A Prayer for my Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Dear Lord,

I come before you this afternoon in gratitude on the first day of my third trimester of pregnancy. Thank you, Lord for shepherding and carrying me through this journey of motherhood.

I thank you for keeping me and my baby healthy, and I humbly ask that you continue to protect her and I in these last few months before she comes into this world.

Please continue to comfort her in my womb, and shower her with Your love and grace and protection as You knit her, cell by cell.

Thank You, Lord, for my wonderful husband — thank You for his patience, support and desire to be as involved as possible. Thank You for allowing him to already feel that bond with her in the womb. Thank You for building and growing that connection between the two of them. Strengthen him to have the confidence that he will be a good father and please give him the guidance to lead our family to You always.

Lord, I just thank You for surrounding my husband and I with such incredible love and support from our family and friends. The joy and love that we have felt is so sustaining, and I just thank You for that immense blessing You have granted.

Please help us let go of any doubt or minimizing/limiting self-beliefs that we have that may hinder our confidence to raise this child. May we only listen to the Truth that You speak in a whisper to us. May we hear Your validating words, and etch them on our hearts.

I also ask, Lord, that You continue to work things together for my husband and I when it comes to selling our condo and our upcoming move. We are trusting in Your plan and timing for us and our family, and I just ask that You coordinate our upcoming move to be in the timing that You have designed. You know the wide array of puzzle pieces that need to come together, and I just ask that You guide the process. And though our uncertain timeline could spur anxiety and worry, please help us to keep our eyes on You, and continue to surrender this entire process to You, knowing that You know what is best for us.

Lord, as my delivery date draws closer and closer, please strengthen me physically and mentally to prepare for the task at hand. Please alleviate any fears or trepidations I have about an unmedicated child birth. Please surround me with doctors and nurses and a team who will have the wisdom and skill to bring our baby girl into the world safely.

I also ask, Lord, that You continue to strengthen my mental health, as I navigate through the weight gain and body changes that I still have yet to come. Thank You for fortifying my recovery through this journey, and help me to continue to see the weight gain as a beautiful process of growing the precious child You have entrusted to me.

Lord, You are an incredible artist, in how You created the human body to grow life, cell by cell, instinctively. The different body systems that You designed — from the respiratory system, to the nervous and circulatory systems, to our muscles and skeleton — the complexity of our body, and how You are fashioning that together right now in my daughter, I am in awe, and grateful for the love and care and compassion that You are putting into her development.

I love you so much, Lord. Please bless all of the other pregnant women in the world, especially those who find themselves in situations that are not supportive, or loving, or safe to bring one of your little children into this world.

Please bless all of my readers, keep them healthy and safe, and hear the prayers of their innermost heart. Blanket them in your peace, comfort and love, and help them to feel — each in their own unique way — the vast expansiveness of your unconditional, life-giving love for each of us.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

28 responses to “A Prayer for my Third Trimester of Pregnancy”

  1. Amen! A beautiful prayer. I have four children and every pregnancy was a new experience of watching my body change in pregnancy and after. Learning to let go of how I think I should look and embracing the changes while still aiming for a healthy body is always a process of compromise. Remembering that even my body is not really mine can be challenging, but I want all of me to be for God. My children are worth every single challenge, stretch mark, wrinkle, and tear. They truly are a gift that only our most perfect creator can bestow. Be blessed!

  2. I admire you, young lady!
    Your faith in the Father of all creation, in Jesus our Savior, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit—the Almighty Triune God—is an incredible thing to witness.
    Thank-you for being open, honest, transparent and vulnerable with your readers.
    I love your column.
    I read every one of them.
    You are beautiful and attractive–even with your momma weight.
    And your husband! Oh, my!
    What a beautifulmexample of loving your bride the way Christ loves His!
    Thank you. Well done young man.
    As long as both of you continue to seek Him, with all of who you are, seeking Him with your whole heart, and always listening for his whisper, you will live a beautiful life.a
    Thank you.

  3. Amen! You are glowing. Best wishes for the happy, relaxed delivery of your precious daughter.

  4. Congratulations! You look beautiful! May the Lord continue to bless you; I pray that He is with you, your husband and baby. I pray that you will nurture her in the scriptures and particularly in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Safe and happy delivery!
    In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  5. A beautiful expression of faith. The Holy Spirit confirms and confounds our desires as we trust him to fulfill his purposes in our lives. Blessings on your dear growing family!

  6. Amen! I hope you guys are all doing well! I hope you well thru your third tri. I’ve had them hit and miss with my three kids. I’m the oldest of 9, all the same parents. My mom didn’t have really any problems. Then me and my two sisters, who have had kids, have had things that my mom never experienced. It’s definitely not for the weak. You are doing great! I hope it still remains a great experience for you!

  7. God has blessed you and your husband with the responsibility of caring for a new life. This is a gift out of the hand of God, not all have the privilege to be able to do that. God’s hand of protection is a upon your family. The love of God will be your beckon of hope in Him.

  8. Beautiful prayer, Caralyn. It almost brought me to tears reading this as I held my one year old daughter who has a cold and is struggling to sleep. These moments are hard, but so so sweet and beautiful. May God bless you and your husband with many of these beautiful moments.

  9. Oh yes, I join the hundreds of your followers who are praying today for your health and your daughter’s. I join you in asking God, “… coordinate [your] upcoming move to be in the timing that You have designed.” Amen!
    Love ❤️ that side view, Caralyn. Isn’t it amazing how skin can stretch that much!!??

  10. Prayed for your baby to be born healthy, a birth with no complications, and a good recovery for you.
    Wonderful testimony of God working in your life. You have overcome much and now a baby on the way

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