video post on my Facebook Page this afternoon – although the view is of my neighbour’s tree, not me haha but still my voice. So nerve wracking! Look forward to your future video posts! X

  69. Howdy Caroline,
    I apparently have some catching up to do and I welcome you to this new level of exposure/vulnerability. So very glad you’re here sharing as you do! Look forward to learning more and appreciate your support at my blog. Enjoy your weekend and Be Well!

  70. Hello Carolyn (sp?) – lovely to make your (further) acquaintance…will have to check out your YouTube site now *sighs with the burden of it all* 😀 🙂

      • Thank you love! Can I ask you where did you get your site at? WordPress.org or .com I’m a lil confused lol I have been trying to add plugins to mine and apparently I can’t do it not even through the premium plan? Like a Instagram link. Sorry to bother but I like how yours is setup xo

      • I haven’t bought the domain yet bc plugins are not allowed with WordPress.com . Did you get your site through a different website? Like did you have to buy your own hosting? Any suggestions as far as hosting websites where I can get both hosting + domain? 😨 Thanks

  71. I SO wish that I could hug you in person! But since I can’t, I’m sending you an internet hug… Ha, ha! 🙂 You are so incredible and awesome and FUN! It was so great to see your personality come through on the video, and it only made me love you that much more.
    Thank you for sharing with all of us!!! And keep up the awesome job!

  72. BBB – visited your blog a few times, since you’ve “liked” mine. Glad you came out – I was afraid you were a homely teen-ager – that you’re not. And we have similar senses of humor. Keep loving Jesus.

  73. Congrats on… everything. Your video was great. And kudos to you for finding your voice and being a new you. You are an inspiration and I hope that more young people find their way as you did. <3 (P.S. Thanks for the like and follow.) Keep up the great healing work!

  74. It is wonderful that you can help bring strength and courage to others.. I could tell you how beautiful you are.. but to people who suffer from low self esteem it is just a word.. so I will say I admire you for your gusto! May God bless your journey 🙂

  75. Caralyn this is so precious. You are an all together beautiful person inside and out! I look forward to watching more videos and hearing more of your sweet words. (Your voice is super cute btw!) -Allie

  76. Thank you for sharing your story.
    If it encourages others which I am sure it has to face their brokenness and move beyond the pain to embrace all God intends them to be then the mission is accomplished.
    I know that is your goal, it is mine as well.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    “It is for freedom we have been set free”
    Galatians 5:1

  77. Hi Caralyn! Thank you for subscribing to my blog, Healing the Brokenhearted Devotionals, and for your likes for many of the posts. I watched your videos and was very inspired. You are absolutely beautiful inside and out! You are truly a reflection of the Lord’s love and grace. Your vibrant personality is a precious gift from God who created you to be His masterpiece. The enemy tried to destroy your life, but you are not only a survivor, but an overcomer in Jesus! Keep honoring the Lord and He will bless you beyond anything you could ask or imagine. The joy of the Lord is your strength and your laughter is the expression of that joy. I thank God that He saved your life and is now ministering to others through you! Love and blessings, Kathy

    • Hi Kathy! Wow I am so touched by your beautiful comment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Yes, God is good and I owe him my life! So grateful. Thanks for stopping by! Have a beautiful afternoon! Hugs and love xox

  78. Thanks for sharing your journey with us, and thank you for always bring supportive of other new bloggers. It makes a difference. I suppose it’s about time I took the simple step of putting my photo on my profile. Chose to leave it off for specific recovery related issues in my own life, but like it was time for you to post your video, it’s time for me to show my face!! Thank you!!

  79. Thank You for the Vlog! It so nice to finally put everything together! Beautiful person inside and out. As you know I have been one of your regular followers and I love the way that you express yourself about everything. It is truly Beauty Beyond Bones! You have been put to the Test and are now able to provide your Testimony and the passion really comes out. Thanks for doing what you do and as always – looking forward to the next post!!!

  80. Absolutely loved your video! Kudos to you for being brave enough to put it out there! I certainly wouldn’t have the nerve, but it would be a lot easier if I looked as good as you on video! Looks like you had fun doing it, looking forward to the next one!

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