Hey friends – I apologize for the lack of posts on Thursday and Monday. I’m not going to go into detail, but I had a bit of a family health situation, but nothing to worry about. Everyone is fine, the baby is fine. And now I’m back to my regularly scheduled programming. Just wanted to say thank you for your patience with my absence.

This Easter was probably one of the most meaningful, powerful Easters I have ever experienced. I don’t know if it’s the fact that it’s Steven and my first Easter together as a married couple, or if it’s the fact the I’m pregnant with our daughter right now. Or just the fact that our church is so reverend and beautiful in its celebration of Holy Week.

But this Easter, my husband and I were so incredibly moved. From Wednesday going to the Office of Tenebrae, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the the Easter Vigil on Saturday night. It was a week where we truly felt the weight of Jesus’ sacrifice for us personally.

Anyway – it was such a profoundly faithful, beautiful weekend. So you can imagine how big of a gut punch it was to hear the news on Monday about Joe Biden’s declaration that Easter Sunday was International Transgender Day of Visibility — it made me absolutely sick.

How DARE he call himself a “Catholic” when he is literally spitting in Jesus’ face with that public declaration.

The Day of Jesus’ Resurrection — the holiest day on the Christian calendar. The day when we recognize the immense sacrifice Jesus made on the Cross out of love for you and I. Jesus: blameless, yet bearing the price of OUR SINS in the nails in His hands and feet, DYING so that we could live eternally with Him in Heaven.

Biden completely disregards that, and “celebrates” the new “religion” of transgenderism and its wicked ideology that completely contradicts what Jesus stood for. Transgender ideology advocates for the mutilation of children. It claims that God’s magnificent handiwork — creating us in the womb as male or female — is wrong. Transgenderism is the sin of pride personified. And Joe Biden glorified that instead of the day when Jesus beat death, rose from the dead, and saved us from eternal damnation.

It makes me so angry, I can’t see straight.

And just to really put the icing on the cake, children were prohibited from decorating Easter eggs with religious symbols at the White House Easter Egg Roll.

Let me remind you of Matthew 18, where Jesus makes absolutely crystal clear his stance on the protection of children: “‘If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.’”

Puberty blockers and genital mutilation for children, drag queen story hours, filthy children’s books being put in school libraries that celebrate the queer agenda, children’s television programming that glorifies the queer agenda….that is what Biden was extolling through that declaration.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is calling for his excommunication from the Church.

People argue that Trans Day of Visibility has always fallen on March 31.

They argue that Jesus would have advocated for the marginalized, including transgender individuals.

They argue that Biden did, in fact, give a statement about Easter, albeit later.

And for that last one, I’ll just say that Biden pays lip service to a lot of things that serve him. And touting his so called, “Catholic faith” is one of them, even though he actively fights for things that the Church vehemently denounces.

The truth of the matter is this: Jesus would have loved transgender individuals. Just as I do, and just as all people should. BUT, He would have, in love, told them to turn from their lifestyle and go and sin no more. Just like Jesus told the woman caught in adultery in John 8: “‘Then neither do I condemn you,’”Jesus declared. “’Go now and leave your life of sin.’”

Look, I don’t know Joe Biden’s heart. I want to believe that his mental faculties are in such decline that he’s not even really aware of what he’s saying or doing anymore. And that he’s some puppet being controlled by his radical, godless cabinet.

But the truth of the matter is that one day he — as well as me, and you, and all of us — will have to stand before the throne of God and account for our actions — and inactions. And I just pray for him, when that day comes.

All that to say, my heart deeply hurts for Jesus today. Thinking today about the weight of the Cross He carried to Calvary; thinking about the lashings and whips He received when He was scourged; thinking about the nails that pierced His hands and feet; thinking about the public humiliation and mockery He endured during His Passion; thinking about Him breathing His last breath and handing over His Spirit….my heart aches, thinking about how He must feel, watching down from Heaven: being pushed aside to glorify transgender ideology that has yet again made a mockery of the Father.

That is what hurts my heart the most. It is so incredibly devastating.

And it’s a wake up call that this is the reality of the world we live in. And it’s a wake up call that silence is complacency. Which is exactly why I needed to make this post tonight. Because I will not stand by as my Savior is mocked and discarded for the glorification of wickedness.

I will not. And neither should you.

I’m curious: what are your thoughts on this? Is it not a big deal in your eyes? Do you feel similarly? And if so, what – if anything – can we do about it?

62 responses to “Joe Biden: HOW DARE YOU”

  1. You do know that March 31st is Trans Visibility Day every year, right?

    It just happens to fall on Easter this year.

    It’s always been on this day…

    • Hi Tim – yes, I am aware of this. Easter has been established since 33 AD. The first Trans Day of Visibility was in 2009.

  2. Your comment is MISGUIDED !!! President Biden issued the Proclamation on March 31, 2021. The day is observed each year on March 31th. Easter changes. You owe President Biden an apology!!!

    • Biden is the absolute worst president in my lifetime and that’s saying something….Her comments were spot on !!!! You go girl <3 !!!!

      • Thank you Scarlett. I appreciate your support. I have to agree. And what gets me heated the most is that Biden calls himself such a devout Catholic. As a practicing Catholic — who actually does follow the Church’s teachings — it is a complete mockery of our faith. And seeing him champion things that the Church is adamantly against, such as abortion and trans issues, it sends a contradictory message to the world of what we *actually* believe and stand for. ugh — Lord, have mercy. Thank you again for stopping by. hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs and love xox

    • Thanks Scott for your opinion. Yes, Easter changes, but this cornerstone of humankind was established in 33 AD. TDoV…in 2009. In all due respect, Biden owes – not just Catholics and Christians – but Jesus Himself an apology. There’s a lot of repenting Biden needs to do, but that is between him and God. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Imagine being a Christian who doesn’t know Easter is on a different day every year and that that sometimes conflicts with another holiday.
    Next year it’s on Earth Day. Should we also just ignore Earth Day too? 🙄🙄

    • Melissa, thank you for sharing your thoughts. The difference between Easter falling on Earth Day and Trans Day of Visibility is night and day. Earth Day celebrates and honors the earth that God created out of nothing. Trans Day of Visibility celebrates and glorifies a lifestyle that completely contradicts God and tout’s that God’s creation of man and woman in His image is flawed. It is a complete disrespect to God, and the sacrifice that Jesus made, which is celebrated on Easter. Yes, Easter’s actual calendar date varies, but it’s been around since 33AD.

  4. Oh, sweet friend. I love watching your journey through life. Thank you for standing strong in your faith. I share your thoughts.

  5. John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
    Your compassion for Biden is admirable. Keep praying for him. He needs it.

  6. Someone declared March 31st as Transgender Visibility Day in 2010. It’s not an official day, and it isn’t difficult to recognize trans people in society. Personally, if I was president, I would make a much bigger statement about Easter and the sacrifice Jesus made for us. And yes, Jesus loves everyone, no doubt. Continually throwing these things in our faces isn’t inclusive. Biden is, and always has been, a lying, plagiaristic, racist buffoon.
    Thank you for your post. Congratulations on your baby girl. She’s going to need a strong family to grow up in today’s bizarro world.

  7. I could not read such hateful words spouted toward a vulnerable group of human beings without speaking up. Hatefulness and harsh judgement of people, even if you disagree with what they choose to do with their own bodies or clothing, is not showing the love of God. I am disappointed to read these words here. I will also remind you that Easter, including its pagan traditions adopted by Christians, is not always on March 31st, and it shows great ignorance to berate our president for choosing that date to celebrate something which you do not have to choose to celebrate. Do better. Love better.

    • If you want to get into it, the origins of the day we celebrate Easter it on comes from the Passover Feast. A foreshadowing of Christ’s coming whose self sacrificial blood protects us from eternal death. The modern name comes as a result of how the Catholic Church employed their evangelical practice of redirecting people’s focus. That’s why Christmas is on December 25th. Easter was the redirecting of the pagan feast of Eshtar which occured in the spring to invoke the goddess’ blessing for a fruitful year. When the pagans were bold about their god the Christians matched it with greater boldness to speak of Christ knowing that the pagans were more likely to make martyrs of them in this time of your for profaning the goddess.

      The emotions in this blog post were based on what President Joe Biden chose to emphasize when the two days coinsided. Your comment ends by saying “Do better. Love better.” Consider the following verse from scripture and the questions I shall leave after it.
      Ephesians 4:15 “We will speak the truth in love, growing every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.”

      Is it loving to lie and not tell the truth of what an ideology advocates when it’s effects are harmful?
      If prompted by Holy Spirit to write words of rebuke to a fellow Christian and encourage them to return to proper standing should one then quench, ignore or disobey, that prompting? Read the whole chapter if 1st Corinthians 5 where Paul does this very same thing. Was Paul wrong in his actions? If so, then his words are not good or true, and if that is the case then the entirety of scripture is flawed and imperfect. God would not allow for such words when not in a historical account to remain as His words in the bible.
      Finally, where does she have specific hateful words against transgender people?

  8. John 14:6 – Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
    Your compassion for Biden is admirable. Keep praying for him, he needs it. The world feels his sickness.

  9. Also, no religious symbols have been authorized for the egg roll in over a decade…so, that’s not on Biden. That’s been the official position for years from Presidents of both major parties.

    Seriously, do some research before you blog.

  10. So you’re upset for rules that have been followed forv49 years or so?? Were you mad that Trump followed the rules?? Your mad because Constantine setup Easter to follow the lunar cycle?? Your mad because God created trans people?? Some reflection is in order.

  11. Great blog. This system took God out the schools and groomed our children into homosexuality. When we speak up on it, that devil they serve convinces them that we are homophobic. The fear is the fear of God. Its not a fear of their sexuality. But knowing that God does not approve and will not approve, it puts those of us that are fully aware that God will never accept it in extremely tough situations. For me as a child of God, that is fully aware that he lives in me, I show no hatred to the LBGTQ community. However, they show tons of hatred to those of us who do not agree and choose to follow God’s orders. Their way of doing things is a bit KKK’ish. As a Black Woman of God I have no hatred towards members or creators of the KKK but their methods, manipulation, and evil ways is not approved or ordained by God. It is Lucifer that they listen to and obey.

    God said on Earth as it is in Heaven.

  12. First off, thank you for having the guts to write this post. Your words mirrored my disgust and anger. To the readers who felt you were “judging” the transgender population, I didn’t find that at all. You were simply trying to recognize that this particular day, Easter Sunday, is the day of our Lord’s Resurrection. This is what most people celebrate. It’s the end of our Lenten journey and a time to renew our faith and grow closer to God. I don’t give a crap when the “proclamation” was made. Why did it have to be brought up again in such a dramatic and public fashion then would be my question. People are so quick to bow down to those who deem themselves “vulnerable” as in my opinion, they are just seeking attention. I feel mutilating your body and intentionally becoming a gender that you were not born is just weird. Look, I don’t care who one likes, doesn’t like. I just don’t want to hear about it or see it. Why the ‘trans’…why the need to change? You brought this on and then want to complain your rights are being infringed? Nope, can’t have it both ways.

    President Biden is definitely a “cafeteria Catholic” and a disgrace to those of us who truly follow the commandments and stand up for issues. While I may not agree with everything the Catholic Church does or says, I know I’m held accountable. I can’t expect to be against the teachings and then also expect forgiveness, Communion, and just waltz into church like no big deal.

    Thank you for a great post.

  13. I couldn’t disagree with your perspective more strongly than I do; but I respect your right to have that opinion none the less; God will decide the rest in due course.

  14. Thank you for your boldness in speaking out against this travesty. And yes, the Lord Jesus loves the individual, but He died to free each of us from the sin that so easily besets us and would keep us from God.

  15. As Michael Knowles said today, Biden is Catholic until he has to choose between Catholicism and Liberalism. That’s when you see his real religion.

  16. This is heinous and my heart breaks for those who are lost, but more so for this country keeping Jesus out of our communities and nation. Lord, help us. Send revival!

  17. Vigano’s a bit late to the party; Biden’s been a supporter of abortion and hundreds of other things that violate Church teaching for his entire political career, along with other “Catholic” members of his party, like Nancy Pelosi. They all should have been excommunicated years ago. There have been Catholics calling for it for a while. Those Catholics have been ignored by the bishops whose job it IS to excommunicate Biden and his fellow travelers.

    The only funny thing (and it’s bitterly amusing) is that he declared March 31st to be that celebratory day. Easter in 2025 will be…(double checks via internet) the third Sunday in April. So he and the rest of the ignoramuses can knock themselves out next March 31st. Easter has no fixed date. There goes ruining the holiest day of the year forever – God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good. In the end, He wins, they lose. All we have to do is make sure we stay on God’s side, now and into the future until we see Him “face to Face.”

    2024 is going to show us how rough a ride that will be. Better batten down the hatches and check the supplies, including the to-go bag, just to be safe.

  18. Thank you for being an encouragement to those suffering from eating disorders. I started reading your blog years ago to better understand a struggle I did not understand. Thank you also for speaking out to protect the vulnerable from advice and treatments that often makes matters worse, those who struggle to see their beauty in their God-given sex. God made humanity beautiful and no matter how much we now try to mutilate ourselves in whatever ways in order to try to soothe our discontentment with ourselves, in Christ he extended his love to us at the cross to redeem the beautiful image in which he made us, no mutilation necessary. Thank you for speaking up at a time when it takes great courage.

  19. I couldn’t agree more! It made me feel sick when I heard it and so angry. Come, Lord Jesus, come!

  20. I’m with you. It’s not just the coinciding of the trans day of visibility with Easter; it’s the hypocrisy of politics trying to be all things to all people (claiming to be Catholic while disparaging the Christ and so on). What we’re witnessing is a group of wealthy and powerful people pretending to stand for everything while in reality only standing for their own agendas (probably consisting of keeping hold of their own wealth and power). But you can’t stand for everything, as some things are contradictory. You have to stand for Truth, and our leaders join Pilate in asking, “What is truth?”

    I’m sorry for the comments you’re getting here from people who didn’t read your whole post or read into it rather than reading your actual words. It hurts to understand the beauty of what Jesus did for us and then see Him marginalized in favor of the chains He died to free us from. Yet, He warned us it would happen, and He is still King no matter who is playing at politics for now. He already won. The enemy is prowling like a roaring lion, seeking anyone he can devour, but he knows his time is limited. However, it does make his prowling and devouring more fierce.

    It will get worse before it gets better, but then the end will come and all ugliness will be wiped away once and for all. Keep your eyes on Jesus, and let Him be master of the storm. We just need to be faithful to Him in all the days to come. <3

  21. I guess I’m not as outraged as I should be just because I’ve come to expect this kind of thing, especially coming from a state that has a state abortion website and requires schools to lie to parents about students’ gender expression…

  22. Yes, the transgender day of visibility has always been on March 31st, but that does not mean it should overshadow Easter. I, as the mother of a 21 year old who identifies as trans, believe the two could co-exist. I also believe that we should be investing more into our mental health care system, instead of pushing hormones and surgeries. I am fine with my child wearing masculine clothes, and not choosing to embrace the normal feminine characteristics of her birth. I do not support the long term usage of hormones that increase the risk of heart problems, diabetes and who knows what else because we haven’t studied it enough. Surgical transition scares me even more.

  23. Glad you and your child are healthy. I question the sentiment of your post but understand, as a Christian, your view point. I am a bit surprised at the outrage for what the World does. The Catholic Church has long been complicit with the sexual abusive history of clergy and children but not held to the same standard as politicians. This same Christianity that refuses to acknowledge the authentic Oriental origin of Yeshua. This same Christianity that accepts a man in Preseident Trump who has spoken more vileness, complicity in illegal activity and hush money schemes. If you want outrage then keep it balanced, but don’t expect the world to behave or life my a code. If it were up to me I would remove any practice of political swearing or affirming on the Bible. It’s blasphemous. Now, no more outrage, keep that baby safe. No negative energy, be well.

  24. I would be far more fearful of a political establishment that offers a completely opposite way to treat it’s population as to that of Joe Biden’s viewpoint is and if people were governed in accordance with the Catholic morality in how to interpret what is morally and ethically right for the souls of individuals.

    Your religion dictates that homosexuality and people born as one sex that believe themselves to be of the opposite sex are sinners that will most likely going to hell when they die if they do not repent. I happen to disagree on the issue of people that do not repent from their homosexuality or transgender issues being defined by god to be automatic on their way to hell.

    I am also sorry for you for believing your statement that of ‘ How DARE he call himself a “Catholic” when he is literally spitting in Jesus’ face with that public declaration.’ That is quite a strong sentiment from one fellow Catholic to another, although due to how Joe Biden attempts to embrace the whole of humanity rather than defining it through the eyes of the Catholic gospel, I can only interpret that to be extremely upsetting for you and you to go so far as to say you fear for Joe Bidens soul over his interpretation of his political stances and whether these might take him to hell.

    I was worrying about where is your love for your fellow human within the statement at the beginning although you do go on to state your strong conviction of love to all which is heartwarming. But it’s a shame that in your eyes and in the eyes of Catholic teachings that when someone has been informed that their actions are sins in the eyes of god that although you still love them you expect them to then most likely to go to hell for their feelings and beliefs without repenting or ceasing the activity that you are telling them to stop doing.

  25. Reading the title alone, I knew that your blog post would be controversial. People don’t want to hear it but I get where you’re coming from and your POV. I may not be Catholic but I am what one would call a Republican (aka. Conversative in Canada). I do not agree with the democratic party and what they are doing to destabilize the United States. I feel like the conspiracy theories that are circulating around the internet (communist regime) is not so far-fetched anymore and I am genuinely worried for the future of humanity.

    • You have every right to be. However as a Christian, we’re not surprised. We were warned about the decline of humanity by Christ himself.

  26. Thank you for standing strong Carolyn. The deceptive part about politics, both conservative and liberal is that it puts the focus on everyone and everything else but God. Jesus said, “Don’t let your heart be troubled,” for good reason. It is so easy to be distracted, fearful and even angry. But when we keep our eyes on Him, real peace that only comes from God will rule in our hearts and minds through Christ. God bless you as you and Steven pass through this time together to the birth of your daughter.

  27. You said it all very well, especially being clear that our Lord Jesus would have lived transgenders but would have also directed them to sin no more.

  28. Of course, I meant Jesus would have LOVED transgenders (not lived, my typo apology) while also compelling them to go & sin no more.

  29. Not entirely in favour of this transgender thing either and I ain’t Catholic. As far as i’m concerened you are the sex God made you to be.

  30. I agree. How dare he declare Easter Sunday transgender day. What happens behind closed doors fine. I certainly dont want to know about it and neither should our children, the news, the TV or anyone else. A relationship between two people is their business so why should it be advertised all over the world. Someone wants to do whatever in the quiet of their house that may be their right but dont put it in my face, dont tell me its the norm, dont flaunt it to our kids and make parades saying its acceptable. And most of all dont give kids the DECISION to follow this garbage. There are males and females with the appropriate organs inside their bodies to sustain the equipment outside. Even if they change their equipment a man cant have a baby naturally so don’t play with what God gave you. This is Sodom and Gomorrah all over again.

  31. It’s been clear to me since the days of Jimmy Carter. It should now be evidently clear to even the most completely brainwashed, you can’t be a True Believer in Christ and a Democrat. The two are incompatible on all levels. They sure need our prayers.
    Be blessed.

  32. Here ! Here! Well said! Now we must pray as if everything depends on God, and work as if everything depends on us! Which means that we must get out and vote this Man , Koe Biden , and his administration out of office in November!

  33. This wasn’t merely just some kind of random thing. It was all planned attack on Christianity and the very philosophy that shaped the Western world, regarding its rules and its free society. Not a coincidence, especially when you consider that the same was declared in other Western countries and what is happening in Europe and UK right now with the Muslim population. The very cultural identity of so called Christian nations are being ruined and it is being done systematically.
    Of course, while sounds like a far fetched conspiracy theory, it isn’t a secret who is orchestrating this entire thing – China. Proof is when you look at the programs and stuff that China is putting in place to shape its population. Keeping a low profile, it is using its influence all over the world to destroy western civilization, especially in the US – before the coming election and the chance return of the orange man. One might ask what would be China’s reason for doing such a thing – simple answer, “Power”.
    When the Western civilization crashes, it would be easy for China to swoop in and take over.

  34. I recently read an article about why so many people are leaving the church. It’s the hate. Many American Christians, it seems, can’t stand a world of people who differ in their beliefs.

    Did Joe Biden proclaim Trans Visibility Day to eclipse Easter? No. As many commenters have pointed out, its an internationally observed day that happens to fall on March 31, which this year happened to fall on Easter Sunday.

    Jesus warned his followers that there would be many false prophets. How does one recognize a false prophet? You recognize them by their fruit. The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, and self control.

    A lot of y’all are showing your fruit. More than anyone on Trans Visibility Day.

  35. It does seem the end of times is fast approaching and we must all stand firm in our faith. What is happening in our world is repugnant and shameful and at all cost, we must stand true to our faith and protect our children.

    • I agree 100% Angela. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! Hugs and love xox

  36. I agree with you and I believe all we are able to do is continue to pray for their hearts and minds to be made flesh so God can change them and we just love them in the meantime but be brave enough to speak Gods truth when asked or confronted

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