From Me to You

Well, here we are.

Thanksgiving, 2016.

I remember this exact day last year, sitting at this very bar stool in the kitchen of my childhood home, crafting this post.

Nothing’s changed. And yet, everything has.

Gosh, this past year…has been quite the ride, hasn’t it?

And I’m not just talking about the reckless oversharing I’ve done on the internet for all the world to read.

…And owning up to it…


And I’m not talking about all scandals we’ve witnessed and waded through together either…everything from Taylor Swift’s tumultuous love life, to the end of Brangelina, to the return of Gilmore Girls, to Donald Trump‘s election.

Thinking about the time passed between this time last year and now, my heart is literally swelling.

And, no…not in a heart palpitations/I-just-ate-my-body-weight-in-turkey kind of way.


It’s swelling, thinking about another way my life has changed this past year…

I met you.

Sitting here, reflecting on everything I’m thankful for in my life, this year…it’s different.

There’s a new item on my “list” of blessings this year…

It’s you.

I don’t want to make this sound…I don’t know…like I have a bloated sense of importance or whatever, but I truly am so thankful for you, reading this.

Thank you for taking 5 minutes out of your day for reading my words, responding with your thoughts, passing it along to a friend, supporting me on Patreon.

I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for the friendships I’ve been so fortunate to make in this little dusty corner of the interwebs.

BeautyBeyondBones started simply to help those girls struggling with eating disorder recovery and offering hope to their loved ones, and it has grown into a beautiful little community of friends and people, I can honestly say, I care deeply about.


Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I get a lot of comments about how I’ve touched someone’s heart, or offered a perspective that impacted a person’s life that day. But the truth is, you have truly changed my life.

I read every single comment and…I’m getting choked up just thinking about this…

The way you have accepted me, and loved me — all of me — has been incredibly life giving. Thank you for embracing the real me. Thank you for allowing me to share the broken parts of me, and receiving me without judgement or disdain.

That is a gift that I am beyond grateful for.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, friends. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, always, but especially tonight on this day of gratitude.

And now, it’s time I hop off this bar stool. Just enough time has passed that it’s now socially acceptable to go back to the fridge for a leftover slice of pie 😉


Happy digesting 🙂

Stay Connected!
@beauty.beyond.bones – Instagram





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176 responses to “From Me to You”

  1. Aww beautiful post! As always. 🙂 I know how you feel having an awesome community on here, mine is considerably smaller than yours but I just swear that there’s something about WordPress that makes it stand out from every other form of traditional social media. It brings people together in the most authentic way possible and it’s so touching to watch it unfold/experience it yourself. Have a great rest of your Thanksgiving!

  2. Caralyn! A year ago I hadn’t even met you. Since then, you have grown, your blog has grow, we’ve seen your face and learned your name. You’ve been very kind and supportive to me. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be a supporter in addition to being a reader. It seems I’ve been able to give back a portion of what I’ve received, and that’s about as good as it gets, eh? You are a good young lady, and it has been my pleasure to occasionally play Dad – thanks for indulging me!!

    With thanks to God and to you, I pray for the best for you and yours. Enjoy your pie!

    • Aw thanks Jeff:) i know! Crazy the difference a year makes. I am so glad that our paths crossed and I am truly so grateful for our special friendship! And I do seriously appreciate the fatherly advice! It is the best. Your comments never fail to bring a smile to my face:) have a beautiful thanksgiving! Big hugs to you and Julie!

  3. Thank you for inspiring us.. Your story is incredible and your posts are always fun to read. You’re a very good writer. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you to this community. And you couldn’t be more right about the value of this community. I felt it too in the short six months that I’ve been here. Looking forward to getting to know you better. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

  4. I am also thankful for you and the work that you produce. 🙂 Keep writing and being the change God calls you to be. I will if you will! Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

  5. I know I haven’t followed your blog for a while, but I’m thankful that you somehow “liked” one of my posts and I was able to discover yours. I enjoy reading your perspective on things and it’s refreshing to read things from so much maturity, both emotionally and spiritually. I really dig it! Anyway, I may write a post myself this evening if I can stay awake, or I’ll just keep watching Goldeneye on Hulu. So far Hulu is winning. 🙂 Have a Happy Thanksgiving! – Joe

  6. Oops…Thanks for the Monday-Thursday programming! Seriously though, thanks so much for your posts and the laughs and for inspiring story. I’m glad I found this blog. So thanks and I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. In honor of your 1-year’s thanksgiving and your reminder that to live is to be vulnerable, I am posting my Green River piece on Today’s Teachable Moment

    Bless you, dear. Many times over the past year, your posts (and you) have been what has made my day turn from dark and dismal to dark and dismal with a little patch of light in the corner. You are a bright testament to the way Jesus works through His ambassadors…the faithful ones who spread the message of reconciliation…even if that message is hidden in a blog post about celebrities the way an eternal truth can be hidden within a fortune cookie.

    Here’s to another year, darling. Write on…

    • Thank you so much! Oh awesome! Can’t wait to read it! Aw, what a kind thing to say. Thank you — I’m so glad these have hit home with you. Yes, God is good and I am so grateful for the work He’s done in my life. Haha gotta love a good fortune cookie 😉😉😉haha seriously though, thank you xoxo

  8. I look forward to your posts as you are always so honest, I feel like I know you! You are someone who makes me proud to be a Christian so thank you xxx

  9. Happy Thanksgiving Caralyn,
    You are a blessing. Always thoughtful, insightful, and honest. Lord knows how many have been helped reading your words and never commented. Never underestimate the effectiveness of your voice. May you and your family be Blessed and Be Well!
    Enjoy your pie my friend it’s well deserved.

  10. D’Awh. I’m thankful for you too, and all that other stuff everybody else already said. Haha, just kidding, I don’t mind being repetitious sometimes. But it really has been fun getting to know you a little bit, watching your story unfold, and waiting near-breathless for the next post to come off the chopping block. There’s just something about your writing style and your willingness to be as authentically transparent as you are here that even for someone who isn’t much of a reader ( read: if it takes more than two minutes to read I’ve already lost interest – what can I say, I’m a lazy reader 😛 ) your posts somehow held my attention from the start. But anyway.
    More importantly, I’m thankful for the Jesus I’ve seen in you – it has affected me as I’m sure it has many others (the above comments being a few examples), I am so thankful that you responded when you heard his voice because otherwise this world would have become that much less bright and beautiful a place. So thank-you for not opting out of His story (:

    Happy Thanksgiving! (And don’t I wish I had some of that pie 😉 )

    • Hey Carson, oh my gosh what did I do to deserve you as a friend!?? Seriously! Thank you so much. Haha I’m honored that you stick around for longer than two minutes! Hahahah I’m the same way:) Carson, I’m so thankful for Jesus’s mercy and grace in my life too. I truly owe my life to him. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you’re having a happy thanksgiving! Thanks for making my night:) Big big hugs xox

      • Haha, nothing – that’s why blessings are so wonderful. 😀
        (I’m relieved to know I’m not the only one, either)
        Ditto to that, he’s such a wonderful beautiful outlaw lifesaver and my golly… I could just go on and on about him. As for me making your night, I can only assume you’re being your usual wonderful gracious and generous self ;D but you’re welcome all the same! Sending those hugs right back atchya 🙂

      • You know I’ve been thinking about this all night after skimming over a comment just up the way about the uniqueness of the community so I just gotta ask what you think, I totally agree and it’s awesome BUT, what do you think makes it that way? I mean, a bunch of random people commenting on articles on the web written by people on the other side of the world and it turns into a community but how? I don’t know, maybe it’s nothing but *shrug* I just got curious to know what you think about that!

      • That’s such a great question! I was actually talking to my dad about this tonight. I think it’s because every single person, no matter what, has some sort of hardship in their life – be it financial, emotional, relational, employment related, addiction, loss, self-doubt, uncertainty/fear about the future…we all have struggles, and having a place to come together and know that we’re not alone, to know that we all can share in hardships and triumphs together. I think there’s comfort in that. I think deep down we all truly *want* to be vulnerable and let our true selves show, and perhaps this is a “safe space” to do that? I don’t know…those are just my thoughts. Haha what do you think??

      • Yeah I like that, common interests/goals–or experiences/wounds/struggles, everybody’s got em, if somebody just talks about it..
        You know I’m still not sure what i think. It’s something thats been on my heart for a while–not necessarily about here but in general, what makes community? Because I’ve been trying to re-envision a church where everyone is engaged and at home and family and I think just maybe if you took your closest ‘followers’ and sat em down to dinner you’d have something close to that. Maybe I’m just rambling again haha.

        You know what I think it is? I think when God came down and kissed the earth and said ‘let us make man in our image…’ that there’s something in the image of God that is so deeply communal and when the space is safe enough and welcomes people to be free in their identity…. man I can’t wait for heaven, this place is so isolating..

        You know, I have a couple friends who live a long ways away, we’ve never met but once we were close enough that we confided in each other, prayed together, I can’t explain that kind of bond because it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced and a lot like I hope heaven will be. I don’t have that any more with them, or anybody. But I do see many traces of it here and I’m so thankful to have gotten a chance to be a little part of it (:

        Anyway, that’s probably enough rambling from me (until Monday, of course 😉 ) for one night – I fear I may have written a small book already, haha

      • Wow that is so beautiful Carson. Yeah, I hope Heaven will be like that too:) how awesome that you found that for a time in your life. Yeah, I mean, God even said that man is not meant to be alone. And I think there’s a lot of truth in that. I think that when we are in community, we are able to truly see and experience Jesus in others. And we see different aspects of His heart in every single person. Love, especially Christ-centered love is truly life-giving 🙂

  11. It sounds like you have a lot of gratitude in your life right now. That is such a good thing! Life can be hard and not many look at the good parts over the bad ones. God bless you in this coming new season with all the wonderful things He can give!
    Jenine Marie

    • Thanks Jenine Marie. Yes! Gratitude is such an important thing. God is good and I thank him for the healing in my life. I appreciate your kind words. Have a happy thanksgiving! Xox

  12. Aww. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    I can’t believe that last year at this time I wasn’t on Word Press and I had no clue of your existence. And now here we are. 🙂 It’s a simple thing, but it’s amazing.

    I’m so glad to have “met” you. You are a wonderful, funny, and very likable person and your posts are always a pleasure to read.

    May God bless you always. 🙂

  13. You are (and have been) such an incredible inspiration and blessing! Thank you for sharing your life ~ along with your opinions, perspectives, love, encouragement, laughter and so much more ~ with all of us! Blessings to you in abundance!

  14. Happy Thanksgiving Caralyn!
    I have enjoyed following you on your journey. Thank you for always shining your radiant light in such a dark world. I admire you and your bravery, strength, and will to heal.
    <3 and Blessings Always,

    Alana Xoxoxo

    • Wow thank you so much. I am so touched by this. Thank for such a beautiful affirmation. So glad they’ve resonated with you. Hope you’re having a beautiful night. Hugs and love xox

  15. Carolyn,
    I’m just an old Baptist from West Texas, but everything I read from you touches me in the middle of my heart. Makes me want to cry, or actually cry. God is truly moving in this world, as crazy and confused as it seems sometimes. I thank God for you. You let you light shine in this world, and people see it, and glorify your Father Who is in heaven. Praise God for you!

    • Hey Tex! Aww thank you so much:) gosh, I am so touched by this. God is good and I am so grateful to him for his healing and his grace. Big big hugs to you friend. Have a blessed thanksgiving! Xox

  16. Funny, I feel the same way about you. I always smile when I see your icon on one of my posts. Thanks for writing posts that I look forward to reading and for being such a faithful worker in our Master’s kingdom. Hope you and yours had a very thankful, restful, and filling Thanksgiving.

  17. This is, without question, one of the most beautiful pieces I’ve read. You have an absolute gift for connecting with your audience, one I rather envy, I must admit. I really enjoy your posts, I greatly look forward to them. I am very glad we met, albeit electronically, and I’m filled with joy that you were able to survive as this world is a vastly better place with you in it. God bless you and I hope the remainder of your year is as filled with as much joy as you share with us every time you post!

    • Hey Rich! Oh wow, I’m so humbled at this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It truly makes me smile to know that you enjoy reading my words! My heart is so warm right now 🙂 I’m grateful for you. Big big hugs xox

  18. You are a good writer. I find myself really enjoying your posts for their honesty and also for how well-written and poignant they are. I think, also, to be able to tame your mental and emotional demons proves you are someone with a tremendous amount of strength and resilience. For what it’s worth, I have a huge amount of respect for you and everyone I know who has had to go through what you’ve gone through. It’s not at all a sign of weakness to admit to it and wrestle with these things. I’m so glad you’ve found comfort and encouragement in your many follower’s comments. I hope you never feel alone in whatever you go through. Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

    • Oh thank you so much! Yeah I honestly feel so blessed by the wonderful friendships I’ve made through this blog. It has been so life-giving. God is good. So glad my posts hit home with you. Massive hugs to you friend xox

  19. Thank YOU for writing and sharing as you do! For being honest, open, and true. I hope you will carry on with this blog for a long, long time. <3

    You and I are different in so many ways. Different beliefs, different customs, different opinions. Sometimes I read what you write and shake my head, thinking that no, I don't agree with that at all. But you know what? I don't care. You are a lovely person, your heart is warm and your intentions good. You let me see things from another perspective, you let me understand your side. I value that greatly, it is worth far more than someone simply repeating my own opinions. We move forward by meeting those who are different, not by getting stuck in an echo chamber where all we hear is confirmation of that which we already know or believe.

    So thank you, again. I wish you all the best and hope to read much, much more from you in the future. Take care, and have a wonderful weekend!

  20. You are such a beautiful soul, and you use your talents in a Godly way. To say you’re an inspiration simply doesn’t do you enough justice doll. I hope God blesses you as much as you truly deserve, because you m’dear have earned every single bit of it! 🙂

  21. I like your style and your wit. Your openness and honesty. Thank you for all that! May YAHWEH bless you Today and your Tomorrows. Thank you for being a part of my world! Hugs! Hope you had a GREAT Thanksgiving!

  22. I think the world needs more “reckless oversharing” to use your words. I tend to agree with Jean Vanier when he said, “I am struck by how sharing our weakness and difficulties is more nourishing to others than sharing our qualities and successes.”

  23. Even though I celebrate thanksgiving on the right day in October, I’m thankful for you, too. I appreciate your vulnerability; it’s changing lives.

  24. Thank you so much for the like on my blog post. I just started reading your blog posts & I love them! Even though I don’t know you well, you come off as a very genuine person! I look forward to reading more!

  25. Thank you for finding me! It has been a year for sure. I just wanted to wrap my arms around my knees and rock – because you spoke to the on-line abuse post election, when clearly I am trying to talk of how we need to show more love to one another. That we can be people of faith, and not be forced into lockstep with an agenda we can’t see eye-to-eye with!
    I am preparing for a life change over the next year. Your posts are strong without denying your vulnerability. I really admired them, and I stand with you in”friendship.” Here is to a brace New Year!

    • Thank you so much Elizabeth. That’s so true. How amazing if we all were to see with eyes of gratitude — it would change a lot of thing and heal a lot of brokenness in the world right now! So glad you stopped by! Big hugs xox

  26. Your blog is beautiful and amazing and so are you!! God Bless you every day in the recovery you made and the steps you’ve taken since!! You are light and beauty to all God’s Earth!! I love your brain!!

  27. It’s easy to sit and think about what I want to blog about and how I can impact others, but while being so focused on that I can forget that are others wanting to do the same with their writing. So this is the first post I have read of yours and I hope I can learn and be encouraged by what u have to share. Thanks

    • Oh thanks so much Dave! Yeah I definitely can relate! But it’s so true! We’re all in this together-that’s the beautiful thing about the blogging community! Glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  28. The online world doesn’t have to be so bad after all, does it?

    All the best and right back at you. I enjoy your writing immensely. God bless.

  29. Thank you so much for your kind words to your 1.5 bazillion followers. I have thoroughly enjoyed all your posts I’ve read this year and look forward to so much more. You’re a blessing to me too, Caraline. And I thank God for your story and your ministry and encouragement to so many. God bless you my friend.

  30. Something else is a blessing to me about you. I am grateful and blessed to be able to tell folks, when the subject arises, that I know a Millennial who is a virgin. What a privilege and an honor for me to know you and pray for you.

  31. You have given more than you could possibly know. In a way you have lead others too. A quote from Sheryl Sandberg……..”Good leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence, making sure that impact lasts in your absence.” KUDOS to you my friend. Go bless <3

  32. I appreciate your openness and the way you communicate with words. I imagine it’s pretty much the way to speak. I haven’t written for a while. Everything’s good, just haven’t been in a writing mood, I guess. I’m impressed with the diligence that people like yourself have in regularly posting their life.

    Thank you!

  33. Blogs really are kind of a symbiotic communication device. You are able to reach and touch the hearts of a group of readers that a few years ago could never have been dreamed of. Though I see modern technology as generally an insulator from human interaction, your use of the modern achieves a very different, personal and honest result. May God continue to bless you in your life’s journey. Robert

    • Hey Robert! Oh thank you so much:) yeah isn’t technology incredible the way it has changed everything from how we get groceries to how we watch tv to how we communicate?! It is truly remarkable. Thanks for your kind words! Hugs and love xox

  34. Hey Beauty: I know I am a week late, having just read this post today, but thank you for the Blessings, and for the genuine blogs of truth. Your writing is always thoughtful, mind stirring, and enjoyable.
    But since we are to give thanks always, I give thanks to God for you today.
    God’s Abundant Blessings as you serve Him, giving Jesus Glory. Luv,

    • Hey George! Aw thank YOU! Seriously, I am so touched by your consistent encouragement and kindness, and I truly am so grateful that our paths crossed. God is good! Hugs and love xox

  35. An apology first and foremost for not knowing about your choice to wait until you are married. I just briefly caught a comment from someone as I was scrolling down to leave you a comment on your post. Holding onto your virtue is not easy.
    I commend you on sticking to this commitment. For staying strong. I too, will keep you in my prayers.
    It was my dream to do the same, but the choice was taken from when I was younger and it changed things for me. It wasn’t until two years ago when I attended a Christian music festival here in NH and heard For King and Country talk about their mission to spread love, honor, and respect for women globally,. That men should cherish, respect, love and adore women, not objectify them. They talked so much about chivalry and waiting for the marriage bed. I fell in love with this band at that moment. They began a change in my life and relationship. My now fiancé and I are waiting. We are finally going to be married next year. God has worked in both of our hearts over the past year.
    You are an inspiration and I am so glad and thankful to God that he nudged me into entering school. If I hadn’t have started college I wouldn’t have taken a class that would have me create my blog which has led me to you and so many wonderful people.
    God Bless you!

    • Thank you so much for your kind words and for the prayers. Yeah, it’s definitely not an easy decision, but one that I have vowed to stick to until marriage. What a powerful moment at that music festival. Thank you for sharing. And what a beautiful love story you have with your fiancé! I will definitely keep you both in my prayers 🙂 hugs to you xox

  36. Thank you for finding me. You liked my post so I looked you up. Girl you have talent, or better said a gift that God has given you to touch people’s hearts. Your total honesty and openness comes shining through brightly. Thank you for encouraging me and for making today a brighter day. You are very special. And whatever else you may choose to do in life – Don’t stop doing this. It makes a difference and it will continue to grow. Be blessed!

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