Anorexia & the Sanctity of Human Life

I’ll tell you what, you’ve never watched a presidential debate until you’ve watched one in a bar with a bunch of Europeans on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.


I promise, I’m not getting political…

But let’s just say, they don’t mince words about how they really feel about Trump and Hillary. The term “Satan’s Spawn” was definitely used….and I’ll let you decide who they were referring to.



I sat down to write this post tonight, and I felt like I needed to update you on my date, but honestly, after watching the debate tonight, and everything that has gone on this weekend, from Hurricane Matthew, to the shooting in Chicago, to the political climate, I just felt like…there are more important things to talk about than my love life….

So, to answer that first question, I had a lovely time on my date. Truly. He had me laughing the entire time, which I fully appreciate. Kind. Smart. Handsome. There will be a second date.


And thank you to everyone “rooting” for me on the big night. Honest to goodness, it meant so much. 🙂


Now onto the important stuff.

I’m going to publish a post that I’ve had in my drafts for – literally 9 months. I haven’t worked up the courage to publish it…until now.

I thought it timely to discuss something that has been on my heart for a long time.

Part of the reason why I have been hesitant to write this is because I don’t want to offend anyone. Especially since it is election season, discussing “hot button issues” is always a recipe to rustle a few feathers.

But anywho…the Good Lord knows I haven’t minced words up until now, so this won’t be any different.

I am pro-life.

And here’s why:

During my adolescence, for a good two years, I had severe anorexia. You know this.

Although I never would have said, “I’m trying destroy my life,” I was doing just that. Compulsively exercising, barely eating, and lying about the whole bit, I wasted away to a mere 78 pounds as an 18 year old female. I was on death’s doorstep.

And though I would have never said, “I’m choosing to die,” my actions communicated otherwise.

Healing from an eating disorder is no small feat. The weight loss is merely a symptom of an internal battle being waged. And in order to overcome and heal, you have to get to the root of the internal issue. You’ve got to identify The Lie. And it’s different for everyone.

For me, I believed The Lie that I was not worth love. That the only way I was worthy of love was if I were perfect. Seems so trivial, but I believed it to my core. Enough to nearly die for.

And in order to heal, I had to replace that Lie with the Truth.

Which is this: I have worth because I am a child of God. 

I am made by the King: His precious daughter. And because of this fact (which I did nothing to earn) I have incomprehensible worth. My life has immeasurable worth.

The hardest thing for me to accept, was that my worth had nothing to do with my achievements. It wasn’t influenced by anything I did or won. Read: I didn’t have to be perfect. Which, frankly was a hard pill to swallow. Because I wanted it to be. I wanted to earn love and worth. That’s what I had grown up with in a family of overachievers. We earned success and the opportunities we had. But this was not the case with God.

And conversely, my worth and value was not decreased because of any shortcomings. I have a lot of “dirty laundry” and a past full of secrecy and lies associated with the disease. Hello — it was anorexia for pete’s sake. But even that had no effect on my worth as a human being.

I was made by God. His fingerprints are on me. And he loves me unconditionally.

And He proved my worth when He chose the cross.

That fact saved my life. It made me choose life. Choose recovery. Choose to live.

So how, then, can I not extend that truth to others? To the child in the womb? To the elderly on their deathbed? To the disabled or homeless? If I had worth at my 78 pound, emaciated shell of existence, simply because I was created by God, then so too, do all those other souls.

So too, do they. The only difference is that the unborn child, the elderly woman with dementia, the child with a disability that has left him unable to speak: those children of God are unable to use their voice to stand up for their worth as sons and daughters of our Creator.

So I must.

Human life is not disposable. And the only reason I have the authority to say that is because I nearly threw mine away. I took the gift that was my life, and abused it, despised it, spat on it, and pillaged any and all hope. So only having nearly lost it, do I now know how truly precious it is.

That is all.

I’m not going to try to change your minds or try and bash you over the head with statistics and figures about the unimaginable number of children lost to abortion in the United States since Roe v. Wade (58.6 million).

I’m just here to tell my story. And to tell how the only reason I’m standing here today is because knowing my worth in Christ made me choose life.


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413 responses to “Anorexia & the Sanctity of Human Life”

  1. Most of the pro-life folks I’ve heard from don’t actually possess the authority to back to their position. You have it. That’s all I can really say. I’m glad you enjoyed your date and your experience watching the debate sounds way more interesting than mine. 😂 It’ll never cease to amaze me how good politicians are at talking around questions.

  2. Perfect! You do matter, as does every precious soul. It is hard to replace those lies we’ve believed for so long with His truth. God bless and thank you for sharing. There is healing for wounded hearts. 💜

  3. Bravo. A great post, thank you for sharing. Question: During those dark days, how did you come to know God truly loves you just as you are? Did God put someone in your path?

    • Thank you so much! It was actually the song lyric from Here I Am To Worship ” I’ll never know how much it cost to see my son upon that cross. ” he broke through the walls around my heart. Hugs and love xox

  4. Thank you for your amazing testimony! I too was able to recover from a dangerous eating disorder and one that threatned to take everything from me. God has made himself know to me and let me know he has other plans for me. Our suffering was not in vain and I thank you for sharing! I pray for the many who need Him, who is our only savior in these dark times.

  5. Beautiful. Been challenged lately to look into the mirror each day, and say “God says you are valuable.”
    Thank you!

  6. Great post. From the heart and quite fearless given the present atmosphere of correctness in which we find ourselves. Funny a person never had to defend the Truth with the truths of humanity. But I guess that may have something to do with carrying your cross. You write so well. Thanks for sharing.

  7. You have wonderful insight! I am glad you chose life and have also shared this journey with others. I have close family members who struggle with addiction. My sweet nephew has been in and
    out of jail for drug charges. It is so sad he cannot see his worth. Please add him to your prayers. May God continue to bless you and others through your sharing!

    • Thank you so much Teresa! I am so grateful for the healing I received and new life! I will definitely keep him and his family in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for the encouragement! Hugs and love xox

  8. It’s a great post, no matter what side you take. Obviously those of us who follow, read and comment here at what I call my regular Monday and Thursday blog programming are very glad you chose YOU and chose life.

    There was a joke that popped into my irreverent brain while reading this…let’s just say it had something to do with nine months and the birth (read: posting) of this…I’d tell that joke but it doesn’t really seem to fit…maybe in another forum (no it’s not dirty!!!)

    In other comment thoughts…congrats on the date and count me among the throng rooting for you!

  9. Kudos to you, young lady. Indeed, to witness to the Truth is to cherish an exhilarating life-changing and undeniably divine experience… one that is unbelievably and incredibly liberating from a spiritual point of view. A sincere thank you for having the courage self-esteem and confidence to attempt to positively influence others toward the path of righteousness Holiness truthfulness that is Jesus Christ, My Savior and yours. Peace to you. My heart dances with Joy at the thought of Every Soul saved… And to close with a Twist on one of my favorite quotes; Be the Light you wish to see in the world.

  10. You have shared a powerful post and a perspective few of us could ever have regarding your illness and recovery! There are times on my blog when I write about being a voice for the voiceless. We have so many children in foster care who may never have a loving family. When we choose life, let us pray for those children too and a better life for them and to raise adoption awareness! Thank you for sharing your walk of faith!

  11. Thank you for this post.

    The U.S. is an odd place to support abortion because we have historically been a labor-deficient country–automation took off here a long time before anywhere else–just ask Alexis de Tocqueville (I am still a recovering economist). The U.S. has almost always supported open immigration (think Hillary, not Trump) for just that reason. In some sense, undocumented workers from Central American simply make up for the kids that Americans aborted over the past 30 years. When I think about it, I remember that when I worked construction in college (early 1970s), my co-workers were mostly poor, white guys mostly from Appalachia.

    Your arguments from the first person for why we should support the unborn are compelling. Because we are created in the image of God, our lives have intrinsic value, which do not change like market values with changes in the economy or with the inconveniences to others. The same arguments speak against euthanasia, another scourge on our society.

    Thanks. Stephen

  12. All I can say is AMEN!!! To me the greatest sin in this nation is killing these babies! A baby is the most helpless creation of God when it is born, and certainly is the most helpless in the womb. I saw a quote the other day which said, “If it is your body, then why aren’t you the one dying?” Kind of said it all to me.

    Glad to see SOMEONE in your generation finally speaking out against this. Love and God Bless, SR

  13. Thank you for your courage. It gave me the courage to finally comment here. I love reading all your posts, but I get shy about commenting…anyway, absolutely appreciate your words here and wholeheartedly agree. We are His handiwork from the very start. When we embrace that truth, beautiful things can happen. Bless you.

    • Thank you Marisa! That’s so kind of you to say! Glad you took the plunge and left a comment 🙂 you’re so so right-beautiful things CAN and WILL happen:) big hugs to you! Xox

  14. You are strong, and you are doing great, please don’t change. Also, politics is dirty business. I’m losing subscribers because of it, but it matters not. It’s all about what you stand for. Fight for what you believe in, and always have your defenses ready.

  15. Ok i actually cannot thank you enough for this. I have recently been struggling a TON with the eating disorder acting up again, my team wanting me to go to a higher level of care, just feeling very hopeless.
    ANYWAYS where i was going with this hahaha-
    “And in order to overcome and heal, you have to get to the root of the internal issue. You’ve got to identify The Lie. And it’s different for everyone.

    For me, I believed The Lie that I was not worth love. That the only way I was worthy of love was if I were perfect. Seems so trivial, but I believed it to my core. Enough to nearly die for.”
    THIS. THIS IS ME. THANK YOU FOR HELPNIG ME REALIZE THIS. this has been the main trigger for me these past few months and i have been unable to put it into words. So thank you for helping me put the pieces together, for helping me realize what is triggering these disordered thoughts, that giving into the eating disorder will not help this problem.

    ok i’ll get off my soapbox and go back to binge reading your whole blog 🙂

    • Thank you so much Madelyn! Wow what an awesome reflection. It seriously warms my heart that this helped you. Girl, you got this. I so believe in you and am cheering you on in your recovery! Letting go of perfection was difficult, but honestly, it brings so much peace and joy and life…and FUN! Seriously life is FUN now that I’m not burdened by the stress and agony of perfection. You so got this girl. Sending the biggest hugs in the whole wide world:)

  16. So beautiful to share your stance on this difficult issue and connecting it to your personal story. Great job!! I will definitely be sharing this for my other pro-life friends to read! <3

    • Thank you so much for living such a beautiful life. Wow. I am truly inspired and in awe of you and your life-giving testimony that IS your life! Major hugs coming to you and your big beautiful family!

  17. I know I’ve already said it once but literally I tell ever person (especially girls) I know to read your stuff. Your honesty, truthfulness, and knowledge of God’s love is huge. I can’t tell you enough how thankful I am that you open your life to others because so many people wrestle with the issues you do. It is a blessing to point them your direction so they know they are not alone and are deeply loved.

  18. Congrats on the date. Thank you for finding this issue worth the risk that comes from being honest in our culture. Being prolife is the ultimate sign of compassion, and proves the ultimate desire for equality. No matter a persons race, religion, nationality, or disability those who are prolife see the inherent value in them all. Even those who disagree are precious beings created for God’s glory. God bless you!

    • Amen to that! Thank you so much Robert. I appreciate you saying that- sometimes it can feel as though you’re the only prolife person around nowadays! And thanks again for the reblog!

  19. Wishing I could applaud you! Beautifully written and expressed. Yes life is precious! I had a NDE which showed me how life is God because He has created all. I am so proud of your courage! <3

  20. You are a beautiful person. I do not know the same struggle as what you’ve had, but I appreciate your willingness to share your story! To God be all the glory!

  21. Interesting comments. Europeans seem to be dumbfounded by our current menu–but they’ve got Boris Johnson who’s been described as the UK’s Trump. (And they’ve got far worse outside the UK!)

    • Thanks for this! Yeah I don’t know much about their political climate, but yeah Brexit definitely caused a lot of trouble for a lot of people! Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  22. Thank you so much for sharing and not being afraid to openly profess that you’re pro-life. I am too, as I believe that the life God has blessed each of us with is precious. Abortion is such a horrible thing – these unborn babies could’ve been faithful followers of Christ, but instead are brutally pushed away as the price of human desire. It’s just terrible.

    Another amazing post Caralyn – God bless! 🙂 <3

  23. Don’t worry too much about offending people… in order to make your mark on the world you have to occasionally say things that some people won’t agree with. Only cowards would hate you for your opinion. The people who love you will continue to read your heartfelt blog posts regardless of what you believe.

    Case in point, I’m a pro-choice atheist. I disagree with a great deal of what you say, but the emotion behind what you write keeps me here and inspires me.

    • Hey Palomar, thank you so much for this:) you’re right-we each need to hold true to what we believe. It seriously means so much that you read my blog:) I’m so glad you enjoy reading my posts! Sending massive hugs and love xox

  24. Just so you know: “I was made by God. His fingerprints are on me.” is such a beautiful thought. I just love that so much.

    I’m glad your date turned out so well. You rock on, girl! 😀

    And just so you know, I’m so glad that anorexia didn’t claim you. If it had, I never would have known you. And all of the wonderful, inspirational posts that you have written would have gone unwritten.

    May God bless you always. 😀

  25. This is a great piece! You know I always try to give you something back besides “Good Job!” This time, I’m afraid I’ll have to settle for that. Everything I’ve ever thought of, but said a lot better! Congratulations on continuing to grow your courage! I’m glad your date went well. I’m sure it feels good to make that connection!

  26. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Through you, the Lord has given me courage. Please don’t stop writing, He is using you 🙂

  27. I love how you just effortlessly make me cry simply by having the courage to be honest. I agree completely: I try to avoid “political” topics as well because I’ve been taught that, when preaching, as soon as politics is mentioned you lost half the congregation. I too am prolife for the same reason you are: I tried to drink myself to death because I was sure that I wasn’t worthy of love and would therefore never find it. You’re a remarkable woman and I’m praying for the best for you in the years to come! God bless, Rich.

    • Thank you so much Rich, I’m so glad that it resonated with you. I agree-that’s why I was so hesitant to press publish! And thank you for sharing your story-God is good! Hugs and love xox

  28. Your bravery is inspiring! May God continue to give you amazing courage while each of us are blessed by your words.

  29. Once again–Inspirational.

    This is certainly a hot button issue, and you discussed with thoughtfulness and grace. Something that is difficult for myself to do when talking about this with others who disagree with me, but that’s because I get too passionate about this topic. One thing that drives me is the pain God feels when a baby’s life is ended before it’s had the chance to be born. Or even the pain God feels when a full grown adult decides to end their life for one reason or another. There two songs that come to mind:

    Whispers in the Dark and Last Night, both by Skillet.

    Both speak of the pain people feel when there is no hope to be found and God feels that pain, He knows that pain, and it pains Him anytime a life is ended before He’s had a chance to give them the love they are looking for.

    You came to find that love, and it motivated you to overcome the darkness in your life, and something even more beautiful came out of that–you became motivated to help others find that love to overcome that darkness in their own lives!!

    Press on Caralyn, God created you to be a shining city on a hill for people to look to and know God like you do!

    • Thank you so much Tom. I really appreciate your encouraging words. I’ll have to look those songs up because I’m not familiar with either. But it sounds like they’re really powerful. God is good! Hugs and love xox

  30. If I was not happily married and 30 years younger…just sayin…
    The guy that gets to put a ring on your finger one day will be one lucky dude. Wait for the right one. You are amazing!

  31. I appreciate your post. I am also saddened by abortion, and wish it did not happen. However, we have to look at the root causes of abortion, poverty being one of the biggest ones. Married women get more abortions than single ones. Abortion is down in the west (in the US for example) but it remains high in developing countries. If we truly want to be pro-life, we have to look at why people are getting abortions. Sometimes, it is because they cannot afford another child.

    Incidentally, making abortion illegal does not reduce the amount of abortions that happen, according to research. So I think Christians should focus a bit more on supporting those who are vulnerable to making the choice to abort in their own country (spend time at preg care centers, volunteer there and with at-risk populations) and also put time, energy and prayer into eradicating poverty here and in the developing world.

    I am pro-life, not only on this issue, but on others (death penalty, for one) as well. As Christians, let us remember that pro-life does not only apply to abortion. Gun reform, climate change, prison reform… all of these issues relate to the sanctity of life and and the importance of protecting it (and the world God made).

    • Hi Laura! Thank you so much for this comment. I love this perspective and insight. Very powerful and definitely offers some food for thought. Great point. Thanks for sharing your heart:) Hugs and love xox

  32. Who did you mean when you say Europeans? haha; In fairness your love life and happiness is important to me, its deeply on my heart Sister <3; of course, the hurricane is on my heart of course, for a different reason 🙁 I have various views of the 'election' and abortion but I won't get into that my lovely sister, sending you lots of love and hugs (& butternut squash ice cream 😀 ) xxx

  33. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and your stance at sure a touchy time as this. Seeing how open you are here inspires me to be more outspoken about my own pro-life stance. (This was the edited version of my reaction to your post; the unedited version: Preach Sister!)

  34. Thank you for your precious comments. Pro-life describes my thoughts as well, from God’s timing for conception until God’s timing for the last breath to be taken.
    Two brief reflections. Today a friend passed away. She is in her late 40s or early 50s is my guess, and we had met her and her family during our church outreach ministry in the area where they lived, about 15 years ago. They attended our church for a while, periodically, via our bus ministry, and when they moved from this area we would keep in touch by fb at times. The last four months were rough on her as she spent a great deal of time in hospital from a heart attack, but she did return home. Then I received another msg from her daughter this past Friday that she was back in hospital, after a fall, with brain damage, and given 24-48 hours until they unhook her from life support. There was no more that could be done, as her body was shutting down. The value of each life is seen in times like this, as to how she will be missed by family and friends. The value of Christ in a life is seen, as the daughter and son know she will be with Jesus, as on her initial stay in hospital, I had the privilege of visiting her, again sharing the love of Jesus Christ with her, and leading her in a prayer for her Salvation as she lay in bed. Her son was also at her bedside at that time. As she was in the hospital this time, I had the privilege of sharing the message of Salvation with the daughter, who has not accepted Christ yet. I explained how Jesus loves her, is calling her, and how she will one day see her Mom again, if she will surrender to Christ and accept Him as Saviour,

    Second account to share. My 66 year old sister was just settled into a Long Term Care Residence (Nursing Home) this past week. She has been in a Retirement Home for seven years, but the Dementia suddenly took a turn for the worse, along with a number of unknown, as yet undiagnosed health issues, and she had been in hospital for two months, before there was an availability in the L.T.C. Facility.
    It is difficult, when visiting her, to see her sitting in the wheelchair, with a glazed look on her face, not knowing what is going on, not able to speak, unable to walk or stand at all. Some days we can get a smile, or a bit of a laugh, which is heartwarming, but then she is back into the unknown world.
    She knows Jesus as Saviour, but it is difficult seeing her go through this time, as we don’t know what is in her mind at any time. She yells out at night, but that reason is unknown, and cries a great deal, but can’t tell us what is going on inside.
    I know her life is still worthy and valuable to God, but lots of questions arise.

    Sorry for writing all this, in my, as I said “brief” reflection. Thanks for “listening”
    God Bless.

  35. Yesterday the train out to Santa Barbara was 40 minutes late, so I spent an hour standing on the platform while listening to Lauren Daigle and WOW Worship. I noticed fifteen birds on the power lines, and remembered the spring mornings at elementary school in Palos Verdes when the sky would be almost darkened by flocks of birds that would cover the fields forcing us onto the asphalt for P.E. And in those memories I took a look at the concrete and asphalt and sheet metal and gravel and realized that we had covered over with death this place that once was alive with birds and animals in the brush.

    Of course cities aren’t so big when you consider all the empty space between them – except we’ve converted all those to farms except where the hills rise, and the hills here in SoCal burn in wildfires and because of Global Warming and the drought they stay bare now.

    We’re supposed to be the intelligence of this place – that’s the gift God gave us that he gave to no other creature in equal measure. We’re supposed to understand and make better choices than natural instinct allows other creatures to make. For me, that includes a woman being able to choose when to bring a child into the world.

    I’ve hugged women and felt their unborn children waiting for them to find a good father so that they could be born into the world. So to me, life doesn’t begin at conception – it begins when the soul of the child enters the womb. That’s a decision made by the child in communion with God, and something that only the mother knows for sure. My sense is that most natural abortions (in what -two-thirds of all pregnancies?) occur because no child enters the womb, that being critical to proper development of the embryo.

    So while I appreciate and honor your love of life, I hope that you can understand why I believe that this is not a matter to be legislated and enforced by police and prisons. It is a matter to be negotiated by God, mother and child, with a loving father an honored adviser.

    • Hi Brian! Thank you so much for this perspective. I definitely respect your position and I love the dialogue! What a journey your mind took while waiting for the train! I wish I could be that aware and in tune during my commute. I just zone out and try to fall asleep with my eyes open haha. But you’re right, there’s a lot of destruction in the environment and it really is sad. Especially when we remember who created the beautiful world we inhabit. Thanks for this food for thought. Hope your weeks off to a great start! Hugs and love xox

  36. If there’s one thing I now know, this is the most passion-fueled post I’ve read from you in months–possibly ever. Bravo! I’m with you all the way. There’s no way once you feel the life Christ bled away beaten and shredded to cole-slaw consistency to offer, there’s no way you can be unchanged by that. There’s no way I could be anything but pro-life when one innocent man went through that for past, present and yet-to-comes. The more and the more and the more I come to terms with that… there’s just no way.

    Thanks for another stirring post, Caralyn

    Also, happy Canadian Thanksgiving! ;D

    • Thank you so much Carson:) oh wow I had no idea that was today! Same to you! Thank you for your support. You’re right-knowing Him changed my heart. One hundred percent. Hope you have a great thanksgiving! Big hugs xox

      • Actually it was yesterday but (cue a couple friendly hobbits,) don’t they know about second Thanksgiving? 😉

        I just love seeing his life and love and passion coming out of you in the gifts he’s developing in you (:

        Have a lovely week! (:

  37. That feeling of inadequacy, our belief that we just aren’t enough for the people we love and everyone else, is more dangerous than I initially thought. I’ve suffered this for a long time, making me an over-achiever as my compensation (or over compensation) who easily gets affected by any perceived failure or rejection in anything I do….
    I’m happy for you that in the end, you have turned the negative into positive. It’s a continued process, I think, so I wish you well everyday. I still have the feeling, maybe I haven’t worked through it properly but it’s a bit better knowing the problem and acknowledging it.
    Lotsa love to you.. 💖

  38. thank you for this lovely post. it made me tear. :’) honestly i haven’t been in the best of shape, but reading your posts never fail to bring me back to Christ and remind me of my worth in Him- which matters more than anything else. you inspire me so so much, with your passion and faith in Jesus <3

  39. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much! I have travelled a similar journey and it has taken me many years to be honest with myself. Honesty and openness have liberated me, and because of brave and honest people like yourself, I no longer feel alone.

  40. Very powerful indeed. Having read some of your earliest postings, you’ve taken a tremendous journey that has forged a powerful awareness and love you have today. Anyone would be honored to share that awareness.

  41. I love how you mention battling with the feeling that you have to earn God’s love (I think that was in there.) I constantly battle with that…. I try to remind myself that I don’t and can’t do anything to deserve it, but I get His love anyway. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in that feeling :). Also the pro life topic is a really tough one to bring up, I think you are brave to do so and you opened the topic with grace and poise…. thanks, as always, for a great share!

    • Hi B, thank you for sharing that. You’re right, there’s truly nothing we can do to earn His love but we get it every sing day. What an amazing gift indeed. Thanks for your encoragement! hugs xox

  42. I applaud your bravery not only in the writing of this post, but in you entire recovery. You are refreshingly honest and authentic and I look forward to seeing you in my inbox. Oh, and the butternut squash ice cream was good too 😀

    • Thank you so much Christine! What a kind thing to say 🙂 I’m so glad that you enjoy your time in this little dusty corner of the internet 🙂 hehe but seriously though, that means a lot. And yes!! yay for the ice cream! I’m actually off to the store as soon as I’m finished with these comments to get the ingredients for some! hahahaha making a big batch for the week 🙂 big hugs to you xox

  43. Proverbs 24:11-12 (NKJV)

    11 Deliver those who are drawn toward death,
    And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
    12 If you say, “Surely we did not know this,”
    Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it?
    He who keeps your soul, does He not know it?
    And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

  44. Thank you for speaking truth to so many who have hidden behind this lie. I, too, was living in the shadows of ‘false beauty’. God loves the person he created even when we attempt to make it ‘better.’

  45. The phrase that struck me most was “I am a child of God.” What a powerful truth, and surely He considers all of His daughters precious. Thanks for sharing.

    P.S. — I am pro life also 🙂

  46. Great post! Read this article about late term babies who survive abortion, and are left to die in steel pans in the cold (so horrible, right?):

    People do not like hearing these things, but they need to be said. And something needs to be done. Why can’t the right to life be extended to fetuses, especially the ones who survive late term abortion?!?

    • Hi friend! Thank you so much for this response. Oh my gosh that is truly heart breaking and gut wrenching. You’re right it’s uncomfortable and disheartening and frankly disturbing, but it is the truth. And thank you again for the reblog. Big hugs xox

  47. This is absolutely fantastic! I totally agree with your opinion on choosing life. I struggled with depression after my father died, so I know exactly what you mean when you say you choose life. And I’m glad you did. Continue to share your stories.
    Oh, and I’m glad you had a great time on your date. I’ve been rooting for you!
    Much love,

    • Thank you so much JP, for sharing this. I’m so sorry for your loss, and that you had to endure that. I’m glad you chose life too 🙂 and thanks for rooting for me hehe You’re a great friend! 🙂 sending massive bear hugs xox

  48. Amen!! Well said. We all I think have been in a situation or choice that we could have just give up our life but we didn’t. So I agree. Pro life all the way. Well said!!!!

  49. Beautiful expression of thought. I believe that at heart everybody is pro-life but they get hung up on details…”what am I going to do with a baby, I’m too young, I’m too old, I don’t love the father, I don’t know who the father is, etc.” Like you said, every life Is precious to our Lord and He will show a way. Thanks

  50. Well spoken on a very tricky subject. We do essentially choose to be pro-life when we choose to recover. I recall making that same choice. Good for you. However, having worked in child welfare and human services I must honestly say I’m pro-choice regarding abortions. I thank god I never had to make that choice but I’ve walked alongside many women, who for so many reasons have had to make that decision. Sometimes being pro-choice is actually pro-life. Side effects of a broken world. Oh and happy dating! 🙂

    • Hi Ruth! Thank you so much for sharing this perspective. What a powerful line of work you’re in. I’m grateful I’ve never had to face that decision too. My heart goes out to the women facing that difficult situation. So glad you stopped by. 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  51. You have truly inspired me being someone who has dealt with anxiety for at least 30 years of my life. It’s one of my reasons for starting my blog as I said I would write about it and haven’t done so yet. This is an encouraging push to do so and I thank you. Goodluck with your journey and congrats on your accomplishments this far!

  52. Couldn’t have said it better myself. No matter how ugly the world is (and it is), life is precious.

    Hey, nobody ever said us Christians had to be rational. We call the day God was murdered “Good Friday,” for crying out loud.

    You might lose readers for this, but whatever. Truth is truth.

    Continued good luck with everything!

  53. I’m glad you overcame your reluctance to share your thoughts on a controversial topic, in a clear and convincing manner. We pro-lifers have nothing to apologize for—after all, without the right to life, no other human rights make sense!

  54. I believe life is sacred, but we probably disagree on when it begins. Many anti-choicers insist life begins when an egg selects a sperm. I’ve had more than one person refer to blastocysts (what follows conception but precedes creation of the placenta and fetus) as “cuddly babies.” But a baby is not the only thing that stems from them. Some of those initial cells create/become the placenta. Placentas do wondrous things but they are neither cuddly or a baby. Life is preciously marvelous but living human beings aren’t in parasitic relationships with another human being, the way ticks are. Our lives do not begin prior to birth, we are not parasites.

    • Hi there! Thank you for this perspective. We definitely both agree on that: life is sacred. 🙂 I appreciate you sharing this. I love the dialogue! Hope you’re having a beautiful week! Big hugs 🙂

  55. Great post. It reminded me of my worth to God. In my case, I feel a bit of an underachiever, & it’s killing me because I do have a competitive edge to me. So the last few I had forgotten about the importance of being God’s worth. Thank you, and I read this post from a personal perspective. And I’m glad to see you expose and explain your views I will such simple and human manner. Didn’t see any judgments. Instead it was experience and self-awareness at its best.

  56. Well said. I am pro-life too. I was adopted. My mother was 17 years old, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and my father was an American pilot training in Canada during the II World War. Back in 1945, the year I was born, having a baby out of wedlock was much more difficult than it is today. I actually met my Mother a few years ago and I am glad I did. She asked me to forgive her but there was nothing to forgive. My real Mom married a few years later and had two daughters. Mom died a couple of years after I met her. She was a Christian. I have never met my real Father. I didn’t have an easy life growing up but I survived. At 26 years of age I became a Christian. I married the love of my life and we are still together. We had 5 children. That wasn’t easy either. God has given me grace so many times, and yes you are right, He accepts us as we are, He loves us as we are, if we acknowledge what His Son did for us on the cross. Life starts from there. I can’t judge what others decide, but I am sure you can understand that I am grateful to be here and that I found God’s love, experienced the love of my wife and children (and grandchildren) and learned so many things.along the way. Never be afraid to voice your convictions, be gentle, be considerate of others, but voice them. It helps us grow. Blessings!

    • Hi Bruce, thank you so much for this. And thank you for sharing your story. I am truly inspired. You’re right-we have been given grace in abundance. I’m so glad you stopped by and decided to share this. You’ve provided a truly beautiful perspective 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  57. Are you pro-life or a pro-lifer? One is more politically charged than the other and I can understand why you feel that way but I don’t get or like pro-lifers who feel they have a God given right to aggressively challenge those who choose not to give life to a fetus. I believe the human life is a precious one but every person still has the free will to make their choices and let the Man in The sky deal with it when the time comes. The political wing of the pro-lifers probably make a lot of women in dire places such as you were feeling more guilty than they should. In my humble opinion.

    • Hi there David! I am not political in the least so I guess that would make me pro-life? Haha I respect that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. This is just mine:) thank you for sharing this perspective. Your and I definitely agree on that: life is precious:) hope you’re having a great week! Hugs and love xox

  58. Regarding the sanctity of human life and the frankness of sharing, if you study scripture, you realize it is about others sharing their beliefs and words. Unfortunately, people use their words to as much for ammunition as they do to help heal, no different now that it was 600o years ago. On the other hand, Jesus used words to share. Perhaps, as you share, you and all of us who practice christian faith can remember this:

    The Lord Jesus Christ did not say “for me.”
    The Lord Jesus Christ said, “for you.”
    The bible is not a collection of words for “shaming” others.
    It is a collection of words for “sharing” with others.

    How do you truly relate?

    • Thank you for this perspective. Definitely gives you something to think about. And you’re right-Jesus is the #1 example of how to live. Thanks for the food for thought. Hugs and love xox

  59. You’re a brave girl indeed. We all have demons in our lives but it takes a lot of courage to open up like this and share how you defeated it. Bravo! 🙂 I am pleased to meet you through your blog. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  60. While I am no longer a Christian, I can associate with your story. Having dealt with depression, it was the idea of Christ loving me so much he would give up eternity for me that kept me going. Sometimes, I still want to believe it, but I can’t anymore.

    The thing I’ve drawn, personally, is that our lives are fleeting. We’re nothing but a whisper riding the echoes of forever. Because of this, our worth is personal, and the Christian faith is very much personal, as it relies on a relationship with the creator of all things. There is beauty in this, whether I believe it or not.

    Your words are poignant. And while I may side with you on the “pro-life” side of the aisle, I like to think that I’m fully pro-life, not just pro-birth. However, I know humanity all too well, and forcing laws that would cease all abortions wouldn’t lessen the issue…

    The problem with abortion is personal, and needs to be dealt with on a personal level – legislating controls over the masses isn’t what I’d call the right thing to do.

    • Hi Robert, thank you for this reflection. I’m so glad that you were able to find freedom from that period of time in your life when you were battling depression. I’m so happy for you:) I definitely respect everyone’s beliefs and positions. Thank you for sharing this perspective. Hope you’re having a great Wednesday so far! Hugs and love xox

      • I don’t share your beliefs as I am pro-choice but I do respect your beliefs and see where they are coming from. Luckily I have never been pregnant and so never had to make such a choice. Happy Christmas – I am sure with your deep faith you enjoy Christmas more than most people.

      • Hi Caroline! Thanks for this reflection. I really appreciate you joining the conversation. You’re right, I think it’s really awesome how open and full of respect you are. That’s so inspiring and exactly what our nation needs to heal from this divisive election. Same to you – have a very merry Christmas my friend. Sending big hugs xx

  61. Thoughtfully said, and from a beautiful perspective.

    I wrote a pro-life post a while back and was pleasantly surprised and humbled by the responses I got. People who didn’t agree with my stance were kind and understood that I didn’t mean to offend but to share what’s on my heart. We mutually respected each other’s thoughts. I can’t think of anything more refreshing on an election year than pouring out your heart and being met with respect and consideration!

    I think it’s important for you to speak on heavy issues; your openness and sincerity will speak for you as long as you relate to things on a personal level and aren’t yelling condemnation and hell fire.

    • Thank you so much for this wonderful reflection. You’re right-mutual respect is so important these days. Especially in the politically charged climate we find ourselves in. Thanks for the encouragement:) Hugs and love xox

      • Wholeness, comes from understanding the creation and destruction cycle. What we value can destroy us as well as our society. God made us, God made Earth but to destroy any part would be to destroy God. Now, with our knowledge of how to destroy we achieve what Adam and Eve achieved. We achieve what Cain and Abel achieved. Understanding not that we are Gods but of our own creation and destruction. Now, I would have loved Eden and never touched what was beyond it. After my own culture’s genocide that knowledge of what was beyond Eden was placed on me. So, in short we love what’s in our hearts because that’s all we have to change.

      • Wow this is so deep. There is so much truth here and I’m going to really enjoy reflecting on this all day today. You have a way with words, my friend! Thank you for this. Big big hugs xox

  62. Great blog! I am so glad that you understand how precious life really is. Few understand. God bless you for your courage to stand when it is difficult to. You are an amazing woman. Keep up the good work, in Jesus name.

  63. You continue to amaze and inspire me. And upon realizing I also have anorexia and it is not easy to overcome! I’m thinking of switching to gluten free vegan too! It’s a bit complex because I am eating with a couple of my grandkids. And my youngest son. But I have to be able to eat foods that won’t cause me so much pain! I already avoid beef, pork, most gluten and most white sugar, also cut out coffee. It’s probably just because I had that surgery nine days ago. It’s hard to get back to eating enough after that type of thing. Keep shining, beautiful woman, you are amazing and I love you.

  64. I don’t understand anorexia, but I do understand addition to pornography, cigarettes & alcohol. so I sympathize with you because most people dont understand my evil

  65. It was sad to hear what you have been through. However, you are a vibrant, adorable person with a great outlook on life now. I know how much you love God and Jesus because you “like” my articles on “” Sounds like you had a date with a good man. I have been married 50+ years and having a good Christian spouse makes life such a pleasure and has really kept us together. Hope you have similar luck.
    sincerely, a good friend and believer,


  66. God Bless you every day!! Yes keep laughing!! We need that. Hopefully he will keep you laughing, smiling, and feeling no less! Good luck with publishing. You are so amazing!! I am hoping CNY Latino is going to give a write up (in their monthly) on mine. I hope you get some good promo. You deserve it!! Biggest hugs and love!! xoxoxo

  67. Ah, you are braver than me, I haven’t worked up to posting on politics. I am glad you realize you are a princess of God.

  68. Thanks for checking out my blog. I’m glad you liked it! What a beautiful post you’ve written here. It is vulnerable, sincere and offers a perspective I’ve never thought of before. I believe that all life is sacred as well, but I love that you have given a personal account for your choice. Thank you!

  69. Very powerful words Caralyn, I’m so glad you are pro-life because so am I. It makes me sad when I think of all the deaths through abortions,euthanasia, suicide etc. When compared to God’s omniscient wisdom, we cannot know His plans for each and everyone of us, however, there is something central and indispensable in each and everyone of us. Some role that only that one person can fill. One day, in the great by and by, we may be surprised to learn that the most critical people in God’s plan were the most humble and most broken and that we would have never have made it without them. God bless you <3

    • Thank you so much! It’s nice to know I’m not alone in that. I know. It is truly tragic and heartbreaking. That’s a really powerful perspective-you’re right-one day those thing will be revealed. What a glorious day that will be 🙂 hugs and love to you friend xox

      • I am so glad that you posted that! Life is such a gift. It hurts my heart to see people take that amazing gift for granted. The idea that there are so many people out there who don’t seem to understand that they have incredible, priceless worth, breaks my heart. I wish they could understand the magnitude of Christ’s love for them and the worth that He sees in every life! Be blessed.

  70. Well said! Thanks for sharing your testimony and for standing up for the unborn. God bless you and yours!

    P.S. – Thanks for visiting my blog!

  71. Lovely. I’m always thrilled when someone gives personal and compelling reasons for why they are pro-life (or pro-Jesus, for that matter). So much more effective than preaching at people!

  72. You are a remarkable young woman. I have only been visiting here a short while but there is so much strength and confidence coming off of these pages, strength and confidence that can only come from your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Kudos! for your courage in standing up for what you believe in; all of life is precious. May God bless you & keep you!

    • Wow thank you so much Lisa. What a kind thing to say. I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed your time reading my posts:) I so appreciate you taking the time to read and for your wonderfully kind words of encouragement! Hugs and love xox

  73. I missed this post–I blame the High Holy Days. Just wanted to say that I don’t think you have to worry much about ruffling feathers. I mean, I can understand wanting to keep your blog apolitical, but I hate to think of you sitting on posts just for fear of giving offense for speaking from your heart. I think the community you’ve built here can treat each other with respect, even on controversial topics.

    • Hi Jenn, thank you so much for this. That’s a really beautiful way to look at it-and I completely agree-this loving and compassionate little community DOES treat each other with respect. That’s why I admire each person who stops by, and their truly beautiful hearts and spirits. Sending massive hugs xox

  74. I miss a couple of weeks and you DO get out on a date 😀

    You made an interesting and thoughtful presentation, and certainly from a unique perspective that I had not considered. I would suggest, IMHO, that your situation is different from an obvious end-of-life situation. I think too often we are casual about using technology to extend life, as well as too casual about determining when life should end. But I do believe that there comes a time where, when the quality of life is terrible, where the outcome is known, where the delay is unwanted, that there should be an option for a quality of death that eases life. I don’t want to be put down for a hangnail, but I don’t want to struggle for months on a feeding tube, in pain, like my father did. If he’d had a choice, he’d have skipped the last five months of bedridden suffering. But I respect the view you bring, the perspective you shed, on the topic.

    On to date 2 sister 😀

    • Hi Jeff! Haha yes! How time flies! And thanks for that perspective. I can’t imagine the pain you must have experienced having to watch your father go through that. That breaks my heart. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you have a nice evening! Hugs and love xox

  75. Your posts are encouraging and hope filled. This one especially. Though I’ve never suffered from any eating disorders, your love of Christ is exhilarating. I don’t mean to say something that belittles your belief structure, but I know the RC faith pretty well; very little to nothing of any of your posts resemble that world view or tradition, except the few times you mention the Mass or something in-line with that area of the Catholic church. Keep posting on this wonderful blog of yours, it surely brings glory to the King, and I pray that you cross the Tiber one day.

    • Hey Daniel! Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so glad it resonated with you. That’s all I’m trying to do: bring glory to Him! 🙂 after all, I owe him literally my life haha. Hope you’re having a great week so far! Hugs and love xox

  76. Dear one, I think it is interesting that it took 9 months for your thoughts to be born. Though I am pro choice, I honor your feelings so well stated and it gives me pause, Ill admit. god bless you and your honesty. His love is all.

  77. I appreciate you sharing this. For someone that stuggles with faith, such as I; it was nice to hear why someone feels that way, instead of bashing because someone doesn’t agree with you. Unfortunately I have had an abortion. I strongly believed I was making the right choice at the time, but I’ve since come to wonder where I would be if I hadn’t. Although I believe in the right to choose and always will (with rules), if I were get pregnant today by some stretch of the imagintion, I would definitely have him/her. Ty for being candid. <3 and strength to you.

    • Hi there friend. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I’m glad that this resonated with you. Everyone is on a journey and the way I see it, we’re all on this earth to walk with each other and love and support one another along the way:) I’m so glad you stopped by. Sending you the biggest hugs and love xox

  78. I agree whole heartedly. I published a post on abortion back in April and felt the same uncertainty about sharing, it was actually written several months prior. Once again thanks for your courage. Peace and love.

  79. Have you read Sacred Sorrow by Michael Card? It’s a beautiful book about the importance of sadness for the Christian life. I’m going to do a post on it soon.

  80. This is a great post! Sorry I’m just getting around to reading your content! You are an excellent role model (especially for teenagers)! I’m thankful for bloggers like you! Keep up the good work friend!

  81. I would suggest writing about and posting any darned thing you want when you want to. We write for ourselves. The audiences response…well, for me, they own that. Do I have to say this does not relate to hate posts, etc? Write to get it out there. We write to figure things out. Don’t push down your thoughts, emotions, feelings. You are brave. I’ve seen you go all-in many times. Like Nike says “Just Do It!”

    • Hey Rob! Haha that’s a great suggestion. Just do it! Amen! When I was growing up I had a soccer shirt that had that slogan across the front:) I kinda wish I still had it! Haha Hugs and love xox

  82. Knowing your own worth is such a hard thing to do. And it seems to be such a universally hard thing to do. We simultaneously think too much of ourselves and too little. Messing up what should be our real priorities with what the world says is important.

    There have been many times, in the middle of a conflict, the Lord has had to whisper in my ear, ” Be gentle with this one they do not know who they are and who they belong to.”

    • Thank you so much for this beautiful reflection. You’re right, gentleness is such a powerful trait to have and to give to others. Thanks for stopping by Heather. Hugs and love xox

  83. Takes a strong person to share something so personal. Recently done something similar myself. So glad to hear you are doing better. X

  84. Good post! I don’t think pro-life means voting Republican, myself, in fact one can make a good case for doing the opposite. I hate abortion, and also a whole host of things, as you do, which are not pro-life. On the abortion issue itself, it is much more complex. When policies are in place from the Democratic Party, abortions go down. I’m neither Democratic nor Republican, I rather dislike both parties. I have to admit to being turned off when the church and pro-life organizations suggest that I should vote Republican if I’m going to vote pro-life. It is such a big subject, one in which good people will disagree, for sure. As one of Anabaptist persuasion, it’s easy for me not to vote at all. But we care about the nation in which we live, and pray for God’s blessing on it (Jeremiah 29). Just my thought.

    • Thanks for this reflection, Ted. Yeah that’s so true-no matter who wins tomorrow, we all will need to put aside differences and pray for the future of this country and its leader. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Hugs and love xox

  85. So beautifully said! I lay here in my bed sandwiched between my husband and my 4 year old precious surprise at 44 years old (I’m now 49). My neck is kind of tweaked in an awkward position as I type with my thumb on my iPad, not waking either. Children are such a gift. Their pure love, their loyalty, their innocence, their HUMOR is good for the soul. Christ gives a peace to my life that I could not imagine being without.

  86. I think your very brave to be so honest and thats what I love about your blog. I don’t really agree with abortion unless it is justified like a baby of a woman who was raped they may not mentally be able to cope with carrying that baby and certain medical reasons but apart from that I think if you don’t want your baby you should put it up gor adoption find it a nice family I don’t think you should kill your unborn baby xx

  87. […] Not to mention the church’s often unpopular stances on hot button social issues, such as abortion and the sanctity of marriage, etc. This stereotype is only one contributing […]

  88. […] Not to mention the church’s often unpopular stances on hot button social issues, such as abortion and the sanctity of marriage, etc. This stereotype is only one contributing […]

  89. I just read this. It was an enjoyable read, coming from a pro-life perspective myself. Anorexia is one of those topics I have some interest in because I believe so strongly in God’s healing power. It was interesting to read how you overcame it and how what you went through affected how you feel about the sanctity of life. I too have struggled with feelings of low self worth. There are times when I felt too condemned to eat. I think that more of us have struggled with this issue than we know. Thanks for sharing this.

    • Thank you so much for this thoughtful response. You’re right- God is the source of healing. And what a comfort that is. I appreciate you stopping by. Hugs and love xox

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