Profile of a Trump Supporter

I was going to do a cheeky post on Taylor Swift or something, but…I just couldn’t. As much as I realllly didn’t want to write about the election, ignoring the state of our nation right now just didn’t sit well with me.

Scrolling through social media and watching the news today, there was definitely a tone. An overwhelming consensus of, almost arrogant disbelief in our country that manifested in highly divisive and passive aggressive comments.

A few highlights: written by my friends on Facebook or sent directly to me:

Trump supporters are “dumb, uneducated, delusional idiots pushing for change, regardless of what disaster may entail. This country is breeding ignorance.”


“If you voted for Trump, explain to me why your female, black, latino/a, LGBTQ+, and Muslim friends don’t matter to you.”

“Trump Supporters: racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, misogynist clowns with an affinity for orange spray tans.”

“Wow. There are racist and ignorant idiots all over this country.”

Reading these comments, it hurt. Personally. Why?

Because they were about me.

Yes, I voted for Donald Trump.


Now before you “X” out of this post, I invite you to just read to the end.


If you’ve read any of my posts before, I think you will know that I am none of those things. I am not some filled-with-hate monster that my friends are tweeting about.

I am a young Christian woman, college educated, who is friends with nearly all immigrants and ethnically diverse millennials in NYC. I am an artist with tons of LGBT friends I have been sexually assaulted. And I have been working – yes, professional acting brings in a pay check – since the age of 7.

And my heart is full of tremendous love.

I’m not here to judge anyone. And I’m not going to sit here and tell you to think like I do. I wanted to just share why I voted for this “unconscionable” candidate.


First of all, this was a difficult election for me. 

Neither candidate was a beacon of morality. I had to look past the individual and vote on what they stood for. Or rather, what they stood against.

Donald Trump, (much like Bernie Sanders, honestly) was the candidate that was taking a stand against the corruption of far left, liberal, big government, and its mainstream media accomplice, trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

Honestly, I don’t blame my friends for tweeting these ill-informed things out. The mainstream media has been crafting the Trump narrative, painting him in as corrupt light as possible (some of which, he definitely earned), and failing to pay any lip service to Hillary and her criminal activity.

Wanting to have secure borders and supporting legal immigration does not make me a racist or xenophobe.

Wanting to become energy independent does not make me irrational and idiotic.

I am allowed to vote against government-funded abortion facilities and healthcare with mandated aborticants.

I am allowed to vote for fiscal responsibility. Getting America back to work. Reducing our national debt.

But mainly, I am allowed to vote in protest to the onslaught by the liberal far left and the agenda they push in the mainstream media, in newspapers, at public universities, in celebrity/pop culture. That does not make me a bigot.

My vote was a big “middle finger” to the extreme left.

It was me taking back that day when I was a freshman in college and I had to do an oral report to my class of 200+, what a “rim job” was. For a grade. At a public, liberal university.

It was me taking back that time a liberal professor spent a semester trying to talk my brother out of his religious beliefs.

It was me standing up for the 8 month baby in the womb, days before delivery, who, under Hillary would have been legally allowed to be killed.


It was me standing up for our military and the men and women who have risked their lives to protect mine.

It was me voting to create job opportunities for all Americans.

It was me declaring that there is corruption in Washington, and I won’t have it any more.

It was me taking back America.


One of the biggest things I heard echoed across social media today was, “What am I going to tell my children?”

You’ve probably seen it too.

How will I tell my children that this country approves and celebrates bullies, rapists, homophobic, racist, sexist, and hateful people? And elected one to run our nation?

Here’s what I’ll say.

I voted for you. I voted to protect the constitutional rights that our country was founded on. So that when you grow up, you have those unalienable rights that, at the time, were under attack by a corrupt government and slanderously biased media. I voted for the unborn. For the safety of our country. For religious freedom.

I voted for you. For your future. For your liberties, that have been slowly eroding by an extreme liberal agenda that neither respects God or the common man.

And I am proud of that vote.

Am I proud that Trump was the one I cast my ballot for? Not especially. He has said and done some incredibly horrendous things, but I had to look past that for the greater good.

And please, let he without sin cast the first stone.

Would I have loved to see a woman break that glass ceiling and become President? Absolutely.

But I refuse to elect a woman that reeks of corruption, simply because of her anatomy.

That would be the epitome of nasty.


So that’s the last you’ll hear about the election or politics from me on here.

Back to “programming as usual” on Monday.

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@beauty.beyond.bones – Instagram




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1,275 responses to “Profile of a Trump Supporter”

  1. I love the way you said this. One of my teachers, who voted for Trump, told me that she was not proud of who she voted for but she was proud of what she voted for. And I think she’s right. You must have had a lot of courage to write this post, too. 😀 Have a blessed day!

    • Thank you so much for this Isabella. I was so nervous to post this. That’s why I’m a few minutes late today, and so your kind acceptance really means so so much. Thank you 🙂 yeah. “slim pickins” this election, but i had to follow my conscience. Hugs to you friend xox

  2. I know how you feel, a lot of my friends were posting some of the most hateful stuff and put a general statement onto anyone who would vote for Trump. I just posted basically that people need to stop and think before they make such generalizations on people they disagree with and think that maybe you are putting someone who is a close good friend of yours into that group without even knowing it. They know what kind of person I am, but by saying what they did it felt like a personnel attack on me. I don’t think they meant it that way, but the way it came across it did. I am going to be hopeful for the next 4 years and pray that our country pulls together and not tear itself apart. I have spent 20 years in the military fighting for the ideal of what this country stands for and I hate to think it was a waste of my life and so many more who made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we have.

  3. Time to help heal our country. No name calling. No broad, sweeping generalizations. I have sat quietly by this whole election process watching temperaments flare. Now that Trump is our president-elect, I was hoping that mercy and kindness would be the new order. Yet, I watch the news and read social media comments, and I am saddened by the reactions of supporters from “both sides.” Thank you for this post.

      • Thank you. I have started to post a similar comment paragraph on FB. I thought it would cause an uproar. Surprisingly, it has been quiet – not liked, but not rejected. Hopefully, we can begin to appeal to the rational part of people. Look at President Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s public statements. They were disappointed but gracious. Whether I agree with their policies or not, I commend them for their example. Just as I commend you for yours.

  4. It’s very brace of you to come out and express your political views like this. You’re correct that the media paints Trump supporters as horrendous people and yet you identify yourself as one anyway. I understand that you wish to see a change in Washington, I do too, but I unlike you was unable to look past Trump’s character. I know that many people could but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. As a pansexual woman of color I just do not see Trump as someone who will honor and protect my rights. What am I going to do now? I’m going to fight for them by myself in my own little way.

    • Thank you so much for this. Yeah, I have hope that he will lead and protect the rights of all people. And fight for those liberties. I do pray for that. Yeah, his character was definitely hard to look past, but I hope that the change he stands for will be good for all. Sending big big hugs to you friend xox

  5. Thank you so much for writing this! You said exactly what I feel, I just didn’t know how to voice it. God bless you for having the courage to say this.

  6. I love this post and puts into words what I’ve been trying to explain myself. It is sad that all of a sudden people are so hateful towards each other! If we all join together and help America we can make a difference and whether Trump is the one to lead us or not I don’t know but what we had wasn’t working either so I’m putting my faith in all of us that we will make things better! I also voted for him and have been called all that you wrote about even by people that know me well. It’s so very sad. But thank you again for writing this and I wish you all the best!!

  7. I am a Trump supporter as well, for the same reasons. People take one look at me (20 something-looking, black male with long loc’d hair and dress in sneakers, sweats and a hoodie) and I’m looked at as if I am supposed to be a Hillary supporter or else gazed at like I am a unicorn…😉

  8. Really powerful and interesting blog. For my wife and I watching on from Australia it has been really hard to understand how people could vote for Trump and why there was so much disdain for Hillary so it was great to hear your perspective, particularly as another Christian.

    • Thank you so much Tim. Wow Australia! That’s so cool. Yeah this election was seriously really difficult. I had to put the candidate personally aside, and vote on the issues. And his prolife stance on abortion was the “biggie” for me that made me vote for him. thanks for stopping by. hugs xox

  9. Well done!! I believe the Lord has His hand on Trump. I am not an American, but if I was, I would have voted alongside you – for change.. I feel we all need to have the grace to lay aside prejudices, stand back, and let the Lord do His work on and through him. If we don’t have that grace, then we need to pray for it.

  10. I also posted more on politics than I ever, ever wanted to. I hear you loud and clear. When I see and hear all of this complete and utter insanity, I have three thoughts in quick succession:
    (1) What on earth has the media done to this country?
    (2) Why on earth do the people listen to them?
    (3) When my friend said, “At least in this country after the election, there will not be bloodshed in the streets,” I could only think, “At least not yet…”

    Love to you! This world is a mess. But take heart, HE has already overcome it!

  11. You said this perfectly. As a college educated, Christian, white woman – who has also been sexually assaulted – I am so sick of the terrible things the liberals are saying and doing. So many people like us are so afraid to express their views and how they feel right now for fear of the backlash from the left. All I can say is, we have God on our side, and we will hold our heads higj and will be ok. 💞

    • thank you so much for this. Yeah, this election has brought out too much hatred across the country. it makes me sad. yes. God is in control and He will make everything work together for good. I do believe that. Thanks again xox

  12. Ive been apprehended to write about this topic on social media or blog also because this topic has caused so much division. I just pray we move forward. I love your boldness and honesty. As I stated to my family as well I did not vote for a person I believe that was predestined but on my behalf I voted for The Bible and I voted for my childrens future. Like you I am proud of that as well.

    • thank you so much. Yeah, division is right! i pray too. We need to heal as a country and i just pray that it comes sooner rather than later. thank you for your kind and supportive words. Hugs to you xo

  13. I’m Canadian so I don’t have any say in USA politics but we will be affected by them nonetheless. I appreciate what you wrote and I would defend your right to say it. I’m glad you voted.
    Ultimately,we are foolishness to trust and hope in any human king/queen to be our “saviour” as they are flawed, generally self-centred, and will pretty much say and do anything for popular approval. There is no real vision for hope just lots of angry words; democratic and republicans are non-identical twins from the same worldly womb. That’s why things are not going to get better by human devising; there is no utopian ideal just around the corner that we will be led into by anyone. Biblically, the only answer and hope we have is in Christ’s return and our resurrection and rescue.
    Why I am really concerned about what has happened in the USA is because I have stood in Yad Vashem, the holocaust museum. I stood there and I studied the events, rhetoric and the othering that took place; what set the stage for those horrible, hateful, actions. I’ve seen what appealed to the people, how it was presented, and how others just went along with it. We don’t learn from the past.

    • Thank you so much Brad. I appreciate your kind and encouraging words. You’re right…we are ALL flawed. but God uses flawed people. And i just pray for him, and for our nation (and Canada too! 🙂 ) Yes, Christ is the answer. Wow, what a powerful experience you had at that museum. So tragic. Sending hugs x

      • The heartbreaking part from that museum was seeing how the church supported the hate. I’m Seventh-day Adventist and I am very sad to say that many in our church at that time in that country called the popular leader a noble man because they felt he supported their ideals in certain areas.

      • One more thing that was really profound to me at Yad Vashem. I was walking through with a friend, it was all very emotional, and then we came to those who gave their lives to help the victims get out of the country (the others). I was telling my friend about Schindler’s List and then we came around a corner and there it was, the list. I stopped and tried to say, “This is it,” but the words choked in my throat and I had to walk away in tears.

  14. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I’m so proud of you for being brave enough to share your reasons for your vote in such a wonderful and understandable way, with no harshness or hatefulness. And you’re young! And you live in NYC!!! 🙂 I agree with everything you said so well. I’m praying that our country can settle down now and that we can truly unite around the man that God has allowed to be our next President. Young adults like you are such an encouragement!! Blessings to you!

    • Thank you so much 🙂 I really appreciate your kind and encouraging words. 🙂 Yes! NYC! yes, we all must pray for healing as a nation and for our new leader 🙂 hugs to you xox

  15. Thank you for your honesty. This was most interesting. I would only note that 80% of what we read and hear from the media comes from the five major corporations that own the media. They are not “liberal” by any stretch of the imagination, and they have given Trump more than his fair share of media attention and (one might argue) may well have given him the attention he needed to win the election.

  16. That’s right, stand for what you believe. Holdfast to your convictions. Believe that Jesus is and will return one day for you and every true believer. Stand firm and reject the technology of the Mark which is already here but not yet mandated. Be proud of your courage, for you are courageous. NOW, after reading all I’ve written, still continue reading my post. The Lord is coming soon enough. I agree with you too. 🙂 Be blest in the name of Jesus, Amen!

    On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 5:31 PM, BeautyBeyondBones wrote:

    > beautybeyondbones posted: “I was going to do a cheeky post on Taylor Swift > or something, but…I just couldn’t. As much as I realllly didn’t want to > write about the election, ignoring the state of our nation right now just > didn’t sit well with me. Scrolling through social media an” >

  17. Well said. I think many people are just tried of the career politicians. Was he my first choice? No but my choice was not in the final two. Would I have loved to seen a female become president? Yes but not her. He won story over, I say let’s see what he can do and if we don’t like it in 4 years we can try again.

    • Thank you for this. I think you’re right, we should give him a chance and do our best to come together as a nation and heal from this deeply divisive political season. Big hugs to you xox

  18. As a Canadian I was initially shocked to learn of Mr. Trump’s successful bid for Presidency. I confess that I was uneducated about the issues and was aware only of the sensationalism of the election campaign, and let’s face it, Hillary handled herself better in public than Donald. Many of my friends voted for Trump and they described it as voting for the Lesser of Two Evils and that is just plain scary. Thanks for sharing your reasons for voting For Trump. He has some tough challenges ahead of him and I sincerely wish him luck. May we all exist peacefully.

    • Hi Diane, yeah this was definitely an unprecedented election, that’s for sure! Yeah, lesser of the two evils is right. and scary! Yes! I pray for a united, peaceful existence as well. Big hugs to you, friend. Thank you for reading 🙂 xox

  19. I don’t do Facebook, nothing against it. To much information going out for me. I never discuss politics. However will say here in your post you have echoed the exact reason that most that voted for President Trump feel. At least mine. Ditto all the way. Well said.
    Blessings to you Tom

  20. I salute your honesty and integrity for standing up for your vote! I did not vote. As I am not a citizen, I am not allowed to. Doing your civic duty by voting is something that is one of my most important values (and have been since I started being politically engaged at the age of 15, three years before I was even old enough to vote) because I believe it is a responsibility for everyone who has the advantage and luxury of living in a democracy. Having said that, I admit that I was relieved that I am not able to register to vote because it would have been the hardest vote I did in my life!

    I believe that many others who voted for Trump, chose him for many of the reasons you have listed, or even because they did not want to vote for the other candidate. IMHO, the two-party system is completely out-dated and incredibly corrupt, especially the way it is working, where “the one with most money wins” the nomination to represent each party. Unfortunately, “not voting” for one, means voting for the other one and in this case that is far from ideal – not necessarily because of what he stands for but how he delivers it… Although I disagree with a lot of his “what’s” too, just like you.

    But no, that does not at all make you a bigot. At least not in my eyes… Kudos for speaking up and sharing your thoughts here! Personally, I have been itching to but I don’t have your courage. I don’t even have the courage to share my honest view with my 100 closest friends on my closed FB feed, because I don’t need all the hate and animosity it would results in – even from close friends. And that makes me sadder than anything because that is an infringement in the feeling of being safe to exercise your freedom of speech. A slippery slope to say the least…..

    Thank you for your post.

  21. Thank you so much for this post. Just like you, I’ve seen a lot of anger about Trump winning as if he somehow cheated the system.

    “Would I have loved to see a woman break that glass ceiling and become President? Absolutely. But I refuse to elect a woman that reeks of corruption, simply because of her anatomy. That would be the epitome of nasty.” I agree with this one hundred percent. If a woman becomes President, it should be because of what she stands for and what she hopes to accomplish. Not just because she happens to be the only woman candidate.

  22. Again wise insight and brace words. I agree with your insights although I did not choose to vote for either of the major candidates. You are a wonderful witness to making a Godly stand in a world where everything but Christianity is held up as valid. Even more impressive was your tone came through as your being proud of your views rather than the defiance I often hear. Great blog, insightful writer – as always. John

    • Thank you so much John! you’re so kind to say that 🙂 yeah, it was a difficult decision, but I had to vote for the candidate that stood by the issues that were the most important to me. Glad this struck a chord with you 🙂 big big hugs xox

  23. Caralyn, I liked your post because of your candor. You did not have to share your vote. The safe thing to do would be to keep quiet and not risk offending some of your your blog followers.

    I found both candidates utterly distasteful, but it was interesting to hear your rationale. We’re going to have to listen to each other and care about what we hear, if we’re going to move forward.

    • Thank you so much for this Vanessa. You’re so right, we have to come together, listen to one another and what is important to each other, and then work together to rebuild our divided nation and heal. I appreciate your encouragement. Big big hugs xox

  24. Is there a way that you and I can get in touch with one another? You follow me as well and I would like to talk to you more about this in a more private venue.

  25. We need peace in our land and not more strife, but I understand the anger many are feeling. I respect you Caralyn but I respectfully disagree. There are some good views with the liberal way of thinking, including more activity helping the poor and helping those that work hard and yet have low incomes. I would hate for all of us to be forcibly Protestant, like the Puritans wanted, or having interracial marriage to be outlawed as it once was. Being progressive and diverse can be very healthy.
    More importantly though a man like Trump, his demeanor his verbal assaults on just about everyone that did not agree with him, his not paying federal income tax…….and then there is assaulting people….sorry but no way should he be president.
    And I like what one blogger said recently. There is no such thing as a pro life president. Hearts need changing first, then laws can be changed. Otherwise people will not vote to change the laws.
    Anyway we must move forward and I love the way our current president, is handling the transition. There is real healing taking 0lace

  26. Thank you! Thank you for this, I feel so much the same way! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 I voted for Trump and couldn’t be happier that he won! :9 sick of the current admin and ready for a change!

  27. While you said what you voted for you also were ok with a man who will take women’s rights back 30 years. You are ok with a man who bragged he grabbed women by their vagina (I opted for a cleaner version ) I have daughters and this kind of rhetoric demoralizes all women. Planned parenthood also provides cancer screening to those who could not otherwise afford it. Obama care will be gone and while I am a middle class individual who paid over $17 thousand in healthcare last year I believe all Americans deserve health insurance. You are ok with a man who spouts racism and hate towards others, while I will worry that he will force our country into war and my sons lives will be at risk. While you are pleased with the election outcome I am saddened beyond belief that Donald Trump is the leader of the free world.

    • I appreciate you sharing your opinion and feelings. It was definitely hard to vote for this particular man, but I had to look past the candidate and vote for my “top issue” – protecting the unborn. I respect that other people have their own “top issue.” that is the beauty of democracy. My heart goes out to you, your family and all of those who are upset and hurting because of the results of this election. I pray for the healing of our nation. I pray for compassion and love to fill all of our hearts. I pray for a willingness to listen and hearts that seek to understand. I pray for our new leader. And that people will give him a chance to earn their respect through policies that are inclusive and beneficial to ALL people. Thank you for joining the dialogue. Hugs to you friend xox

  28. I really appreciate hearing your thoughts and feelings about this. This election, like most things in life, was not black and white. It was much more complicated than that. I’m glad that you were able to vote your conscious <3

    • Thank you so much Leslie. You’re definitely right – there were so many gray areas during this election. Now all we can do is pray for healing and for our new leader. thanks for stopping by! hugs xo

  29. I stand and applaud your well-reasoned and logical arguments. Such a contrast to the people who have cried for “tolerance” and “coexistence”–just before taking to the streets to riot when the results of the democratic process don’t go the way they want it to. Thank you for having the courage to tell it like it is!

    • thank you so much for this. yeah, i have been so saddened by the outrage and out lash that is being demonstrated recently. It makes me disheartened and sad. Thanks for stopping by. hugs to you xox

  30. Yes, you have every right to your vote. You do not have the right to think I am uninformed. I’m also a Christian but have no political party background. I do have the right to vote for someone who knows the basics of American government and constitutional rights, neither of which Trump understands nor respects as he repeatedly proved during the debates. I also have the right to think that the far left has more compassion and than the conservative right, who have highjacked the Congressional decision making process and Supreme Court for the last eight years and have no compassion whatsoever for the downtrodden, broken-hearted and poor. It is also the conservative right Congress who have made and compounded the deficit problem. Trump has no political background experience to fix the deficit without throwing the entire global banking system into chaos.

    I don’t vote for personality but on works. Clinton made many mistakes, broke no laws, but has spent her entire life protecting the rights of children and women all over the world. Because of her, my challenged child was able to attend a “regular” school. That gets my vote every time, and I would have voted for anyone but Trump. My late fire-breathing Evangelist husband would have cleaned the clock of any man who treated women so disrespectfully.

    Lastly, the Constitution is NOT a Christian manifesto. It gives everyone in this country the freedom OF religion. I have no respect for Tea Party types, which you may not be, who think they have the right to dictate religious beliefs and undermine what this nation is all about. Or used to be. The longterm results of this election is not one this nation will be proud of and will leave our children and grandchildren burdened with a sad and terrible legacy.

    • Thank you so much for this reflection. I hope it did not come across that I felt you were uninformed. That was not my intent or feeling at all. This was a very difficult election. I did not like either candidate, but had to stand by the issues I felt most important to me, personally. Namely, a pro-life agenda. You’re right, Trumps words were disgusting, and all I can do now is pray for the healing and unity of our nation, and for the guidance of our new leader. Hopefully he surrounds himself with good, politically savvy people. Thank you again for sharing your heart. big hugs xox

  31. I voted for Trump and Pence as they’re both Pro-Israel-Yisrael / Pro-Zionism / Pro-Life / Pro-USA!!

    Am Yisrael Chai forevermore Israel-Yisrael and Baruch HaShem Yahweh Yeshua Jesus Christ Adonai Bless you all who Stand with the Holy Land of Israel-Yisrael and our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America!!

    United We Stand with Israel-Yisrael and our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America, Divided We FALL!!

    Please Pray for our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America and Israel-Yisrael Everyday!!! “Pray Without Ceasing.” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV )!!

    God Bless all my Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus-Yeshua and our Jewish Sisters and Brothers in HaShem Yahweh Elijah Elohim Jehovah Hosanna and Your Families and Friends!!

    Love Always and Shalom ( Peace ) Everyone, YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

  32. Like Tim, I’m from Australia. I appreciate you, Carralyn, taking the time to put your thoughts down about why you voted, even as I (as a progressive Catholic) disagree with many of your points. My main concern is that from the outside looking in, it seems Trump has said anything a number of different groups want to hear, just to be elected. I’ll be waiting to see how much he actually carries out. Especially since my view of pro-life means *more* than just helping mothers carry babies to term – it means protecting their health, education, parents’ jobs, right to freedom from discrimination & a safe home etc. and so on (a la Sister Joan Chittister).
    Also, I am concerned about reports of white extremists celebrating Trump’s win, such as the KKK. John Pavlovitz, a Christian blogger, puts it thus: While I disagree with how strongly worded he is, he makes some good points. I’m sure you, Carralyn, focusing on love, will be prepared to act if Trump goes through with his anti-life policies around immigration, for example.
    Australia has its own fair share of problems surrounding these issues, so I’m by no means trying to lecture or anything. Just putting my thoughts out there – after all, what’s done is done, now we all just have to make the best of it.

    • Hi friend, thank you so much for this thoughtful response. You’re right, there were lots and LOTS of concerns surrounding Trump, but I had to vote for the issues important to me, not necessarily the person. I will just pray for him and for the state of our nation, and world. Thank you again for this healthy dialogue 🙂 hugs to you xo

  33. I will say, Caralyn, that your post does not surprise me. Much of the right wing Christian community is right there with you. And yes, I said with you, not us. Personally, I thought neither candidate was worth a warm bucket of spit (a little historical language there 🙂 I detest both parties for giving us these two horrible choices; we should never have to vote based two such despicable people (although it happens too often). There was probably no better qualified person from an experience standpoint than HRC, but she had way too much baggage. Trump had no experience in government, and had a different type of baggage, but way too much of it too.
    As a Christian, I abhor that the religious right has so completely embraced Trump without saying anything condemning about those things that he stands for that would make Jesus weep. I fear an awful lot of people will judge Christ and His church by the unapologetic enthusiasm with which they embraced Trump.

    Without delving into your positions in depth, I would offer the following challenge to you….find a way to openly support people, support inclusiveness, reject violence and hatred. If “change” was what was desired, then focus on that with respect to employment, health care, infrastructure, economy, defense…. and condemn the subtle and overt hatred that was preached around those topics. I know some of this is just politics. But…too much of it felt it went way beyond what was needed just to strike a position.

    I don’t think I’ll return to blogging as usual after today…I think I have a couple of more that I want to write. But at least this phase is over, and now we can wait, resume life, and see what happens.
    Peace, sister.

    • a warm bucket of spit! haha i’ve never heard that one before, but you’re right, both candidates were pretty terrible. I’m actually a moderate, not super right wing, but I had to vote pro-life. That is the issue that is the most important to me. And I will definitely accept your challenge 🙂 those things sound like the pathway to healing and unity for our nation. Thanks for this great dialogue. I appreciate it and you 🙂 hugs xo

      • It was VP John Nance Garner who made the observation that “the vice presidency is not worth a bucket of warm spit”….which I thought was pretty graphical yet clean 🙂

  34. Thank you for speaking for me. I’m all in for President-elect Trump. We’ve been given a chance to correct a few things; I hope we don’t flub it. I hope we can hang on to what we build.

  35. Aweplause to you! Let your voice be heard and I hope people can remember the secret to our country making it is political pendulum changes. Just look at those where it does not!

  36. Thanks for posting. Now we, all of us, must start to work to get back to a place where we can compromise and work together towards the common good. I live in an overwhelmingly blue state and voted for a third party in hopes they could break 5% and force actual open discourse in the future.

    • hi Katherine, you’re so right — we must come together in love, listen to one another, put aside differences, and move forward. Thank you for your thoughtful response. hugs xox

  37. Caralyn:

    Thank you. You are a woman of great courage.

    Initially, I told no one except my wife who I voted for. She outed me within the family and my three kids and wife immediately left for the polls to negate my vote–that’s why Virginia went for Hillary! (None of them planned to vote previously!) Having been outed, you will now find an open letter to Donald Trump on my blog.

    When the Hispanic day workers that I lunch with on Wednesdays asked how I voted, I told them that I voted republican because Trump was the only candidate who cared about the 80 percent of Americans who have seen no increase (or a decline) in living standards over the past 30 years. (Yes, I am still a recovering economist). If he actually focuses on the economy and does what he says, he will benefit all the economically sensitive groups–young people, Hispanics, minorities, and women–more than other candidates who have systematically ignored their plight, but pretended to represent their interests.

    Mainstream candidates espouse the theologies and philosphies of the 20 percent of Americans, mostly professionals and the rich, who have done well the past 30 years. But most American do not have adequate healthcare, a healthy diet, a new car, and a mortgage paid for. Many must work two jobs just to make ends meet. Kids these days have trouble with “household formation”; children born out of wedlock are at an historically high level; seniors and young people are both at historically high risk of suicide. The hope that we have in Jesus is simply lost on those who have never known him because our secular society has other priorities, like who can use which bathroom.

    Is Donald Trump the perfect candidate? No. I explained to myself and to my family that it was better to vote for an imperfect candidate going in the right direction than an “expert” going in the wrong direction.

    Excuse my lengthy post. I do occasionally get carried away.

    Thanks again.


    • Thank you so much for this thoughtful reflection. So you were a “hidden Trump vote too!” I told all my friends (all of whom were voting for Hillz) that I was voting for her too. You’ve brought up such great points here. I was voting for the common man. Neither choice was ideal. But i pray that God use the broken vessel that is Donald Trump to heal this country and move forward. Thanks again, Stephen. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts 🙂 hugs to you xox

  38. As someone who is neither a liberal or conservative I can just take a step back and laugh at everything that’s happened over the last … way too long. Both sides’ beliefs are completely founded on lies told by their respective candidates. It’s just ugly and it’s really sad that these two people were the best candidates our country could hold up. Nobody really won here.

    That said, the only people I loathe for their vote are the people who did it for disgusting reasons (and there are plenty on both sides so I’m not specifically calling out Trump supporters). It’s funny to me how all of the SJWs are saying that this is the “beginning of the end” and they’ve never been more afraid to be a minority in America. Why? Did one man becoming president suddenly make all of us racist? I could be wrong, it’s still early, but I don’t suddenly have the urge to go to Detroit and lynch as many brown people or gays as I can find.

    Many Christians voted for Trump for obvious reasons like his pro-life stance. Can’t fault them there… one of my best friends is one of those people. I think the vast majority of his supporters, though, are simply people who are sick of being made to feel like racists or homophobes just because they don’t drink the kool aid on every bat-shit crazy thing the far left says. You aren’t up to date on all the new gender-neutral pronouns? You hate gays. You don’t believe that you’re a racist simply because you were born white? You hate black people. A vote for Trump was a bitch slap across the face of those people, and although I didn’t vote for Trump, I can get behind that notion.

    Do you. Nobody can hate you for staying true to your beliefs. They may claim to… but they don’t know you.

    • Hi friend, thank you for this. You’re right, both candidates were wayyy less than ideal. I voted the pro-life ticket. I had to look past the disgusting things he’s said, and vote for the issue that was “top” for me. And you’re right, I definitely sympathize and can understand the hurt that people feel who did not vote for trump. But all we can do now is to love one another and pray for our nation’s leader and healing. hugs xo

  39. This is a great post. I had considered Hillary initially but then decided on a third party candidate instead. I am getting tired of people saying Hillary is some sort of role model for my daughter or that she represents what I should find important as a woman.

    • thank you so much Kate. I really appreciate your insight. I totally agree. Yeah, there are a lot more women I would tell my future daughters to look up to. Good for her for having the courage to run, but I just can’t get behind her policies. thank you for this great response! hugs xo

  40. Thank you for expressing so well what many of us felt but could not put into words. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  41. Thank you for posting this! I bet it took courage because I know I feel like I’m surrounded by people who think all Trump supporters are hateful. You wrote what me, and a lot of other people are feeling! Beautiful said, thanks again. Love all your posts!

  42. Great post. Expresses a lot of what I think and feel as I too am a Christian. Thank you for writing this.

  43. Bravo! Well said! Thank you BBB for addressing this! My great concern today is for our girls – for the women and girls of our Great Country who are now being hysterically told and convinced that Donald Trump is now going to cause them great harm by inciting sexual misbehavior and sexism everywhere. You know, our women are so much smarter than that, so much stronger than that! Mothers, please teach your girls to not buy into that fearful rhetoric from our media’s misguided tantrum from their candidate not winning. BBB, will you address this issue? You are amazing <3

    • Thank you so much for this kind reflection. Yeah, i feel for them too. We need to come together in love and heal. and move forward. and focus on the good. I will definitely try! hugs to you friend. xox

  44. Can we get a round of applause for this woman right here?

    Seriously though, thank you. I voted for Trump myself, and this post right here is just about everything I’ve been going through today and yesterday myself.

    I’ll just say that going forward, I’ll be praying I made the right choice, and particularly I’ll be praying for Trump himself. I mean, I think we all know St. Paul’s background, am I right? I believe God has a plan.

    • haha thank you so much R. That seriously means so much. yeah, we’ve got to pray for our nation’s healing, and pray for our new leader. yes. God will work everything for good. hugs xo

  45. Amazing post as usual! Thank you for sharing…and for giving so many others a voice. I hate so much that you had to go through those insults and assaults and it is VERY TELLING of their own heart, their nature beneath it all, and what they believe to be right. It is rampant, unnecessary and vile. Prayers for you, sweetheart!

  46. Thank you! I wish I could have written this, but it would have been with less eloquence or compassion (that’s something God is still working on in me. . .).

    I logged out of Facebook the day before the election and I haven’t been back on because I’m choosing to remove myself from the negativity. When did we get to the point as a nation that we can’t even discuss issues without calling names and getting deeply offended?

    I’m choosing to believe that those who are upset by the election are going through the stages of grief and are choosing to publicly share their journey. 😜

    • thank you so much 🙂 haha oh gosh, it would have been in your own voice, which is beautiful and powerful! 🙂 seriously though, thank you. yeah, contemplating logging out of Facebook myself too. too negative. Thanks for the encouragement. hugs ox

      • Wow, talk about a quick response! Thanks. Know you probably get this ALOT, but… if you get just a minute, check out my new piece, “An open letter to President-elect Trump” over at honestpreacher. Any advice would be HUGELY appreciated as I’m still really inexperienced on this whole blogging thing. If you don’t have time though, I completely understand. Thanks again!

      • ❤️❤️❤️thanks! Haha yeah I’m just sitting at my computer doing some work and have the opportunity to reply! Definitely! I look forward to checking out your piece! Sounds interesting! Hugs and love xox

  47. Unfortunately, your vote was “a big middle finger” to the environment and defenseless animals, fish, and other wildlife, too. See and and Some future the kids will have.

    • Hi friend, thank you for this response. To clarify, when I mentioned “for religious freedom” what I was referring to was the attack on Catholic and Christian businesses and organizations (for example, Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor) having to adhere to the Obamacare abortion mandate, even though it completely contradicts their religious beliefs. That was the religious freedom I was specifically referring to. Hope that clears it up. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and for seeking to understand and listen. That is so needed for the healing of our deeply divided and hurting nation. That is my deepest prayer. Hugs to you ox

      • I beg to differ with your viewpoint but will always respect the freedom of a civil discourse. What I am afraid of is that once the genie is let out of the bottle, it would be very hard to put it back. The nastiness of this campaign was really sickening. You can not laugh it off as just politics. What concerns me is some recent happening in schools and colleges near us where ugliness on both sides have reared their heads just after the election results were declared. These are our future that we are talking of.

  48. Great post, and well said! Thank you for voting pro-life and against tyranny. Never give up on faith and truth even in the midst of insults, lies and threats. The Lord will provide the grace we need to be living testimonies of His love and mercy.

    I’ve had my share of liberal college professors who tried to talk me out of my faith and deemed it “inappropriate,” too. Not to mention I’ve been called a “monster” for not supporting the genocide of millions of innocent unborn babies.

    (A monster for wanting to save unborn children? Tell me how that makes sense! *eye roll*)

    But God is good, and teaches us to grow stronger in the faith and stand up for what’s right no matter what. He never leaves His children behind!

    God bless!

    • Thank you so much Vixey, I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement. You’re right, God will work all this together for good, and He never abandons His children. Yeah, that was the top issue for me, and so I had to look past the individual and just vote pro-life. hugs to you xox

    • I’m the veterinary field and recently did some reading about the issue of (…wait for it…) slaughtering horses for meat. Not a pretty topic. It is not a issue people like talking about- one side is against the destruction of horses through this way, the other side sees it as a necessary evil to deal with a large population of unwanted horses that might otherwise be abused and neglected. And maybe another group sees it only as an opportunity to profit.

      People keep trying to pass bills to either make horse slaughter totally illegal, or to pass bills to allow it in the US (currently US horses are shipped to Canada or Mexico). The issue that someone brought up is: why do people want to fight to ban it or allow, but not use money and time to deal with the issue of why we have unwanted horses with nowhere else to go in the first place? This struck me as very similar to the abortion debate.

      And I hope we can devote as much time to reasonable discussion of pregnant mothers and their fetuses as we can unwanted horses.

      • Hi Taylor, thank you for sharing this perspective. Very interesting. I was unaware of this debate about horses. Yes, I pray that the unborn be protected. a culture that no longer values the sanctity and dignity of life, is a dangerous place to be. Thank you for reading and joining the dialogue. hugs xo

  49. As the parent of a transgender child and a gay child, I could not support Trump. While Trump himself is not anti-LGBT, his stance on supporting North Carolina’s rights as a state to create legislation that allows people to discriminate against all minorities including and especially the LGBT community sends a message to other states that they also have to right to create similar legislation. People in those states are not as lucky as I am to live in a state that has no interest in creating such legislation, so I feel fairly confident that my kids will be safe. But I don’t have the confidence that kids and adults in other states will be protected. Comments that many people have made along the lines that they hope Trump will not support or ignore that type of state legislation is a gamble. Although I did not like Clinton, a vote for Trump in my opinion was too big of a gamble for the safety of too many in the LGBT community. And if anything happened to Trump, his VP is a potential threat to the LGBT community.

    I do wonder how you would vote if you thought Trump wouldn’t interfere if a state created legislation that allowed people the right to discriminate against people with eating disorders or mental illness. Or if you thought Pence was openly hostile to that community.

    We all vote for what matters most to us. I respect everyone’s rights to do so. But obviously, I don’t agree with everyone’s choice.

    • Hi Kim, thank you for sharing this. I definitely respect that. Yeah, there was no perfect choice this election. Yeah, I wish that there would just be love between all people. I pray for our nation and for trump, and that he protect all people during his time in office. Hugs to you friend xox

  50. You didn’t vote for me. In my view, you fell for a slick ad campaign and nothing that you want will come to pass. But we’ll see.

    Trump’s companies use illegal workers. The wall is a nonstarter. Comments about banning Muslims have already been removed from his website.

    Neither party is willing to address the fundamental issues suppressing the US economy. (Bernie stood alone on that.) So there will be no job growth, unless Trump opts to legalize prostitution. That would be consistent with his views of women.

    Smaller government. No, that means solving problems so that agencies can be disbanded. Not going to happen. Government contractors don’t solve problems. It means their pay ends. That’s what “privatization” means.

    Kill Obamacare? That’s the Affordable Care Act, and 9 million people will lose healthcare, some of whom will die, and their blood is on your hands. The logic of Obamacare was to give everyone access to preventive medicine, to reduce the rate of serious illness and reduce overall health costs across the nation. Taking it away takes us back to a situation in which people get diagnosed late, get more expensive treatment and die. And your health insurance costs will double.

    Trump was a quick fix for people who don’t want to try to understand the complexity of what needs to be done. But you voted for him, so you get to live with it. Just don’t say you voted for me.

    In fact, a majority of the country disagreed with you. (Yes, Clinton appears to have won the popular vote.)

    • Thank you for sharing your position, Vic. I appreciate the dialogue. I just want to clarify that when I said “I voted for *you*,” the “you” I was referring to is my future child. But I appreciate and respect your opinion. And I pray that people who feel upset and hurt by the outcome of this election will give DT a chance to earn their respect by using his time in office to stand up for the disenfranchised and neglected. I pray for the healing of our nation and for the hearts of everyone to be filled with compassion and a willingness to listen and understand. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. Hugs to you friend xo

  51. Thank-you; this was such a huge breath of fresh air. (and I was also waiting for something along these lines from you today *gasp* you’re getting a little predictable 😉 but this was so much better than anything I was imagining)

    I say breath of fresh air – the media stink from all the way down there has made it’s way up here; let’s just say I’ve seen a lot of ignorant posts from Canadians in the last few days and I am very disappointed.

    I’ve been holding myself back trying to wait till I could give a level-headed, somewhat-wise response to everything going on (IF I ever make an official response) but this takes the cake in my book and I am so proud and amazed again to see the wisdom and patience and grace and compassion Father gives you; it’s so awesome and so reassuring in this messy time.

    As I’ve been saying over the last couple days, let’s just wait and see what God has in mind (:

    And of course, we’ll keep loving, because love wins.

    • Hey Carson! Oh no! Not predictability! *Facepalm 🙂 hehe but thank you so much for this reflection. You’re so right, there is A LOT of media stink out there and it makes me so sad to see the violence and hatred on tv. I pray for the healing of our nation. we need love right now. and thank you so much for your kind and supportive words. You are always a breath of fresh air to ME with your friendship and positivity. God is good, and I pray that He will use the broken vessel of DT for good and to fulfill His will. Yes, let’s wait and see. and in the mean time, we’ll PRAY! 🙂 and LOVE! big big hugs xox

  52. As one who served and signed up to defend our flag, to see these protesters defacing my flag because they didn’t get their way is disgraceful to me and the men who served along side. Like it or not trump is our president elect. Other countries would not allow these people to act like this against the president elect, prison and death, just saying. He’s a racist, but its ok that u impede traffic, protest, riot, fight etc? That’s how classy Hillary supporters are? Hmmm makes my vote that much easier.

    • Hi Stetson, first of all, thank you so much for your service to our country. You gave the ultimate sacrifice and I so so appreciate it. You’re right, you fought for our right to vote and we need to act with the proper gratitude. Yeah it makes me really sad. My heart goes out to those that are upset and hurting about the results, but violence and hatred, and threats of death is NOT the answer. We need love. we need to heal. we need understanding and compassion .Thanks again. hugs xo

      • I hear you. The ultimate sacrifice is those fallen soilders who did not return home, but thanks for that. I’ve been thinking alot about my brothers from the Vietnam era today, they got spit on when they returned. Not cool. These people have no right to spit on our troops when they didn’t serve. We fight for their rights but not the right to spit and attack us on our own soil. In other news. “Want to stop all the riots? Play the national anthem, they’ll all sit down.”
        A little joke, hehe.

      • Thanks again Stetson. You’re right – service to country is nothing to be mocked — or spit!! — at. It is an act of bravery and sacrifice. haha, oh gosh, sad but true! I know, I’m needing a little lift to the mood too 🙂 how about this one….what do you call fake spaghetti?? AN IM-PASTA!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 alright, have a great night, friend xox

      • HAHA you Dork! Not sure if I laughed because it was funny, or because you are a dork for saying it? Haha. Take care BBB. Hugs*

  53. Everyone in the country had a choice when they stepped into the booth. That choice was deciding what they could live with as a negative vs benefits of voting the way they did.

    Trump voters decided his history of deplorable actions\statements, promotion and instigation of hatred, myopic view of the world, being his own special interest group, and business success despite his best attempts to do it wrong were completely acceptable as long as what he sold (questionable considering multiple fact checks) promised the ideal of a “better” America (better as in white America). In other words – hate, racism, ignorance, and misogamy is completely acceptable as long as your savings account looks better.

    Hillary voters decided questionable judgement, the email issue, and firmly rooted in establishment wasn’t enough to overshadow experience, preparation, and clearly outlined plans and the accusations of dishonesty was preferable to moral atrocities associated with Trump.

    3rd party voters put their ideals above all else, that voting for someone they knew had no chance of winning would allow them to sleep at night even knowing that they could be a factor in either one of the two they didn’t like being elected. Or, they decided they didn’t want to decide but wanted to say they voted anyway.

    While I respect your right and opinion, I wonder how you can justify this to your children. Yes, you did almost address that, and possibly this is a generational thing. I remember teaching my children that the guy giving you candy may not be a nice man, that letting your sister watch her show one time doesn’t undo all the times you pulled her hair, called her ugly, and hid her dolls, and that you never, ever lay a hand on a woman without her permission. With all the mean, bigoted, and blatantly oppressive things that has come out of Trump’s mouth over the last two years (and currently waiting to go to trial for fraud and potentially sexual assault), how does the yet unfulfilled promise of prosperity cancel all that out? I can’t wrap my head around it. It’s like watching someone get beat up and decide that since it’s raining, you’d rather stay dry than do the right thing…

    Ultimately, this election has done the opposite of what has been promised – to unite the nation and work together. Instead we have families fighting, children chanting ‘build that wall’ to other children at school, and more. We cannot be united when such selfishness keeps us separate.

    • Hi Scott, thank you for this thoughtful response. A lot of powerful food for thought here. I completely agree: 1) both candidates were far less than ideal. and 2) the hatred and violence that has erupted as a result of this election is heart breaking. Especially in how it is impacting our children.
      For me, I had to look past the individual and vote based on my “top issue” and that is the candidate who is pro-life. That is non-negotiable for me. But I completely respect that other people have different “top issues” and that’s 1000% okay! That’s the beauty of democracy is that we are each entitled to vote for the candidate of our choice. Am I a “fan” of DT as a person? No. But I do respect his stance on Life. And that was enough for me to cast my ballot. What our country needs right now is healing. I pray for that healing. For compassion and a willingness to listen and understand. For guidance for our new president elect. and for people to give DT a chance to earn their respect through policies that are inclusive and seeking peace. Thank you for taking the time to read. healthy dialogue brings healing 🙂 hugs xox

  54. I am so thankful to have read this. Your perspective is wise and refreshing. I hope there are more people like you that are bold enough to say things like this in a way that demonstrates the character of Christ as you just did!

  55. I had a problem with Donald this election season. Fundamentally it was that I don’t trust him.

    Naturally, I don’t trust Hillary either. Neither of them represented the Jesus I know from the words spewing out of their mouths.

    I read an article earlier today (which annoyingly I can’t find the link to) written by a young lady who grew up in the country, a small town, and moved to the city. I’m not going to try to understand the electoral college, The UK system I grew up with made my head spin and the US version is so much more complex. One thing both have in common is it seems to matter less how you vote than where. In England they called it “Gerrymandering” the districts to ensure an election result where even if one party got more individual votes, they would have fewer seats. Made my head spin.

    The article saw the world from both sides. It suggests – and had the figures to back it up – that “Blue” states tend to be more densely populated. There may be more people in a smaller area. In business that produces the “group-think” phenomena. But the poor in the rural areas were abandoned by Big Government. Where were the aid workers after Katrina in the several hundred square miles that wasn’t Orleans but was destroyed as over $100 billion dollars of damage and hundreds of lost lives?

    I’m a Christian, and a fairly militant one – but I couldn’t have voted for either candidate. Democrats stand on abortion is as unpalatable for me as Republican’s is on pro-life. The decision ultimately must be the individual’s, not the legislature’s..

    If I lived in rural America, with the problems so many of the small-town dwellers are facing I might have considered voting Republican (although third-party is more likely) as a protest vote from sheer frustration.

    Small town America is dying, much like rural England, as the cities cluck about lost teeth and blue-collar work clothes.

    My family (well, half of them) are blue collar. Dad’s family grew up in rural England and worked as a Salvation army family during and after the 1939-1945 war. Mum’s family were townies. Country folk in their own way, but less in the “work the land or don’t eat” way that dad’s were. I remember going blackberry picking (nothing to do with smartphones) when I was a kid. Along the hedgerows by the roadside. Get a couple of pounds of rich, wild fruit (less what went straight into me) to take home and make into a pie to have after a simple supper as a sumptuous pudding. Rich and satisfying.

    But don’t be fooled. Donald hasn’t convinced me by word or action that he is any more a Christian than I am a Ferrari.

    Hats off to your courage in trying to get people to think differently. Along with the other article, this one has calmed me down. Your work has clearly shown you are not someone to be afraid of.

    Thanks for your honesty and the integrity you have and continue to show.

    • Great post. You expressed yourself perfectly.
      I didn’t vote for Trump. I couldn’t get past his comments about minorities and women. As an Hispanic woman, those comments hurt and with hurt comes anger and now look what’s going on out there.
      I don’t feel that all Trump supporters are racists, but he has definitely attracted the ones who are and they’re proud of it too. That is what has everyone upset.
      I’m 54 years old and I’ve never seen so many angry, hurt people after an election. Its sad and more than anything it’s very real.
      Please join me in praying for our nation. Please pray that we become One Nation under God and not two or three.
      Thanks again for your post.

      • What has amazed me, watching from behind a rock here in South Africa, is the number of his supporters filmed out attacking people.

        They won. Didn’t they get the memo?

        It’s like a pressure cooker of pain just got released and the explosion is beginning. Not a good time to be a Democrat, a Republican, Black, White, Latino, LGBT or Homo Sapiens in the world today.

        Nobody has the right to sat “not my circus, not my monkeys” this year. Over the last 30 years since Reaganomics came about we’ve all been guilty of creating the monster we face now. And I mean ALL – Americans, British, Europeans, Antipodeans, Africans, Russians, all of us.

        We made this bed. Now we need to figure out how to live with it.

      • Hi David, thank you for this reflection. Wow South Africa! That’s awesome. But it’s true, we are all in this together. The world is “smaller” than ever and we must collective seek understanding and peace. He hatred being displayed. Deals my heart and I pray that people can fill their hearts instead with compassion and a desire to listen and understand the “other side.” Hugs and love xox

      • It gets smaller, too.

        I’m actually British, but my wife is South African. Both our countries are going to be affected by the US election.

        Frankly at this point it shouldn’t matter who voted which way, but rather what we as a global community can do to help overcome the shortfalls – all leaders have them – and build on the strengths of the incoming individual.

        America needs to be aware that Trump displays the traits of a boss rather than a leader. He will be very quick to accept the accolades when things go well, but it will never be his fault when things go wrong. That, in the long term, could be a problem – and not just for the US but for the world.

        I hope I’m wrong. I hope he will raise his game, despatch the likes of Duke to the pits they belong in and find a way to heal the growing rifts in the country. SA is in turmoil and the present incumbent, Jacob Zuma, seems to be benefitting from it and as a result does nothing. Here the white minority is being increasingly marginalised the way the minorities in the US have been traditionally.

        We need to find a way to unite everyone as humans rather than ethnicities, or rural vs urban. And that can only start at grass roots.

        I thnk there’s a reason Jesus arrived in a manger and recruited fishermen, shepherds and prostitutes to tell the Gospel. Every time in history Christianity has been “institutionalised” there’s been a disastrous result. We need to de-institutionalise Christianity. We desperately need to differentiate Church and State after the supporters pertaining to be Christians stood with Trump became the face of Christianity. They don’t represent my Jesus even remotely.

        It’s a hard four years ahead of us in the Church. Trump may put the Bible back in schools, but the cost could be catastrophic. Overturning Roe could have devastating consequences for rape victims not allowed to abort their rapists spawn because the rapist refused consent.

        There is much work to be done.

        I pray we are all up to the challenge before another crop rots in the field.

      • Powerful thoughts, David. Thanks again. It’s really interesting (and sobering) to hear the interconnectedness of global. I pray we can unite as humans too:) Hugs and love xox

      • Hi Daphne, thank you for this response. yes, i will definitely join you in that prayer. the violence and hatred that has erupted since the election saddens me. my heart goes out to those hurting, but violence is never the answer. we need compassion. love. a willingness to listen. seeking to understand. healing. and i pray for those things. thanks for reading. hugs xo


    • Hi Marshall, thank you for this response and for joining the dialogue. I just pray that DT use his time in office to promote policies that protect and are inclusive and beneficial for all people. Neither candidate was ideal, but I pray the people give him a chance to earn their respect through standing up for the disenfranchised and neglected. That is my deepest hope and prayer. Thanks for taking the time to read. big hugs xox

  57. I have only two Master degrees and one Doctorate, so I guess I am still “uneducated and ignorant,” but I am sitting right next to you in the “basket of deplorables.”
    P.S. I also love Harry Potter.

  58. I love this. I continue to pray that Trump’s character will continue to grow and that he will be surrounded by godly influence. I don’t have to have the most godly man as my leader, but I do need his policies to align with what I think is right and Trump does that for me. If people judged me by how I’ve been in my past, not looking at who I am today, I wouldn’t bode so well either. Hopefully Trump will be able to prove the accusations wrong while in office and people will be able to have more peace about this in their hearts.

  59. I apologize for not reading all the comments. I just don’t have that much energy right now.

    I applaud your voting on issues. I did the same. I’ll spare you my views. It’s not a problem that yours are very different from mine, and it’s important that you did not vote based on personalities. I applaud you for that.

    In my case, I voted, but not for either of the two “major” candidates. My particular conscience and too much experience with US politics took me a different way. I’m especially glad for that because “my” side of the two-sided discussion has proved as repugnant as the other side. I found another side to give my vote to.

    I’m about ready to un-follow any of my Facebook “friends” who even mentions politics.

    • Thank you so much Billy. Yeah, given the two choices, I had to just stick to the issues. Thank you for exercising your right to vote — a freedom that many many men and women made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could have that privilege. And I’m almost right there with you about Facebook. The passive agressive/hateful rhetoric has just got. to. stop. We need to begin healing as a nation and seeking to understand one another with compassion. Not twisting the knife with hurtful words. Anywho, thank you for your supportive and encouraging words. Big hugs xox

  60. Many of the people who support Trump are the same people who have made it clear to me that my life doesn’t matter. Not only that but he has zero respect for women and nothing about Trump is “christian” or godly… having him as president is an excuse to for many white supremacists who have an issue with progress to take a step back and it won’t be people like you who struggle because of it but people like me. We are terrified.

    • this absolutely breaks my heart, and i pray that that is not the case. Thank you for sharing this issue that is very real to you and many others. I pray for the healing of our nation, and for the protection and inclusion of all people under our new leader. hugs to you, Rere.

  61. Ugh. No. I’m sorry, but no.

    I was going to write all of the logical reasons behind why Trump is a horrible choice – absolutely no political experience, proposals other than “BUILD THAT WALL,” impulse control, steady temperament, etc. But I’ll just say this: If you are able to see a candidate’s racism as a minor character flaw that you can look past, and not a deal-breaker, you are very privileged indeed.

    Trump’s presidency won’t negatively affect you and me because we are white Christian women. His presidency will affect my Latino students mightily. They are literally afraid for their safety. His presidency will affect the Latino community, the black community, the LGBT community, Muslims. I don’t understand how Christians are willing to look past that. It makes me embarrassed.

    • Hi Holly, thank you for sharing this perspective. My heart breaks for all those who are upset and hurting and fearful because of the outcome of this election. no one should be afraid to live in their own country or in their own skin. I pray that people give him a chance to earn their respect through policies that stand up for the disenfranchised and neglected. and i pray that his time in office protects, is inclusive and beneficial to ALL people. thanks for joining the dialogue. hugs x

  62. I also voted for Trump. I prayed about it many times and the bottom line for me was that it was going to be either Hilary or Trump. Hilary stands for everything I’m against. Trump stands for many things I believe in, some of which you mentioned. No he’s not a saint but I love that he is not a politician and cannot be bought. Of course time will tell but obviously many Americans feel as we do and all I can say is I feel hope for our nation for the first time in years. (And there is no way to please everyone!)

  63. I’m sorry, but what you voted for was a man who has taken up a vitriolic Vice President who has used government funding to promote conversion therapy for minors. Literally a man who endorses putting children who think they may be gay in front of a screen to be forced to watch brutal pornography as reverse psychology to “make them straight again.” This is what you voted for.

    It’s easy to say all of this when you aren’t the one who LIVES in fear in your own home, of the people who raised you making it known that they reject you every day of your life. It’s easy to stand by all these things when you have the privilege of saying that the extreme right doesn’t want to be violent against you because of your expression of love; the color of your skin; the country that you came from if not America.

    There is so much more to it than the things in this post, and while I respect you and where you are standing, I just pray that you see that. I hope you are thinking of all the people who now live in fear of their families being torn apart because some were born here and some were not, who are afraid because hatred against them seems to have been sanctioned by that side of this campaign, giving people not only a reason but permission to be hateful, violent and dangerous.

    I pray for this country and all the people who are genuinely scared to live their life here in America. For some of us, this means an American nightmare, not an American Dream.

    • Hi Cait, thank you so much for this response. That truly breaks my heart and sickens my spirit about Pence. Being an active member of the performing arts community, I know and love many many LGBT people and it hurts my heart to think of them being persecuted. Same with families from other nations. Living in NYC, it is truly a melting pot with people from all over the world. I would say that 85-90% of my friends are here on visas or are in the green card application process. I definitely do not want them to fear for their lives in this country. I wholeheartedly respect and feel for those people who are upset at the results of this election. Truly. I pray that we can collectively heal as a nation and I pray for Donald trump to use the office as a catalyst for peace, understanding and unification with a deeply divided and hurting nation. I thank you for this dialogue. I am a moderate when it comes right down to it. Obviously DT is a deeply flawed individual, but then we all are. I have so much dirty laundry in my past, I certainly don’t feel qualified to pass judgement. But God uses broken vessels and I pray that He will work good out of this situation. At the end of the day, I voted for the issues that mean the most to me, which is protecting the unborn child. I know and respect that other people have (and are entitled to) vote according to their own “top issues.” But this was mine. Okay, gotta go to sleep. Waking up in 3 hours for work! Haha big hugs to you my friend. Thank you again for this healthy dialogue. Xox

  64. That…was absolutely fantastic. You spoke what so many of us out here in “flyover country” have felt increasingly these past few years, esp in this election. We are NONE of things the left and their morally bankrupt candidate have portrayed us as. Thank you for articulating what so many of us want to say, to the political, academic, metropolitan and entertainment elites. I, for one, applaud you.

    • Thank you so much for this encouragement. You’re right. I’m from the midwest myself, and my family is all there. they are also none of those things and it makes me mad when the media makes such a gross generalization. Your kind words mean the world. hugs xox

  65. Bbb,

    I found this post after 2 very tearful days both yesterday and today. It got so bad I had to delete the facebook icon from my phone to keep me from seeing and hearing the abject chaos and slander from both sides. My friends and family sent much of the same thing you describe. Yet though none of them knew who i had voted for, they raled against D.T. and all his supporters (of which I was one). It hurt so badly to be called all of those things and i have been stung to the core to see the blind hatred being flung all around. I have been seeking a voice for all of my feelings. You helped liberate a great weight. Your post was a balm for my aching soul. Thank you, thank you. ❤

    • Hi RB, thank you so much for this response. I’m so glad that it hit home with you. I too have been saddened by the violence and hate that has erupted since the election. I pray for healing. And compassion. And hearts that seek to understand. And a willingness to listen. I pray for our nation and our new leader. Thank you for sharing your heart on here. Sending a massive hug to you . xox

  66. Thank you for sharing. After reading carefully, I am left with the idea that you are not a raging bigot, but that your are fundamentally uninformed on critical topics. My best guess is that religious bias informs your political views. I’d like to respond to a few of your comments:

    “Donald Trump, (much like Bernie Sanders, honestly) was the candidate that was taking a stand against the corruption of far left, liberal, big government, and its mainstream media accomplice, trying to pull the wool over our eyes.”

    Bernie Sanders is about as far from Donald Trump as anyone could possibly be, so this comparison is absurd. While Trump maligned the media at every opportunity, the worst thing they could be accused of doing with regard to his campaign is quoting him. He really said the things they reported. Corruption has been thrown around without context so much now that it has nearly lost all meaning. But, I think a good example of corruption would be trying to bribe politicians, which is something that Trump used as his bona fides for knowing something about politics.

    “Honestly, I don’t blame my friends for tweeting these ill-informed things out. The mainstream media has been crafting the Trump narrative, painting him in as corrupt light as possible (some of which, he definitely earned), and failing to pay any lip service to Hillary and her criminal activity.”

    The “main-stream-media” gave Trump billions of dollars in free air time over the course of the campaign, and have accurately reported the things he has said and done. If he was painted in a bad light then that was his own doing. And the media spent plenty of time covering the Clinton “scandals,” and incorrectly equating the two candidates so that people could see them as equally flawed. The media might not have actually supported Trump, but their method of coverage – especially during the primaries – worked solidly to his advantage.

    “Wanting to have secure borders and supporting legal immigration does not make me a racist or xenophobe.”

    No, it doesn’t. Your candidate wants mass deportations of Mexicans (identified explicitly) and to ban immigration on the basis of religion. If he is a racist xenophobe, and you vote for him, you can’t really divest yourself of the racism and xenophobia so easily.

    “Wanting to become energy independent does not make me irrational and idiotic.”

    True. But if you voted for him on this basis then you have not kept informed of the trends toward energy independence over the last eight years, and you are not listening to the experts who say his energy plan will nearly end development of renewable industry and will exponentially increase pollution.

    “I am allowed to vote against government-funded abortion facilities and healthcare with mandated aborticants.”

    There are no government funded abortions or healthcare with mandated aborticants. This is pure fantasy.

    “I am allowed to vote for fiscal responsibility. Getting America back to work. Reducing our national debt.”

    Top economists in the US and globally say that Trump’s economic plans will plunge us into recession, increase the national debt, and negatively impact global markets. That isn’t fiscal responsibility. Trump has misrepresented the reasons for loss of manufacturing jobs and his ability to bring them back. The truth is that most were not lost to foreigners, but to machines. Those jobs aren’t coming back. Since he is one of those who makes profit on products made by cheap labor overseas, Trump isn’t going to change the laws to make it less profitable to continue doing so.

    “But mainly, I am allowed to vote in protest to the onslaught by the liberal far left and the agenda they push in the mainstream media, in newspapers, at public universities, in celebrity/pop culture. That does not make me a bigot.”

    It might not make you a bigot, but it displays a deep bias, as the key issues you claim to be voting in protest of are so insipid as to be utterly meaningless. Ultimately, even if you don’t think of yourself as a bigot, you voted for a candidate who made horribly bigoted and divisive statements. Notwithstanding your policy ignorance, voting for a candidate that is anti-LGBTQ, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-black, and anti-woman and then claiming that you weren’t voting for those parts is unconvincing. You voted for all of his positions. You have to own up to that. If the impact is regressive legislation that further disenfranchises minority populations, you voted for it.

    I don’t think you are a horrible person. I do think you didn’t think this through very well.

    • I appreciate you sharing your opinion and feelings. It was definitely hard to vote for this particular man, but I had to look past the candidate and vote for my “top issue” – protecting the unborn. I respect that other people have their own “top issue.” that is the beauty of democracy. My heart goes out to you and all of those who are upset and hurting because of the results of this election. I pray for the healing of our nation. I pray for compassion and love to fill all of our hearts. I pray for a willingness to listen and hearts that seek to understand. I pray for our new leader. And that people will give him a chance to earn their respect through policies that are inclusive and beneficial to ALL people. Policies that stand up for the disenfranchised and neglected. That is my deepest hope and prayer for our country. Thank you for joining the dialogue. Hugs to you friend xox

      • That idea of protecting the unborn really depend on the answer to an un-answerable question: when does the spirit enter the body? I encourage you to study historical ideas about that, especially in Biblical times. You might be in for a big surprise.

  67. One, I’m super proud of the articulate way you supported your candidate. I align with a lot of Trump policy, expect for international relations. His comments in regard to China, NATO, NAFTA, and South Korea sickened me more than anything. That may be weird, but foreign policy is one of my passions and I hate to see America’s role diminished as foreign autocracy’s gain soft and hard power.
    Needless to say, Clinton embodied everything I find revulsive as a young, Christian woman.
    But since I was in a solid, red state, I voted 3rd party. And not for Johnson. 😉
    Anyway, this post is awesome.

    • thank you so much Elizabeth. Way to exercise your right to vote. Yeah, I’m with you, I jut couldn’t vote for Clinton. any who, thanks for your kind words. I appreciate the support! hugs xox

  68. Splendid response! I was slapped with that “explain to your LGBT+ etc friends why they don’t matter” meme too. So I replied, at After that I re-published Mike Rowe’s more-genteel take on it all, so my tirade is the second one down.

  69. Thank you for sharing.

    I know that not all who voted Trump are racists or misogynists. To claim so is painting with too broad a brush. Nevertheless, those who do posses such views and sentiments clearly have been emboldened by his candidacy and election. It’s my hope that people like you will stand up to people like that (I have no doubt you will).

    That said, there is so much hate right now on all sides. May God help us.

    • Hi Marie, thank you for this. You’re right, right now we need to come together in love. We need to listen and respect the differences that are dividing our country right now and work to move forward peacefully and together as a unified nation. I appreciate your supportive words. Hugs and love xox

  70. I didn’t vote for Trump (didn’t vote for Hillary either), but all the reasons you listed are exactly why so many of my family, co-workers, and friends voted for him.

    Great post! 👍

  71. Great post 🙂 Been a while I know 🙂 Regardless of whether one is a Trump supporter or not, we should all give him a chance to see what he can do. I know a lot of people who voted for Trump for the same reasons you did and they do not come off as hateful or anything like that. I seem to recall this year that a lot of people did not like either candidate. I heard that some Bernie Sanders supporters voted for Donald Trump to get revenge on Clinton because they did not want another Clinton in office. I can’s speak for all of course. But again, let us all give him a chance. Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

    • Hey John, thank you so much for your encouragement. Truly, it means a lot 🙂 I agree. I pray that hearts will be open to give him a chance to earn their respect through policies that stand up for the disenfranchised and neglected. I pray for healing. For those upset and hurting. For compassion and respectful discussion. for a willingness to listen. for seeking to understand. I appreciate your kind words. sending big hugs xox

  72. Thank you! Yours is the first blog of the many I follow that said anything intelligent about the election results.
    I agree with nearly everything you wrote, until I read this post I was beginning to think that common sense had been voted out.

  73. Well said – thank you for sharing! God works in mysterious ways, and if Trump is a part of His plan, we must trust in Him. Clinton is simply the opposite of all things Christian. It’s amazing how this election turned out.

    May we keep fighting the good fight! God bless 🙂 <3

    • Thank you so much for this! I really appreciate your kind words. Yes, I pray that God work through the broken vessel that is DT. May He work all this together for good. Because you’re right, He works in mysterious mysterious ways. And I also pray for the healing of this deeply divided nation. So glad you stopped by. big hugs xox

  74. The media did not cast him in a bad light, he did that on his own. I understand the positions you write about and I don’t think that all people who voted for Trump are any label. The problem is that he has made it comfortable for those who are racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic to assault innocent people verbally and physically. His blatant disregard for American citizens that are not white straight christian males has incited fear from those that are perpetrators and the recipients of discrimination. I respect your beliefs and your right to vote based upon those. I am a Veteran and it is the reason that I served. I also have to say that as a parent of a young child having nightmares because of our new president elect, explaining to him why people hate Muslims and people of color has not been easy…so it’s true I don’t know what to tell him. I understand that Clinton is/was a terrible choice, but I also believe that as people of faith our responsibility goes beyond choosing the lessor of two evils, whoever that may be. We must make decisions that promote the love and grace that we all receive from our God and neither Trump or Clinton embodied that decision. It’s my prayer that God brings healing to our country and guidance to the new President, so that he understands what makes America great is our diversity and our ability to create unity despite the vast differences. We call ourselves the melting pot for a reason. Peace and love to you my friend. May God continue to bless you.

      • I also appreciate Ilyas’ heart felt reflection and willingness to respectfully discus this nationally and globally deeply divisive election. I too pray for healing 🙂 thanks for stopping by. hugs xox

    • Thank you so much for this reflection Ilyas. First of all, I so appreciate your service to our country. You gave the ultimate sacrifice and put your life on the line to protect ours, and so that we have the freedom to cast our votes. So thank you. And secondly, I will definitely join you in the prayer for the healing of our country. My heart goes out to those who are upset and hurting because of the results. I pray for compassion and healing. I pray that we seek to understand one another and a willingness to listen. And i also pray for our new leader, that God may use the broken vessel that is DT for the good of all people. Thanks again for sharing this powerful perspective. I always enjoy reading your thoughtful words 🙂 hugs to you friend xox

  75. YES GIRL!!! Right there with you! Anyone who questions my decision and asks me to support it receives this simple reply: “I voted for the only candidate whose platform backed Biblical principles. Policies over personalities this election.” I personally wish that Carson had ended up the Republican candidate and it was him sitting in the Oval Office come 2017, but we can certainly work with what we’ve been given. Rockin’ the red! And I can’t wait for how this country blooms and makes the naysayers eat their words! 🎉

    • Thank you so much Farrel. I really appreciate your kind words. Yeah, I had to vote with my conscience, and the pro-life vote is my number one issue. Me too!! oh, how I wish Ben Carson would have been the ticket. Ugh, different election. Oh well, gotta pray for our new leader and for the healing of our country. hugs to you xox

  76. My heart is genuinely breaking for this country this evening. I’m having to remind myself of who truly is in control on an almost minute by minute basis. Christians have to absolutely be shedding light here. We need to remind people who is in control and where our hope lies. I’m with you, friend. I’m also with the millions of Americans whose candidate did not win.

    Mentally I can’t handle this stuff anymore…

    • Thank you for this reflection, Matthew. My heart breaks too. I pray for healing for our nation. I pray for compassion and love to reign instead of this outlash of violence and hatred. It saddens me. Yes, God is in control and I pray that He use the broken vessel that IS DT for good and for His will. hugs to you friend xox

  77. Being black and not American, I know that the next four years are very uncertain to my brothers and sisters there and that’s all I think of when I hear/see the name Trump.

    • Thank you for this perspective Sarah. I appreciate you sharing this. I pray for our new leader that he may use his time in office to be inclusive and peaceful for all people. Our nation needs healing and that is my deepest prayer. hugs to you friend. thank you for reading. hugs xo

  78. A wise man once said, “Just because you are the lessor of two evils does not make you my friend.” These are words to take to heart. Whether I agree or disagree with you is irrelevant. You made your decision based off of beliefs, but some beliefs are apparently higher ranked than others. I didn’t vote for either of the two main candidates because I could not bring myself to be allowed to cave into the pressure of either party. Some say my vote didn’t matter and it was wasted. It reminds me of a story you hear a lot on the web.

    A thousand fish are beached on the sand, he begins throwing them back in the ocean one by one. A man comes up and asks him “why do you bother, you’ll never be able to save them all, does it really matter?” The little boy throws a fish back into the sea and says to the man “it matters to that one.”

    As long as your vote matters to you, and it is truly how you feel 100%, that is all that matters.

    • Thank you so much Jim, I appreciate you taking the time to read and reflect. And thank you for exercising your right to vote. a privilege that many many men and women gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we could enjoy. Powerful food for thought. You’re right, we both followed our conscience. Now we need to come together and heal as a nation. that is my deepest prayer. thanks for reading. hugs xo

  79. “It was me standing up for our military and the men and women who have risked their lives to protect mine.” – Amen. Enough said. Very well written and God bless you for having the guts to do so. You said it so eloquently, I appreciate it.

  80. Terrific job on this post, as always. I am not ashamed to admit that I am one of the “deplorables” who voted for Trump. Both candidates were “undesirables” but your stated reasons for voting for Mr. Trump are similar to my own.
    Thanks – Very important stuff.

  81. I respectfully disagree. The one thing I want to touch on is the correlation between political parties and religion. There are many Christian liberals, and many non religious conservatives. I for one am a Christian liberal, and I believe in freedom of choice. The experience with the two liberal professors is interesting, but I don’t understand how it directly relates to them being liberal. Maybe they just have different moral beliefs than you?

    Religion is a very personal experience, and I don’t think politics are a good representation of religion. There are moral and ethical issues within both parties. Turning a blind eye to discrimination and racism, in favor of pro-life and anti-abortion doesn’t make anyone a pillar of Christianity. It also doesn’t mean that they are not a Christian. Both choices are biblically wrong.

    • I will soon be facing the problem of explaining this to children as well. It’s a a necessary teaching moment of what not to do and what not to be. It’s a good time to remind children that just because someone does something bad it doesn’t mean you have to act that way when you know it’s wrong to do so. It’s a time to explain that being a good person is standing up for what you believe in in a way that helps others learn: leading by example, being honest (without deliberately hurting another’s feelings), being honorable, being kind, tolerant, considerate, caring, loving and helpful. Why did the future President say all those hateful things? Some people hate what they fear or what they don’t understand. Some people say things to get others to follow them or to pay attention to them. Sometimes people do bad things. Is it OK to do things like that? Of course not! There are always better ways to deal with the things we fear, or to get people to follow you. Sometimes in life people make mistakes like that. Everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes are important. They help us. We gain knowledge from them. Mistakes help us to learn and grow as people. When we make mistakes, to make things right, we can learn what we did wrong, we can make an honest effort not to repeat those mistakes (and not to encourage others to repeat them) and as soon as we can, we can correct them. That’s how we learn to be the best person that we can be. At least, that’s what I’m planning to say. I hope it’s enough. And, I hope this helps you in some way. Forgive me if I’ve rambled on too much.

      • Also, forgive me for replying in the wrong place. I meant to reply to ilyasstory but I couldn’t see very well on my tiny tablet so I mis-clicked. Although, I hear your thoughts and understand them as well.

      • Thank you so much for this reflection. I definitely hear you on this. This election will be a near-impossible one to explain to children. I think that is a great response…we should always strive to love. Strive to understand. Be willing to listen to those who think differently. Respect differences. And practice compassion for all people, especially those who are disenfranchised and neglected. That is also my prayer for the healing of this hurting nation. And lastly, that violence is never the answer. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. A healthy and respectful dialogue is step one in the healing process, and I thank you for being willing to partake in the discussion 🙂 hugs to you friend xo

    • Thank you for this reflection, Brielle. I truly appreciate the healthy dialogue. It is paramount for the healing of this deeply divided and hurting nation. I definitely appreciate the separation of church and state. And the differences therein. I just had to vote for my “top issue,” but i definitely respect that other people have different “top issues” and that is 10000%okay! That’s the beauty of democracy 🙂 I just pray that our nation can practice compassion and understanding in the coming time so that we can heal and move forward in love. thanks for stopping by 🙂 hugs ox

  82. Holy wow. I couldn’t sleep and read your blog and though ah what the hay may as well read some comments. Um…you have a whole lotta lotta comments!!!!! I think you handled them all with grace! Almost 300 comments. I’ve never seen that. Are you famous and I am just unaware?
    Pretty cool you can create such a conversation through your blog with many views, mostly non hostile, but even the eager ones you spoke kind words too. A gift for sure.

    • Thank you so much Bethany, haha definitely not famous! Yeah, I definitely try to respect all opinions and beliefs here! And i love the open discussion. thanks for stopping by and for your kind words! hugs xox

  83. I’m really impressed with your courage to be public. People are also laying into us Gary Johnson supporters. Some were posting on social media things like “let me know where these third party voters are so I can kill them”.

    It was horrible. I didn’t say anything (they would just scream through social media and never listen to my side) and just unfriended them.

    Some wrote things like “women who voted for trump or third parties deserve to be raped”. It was appalling to read. One of the my friends is a rape survivor and she voted for Jill Stein. How ignorant can one be to say something like that?

    And tumblr was a wreck with people making post after post calling for Trump’s assassination.

    I can’t even read facebook because of the vileness. I thought some of them were decent people, but I’ll never be able to look at some of them the same way again. They are doing their cause more harm than good.

    While most of us say nothing to correct their rants, we are listening. We are watching them quietly and we have seen their true colors. That their only solutions to disagreement seems to be “labels”, “assassination”, “death threats”, and calls to “rape” women for not voting for Hillary disappoints me.

    And the worst part, when you do point out the nastiness that’s being said, their only response is “What do you mean? It’s not that bad” or “it’s only a few people”.

    It wouldn’t matter if you showed them screenshots. They absolute refuse to see it.

    We may probably don’t agree on many things, but I absolute respect your honesty. Thank you!

    • Wow, thank you so much for this thoughtful response. Oh, my heart just heart reading about those remarks about being raped. The violence and hate since the election is just awful. My heart goes out to those upset and hurting, but violence is NEVER the answer. I pray that our nation heals. That we have compassion and understand. That people have a willingness to listen. And I pray for our new leader too. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your heart. big hugs to you ox

    • haha thank you so much 🙂 I appreciate your willingness to set aside differences and seek to understand. That is what I’m trying to do too. I definitely respect all viewpoints and opinions, I’m just offering mine 🙂 Thanks for this dialogue! hugs xox

  84. Very informative post. Thank you for providing us with your perspective on the election and on your reasons for voting for Trump. I had a difficult time with this election as well. I didn’t like either candidate for various obvious reasons. However, not voting was not an option. Instead, I made my choice and cast my ballot. Was I happy with that at the time? Or am I happy now? No. And, No. I can only hope that everything will work out for the good of the American people.

  85. Beautifully and respectully said, BBB. I only add that Americans seem unaware of the portent of this election for the rest of the world. Many of my fellow Australians are so relieved. Too many are taken up in identity politics and many of us saw this as a victory for the policies, not the personality of Trump. Hope you don’t give up commenting on politics, as that nasty world needs the angle you bring to it.

    • Thank you so much John, I appreciate your kind words and encouragement. Yeah I pray that good comes out of this — for America and for the world. We need healing on a national and global scale. Thanks again for stopping by. big big hugs xox

  86. Yes. All of this.

    Personally, I’m not a huge Trump fan (I voted for Johnson as the least objectionable candidate), but I’m thrilled that Hillary lost. And I’m proud of you for voting against the liberal establishment. I think a lot of us have forgotten too that the President is not a dictator and can’t do anything he wants unilaterally (and people seem to have no problem with a President acting unilaterally when it’s someone they agree with).

    I think what scares me the most is that schools and colleges are actively encouraging students to walk out of class to protest, and giving students safe spaces and counseling to deal with this. The future leaders of tomorrow need to learn to deal with not getting their way, and I’m going to tell them exactly this next time they call asking for money and I don’t give them any. Where was my safe space when I was a student and I had to deal with a second Bill Clinton term that I didn’t vote for?

    • Thank you so much for this reflection. I agree, I think it is just awful the response to the results of the election. My heart goes out to those who are upset and hurting about the results of the election, but violence and hate are NEVER the answer. I just pray for healing for our deeply divided nation. I pray for compassion and understand and for people to give DT a chance. thanks for stopping by. hugs xox

  87. I don’t know. I remember one NYE I was eating a pint of Ben and Jerry’s behind Trump Tower. I didn’t know it was Trump Tower until all these celebrities showed up for some party there. It was fine. I’m sorry someone assaulted you. Will our politics and leaders heal us individually? No they are not gods we have to take to some responsibility and meet each other, even our rivals. That was a very liberal college. An odd subject for a speech, also. Like telling a blind man the importance of colors.

    • Hey Kenzie! haha that’s such a great story about the Trump Tower. Yeah, you never know who you’ll run into in midtown! haha but in all seriousness, thank you for this reflection. You’re right, we need to come together as a nation and heal. We need to seek understanding with compassion and a willingness to listen. that is my deepest prayer. and yeah…the speech? mortifying. hugs to you xox

      • I was working for MTV that year. I was going to go Dick Clark’s thing across the street but instead wandered around to a bodega and ate ice cream. I bring this up because association is powerful. In the MTV studios realm I was, somebody. Dressed in a beat up leather coat in front of a luxury tower I was, nobody. That is Trump’s biggest flaw as well as most businesses. They don’t see profit in anything other than products so the people and the environment suffer for it. Healing, is from Dutch ‘heelen’ and we cannot be “whole” without realizing that it includes everyone. There are no quick fixes or politicians that can write away our sufferings. They merely adjust their vocabulary and stay long enough until there cameras disappear. We need the reverse of that as a country to look at all the bad crap and all the crap we thought worked and just throw it away and reconcile. Instead I believe we are not ready to heal, we want justice so we are angry which is natural we grieve then, we heal.

      • ice cream over a swanky party…i am so right there with you 🙂 haha But in all seriousness, you’re right — the healing process takes time. i pray it happens sooner rather than later xox

  88. I’m sorry, Beauty, I know you are a pretty great human being, but I think you made the wrong call on this election. I do hope that Trump’s Presidency goes well, though…

    • Hi Time, thank you for this reflection. I do pray that God use the broken vessel that IS DT for good and to carry out His will. And I pray that people give DT a chance to earn their respect through policies that are inclusive and beneficial for ALL people. thanks for taking the time to read. hugs xox

  89. Very well said. It’s easy to stay silent when louder voices are being horrible. It’s the easiest thing in the world to brand someone as racist or sexist and turn the world against them but that in itself is a form of hatred that goes unchallenged. It’s bullying, masquerading as righteousness. Well done for articulating thoughts that are shared by many, not just in the US, but over here in the U.K. too where some of us have been through similar circumstances TWICE in recent years.

    • Thank you for this, friend. Yeah the hatred and violence that has erupted since the election deeply saddens me. My heart goes out to those who are hurting, but violence is never the answer. My deepest prayer is for the healing of our nation (and the UK too!) That hearts may be filled with compassion. That we seek to understand each other and be willing to listen with love. I also pray for our new leader. and that people give him a chance to earn their respect by standing up for the forgotten, disenfranchised and neglected. I appreciate you taking the time to read and join the conversation. big big hugs xox

  90. Hi, Thankyou for making your election clearer to me, as a Brit I found it hard to follow, but I hadn’t looked at it your way, that being from the inside, yes, we too made comment of C & T, and TBH, not nice either, but you have explained it all very perfectly to me, wishing you love and hope for you, your family and your country.
    Very best wishes
    Paul (United Kingdom)

    • Thank you Paul. Yeah, this was a very messy election for a lot of reasons, and I now pray for the healing of our deeply divided nation. Thanks for taking the time to read and for seeking to understand. hugs to you xox

  91. Wow! Many absolutely wonderful comments! I also didn’t vote for either because my conscience just couldn’t go there. I’d been publicly groped before and treated disrespectfully by men in my youth and it was one of the most humiliating experiences I’d ever had, so once that was revealed I was nauseous. Up until then, I thought he was the one I’d vote for. His brashness is his way, but I saw evidence that he isn’t racist by those blacks he had worked with and supported him that knew him to be not how the media portrayed him. He is perhaps his worst enemy, but I’ve worked with the media and know how they can cut and paste to make people look their worst as we all saw.
    He is not against ethnics that obey the laws of the land. Why is it that illegal is not viewed as illegal. I don’t think he minds them being here, but do it correctly. Legally. Luke 16:10 New King James Version (NKJV) states: “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.”
    We all know we are a country of mixed DNA and I don’t think anyone minds that. I don’t care if my brother is gay or anyone else for that matter, but don’t force me to treat them more special than I would anyone else. I don’t care what color skin anyone is as long as they treat me the same way they want to be treated. It’s a two way street and sometimes people want to be exceptionally treated without giving the same in return.
    I felt bad for ilyasstory saying his son, has nightmares? That’s because the media feeds this propaganda into the minds of its viewers and paint a picture they’ve contrived. It’s called editing. Reassure your son that Trump is not to be feared. He has many black supporters. If they feared him, they would not have rallied for him. The media distorts truth all the time. My daughter worked for a major network at one time, trust me, I know. Social media is even worse. People stage events all the time. I think its time to put an optimistic face on this. Teach your son to have faith and to not expect the worst.

    As for all the reasons BBB stated are reasons enough to give the man a chance. He could be our worst nightmare or he could be what this country needs. In four years we can re decide.
    Before I went to the polls, I said a prayer and that was for God to let the person He could best use come to office. I know several others who said they did the same thing. In God we Trust. So lets see what happens.

    In the meantime, those out there spewing hate have shown their violent, vicious natures and quite frankly, if that’s what their politics are like, I want nothing to do with them. With all their talk of passivity, they have shown themselves more vitreous than anyone I know, even the gun toting ones.

    • Thank you so much for this thoughtful response, Jolie. I really appreciate it. You’re right, the media has definitely played a big part in how Trump has been perceived. Don’t get me wrong — he has said and done some inexcusable things, but you’re right — with the right editing, he can definitely be driven home as a character of nightmares. I pray that people give him a chance to earn their respect through policies that are inclusive and beneficial for ALL people. My heart goes out to all those upset and hurting about the results, but hate and violence is NEVER the answer. It makes me very sad. I pray for the healing of our deeply divided nation. For our new leader. And for our hearts to be open and full of compassion and love. Thanks for reading. hugs and lots of love xox

  92. Not being American, it’s not really my right to comment on who you chose to vote for. Further, being British I have to acknowledge that a recent vote over here wasn’t exactly popular either. But I’ll say something to you that I said to some pro-Brexit voters: thank you for coming out to explain your thoughts at a time when large swathes of modern society would quite swiftly just ‘unfriend & fight’ you on this. Looking in from the outside, many of us could not understand how a nation of over 320M produced two candidates of such dubious qualification. You were faced with an incredible challenge about the future of your nation in a world where social / popular media volume wins, regardless of the truth.
    So I say “well done” and I mean it. You voted with your heart, on your values, and you’re strong enough to come out and explain your thinking. I make it a point to learn from people I fundamentally disagree with as a primary source of personal growth. To that, I also say a genuine, “Thank you”.

    • Thank you so much for this. Yeah, pressing “publish” on this post was seriously so scary. But you’re right, the candidates both were less than ideal, but I had to follow my heart and vote according to the issues that are the most important to me, and that is the candidate that is pro-life. I respect that other people have different “top issues” and that is 1000% okay! that is the beauty of democracy! but i had to follow my heart. But now we need to come together to heal. thanks for stopping by. hugs to you xox

  93. LIving in the UK I have been following your election result and the ensuing debate and controversies with much interest. Not least because much the same ‘mud slinging’ was directed at those of us who voted to leave the European Union in the Brexit vote back in June. I admire you for being so bold and outspoken and am genuinely delighted that people who have commented on your post have done so with honor and respect even if they disagree with your views. This gives me hope that both in the USA and the U.K. if people resolve to get along despite differences in opinion then we are actually moving forward to build the kind of society that we actually all want anyway.

    • Thank you so much for this response. I know, I am so grateful for the healthy, respectful dialogue on here. that is so needed for healing this deeply divided nation. We need people to seek to understand and be willing to listen with compassion. That is my deepest prayer so we can move forward. hugs xox

      • I just wondered if you would like to receive an early version of a new book our publishing company is producing for 2017. Its the story of Dr Elizabeth McNaught who was diagnosed with Anorexia at the age of 14 – we would love to have your perspective on it!

  94. I’ve been blessed in my Facebook friends. There are no threats etc. Sure, they are disappointed, but most are hoping for the best. I am an American/Canadian who lives in Canada. I vote here. I understand your views, some of my friends voted for Trump for the same reason you did. I respect that. I hope and pray Trump will help the people of the U.S. It seems to me there is always money for wars and bailing out corporations, but there is no money for the poor and disadvantaged. Trump says he will create jobs that were lost because of NAFTA. I hope he can do it.

    • Thank you for this Belle. I appreciate this reflection. Yes that is my hope and prayer as well. And yes for job creation. That is such a necessary thing right now with our economy and people out of work. But above all, prayers for our hurting and divided nation. And the guidance of our new leader. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  95. An eloquent post and we are blessed to live with democracy in our respective countries. Freedom of speech and the right to vote have been fought for and need to be honoured. We are all one, united by our humanity and souls and when we attack each other, we attack ourselves. <3 with hugs xX

    • Thank you Jane. You’re right, democracy is such a privilege and I am grateful for the right to exercise my vote. That is such a powerful thought: when we attack each other we attack ourselves. So true. We need peace and healing as a nation right now. I pray for that. With all my heart. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

    • I’m sorry that this post upset you. Know that I respect your position, even if it is different from mine. that is what makes the united states democracy the beautiful and multidimensional country it is. I do hope you visit again and can set our differences aside 🙂 hugs to you friend xox

  96. Sound Post. The outsider of the two main parties won comfortably. I was a happy witness to this from the UK. Still keeping on the topic of Jesus building walls is good I think. When people build spiritual walls between themselves and God is very sad. So may people build walls for their common sense security and may the spiritual walls of sin be pulled down. Amen. Great Post.

    • Thank you Stephen. I really appreciate your kind words. I agree-may Jesus break down those spiritual walls. That’s how ultimately adopted recovery: Jesus had to come in a break through that ironclad wall I had erected around my heart. And when he finally busted through and I let His love in, my life changed. God is good and I pray He heal the deeply hurting and divided nation right now. Hugs and love xox

  97. I am not American so it may be moot but I would have voted for Bernie Sanders. I understand the push back against the arrogant liberal left. I happen to think that President Obama (and so does much of the world) is one of your best presidents ever even if he was a bit of a lame duck in his second term. But he made some bad calls too; the whole thing about transgenders and school toilets was really heavy handed and running roughshod over other people’s opinion and rights. But overall, President Obama was an inspirational leader.

    I fear though that Trump by nature (and track record) will run roughshod over anyone that differs from what Trump wants. He just declares that he knows what is right and does not demonstrate the propensity to seek counsel or dialogue. More importantly, he is at ease with employing hate rhetoric. I come from a country that has seen many political leaders of a similar ilk and it is destroying our harmony, our security, our economy and our children’s future. Trump desires and is used to absolute power consequences be damned and that is dangerous. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    And as a Christian, I stand with the Pope who says Christians build bridges and not walls. I also follow the words of Jesus who teaches us to love our enemies and that the “meek shall inherit the earth”. Jesus told off the hypocritical religious leaders who were quick to execute the adulteress by stoning and instead restored her with the words, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”

    But enough said. Trump is going to be the President so it is time to pray that God will guide his heart to be a good leader. But pray also for the many people who have fear in their hearts because of the hate rhetoric that has been given prominence. Trump said that the forgotten men and women of America will be forgotten no longer. I really hope so but he then needs to do more than just Twitter that people’s fears are just the work of professional agitators and twisted media. Those are the type of comments I expect from my own country leaders but we are definitely not a model of civilized democracy the US aspires to be.

    Anyway, sorry for the long comment. We are praying for the US and the world.

    • Thank you for this. I too pray that God use the broken vessel that IS DT for good and to fulfill His will. And I pray that people give him a chance to earn their respect through policies that are inclusive and beneficial for ALL people. Now we just pray. Thanks for stopping by. hugs xo

  98. Reading through these comments reminded me so much of Brexit. In the US you are now going through all the emotions we went through just a few months ago. Lots of hurtful things were said and it divided family and friends. Just know that you are a GOOD person with a BIG heart, bringing light and love into our world. xxx

    • Thank you so much for this encouragement. I can’t begin to express how much I appreciate it. Yeah it breaks my heart that there is such division here in the US and that you know it first hand in Europe. Healing is definitely a process and I pray that we can see and listen to one another with compassion and love and move forward. Thanks again my friend. You are a blessing to me. Hugs and love xox

  99. I really appreciate your thoughts and you have all the rights to vote for your country’s best. It’s just that may be now I won’t get visa to study there. But I believe everything happens for a good reason 🙂 Love and blessings to you <3

    • Hi Parus, thank you for this reflection. I pray that your visa goes through! The majority of my friends here in NYC are here in visas or are in the application process for their green cards. I pray and do believe that that won’t be affected by this election, as that’s not the ‘illegal entry” DT was referring to. I appreciate your kind words. Big hugs to you friend xox

  100. People who voted for Britain to leave Europe were greeted with a lot of similar hateful comments about being racist and stuff too. I didn’t vote (I don’t vote at all in anything political) and got to sit on the fence as my countrymen became political geniuses overnight. It was like a circus of ridiculous jargon laden back and forth’s, but once the politically themed arguments ran dry, that’s when the racist button would be hit by ‘in’ voters. As though you could only possibly have voted ‘out’ if you were racist. People are so narrow-minded nowadays and too lacking in respect and basic intelligence to think about how sweeping their bullshit statements are

    • Hi Paul. Thanks for this. Political geniuses overnight…that made me chuckle:) yeah, I hope and pray that people can seek understanding and have compassion for all sides. We all need to heal. Hateful back and forth’s just exacerbate the problem. Healthy dialogue where people genuinely listen and seek understanding is how we move forward. My prayers are with your divided country too:) Hugs and love xox

    • Thank you so much. I appreciate your encouraging words. A willingness to listen and have a healthy dialogue is necessary to healing our nation right now. I pray for all who are hurting. Hugs and love xox

      • It really is quite important to just be able to listen in these quite crazy times. There is a lot of hurt and ugly sin that is crowding this place. It is really painful to watch.

      • Hi friend, thank you for this. You’re so right, being able to listen, and having a willingness TO listen and seeking to understand is so important in the healing process. I agree, it saddens me to see the hatred and violence. I pray for the healing of a deeply divided nation. I appreciate your respect and kindness. Hugs xox

  101. Well said and makes sense. Perspective does makes sense. I am a Canadian, however if I had the opportunity, I would have voted for Clinton. Now, though, I see things differently less than 48 hours after. Trump is like King Cyprus in the book of Ezra. Though he does not know or acknowledge God’s Sovereignty, yet God used him to fulfill His own agenda. T see change coming to America. A change for good, whichever way you look at it! Thanks for your honesty always.

    • Thank you so much for this reflection, Joan. I pray you’re right-that god will use the broken vessel that is DT for good. The Bible is full of countless examples of god using broken people to fulfill His will and plan. Neither choice was ideal, but hopefully good will come from this. I have faith. And I pray for the healing of our nation too. Just a heads up though, you may have a lot of disgruntled Americans moving to your country 😉 haha jk jk just trying to lighten the mood! Haha ok but seriously thanks for this healthy dialogue. Hugs and love xox

  102. Your post enlightened me to a great extent of what I thought about this election, the way you said it is true. It’s okay now since nothing can be done. There’s no gain in protests and rallies. We must see the ideology now rather than the person and all people need to be unified again.

    • Thank you for this reflection. I agree: we need to heal and be unified. The hated sweeping social media and across the country saddens me. I pray that we can heal as a nation through compassion, seeking to understand, and listening to one another with love. Glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

  103. I personally didn’t vote for Trump, but we should all be able have our right to our votes and opinions.

    • Thanks again Laina. I so agree. Everyone is entitle to their own opinion and beliefs and I absolutely respect that. 🙂 healthy dialogue and listening with compassion is what this nation needs to heal. Thanks again for your thoughts this morning. Big big hugs xox

    • Thank you so much for this. I pray that too, and I do believe that DT will work to keep (and create) jobs for all people. And that he will fight for the hard working men and women in our country. That was one of the things I was voting for. So true-not for him -personally- but for the issues and policies on the ticket. Thanks for your encouraging words. It means a lot. Hugs and love xox

  104. I do think we should be able to share who we voted for and be civil about it. I voted Trump as well. But I have talked to people who didn’t. We had Christian people praying for Hillary as we as Trunp to be president. That doesn’t mean prayer wasn’t answered its just not how some pictured it. I had to come to that conclusion 4 yesrs ago. So thanks for sharing.

    • Thanks for this, Israel. Yeah, I do pray that this new leader will do good and that God will give him guidance. And I pray that our nation will be healed and unified after this deeply divisive election. I have hope that healing is possible:) God works in mysterious ways! thanks for this thoughtful reflection. Hugs and love xox

  105. I didn’t vote for him. But I 100% respect why you did. This post is exactly what this country needs. And now we all need to move forward, and work together.

    • Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Yes, I pray that we can collectively heal and come together as a nation in love. Though people may have voted differently, we are all on the same team. Thanks for this. You are a beautiful example of what this country needs:) Hugs and love xox

    • I shared this on my personal facebook account and got REAMED by a particular “friend” of mine. someone i haven’t spoken to in 8+ years. he took every word of this and ripped it to pieces and found ways to twist it. the thread with him ended up being over 150 comments long, 7 people privately messaged me or stood up for me in our dialogue and other people brought it up to me in person.
      so for real. thank you for being brave enough to write your real feelings and emotions and share something like this in such a sensitive time. i hope you are not being bullied over this and are only receiving praise for your attempt at bridging a gap.

      • Thank you so much for this response and for letting me know. Wow, yeah people really had a lot to say about the election and in a way I think a lot of people were hungry for an outlet to express how they truly felt. But wow 150 fb comments that’s wild! I would love to read it. Is there any way you could send it to me? No worries if it’s too much trouble, I am just fascinated by the response this article (that I thought was going to be a dud honestly when I published it) has received. Anywho, thanks again for joining the dialogue and for passing it along. You rock my friend. Hugs and love xox

      • And also, I’m really sorry to hear that you got reamed for your position…especially by a friend. That’s an especially strong lunch to the gut. Sending an extra warm hug. Hang in the friend xox

  106. As a Black Christian woman in America my heart still aches at the thought of America electing a man that has been the face of so much division and heart within the past 18 months. You have the privilege to look pass many of the racist remarks that have been made. Now, I agree with you about neither candidate being moral candidate I’d hoped for and I also don’t agree with legal abortions, however I also don’t agree with so many groups of people feeling like they don’t belong in their own country. While I respect you as a Christian woman, I am deeply hurt by your decision. When I was watching the different states and country go either red or blue, my heart got heavier when I saw the state turn red because I knew those were places where people that look like me are not welcomed. I just could not overlook the hurt of so many Americans =(

    • I don’t think there’s honestly a single American that feels like they belong in their own country after a political election anymore. I’m guessing that’s largely the reason for the blog post.

      First, there are those who identify strongly with a candidate. Since the candidates are the most publicly ridiculed and dehumanized people in the country during the election cycle, anyone in this camp is going to feel extremely out of place.

      Even if you avoid that (I believe we should), there’s the fact that every one of us is grouped into various subcultures (political leaning obviously, but also religion, ethnicity, etc…) and then dragged through the mud or elevated based on perceived political points.

      I didn’t vote for Trump either (I voted Carson in primaries and then wrote in McMullin), but if I’m honest, I don’t doubt for a minute that at least part of the reason that people did is because they’re hurt every day by all the accusations of “racist”, “privileged”, “narrow-minded”, “uneducated”, etc… that completely miss the mark and paint them as a monster while they’re just trying to do what they believe is best for their nation, neighbor, and family.

      You’re not alone. Everyone feels like they’re marginalized, hated, and judged unfairly. Hopefully we can all come back together now that the all the mean spirited political garbage is over.

      • Thank you so much for this thoughtful response. Yeah, it saddens me how there are such hateful and gross generalizations being thrown around on both sides. I pray for our country. For the people who are upset and hurting. For our new leader. For the healing and willingness to understand and listen. We need love and lots of it! Here’s to peace 🙂 hugs to you xox

  107. What an onslaught of comments you provoked tonight! I was tempted to reply to some of those, but decided it wouldn’t be worth it. Many comments display why so many people are hoodwinked by the far left and media; they were not taught critical thought. Some people insist it is about race, and for me and many others I know it absolutely is not.

    I’m with you on the vote for Trump. Not friend material but pretty right for the job as far as dealing with the world goes, as much as I hate to admit it! “You want me on that wall…”

    I have to admire how well you a) wrote your points out and b) gave pretty even-handed replies. You had a lot to lose by openly revealing your vote! I’m sure a number of people were disappointed to find that their hero, BBB, is “politically flawed.” But no worries! Your honesty and openness is who you are. Don’t lose that.

    I know Star Trek isn’t your thing (I still like you, though), but one of my favorite lines was by Captain Picard in the Next Generation series; “If we’re going to be damned, let’s be damned for what we are.”

    Maybe you’ll like Shakespeare better; “Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds…It is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests, and is not shaken.”

    Thanks as always for a good read. Sorry to see you couldn’t get it posted on Patreon. Have a great weekend!

    • Thank you so much Jeffrey:) what great quotes. One of these days I’ll watch Star Trek and then we can talk shop properly:) haha thank you, yeah it deeply saddens me that people feel betrayed by the country, as though the vote was racially motivated. As you stated, it was definitely not. My heart goes out to those people and do not discredit their feelings one bit. We need to heal as a nation from the deeply deeply divisive election and prayer I think is the best way to do that. That and seeking to hear and understand everyone and their views. Because, it was definitely a difficult election, with either candidate not being a shining star. Yes. I love that Shakespeare quote so much. Politics is just that-politics. At the end of the day we’re all on the same team and are Americans. On my “prayer list” is also the media, that they realize the true power they have in crafting a narrative and painting how people see things, and that they do not abuse that power and seek to propel truth and accuracy, balance and transparency. Lastly, I apologize for not getting this up on patreon yet. I was at a shoot until late last night, and then had to be up and at work by 7:30am this morning (and I broke my new DSLR camera inbetween😫) so I just didn’t have a spare minute to record and get it up. But I get off work around 6 and will have it up shortly after:) thank you so much for your constant support and kindness, Jeff. I’m grateful to have you and Julie in my life! Hugs and love xox

  108. I’ve been following the election and my sentiments are exact Caralyn. I am disheartened here in Australia too, not just with dishonest, corrupt politicians but with the media and now these protesters against the Trump result, who think that the public are ignorant and can’t cast a vote according to their inner core beliefs. This election result was anti-establishment, anti media, anti globalisation, anti Wall Street, anti war, anti unemployment, anti poverty, anti abortion, anti euthanasia, anti status quo, don’t all these issues count? Don’t the media think that these are relevant in today’s world anymore? Well, they are to me and in God’s eyes too!!!! I like the way Mike Pence said how by the grace of God they got this result. The will of God is greater than any politician, media reporter, voter or president. God can use Donald Trump and His regime for His purpose, wasn’t King Saul a murderer? He ended up been one of God’s greatest rulers. God bless you Caralyn for doing God’s work. <3

    • Thank you so much for this kind encouragement. I could not agree with you more. God uses broken vessels to do his will. The Bible is FULL of examples. David, Saul, the list goes on an on. Those were the issues that they were voting for when they cast their ballot for trump. People were put in a tough position, having to choose between two less-than-stellar candidates, and when it came down to it, i think those issues were what people were voting about. I am deeply saddened and my heart goes out to those that are hurting, by responding with hatred and hurtful generalizations is not the answer either. We need to listen with compassion and seek understanding to heal. And j pray for that deeply. And I also pray that we give DT a chance to earn their respect in how he stands up for the disenfranchised and neglected. Thanks for your powerful perspective. God is in control and will work all this for good. I believe 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  109. Very well said. This was a heartrending election to say the least. I always knew for sure I could not go with Clinton as one adamantly pro-life, not to mention the trail of criminal activity a mile long. That part was not hard, other than the nagging from fellow females and special needs parents that I didn’t care about the “right things”. But, to know on the other side was a man with, well, a brash mouth and attitude, made it really tough. But, in the end, we do indeed need to look to what good can come of this, the change we’d like to see. It’s time to pull together for our country and our freedoms. Sometimes, that means a rather less than perfect vessel. In fact, all times, since only one is perfect! Thank you for this. My social feed has been so ugly these past few days.

    • Thank you so much for this thoughtful reflection Marisa. I really appreciate your kind words. You’re so right-there really is only One who is perfect. And that’s what made this such a difficult election-was that both candidates, like you said, were less than lovely. So I had to look beyond the broken vessel and vote according to my “top issue” which was being pro-life. That is and always will be the deciding factor for me. Thanks again for this healthy dialogue. It means a lot that you would take tinge time to read and respond:). Big big hugs to you friend xox

  110. First. Politics as a noun, is not Religion. If it were, as religious people, we would all be blaspheming toward God himself. How? By the clear example of non righteous anger which is blanketing parts of this country at the moment. People of all races, religious or not, if you say you love Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, The Spirit, Yourself or that tree over there, stop acting like the Devil or the dark forces. If not, by nature, you will get burned.

    Second. Race exist more within a culture than it does amongst many cultures. How? Simply because it is taught. If you want to curb the race challenge, start by teaching kids in your ethnic background and culture that the success of their communities race challenges starts with the self. Show the personal example you wish for them to exhibit. Neither Trump nor Clinton are responsible or accountable for race relations in YOUR community, YOU are. Whether you agree with politicians or not, the answers are not found in what they say. The answers are found in YOUR contribution to serving one another and holding each other accountable for those community relationships which foster love and understanding right where you live. If their are overtones of hate and ignorance being shown by your race toward people of your race and toward people of other races, call them all out on it and show personal solutions which bring people together.

      • Thank you for this perspective. Our country is deeply divided right now and we need to heal. My heart goes out to people who are upset and hurting because of the results, but hate and violence are never the answer. I pray for compassion. And for hearts that seek understanding and love. And for a willingness to listen. And for healing. And for our new leader too. Hugs to you xx

  111. I’m going to go ahead and express my views, based on verifiable facts. I hope to educate rather than to offend, but I understand how sensitive people are about both politics and religion.

    I cannot resist first challenging those who support their Trump vote using Christianity. Bring out your Bible (any version) and read the four Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) all the way through. Those are the books that discuss and quote Jesus Christ. Read more than a few verses; you’re looking for a complete picture. Read slowly enough to absorb the meanings of what Christ said and did. Then come back here and tell me how that supports voting for Trump. Let’s not assign ungodly actions to God’s Will.

    My friends who are any kind of visible minority (by race, ethnicity, or visible signs of sexual orientation) already report a sharp increase in hateful incidents directed at them. What would Jesus do?

    Beyond that, I actually agree with what Trump said on corruption, trade issues and a few other things. However, my degree is in “communication,” a corporate term for a certain type of marketing. My personal opinion of Trump is that he’s a brilliant marketer of himself and does little else.

    When one studies the details of personal marketing,Trump dazzles. He segmented his market in a highly nuanced, thorough way, then he chose messaging based on a precise picture of only his target market’s fears and hopes that turned out to be 100% accurate. Trump and his entire team stayed on message every minute of the way (no apologies, no changes) and presented those messages in a hundred different wordings in every known medium. They tore up the party in which they ran in order to keep that segment and maintain the purity of their messaging. The Trump team got more free airtime than any prior marketing campaign ever, and most of it was presented as news rather than advertising or programming. He won exactly the votes he wanted, which, of course, does not include mine. I will note that within hours of winning the election, he abandoned those messages in his acceptance speech. Campaign over. He has successfully sold a service (himself as President) that he almost certainly knows nothing about. I wait to see how he will cope with that and how the rest of the world will respond.

    Trump’s a terrible manager; he went broke (bankrupt; it’s public record) four times running casinos. Casinos are regulated by the States and given a set profit. It takes real incompetence to lose money that way when others are making fortunes.

    On top of that, he has a court date in a fraud suit against him November 28. I don’t know if the other 70+ suits will come to trial or when, but these are far more credible accusations than anything some political opponent says in a campaign speech. The next year or two will be long and strange.

  112. Although, as an African-American, it is hard for me to digest the actual man that was elected by the electoral college as president – I do respect your opinion and reasoning. This was a very brave post and I applaud you for that. The love you showed in this post is beautiful <3 and I wish all people could do this no matter who they voted for 🙂

    • Thank you for this, Soulance. I really appreciate your willingness to understand, and your respect. You are such a beautiful example of just what this country needs in order to heal and come together after this divisive election. Yeah, I too am not thrilled at the man we elected, but I think it came down to the lesser of two evils and each person is definitely allowed and entitled to vote according to which candidates’ policies aligned with theirs. Thank you again for the powerful respect you embody. You are an inspiration:) big big hugs to you friend xox

  113. This was so well spoken, hate spells hate. The best way to encourage our country is defending through love, you did a lovely job doing just this. Keep spreading joy Caralyn! -Allie

  114. AMEN! So, so, so good. I feel the EXACT same way!

    I’ve been feeling personally attacked by all of my so-called friends who are claiming “love trumps hate” and then are spewing their hatred all over the place. Their hatred directed at me – for being white. For being a Christian. For voting against the far left, liberal establishment.

    Thanks for articulating this so well.

    • Thank you so much for this Aurora. I’m glad it resonated with you. Yeah, we need to collective, as a nation, seek to understand one another and listen and love. Not hate. I agree. My heart goes out to those that are hurting, but seeing seeds of hatred is not the answer either. I will pray for the hearts of our nation, that they may be filled instead with compassion for one another and a willingness to understand and listen. Big hugs to you, friend. Hang in there. God is going to heal our country and work all this together for good. Hugs and love xox

  115. I voted Johnson. I didn’t vote for either. It breaks my heart that our country is now more filled with hate than it ever has been and it’s coming from all colors, genders, and religioms. As a Christian woman I’m going to do my best to love and see people through Jesus’ eyes. I hope that can help with the healing.

    • Hi there friend. Thank you so much for this response. I agree. It saddens me that so many are hurting and my heart goes out to them. You’re right, that is the best way-to love and treat people with compassion just like Jesus did. That will definitely aid in the much needed healing process. I will join you in that, and lift up our nation and its new leader in prayer. Hugs and love to you xox

  116. I vote for you next election. You spoke with class. I also voted for Trump or at least I cheered him on seeing as I couldn’t vote as I am Canadian. The reason I voted for Trump is for the reasons you wrote about. I was hoping that I could share this on social media because it’s a very interesting take on the presidential election.

    • Haha thank you so much Anthony! That’s kind of you to say. Absolutely. I would be honored if you shared it. Hopefully the us can move forward now together and heal with compassion. Glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

    • Hi Lee, yeah, my heart goes out to those that are hurting. Hopefully one day we can look back and see that DT was indeed a “win” for ALL Americans and in fact, global citizens. That is my deepest hope and prayer:) thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  117. It’s time for everyone to dig deep and go beyond earthly politics and see a bigger spiritual and human picture. Trump and Clinton and all the other power brokers in our culture don’t determine your ultimate fate as a human being. You should be good with yourself, and not depend on anyone for your ultimate self worth, self esteem, or self empowerment. Prepare yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically to make yourself ready to face whatever circumstance throws at you. That’s way better than depending on a single other human being in a position of power to make it all better. It doesn’t matter what your political leanings: work on yourself first. Then, be open to the problems of others. Whey they see you have empathy for them, and aren’t seeing them as a stereotype, you’ll be surprised at how fast the divisions we imagine are between us fall away.

    • Hi Anthony, thank you so much for this. Amen! We need to practice empathy and compassion, seeking to understand, respect differences, and listen to one another in order to heal. I pray for those things. Thanks for your thoughtful insight. Hugs and love xox

  118. My rant is coming soon on this. I’ve taken a break from writing to study and observe all of the reactions people are having. I also didn’t want to write something that was similar to everyone else. Thanks for standing up for democracy.
    Also, I’ve invested in stock in a large tissue company. I’m gonna be rich!

    • Hi Samson, thanks for this. Yeah, sadly people are needing those tissues recently. Hopefully we can come together and heal and no longer need them:) I pray that people give him a chance to earn their respect by the way he stands up for those who have been disenfranchised and neglected. I look forward to reading your post! Hugs and love xox

  119. I don’t agree with some of your points, but I’m glad you made them. As I said the other day on my blog, we need to learn to listen to each other. One of the things I learned from this election result is that many who feel as you do are afraid to speak out. That’s a tragedy. The rest of us can’t listen if some of us are afraid to speak. Many of you did speak, though, with your vote. Here’s hoping that we all learn to listen with compassion to each other. Thanks for doing your part.

    • Thank you so much for this, Mel. I appreciate your willingness to try and understand. I hope you feel that mutual respect. At least from me:) you’re right, we need to listen with compassion. Oh my gosh I am giving that a standing ovation. Compassion is what’s needed, on all sides, to heal from this deeply divisive election. Because people are truly hurting, and we need to listen, seek to understand, respect differences, and love and act with compassion if we are heal and move forward. That is my deepest prayer. Big big hugs to you friend. Thank you again for this powerful dialogue. Xox

  120. Very well stated, and bravely so! What you’re saying here only shows how people are not really understanding each other. Soren Kierkegaard said that when we label people we can dismiss them. Lots of insulting and dismissive labels being thrown around (on both sides). This is the heart of the problem, ironically.

    I don’t think that Hillary or Trump were most people’s favorite choices. Those who voted for Trump are now being labeled as “uneducated whites” and “bigots.” What you shared about yourself only shows how this bigotry hypocritically goes both ways.

    When we do these kinds of things we dismiss the other half of America instead of dealing with the real problems and actually listening to one another. And if we want to focus on a candidate’s moral flaws we won’t be able to tell our kids anything about any president! Instead of blaming and demonizing, let’s put our rocks down and work together for a better future for everyone. That’s what we should tell our children. Let’s pray for that future for them and us, no matter who the President is.

    • Oh my gosh, amen to that! Let’s put the rocks down! I’ve never heard that expression before but WOW I am ALL FOR it! my heart goes out to those upset about the results, but hate and violence is never the answer. we need to pray for our deeply divided and hurting nation. Pray for healing, compassion, understanding, for our new leader and for God to use him for good. thanks for stopping by. hugs xo

  121. Very well said. It is sad to see that you have to tell the public that you have been through hell, just to gain respect as a human. Your writing is inspiring, clear, and concise. I too, refused to write a paper for the extreme leftist professor in college. I took a C grade because my view was different and difficult for others to understand. Embody your beliefs. Put on the whole armor of God so we cannot be swayed. Blessings.

    • Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement. Yeah, whenever I hear the “suitup” rhetoric that has been passed around as of late, my mind goes that the armor of God passage…not about a pantsuit. 🙂 but you’re right, we need to anchor ourselves in Him and in faith that His goodness will overcome. And in the meantime, help, pray for and encourage our hurting brothers and sisters. Hugs and love xox

  122. You know, Caralyn, I was doing pretty well with this until you wrote “reeks with corruption.” Every time I saw a headline that supported that claim, I followed through to the closing paragraphs and found that there was no substance for the charge. Clinton was allowed to use a personal e-mail server because the State Department guidance allowed exceptions. The Qatar donation was not disclosed because the Clinton Foundation had already advised the Administration that Qatar was funding it at $1 million a year before she took over State, and the agreement was that they needed to report only significant changes in funding. And while she may have paid to speak before Wall Street bankers, I think that they were paying for the privilege of knowing what they had to do to avoid something worse than Dodd-Frank – in other words, what to do voluntarily so that they could avoid legislation after the crash of 2008. All of this was twisted by the Trump campaign with innuendo, because there was nothing there but service to the global poor and the best interests of our nation.

    You write of giving Trump the benefit of doubt, bringing him in to the grace of your good intentions. But you did not extend that grace to Clinton.

    • Hi Brian, thank you for this perspective. I appreciate you taking the time to read and join in the dialogue. it is necessary for the much needed healing of our deeply divided and hurting nation. hugs x

      • Just so you understand: when I was in college, trying to figure out how love worked its magic, I had dreams about a politician openly talking about the power of love from the campaign podium. While Barack Obama spoke passionately about inclusion and justice, Hillary Clinton finally made my dreams come true.

  123. With your permission, if I may add:

    English naturalist Charles Darwin once said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

    Adapting to change is part of family life, friendship, career and community. Sometimes, to adapt,change requires very little effort on our part. Other times, change requires more individual thought and major adjustment. While reading the list of questions below, think about your responsive role when met with certain challenges during processes of change.

    • What actions on my behalf determine a potential outcome that is helpful for everyone involved?

    • During change, which do I value more, a decision based on commitment about what is humane and civil or a decision based on feeling?

    • How much do I regard my faiths command to ultimately apply love and/or forgiveness of another persons actions or words with which I might not agree?

    • How much do I practice reaching out to help those who are different than myself?

    When change involves others, we sometimes find it hard to listen and consider their input. From our perspective, we may already have made up our minds regarding a desired outcome. Sometimes, we tend to make hasty decisions based on feelings and assumptions. We might also hold a simple conviction, “I am right and my cause is greater than everyone else’s cause.” Unfortunately, at times, such an unrelenting attitude can lead to forgetting where our nose stops and another persons begins.

    As a nation, historically difficult times of change have always produced a diverse society of Americans who have chosen a path of work and recovery together-a positive response. As Americans, we realize being responsive does not require sacrificing commitment to our own beliefs based on faith and culture. Regardless of our differences, a communities responsive action during change can simply require loving and respecting our neighbor as we ourselves wish to be loved and respected.

    Treat others the way we wish to be treated.

    “All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. Let no one seek his or her own good, but the good of their neighbor.

    1 Corinthians 10: 23 – 34

    • Thank you for this reflection. Lots of powerful food for thought here. I appreciate you taking the time to read and join the dialogue. I’m praying for the healing of our nation. hugs xox

  124. I was glad as a Canadian not to have to choose your choice, but voting in elected officials in any country isn’t a walk in the park either. I live in a faithless country, and our current government is pathetic, to say the very least. I want you to pat you on the back for not turning your back on your right to vote because that is something that a lot of people have chosen. We still have a right to exercise our beliefs even though a lot of politicians sway in the the end.

    • Thank you for this encouragement, Tamara. You’re right, it is a privilege to be able to vote -one that many many men and women fought for. And yes, the choices left a lot to be desired, but I had to vote for my “top” issue, which was the prolife candidate. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read. Hugs and love xox

  125. Hi Alaina, I too, voted for Donald Trump, and for many of the same reasons that you did. Mostly, I couldn’t vote for Hillary. I see her as one above the law and who breached security on numerous levels, bullied woman who were involved with her husband, does not cherish the unborn, and has a trail of mysteries deaths and abuses in her wake. I’m relieved not to have to endure the Clintons in the White House again.

    • Hi Mary, thank you so much for this thoughtful response. You have perfectly articulated my feelings exactly. No, Donald Trump isn’t perfect and I certainly don’t agree what the things he said, but I had to see past the candidate and vote in response to all those things you listed. My heart goes out to those that are hurting because of the results of the election, and I pray for the healing of our country, which will take listening and compassion and understanding. And I pray for DT too, that God will use that imperfect vessel for good. And finally, I pray that those that are upset with the results give him a chance to earn their respect through the way he is going to stand up for the disenfranchised and neglected. Sorry for the long response. But I was so moved by your words:) thank you for taking the time to read and reflect! Hugs and love xox

  126. I, personally, did not vote for him. However, I have nothing but respect for your vote and the way in which you portrayed your stance without criticism of those who might have a different opinion. I am so disappointed in all of the name calling and mud slinging going on. I have tried to explain to my friends that everyone voted for different reasons, and both sides have a deep mistrust and misunderstanding of what the driving factors were of those on the other side of the line. The next time someone tries to ask, I will show them this. Our world is only full of hate and anger if we let it be. In the end, when you take away the labels, most of our views really aren’t that different. Thank you for being brave enough to share your opinion, it will make a difference.

    • Thank you so much Katie, I really appreciate this honest, open and respectful dialogue! it is so needed for healing. Because you’re so right – the violence and hate that had exploded since the election, it saddens me. My heart goes out to those who are upset and hurting because of the results, but violence is not the answer. I respect everyone’s opinion. That’s the beauty of democracy, is that we all are allowed to vote for whichever candidate we choose, and that is 1000% okay! 🙂 I just pray now for the healing of our deeply divided and hurting nation. I pray for compassion and understanding and a willingness to listen so that we can move forward. And I also pray for our new leader too, and that people give him a chance to earn their respect. hugs to you friend. thanks for this beautiful response. xox

  127. Great post. And by the way, thanks for liking my post regarding the same subject. I’ve had enough of it too. My kids are facing the condemnation at school, and feeling like they have to be ashamed for supporting Trump. My son didn’t even want to go to school today. What they’re experiencing is nothing short of being bullied for having their own OPINION. This is why ballots are supposed to be secret, to avoid voter intimidation and the fallout. It came down to the issues for us as well. Not to mention it’s a natural progression to switch from Democratic to Republican and vice versa after several terms. Trump supporters don’t “hate” others, and it’s really sad that we’re being portrayed that way. God bless!

    • Thanks Lisa. I appreciate it. That breaks my heart that your son is getting bullied like that. I’m so sorry to hear that. I agree. It saddens me that such a gross generalization is being portrayed. We need love and compassion. And lots of it! Big hugs to you, friend. Glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  128. Thank you for opening up to us. I believe that it would be refreshing for people to keep their minds open and try to see new points of view. All voters are people first and foremost. Each person has reasons for making the decisions they do and I believe that right now, it would be most productive for everyone to send good thoughts and prayers the way of Donald Trump. Hoping for someone else’s failure signals failure for everyone. America always was and still is great. People will only see doom and gloom in their own lives if they look for it. I appreciate you giving people another view and a different point of focus.

    • Thank you so much for this response. Amen!! That is so true-voters are PEOPLE first and foremost. Amen. I agree, we need to pray for DT and also pray that we all give him a chance to earn our respect. But yes, seeking to understand and having hearts of compassion is so vitally important right now to heal. Thanks again for this thought and beautiful reflection. Hugs and love xox

  129. Perfectly said. As a white male heterosexual Christian with so called “white privilege” with friends and loved ones that cross every dividing line in our society you said exactly what I’ve been feeling. Is he perfect? Absolutely note but… our and our children’s futures are at stake. God bless!

  130. Hi Caralyn,

    You are very brave and I applaud you. This is very admirable. You inspire me even more. I don’t like Trump, I don’t know about Hillary. I’m not American so I’m an outsider commenting.

    My husband would have voted for Trump and he was pleased with the result. He’s strange like that. Lol! I see his point… I don’t agree completely.

    Although I don’t like Trump as a person, he has valid, good points. I have friends from all races, religions, sexual orientation, etc. and I am all for individual rights. I was chatting with a colleague and what pains me is the how these “rights” are sometimes one-sided – have same sex marriage, we respect it, but a Christian baker, for example, can even be forced to close business because they won’t bake their cake (or something like that). I think I’ve said before that the problem is generalizing. We are all unique individuals and situations are the same. No rights should be sacrificed at the expense of another. This is rather difficult so let me not even try and rather stop here. 🙂

    While there are Trump supporters who are not admirable, we cannot put everyone in the same one basket because it is not as easy as that. The same for Hillary supporters.

    This is a truly great post and I would like to share this. I hope you don’t mind.

    I pray that you don’t change. Continue in the name of love and don’t let anyone change your beliefs. I wish you the best.

    Stay strong and keep the faith.

    Love & Hugs
    Anne xxx

    • Hi Anne, wow thank you so much for this thoughtful response. I am so touched by your respect and willingness to listen and be open to all viewpoints. That is so needed right now in the US. You’re right, this was such a difficult election for all the reasons you touched on. Nether candidate was ideal and they all had very significant baggage. In the end, I had to just vote for the issue that is of most importance to me-and that is being prolife. I totally respect that everyone has and is entitled to their own “top issues” but that was mine. And that’s the beautiful thing about democracy, is that we have the privilege to vote for whomever we choose. But yeah, a difficult difficult election indeed. Now I just pray for the healing of our nation and for the guidance of DT, and for those who are upset and hurting. Praying to move forward in love 🙂 big big hugs to you friend. And ps, I am honored that you would share this post. Thank you 🙂 xox

      • It really is my pleasure. It’s beautifully written and there’s not a hint of what people believe Donald Trump supporters are. It is important to spread the good. We tend to be inundated by negative news and articles. We need more of your post. 🙂
        We don’t always get the best President for many reasons and sometimes, they don’t even run so we can’t really vote for the best leader… sadly. Prayers will help. 🙂
        You might be award-free but I nominated you for Mystery Blogger – the amazing bloggers with ingenious posts – captivating, inspiring, motivating. If you don’t do awards, at least you know you’re amazing and all that. 🙂
        Hugs xxx

      • ❤️❤️❤️yes, let’s pray pray pray. And wow, thank you for the nomination. I am truly touched and honored:) thanks again for sharing your heart this afternoon. Hugs and love xox

  131. Reblogged this on Melting-Pot Dharma and commented:
    Blogging has brought me many friends, some from different cultures, and some with different belief systems. We share our deeply held convictions via a mutual respect that grows out of our sincerity. I share this column today by one of those dear friends whom I value for her honesty. I ask you to read it with respect and a desire to understand.

  132. What if that unborn baby will grow up in a violent, abusive family and be scarred for the rest of his/her life because of all the horendous things he/she endured? Sometimes it’s better to not have been born. And then abortion (in an early stage) would be the right decision. Some people should never become parents.
    Also, Donald Trump believes climate change is a hoax, right at the time where we need to take urgent action if we want to save our planet. This is bad, really bad. The refugees from the effects of climate change will be a thousand times more than those from the current crisis in Syria. I don’t see Trump as someone who is equipped in the slightest to handle the challenges of our time.

    • Milena, I don’t think anyone has the right to decide whether someone else’s life is worthwhile. There are plenty of people who have survived abusive families and are very much glad to be alive.

      I will agree, though, that I would like Trump to be more ecologically sensitive.

      • I’m glad we can agree on one thing. 🙂
        I do however think that the woman who’s pregnant has the right to decide if she wants to let a growing organism which will one day be a human being create havoc on her body and make her go through a traumatic, excruciating delivery. How did she become pregnant? Was she forced? Does she think she’s not qualified to raise a healthy baby? Women in such distressing circumstances deserve our compassion, not being threatened with persecution. In Belgium (where I live) the law says that you can have an abortion up to 12 weeks and I’m fine with that. After that is a different matter (in my opinion).

      • Thank you for your respectful reply, Milena. I think another thing we can agree on is that women facing unexpected pregnancies deserve compassion. However, I think that while childbirth may be painful, and childrearing may be difficult, these are normal, everyday parts of life, and we don’t have to be afraid of them.

    • Thank you so much for this kind response. I really appreciate it. Yeah, we all are allowed to vote for the whomever we choose. That’s the beauty of democracy. 🙂 you are an awesome example of the willingness to understand, and healthy and respectful dialogue that is so needed right now to heal. You rock. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  133. I believe you made the right choice, and it does echo the vote we recently had in Britain. Both of these votes polarised a populace who have just had enough of the political gravy train, and the only voice they truly have is to put a tick in the box. To see significant change in both our countries, we needed to experience a radical departure from the same old garbage rolled out by political clones, and boy do we have that now.

    It always amazes me that the people on the losing side of the vote resort to the same old hyperbole, especially as this was a democratic process. The majority have spoken, deal with it. It doesn’t make them rascist, homophobic or evil, they just want to be a part of delivering their own destiny, and if you don’t agree with their opinion, tough titty.

    You should be proud to vote with your heart, and to be open and honest about the reasons why. I believe America has made a brave choice, and it may turn out to be a poor one, but there again it may be an inspired one.

    • Hi BF, thank you so much for this reflection. I have a lot of friends who are here on visas from Britain, and that’s the same thing they were saying. Yeah, this was such a polarizing election . I pray for the healing of our nation, and my heart goes out to those who are upset and hurting because of the results. Thanks for stopping by:) big big hugs xx

  134. Extremely well said! I love you and this blog even more now! Not because you voted for Trump, but because of the beliefs you so obviously hold dear and for your courage in standing up for them. I enjoy your posts very much!

    • Thank you so much Larry. I really appreciate your kind encouragement. It means the world. I pray for the healing of this divided and hurting nation. Thanks for the affirmation! Hugs and love xox

  135. Thank you! I didn’t vote for Trump, I didn’t vote for Hillary. But I did vote (after much consideration, I decided third party would still be the best option for me). I too have been sadly struck by the lack of respect on both sides of political spectrum following the election results.

    Your post did bring back one facebook comment I read, however. It said:
    “You know who lost this election? The media lost this election.”
    And I think that’s very true, and I’ll be interested to see what happens going forward. We’ve had a very liberal minded media for a long time, and I don’t know if recent events will change things. Thanks for this!

    • Thank you so much for this response. You’re right, the hatred going around saddens me. My heart goes out to those who are upset about the election and hurting. You’re right, hatred and disrespect does not make the healing process any easier. We need compassion and understanding and a willingness to listen. I agree, I look forward to see the changes in our media. It is in much need of a shake up! Thanks for your kind words. Big hugs xox

  136. Hey you!! Biggest hugs!! This has been such a mess hasn’t it? Facebook has been FULL of people unfriending people and all kinds of stuff due to all this. I think there became such a presumption that this was in the bag for Hillary. Yes, neither candidate was truly a great choice here. Now, regardless of who I voted for, people need to get over it. People wanted change from the usual “career politician” who does things by having $ stuffed in others’ pockets in exchange for $ stuffed in theirs. Trump, whether you like him or not like him, is NOT George Wallace. David Duke recently tried to hitch on with him and they said “no way”. Everybody has all these presumptions about him. The club they opened in Florida is open to people of all backgrounds etc.. Never has he stated a hatred for races et.. I know that illegal aliens tend to be from different backgrounds and races, and may are offended by that, but why can’t that problem by cleaned up so that things are better and people who come here are truly nationalized? So much of what he has been talking about are issues that others in the past have “dabbled with” but let go of because $ was stuffed in their pockets. I am not defending anything he has said regarding women, but look at all those in the entertainment business who are constantly downgrading women. “Groupies” go backstage or to post-etc..parties at hotels or in show related busses/trailors and you tell me they aren’t improperly handled. But yet, people flock to their concerts, movies, watch their tv shows etc.. What I am hoping for, given that he is our President (elect right now) is that he will settle down and work with those around him, and get down to business. I think that on the campaign he gave so many on camera what they wanted. From the 1st days of The Republican Primaries when his demeanor against Cruz, and all was getting him big points ahead, it was like him being on one of his shows. Same against Hilary. But as President, there will be many things NOT on tv such as cabinet meetings, world strategy meetings etc.. that will hopefully bring out a more working relationship with those in the room. He will have to work with others in Congress too. Media today is too elated by the tabloid issues of anyone. Hilary’s issues were sidetracked only because Trump’s made for juicier talk on talk shows. That didn’t stop the DNC for tampering with Bernie Sanders as he was gaining momentum toward the end of the primaries. (Where were protests then, given all the support he was getting)? You never know how far he could have gone. And I’m sorry, that DNC business of “superdelegates” is stupid. People need to get over themselves. Hey, nobody got up and said “The Tea Party” is wrong when they rose up as a protest to Obama. That’s the mere reason that existed, to put down everything Obama put up. All these people burning flags and shouting didn’t come out to counter them now did they?

    • On the non-political side, I hope you are well. Things for me are nuts right now. I haven’t had much to say politically because my mom has only weeks to live. I will hopefully get to see her one last time (before the end) at Thanksgiving. Love and xoxoxoxoxoxoxo You are beautiful in and out!!

    • Hey MiguelTio! Thank you so much for this thoughtful response. You’re right – i hope that DT is able to settle down once in office and use his leadership position for inclusion and peace for our hurting and divided nation. I also pray that those people who are upset and hurting give him a chance to earn their respect though standing up for the disenfranchised and neglected. He’s a flawed individual, but God uses broken vessels for His will and for good. And I pray that that happens. As for the hate in our nation right now, it deeply saddens me. We need compassion. We need people to seek to understand and we need open and respectful dialogue. That is what I pray for. Thanks for stopping by 🙂 hugs and much much love xox

  137. Hi! Thank you for your perspective. I’m always afraid to ask a Trump supporter why they voted. I am just curious and I never want to start a fight.

    It is a two way street. I’m afraid for my kids to say that we are Democrats. I didn’t vote for Clinton because I’m an extreme leftist. I just see all the hate crimes going on now because of the election results and I know that it wouldn’t be any different if the other candidate was elected.

    I voted for Clinton because I am gay. I voted because I am afraid of being a second class citizen again. I voted because I fear for my life and safety and that of my children. I would have loved there to have been a different candidate. But that’s what we got.

    I’m so sorry that Clinton supporters were so mean to you personally and to anyone out there reading this. I’ve turned off my FB and Twitter from my phone until everyone has settled down.

    I hope the American people come together sooner rather than later. But we all knew this was going to be rough I the beginning because of the campaigns from both sides of the spectrum.

    I love your blog! Stay blessed!

    • Hey Kat, thank you so much for this reflection, yeah I was hoping to start a dialogue to perhaps aid in the healing process. I thank you for seeking to understand. That is so important to the healing of our deeply divided and hurting nation right now. And thank you for sharing your story. I pray that DT uses his time in office to be inclusive and respectful of all people. No one should feel unsafe in their own country or in their own skin. We need healing and fast. I may follow suit and deactivate my Facebook. That’s a great idea. At least until the sparks stop flying. Sending big big hugs to you, my friend.

  138. You should have ended with “*drops mic*”

    Seriously, you have nothing to apologise for. Donald Trump is FAR more likely to defend your (and my) values than Hillary Clinton. You also eloquently stated some of the other reasons why I voted for him over her, not the least of which is the Democrat Party’s vehement refusal to add love for God and support for Israel to their platform. It blew me away to see them be so blatant about that at their 2012 convention.

    • Haha thank you so much. But seriously I appreciate your perspective. Yeah, I pray that he has a successful and inclusive time in office and I pray for the healing of our country too. We are in need of love on all sides. Glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  139. you said it better then I ever could – we all need to get on our knees and pray before God to heal this nation. Trump is only one man – it is God that raises or topples nations.

    • Hi Patty, thank you so much for this. Amen to that! We need to pray for the healing of our nation, the guidance of DT, and for the hearts those upset, that they may be open to giving him a chance to earn their respect. God uses imperfect people and He is in control. I pray that He work all this together for good. So glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

  140. At the end of the day, I truly pray that God unites our nation and that we all experience God’s peace.

    With love and respect,
    P.S. There was no malice in my previous comment just an alternative perspective.

  141. Thank you for expressing your reasons for voting for Donald Trump. Also thank you for your faith and prayers for love and unity.

    Interestingly, I came to the opposite conclusion. For most of my life I have been a conservative. For most of my life, I have voted for Republicans. I only voted for a Democratic candidate for president once in 1972 during that turbulent period of the Vietnam war.

    Subsequently I voted for Ronald Reagan, George H. Bush, and George W. Bush in the 2000 election. In 2004, I voted Libertarian because I could no longer support George W. Bush. I felt that he had abandoned fundamental conservative principles of limited government.

    In 2008 and 2012 I voted Republican again. Not because I didn’t like Barak Obama. I felt that it was a blessing that an African American became president, but I favored the free market ideas of McCain and Romney over the progressive big government ideas of the Democrats.

    In this election, I had four major criteria;
    1. Who had a vision of ensuring world peace
    2. Who was promoting racial and religious harmony, both domestically and internationally
    3. Who was most concerned with creating a healthy environment for young people
    4. Who was addressing the problem of the increasing income disparity between rich and poor in America and throughout the world.

    From the beginning I felt that Donald Trump failed all . As one of your readers said earlier. I thought that he was conducting a sophisticated public relations campaign that appealed to many of the worst instincts of the American people, playing on people’s prejudices and negative emotions.

    Rather that the above values stated in my four criteria I felt that he was espousing the values of greed (money), winners versus losers, pride, and arrogance. In ways both subtle and overt he catered to latent feelings of white supremacy.

    I didn’t form my view based upon the attacks of others but on what I saw and heard of his own words and actions in the primary debates, his rallies, the GOP convention, and the three debates with Hillary Clinton.

    Research into his past as a businessman and media personality further disturbed me. I was also disturbed by the fact that his campaign was fueled by one-sided revelations of hacked private emails criminally orchestrated by a foreign government and the bizarre one-week revival of the Email investigation by FBI director James Coomey so close to the election. A bogus investigation that proved to be of no substance yet had a huge effect.

    The campaign was bizarre and Donald Trump brilliantly employed the public relations propaganda techniques developed by Edward Bernays, the founder of public relations.

    At the beginning of the primaries, I thought that I would not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. The candidate I liked was John Kasich. When Donald Trump got the nomination I thought that I would probably vote for Gary Johnson.

    In the 1990’s I campaigned against the Clinton’s and I have been consistently critical of the Clinton’s since that time. My mind has been exposed to negative information about the Clintons for decades, though I had to credit Bill Clinton with the ability to communicate a positive vision and also commend him for the beneficial results of his cooperation with Republicans in his second term.

    However, in this election cycle, I gradually came to feel that the Democrats under Clintons leadership were the ones who were espousing love and unity, racial and religious harmony, economic justice, and a positive vision for the future of the world.

    As you pointed out, God works through imperfect people. All men and women are sinners and fall short of the glory of God.

    Up until two nights before the election I was determined not to vote for Clinton or Trump. However, that night, in prayer and meditation, my mind changed and I felt that the Holy Spirit was prompting me to vote for Hillary Clinton because she was the one articulating the values of love and unity.

    And so I did… much to the shock of my family and others who had known me for a long time. I think that it is important for Donald Trump and those who voted for him to remember that the majority of the people in the United States voted against him.

    He won the electoral college vote but he only won a minority of the popular vote. He did not even win a plurality. Hillary Clinton received more votes that he did. Both he and the Republican leaders need to pay heed.

    I do not believe in political messiahs. Only God can save us. Only God can deliver us from the power of the evil one if we humble ourselves and put our faith in him.

    I am not writing this to judge you for voting for Donald Trump. I share your hope for the future of our country and the world. I join you in your prayers that God’s will may be done and God’s Kingdom will come.

    America needs to forgive, love and unite if we are to solve our problems and play a constructive role in the world. I hope we can do this. I am pleased that both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have expressed their desire that he can be a good president. I too hope that he may be humble and forgiving and that God will give him the strength and vision to lead this nation. The same for all our other leaders of both parties. With God’s help none of our+ problems are unsolvable.

    Thank you once again for sharing your thoughts. Also, thank you for the opportunity to share this alternative point of view.

    • Hi Alex, thank you for this thoughtful response. I really appreciate you sharing your perspective. This election was really difficult, with both candidates being less than ideal. Your four criteria are very powerful and I applaud you for having such a strong purpose behind your choice. My choice was based on my “top issue” that I simply could not ignore, and that was voting for the “pro-life” candidate, even if it was for DT, a very broken vessel. I agree, America needs to forgive, love and unite. So so so true. I pray for the healing of our nation and for the guidance of DT. I pray that he uses his time in office to work for inclusion and peace among ALL people. God is in control, let’s keep our trust in His ultimate goodness. Thanks again for this healthy dialogue. Big big hugs xox

  142. Love it. And seeing your whole face, you’re even prettier than I’d imagined when I saw only half your visage.  God bless, and keep up the good work. From: BeautyBeyondBones To: Sent: Thursday, 10 November 2016, 19:30 Subject: [New post] Profile of a Trump Supporter #yiv0803141438 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv0803141438 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv0803141438 a.yiv0803141438primaryactionlink:link, #yiv0803141438 a.yiv0803141438primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv0803141438 a.yiv0803141438primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv0803141438 a.yiv0803141438primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv0803141438 | beautybeyondbones posted: “I was going to do a cheeky post on Taylor Swift or something, but…I just couldn’t. As much as I realllly didn’t want to write about the election, ignoring the state of our nation right now just didn’t sit well with me.Scrolling through social media an” | |

  143. You sure know how to keep us engaged! I did not see that one coming (considering we are both Beyonce fans and she was all about Hillary ha!).

    BUT…What I can say is that I REALLY appreciate how you broke down all the reasons for which your vote supported. That was so informing and needed. Most if not all is what I stand for too.

    Personally, I just do not know what to think about our new leader. Another part of me believes that this is not over. Things are changing. We are living in a time like no other before. I do not know what is going to happen, but practicing our faith is what will get us through these times. It is a scary thing.The world is acting out and as believers we have a choice on how to react.

    Thank-you for this post.


    • Hey JV, haha yeah, Beyonce was definitely a surprise cameo on the Clinton trail! thank you for this thoughtful response. It seriously means so much. Yeah, I wasn’t thrilled about having to vote for DT, per se, but he stood for the issues that were the most important to me…ie, being pro-life. And I definitely respect that other people have other issues that are more important to them, and they are 1000% entitled to those opinions and beliefs! That’s the beauty of democracy. But you’re right, we need to cling to our faith. Cling to the Father. And pray for the healing of our nation and the new president elect. Thank you for sharing your powerful insight. hugs and much love xo

      • In the end we are most definitely in this together as believers and people who love other people. I believe there is nothing love cannot not infect.



      • You cannot support a Trump vote with “love heals.” That’s ridiculous. Trump will allow the police to kill people based on their race or disability. If he carries out his promise to get ride of Obamacare, people will die for lack of medical care. This goes on and on. His casual remark, based on his ignorance, about punishing women who have abortions, would not outweigh that even if we believe that the spirit enters the body at conception. (And that was not the belief of the people who wrote the Bible.)

  144. Thank you for this post. It was poignant and to the point.

    I appreciate your vulnerability and willingness to share your thoughts. Unfortunately, I think this election cycle has instilled a lot of fear in a lot of people. The fear to share their thoughts and be able to have an open dialogue with other people across the spectrum of beliefs.

    Continue to do what you do! This post continues to give me hope knowing that this conversation is one of the very reasons why I’m proud to be an American. 🙂

    • Thank you so much Jar of Fortune. I appreciate your kind and encouraging words. Yeah, my heart goes out to those who are upset and hurting as a result of the election. I pray for healing for our country and for there to be a willingness to listen and understand on “both sides.” Hugs to you friend xox

  145. This post was clear and well argued. I am a British person so can’t vote anyway. As a foreigner you can only hope that the Americans who voted for such a controversial figure get what they want. The prediction of the President elect reaching the White House in 2015 was uncannily accurate, showing a public awareness that he had his eye on the top job which he now has.

    • Thank you so much for this reflection, Anne. Yeah, I just pray that he brings good to our nation and that we are able to heal from this deeply divisive election season. We need love and compassion and lots of it 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. hugs to you friend xo

  146. Interesting to finally read what a Trump voter believes and reasons for voting. I was very curious hence my blog the other day.

  147. Trump was not my first choice. Ben Carson was. Both of them were “outsiders” from the business as usual politics because our political system is broken and in desperate need of repair. Our founding fathers did not intend for politics to be a career choice. Citizens would serve in government then go back to their lives.

    The political elites have made a life off the backs of the citizens. So, yes I voted for Trump. I would love to make an observation. If the outcome had been reversed and Hillary had been the winner you would not have seen the conservatives rioting in the streets and BURNING American flags. I served under that flag! I served in the military in the Infantry. I am also college educated. I also cast my vote for my country. I cast my vote to recover America. I cast my vote to end partial-birth abortion. A former surgeon-general stated that he had NEVER seen a woman that had a partial-birth abortion whose life was in danger because the birth STILL took place and the woman survived only she delivered a corpse. A corpse that Planned Parenthood parted-out like a stolen car only it was a life that was stolen. Where our nation has sunken to grieves my heart, and it grieve my Lord’s heart. Scripture says this of the last days: 2 Timothy 3: 1-4 New International Version (NIV)

    1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God

    Lord, heal our land. Thank you for your well-written post. God bless you.

    • Hi Eric, same here. I was for Ben Carson too. He and John kaisch. But wow thank you so much for this powerful powerful response. I am cheering for you. First of all, thank you for your service to our country. You put your life on the line to protect mine and everyone reading this, and I want to express my deepest gratitude to you for that. You speak so much truth. Democracy and the right to vote is a privilege and hat has been lost somewhere along way. They should make Election Day and Veterans Day be the same day—that way we can remember why and who we have to thank for our ability to go to the polls. Anywho, I appreciate your insight. This country needs a lot of healing. Yes, let’s pray:) Hugs and love xox

  148. As a fellow millenial, brava Caralyn! You present a well-rounded argument with valid reasons for voting into office the Republican Presidential Candidate, rather than the actual bombastic personality that is Donald Trump.

    Although I was actually a supporter of Clinton, after the results came out, seeing all the public outrage at Trump’s victory, I’m actually kinda glad that he won. For the reasons you outlined and because it’s a wake up call. That somehow, it might turn out to be more beneficial in the long run for all of us, just a feeling. Ciao 😉

    • Thank you so much for this Psy. You’re right-that’s what it was. It was voting in the republican press candidate, not Donald trump. I appreciate your willingness to listen and understand and just your respect! It’s so awesome. It’s people like you that will help facilitate true and much needed healing in our nation. Hugs and love xox

  149. Thank You, I have been trying to put into words why I voted for Donald Trump. I hope this country can come together, and we all are part of the solution not the problem.

  150. Very well written. I don’t live in the US but the election effects all of us in some kind of way. As it is written in the bible, we should pray for the kings and all those in authority, let us do that! In the end it all starts with us. We should love our neigbors and we should make that step of being united!

  151. Great post. I might not agree with who you voted for, but I believe in your right to do so. People in this country have been so mean to one another. Good for you to be able to speak your mind and in a respectful manner.

    • Thank you so much Pikku. Yes, that is he beauty of democracy: we can each vote for the candidate of our choice. Thank you for this respectful response and willingness to listen. That’s what’s desperately needed for the healing of our nation. Hugs to you friend xox

  152. What’s really sad is that the people who voted for Hillary won’t follow her gracious and civil example. The crying and the name calling…and destruction of property? Aren’t uh the pieces of human refuse like me (aka people who voted for Trump) supposed to be the immature ones? This is what happens in an election. We vote and there’s a winner and loser. I vote in a blue state so I always feel like a political loser anyway. But I don’t throw a temper tantrum.

    From one piece of refuse to another now more than ever it’s time to take the really high road and act like an adult. Especially in a country of trigglypuffs. Maybe we need to have sky writers do trigger warnings every morning for 4 years reminding people that Trump is president.

    If anything this election was a really good reminder that life doesn’t come with trigger warnings. Nobody warned me that I wouldn’t be able to be a father. Life is tough. We’ve all got to work together now…just like always!

    This horrible response actually makes me glad we voted for Trump. This is stuff we need to deal with.

    • Hey friend, thank you so much for this reflection. I know, it saddens me so much to see all the hate around the country. My heart goes out to those who are hurting and upset, but violence and hatred is not the answer. We to to seek understanding and practice compassion and love if we’re going to heal, and I do pray for that. On a completely different topic, I am so sorry that you’re unable to be a father. Perhaps adoption? 🙂 Again, thank you for your perspective and support. It means a lot. hugs xo

      • We’ll get through it. Can’t let hate and irrationality rule this conversation. America doesn’t belong to anybody, as long as we stick it out with civility there is hope. And regardless God is still God even if things don’t get better.

        Yeah maybe adoption. My wife and I are learning that part of life is just patient endurance. And right now isn’t the time to pursue that option. We’re still learning to grieve in many ways. Sadness is a hard but good thing. It’s bitter medicine but it’s medicine. Ecclesiastes 7:2.

  153. Very well said. Interestingly, being Canadian, watching this from afar has provided me some unique perspectives. Ironically, I think I’d be a Republican, if I lived down there. But, I could vote Trump into the White House. Yes, Clinton was equally as terrible. So many policies, so little time. People say Obamacare sucked but he was trying to introduce socialized medicine into a country 10x the size of Canada. We’ve been doing it for decades and we are still working on it. It takes time.

    So, shockingly, Trump got elected. And, in Canada, we watch from afar…hoping and praying, that many of the things he promises, he will not do. After all, you’re our biggest neighbour. By heck, we do love you! 😊

    • Thank you os much Robby, I appreciate it. Awww, Canada has won my heart 🙂 I do feel the love 🙂 But it’s true, both candidates were pretty grim. In the end, I had to vote according to my “top issue,” which is being pro-life. And I respect that other people have their own “top issues” and that’s 1000% okay! That’s the beautiful thing about a democracy. Thanks for this perspective. big hugs to you xox

  154. Wow! I appreciate your candor. If you wanna make this “usual programming”, that’d be awesome. It’s true, “liberal” America is screwed (like, a university-enforced speech on a rim job?!)… Keep giving the middle finger, sister! … Hopefully, there is hope.

    • Thank you so much 🙂 I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement. Yeah, that was a mortifying assignment. I still cannot believe that was part of the class. wow. I appreciate you stopping by. hugs xox

  155. If you ever want to add ‘rural’ to that list of epithets used to describe Trump voters, we should love to have you visit us. From what I read, you would get to travel with lots of celebrities on your trip up — well, at least as far as Toronto.

  156. I can imagine it wasn’t the easiest post to write, considering the things your friends have sent you, but you did it nonetheless. Kudos to you.
    I completely agree with you, none of the candidates were calling out my name and I actually see sense in your reasoning. It’s the “extremist kind’ (if you will) of Trump supporters that are ruining it for others. The ones using his words in a negative way to make evertyhing look bad – but what’s done is done and we need to give him a chance to prove himself and hopefully bring peace.

    • Than you for this. Yeah, I was so scared to push the publish button, but i felt it needed to be said. I completely agree. I pray people give him a chance to earn their respect through policies that are inclusive and beneficial to ALL people. Thanks for stopping by. big big hugs xox

  157. BRAVO!!! Excellent blog; so beautifully articulated!
    I find it sad and incredible the hate speech spewing from the mouths of the liberal left, and all this after 8 years of our country being dragged down the path of destruction. It seems to me what they are spewing aptly describes what they embrace in the form of persons for president. How blinded the eyes of men (mankind) can be.
    The prospect of any more of what the past eight years brought us (which is precisely what we would have under the reign of Hillary) could only lead me to conclude the second coming of Christ and the wrath of God would have to be so near we could reach out and touch it.
    As it is, I do believe the return of our Lord is nigh, but I pray, in the meantime, we have a slight reprieve–and maybe even a spiritual revival, as some have suggested this country may experience.
    THANK YOU for putting into words the very reasons I also cast my vote the way I did; I simply fail to be able to put it into words anything near what you have accomplished. I look forward to sharing it.

    • Thank you so much for this. WOuldn’t that be incredible? if the presidency of DT brought about a spiritual revival!?? Now THAT would be God working all things together for good! 🙂 Thank you for your support and encouragement. it truly means a lot. Praying for the healing of our nation and for our new president elect. hugs xo

    • Thank you so much for this response, James. I really appreciate the support. you’re right, I’m praying for the healing of our hurting nation, and for compassion, understanding, and love to be the driving forces in our hearts. hugs ox

  158. I may not agree with your choice but I really applaud you for your bravery to make and share your choices and reasoning behind them with us . As a Canadian I truly say may God bless America! They need him now more than ever!

    • Thank you so much for this response, Soph. Yes, I totally agree — we need God now more than ever! I pray for the healing of our nation. For compassion. For people to seek to understand and be willing to listen. to come together in love. for our new president elect, and for God to use the broken vessel that IS DT for good. hugs to you friend xox

  159. If there ever was a time that America needs an anchor to God, now is that time. If there are any with whom I could and would anchor with, it would be you, Caralyn, among many others I know. You are undoubtedly a voice sent for a time and a people that need it. You are one of the “small” and “simple” and “weak”, but “out of small and simple things are great things come to pass”. Continue to gather the strong ones to this cause, and strengthen…as you now do…those who have yet to give voice to their heart. And the Lord will have his hand over you…I can see that already. Keep it up! ☺

    • Wow, I am so touched by this response. thank you so much. I am humbled by your words. Right now, our nation is hurting and deeply divided and my deepest prayer is for the healing of our nations. I pray that God move in the hearts of every to seek understanding with compassion and love. to be willing to listen and to be open to giving DT a chance to earn their respect though policies that are inclusive and beneficial to ALL people. Thank you again for your encouragement. Sending big big hugs xox

  160. Brilliant post. All over the world, people are turning ‘right’ (not “far right “) and that’s a good thing. Governments should be about the masses, not an agenda ridden elite.

  161. Amen! Thanks for saying it like it is. The last 8 years were governed by a President that was supposed to unite us. Now everyone is saying Mr. Trump will have to unite us. How about if we all unite us? Can’t blame others for there flaws when our own…Give him a chance.

    • Thank you Mark, for your encouragement. I agree, we need to come together as a country, set aside differences, seek to understand, listen with compassion and heal. That’s my deepest prayer. And YES. give him a chance to earn our respect. Hugs to you friend. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  162. If I’m honest I wasn’t sure about Trump, I think we all knew the outcome before it actually happened, I also admit I got wound up in the ‘hate’ for him but then I got a conviction of the heart and the words I came out with was a prayer of unity for your country. I believe something similar happened with the UK’s vote to leave the European Union, which I voted in favour of, it was also a vote against our current government, despite the fact that it went against my ‘political party affiliation’. the end of which is eventually ‘more money in the kitty’ best spent else where even if it isn’t for the NHS and yes also more secure borders, as you say isn’t a racist thing. also the possibility of a snap election because our PM doesn’t have a mandate of the peoples, but even the the Party I usually vote for has chosen a leader I haven’t got full confidence in if any confidence in him at all, which if there is an election there will be an issue of who to vote for, a bit like your elections and I also believe people in the UK or any other country that’s don’t the US really don’t have a right to comment on the result of the election: Any thank you for the opportunity to have a little political rant haha I love you for it, also I’m proud of you for standing up for what you believe in <3 xx. sending you lots of Love and Hugs xx. if you want to talk about the assault then please let me know its something I haven't heard about you I know its personal but I want you to know you can talk to me about anything xxxxxxxx

    • Thank you so much Benjamin 🙂 I really appreciate it. Yeah I really try not to be political but there were just so many gross generalizations going around that I had to open up a healthy dialogue. I must admit, though the majority of my friends moved to NYC from England, I don’t know much about brexit other than how deeply divisive it has been for the U.K. My prayers are with our hurting countries, that they may find healing and understanding and unity. Yeah, I wasn’t a huge fan of trump and his personal antics, but he was the pro-life choice, and that is my be-all-end-all issue. Let’s pray for our countries and the new chapters they are embarking on. Thanks for stopping by friend. Grateful for you 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  163. Holy YES girl, so well said! Being Canadian, I can only imagine what all of America had to deal with, and I’m truly thinking of you good neighbors. The sad thing is,the media had an agenda, and the agenda was to lift up Hillary and force Americas hand by saying that if you voted for the “wrong” candidate (Trump) you should be ashamed of yourself and you are just a racist, white privileged bigot yourself.. How unfair is that? So brave of you to write about it. I think America can be made great again.. The super left wing hasn’t been working for America so who knows, Trump being so “anti government” (in a sense) could be what America needs to become great again. I’m not condoning his irrational and often insane behaviour, but I do think he deserves a chance to prove himself. Xo

    • Oh, thank you so much Shonagh! Just a heads up, you may be getting a whole bunch of disgruntled americans coming your way! haha jk jk but seriously, thank you for this reflection. yeah, Trump has definitely said and done some horrible things, but I do pray that people give him a chance. And I also pray that our country can heal and come together. It saddens me the hate and violence that has erupted. I just pray for compassion and understanding. I appreciate your support. hugs and love xox

  164. Congrats – very well written and yes a very difficult write! I kept my opinion ‘neutral’ (lol) – I wanted a write in for Michelle Obama. LOL Seriously, as an older woman I have tons of opinions on what I saw & read and yes, like others said – I was surprised to even find myself so deeply moved by the outcome. Fear of what happened to our nation and fear of what may potentially still continue to happen. But I’m going to try and find some faith, fight to continue to be a strong 1) woman 2) Spanish/Irish/Native American/White ‘for those who need classification’ 3) MOM who will try to find the GOOD in as many people as I continue to! You are one – no matter your vote. It’s that woman who wrote an excellent prose and shared (even with fear) and I’m very proud of you. Hugs blogging buddy!

    • Thank you for this Laura. I appreciate your kind words and encouragement. Truly, I appreciate this healthy dialogue so much. It is necessary for healing. Which our country is in desperate need of. I pray for that healing. and for hearts to be filled with compassion and a willingness to listen and to seek to understand with love. I have hope that we can come together as a nation and move forward. Keep finding the good! You are awesome and I appreciate you! hugs and much love xo

  165. This is beautifully written and you owe no one an explanation of how you voted. Still I’m glad you found the heart to share. I’m Republican, but I did not vote for Trump although my husband did and that’s okay. We all have a right to vote who we feel is the best presidential candidate. I’m okay with focusing on our military of course! I’m retired Air Force and we just celebrated my husband’s retirement from the Air Force two days ago. A nice pay raise is overdue, so is increasing the personnel–many career fields are weary from deployments protecting those freedoms that some seem ready to trash these days, and I’m not opposed to a wall. I live in Arizona. Illegal immigrants are an issue. Why is breaking laws acceptable? For me it’s not. This was a difficult election for all, but we voted for the candidates as a whole. We have to focus on what we can do as individuals for change in a positive way. Are we whining or is this action going to help my cause? America has voted and as Trump was expected to diplomatically accept Clinton as president, so should America.

    • Thank you so much for this kind encouragement. Thats the beautiful thing about democracy, isn’t it? Thank you (and your husband) for putting your lives on the line so that we could enjoy the privilege of being able to vote. I am so grateful for that. Yes, a difficult election all the way around. Now we just have to pray for the healing of our nation and for the guidance of our new leader. thank you again for this wonderful and healthy dialogue. it’s this willingness to listen and seeking to understand and come together that’s going to bring about true healing 🙂 you rock xox Sending big big hugs.

  166. I appreciate and have great respect for your courage to share this. It is easy to avoid addressing anything involving politics for fear of the hateful responses you may receive. But I confidently believe it’s time for us to be bold and brave in taking back what has been stolen from our country. Thank you for using the platform God has given you in a way that is not only empowering to others but loving and encouraging as well!

    • Thank you so much for this encouragement. I was so scared to push publish, but I’m glad I did. I think there has been some healthy dialogue that has come as a result. So praise God for that. I just pray for the healing of our nation. For compassion, understanding and love to fill our hearts, and for our new leader. thanks of taking the time to read. hugs ox

  167. Well.. I probably should not answer to this… as a black and white person, living in Germany, and having no job also because of many racists and ignorant people in my life (it is big in Germany as you might probably know), I disrespect any politician, what does not make me left in any way, but I think, we normal people who can’t be politicians at all, don’t have a choice in any way, it is just we can’t do anything to change anything, that is the feeling (black, unprivileged, poor) people like me must have, since there are so many people in good and well off situations with lots of money and lots of prestige and reputation who don’t care about those with none of that. I would not even like myself with lots of that, of course, but that is a different thing all together.
    I can understand that it might be difficult to vote over there, and I did not envy any of you, but as a person that felt so much for the Americans since I was ten years old (hahaha, I wanted to be American myself and lived for it since then.. but now things of course are just not like that anymore…), I really try hard to understand all this. Which is impossible since I am not in the USA. But for me, what I got from his speeches, is that people like me are not invited and for me personally that is an insult and I think I have to respect his wish and stay away, but it is of course a disappointment, since I lived for that somehow in a way… So, I wrote on my blog that I was done with the USA.
    I was so wrong in thinking the USA is a country for all those people who are more than just one nationality, and who are drawn to their dreams, but to me it looks like that was a misunderstanding of me over a very beautiful country…
    Sad enough. I am just so disappointed. And have no opportunity to get prove otherwise… since I am of course not invited anymore to see the USA.
    That does not mean that I will forget all those people I was/am friends with in the USA, but it definitely ended the understanding a bit more. Well, I did not vote for our Merkel, that is sure, I did not vote at all. I am not religious, nor politically interested anyway, since life is too short to be so wrong all the time. 😉
    We have friends in Canada though, we visited them once, and they seem to be surprised too. I will (sadly) stay where I am, hence what I said above… I can only say, very good that I did not do it and immigrate to the USA. It would not have made any sense.
    I hope you will a have a good time over there non the less.

    • Thank you for this reflection, Emmit. I’m sorry that you feel so betrayed by the USA. I hope you always feel welcome here. And know that I personally would welcome you with open arms 🙂 In terms of DT, I pray that those who feel upset and hurting because of the results give him a chance to earn their respect through policies that are inclusive and beneficial to ALL people. Thanks again for taking the time to read and respond. big big big hugs to you friend oxox

  168. On FB I recommend looking at the feed for Mike Rowe (the guy from Dirty Jobs) and reading what he wrote about it – how it’s not the end of the world like many are thinking, and how many voted for Trump not for racism but simply because he did a better job convincing people he would help the middle class. I also note that Trump was the only pro-life candidate in the stack, so a lot of people voted for him because of that.

  169. This is a very brave piece and one that needed to be written and shared. It’s obviously genuine and displays your heart. I have felt the same way about this election and believe that many others echo this sentiment. Thank you for so openly and competently sharing your convictions with us.

    • Thank you so much. That really means a lot. Yeah there are a lot of hurting people and my heart goes out to them. I just wanted to offer a different narrative than it being passed around right now. Thanks for your support. Hugs and love xox

  170. I am SO glad that you did this. I feel nearly discrimated against by many people on social media, and voting for Trump has made me “selfish, racist, sexist etc.” I would rather someone who speaks his mind be our leader than someone who has continually lied. I woild love to see a woman president one day but not her. God will lead us where we need our country to go. Love your blogs so much 😘

    • Thank you for your kind encouragement, my friend. Yeah there are a lot of hurtful generalizations being thrown around, so I wanted to just offer a different narrative that people may not have heard — or wanted to hear. I agree, I cannot wait for the day we have a woman in Office. Yes, God is in control and I pray for his guidance of our new leader, and for the healing of our deeply divided and hurting nation. Thanks again for taking the time to read, and for respectfully joining the dialogue 🙂 you rock. hugs xo

  171. Thanks for your post. I love your bravery and honesty. I could not have voted for Trump in a million years, but also did not feel good about the corruption from the left or about the cover up of it. I am one of those women that we have read about so much in the past couple of days who has nightmares about Trump, it seems women all over the US are sharing their similar dreams about his predatorial nature. It’s uncanny that this is happening to so many women. It tells me that something is up in the unconscious that we need to listen to. I hope we can build unity with one another, continue to have civil conversation about the issues that have brought so many people pain. And the pain is real on all sides. I hope to be part of the solution. I’m so glad you shared your heart in such a beautiful way here, I think more people need to hear your side of the story. Thank you.

    • thank you so much Sherry, I appreciate your kind words. I am so sorry that you are having those nightmares. Truly. My heart breaks for those who don’t feel safe in their country or in their own skin as a result of this election. It is my deepest prayer that we can heal as a nation and I applaud you for wanting to be part of the solution. That is how true healing will take place! Thank you for having a willingness to listen and to enter the dialogue respectfully and with compassion and understanding. You are an inspiration and we need more people like you. Sending big big big big hugs to you friend xox

  172. Hi there, you just liked one of my posts, I appreciate that! I read this post of yours and enjoyed it. FYI, you wouldn’t know it from my recent posts, but I’m center-right politically, I understand the policy positions of people who voted for Trump. But to me, the man himself is so shallow, so vile, so self-absorbed, so seemingly unwilling to learn, that I could never consider voting for him. On top of that, I believe decorum is critical … Trump has given his supporters license to express their dark corners — nativism, racism, authoritarianism. That’s scary and dangerous. I don’t believe most Trump voters are like that, and It’s obvious you aren’t, but I think you’re fooling yourself if you won’t admit that those dark corners animate many of them.

    Thanks again for reading me. I feel the country is just a little tiny bit more united now.

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinion. Yeah I was not thrilled for casting my vote for the man of Donald trump, but he represented by top issue-protecting the unborn. I pray that there is healing because my heart does go out to those upset and hurting over the results of this election. We need compassion, understanding, a willingness to listen and a heart that seeks to understand. I pray people give him a chance. Thanks for taking the time to read and joint the discussion. Hugs and love xox

  173. Very well thought out post and written with grace and class. With so much vitriol and vilification on both sides, it was refreshing to read your beautiful post! Thank YOU!

  174. Lets always rmbr that if God could transform corrupt Jacob into blessed Israel,then he can do a lot with whomever occupies the seat! Trump or Hillary none were great but as Christians lets pray that God uses the president elect to promote love, world peace and stability for all! .

    • This is so so true! thank you for this powerful reminder. You’re right, God is ultimately in control and I pray that he heal our deeply divided and hurting nation and guide our new leader. thanks for stopping by and for joining the conversation! have a beautiful weekend. hugs xo

  175. There is a lot about Trump that I disagree with, and as a Brit, I guess we’ve only ever had the caricature of this man portrayed over the duration of this campaign.
    I woke up to the news of his victory in shock, for the second time this year I thought, “what is happening to our world?”, and then I actually read about his policies. By no means am I saying they would have made me vote for him, but I can definitely see some of the positive things he stands for.
    For America, it’s a scary time, a time of change, a new president always is. But I think the world needs to remember that so much of his apparent prejudice will not shape his presidency, he alone is not allowed to make decisions. We have to trust that those around him will temper these feelings within him whilst allowing him to give greater care to war veterans and all the other positive aspects to his campaign.
    This election never had a clear cut winner. Both nominees had more faults than you could count in a score of previous elections. But life must go on, Trump is President Elect, so let’s all just get on with it!
    Good on you for feeling able to express the way your voted, and to explain it so eloquently!

    • Thank you so much for this reflection. You’re right, both candidates were deeply flawed, but I do have hope that things will turn out to be okay. We (and I believe the UK too) needs to heal, and so I pray that we can practice compassion, and have hearts that are willing to listen and seek to understand with love. That’s my deepest hope. Because we are deeply divided. And we need to come together now more than ever. Hugs to you friend xox

  176. Christian conservatives don’t surprise me. I understand why they tend go right even though on some issues they’re extremely misguided and hypocritical given their personal lives and the history of “white america”. I also understand liberal christians. However liberals have also gone too far to on certain issues. As Christians we shouldn’t be okay with everything but we also don’t have the right to dictate other people’s lives. God gave us all free will. Free will to do good and free will to do bad. And who is anybody to take away what God has given us? Generally speaking Republicans have been better for the economy and Democrats better for international relations and social issues. Republicans typically focus on the upper middle class, rich and wealthy; and Democrats the middle and lower middle class and even those in poverty. Hillary is no saint by any means; she’s the definition of a politician however it is still sad to hear that you and many other voted for Trump. I’m not judging you but you should sincerely do some thorough deep research on that man. Furthermore on the things he’s said. Supporting someone like that is unfortunately a slap in the face to the people he’s threatened and offended. For example, that man sexually assaulted women. You mentioned being a victim of that as well (I’m horribly sorry that you experienced that). Now how do you think those women feel about all the people who know and still support him? Having suffered from the same pain how would you feel if people chose his side over yours? Same things goes for racism. And lets be real aside from the current president and a select few how many presidents actually stick to their word after taking office? Even from an economical standpoint. Do research on his business practices and why he almost lost a billion dollars and has filed for bankruptcy so many times. He’s done nothing but manipulate the system to his favor. Ergo, all of this is why so many people consider Trumps supporters ignorant. Actually you can look up the stats on the type of people who voted for him. Most of his supporters were in fact uneducated people. Even from an economical standpoint. Do research on his business practices and why he almost lost a billion dollars and has filed for bankruptcy so many times. He’s done nothing but manipulate the system to his favor. And now thanks to all the “right” Christians who failed to do ALL of their homework and all the educated and racist people that man is the system…

    • Hey friend, thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions. I really appreciate you joining the dialogue! I agree, neither candidate was ideal. I had to follow my conscious and vote for my “top issue” – protecting the unborn. that is my #1. and i totally respect that other people have their own “top issues” and that is 1000% okay! that’s the beauty of democracy! But I could not morally vote for a candidate that is pro-choice, and not voting is out of the question. I just pray for the healing of our nation. my heart goes out to all those who are upset and hurting because of the results of this election, and i pray for healing. i pray for compassion, that hearts be filled with a wilingness to listen, and that people seek to understand with love so that we can respectfully set aside differences and move forward as a country. Both candidates are guilty of some pretty bleak things, but i pray that God use the broken vessel that is DT for His divine will and for good for all people. so glad you stopped by. hugs xo

      • I respect what you said but I want you to think about what you’re saying. You vote for whoever’s pro-choice but what about all the african-american lives that’ll be lost if he brings back stop and frisk. If you’ve been watching the news we’ve been dying left and right, african-american males that is. What happens then? What about our lives? And you wonder why we keep saying black lives matter. Furthermore, back to what you said about having a secure border in your original post. You and many others seem to forget about that some of the U.S was in fact Mexican territory before we took it. Furthermore, think about the native americans. We all should be leaving besides them and the Mexicans. This is what I meant by being ignorant and hypocritical. And you all act like Mexicans are coming over here with malicious intent. You all also act like y’all are gonna do there jobs if they leave; like they’re stealing jobs. Are you gonna pick oranges, clean or build houses? Are you gonna build roads and highways? Many of them only make like 5 U.S. dollars a week back in Mexico. Who can live off of that? You’re willing to vote for whoever’s pro-choice but look at the bigger. Look at who you’re voting for. There’s much more than unborn lives on the line. Think about what you’re saying. Because honestly, if you’re gonna vote from a christian standpoint you shouldn’t have voted for either candidate because neither one comes close to meeting righteousness’ standards.

      • Hi again 🙂 thank for sharing your position. I can tell how passionate you are and I definitely respect you and respect your views. Again, this was an extremely tough election because both candidates were so deeply flawed. I pray that He use his time in office to benefit and protect ALL people – and I believe he will. I pray stop and frisk does not come back. Black lives, and all lives matter. We are all children of God. Lastly, I just want to thank you for expressing your opinion and adding these issues to the dialogue-but also ask that you be aware of your wording because there were a lot of hurtful generalizations, “you all.” For example, I personally do those types of jobs you cited. my job (in addition to acting) is nannying, a “service job” that is in the same category in many people’s eyes as ‘picking oranges’ and ‘cleaning houses.’ So yeah I just respectfully ask that you not paint with such a wide brush, that’s all:) I pray that only good comes out of his time in office. My heart breaks for all those who are feeling afraid and hurt. I pray that DT relieves those feelings day one through standing up for those people and working to build bridges among our people. Hugs and love xox

      • I can assure you that I’m not trying to be rude but unfortunately I lack tact. If you develop any hard feeling towards me because of this I understand. Anyhow, unless you’re the type of nanny that is also provided room and board for you’re comparison, much like your one with Trump to Sanders, is inaccurate. I promise you there’s a big difference between babysitting for a couple of hours and picking fields of fruit in any and all types of weather. Please don’t insult these people by trying to justify yourself. But again, if you are a full time nanny or one that is provided for as compensation for her service my words do not apply to you. Furthermore, I’m just trying to get you to think about what you did and why many are upset with those who choose to support him. I said “you all’ because “we” would be inaccurate and I would never associate myself with such a foolish and disrespectful decision. I understand why voted for him however taking into consideration all the other lives affected and the all the issues of this country I can honestly say, with many others, that your decision was uneducated. And that’s not to say you’re uneducated but your decision was most definitely foolish. Even if you use your faith as an excuse, again; me, you and many others who call ourselves followers of Christ were better off not voting at all. Now I’m aware that this may seem harsh, especially given that nowadays people are incredibly sensitive; both liberal and conservative. However, I’m coming at you from both a logical, ethical, and spiritual standpoint. Again, I just want you to think about what you did and analyze rather or not your reason(s) were worth it when looking at everything… If we knew who the antichrist was and he ran for president would you still vote for him for the simple fact that he didn’t support abortion? Not saying Trump is the antichrist by any means just another example to make you think a little.

      • I just pray that you give him a chance to earn your respect. I think you will see that he is going to be a great president. Did you watch the 60 Minutes interview tonight? There is a lot of hope there. I think he will stand up for the disenfranchised, the neglected, the everyday American. I think he’s going to get America back to work and create jobs and I do believe he can do great things for ALL people. I’m going to just look past your hurtful remarks about my job, my faith, and my intelligence, and focus on the positive. Trump is not the antichrist. Peace to you my friend. Let’s love. 🙂 xox

      • Look, this is what I meant about people being sensitive nowadays. Just because someone is honest and straight forward with you doesn’t mean they’re trying to be hurtful. But unfortunately sometimes the truth really does hurt. I’m not gonna apologize for that though. We both have faith in the same God and serve the same Lord so I wasn’t insulting your faith. As far as your job I don’t know what type of nannying you do which is why I explained both sides of that situation. Now if you choose to take that as me being hurtful that’s your decision. Furthermore, I wasn’t saying you weren’t intelligent I just think you might’ve made a very serious decision without looking at all the factors and variables. Again, I was just trying to get you to see things from the other side. This wasn’t an attack on you. I still think you’re beautiful and incredible kind. And I’m still going to follow and support you. It’s still care about you and your well-being. It’s still all love. Just tough love sometimes. 😊

      • Thank you for clarifying this. That’s the only downfall of text and texting, is that you can’t hear tone of voice! haha So I appreciate you saying that 🙂 I definitely have learned a lot from reading these comments on this post and I am grateful for the insight into all sides of the issues. Yes, same here. All love for you as well my friend 🙂 I definitely watch the news and read the articles and hear people speak about these things with a more “seeing-all-sides” point of view, and I’m grateful to you for that 🙂 hugs friend xox

      • Also, please don’t think that I think you’re not intelligent. I wouldn’t have engaged in this conversation if I didn’t. I wouldn’t follow or support you either. I think you’re very intelligent on top of being kind and beautiful. This isn’t Instagram where everything is based off of looks. Here we have to read what you say to like you and a lot of people like you. Over 18,000 actually. So yeah, you’re pretty smart. It’s that being modest. Aside from all this Trump talk you might just be the perfect woman. Lol! ;p But seriously, you’re pretty amazing. Don’t ever forget it. 🙂

      • Wow, what kind words. I am seriously so touched by your poem! Thank you. It was like a big virtual hug:) I love the dialogue that we have. You always make me think and see things from a different point of view. I’m grateful for that. It’s so nice to know I have a confidant and friend in you😊😊😊

  177. Stay true to yourself Friend. While I don’t agree with your choice for President, it’s never correct to call someone out there name. Our country has issues, always has, but personal attacks and or threats do nothing to set us on the right path. We can and should always agree to disagree, respectfully. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo

    • Thank you so much for this kind and respectful reflection. Yeah, the great thing about democracy is that we’re all entitled to vote for the candidate of our choice! and many men and women gave their lives so that we could enjoy that privilege, and i am so grateful for that. I so appreciate the healthy and respectful dialogue and tone you’ve shown. that’s what’s needed to heal our nation. people seeking to understand and willing to listen with compassion and respect. you rock, my friend. Let’s pray for the healing of our nation, its people, and its new leader. big hugs to you friend xox

  178. This was a great article! Almost all I have read or heard since this election is how bigoted, racist, etc anyone who voted for him is. People calling for the end of the electoral college. People protesting because he is in their words “Not My President”.

    I too was not thrilled with our choices but knew that my views lined up more with the policies that Trump believed in than Hillary. It is nice to see someone else speaking out. I feel that a lot of the protest(s) comes from the fact that it was a complete shock to people who only looked to the left-wing news and their social media feed. These people didn’t realize that every time they call someone racist, sexist, or bigot they push someone away from their party. But the people they pushed away didn’t speak out on social media, they kept quiet and bit their tongue when they had a comment to make. Then they went out and droves to vote that they were tired of it.

    • Thank you so much for this great reflection. I appreciate your support. Neither candidate was ideal, so it came down to the issues. And you’re right, sadly the extreme left-wing media painted a picture that just was inaccurate and one that pushed these stereotypical portrayals. Our nation needs healing, and I pray that we can all come together in compassion and understanding and that people give him a chance. Thanks for stopping by. big hugs xox

  179. That takes courage, sometimes life’s hard topics, need discussing. Those of us, redeemed from negative pasts understand the power behind that transformation. I’m praying Donald Trumps redemption brings the same healing transformation to America and flows into the rest of the world.

    • Thank you for this Nanny. I also pray for trump, that he can foster healing for our nation. And I pray for the healing of our country. And that people give him a chance to earn their respect through standing up for the disenfranchised and neglected. Hugs to you friend. So glad you joined the conversation! Hugs and love xox

  180. Great post. I support our new POTUS elect as well. I was voting for life in a culture of death. That’s what it boiled down to. And it became evident to me that it was also time to have a successful businessman running the corporation that is the USA, instead of ideologues. What the man also has – that gets deliberately overlooked by the press that tries to crucify him – is an actual heart for people.

    Thank you for coming to my blog once again. I’m not always as good as I should be at reading the posts of folks I follow here on WordPress. Yours posts are appreciated.

    • Thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words. That was my stance too. I didn’t necessarily like him per se, but he was the pro life candidate and that’s my #1 issue. And I totally respect that other people have other #1 issues. That’s the beauty of democracy. Now I just hope we can all give him a chance. I pray and have hope that he will rise to the occasion. So glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

  181. […] Also I don’t think you can judge how people see the world and their values by a vote. Each candidate had pros and cons. However if it is the case that his voters have questionable morals then I believe we should be thinking about why/how they have come to that view. One Trump voter whose morals I do agree with shared her reasons for voting here […]

  182. I am English, so a bit more removed from the voting and watching from a distance. I do however sympathise: I voted “out” of the EU and for days afterward friends were posting how “stupid” out voters were and how “uneducated” and “racist”. Well done for standing your ground and explaining, I still haven’t told half my friends what I voted for fear of getting into political arguments.

    • Thank you so much Aimz, for sharing this. Yeah, i have not uttered a word about politics to my friends either. I just don’t want to “go there” for the exact same reason as you. Thanks for your encouragement. Praying for the healing of both our deeply divided and hurting nations 🙂 hugs and love xox

  183. I’m going to church today for the first time in 20 years after being an atheist for about as long. Wish me luck, my friend! I hope I don’t get struck by lightning on the way in! 😉

    • Hi Ceponatia! That’s amazing. My heart is so full right now thinking about that:) Haha I’ll be praying for you that would have a positive and full-of-love experience. And for no lightning 😉😂 jk jk jk In all seriousness, so happy for you. Much much love xox

  184. I really like your perspective. It’s unfortunate that people were getting so worked up over picking the least worst side, mostly on the basis of personality. Obviously, more people agreed with Trump on the issues and policies, but instead of taking that as evidence of much-needed change, all of the anti-Trump hate has spilled even further onto Trump supporters directly. As if OUR frustrations are invalid. The same could be said the other way in many cases, but now we’re actually dealing with a winner.

    Like you said, that’s the beauty of democracy. And free speech is a part of that beauty. I just hope folks realize that venting their frustration peacefully is their only option.

    I’m going to keep reading your stuff!!

    • Hi Ian, wow thank you for this awesome reflection. I found myself nodding along with every sentence! It’s true, all of the hate and violence that’s erupted has saddened me. And I pray that we can move forward in love SOON! And that people give him a chance. Because j do honestly believe that he can bring about positive change for ALL people. That’s my deepest hope. So glad you stopped by. Big big hugs xox

  185. I normally do not discuss politics because it is peoplés right to choose and either way, the will of the people should be respected. However history teaches us that easy solutions normally lead to chaos… the second reich is a perfect example… The Germans elected Hitler and nobody can really say that they were unaducated and that they anticipated the Holocaust… although the signs were there for them to see… I am not saying that Trump is the new Hitler but the signs are ther for us to see that he can do it very wrong..his actions and speeches are clear signs of trouble… now, I am not using the future of the media, but relating to what actually comes out of his mouth… well, voting for Hilary would have voted for continuation of a system that clearly needs a change…. voting for Trump is voting for a change in the dark… all horible…. I am in Europe and I fear for the future of the world… I believe that a strong USA makes the world safer… an isolated USA makes us all fragile… God save us all!

  186. Good Job my friend, thanks once again for sharing your heart with us….even though you experienced hardship through social media. U made the right choice based on what u felt was right; everybody is entitled to their own opinion.

    • Thank you so much for your support, Roshonda. Yeah, that’s the beautiful thing about democracy – is that we can all vote for the candidate of our choice! Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  187. I too voted for Trump. If Republicans would have done all the protests and hate when obama was elected we would be labeled racists but since the shoe is on the left foot, it’s ok. Double standards as usual. If Trump doesn’t work out lets vote him out in 4 years, As John Lennon said”Give Peace a chance”

    • Hi friend, thank you for this reflection. Yeah, I pray that people give him a chance. All the hate and violence that has erupted makes me sad. I hope we can come together as a nation and heal soon. Glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

    • Thanks friend. Yeah neither candidate was ideal but I just pray that he use the office for good for ALL people. And that we all give him a chance to do so. Thanks for taking the time to read and for joining the dialogue! Hugs and love xox

  188. Well, good on you for saying in public who you voted for. However…
    When you have the time, please watch this video, and this one and feel free to follow up on his references. This is in response for your comments on Hilary’s “criminal activity”. It’s possible that you were unaware of Mr. Trump’s less than legal activities before voting or writing your post.
    Where do I begin… Donald Trump is in fact a racist, divisive, disrespectful misogynist. It’s not the “mainstream media” who “painted” him that way. He spoke his words publicly, and clearly and voluntarily. Nobody “spun” anything he said. I don’t think there is any way to spin ‘Mexicans are rapists’. It sort of speaks for itself. Mr. Trump endorses and encourages hatred and violence against anyone who doesn’t agree with him or his supporters. ‘If anyone is standing here, getting ready to throw a tomato, knock him out’.
    There are a lot of things I could keep on writing about what an odious and pitiful human being the president elect of America is. But why bother? Those of you who voted for him would never listen. As far as you’re concerned, Crooked Hilary kills unborn babies so let’s vote instead for the man who grabs pussies. Because an unapologetic tendency toward sexual assault is a great quality in a leader.
    I am sad. My mother is sad. Many Nigerians are sad. My church is sad. My fellow circus hippies are sad. My roommates are sad. We are all sad for America, and for the young Christian women who believe that there is anything remotely Christian or Christ-like about Donald Trump.

    Peace out.

    • Hi friend. Thank you for sharing your opinion. I agree that DT is not a beacon of morality. He has said and done some horrible, inexcusable things. But I believe that he is capable of good. Standing on an unbudgeable pro choice platform completely contradicts my moral beliefs in the sanctity of human life. DT can change. Hillary’s stance on that will not. At the end of the day, I followed my conscience, voting for my #1 issue. I fully respect that other people have their own #1 issues and that is 1000% percent play! That’s the beauty of democracy and I respect that. Now I just place the rest in God’s hand and pray for our hurting and divided nation, and for our new leader and that he use his On my way! in office to be inclusive, beneficial and to protect ALL people. Thank you for joining the conversation. Truly. I respect you and value your stance and opinions:) Hugs and love xox

  189. I respect Democracy and your right to cast a ballot. Meantime, I have a life to reboot. I am a retired LGBT citizen. It is Mike Pence who has zeroed in on my community and plans action with impunity against me and people like me. Trump may well be Pence’s puppet, who’s to say for sure. Any candidate who boasts about sexual harrassment and worse, may have committed fraud, and has a major potty mouth doesn’t seem like a paragon of Christian virtues in a run against a long time Methodist woman.

    I was disappointed that Bernie Sanders was eliminated, probably by party hacks, but I voted for Mrs. Clinton precisely to avoid the Klan and Neo-Nazi endorsed candidates. Now, I’m stuck in the middle of a very red state in a small town as one individual of a minority that is a high-priority target of Mike Pence.

    Wish me luck. My community is going to need it.

    • I certainly wish you all the best. I survived a small Midwestern town, moved to the county seat, and eventually got out without coming out. Now I’m in a metropolitan area. The police are a bit scary, but that’s true everywhere. I’ll stick to the cities or unpopulated places for the foreseeable future. I’m aware that not everyone can do that, but it’s safer if you can,

      • Hi again Billy, thanks for sharing your experience. I’m so sorry that you’ve felt not at home. That breaks my heart. I think you’re awesome:) hugs my friend xox

    • Hi Swabby, thank you so much for joining the dialogue and for sharing your position. I’m sorry that you don’t feel at home in your town. My prayer is that DT use his time in office to protect, include and bring peace and benefit to all people, especially the disenfranchised and neglected, and also those who are feeling hurt/upset/fearful/marginalized because of the outcome of the election. I know I have said it a lot in my responses, but my “top issue” is the sanctity of human life and I just could not bring myself to vote for a prochoice candidate. DT, you’re right, has done and said some awful, awful things, but he is pro-life. I respect that other people have their own “top issues” and that is totally okay! that’s the beauty of democracy, but i had to vote following my conscience and put the rest in God’s hands, that He use DT for good. God can and does use broken vessels to do His will…the bible is full of examples. And so i just lift DT and our hurting nation up in prayer. thanks for stopping by. hugs xo

  190. Obviously, I’m late to the game, but I must say it was a difficult election for me as well. I was neither a Clinton nor Trump supporter but I did end up voting for Trump. If I voted my conscience, it would have been for Gary Johnson, but in the end, I couldn’t allow Clinton to occupy the White House and Trump was the only viable way to stop her.

    I voted for Trump for a very simple reason. My wife and children are Jewish. We are strong supporters of Israel as the Jewish state. For the past eight years, President Obama has been throwing the only democracy in the Middle East under a proverbial bus. Clinton would have continued this practice. Donald Trump is many things, a lot of them not nice, but at the end of the day, he supports Israel. I don’t know what else he’ll do in the next four years, but he’ll do at least that.

    • Hi James, Thank you so much for joining the dialogue and sharing your position. I agree – my vote was less “for trump” than it was *against* Clinton. I definitely respect your reasons for voting the way you did. I pray that he has an inclusive and beneficial time in office for all people. thanks for stopping by. hugs xo

  191. Hello,

    You are right on, sister. I am totally in agreement. I think we were ready for our faith to grow and folks to chose to serve the Lird or not. This is a chance to see America finish what the founding fathers started. I do believe that we will get flack for our faith, but I prayed for the right atmosphere for our faith as the American church to blossom. Have a great week.


    On Thursday, November 10, 2016, BeautyBeyondBones wrote:

    > beautybeyondbones posted: “I was going to do a cheeky post on Taylor Swift > or something, but…I just couldn’t. As much as I realllly didn’t want to > write about the election, ignoring the state of our nation right now just > didn’t sit well with me. Scrolling through social media an” >

    • Thanks for this Gary, I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts and for your kind and encouraging words. Yeah our county needs lots of prayer right now! Especially for healing and unity. That would be so awesome if there was a revival in faith because of this election! God works in mysterious ways! Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

      • I would feel a little more comfortable if more people on this list would take responsibility for their participation in life instead of hope their God will make it all better. This is why you were given minds and bodies, so that you can do your part.

  192. Thank you for this post! It was eloquently written, and it captured so many of my emotions as well. Thank you for being brave, humble, and God-fearing in how you approach your blog. It doesn’t go unnoticed!

  193. Thank you for this post!!! I agree! The polls were wrong because those supporting Trump were afraid to speak out. The ones spewing that Trump supporters are racist are so incorrect.

    • Than you so much for your kind and encouraging words. It truly means so much. You’re right, the Trump vote was hidden because no one wanted to be labeled a bigot. My friends all thought (and still think) that I voted for Hillary. I never said who I was for or against, and just kept my mouth shut, and they all just assumed that I was for Hillary (like everyone else in NYC) and I never corrected them. haha But you’re right, there were a lot of people who didn’t want to tell pollsters that they were in the “basket of deplorables” and who could blame them! Thanks for joining the dialogue! big hugs to you 🙂 xox

      • Exactly! I’m not a bigot and refuse to allow others to call me one. Hillary supporters just gang up on Trump supporters. We are all people. Our opinions should be respected. A bird needs both the left and the right wing to fly and they are apart of the one bird.

      • Thanks again for this reflection. I love that analogy about the bird. America is that bird! haha but seriously though, we need to come together as one nation 🙂 hugs ox

  194. Well said. The saddest thing I’ve seen on social media in the past week is people unfriending family members and announcing that they’re refusing to speak to their family or attend Thanksgiving dinner this year because of their family’s vote in the election. I wish people could see that deliberately (and proudly) causing more division is just contributing to the problem. I take comfort that Christians around the nation and the world are praying and trying to come together.

    • Thanks Monica. Yeah that is so heart breaking. What we need is understanding and a willingness to listen. That’s what I pray for. For healing. Because you’re right-prayer is what we need! Hugs to you friend. Thanks for your kind words:) xox

  195. Though your views and my views oppose, I totally understand your feelings of disenchantment with the status quo. Peace and love, and may we find a sustainable and healthy future for our country, ALL the Americas, and the entire world.

    • Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful reflection. Yes! Peace and love. That’s what our country needs right now. And we need more people like you! Thank you for the respect and for seeking to understand and join in the dialogue. You rock my friend. Hugs and love xox

  196. Hey dear, am not an American, but I know exactly where your coming from…. be proud of what you voted for, because the future of the new generations depends on it!! God bless you for taking a very brave stand.

    • Thanks Cynthia. I appreciate your encouraging words! Yes, God bless the nation (and world:) ) right now. There is a lot of division and I pray for healing. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  197. I don’t have any problems with Republicans. I don’t agree politically with many people I respect, in the true sense of the word. But I cannot support this man, or be silent about people who support the man who tells our daughters if they don’t want to be sexually harassed to find another job. Who mocks people with disabilities. Who calls Mexicans rapists. Being a Republican and being a Trump supporter are two different things in my mind.

    I think a lot of people voted, not on politics, but on ethics – on both sides. Sometimes it does come down to a single issue, be it abortion of the human rights of minorities. Be have different priorities and often very personal stakes – where it is not at all a political decision or a political belief that rips families apart. It is fear. I feel if someone couldn’t vote secretly for my family member’s personal safety and human right, how could I trust them to protect them in public if push comes to shove. There is a lack of understanding on both sides – or rather ALL sides of the divides.

    Hoping for peace and understanding.

    • so sorry for the typo: be it abortion (as in anti-abortion) OR the human rights of minorities. It seems in this election people were sometimes forced to choose a priority. Sorry – that typo could cause a lot of misunderstanding, I’m sorry.

    • Thank you for sharing this and for joining the dialogue. This election was absolutely a difficult decision exactly those reasons you touched on. DT has done and said some horrible horrible things but at the end of the day I had to vote for the issue that was number one on my priority list, and that was the protection of the unborn. Not that those other issues aren’t important to me, and I DO stand up for those minority and disenfranchised groups in my everyday life — on the subway, at school, but I cast my ballot for the unborn, because they cannot stand up for themselves. I 100% respect your views and position. That’s the beauty of democracy. And I’m absolutely with you on that: I’m also praying for peace, understanding, and healing for our deeply divided and hurting nation. Thanks again my friend. Big big hugs xox

  198. While I can’t agree with a lot of what was said in your post, I do love the way you so genuinely and elegantly stated your position. Respect is so important in these times and I have nothing but the utmost respect for your choice and your vote. If we were friends IRL I would give you a big hug. At the end of the day, we are all different and what is wonderful about that is, it is okay. Continue to spread love. At this time, that is all we can really do. BTW, thanks for liking my post. I hope you don’t mind having a hard core Hillary supporter as a follower because I am following you. Much love.

    Mrs. K

    • Thank you so much Mrs. K, I really appreciate your kind and wonderful response. I so agree – respect is so important for the healing of our nation right now. Awww, yes! I would give you a big hug too! I know, we all are allowed to vote for the candidate of our choice, and I totally respect that 🙂 That’s the beauty of democracy. And yes, let’s spread love. amen to that.We should make T-shirts 🙂 haha thanks for stopping by! I am honored that you would follow 🙂 thank you friend xox

    • True Democracy is the full embrace of all our differences, oneness in diversity 😉 consider Paul’s metaphor of the body as he tried to share with the Corinthians the fundamental spiritual truth of unity in diversity in Christ (1 Cor. 12). Every body is made up of diverse elements, and only if they are working together for the greater good, with the understanding that all parts are equally important and contribute to the whole system, can we, as the Body of Christ (and the political body of our Society), be healthy, truly alive and realize the highest potential of liberty and justice, spiritual and material abundance.
      Blessings to you,

      • Thanks again Mark. Yes, oneness in diversity. I love that biblical example!! We are the body of Christ. All different parts, all equally important and necessary for the finished product. Hugs to you xoxoxo

      • We can be the example to a deeply divided world, what true love and compassion looks like 😉 The sad thing is, that even the Body of Christ is deeply divided…

        But we can change that. The first step: a change from fear politics to a higher vision of oneness. Blessings to you, beautiful heart.

  199. Hi Caralyn. I feel the need to add to the discussion. I respect your decision; I simply believe, like one of your other followers who posted here, that this election was about more than Republican or Democratic values. Neither candidate represented my values, but for me, Donald Trump was the antithesis of everything I believe in as a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe in the dignity and sacredness of ALL life, and his hateful, hurtful, negative speech towards so many groups who are vulnerable and marginalized (and who, by the way, also don’t have a voice), clearly made him someone I could not vote for. I work alongside Catholic sisters serving migrants and refugees, and we are all concerned about the plight of these desperate people. That said, it’s also clear that he brought to light the dark shadow of our country that had been lurking underground. I think that, rather than become sensitive or defensive or violent about our positions/beliefs, this is an opportunity to pray for the healing and transformation of these painful places within us, and for us to look within ourselves to discover our own places that need healing — places where we judge or discriminate or make blanket statements, seeing things as black and white rather than being open to the possibility of seeing something beyond what we think we already know. I have been praying for DT, for our country, and for the world, that we may be open enough to let this light and love open our hearts and minds to what is possible when we see the “other” as ourselves. . .

    • Hi Pauline, thank you for adding this. There’s a lot of food for thought here. First of all, I want to commend you on your work with the refugees. That is such a noble and important job. You are an inspiration. Yeah, DT, was definitely not the beacon of morality, but for me, pro-life is a non-negotiable. You’re right, now we need to come together and pray for the healing of our nation and for the people who are hurting and upset. That’s true, we can also learn a lot about ourselves in times like this. And yes, praying for DT too, that God may use the broken vessel that IS DT, to do good, to stand up for the disenfranchised and to be inclusive and beneficial to ALL people. So glad you stopped by. thanks again for sharing your heart. it is beautiful 🙂 hugs ox

    • Thanks Carolyn, I really appreciate you joining the conversation and for your kind words. You’re an awesome example of how we need to come together in respect and with a willingness to listen and understand. That’s necessary for healing. Thanks friend xoxo big hugs

  200. Hello, Caralyn. I can understand your protest vote, it is your right and I really appreciate and respect your honesty 😉 „Make America great again“ doesn’t mean „Make America white again“. Jesse Owens, Martin Luther King or Maya Angelou, and many other black Americans, have contributed to the greatness of America, they are included in it. Only if we work together, based on the principle of the oneness of humanity, based on mutual understanding and compassion, and with respect for core values like religious liberty and freedom of speech, can we make America (and the whole world) truly great again and greater than ever before, this is my vision for the future.

    I believe passionatly, that we should learn to see the whole world as „one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.“ (like it is said in the „Pledge of Allegiance“ about the U.S.). It is good to be a patriot and love the own country, but is even better to love the whole world as one country and humanity as one race.

    • Thank you so much for this reflection and for joining in the dialogue! I agree, Make america great again means ALL of america. It is inclusive to all people, and I pray that DT stands up for the disenfranchised and marginalized people, like he says he’s going to. But you’re right, right now we need healing, and we’ll get that through compassion and love for one another. Through hearts that seek to understand and that are willing to listen. I pray for that. For respectful dialogue. And yes, one nation under God. Amen to that. Thanks for stopping by and for sharing this powerful perspective. hugs to you friend xox

  201. I am a Hillary voter. I voted for her because I believe a woman has the right to choose medical treatment to remove a heathy child from her body regardless of reason. I believe women should have access to affordable health screenings through planned parenthood that could save their lives. I believe in energy efficient and more governmental dollars should go towards finding the energy sources of the future not of the past. I believe in global warming. I do not believe that people should be kept from entering our country solely based on the fact that their religion is one on which America fears as hate filled (which is the opposite of actuality) especially when we are a country founded on religious freedom.

    • I don’t believe Trump will unite. He is not inclusive. I hope with everything I believe in that I am wrong. I hope for a better future than the one he has painted for me. I do not hate you. I love you despite your choice for POTUS. I hope we all move forward from this with more love in our hearts. <3

      • I think, it is time to learn the art of „assertive communication“ 😉

        „Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive. In the field of psychology and psychotherapy, it is a learnable skill and mode of communication. Dorland’s Medical Dictionary defines assertiveness as:
        a form of behavior characterized by a confident declaration or affirmation of a statement without need of proof; this affirms the person’s rights or point of view without either aggressively threatening the rights of another (assuming a position of dominance) or submissively permitting another to ignore or deny one’s rights or point of view.


        Assertive communication involves respect for the boundaries of oneself and others. It also presumes an interest in the fulfillment of needs and wants through cooperation.[5]
        According to the textbook Cognitive Behavior Therapy (2008), “Assertive communication of personal opinions, needs, and boundaries has been … conceptualized as the behavioral middle ground, lying between ineffective passive and aggressive responses”.[6] Such communication “emphasizes expressing feelings forthrightly, but in a way that will not spiral into aggression”.[7]
        If others’ actions threaten one’s boundaries, one communicates this to prevent escalation.[8]
        In contrast, “aggressive communication” judges, threatens, lies, breaks confidences, stonewalls, and violates others’ boundaries.
        At the opposite end of the dialectic is “passive communication”. Victims may passively permit others to violate their boundaries. At a later time, they may come back and attack with a sense of impunity or righteous indignation.
        Assertive communication attempts to transcend these extremes by appealing to the shared interest of all parties; it “focuses on the issue, not the person”.[9] Aggressive and/or passive communication, on the other hand, may mark a relationship’s end,[10] and reduce self-respect.

    • Hi Marissa, thank you so much for sharing your views and for joining the conversation! I definitely respect your vote for Hillary. That’s the beauty of democracy, that each person is entitled to their own choice 🙂 Thank you for sharing these reasons as to why she was your choice. Now I just pray for the healing of our deeply divided and hurting nation and that our country can treat one another with compassion and understanding, love and respect. 🙂 So glad you stopped by. Have a beautiful evening. hugs xox

      • Everyone wants love and respect, we just believe it will come from different ways. That’s what made this particular election so darn difficult. We had two candidates who were polar opposites. I pray we can come back from this election more unified and don’t continue on this path of destruction.

      • Let us hope together that Donald Trump will evolve into his better self as he performs the duties of his office. May the „better angels“ of our nature prevail:

        „We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.“ (Abraham Lincoln, Great Speeches)

        And I don’t think that polarization is a problem. That’s a necessary part of democracy.

      • In short form: assertive communication means that you pay attention to your own thoughts, feelings and opinions, and communicate them in alignment with your inner conscience (so that you can draw healthy boundaries and be in connection at the same time), and respect the value of other people. It means, you communicate with maturity, with love that stays on no matter what. Like Jesus 😉 his love is always the same and doesn’t depend on the opinions of others.

      • Still curious how you would define liberal. Extreme left is kind of based on relativity, meaning it’s based on your perception of where you are at on a line as well as the position of something else in relation to you. Still didn’t define what the word liberal means for someone who does not know.

      • Basically, if I may paraphrase, a liberal then is someone who believes religion should be out of government, although that person may have a religious belief. The liberal believes government should control economic interests, and believes said economic interests should be integrated with that of other countries across the globe. While doing so, the environment must be protected so that future generations can partake of the economy. Finally, a liberal would advocate for a global unity. Now, as we have defined a liberal and you have defined yourself as a Christian, how would you imagine the world economy and government to be under the rule of Jesus Christ upon His second return? Would He be liberal or not?

  202. Views like this need to be said and shared more. I decided to not vote for either candidate, choosing to write my choice in. (Not Gary Johnson) but the issue at hand is that we no longer have any respect for another’s viewpoints. I have constantly told people that regardless of whether or not I agree with them, i will fight for their right to believe, think, and say what they want. As followers of Christ, that is the ultimate respect in our witness.

    • Thank you so much friend. Yeah I pray that people seek to understand and be willing to listen to people who have other views that differ from their own. You’re right, that is the ultimate respect. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

    • Hi there friend thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have hope that he will do good things while in office. I hope he stands up for the common man, and for the disenfranchised and neglected, like he has promised. I guess we shall see. In the meantime, we’ll just pray for him and for the healing of our nation. Hugs to you friend. Xox

    • You see, I think that might be the problem (and I am not taking sides on your election) … quite a narrow range of opinion decides that ‘nobody with any sense’ can disagree with them ….and then they discover that they do. Aristotle talked about this actually. Nothing new in the world except that there is a lot of this at the moment. Will be interesting to see whether / how Wall St buys Trump out. Like I say not taking sides…

      • I find Trump so abhorrent and offensive that I really struggle to see any positive points in his favour. Thankfully it isn’t my election, I live on a tiny Island many miles away but have been watching the process with horror and fascination in equal measure. Only time will be the jury on this decision.

      • I am not saying you are wrong but I can see how this happened. And don’t think people who voted for him are idiots. The status quo is bound to collapse at some point – it always does. I think this time is as big as 1180 BCE

      • Hi friend, thank you for joining the dialogue! Yeah at the end of the day I had to vote on the issue that was of top importance to me, and that was pro-life. Period. I could not vote for a candidate that was pro choice. That goes against my beliefs, so Donald trump it was. I knew voting for a third party candidate would have been a vote for Hillary and I just couldn’t vote for a pro choice candidate. I respect that other people have their own “top issue” and that is 10000% okay! but protecting the unborn is mine. That’s the beauty of democracy. You’re right, only time will tell, so now all I can do is pray for the new leader and his guidance. Soglad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

      • Thank you for this reflection and for joining the conversation! Yeah, how wonderful that would be if we could seek to understand and have a willingness to listen to others who differ in opinion than us. And even more…come together and compromise and form solutions! That’s what I pray for. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  203. You make some good points, much the same as those made by Bill Johnson, senior pastor at Bethel church in Redding, California, and a man for whom I have the greatest respect. I thought that Hillary Clinton might have been the least worst candidate, but maybe Bill and you and many others like you have got it right. Let’s pray to make it so!

  204. I’m a black woman and I voted for Trump and it was very much a spiritual decision. I considered writing a post about it but haven’t built up the nerve. Glad you’re open and vocal about it.

  205. Amen sista, it was hard one indeed. And like you, I had to look at policy, not people. No person will ever live up to the expectations of everyone and that is why I put my faith in God, who can change anyone’s heart, including Trump or Clinton. This has been my prayer for months and I will continue to pray for all Americans to come together and find common ground, not dwell on the differences. We should all learn to research items of interest and not let one media outlet feed us with lies and deceit. God gave us a brain and this is the time to use it and agree to disagree. Will continue to pray for this great nation daily.

    • Hi Kelsey, wow thank you so much for this awesome response. I’m giving you a 👏standing👏o👏va👏tion👏 Amen!! God is going to use the broken vessel that is DT to do His will and benefit all people. I believe that with all my heart. God is in control. And there is power in prayer. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  206. Wow. This is such a perfectly powerfully worded apologetic for an election with no options that you want to live with, but some you couldn’t live without. I actually got quite emotional as I read it to my wife. Thank you

    • Hi Paster Goforth, gosh thank you so much for you incredibly kind words and support. Truly. It means so much. I place my trust in God’s good, capable and loving hands. His plan is perfect and there is power in prayer! So glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

  207. I’ve written a number of commentaries on the election, both essays and short fiction, on my own blog. I thought I’d share the latest with you. A short fiction piece called At Gunpoint. Let me know what you think.

  208. Gonna reblog this at and probably share to Facebook too. Had begun writing my own version of this, but it’s tough to beat especially considering your angle and attitude of humility and grace. Thanks again BBB.

  209. Reblogged this on and commented:
    I can’t say enough good things about this young lady’s blog. I feel like she says most everything that needs to be said in defense of voting for Donald Trump, all while not getting “preachy” as I’m apt to do…🤔 Without further ado, check it out if you haven’t already.

  210. Honestly, your blogs get better and better each time that I read them. I have seen many hateful and bizarre things since the election. I am baffled when I have seen parents post what will I tell my children? I do get that bullying is bad as I was a victim of it for many years, understand sympathize with minorities even though I am white and a Christian, understand and sympathize with those who have different sexual and gender preference than me, and that feel they have the right to do what they want with their body. God doesn’t want us judging anyone…..I love that you implemented Jesus’s words here when he spoke about casting the first stone. Words to live by… Donald Trump may be a lot of things, but supporters of the left side need to really open their eyes to the corruption that is Hillary. What about what her husband did as governor and president? What about what she said about the special needs kids that came to her house for Easter? Again, let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.
    I did not vote for either. I voted for God! I will say that I highly respect your decision and not because you didn’t vote for Hillary, it is because you took the higher road and voted for each of us. You saw past Donald’s flaws and chose the one that was standing for our country. Thank you. God bless you and keep you strong in the faith and in your convictions, my friend.

    • Hey Jenness, thank you so much! What a kind thing to say! I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying my blog:) you’re right, this election was difficult for a lot of reasons. Neither candidate was ideal, but yeah, I had to vote for my “top issue” a being prolife. And yeah, the media definitely had a pretty blatant agenda in what they chose to cover…anywho, now we need to come together and pray for the healing of our nation and for our new nation:) thanks for stopping by and for joining the conversation! Hugs and love xox

      • I’m sorry that’s that’s how you view the issue. I am not trying to control another woman’s body but protect the life growing inside it. I respect that you have a differing view than I. That’s the beauty of democracy: is that we are entitled to vote according to our own views and beliefs. Thank you for voicing your opinion.

  211. You lost me as soon as you said this: “the corruption of far left, liberal, big government, and its mainstream media accomplice, trying to pull the wool over our eyes.” You have no idea what government really is and you shouldn’t have voted (for the record, in my eyes, no-one should have). Why do we need people to tell us what to do? Because we’re scared, because we’re foolish.

    • Hi friend. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and joining the dialogue. I’m sorry that you feel that I voted irresponsibly. My criteria for my ballot was who was prolife. That’s a nonnegotiable for me. And I respect that other people have other top issues, but that’s mine. Hope you have a nice evening. Thanks for stopping by xox

      • My initial reaction to what you said (in the quote I provided) about the previous government is: every state government the world over is just as you described, yet you’re misled by a prejudice against the Left to mistake that fact (and, anyway, since when is using a prejudice to support an argument a good thing? – prejudiced thinking is the entire nature of politics by the way). I’ll have to keep reading your article if I can build the stomach for it… My reaction to any kind of ‘prolife’ argument you have is obviously that Trump is very clearly ‘prolife’ for only a select few, which means you must be a selfish and discriminatory person, which is sadly normal. I hope you don’t think I’m trying to hurt you, I’m just getting at the truth of the matter. To clarify my position made in the previous comment, anyone who votes for anybody to make decisions for them (i.e. a confused person) is utterly futile. How can confused people find a right answer? It’s impossible. So, again, voting is meaningless. Right education is what is required, which, by the way, is totally lacking all over the world. You have a lot of ‘followers’. I say this is what you have a responsibility to learn and write about, not just excusing having made a harmful, pointless decision. x

      • Hi again originalternate, I appreciate you further explaining your beliefs. I’m sorry that you think I am selfish and discriminatory. It’s safe to say, ask anyone who knows me or has read any of my articles, that those two things are absolutely opposite of what and who I am, the person I was raised to be, and how I live my life. I’ve read your poems, you are a smart guy. Tearing others down for their beliefs is not conducive to productive and healing dialogue, which our country so desperately needs right now. I respect your views and that our opinions are different. That’s the beauty of democracy, and I celebrate that. I agree that education is important, and I look forward to the changes that Trump plans to implement to modernize our current system. Again, thank you for joining the dialogue. I appreciate hearing everyone’s opinions, as I am trying to understand and learn and listen to all sides. It is clear that people cared a lot about this election and that there are a lot of issues that people are passionate about. Protecting the unborn is that issue for me. And it may not be for someone else, and I respect that. And I want to hear what theirs is. I wanted to offer this particular article so as to start a dialogue, and to offer an alternative narrative as to why someone could vote for Trump, since there is such a stereotype and inaccurate representation being perpetuated by the mainstream media. That’s not a prejudice, I am just stating that much of the mainstream media had a pro-Hillary agenda. So I invite you to read to the end of the article. If you choose not to, that’s okay too. I’m glad you stopped by and at least gave it a chance 🙂 have a great night x

      • I didn’t mention any beliefs because I don’t have any. They just cause divisions between people. I just revealed the logic behind what you did when you voted and what you said about it. I wouldn’t listen to people’s opinions if I were you – they’re completely worthless and based on self-interest. I don’t know about unborn babies but I am concerned with people who actually exist. Like you say, dialogue is very important to help overcome our problems. I wish you well.

  212. As someone who doesn’t live in America, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I found that a lot of the media tended to be largely in support of Hillary and many people where I’m from couldn’t fathom why people would vote for Trump, so thank you for helping me to understand. I think a lot of people would benefit from reading this 🙂

    • Thanks Emily. I appreciate your kind words. Glad you enjoyed reading it. Yeah I was hoping to offer a different narrative than the one being passed around by the media. Thanks for stopping by and for your support. Hugs and love xox

  213. @beautybeyondbones (sorry, I don’t know what else to call you): I have to admit that, this being a rather touchy subject you’ve brought up, most people have minded their manners and been civil in their comments, even when they’ve disagreed with you.

    What I think some of those folks miss is that while Trump can be considered pretty reprehensible given some of the statements he made while campaigning, there are those of us who recognized all that and yet also realized that Clinton was much, much worse.

    If Billionaire George Soros and other Wall Street one percenters, along with a number of foreign interests, were bankrolling Clinton, then Clinton had no intention of representing the American people first. She had been bought and would be representing her investors. That political reality must be taken seriously before simply succumbing to her mouthing statements that seemingly support progressive social interests and tickling the ears of her constituency (yes, I’m saying she’s incredibly insincere).

    I sometimes wonder if Soros wasn’t manipulating the selection of candidates of both parties (this is purely speculation on my part). We know that Bernie Sanders was torpedoed by the Dems to give Clinton a clear field, but I would have bet money that Cruz or Rubio would have been tapped to run against her, not Trump. It’s as if the worst possible Republican candidate were selected because he would offend everyone so badly, no one would vote for him.

    With the long laundry list of Clinton scandals and investigations, plus her thirty some odd years as a career politician, she’d have to run against a complete buffoon to have a guaranteed win. Probably the only contender she would clean up the floor with was Trump, and yet amazingly, she lost anyway. No doubt George Soros, who was manipulating the situation like Geppetto pulling on Pinocchio’s strings, was as surprised as anyone, hence his bankrolling people to instigate riots against Trump and possibly to commit various forms of threats and hate crimes against minorities and the LGBT community to stir up further dissent against Trump.

    As it turns out, even Trump and his campaign team were shocked that he won. If he didn’t expect to win, then it didn’t matter what outrageous things he said while campaigning. Now that he’s done the seemingly impossible, maybe he’ll start taking the job of being the President a bit more seriously.

    Of course, at the end of the day, he’s still a big showboat and it may take him some time to realize this isn’t just some amplified version of the TV show “The Apprentice”.

    • Hi James, thank you so much for this awesome response. You have voiced a lot of my concerns about Hillary that I didn’t go into in this blog for fearing I’d be too much on the attack so I just offered my defense, but you’re absolutely right-the corruption made her unelectable in my eyes. No, trump wasn’t an Angel and definitely had his points of concern, but hillarys ills far outweighed his. I just pray that our nation can heal and move forward from this. Thanks for your support. Hugs and love xox

  214. I think that the 8 months baby in the womb being able to be killed point is likely not really correct. Could you dig out where there is a statement/fact supporting this being a practice. My feeling is that somewhere along the line somebody twisted something so dramatically and something so evocative and scores of people voted on babies being aborted at 8 months.

    I am absolutely pro choice but obviously I would be outraged equal to you if I heard of anybody willy nilly aborting a fully formed baby. My pro choice stance ends at 12 weeks, the legal timeframe in the UK and I imagine it is similar across Europe, or if the baby is dead/dying in the womb or a mangle of organs that would a) not be born live and b) hurt mother’s health – or situations very similar and grave.

    There has got to be some occurrence that happened once out there, where for some reason a baby was aborted at 8 months that this campaign is referring to. Any chance you know what that case is? Because on the whole I think America has one of the strictest abortion rules and most difficult paths for women seeking abortions for reasons only they themselves may know. So I just can not see this aborting a baby scenario being anywhere near as prevalent a practice as the election campaign likely made it out to be. I can barely see how any doctor anywhere will abort a baby, post 12 months, unless there are grave dangers for mothers health.

    I don’t want to hijack your threat with a conversation that we may be on quite opposite sites off and that likely might be an upsetting subject for you or your regular blog readers. I am not wishing to open the conversation about what is right or wrong with regards to a woman’s choice. I think it is clear enough that we differ in opinion. I hope nobody will be throwing abuse at me for raising the matter that I just think this particular election point was probably made in a sensationalist fashion to capture additional votes and will be based on exaggeration. Elections are not always pretty.
    I wanted to add a bit of balance to the one point you made why you voted for Trump. Because this one point stood out to me as flawed.

    I do hope that you who voted for Trump did not make a grave mistake, I understand most of your reasons, I am just fearful that this was not the right time / the right man to vote for the change you and many from the left, too, seek.

    p.s. I probably won’t follow up on this post because I just stumbled by and chanced on your blog.

    Wishing that it all turns out as we all hope: for the best.

    Birgit. x

    • Hi Birgit, thank you for sharing your thoughts and for joining the dialogue. I definitely respect that our views are different on this topic. And I appreciate your willingness to converse and have a dialogue about it! 🙂 I’m at work right now, so I cannot “dig into” this like I need to, but I just want to let you know that I read it and I’m not blowing you off. When I get home from work this evening, I’ll really be able to respond 🙂 hugs to you friend xo

  215. Your thoughts and views would be welcome throughout the midwest. You sound like one of us!!! Take care and thanks for reading, liking, and commenting on my posts. Best of luck.

  216. Thanks for your well-reasoned and well-presented explanation of your vote for Donald Trump. I voted for Hillary Clinton, not because I think she’s a perfect human being, but because I beleave she is best qualified, competent, and ready for the demands of the presidency.

    We may disagree on our political views and our presidential votes, but we can agree that we are all Americans. Now that the election is over, those who persist in campaigns of character assassination against either of the candidates are doing a disservice to our country and to our democratic ideals.

    I think it was a terrible mistake, and possibly unpatriotic, for Senator Mitch McConnell to decide and state at the outset that he would oppose President Obama at every turn. I fervently hope that Democrats will not make the same mistake regarding president-elect Trump. We should wish our presidents Success in the difficult job they were elected to do. We can support them or oppose them on specific issues. I pray that President Trump will receive the guidance, and have the wisdom, to make the right decisions and avoid the wrong decisions in all cases.

    Hopefully we can avoid further division and work in cooperation as Americans.

    • Hi there! Thank you so much for this thoughtful and respectful response. You’re right, the character assassination has got to stop. I pray for compassion and healing for all Americans. I also pray that they seek understanding and that we all have hearts that are willing to listen. You have demonstrated all of these things, so thank you so much for modeling how our country needs to move forward in love and respect. And yes, let’s pray for our new leader too. I believe that God can and will use the broken vessel that is DT for good and to do His will. That’s my prayer:) so glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  217. Wow. I don’t vote, and shan’t. As is said, it only encourages them. Yeuch. Your enemies are unthinking people and Political Correctness—both can be cured with rational thinking. (And while I’m dreaming, ya wanna buy a bridge? London, this time— I got a good price for that thing in Sydney Harbour.)

    • Hey Argus! thanks for this response. Yeah, this election was difficult, and it brought out a lot of mud slinging on all sides. You’re right…we all need to think – especially before we speak and start calling other people names. Thanks for this food for thought 🙂 hugs and love xo

  218. You should see comments about Trump and people who voted for him in Germany :))) I think it’s even worse what your friends said. Anyhow I have to agree to some of those points your friends made and disagree with several of yours. For one , I am one of those people who are for abortions. Yes I said it. Why? Because women has right to choose if she wants and needs or even can bring child into this world. In my opinion world is already overpopulated and there are so many children that other women have for adoption or just threw out. In Germany we have wonderful sistem- you are allowed to have abortion up till 3rd pregnancy month . In rare cases, if fetus has obvious development defects , it can be done in later months as well. Our health insurance even Pays for it if you don’t have/ earn enough money. And I love that women here have the freedome to do so. No way in he’ll I would carry a child from a man that raped me or if I know that my mental instability would mean my child would suffer from my major mood swings. And in my opinion children can be brought to this life only if you have enough money to support them. And besides that point, in my opinion Trump is a slimy liar. Most or even all politicians are, but watching for years his comments, getting sick from his opinion about LGBT+ community, women and “religious” crap he was spouting, I was facepalming myself and thinking how someone can let that man anywhere near politics. And now he is a President. Let’s just hope he will keep his word about some of the things he said in the elections and won’t be able to do some of them.
    I am not saying you did bad and everyone has rights for their opinion, ours just doesn’t match. As for a blog post- it’s great 🙂

    • Hi Anvi, thank you so much for this reflection and for sharing your views. Truly. I definitely respect our differing opinions, and I appreciate you sharing yours with respect and in a way that fosters healthy dialogue and communication. I agree that DT has said and done some pretty horrible things, and to be honest, Hillary has too. They both were less than ideal, but I do have hope that Trump will use his time in office for good. And I hope and pray that he’ll use that time in office to stand up for the disenfranchised and neglected and to be inclusive and beneficial for ALL people. that is my deepest prayer. Also for the healing of our deeply divided nation – that we heal and practice compassion and understanding. And it starts with being willing to listen and have a healthy and respectful dialogue – like you have exemplified 🙂 so thank you for being a great example of that. Glad you stopped by, my friend. hugs ox

    • It is just so sad that so much has been distorted concerning Trump, the media did a terrible injustice to him. Yes, there were things that he said that were stupid and I was not, always, pleased. But, stories and the reporting were so twisted and exaggerated, to the point of down right lies. He was talking about illegal aliens who have no right breaking into this country, he was not talking about their race — race is not an issue to him, the illegality is. Our borders should be secure and none of the recent presidents have done anything about securing them. As far as Muslims are concerned, it is not an issue of race, either, it is about the Muslim Extremists and Trump’s desire to prevent terrorist from sneaking into the country along side innocent immigrants.

      I understand you reasoning regarding babies and abortion, but, over the past year I have changed my thinking in regard to abortion as I have seen so many videos on YouTube concerning abortion. After seeing how conception occurs and watching the progress of the dividing and multiplying of the cells as they are forming into the fetus and developing into a baby I have realized that this is human life, not just a clump of cells or a blob of tissue. The process of creation is amazing and the fetus is a life form that is alive and growing and far more than most people can even imagine. Here are a couple of links that I think that you will find to be interesting:–1MVbo

      The baby’s development is very rapid during the second month. By the end of the second month, all of the baby’s major body organs and body systems, including the brain, lungs, liver, and stomach, have begun to develop. The first bone cells appear during this time. Eyelids form and grow but remain sealed shut. The inner ear is forming. Ankles, toes, wrists, fingers, and sexual organs are developing. At the end of the second month of pregnancy, the baby looks like a tiny human infant. If it is a boy, the penis will begin to form. If it is a girl, the vagina begins to form.

      • I agree. A terrible injustice indeed. Granted, he said a lot of horrible things I don’t agree with, but the whole story was never told. Only “gotcha” style headlines. Thanks for sharing these powerful videos. Big hugs xox

  219. So much of the misinformation spread about him comes from what should be unbiased new sources. CNN, NY Times, HuffPo,etc. have vilified and lied about him for over a year. I understand why people are so worried about what he will do. His actions will show what he’s all about and minds can change! Great post!

    • Amennnnn to this!👏👏👏👏👏 holy cow, I’m giving you a standing ovation on this. I am so hopeful about his policies and that he’s going to earn everyone’s respect through inclusive ad beneficial actions for ALL people 🙂 thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

      • ” Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. ” It is true that we should not be overly judgmental. I remain hopeful that Trump will turned out to be a better president than many expect. However, reading the many comments on this issue, I am beginning to fear that many Trump supporters have gone to the opposite extreme. That is, it appears that many Trump voters have cast all caution to the winds and have embraced Trump with something near “Blind Faith.” Please save your faith for God. It is dangerous to sign up with blind Faith behind any human leader or human political cause. Once a person has invested all of their faith in the human leader, it can become very difficult to change one’s mind if the leader proves to be unfaithful himself.

      • Thanks for this perspective. I agree, putting our faith in God is definitely, 100% the way to go. That being said, I will pray that God use Trump during his time in office. And i have hope that He will. 🙂 But you’re right, placing our faith in man will only leave us short. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts 🙂 hope you’re having a great week so far. hugs xo

  220. “It was me taking back that day when I was a freshman in college and I had to do an oral report to my class of 200+, what a “rim job” was. For a grade. At a public, liberal university.”
    Goodness gracious! Curious how that was even an assignment?!?! SMH!
    Great Post! (I’m with ya!)

  221. Choosing a President has become more difficult. As media has gained influence, it has lost its power, and has sacrificed research and a voice for truth for being entertaining via catchy headlines and opinion based reporting. All in all, they are owned by parties, much like our congress is owned by Super Pacs that run our country. Having said all this, the remaining outlets that speak truth and seek to keep voters informed have been shunned and not credible. When they reveal truth about candidates and explain their stances on issues, they are called liars and accused of trying to sabotage the campaign of a candidate. It is very dangerous that we have a generation of people who are shielded from truth and not privy to information that might make for informed voters. One of my major concerns from this point on was how the remaining media was handled. Those that questioned and reported facts and challenged candidates were removed from being able to cover candidates. This too is an infringement on rights given in this country. We are going to see this continue, an this is going to put us at even more of a disadvantage. Your other article about generalizations captured a truth too. This is always ignorant to do. People have a right to vote for the candidate of their choice. What I will challenge many on is judgement and hypocrisy. It is interesting to hear the complaints and criticism President Obama faced not just about his tenure as President, but personal attacks about his intellect, appearance and citizenship, all of which were complete fabrications stemming from hate, and now that Pres-Elect Trump is being critiqued…… You get the point.

    • Thank you for this thoughtful response. Yeah I really hope the media can start reporting on the truth, and without an agenda. That was one of the most disappointing aspects of this election. Truly. Yes, there was corruption on both sides, but it was just appalling how the mainstream media reported with a blatant bias. I pray that going forward it will be different. And I also pray DT, that he can lead this country ina way that inspires healing and inclusion and benefit to ALL people, especially the disenfranchised and neglected. Hugs to you friend xox

  222. Oh my goodness, I am so proud of you! You have stated all of this so beautifully. I wish that I could have written an article like this. I am going to repost this on my own WordPress blog. God bless you! I admire you so much!

  223. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint. It takes courage to stand for what you believe against a sea of dissenting voices. It takes character to love and respect those who have different opinions and/or subscribe to a worldview that is contrary to your own. Take care 🙂

  224. Though I didn’t vote for Trump or Hillary I am so grateful you shared this, because we are so similar sister in Christ. I consider you a precious sister in Christ who is constantly SHOWERING the love of Jesus that He came to earth to show us through His death and resurrection, to take our sins upon Himself, so that we could show love to others. <3 And you REFLECT that like a diamond.

    • Oh my gosh Emily, thank you so much! I am so touched by your incredibly kind words. And you too, lady! I absolutely consider you SIC as well:) it’s so awesome to know that we’ve got each other’s backs:) God is good and I thank Him for great friendships:) have a fun weekend! Xox

  225. Wowwww. I have no words… you really said it well. I happened to skip voting because I couldn’t vote with a clear conscience for any candidate. But I really appreciate the way you said it… keep on stating your opinions never get intimidated…

    • Thanks Mozer. I appreciate the encouraging words. Yeah difficult election all the way around. Here’s praying that our. Ew leader will use the office for good for ALL people 🙂 hugs xox

  226. Your blog on TRUMP is great. you write sincerely from your heart ., truthfully. and with utmost clarity of your emotions.
    great. congrats
    Brij kaul read my blogs equally interesting on various subjects.

  227. Great blog. I feel that we on the ‘right’ can’t say what we believe anymore because the ‘left’ doesn’t like our beliefs. I feel that the ‘left’ wants everyone to be tolerant of them and their views and if we stand on our own convictions then they label us as intolerant. Which by definition is INTOLERANT! I commend you for writing a blog that stands for your beliefs! We shouldn’t have to hide or be worried about what others think of us because our views may be different from someone else’s. This is America and still the best country in the world.

    • Thank you so much! I agree, intolerance has many forms. I pray that every one can practice compassion and have hearts that seek to understand and be willing to listen. Because if we just throw around blanket statements and gross generalizations or refuse to hear why someone could think differently than they do, healing will never happen. So I pray that we can just come together in love. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  228. I really appreciate your post. I voted the other way… not because I don’t appreciate the problems you raise. I basically agree with your analysis. I just think that this particular man, as the solution, is not the solution. Unfortunately neither candidate running in this election was the solution. God guide us all in the way forward.

    • Thank you so much Land. you’re right, neither candidate was ideal and each carried a different and equally as troublesome set of baggage. And Yes, I pray that God guide us forward as a healed and united country too. Thanks for stopping by! hugs ox

  229. “In the liberal community, you hate this idea of creating people as a monolith. Don’t look as Muslims as a monolith. They are the individuals and it would be ignorance. But everybody who voted for Trump is a monolith, is a racist. That hypocrisy is also real in our country.”
    This comes from an unlikely ally, for a few moments at least, Jon Stewart. This stereotyping is a trap we can all fall into, conservative or liberal.
    Hope I’m not too late for the party. One thing I think is important for people like me, who were disappointed to say the least, to remember is that this election was difficult for everyone. Our two choices both had higher numbers of people with negative opinions than positive opinions. There were so many people on both sides who felt they were voting against the other candidate more than for their candidate. So Trump voter does not equal “I support Trump and everything he said and everything he stands for.” Same goes for Hillary voters. Like all stereotypes, some people fit the mold, some don’t. So don’t assume one way or the other until you actually get to know the person.
    I didn’t “Like” this, but I’ve followed you long enough to give you plenty benefit of the doubt. I’ve applauded you all along for making your heart and your life an open book. Funny how it’s easy to do that when you agree 100%, and easy to turn if that ever changes. I’m tempted at times like this to want to make instant judgments. But because I know you (your blog, after all, is the most authentic and courageous I’ve ever followed), I can’t do that. I know you’re a good-hearted person. You don’t fit that mold that some may want to put you in now. That I may have wanted to put you in when I was less enlightened.
    So as far as I’m concerned, the applause continues.

    • Thank you so much for your thoughtful response, David, and for your continued support (even after this post 🙂 ) Yeah, I agree – this was an incredibly difficult election for everyone. And people had to make their decision – whether that meant voting against one of the candidates, voting on a particular issue, voting a party ticket…it was just plain hard. And messy. But you’re right, stereotypes are hurtful, and blanket generalizations do a grave disservice to all involved. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read and respond. big hugs xox

  230. Hi B-B-B, well – well I am surprised. you will have seen my understanding on Donald Trump (and the Brexit that gave Donald such encouragement ( ). I stand on similar grounds as you. But we see things so differently. There IS a huge crisis in Western culture. Trumpit and Brexit are symptoms. Whether they are part of the cure or part of the sickness – well sister. We’ll be finding out in the next 10 years. p.s. I hope you did not lose too many true friends over what you wrote, or gain too many either. Best wishes.

    • Thanks for this Bill. Yeah we shall see. I just pray that God use the broken that IS DT for good and that he use his time in office for the benefit and inclusion of ALL people. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  231. Hey Beauty
    I have been keeping my lips closed since this election and trying to see past what I think and believe there is a greater good then what I perceive on the surface. I don’t agree with some of what you say and what you claim to be facts are merely points of view but I did take what you said to heart or rather from your heart which is what I think is often lost in communication. Most people only think from there own head and not try to see were someone else is opinion is coming from. I can feel your heart in your words.

    • Thank you Tommy, I appreciate your response. I do pray for the healing of our country and for our new leader, that he use his time in office to be beneficial and inclusive to ALL people. Glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  232. Wow! Interesting post! I am South African, and in no position to judge America, because our government is in a shambles. I did find this election interesting to watch, and I kept trying to put myself in my American friends shoes when trying to figure out who I would vote for…and I am thankful that I didn’t have to make the choice. Because I agree that neither candidate was ideal. It also makes me thankful that in South Africa, there is an opposition party fighting for the people. And while Trump is certainly not someone who I ever thought would be president of America, I pray that he is successful and does make America great again! Megan xx

    • Thank you so much! Wow, South Africa! That’s so awesome. I think it’s so interesting how the blogging world brings people together from literally across the globe! Yeah this election was a difficult choice, but I also pray that DT can use his time in office to be beneficial and inclusive to ALL people. Thanks for stopping by, Megan! Have a great day! Hugs and love xox

  233. While I can’t say I agree with you, I think it’s great that you’re explaining your decision in a rational, reasonable way. It can be hard to understand others’ political views, but in the end I think we all want the same things and just have different visions on how to get there.

    • Thank you so much for joining the conversation, Rachel! I think you’re right-end goal is the same. I pray that more people can see that and our nation can come together and heal after this deeply dividing election. And I pray that our new leader can use his time in office to be beneficial and inclusive for ALL people. Thanks for stopping by! Big hugs to you xox

  234. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to listen to your side. Although I have very strong feelings about Mr. Trump, I know many good, kind-hearted people who did vote for him. Friends, neighbors, people in my congregation. By listening to one another, we can overcome the divide and recognize the humanity we all share.

    • Hi friend, thank you so much for joining the conversation and for seeking to understand and listen! you’re so right, that is instrumental if we are to heal as a nation. That’s what I pray for deeply – for the healing of the divided nation. And that we can come together in love and unity and understanding. thanks for stopping by:) hugs xox

  235. Guess, I’m 909 in line to comment on this one. My assessment of the election is that this is the first time a third-party candidate won. The two-system political party lost. I am not a fan of Trump (and did not like his business style and ethic when I lived in NYC 25 years ago). We shall have to wait to see what he and his advisors do regarding governance. I’ll keep growing our own food in the meantime.

    • Hi Oscar! Yeah quite the dialogue on this one! Thanks for joining in! Yeah I think trump really appealed to those who wanted to shake up Washington. Now we’ve just got to pray. Pretty cool that you grow your own food! Hugs and love xox

      • You can read more than you really want to about our gardens at the Farm Life tag on the right-hand side of my blog. Any access to a rooftop or community garden in your part of the Village? (P.S. I used to live in Jackson Heights in Queens, and I gardened there too… worse hazards of urban gardening were used condoms, hyperdermic needles cast into the bushes, and neighbors who would dig up whatever you planted…).

      • Oh my gosh that is crazy!! Not that I know of, but then to be honest I am not really in that circle, so I’m not sure what’s out there in urban gardening in the village! Sounds like an adventure! Xx

  236. Hi BBB, thank you for liking my most recent blog post. I have to say, I disagree with your political stance, but I applaud you for your honesty and your ability to write a post articulating why you voted the way you did. It seems most are following headlines and basing their actions or votes off those rather than doing any fact-checking homework of their own to make an informed decision. I will say, I don’t believe that the term “pro-choice” is very helpful to what most liberal-leaning people actually believe. I consider myself to be pro-choice, and while I would not personally have an abortion, I don’t believe laws based on religion or someone’s personal beliefs should be enacted–that seems to be what the Pharisees tried to do. I don’t want my body to be legislated by others.

    I support Planned Parenthood because they provide resources for women’s and men’s reproductive health, not just abortions. Late-term abortions are pretty uncommon and most of them happen because of health issues with either the mother or the baby, which can be incredibly devastating for both the mother and the father. I would also encourage you to check out this bipartisan site that fact checks ALL statements made by public figures, I found it really helpful in my attempt to sift through the media headlines and get real information.

    I truly enjoyed your post and really love that you wrote your stance without using verbal attacks. In researching both the Trump and Clinton platforms, it didn’t really seem as if their stances were as different as the debates and the media made them out to be. Overall, I am choosing to have hope that our leaders will lead with the mindset of what’s best for the country and the world, and not what’s in their own best interest.

    • Hi Carlene, thank you so much for this thoughtful and respectful response. I am fully with you in hoping that our leaders and new president elect will use his time in office for the benefit and inclusion of ALL people. And thanks for seeking to understand and be willing to listen! Having healthy, respectful dialogue is what’s so needed for this nation to heal, so thank you for that. I’ll definitely check out those sites you suggested. Hugs xox

  237. Been following your blog for a long time now. And unlike you, I jumped into the political headwinds & worked hard to make informed decisions. And then I blogged about it. It’s been wild.

    Like you, I’m a believer. Unlike you, I’m more of less a Democrat that is still glad I didn’t vote for Trump. And I have my reasons… I have a lot of them. But mostly, I’m disgusted with the American church at large. Church has become big government business: helping ourselves, everyone looking mostly the same, sending money to foreign needs, & ignoring the impoverished in our nation… allowing other “faith-based” organizations to help the hurting here. And when they miss, we do nothing.

    And now, we blame the media… a line taught to us by the media… for liberal bias & its ability to persuade people away from morality.

    Sorry…. my point.

    I don’t care who you voted for. I find Trump detestable & if I liked the party platform, well I’d be a Republican. But it’s not the vote that matters today. It’s the response. And while millions of people respond in pain, fear & sadness, so many of us have run back to cat videos, ignoring pains, chastising the oppressed by belittling their voices & opinions, & rolling our eyes at the need. And save the unborn. Can’t forget that one.

    Here’s what I loved about this election. People spoke up. Right, wrong, confused, disgusted, disenfranchised & determined alike… there was an American voice that was diverse. But then in true American fashion, the game ended, the score was posted, & we are back to normally scheduled living… & I just can’t be one of those people. This isn’t politics anymore. It’s humanity.

    • Thank you so much Bradford for sharing your thoughts! Lots of great food for thought here. I think you’re right-there was definitely an American voice that emerged. I just pray now that we can heal and seek to understand each other. There are a lot of hurting people and I hope that we can come together in love. Thanks for stopping by Hugs and love xox

  238. I appreciate your boldness in stating the truth! As a culture we have lost the ability and desire to “reason with one another.” Having an opposing position makes you my enemy – how absurd and small minded is that! We have moved so far down a path contrary to Almighty God that only He can rescue us. Thanks for this post!

    • Thank you sojourner:) that really means a lot. You’re so right-we’ve got to remember that no matter what “side” a person may be “on,” we are all brothers and sisters in Christ and we should seek to understand each other. Thanks for joining the conversation and for the encouragement! Hugs and love xox

  239. Thank you so much for this. You have perfectly captured everything I’ve been feeling since the election. I voted for Trump, for the exact same reasons you did, and it really saddens me, the names, assumptions, and accusations people have been throwing around. These are really quite heavy labels to assign to someone just because of who they voted, or didn’t vote for.
    But I think the most upsetting thing is how churches are handling the outcome. Congregations are being divided. Heck, a friend of mine on Facebook is a young-ish woman from my church, and the day after the election, indirectly called the entire congregation racist. I live in a predominately conservative area, and so this woman is greatly in the minority, but her words still stung. I feel like God, in all of His power and control, is being lost in all of the name calling, disappointment, and politics.
    Your post, I think, has given voice to all of us who are being stereotyped and belittled. Your words are so powerful, and I want to share them with my little corner of the world. Thank you so very much for your boldness. 🙂

    • Thank you so much for your reflection. I appreciate you joining the dialogue! Yeah, the labels are so hurtful, on all sides. And I feel like social media can really showcase the ugliness. I pray that we can heal as a nation and come together in love and understanding. Thanks for the encouragement. Big hugs xox

    • Hey Charles! Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. Yeah scary to push publish on this one but I’m so glad I did! Thanks for joining the dialogue! Hugs and love xox

  240. Well said!
    How refreshing to have a well thought out and intelligent statement that addresses what might be called the ‘reverse bigotry’ out there and causes one to think about one’s own morality instead of what mainstream media and ‘liberal’ legislation want us to embrace.
    I’m not on either side (Democrat or Republican) as I do not live in the U.S., but am very aware of the hateful post-election uproar that has been occurring there. We’ve seen it here in Canada too.
    Either way, the voters voted and had their say. That’s what democracy is about.

    • Thanks Mr. Mickca! I appreciate your kind words and encouragement. Yeah this was a tough election all the way around. How grateful am I, though to live in a country where we have the freedom to vote:) hugs to you friend xox

  241. Well thought out post, and the response to your detractors “I voted for your future” is excellent. Always bet on the best horse, and not on the color of the jockey’s jersey.

  242. BBB. Seriously. You probably vocalized 95% of how I felt – including my experience in my liberal college in New York too. I could really feel the passion in your words in this one. I too didn’t want to write about politics, yet I had to do something because so much was at stake. We were definitely at a tipping point, with so much in the balance. God bless!

  243. While I didn’t vote for Trump (I wrote in the Constitution Party candidate out of protest against both parties) I understood and agreed with many of the reason those who voted for Trump expressed, including in this post. While I tried to do my part to prevent Trump from being nominated I will now keep him in my prayers that he leads within the constraints of the Constitution.

    • Thank you for this reflection, Talon. I appreciate your joining the conversation! You’re right, both major party candidates were less than ideal, but I do have hope in the future. Yes, let’s pray for our new leader and for the healing of this country. Prayer is powerful. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  244. So glad you voted Trump — and wrote about it! Excellent job on both counts!


    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. All best wishes for the holiday season.

  245. Well said! You took the words out of my mouth! It also galls me to be categorized by ethnic group. I’m a college educated white woman who voted for Trump.
    They are not letting it go. All week long the media had advice on how to get through the Thanksgiving dinner. Ours turned out to be a happy gathering of Trump voters

    • Thank you Paula! I’m glad this resonated with you. Yeah, I pray for the healing of our nation. It’s bitterly divided, but I hope that once trump gets in office and starts doing good things that benefit all people, that folks will come around. That’s my prayer anyway:) Haha glad it was a nice thanksgiving! Hugs and love xox

  246. Great post. I think what this election has exposed is the frightening grip the media has on people’s minds and how little people are capable of thinking for themselves. This was a great read. Thanks for sharing. Very refreshing to know there are people like you out there forming their own opinions rather than just following whatever is popular to think and believe (herd mentality)

    • Thank you so much my friend. I appreciate your kind words. You’re right…the media was really a problem this election. I wish we could just get the Straight story, without any spin! Hopefully we can heal from this. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  247. Thank you very much for your post! I am German and watching the American election was always exciting but never as painful as this year. — First of all I would like to apologize in advance for bad English – it is not my mother tongue! – and so if you find my text here offensive in any way it might be me putting it in wrong words! I am really interested in this dialogue and in your point of view. —
    Yes, I am German and perhaps it is my country’s history which is making it particular painful what happened. But who am I to say anything – especially since our media is also very biased. So I have a few questions – and yes, these are real questions since I am not as informed as you are, I did not follow politics for such a long time as you might have, but I am sincerely interested in understanding this: why do you think, that he will do a better job than Hilary in making America great again? And what does „great again“ mean to you? I am seeing someone who is a billionaire who will always put his personal interest above himself and his wealth (and honestly who could blame him? :-)). I am seeing someone who said horrible, horrible things which could not be in any consensus with any Christian. And I am seeing someone whose rhetoric is so very close to a right wing politician – which will encourage unfortunately people who might be even more extreme right than him (not only will but already had). And how can you put this man in the same sentence as Jesus and being religious after he judged so many people in such horrible way and was talking about women like they were creatures?
    So, please, I am not questioning your position. I am happy I found your post and I do not want to offend you – and I hate being not eloquent enough to put this in better words but I am really wondering and I assume I am seeing another person than you (speaking of echo chambers of Facebook and any media and Co.)
    So, please help me understand because I really worry about this whole situation now. He was legally elected and I am not speaking any bad word about him but I am really afraid – about the right wing getting stronger and stronger even in America – same things are happening in Europe already. And I am also worried about our situation here in Europe because we kind of lost you as an ally against some crazy leaders here in Europe and about the over all situation – because he a good friend of all of them because he is doing big business with them. Because in my history class we always learned for years and years: this should not happen again, we have to prevent this from the very beginning, and I always wondered how it was possible to get this far – and my grandparents’ answer was: we hoped he would change it to the good side and build this Autobahn for us. They were also trying to look past his personality.
    So again, please, pretty please I am genuinely interested in your thoughts and I am happy I found someone friendly and interested enough to have a proper discussions with. Because those hate comments you showed from „the other side“ is what I am getting if I am trying to understand „your side“ 🙂 So please help me.

    • Thank you so much for joining the conversation! I really appreciate you seeking to understand and being willing to listen. That is so needed for healing! I guess, for me I was voting on issues. Because you’re right. Trump said some truly horrendous things and I do not agree with those things. But Hillary wasn’t envy better-she has some very sketchy history -from the emails to Benghazi to the Clinton Foundation pay for play. Neither candidate was ideal. So for me, I had to look past the candidates and vote on the issues that meant the most to me, and for me personally, it was protecting the unborn. Hillary was as pro-choice as you can get. Trump is prolife. That is a nonnegotiable for me. So I had to protect the unborn. So I cast my ballot for trump. Obviously I fully know and respect that other people have their own “top issues,” and that’s 100% fine! That’s the beauty of democracy. In terms of making America great again, I think it was more of just campaign rhetoric, but I think it means brining jobs back to the states, restoring our economy, and getting Americans back to work. That’s what I took it as:) thanks again for stopping by! I love hearing a global perspective! And btw, your English is AWESOME! 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  248. Hi. Thank you for visiting my blog ‘Traces.’ We disagree on just about everything political, but we definitely agree on the importance of fundamental respect for other people. I believe that we can only move forward together as a country when we decide to let go of our individual grievances. If instead we choose to define ourselves by the wounds that other people have (actually or supposedly) inflicted upon us, we doom ourselves to being damaged people, wallowing in resentment and anger our entire lives. Isn’t that right? I myself could choose to remain angry, after so many years, that “conservatives” targeted by my family with death threats and vile abuse during the Civil Rights Era, because my white family was supporting racial integration in the South. (In the parlance of that time, we were called “N—-r lovers.”) But that would be self-defeating and wrong. And maybe deep down, you feel the same way about the slights and injuries you experienced in college and have been exposed to on social media. Maybe in retrospect, you wish that you hadn’t written “My vote was a big ‘middle finger’ to the extreme left.”

    So here’s a proposal for you. I’m willing to write a sympathetic portrait of a stereotypical Trump voter on my blog, endeavoring to see the world through his or her eyes, giving the benefit of the doubt to him or her, really trying to understand and sympathize with his or her fears and hopes, if you’ll do the same on this blog for a Clinton voter. Let me know if you’re interested. It’ll be our small contribution to healing our ailing country.

    • Hi Jim, thank you so much for this reflection. You’re right, having healthy and respectful dialogue is so needed for the healing of our country right now. we need to have hearts that seek to understand and be willing to listen, and I appreciate you doing just that! I’m sorry to hear that your family had to endure that. It always hurts my heart to hear that people are being marginalized and persecuted. That’s a very interesting proposal. At the moment, im trying to go through a political “cleanse” of sorts-it has been a bit overwhelming and all encompassing. So I’m trying to steer clear over the holidays. But perhaps in the new year. I think it’s a great idea. Because you’re right- seeing things through the other “side’s” eyes could be really healing and offer a clearer understanding and perspective. Thanks again for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

    • There have definitely been a lot of really “out there” things said about Mr. Trump. This whole election process has been head scratching for sure. thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation. Have a great week! hugs xo

  249. As a fellow Christian I embrace your anti-hate sentiment. I believe we can have discussions from opposite points of view peacefully and respectfully. I’ve been practicing patient curiosity the past several weeks while continuing to avoid dirty media altogether. I have never had an unwanted pregnancy but I have 4 female friends who all had abortions for a wide range of reasons from serious medical to trauma related. I walked with them through those experiences and can honestly say I understand why we need the full spectrum of pregnancy termination practices. I’ve also worked in community mental health for over a decade and heard countless stories of women using abortion as birth control: the stories, just like the countless other stories I’ve heard of child abuse, spousal abuse, animal abuse and every other kind of exploitation of human life, break my heart. So, I do what Jesus did, keep my agenda and judgements out of it and love them. I honestly don’t know what the answer is so I continue to choose love. High five for speaking your peace. 👍

    • Hi Ruth Anne, thank you so much for this beautiful reflection. I am so grateful that you joined the conversation. Yes – we need to just love people. That is so powerful. It sounds like you have walked a lot of miles in a lot of different shoes. Oh to have the perspective you’ve acquired. Your heart is beautiful and it definitely shines through:) thanks for stopping by. Big hugs xox

  250. I know I’m a few weeks late reading your post. I’m glad I did, finally. You’ve pretty well summed it up for me. It won’t be my children I’ll be explaining to it will be my grandchildren. Still, I voted my conscious and I’m not unhappy that the candidate I voted for won. Very well expressed, thank you.

    • Thanks you so much for your kind words, Grandma Peachy 🙂 yeah, this was a difficult election on a lot of fronts, but I definitely have hope in our future leader! Thanks for stopping by! Big hugs xox

  251. In the scheme of things it doesn’t matter who the face of the US is. Some polls show that Clinton lied 27% of the time, Bernie lied 28% of the time and Trump lied 70% of the time. Now Trump is gradually changing tune. What I do find disappointing is that politics, around the globe, it seems, has sunk to this level. We ‘The People’ are the rulers of our world and if we cannot find a decent person to represent us, then we should dump them all.

    • Thanks for this reflection, Max. Yeah, I pray that Trump with prove to be a beneficial leader to ALL people. But I agree, it’s hard to find the truth out there anymore. thanks for stopping by. hugs xo

  252. I LOVED this!! Thank you for being bold enough to share this truth. I definitely agree that sometimes we have to look past the moral compasses of the candidates and focus on the bigger issues. This was so eloquent and I will definitely be sharing this with my friends! THANK YOU!!!

    • Thanks Samantha 🙂 You’re right, and definitely true for this election – I had to look past the person and vote on the issue(s) that were most important to me. Now we just have to pray for the healing and unification of our deeply divided nation. So glad you stopped by! and thanks for sharing this with your friends! it means a lot 🙂 big big hugs xox

  253. It’s so refreshing to finally see someone’s pragmatic take on this matter. I am honestly tired of ignorant, wounded prides doing all the talking. We need to understand that they are elected representatives. Elected to represent our collective needs and aspirations. In his personal time he may have been a lech or whatever it was people claimed, but as a candidate he made certain promises. Him delivering on it is all that matters.

    • Thanks Maverick! Yeah, our country elected him. The thing about democracy is that sometimes the candidate you voted for gets elected, and sometimes they don’t. And we all collectively make that decision. And that the beauty of it, isn’t it? Yeah, I pray that his time in office is good and beneficial for all people. thanks for stopping by! hugs xox

  254. Dear Beauty,

    You and I do not agree on whether abortion ought to be available (in my opinion it is best when it is safe, legal, and rarely used), but we do agree on a much more fundamental issue: people of goodwill can disagree about issues.

    For me, the overriding issue today is war rather than abortion, which is certainly declining, while war casualties caused by U.S. bombing and killing are only growing by the day, and for the last few decades

    I am also glad to see you open-eyed about the bullying demagogue (I don’t think he’s a racist or a rapist) for whom you voted; again, it is only my opinion, but I predict President Trump will no more deliver on his promises than did President Obama — neither one intends to change much, although they both were willing to promise to do it.

    I believe the economic sustainability for all, the upholding of Constitutional order for the benefit of all, and the resolution of foreign conflicts through non-violent means, will best be achieved by your voting for the green Party candidate next time.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Michael Meo

    • Thank you so much for this reflection, Michael. I really appreciate you joining the conversation! i agree, respectful dialogue is so needed right now for the healing and unification of our deeply divided nation. We need ears that are open and willing to listen to the other “side” and hearts that seek to understand so that we can bridge differences and move forward. You’ve exemplified all of these things, so thank you for being such a rock star 🙂 I too, hope that Trump use his time in office for the inclusion and benefit of all people. glad you stopped by. hugs xox

  255. Thank you for this helpful post. I was really baffled about how nearly half the country voted to give an erratic finger the opportunity to start a nuclear war that could destroy the planet. Your reasons were quite interesting. It is obvious that victims of hate crimes have quite different perceptions on what a Trump administration means to this nation. One fear is whether or not there will indeed be government of the people, by the people, for the people. A republican president should not have to experience government shutdowns and stonewalling as President Obama has dealt with since taking office. With republicans in control of both the house and senate we shall soon see what happens.

    • Thank you so much for this reflection. I appreciate you joining the conversation. Open and respectful dialogue is what we need to heal this country. I pray that Trump use his time in office for the good of all people. Yes we shall see. Hugs XO

  256. Extremely well written and I’m proud of you for voting for your convictions. We Americans have become too quick to paint and label everyone with an ugly, broad brush when people don’t agree with us. I think it was a very difficult election for all of America. Keep up the good work!

  257. Dang girl. That was beautiful. It’s nice to find other young women that voted for Trump and aren’t blinded by the way the media portrays him. I’ve lost friends because of this election, but I’m ok with that. It just means we weren’t really friends if you can’t get over the fact my views are different from yours. Oh well! Like, I said. This post was great. 👏🏽

    • Thank you so much , Ali. I appreciate your kind words. I’m sorry that you’ve lost friends because of the election. THat breaks my heart. Hopefully time will heal 🙂 glad you stopped by. hugs xox

  258. What a great read. I’m a South African, so I’m not as directly involved in the election as you, but obviously what happens in America affects us all.
    I have been horrified over the last two presidential reigns at what has been perpetrated in the name of human rights, with no human responsibility, tolerance, except for tolerance of the Christian world view and overt undermining of the normal family to the point where university students actually say that a person can choose what gender they would like to be on any particular day! To an outsider like me, some of it seems like something out of a bizarre sci-fi novel.
    I can see that a vote for Donald Trump was a response to these and other issues, which you enunciated so very eloquently.
    I just hope that someone with no political experience and a rather alarming, at times, display of ignorance of current affairs can pull off a major moral and ethical turnaround for America. I believe he is surrounded by prayer and has some godly advisers. With that, God, whose ways are not just different, but far higher than our ways can do far and above all we can ask or imagine.

    • Hi Dave, thank you so much for this reflection. Wow, South Africa! That’s awesome. Yeah, recent politics have definitely shaped american life in many ways people could not have foreseen 15-20 years ago. Yeah, I had to vote on the issues that were most important to me, and that was protecting the unborn. You’re right, now we just have to pray for our newly elected leader and for the healing and unity of this county. thanks for stopping by! hugs xox

  259. Beautifully written. It appears the elitist left have been blinded by the darkness. But love conquers all. Thank you for your courage.

  260. I haven’t dared read some of the comments on this post yet, because I’m sure a lot of them are atrocious, but I want to say thank you for writing this, because it’s everything I have wanted to say and haven’t said. Trump supporters have been quiet this whole election, because of these things people say about all of us that aren’t true. There are always going to be bad and good people on both sides of every election and I love to see people standing up for their vote for Trump because, like you said, electing Hillary just because of her gender is a nasty thing to do. Much love xx

    • Thank you so much, Jillian 🙂 I appreciate your kind words. Yeah, I’ve had to delete a few scathing responses, but on the whole, people have been remarkably respectful — which has been so encouraging. 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement! big big hugs xox

  261. As a fellow “deplorable” I applaud you. We are part of the silent majority that can see our liberties and freedoms disappearing. The Constitution has been misconstrued, shredded, and used as a doormat by the establishment. I too saw the parallel between Bernie Sanders and Trump and mentioned it in my online columns.

    Mainstream media, the left, and the IRS have targeted conservatives and placed those misguided labels that some are discovering how far off and wrong they were. I haven’t taken the political route in my blog because I rely on my columns. The pollsters were eating crow after the election for their pack of lies but aside from the New York Times that made a plea for a second chance, the media continues on it’s far left from center propaganda.

    If this country doesn’t return to its roots honoring the three branches and allowing the checks and balances to operate it will suffer the fate of the Roman Empire and others. “A government of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish.” Abe Lincoln.

    • Thank you so much for your encouragement. You’re right – I have hope that he will bring about good changes that include and benefit ALL people. Yeah, it’s pretty crazy how all the polls were wrong. I just read this morning that a couple electoral college members are vowing to vote against who they’re required to vote for and vote against trump. We need to respect and honor our constitution, just like you said! Glad you’re in the “basket” too 🙂 hugs oxo

  262. Donald Trump has a particular talent–not as a businessman, a politician or even necessarily a nice person–rathe4r, his talent is as a salesman. When he speaks at rallies, he moves from highlight to highlight, without ever returning to any specific points. Factual details are never included–even as a follow-up.

    Trump blabbers-on (check on his past rallies), and his audience, as varied and multi-faceted as thy might be, all seem to hear what they wanted to hear. His “talks” (shouts, rather) are somewhat like a reverse “Tower of Babel”.

    When he used the term “Second Amendment People”, appearing to suggest what action Gun People might take, a computer search did not reveal any prior incidents of the term. Of course, Rudy Giuliani, his Protector, tried to make it seem as normal as apple pie, or the sunrising each day. And now, that leads into “false news”.

    So, “Second Amendment People” might appear to be suggestive of assassination to some, a call for some to protect Gun “Rights”, and just normal political rhetoric to some. Bu, consider what dictators do: control the media; nationalize businesses; government management of utilities; and place key supporters in charge of the military.

    Sound familiar? If not, just wait!

    • Hi Cheekos, thank you for sharing your opinion. I appreciate you joining the conversation. I will definitely agree that Trump is a great rallier and is good at getting people excited. I hope your predictions do not come to pass. I have hope that good things will come. Hugs to you xox

  263. I liked your post but don’t believe anyone who votes for someone that shows openly what he’s about–misogynist,racist xenophobe–is voting approval to those beliefs and prejudices. How else can it be interpreted? If you voted for a misogynist, racist xenophobe, than you’re essentially saying it’s OK to lead the country with these values, or lack thereof.

    • Hi there! I appreciate you sharing this viewpoint. This election was definitely hard for a lot of reasons. Neither candidate was a beacon of morality – they both had pretty grave character flaws, so at the end of the day I had to vote for the issue that meant the most to me, and that was protecting the unborn. I could not in good conscience cast my vote for a pro-choice candidate. So I had to look past the indidvial and vote on issue. I fully understand and respect that other people have their own “top issues” and that’s 100% okay! That’s the beauty of democracy. But that’s my #1 issue and my vote reflected that. Now I just pray for our new leader, that he use his time in office for in the inclusion and benefit of ALL people and I I have great hope that he will do just that. Thanks again for your feedback. Xox

      • I believe that yes, we will all have to come face to face with our Maker and we will be judged for our time on earth. I do also believe that God is merciful and loves to forgive, but we need to ask for that forgiveness. If you are suggesting that voting for Trump is an unforgivable action, I’m going to have to respectfully disagree. Neither candidate was ideal, clearly. But I did prayerfully consider my vote and voted according to my conscious, and for me, every issue could be negotiated except for life. Because in my opinion, terminating human life through abortion…that is a non-negotiable for me. Again, thank you for joining the dialogue. Hugs x

  264. We all the right to vote as we think best, and none of us should be ashamed for doing so. I’ve been horrified at some of the response to this year’s election, and I say that as a person who didn’t vote for Trump or Clinton. I don’t know where we got this idea that only people who think like us matter, but I certainly don’t agree with it. Thanks for stating your position so eloquently and honestly. Perhaps we can all learn from your example!

    • Thanks Ann, for joining the conversation! I really appreciate your kind words. You’re right, the response to the election has definitely been discouraging to say the least. I just pray for the healing of our deeply divided nation, and that we can come together in respect, unity, and understanding. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  265. I’m late to the comments here. But thanks SO much. I hope good things will happen for everyone and this will deflate some of the intensely negative & bigoted rhetoric of the left.

  266. Nice post. We are polar opposites in religion and politics, but we are both Americans with first amendment rights, and that’s good enough for me. Syd Logsdon

    • Hi Syd! Thank you so much for this. You’re right-we’re Americans and that’s good encouragement for me too:) ❤️😘❤️😘❤️I appreciate you stopping by and joining the conversation! Big hugs xox

  267. This was definitely an interesting read! Coming from an muslim background (I’m a moroccan), I obviously cringed and was disappointed at many of the things that were said during the campaign. However, it’s interesting to see how people voted for various reasons and yours were legitimate 🙂

    • Hi Rayane! Thank you so much for joining the conversation! I really appreciate you sharing your perspective. You’re right, a lot of the things that were said were cause for concern and made me sad, but I have hope that he will use his time in office to protect and benefit all people. At least that is my prayer. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs

  268. I loved this post!!!! I’m all the way in Australia and watched the election process every step of the way.. and I was disgusted with how even the Australian Media present Trump as almost like an anti-Christ figure…and even more disgusted with how many people jumped on the anti-Trump bandwagon…

    Many of my Christian brothers and sisters for so long used to hope for an American President who would honestly stand up for Christian and Family values…. Finally we see a man who is bold enough to do so, without caring for political correctness and everyone is either afraid to voice their support for Trump/Pence … or allowed their moral compass to turn the other way and started supporting Hillary…

    Anyways haha I loved this blog post is all I wanted to say!!! 🙂

    • Thank you so much! Wow! Australia! That’s awesome! You’re right, though he himself is no saint, he stands for many Christian values, and that’s what tipped the scales for me and made me vote for him. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  269. I think the title of you post is a bit misleading. To me it sounds that you are not a Trump supporter but rather a Hillary non supporter. Your vote was not for Trump but against all that Hillary stands for. Your vote,seems to me, was against a system and for a (hopeful) change. This follows the same patterns that are now also visible in the Western Europe (e.g. the Brexit, elections in Germany, Netherlands, Austria) where parties that up to now did not really exist on the political scene gain a lot of momentum since people hope for a change and reject more and more the traditional politicians.
    A change will surely follow … but if it will be to the best still needs to be seen 🙂
    All the best from Germany

    • Hi there! Thanks for joining the conversation. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Yeah, I definitely was voting against Hillary for sure. Trump said some pretty awful things that honestly, were hard to look past, but I had to vote on issues. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  270. Thank you for this beautifully and eloquently written post. I have experienced many of the same comments from not just my friends but also some family as well… It’s quite hurtful and honestly disgusting that people who have known me my whole life would now assume the God awful accusations of my character, and actually verbally attack me and my parenting-ability because of who I voted for and not understand why I voted for Trump :(. This, this post explains better than i ever could as to why I did. Thank you for saying what I couldn’t get out. God bless!

    • Thank so much for this reflection and for joining the conversation. I’m so sorry you’re under attack from friends for your political views. That makes me so so sad. Sending massive hugs. Know you’re not alone 🙂 xox

  271. Thank you for a thoughtful piece, though I could not disagree with you more. I do not think you and others who voted for Trump are racists, anti-immigrant, and approve of disrespect for women and people with disabilities. But I am concerned that our new President-elect has chosen not to dissociate himself from groups that are overtly racist and ultra-nationalistic to the point of failing to care for refugees in dire situations around the world. I hear you when you say you didn’t like some of Mr. Trump’s comments, but I am concerned that this man, with these often hateful comments, has stirred up and condoned disrespect for people who are God’s creations. I am also concerned with many of his selections for his Cabinet, especially those who deny the realities of climate change and those with close ties to Russia with all its violent activity in our fragile world. I do pray for Mr. Trump. I pray that he may be wiser and more compassionate than he seems. That he will govern respectfully and carefully. That he will be disciplined and become well-informed and not resort to government by tweets. I hope and pray, too, that we will all be able to converse with one another respectfully and thoughtfully so that our country can be all that it could be.

    • Thank you so much for your reflection, Carol. I will definitely join you in prayer for our president elect, and for the healing of our deeply divided nation. Yes, I think healthy and respectful dialogue where people are willing to listen and seek to understand is the key to that healing. Hugs and love xox

  272. This is my first reply via WordPress. Your post inspired me so much, I felt it was necessary to congratulate you. Your post and page portray a young lady who is intelligent, beautiful, successful, and a Trump supporter. I’m sure the mainstream media and other extreme leftists would not know what to make of you. For myself, I say God bless you and may your tribe increase! Thank you for uplifting discourse.

  273. I would never approve of giving a student the assignment of explaining a “rim job.” That’s horrible!

    I’m deeply sorry you had to endure such a trifling assignment. Thanks for sharing your heart. I personally think honest dialog like this, is what brings understanding and clarity. Voting what you believe is the best vote. I am not a Trump supporter, nor was I a Clinton supporter as well. I am a liberal, but I don’t judge your choice. We are all in this together, and I don’t let politics determine who should mingle with, or agree with. Be blessed in the Lord.

    • Hi Najae, thank you so much for this refelction. yeah it was pretty scarring to say the least. I agree, political views are simple a small part of a person. There is so so so much more to know and love 🙂 i appreciate you stopping by! big hugs xox

  274. Thank you for explaining your vote — you certainly don’t owe anyone an explanation but you gave a good one. I supported Bernie Sanders and ended up voting for Clinton. I hope a Trump presidency works out for all the good things he promised on the campaign trail — but I don’t think banning abortion is a good thing. (No disrespect to you — I just think you are wrong.) I will do everything I can there to thwart any attempt to overturn Roe V Wade.

    Sounds like you’ve been burned by some dumb asses otherwise calling themselves “liberal.” Ditto. Also conservatives.

    Thanks again.

    • Thanks Julia. I appreciate you joining He conversation. Yeah, I pray that he use his time in office for good and the benefit and inclusion of all people. Yeah there were a lot of harsh words said by all parties. I just hope we can heal 🙂 thanks for stopping by xox

  275. VERY brave of you to speak up… and in such an articulate entry. People’s first instinct is to simplify the world around them, especially politics, and reduce others into stereotypes, even for just having a different political belief than they do.

    • Thanks Lillian! I appreciate your reflection. You’re right- the stereotypes – in whatever vein – need to go! They end just just deducing people to harsh generalizations. So glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  276. While I might not agree with you politically, thank you for writing this post. I wasn’t a fan of either candidate either and like you voted for someone I hoped would win this election. While I’m disappointed that my candidate lost, I don’t see the point in bashing other candidate’s supporters because of it. While I might not agree with you that Trump will do a good job leading our country, I hope he does because we are unfortunately stuck with him and I would rather see us standing together than continue to stay divided. We might have differences in opinion, but at the end of the day, we are all people who deserve to be treated with equal respect.

    Thank you for writing this blog post and hope your having a good day.

    • Thanks Raney. I appreciate you joining the conversation! You’re right, neither candidate was a great post. You’re right, we are all deserving of respect and understanding. I appreciate you taking the time to read! Big hugs xox

  277. Dear BBB. Such a way with words you have, able to express your thoughts and feelings in such an eloquent manner. Pure poetry, regardless of the topic. I typically avoid political discussions, vigorously ignore political polls, and cast my vote based on the zen feeling I have while looking at the ballot, pen in hand. Not entirely true, but close. One cannot avoid all the chatter about the candidates, but my main premise for voting for Trump was that he’s not a career politician. We want change, right? Well, it doesn’t get any changier than him. Plus, I think he’s going to do a good job. Now, about you. I’m stunned, and honored, that you follow me and my mostly misguided abuse of the English language. Thank you. Peace to you and God Bless. Merry Christmas.

    • Thanks Jerrie. I really appreciate it. Changier — I may need to adopt that word into my vocabulary 🙂 but you’re right – I pray that he have a good term in office and that he use it for the benefit and inclusion al all people, and that our nation can heal. thanks for stopping by! hugs xox

  278. You are so very charming. I haven’t felt this from someone’s writing in a long time. Your honesty and realness are so very strong. As Ralph Waldo said, and that would be Emerson, “When you read these words of mine they will smell of the pine forest and the sounds of birds singing. They will bring to your mind pictures of vast meadows filled with colorful flowers, and babbling brooks of cool, clear water, of sunshine dancing on the early morning dew, and of butterflies playing. For what you are cannot help but come out in your words.” Not an exact quote, and to be honest I ad libbed it, but you get the drift of it. I like very much the sensations, smells, sounds, and pictures that burst into dance and song out of your words. As a ballerina or a concert pianist, they are pleasant to the eyes and ears. Your words are like an injection of hope, goodness, purity, humor and health. And they all speak of a master painter’s depiction of womanhood who openly shows her inner beauty and virtue. As for this article, you voice artistically what I myself felt concerning this election cycle. Thank you.

  279. Thank you for this blog, half of my relatives old and young are liberals and also non believers, which may somehow go together. Every day I see some other negative comments on Trump and the press is not letting up. I believe God had a plan, Trump and the other pro life candidates are here to give us another chance to bring this Country back to life from the conception to the grave. Mother Theresa said we will not have peace until Abortion is abolished. I believe God is giving us another chance. I am very happy Trump won for many reasons. I am one of his Despicables. I am in my 70’s, college educated, a mother, wife, and was a professional insurance agent and adjuster before retiring. I have found that what I read and listen to, is entirely different the my liberal relatives. It’s like we live in a different world, I read Newsmax, along with lots of other articles from liberals and conservative organizations. Two different worlds. No wonder the other side is so close minded. I do pray Trump and Pence can overcome some of this animosity from the other side. Everything the other side accuses us of, it seems they do.
    I really like your blogs and shall follow them. Thank you for this article.

    • Hi there! Thank you for the encouragement, it really means a lot. You’re so right! I saw this website that showed side-by-side a liberal Facebook newsfeed and a conservative news feed and like you said — two different world. The headlines. The stories. The slant to how things were reported. It’s truly astonishing how differently the narrative on the same issue/person can be constructed and reported. I know if I spent all my time listening to the uber liberal news sources, I’d believe those same things too! What’s a girl gotta do to get a fair and balanced deliver of actual, factual news nowadays?!? So glad you stopped by. Big hugs xox

  280. You nailed it. I was not a Trump supporter, but I really liked how he took on, used and basically took down the media, turned the establishment on their heads and made the left miserable. I believe most people don’t look at everyone and everything in terms of race and sexual orientation. Trump has a lot of bad masculine traits, but I don’t believe he is racist in the least.

    • Hey again friend! I really appreciate your encouraging words. You’re right- thought he has a lot of less-than-ideal traits, I do have hope that he will do some good! Should be an interesting run to say the least:) thanks for taking the time to read my posts tonight! Merry Christmas xox

  281. Hi and Merry Christmas. I’ve visited your blog before, but a link on another blog brought me back tot this post. I really appreciate the calm demeanor with which you most eloquently stated your case for voting for Trump.

    I did not vote for him, nor the other candidate (who shall remain nameless, because just the mention of her name conjures up images of Lucifer) but I support him 100%. Let’s give this man a chance. His “America is great” attitude is such a refreshing change from the intentional and perverse demeaning of this country by his predecessor. Obama’s evil plan to strip this country of it’s cultural ideals and morals is beyond treasonous in my opinion.

    It’s a small sampling, but it seems to me his business like persona has already achieved more in changing this country and it’s economy to a more positive tone than Obama did in 8 years. And he’s not even in office yet!

    We’ll see, but with forward thinking and morally straight people like you behind him, there’s an excellent chance he will succeed.

  282. Thank you for this (and for liking my recent post about the Nativity).
    From across the pond, all of what is happening appears bizarre and unpleasant. The media portrayed both of the candidates very differently. I am intrigued and encouraged by your ‘take’ on Trump. Thank you
    Happy Christmas

  283. I’ve felt a need to bury political questions as much as possible, as it tends to cause division. I have found it a good principle to follow concerning the church, as I would not want to bring in division among the brethren. I probably won’t cover it much unless I feel it lines up with prophecy over at my blog “Let Us Reason Together” either. I try to bury it when it comes to sharing my faith with others as well. That being said, its been hard not to feel supportive of Trump for the very reasons that you have listed in your post — concerns with regards to liberty.

    • Thanks so much for joining the conversation. You’re right – I also try not to cause division as much as possible. but you’re right – this election, something needed to be said. thanks for stopping by! big hugs xox

  284. Now that young lady was a fine article, great writing, great read. I am going to reblog this one for you. I would like to see as many eyes as possible getting to see this piece of your work. Great job!

  285. Thank you so much for this post which so clearly reflects your honest expression of hopeful possibilities for our nation. You are courageous and outspoken, revealing great insight without becoming strident or harshly critical. Indeed, you are so compassionate. I especially appreciate your artwork which always reinforces your message. This poster is especially suited for your comments posted here: “Don’t explain what you stand for–embody it.” Well-said, indeed.

    As always, thanks for the likes you post on my blog. I appreciate so much the encouragement.

    • Thanks Dr. J, for your reflection. Yes, I am definitely hopeful 🙂 And I’m glad you like my quote art! They’re a bit of a bear to make, but I enjoy it, and I think they add a little somethin’somethin’ to the articles 🙂 Yes, keep up the great work on your blog! big hugs xox

  286. You feel the need to justify yourself and your vote?

    Why not just spit in their wannabe dictator eyeballs?

    For myself—I never vote. That way I can blame the ones who do with a clear conscience. And I do …

    You’ll be attacked by bigots and closed minds whichever way you go—don’t take them seriously. I dare say that curs yap at the heels of even Santa …

  287. Loved your comments about Trump and Trump supporters. It’s good to see see someone express her views who actually understands what’s going on. There’s been too much expression of views from those who don’t. God bless.

  288. Thank you for liking one of my posts, and I absolutely appreciated your post on this. I live in “flyover country” and I have relatives and friends in more largely populated areas that just assume everyone around here is dumb as dirt and can’t think for themselves regarding politics. You said everything I try to say to them in a manner that was thought-provoking, firm, but very respectfully. Kudos to you! And Happy New Year too!

  289. I wish I had not read this…. as i see it, a person who voted for that guy may have been misled by fake news, may be someone who ignores sexism or racism. I am sorry, but I just cannot understand a woman who voted for that guy. I am not being very erudite in my writing, so you may not get my drift. But I do feel sorry for you.

    • Hi Julianne, thank you for joining the conversation. I can see where you’re coming from, and definitely respect your feelings. At the end of the day, I had to look past the person and vote on issues. I think my posts pretty much expressed that. 🙂 but i really appreciate you sharing your opinion. This was definitely a difficult election. Neither candidate was ideal and we all had tough decisions on how to vote. Happy new year! Big hugs xox

    • Hi Hawk. Thanks so much 🙂 I’m sorry you feel that way. This blog *is* open and free for all, Just so ya know 🙂 Patreon is just a way for those that this blog has touched to donate a dollar or two if they feel so moved. I have provided (with great humility and broken pride) this opportunity for my readers to give only if they so choose. No one has to. The content is free on my blog. Patreon just gets a podcast reading of my posts. The Truth is, I spend 40 hours a week -no joke/not exaggerating – on this blog: writing, replying to every single comment, making the quote art images, managing all social media accounts, researching the facts for the posts, praying for and emotionally investing in each and every one of my readers. And I need to be able to support myself. So I am grateful for those that have chipped in a dollar or two to help me continue to provide this blog for free. But again, no one has to:) I’m sorry if this has turned you off even more, but I just wanted to set the record straight that this blog is, in fact, free and open to all, just like yours 🙂 thanks again for stopping by! Hope you have a blessed and happy new year xox

  290. I voted for Trump because I don’t like the direction the Dems are taking our country. I am a Christian and it seems they think everyone has rights but Christians. I feel our right to worship and express our beliefs are not important to the Dems.

    • I’m not a Christian. I’m seeing the exact opposite, especially in reference to fundamentalists who wish to impose their brand of Christianity on the rest of us.

      • I understand. I enjoy all views. Trump is not what I would like to see in a president but I like his blunt honesty. I can see he is a narcissist.

      • He seems honest because of the way he uses language. However, I see him as a true narcissist, which means no principles or even knowledge supports his talk.

      • That’s the nature of the disorder. This is about more than “personality” in the sense of dating someone; it’s a serious and pretty much untreatable condition. Whatever knowledge he might have won’t really influence his actions, and he doesn’t bother much with knowledge. Principles don’t affect his overwhelming need for attention and control. (Plus, if we study his history, he doesn’t have principles other than greed and notoriety.)

  291. Hi beautybeyondness. Thank you for liking my post. I loved yours. I so appreciate the honesty of someone in a younger generation than mine and who didn’t just go with the flow to be cool and with it. I totally agree.with your vote, I voted pro BRexit for pretty much the same reasons. God richly bless you and keep me posted as I’ll keep you posted. God bless America and Great Britain Johnx

  292. Spot on! It seems as though Trump won against all odds. Or at least against all loud and obstreperous odds!
    So many reasons for why she lost. So many factors for why he won. But the most overlooked factor of all may have been the ‘God Factor’.
    I keep asking how it is that we have completely contrasting views with liberals. And I think it’s because they are listening to a completely different narrative. A rather false narrative. #fakenews But then facts can be so annoying. With a little research however, the truth is revealed. If they would only take the time.

  293. Thanks so much for this post! I, too, supported Trump — not because I’m all the things my liberal friends accuse me of, but for many of the reasons you voted for him. (Plus, the Donald and I share a birthday, so I think I know where he’s coming from.) As a Bay Area teacher living in San Francisco, it’s so sad to see how hateful the left can be, more hateful than anyone I’ve ever met on the right, and so righteous and unforgiving. My son attends middle school here in SF, and he’s deathly afraid to tell anyone that he and his Dad like Trump, and the school prides itself on being blatantly anti-Trump. I’m keeping him out of class on the 20th so that we can watch the inauguration from the safety of our living room. And yes, also like you, I voted on behalf my of my son’s future, to prevent him from becoming just another slave to the global elites who, whether liberals believe it or not, care nothing about us but our ability to pay taxes that feed their financial coffers. Kudos to you for your courage. And thanks for happening across my blog!

    • Hey there Jota! Thanks so much for your kind words. I’m glad this resonated with you! I hope you and your son enjoy watching the inauguration together. That will be a special bonding time. Anywho, thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  294. Hi Carolyn (hope I spelled that right!)

    I love your Blog. I’ve battled major depression for 30+ years (and I’m only 44) along with PTSD and ADD, and while the battles you’ve faced have been physically different (my own eating disorder was comfort-eating and I hit almost 300lbs at my heaviest as part of the depression) I can very much identify with the way you express your fight, the emotional struggles and battle for self-love you’ve been through and continue to endure. Your grace, strength and beauty shine through every word you write, and having just re-watched your “revelation” video of yourself again last night through every word you say as well (and I love your accent!)

    I’ve been following this particular comment thread and I’m pleasantly surprised how supportive most people seem to be of your decision. I’m not saying if I’d had a vote I would have cast it for Donnie, but I certainly wouldn’t have voted Hillary. It would have been hard for me and I admire that you and the other commenters have been able to find peace of some measure in voting for him. It certainly does NOT mean you agree with his views on race, gender rights etc, but – as you so eloquently say – that you can reconcile what he said in his campaign about the actual issues (coverage of that was “sketchy” in South Africa) better than Hillary’s socialist position.

    I’m curious now, however…

    The news we get here is a bit limited but it feels like the major policy decisions are being made by Paul Ryan for the new administration. I’ve not seen anything Mike Pence said since November and we only hear about Donnie talking to Taiwan, declaring “go” in a new arms race (God help us – and I mean that literally if he does it) and his twitter outbursts and dubious “billionaire’s club” cabinet. But it seems when there’s an actual major issue – like Obama expelling the Russian diplomats for example – Ryan pops up and says things completely counter to what Donnie had said in the run-up to November. It looks like he’s painting Trump into a corner and that he’s actually the guy running the show in the real political scene with Trump as his puppet.

    Now while I think dear Donnie needs some serious reigning in – particularly in international relations and intelligence briefings (which someone needs to tell him has nothing to do with how “smart” he is – can’t someone buy him the box set of “24” to watch so he gets an idea of what intelligence briefings are about?) – it looks from outside as though he’s being undermined in a big way, which even if the statements and decisions being issued by Ryan’s office are better than Trump would have said in 140 characters is still a dangerous precedent to be setting 11 days before inauguration.

    Is the outside world missing something or is Paul Ryan as dangerous as he appears from here?

    • Hi David! Thank you so much for this thoughtful response! I really appreciate your kind words about my blog. And thank you for sharing your story. You definitely raise some great question. It’s hard to really know what’s going on behind the scenes. And to be 100% honest, I haven’t been keeping up with the news recently. We’ve had a prettty serious family emergency this Christmas, resulting in a full 7am-10pm job of offering care. So I haven’t even opened up my news apps or watched the news. So forgive me, I’m behind as I struggle to adjust to my new normal. But yeah, I think only time will tell about the power struggle between Don and ryan. Thanks for stopping by and keeping up with this thread!! Hugs and love xox

  295. Hello beautybeyondbones, I also voted for Trump, and I took all the negative comments personal. It was okay for people to voice their opinions on the candidates, but why did they have to bash the people who did not agree with them? I respected them for what they believed. People/friends showed their true colors. I refused to be insulted, so I ended up unfriending some “so-called” friends. I am reevaluating my circle of friends and only surrounding myself with positive, uplifting, people. I want peace in my life with no drama. Thank you for sharing your post. Happy 2017! ~dp

  296. Thank you for having the courage to post this. I agree with all you have so logically laid out. I also voted for Trump – not to be my spiritual adviser – but because of the two choices, he seemed to be the best one for our country. (It is ironic that I have to use the word “courage” – this is supposed to be a nation of free speech!)

    • Thanks Julie! So glad you enjoyed the post and that it resonated with you. haha, yeah definitely not spiritual adviser, but I’m definitely hopeful for the job he’ll do running this country! big hugs xo

  297. I really appreciate your words and I feel that they reflect my own thoughts, especially today on inauguration day. Thank you for standing up for what you believe!

    • thanks so much , Coffeebean! glad it resonated with you. You’re right, we don’t all have to agree on everything, but respect and love span all beliefs and positions! 🙂 thanks for your encouraging words and support. big hugs xox

  298. Firstly, let me say I REALLY enjoy your blog. Although you are speaking on your experience with eating disorders, the psychology behind it is relevant to anyone who has issues they want to overcome.

    I was not a Trump voter. However, I am also a minority, and my take on it may be a bit different. I initially feared the changes he was espousing, the types of people who supported outright racism and persecution of the others. While I tend to agree with him on some points (immigration and the right to worship – because I, too, am frustrated with Christianity being intolerable in this country), he is the embodiment of a corrupt system that has a dictatorial slant, particularly against women and minorities in general. The next thing I thought is Lord, we can’t unite under either of these people…and the answer I got? Jesus did not come to unite, but to divide. Divide the chaff from the wheat.

    When I prayed about who to vote for, the answer I got was to look at the fruit. The and root of both parties were corrupt and rotten. The biggest question I had in my mind is legacy – the legacy my children and grandchildren (because they exist) would have to endure as people of color under this leadership. In the end, I received peace because my destiny is in God, and at the end of the day, I recognized long before the election began that the Lord wanted Trump in the White House period. I defer to whatever the Lord wants in this area.

    I sincerely believe that Trump will bring revival to the United States. What most Christians are either ignorant of or don’t care about is most national revivals do not occur during times of peace. They occur during times of great danger, turmoil, division, persecution and enslavement. The fact this leader has been appointed at a time such as this grieves my heart in ways I cannot describe…Trump is a reflection of both the good and bad intent of our country. It reminds me of the Israelites when they begged for a king instead of the judges God appointed, and the first King they received was Saul. It didn’t end well.

    Spirituality aside, healing for this nation really needs to begin the way you have done so here: a simple conversation between two people. I love that you’ve done that here and lent yourself to all that goes with it.

    • Thank you so much for your thoughtful response! That’s such a powerful perspective. Our destiny really is in God. And you’re right- he is a reflection of both goodand bad. That’s a really interesting way to look at it. Thanks for your kind words and support. Hugs and love xox

  299. I voted for Donald Trump; because, I did not want a president of the United States; instead, I wanted a working man to hold the office and title of president of the United States. I reside in San Francisco, Beverly Hills, and Manhattan throughout the year; and, I have no problems proudly stating my vote for Donald J. Trump. I did consider Hillary Clinton; but, I could not support a person that seemed to have no regard for work-protocols — as a corporate executive before my acting career, I fired employees that breached corporate policies; hence, I couldn’t support Hillary Clinton’s breach. Ten days later, after Donald J. Trump was sworn in, I new my vote was the correct vote. I am happy with his work and actions this far.

    • Those are some really great reasons! It sounds like you have a lot of life experience. Yeah I am hopeful that his administration will do good things for our country! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! And for reading all my stuff here today! Hugs and love xox

  300. First, thanks for liking my blog posts. Second, I admire your courage for speaking out about your eating disorder (my daughter had one, but is doing much better now). Now… about your pro-Trump and anti-liberal essay:

    I (respectfully) feel you are very misguided. I also noticed quite a bit of hypocrisy. Let’s start with the hypocrisy. You say “My heart is full of tremendous love.” Then a few paragraphs later you say your vote represents a “big middle finger to the extreme left,” a direct contradiction to the love you proclaim. You also say you’re not a bigot. Bigotry comes in many forms, Carolyn, as exemplified in your “big middle finger” quote aimed at liberals, many of whom, like me, are concerned about excessive gun violence, environmental concerns, health care, women’s rights, gay rights, fair and equitable taxation, a responsible foreign policy, and many other things. We’re also seriously concerned about an authoritarian, tyrannical leader who’s used divisiveness and hatred, and even condoned violence (at one of his rallies) in his vault to power.

    Now, the misguided part: you say you voted to protect your children and the Constitutional rights that our country was founded on. Have you read the Constitution? I’m serious. Because if you had, you’d realize that instituting a ban on American travel for seven Muslim nations and all Syrian refugees is UN-constitutional. The ban is an arbitrary and irrational act by the Executive and is exactly what the framers absolutely feared. It’s as unconstitutional as rounding up Japanese-Americans into concentration camps during WW2. The ban also violates the First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause because it’s based on hostility toward a religious group (Muslims). Not every starving refugee is a terrorist, Carolyn, and not every Mexican immigrant is a “criminal and rapist.”

    You also say you voted for Trump to get Americans back to work. I find this incredulous. Are you unaware that we had 10 percent unemployment in 2009, which dropped to 4.6 percent by November 2016 thanks in large part to the policies of the Obama administration? Yet you claim a Wall Street billionaire like Trump, who numerous Republicans leaders have claimed is a danger, is going to “get Americans back to work” and “make America great again” by glad-handing Big Business and causing even further income disparity? Sorry, but I don’t make enough money to vote for someone like Trump.

    I’m sorry you have liberal friends who said nasty things on Facebook, as well as irresponsible college professors. But I’ve had nasty conservative “friends” who’ve regularly thrown venom in my face (and one conservative professor that was extremely insulting). I had to unfriend an extreme right-wing individual, and old school chum, because he had the temerity to get snotty with my daughter, when she was only trying to defend me. A grown man! And I won’t mention the blatantly racist posts on his own FB page. I also unfriended a very right-wing (former) friend who recently began, out of the blue, to discuss Jewish versus non-Jewish with me. These are worrying and dangerous signs in post-Trump America. Pick up a copy of “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,” and you’ll see what I mean. (No, I’m not accusing anyone of Nazism. But there are many parallels with 1920s-30s Germany and America today). In addition to the Constitution, maybe you can discuss such parallels with your children one day, too.

    Judging from your many allusions to Christianity, my impression is that you’re deeply into your faith, and the abortion issue possibly overrides all other concerns for you. There’s nothing wrong with that. But we’re a diverse world, Carolyn, and everyone has their own form of spirituality: Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, agnostic, atheistic. Being non-Christian, or being a different flavor Christian from you, does not make someone a bad person. If you really consider yourself a “Christian,” you may want to reconsider raising middle fingers at liberals like myself, and accusing my liberal “agenda” of “neither respecting God or the common man.” That’s uncalled for.

    We agree to disagree (strongly)… but best of luck with your health, and your life.

    • I agree with your reply. I seek answers to my question: Why would anyone vote for Trump? Unfortunately, I am still looking as the answers I have found this far seem to be more a validation that a reasoning.

      • It is absolutely astounding any Christian would vote for such a God-less man who is on record for lying. Not what Americans should accept for a POTUS. However, I have discovered that very conservative Christians will overlook a sinner for the promise of a lie. It’s the Graham family way of justifying supporting a sinner. #Sad I live in a very red state and yet not one single pastor I know is supportive of Trump.

  301. Great Post, and right on target. Unfortunately, this election cycle was more about voting ‘against’ than ‘for’. Like you, I voted for the potential and stated positions rather than for the actual person. The one thing that finally helped me reconcile the vote was the selection of Mike Pence as VP…. Thanks for giving me a ‘like’ on my post; I hope to get back into the swing of things and start posting on a more regular basis… Blessing! 🙂

  302. I’ve tried to find the words to express how I feel about the election and the chaos that has resulted from it. Thank you for writing this. You nailed it!

  303. I’m curious to know if your views on Trump have changed at all since he took office. It seems all he has done is appoint unqualified rich friends to cabinet positions, Additionally, his administration has behaved criminally, one cabinet member already resigning. Then he unilaterally tried to enforce a ban that was clearly illegal, not to mention the moral implications. He is wasting billions of dollars on a wall that will do little to affect immigration.

  304. I got a kick out of this post. Thanks for your perspective. Looking back, I don’t think I have cast a vote for a president except, maybe 2004, but I don’t remember those elections very well. Yea, that would be it.

      • Is that a saying, an idiom? I’m not familiar with it? In 04 I made a stand for freedom from which I have never backed down. My life has been war ever since. It was Jan. 04. I was given an ultimatum which meant either a lifetime of captivity or freedom. I felt in my gut it was a hard road, but I made my stand, anyway. I saw multiple hospitalizations, eviction, $650 robbery, a six-week runaway to a foreign country to get-away. That’s without mentioning the emotional involved. I went places in anger I thought a human could not go without self-destruct. The pit of my stomach life a flowing volcano. Not a day without a fight once they began. But war has been continuous from that date of January, every day and every night since then. There was also a deceptive, coy young woman in the midst of it.

  305. You are a refreshing point of light in a dark landscape. I’m not just saying that as a fellow Trump supporter. I thought so after reading several of your other posts first. I’m reading this a little late, having only discovered you days ago. I just want to encourage you in saying that I agree with every point you made so succinctly and eloquently. (Courageously, too, I might add). Who among us doesn’t regret things we said or did before encountering Jesus? As you asked – who will cast the first stone? Trump says he encountered the Lord. I believe he is growing in his faith, but that is only opinion.. Only God can judge where he stands. I believe he loves this country and wants to make it great again. Thank you for making this post and thank you for being you! Coincidentally, I just wrote a piece about regret and remorse; “Labyrinth”. I think you might like it. Blessings, love, and brotherly hugs. Your Gloryteller, Len

    • Thank you so much Len, for the encouragement. I really appreciate it! And by the way, I love your name: Gloryteller…so cool 🙂 I agree with you and I have hope in those things too. I’ll definitely check out that piece! thanks for passing it along! big hugs to you xox

  306. I support your opinion, but I am definitely not a supporter of Trump. Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, homophobic, ignorant rapist pig, who does not deserve to be president of the USA. I’m not saying that Hillary Clinton is any better, but I absolutely would NOT vote for Trump. He (Trump) said that he will build a wall and “Make America Great Again,” but will he really do what he said? I highly doubt that.

    I apologize for being late to the post, and I do not mean to wrong your opinion or offend you in any way. <3

    • No worries, Mary! I definitely respect your opinion, and thank you for sharing it. Yeah, neither candidate was ideal, but for me I had to look past the person and vote for the issue that was the most important to me, and that was protecting the unborn. But i fully understand and respect that other people have their own “top issue” and that’s awesome – that’s what makes the us the great country that it is! glad you joined the convo! hugs xo

      • I am so old that I began my political life during Watergate. Richard Nixon taught me that character counts. Not beliefs, not campaign promises. Character, as shown by personal and political history. Trump’s character, for example, has led to international embarrassment, unprecedented opposition, and potential impeachment. That will probably prevent him from giving you the one thing you think you want.Of course, his dishonesty may mean he doesn’t even care since he already got your vote.

    • “Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, homophobic, ignorant rapist pig.”
      You forgot the part where he stomps on puppies and bites the heads off of bats and ducklings. 😀

  307. I have to be very honest with you. I have been struggling in my continuation to follow you after this blog post. I think by now the nation has learned Trump is a God-less man, a man who on tape admitted he has never asked God for forgiveness, a man who has not empathy, no morals, no compassion. I could go on and on but it won’t matter to you. I am a former Catholic who now has a better relationship with God as a Christian who goes to a church of love and tolerance. I try to see the good in all, and you certainly have that quality. But the POTUS has no idea how to be a real man, let alone the fake Christian he pretends when he has to. Tolerance is not in his vocabulary thanks to Steve Bannon.

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Laurie. Yes, I agree, this election was a truly difficult one. Especially as a person of faith, it was truly the choice between a rock and a hard place. Neither candidate was the beacon of morality. And I definitely do not support the absolutely horrible things he said about women and other groups. That was awful. But I just couldn’t vote for a candidate that was pro-choice. Protecting the unborn is my number one issue, and I fully respect that other people have different #1 issues, and that’s awesome! that’s what make the united states the great nation it is: that we are allowed to have our own beliefs. But that was mine. Am I thrilled that the candidate I had to vote for was trump? Heck no. But he was the best option I had. But I sincerely thank you for sharing your views. I really appreciate hearing all the different perspectives and viewpoints. A healthy and respectful dialogue is what leads to growth and respect and understanding. So thank you for contributing to the conversation, and I do hope you continue to follow my blog 🙂 I appreciate your readership! 🙂 Sending big hugs xox

      • How I wish we lived closer to each other; we could sit and talk and invite my sister over.
        I met Hillary Clinton when I lobbied on Capitol Hill for breast cancer research for the Nat’l Breast Cancer Coalition. She spoke to a small group and then at a fundraiser we were all invited to attend. I watcher her at the entry door greet every single person that walked in. She was authentic. When people did not walk in, she made small talk with a staffer who helped her. I will always remember her openness and ability to make the other person feel truly welcomed. She was larger than life and yet greeted every single person that walked in the door.
        On another note. I know she is a devout Methodist. She may not be “for” abortion but as a Democrat, we are for choice. Whether you like it or not, we have choices in life. I know God gave us that ability to learn lessons. Choices are difficult, heart wrenching and at times, a lesson we do not forget. But each lesson is our own and others do not have the right to tell me what to do.
        So, as Christians, we do what our hearts and mind direct us to choose. As Americans, we must also be respectful of choices that are personal and private.
        I wish you could have been with me when I met Hillary Clinton. She is a very soulful Christian and a fair politician. Some day we will get that chance.

      • Wow, that sounds like a really powerful experience. I’m so glad you got to have that! Thank you for sharing about it. haha yeah that would be awesome to be able to have a convo over a cuppa jo!! 🙂 I’ve loved the volley we’ve had going! Thanks again for being open! 🙂 hugs xox

      • “Protecting the unborn” is a peculiar issue. One’s opinion about having an abortion oneself depends mostly on a question humans cannot answer, when the spirit enters the body. Among other information needed for a Christian to answer that is exactly what is written in the Bible, keeping in mind that ideas about the spirit were very different then.

        The other issue, of course, is whether it’s possible and reasonable to control someone else’s moral choices. I will never have to decide whether to end a pregnancy for myself. I’m male. Regardless of what I think, some women will decide to end pregnancies. It’s a more serious version of marijuana laws. Marijuana use is both illegal (here in Ohio) and common. Abortion used to be that way, and it will be the same again if people manage to outlaw it.

  308. This past election was the first one where I wasn’t excited about voting. I asked my dad who was born in the Kennedy years and came of age during the Nixon era and he said he never saw an election cycle this toxic. I was leaning heavily towards the 3rd party candidates, but then I’d see someone on the media say “don’t do that, you’re vote won’t count.”
    So in frustration, and an act of semi-defiance, I decided to take a page from Harvey Dent in Batman and flipped a coin to decided who I’d vote for. I started with each third party candidate, and then the winner of that round got to go up against the “winner” of the top two. Then whoever one the coin toss that’s who I voted for. It may or may not have been the same candidate as you. Then I just put my trust in He whose name is inscribed on the coin and cast my vote.

    “Donald Trump, (much like Bernie Sanders, honestly) was the candidate that was taking a stand against the corruption of far left, liberal, big government, and its mainstream media accomplice, trying to pull the wool over our eyes.”
    I have to agree with this. Both Trump, and Sanders actually bothered to try and court working class voters. One only needs look at how Trump went to the hurting rust-belt, while Hillary whined and dined with the elite like Beyonce and Jay-Z at swanky events to see that.

  309. This is the first of your blog posts I’ve read, and apparently it is atypical. But I LOVED it! You articulated my thoughts so well, and I appreciate that you are a young person (I’m not) who thinks through the fog of pc rhetoric and sticks to her guns. Thanks for the great post, and I’ll be reading more of them.

  310. It has been awhile since I have visited your blog. You have progressed so much and it looks great! I am a believer also, its sad that other believers found that voting the current president into office was a victory for Christ and against the “liberals”-while sooo many other things going on in that administration are, well contrary to human decency and love for your fellow man.
    Again , you have a lovely blog and I wish you the best!

  311. Thank you for being brave enough to share your opinion in a political environment that is extremely hostile, at the moment. Shamefully, I still keep my mouth shut about voting for Trump because I do not have the stamina for the lynching that will follow from my friends in opposing parties. Appreciate the honesty!

    • Thank you so much, Blythe. I really appreciate your support. Yeah I wish there was more of an open conversation about it! Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  312. This is an older post, I know, but your blog suggested it, so. This is honestly the best post on social media and “the news” I’ve seen today. Refreshing. I, too, am a Trump supporter. The media would have us believe we are the few, but I really believe we are the majority, just not as loud and obnoxious as the frantic, losing Left. ~ Anyway, encouraging. Thank you.

  313. Dear Ana, I am very impressed and encouraged by your openness, transparency and God given ability to speak truth in love but with boldness. This is an older post, but I love your spirit. Jesus shines through you. Gives me hope for this generation. God Bless, a new follower….

  314. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this blog post! Thank you for saying all of these things that have been churning in my guts for months. I, too, voted for Trump, and I’m not sorry. Nor am I racist, xenophobic, homophobic or any other phobic or negative “ist” label in someone’s arsenal of insults and threats. God bless you, BBB! This post made my day! And I loved your one on Kathy Griffin’s appalling stunt, too.

  315. Read some of your other articles as well as this one, love them, your style and honesty. After reading this one I’m curious about your feelings of late about the White House, North Korea and recent violence in Virginia? Increase the peace and God bless.

  316. Trump was and still is, the only possible solution and anyway could bring the world in a different direction.
    It’s not simple for him, he’s not stupid at all and he’s conscious that if he says too many NO to the deep establishment blues (copied from Sixto Diaz Rodriguez), he will be moved away, by law or by force… or even worst his people will be punished.
    Obviously he will become unpopular and might even get very wrong ways, nationally and internationally, but I’m asking to anyone, do you really want Mr. Nuke the Wallworld as a president?
    He is trying to get peace in NK, despite the Generals doing their worst to make Kim Yong Un really unhappy, and he’s already succeeded in stop (temporarily at least) a genocide in Syria stoping his own arms. Even if he had to use dangerous stratagems.
    We should continue to support him (by will, that means spiritually), and might be he will find strength in continues to destabilizing the NWO global plan of human enslavement.
    If we put down our guard, he is finished!

  317. You do a great jog w/your blog. In addition to being an impressive wordsmith, you seem to be a tech wizard. I’ve been blogging on a fairly consistent basis since last winter, but I am light years behind you. And you seem to answer EVERY comment on your sight personally!
    I was an early Trump supporter; about January, 2016. I supported him on the wall, draining the swamp, getting us out of all these CRAZY wars, standing up to the DC establishment, and putting average Americans back to work. Unfortunately, he seems to be in the process of being captured by the very DC establishment that he so effectively campaigned against. What can we do but pray for our nation?

    • Donald Trump hasn’t devolved into anything that hasn’t always been. He’s a self-absorbed, irrational narcissist.. He appealed to many folks who believed in his false assertions and irrelevant promises. Why expect someone who flaunts his own wealth, and insists on being front-and-center in every way, be taken as someone who is out for The Everyman?

      As someone who is well versed in the issues: Budget and Debt; Finial Markets and Monetary Policy; National Security Issues; Health insurance; etc., I have never seen Trump appear to be doing anything than promising lie, providing no game plan, and surrounding himself with a Rogue’s Gallery of Incompetent Loyalists.

      Early in his campaign when Michael Flynn was His General, and placed him as National Security Advisor, I understand that the Pentagon cringed, as I did, and the NATO General Staff. Then, he made Steve Bannon a permanent member of the Security Council, but not the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Flynn and Bannon brought in other members the Security Council staff, again without credentials.

      Whenever I see Trump on TV, the first thought that comes to mind is a horse’s derriere–actually, a J/A!

      No, Trump hasn’t changed or been kidnapped. It’s you that have changed, and you’re beginning to see Trump as h truly is, and he’s not what you had wished for!

  318. Trump is a very uncaring and selfish person who needs to learn how to think before he acts, talks, or tweets. I personally have no trust or support for him, but hope and pray that someday he sees the light and turns to the Lord. Praying for our country and our president.

      • Don’t consider prayers as what will change him. At age 71, he’s too in love with himself.

        I notice that you look for prayers to solve all problems. Just remember “Render to Caesar…”

        Perhaps J. C. wasn’t talking only about taxes; but, about the separation of spiritual and temporal things.

        Prayers are too simplified of a solution to all things. Doesn’t god have more important things to do than clean-up after Trump?

  319. As a minority, I can tell you that I wasn’t sold on Hillary, but once Trump began invoking the 40s-60s era with that ‘Make America Great Again,’ we knew exactly what he meant. His track record with us has never been good from the time he took out that full page ad in the Times calling the Central Park 5 savage animals worthy of quick execution. I don’t think he’s overtly racist as he is an opportunistic one, and will be so if the situation requires it. How can you address a black audience at an Iowa rally? Don’t want to rant or digress, but I have to say I was disappointed that many friends of mine, some of whom I’ve worshipped beside in times past, voted for this man. I don’t fault them; they simply don’t know the issues that are important to us, and like you, believed their vote would benefit all Americans. But we are not, by and large, seen as a valuable part of America beyond holding a ball or microphone. Holding positions of actual authority and power reveal a different protocol at work. And no, the black / Latino communities have not prospered under Democrats, and I’m definitely not for ‘Crime is low because nothing’s illegal, and everyone’s identity confusion is ok should be agreed with,’ which is the slogan of liberals, but most of us feel we go backward with the GOP. His MAGA slogan didn’t help us shirk that belief, nor the assaults that took place at his rallies. It was a chance for him to show he was made of better stuff, and he did not. That being said, we can continue to pray for him.

    • BYB, you don’t have to be evil, nor a hater, in order to be an enabler. But, be sure to read the poem: “First they came.) It was written by a Christian Pastor during the late 1930s. First, Hitler attacked the Communists; but, since I was not a Communists, I did nothing. Then, one by one, so the poem goes, we attacked one group after another, etc. Eventually, when he got to YOU, there was no one dos speak-up for you. Have of the people the Nazis killed were not Jews, but people from other groups.

      Many white people, like me, believe that we are not racists; however, it still remains with many, perhaps me, but i has become more subliminal–under the radar.

      Last thing about Trump. He has highjacked a protest against the inordinate number of situations where police officers have killed peaceful black, and turned it into one on Patriotism. I sure didn’t see Donnie in Vietnam, back when it was his and my time to truly demonstrate our patriotism. He had five deferments, including the fifth, the mysterious bone spurs, which didn’t effect his competitive tennis game.

  320. Dear Caralyn. Your comments on why you voted for Trump need to be on television. Have never heard it better articulated anywhere. Which includes many fine venerable commentators on Fox and other major media. Not even Trumps own people I do believe. Forgive the gushing pronouncements, but once in a blue moon they are called for. This is that occasion. Outstanding! Thank you!

  321. I enjoyed reading this post because it showed me that you were able to look past (at least briefly) all of things, now President Trump has done. But for me, it was hard to vote for either candidate at the time because I didn’t like what either candidate stood for and I congratulate you for seeing past it.

    I think that what I should do is maybe take a step back and look at the bigger picture instead of what I choose to focus on and I think that a lot of people do this (especially) with politics. I also wanted to thank you for speaking out on this topic.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. Yeah it was definitely a tough election. So glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  322. I just saw this and I must say that you are secure in who you are. I always enjoy reading your posts and get a lot out of them. This one is not only special but is a testament to your station. You let us know what is on your mind. Furthermore I agree with you and your position. I too voted for Donald J. Trump; I voted for the man, as I believe that he was the only person on this Earth that could position this country to get the wind in our sails and go forward to greatness, I believe that God had a hand in guiding the country and it’s people to elect Donald J. Trump. Others answered my statement with “God had nothing to do with it.” That may be the case, but I still believe there is Guidance without explanation. You are the greatest.

    • Thank you friend. I appreciate your support. We’ve got to pray for our country 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  323. The changes so far don’t bode very well, and I wonder if you are dismayed as well? The unborn are absolutely impacted by the quality of our air and water, yet here we all are watching the EPA dissolve protections on our natural commons, at the behest of big polluters. Kind of the opposite of pro-life, couldn’t one say?

  324. Totally surprised by this one…reading your material and perceiving your stances and what not…but that does not take away ones personal believes aside. I did not vote the same way. BUT…I found this very interesting. Agree to disagree? 🙂 TC!

  325. I also didn’t vote the way you did, but am glad you voted the way you believed you needed to for the reasons you expressed. I am wondering what you think about your choice today. Did you still feel you made the right decision or are you second guessing it at all? Cheers.

    • Thanks for taking the time to read it. Oh boy that is a whole ‘nother blog post in and of itself haha Hugs and love xox

  326. It is very difficult for we Catholics. Do we choose a party that espouses sharing with our neighbours, care for the sick, etc, or do we choose a party that espouses saving unborn babies?
    Maybe you will be the person that will start a party that doesn’t make Catholics have to choose between Jesus’ lessons.

    Kind regards, Cath from Australia.

    • It really is difficult as a catholic. My vote will always be with the unborn. Let’s hope that another party emerges!! Hugs and love xox

  327. Wow I’m not sure if I made a comment on this post.
    I agree with the fact about the hatred thrown on someone who voted for Trump, suddenly they’re racist. That’s absurd to see the hatred. It’s not going to change anything. They’re completely wrong.
    I will say, I do not agree with the information you’ve pose in support of why you did vote for him. Because both sides of government has corruption and has had their hands in corruption even before Trump.
    He was not the only President to get scrutinized by media outlets of lies and scandals. But when a President is caught on tape saying he is allowed to touch women without their permission. That is not a President I want regardless if he supposedly stand for a liberal point of view.
    Everyone should have endorsed Bernie Sanders, who I’d say had more political knowledge than both candidates. No body wanted Hilary for a number of obvious reasons, one being the scandal (happen many moons ago) with her husband, the emails was just an icing on the cake, and Trump was a huge supporter of some unprofessional words and actions against Barack Obama.
    While many may not agree with my view. Until we stop creating two different democracies, there will always be a division in this country. And let’s be really honest, no one knows what happens behind close doors in government. There are many who are professional liars and manipulators. The gift of influence is to build others up, not tear them down.
    I pray we stop dividing and start working together.

    • Hey friend, thank you so much for taking the time to read and sharing your heart. It was a tough election all the way around. I will definitely join you in that prayer. 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  328. Personally with the last presidential election, I was glad that I wasn’t a US citizen. I love the US and what is “used to” represent. America used to be known as the land of the free. Now I see that its citizens aren’t really free. With the way that the Liberals and the media are policing everything to forward their agenda, we might as well call America a Communist state.

    I often do not post anything political in my Instagram, but I came across something online that I recently had to post.

    I hope you guys are able to see it, because it took two people with courage to bring that article to fruition.

    Before anyone starts calling me a “White Supremacist” or anything like that, I’m a brown guy.. LOL…

    I’m tired of laws being made to suit only one sect of people. For instance, we all know that it is bad to use the “N” word on a person of African descent. In fact they made it a law. You can be sued or prosecuted for calling someone that. But somehow it looks like it is OK for American Americans to use it when referring to each other; which they do use it liberally and openly.
    I’m sorry… If it is against the law, then the law should apply to everyone..

    Anyways.. that my take on it…

    You did right when you voted. It was your right to use YOUR vote the way YOU saw fit. No one should punish you for that.

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. It was a tough election for sure. And I agree – the media are the gate keepers and they dictate what stories get out there and truly shape our thinking. And to say they have a liberal agenda would be an understatement. It is really really sad. It’s nearly impossible to get an unbiased story either way.

      • The media has done more to divide the country rather than uphold the “U” in USA.
        I suppose that is where blogs like yours’ come in play. There’s always two sides to a coin. I suppose that you have heard of Tomi Lahren and her videos; in which she literally goes on the offensive at the Liberal agenda. However once again when you look at social media, it’s so biased in many ways and I see my friends complete brainwashed about it. When I try to talk to them to see the otherside, they call me “uninformed”…
        “No.. you see I am informed. Yes.. Trump is an idiot, but you have to look at the good as well as the bad. You have to check what is he getting at?”

        It seems right now that the media is sort of trying to portray that everything wrong is Trump’s fault. It’s gone to the point of being ridiculous – “I have a toothache… It’s Trump fault.”

        And don’t get me started on the BLM… Those guys are way out of hand. I watched a lady protesting and asking for justice for her brother. “I’m sorry your brother was shot by a frightened elderly Asian lady as he was robbing her house with a couple of other guys.”
        Makes me wonder if this incident would have ever been reported or mentioned if the old Asian lady was one killed in the incident.
        Another group should be started – ALM “All Lives Matter”..

  329. I love this post. It pretty much sums up how I feel too. And I know this is way after the fact, but I still agree with your decision. Though Trump isn’t the most upstanding citizen by any means, the alternative candidate would have been much much worse.

    • Thank you so much Georgia. Yeah- it was a tough election for sure. It’s just so sad what the mainstream media has come to. So glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

  330. I’m curious, 27 months after your original post on this, whether you feel the same way about Trump and truthfulness.

    Policies aside–which could be argued by well-meaning people on all sides–there have been numerous falsehoods and out-and-out confabulations on his part which wouldn’t seem to square with a Christian outlook. (The “thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating 9/11”, inauguration crowd, Trump University, carnage in Chicago “stops right here and right now,” payments to Stormy Daniels, Obama “birther” views… just to name a few). Of course, some might say these were simply campaign or fundraising or “political” statements not meant to be taken seriously. Does the good that people perceive him as doing outweigh the seeming lack of concern for truthtelling?

  331. Very good post. I am where you are in spirit concerning. Thanks for taking a stand. I don’t feel very stupid and after all I am connected to the one that made the universe and everything in it. Lord bless.

  332. Great post…and very well said. I am like you, looking at the issues not the person. At my age (over the 7 0 mark) it had to come down to issues only and not the person…In my meager estimation we have failed to keep our leaders accountable and the lefties have ruled the roost! Time to clean house I said and he has done just that and they are beside themselves. There will never be another Eisenhower or a FDR so get over it. Our country has changed and not for the better. *sigh* this could be depressing if it were not for my faith in the I AM!

    • thank you so much – you’re so right – it’s the issues that count. And amen – faith in Him!! 🙂 big hugs xox

  333. Reading this some years later I wonder, as this individual is gracing Her Majesty’s abode in London, whether our feelings have changed? In the UK we are looking at our politics but it is becoming a scrum to find the best soundbite which attracts the most ‘likes’ rather than well considered political long-term policies which make a difference to the marginalised. From your perspective, have the marginalised found that their wellbeing, that their potential to be themselves, has improved since his inauguration?

  334. For the last few months, I’ve begun to think that the major problem facing America today is not so much Donald Trump as it is the minority of citizens who still support him. This comment thread only confirms my suspicions; of a nation where masses of people are no different than brain-washed zombies, guzzling the Kool-Aid with delusional delight.

    A true case of the blind leading the blind if there ever was one.

    • I’m sorry you feel that I am a brain-washed zombie. I can assure you, I am not. Thanks for stopping by

      • I can’t believe you would write such a thing. It is one thing to think it but to do it publicly is a shame. My parents always taught me, if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything. You should try it foothillbilly. Sad to see your comment…breaks my heart.

      • did you not say this: Not that I disagree with what I think you mean, but your writing style is offensive, not persuasive. that comment to this young writer is so very sad to see.

      • I’m still confused. My point is that I’m not arguing with the ideas, but if the object is to change anyone’s mind it needs to be stated differently.

  335. BBB, you are the example of beauty and love God sent us to be. I can relate to everything you stated in your post. Politics is not dividing us as a nation, the lack of God and love for each other is what is causing the division. Thank you for your eloquent post.

    • Thank you so much Jeanie! I really appreciate that 🙂 so glad you stopped by!! Have a great day! Hugs and love xox

  336. I have always admired the deep commitment of those who fight against abortion, even while I vote to protect women’s rights to control their own bodies. But I wish that commitment would extend to standing up for babies who have already been born, like this 4 month-old, separated from his family at our southern border:

  337. Caralyn,
    Thank you for your courage and wisdom. There is so much anger in our political world. It seems anyone who professes support for President Trump is mauled by the mob. I also voted for Trump. Let me be clear — I don’t like his method. I wish he could be more civil. Yet I see both sides as uncivil today. I hope ALL of us find a way to “tone it down.”

    I want to talk about illegal immigration. In 1787, Southern Democrats wanted dark-skinned slaves to work their fields and service industry jobs. Today, Western Democrats fight to bring millions of dark-skinned human beings into America to work their fields and service industry jobs for slave wages. And they call those on the political Right “racist.” Crazy, isn’t it?

    These suffering people live in the shadows of society. Young women are sexually-assaulted and raped. They cannot report these crimes for fear of being deported or their family being deported. They are slaves to intimidation and bullying. Young men are also exploited.

    The political Left is deceived by pictures and stories of desperation. These people are suffering, but illegal entry takes them from the frying pan into the fire. The solution is to help rebuild their home nations. Those who come here must enter legally.

    President Trump is correct on this. Thank you for ALL your courage. You are an inspiration.

    • Thank you for sharing your heart on this difficult issue. I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond. There’s so much sadness out there, and our country needs prayer! big hugs x

  338. The more reason I will follow your blog am black and a trump supporter. People always say you are black and should not be a trump supporter and they feel cause am black I should think or act a certain way, why am I not allowed to be who I want to be. Well I believe am part of the silent majority who will not allow myself to be controlled by leftist ideologies. I do my research by myself and do not let the media or people think for me.

    • Thanks Nikky so much for sharing your heart. I think that’s so powerful. Thanks for inspiring me! Hugs and love xox 💛

  339. Wow. Thank you so much for having the courage to post this. I didn’t! Yet, I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. When my husband came in one day and announced that Trump was running for president, I laughed–just like Sarah. I said, “This is a joke, right?” But then I listened to what the man stood for. Not his tawdry actions and past, but what he really believed and wanted to do for our country. And then I stopped laughing. I started thanking God for His sense of humor and for surprising us all once again, by using imperfect people (just like He did in the Bible and continues to do today) to do His perfect plan. Now I’m laughing out of joy. God sure does know how to pick ’em!

    • Thank you so much Debbie – I appreciate your support. You’re right! He uses imperfect people all the time — which is good news for me! hahah Hugs and love xox

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