
It’s kind of funny…scrolling through Facebook has become, almost a bit of a luxury here recently. Before, in NYC, it was just another time killer when I was bored or waiting for the subway. But here in Ohio, it’s an extravagance if I have a free 3 minutes to scroll through my FB timeline. There’s just no time.

But yesterday, I was lavished with a few minutes to luxuriate on my phone.

Actually, it was the entire day. I have never received such a thoughtful gift in my life. My brother and sister-in-law surprised me yesterday with an incredibly beautiful day: a trip to the spa and beautiful 5-course dinner at a restaurant that caters to people with stomach issues, cocktails at a fun bowling bar, and sleep over at their place downtown. It was so wonderful.


But while I was sitting in the spa chair, I flipped through Facebook and came upon this quote, and I really liked it.

β€œThose who leave everything in God’s hands will eventually see God’s hands in everything.”


Looking at my phone while a woman worked on my feet, I began to feel a little…step-sister-to-cinderella-y, so I decided to unplug from β€œZuckerberg’s Bermeuda Triange” and engage in conversation with this nice woman.


We talked about the city and her life. How she was divorced with three kids. And just, typical β€œfluff conversation.” You know, your typical nail-technician/pedicure-lite topics.

But then out of the blue, I decided to ask her, β€œAre you reading any good books?” Which…if you know anything about me, then you’ll realize how ridiculous of a question that is…because…I don’t read. Like, ever.

I like to write. Hate to read. I think the last book I read was circa 2006. Not even kidding…


So as a result, I don’t typically talk about reading either, simply because I have diddly squat to add to the conversation.

But there I was, getting my toes done, and I hear those words just come out of my mouthβ€¦β€œAre you reading any good books?”


And this woman actually had a lot to say.

I could tell in her body language and tone of voice that she was a little … almost embarrassed or self conscious … about the book.

β€œWell, yeah, it’s this kinda…really interesting…kinda…out there book. It’s uhh, about dating and love life and just…uh…being done with playing games.”

Oh, cool. Sounds interesting. What’s it called?

β€œOh, uuh…” She was fumbling to answer… “It’s called The Wait. It’s about, you know, maybe, waiting until you’re married to have sex. I’m just, I guess, trying it out my second time around.”

And I mean, as soon as she said the title, I knew what it was going to be about. She didn’t have to spell it out for me. But what she communicated between the lines, spoke volumes.

And as she kind of shrugged it off and shook her head, I looked at her and said, β€œI’m waiting too.”

And let me tell you, this woman just lit up. All of a sudden, it was as though we were twins separated at birth on a reunion show on Dr. Phil, because this woman gave me a huge hug. Β She just opened up about how she’s been feeling so discouraged and alone in that journey lately, and how she believed that our paths were supposed to cross that day.

It was a really beautiful moment.


After the pedicure, I opened my phone, and it was still on that Facebook page. β€œThose who leave everything in God’s hands will begin to see God’s hands in everything.”

And I kind of chuckled to myself, because God’s hands really were in that meeting between that woman and I. The last thing she said to me was, “We were supposed to meet.”

Little did I know that simply asking this woman what book she was reading would end up being an incredibly healing interaction, full of encouragement and hope for her.

And that was not my doing, but His doing.

That night, my sister-in-law and I were talking about how she’s trying to really be aware of God’s presence: in life’s β€œcoincidences,” in our conversations and interactions with people, in the silence. And we both were pretty stunned when I told her about my little run-in during my pedicure, of all things.

God is always taking care of us, giving us what we need. It may not be in the most obvious or grandiose of ways, but He’s always around…if we only take a minute and look up from our phones and interact with the people God places in our lives.


I guess it was a divine β€œbuff and polish.” Maybe that means it won’t chip!


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263 responses to “Coincidence??”

  1. I love that quote! I pray by it most mornings. Packs so much meaning. Not least because we smashed all of the world’s sin into the hands of God, and three days later he proved he has power over it πŸ™‚ So awesome that we can turn from our limitations, to a God that has none.

  2. It’s such a comfort to know that God has his hand on the controls.

    Did your friend mention who wrote that book?

    Great story. To watch God’s winks in action is nothing less than a glimpse into the eternal.

    • Hey Brandon! That’s so true – with His hands on the controls, we have nothing to fear. She didn’t, I was going to Google it πŸ™‚ I love a good “God wink” too. Thanks for stopping by! hugs xox

  3. I love that quote also. When I look back, I do see God’s hands in everything. I see him teaching me through the tough times and bringing good out of that. I see him in the good times, giving me joy – his gift to me.

    What a wonderful testimony of how God is leading you with your story of talking with the lady who was serving you. Absolutely beautiful.

    • Thanks so much Belle πŸ™‚ Yeah, that’s so awesome that you’re able to see that. How wonderful is that joy — our Father does love to give His children good gifts πŸ™‚ Hugs to you xox

  4. I love this on multiple levels, only three of which I can share.

    First, so many bizarro coincidences have happened in my life that I started keeping track of them by jotting notes into an email that I send to myself. Each time a coincidence happens, I reply to that email, so I have a chain of them. They wouldn’t mean anything to anyone else, but they’re reminders that God is working behind the scenes.

    Second, I once heard that coincidences mean you are where you’re supposed to be. You have no idea how encouraging that is sometimes.

    Third, I went to church for the first time yesterday since moving from the city to a suburb last June. Immediately, a woman came up to me and started asking me about myself. She later introduced her husband to me. Maybe 40 minutes later, as I walked home from Rite-Aid, carrying three liters of coconut water in 30-degree weather, she and her husband pulled up beside me and asked if I needed a ride. They should have been home or at breakfast by the time they spotted me. I was grateful that God detained them in some way, so this falls under the “coincidence” category because I feel like your pedicurist was just as grateful to meet you.

    • Thanks so much πŸ™‚ that’s such a great idea to email yourself. Because you’re right, we can overlook them if we don’t stop and take notice! They’re little love nudges from God! And wow what an encouraging thought. I love that so much. I’m going to hang that on my mirror πŸ™‚ and what a cool story! Yes! That was a divine lift for sure πŸ™‚ hehe you are so kind to say that. Thank you so much. You’ve made my night! Hugs and love xox

  5. On my blog, one of my concepts is being a gentle witness which is who you were in this interaction….going from no conversation to what developed. Good testimony! Also, I’m sure appreciated being recognized as a worthy person. Proud of you!

    • Oh my gosh, Rick, thank you so much! That’s so kind of you to say πŸ™‚ Yeah, I feel like God is always providing little opportunities for sharing His love if we look for them. Thanks for the encouragement! hugs xox

  6. I too have been noticing a lot of coincidences as of late. Even with returning to a Church that used to be too far away. My first time back was the beginning of a series about minimalism. The coincidence was that I had been listening to many podcasts about minimalism and thinking about how to pear down the stuff!!!

  7. Awesome quote friend – mind if I repost that quote pic?
    Btw – I shot you another quick question – if you have time (!)
    Back to your post – Way to be available when the opportunity came but more than that – awesome testimony to be able to connect with that lady!
    Thanks for the blog –

  8. That is some beautiful quote. When i hit recovery and started getting on my knees each morning it was hard to turn it all over to Jesus but every time i do i feel myself gettin closer to Him and see the good Lord working in my life, but more than that even i see Him winding through my past like a river and realise He was working on all those inexplicable and lifesaving coincidences the whole time, I just couldnt see em through the bottle, you know?

    • Thanks so much Natty. I can so relate to this. He is always there and holding us up, sometimes we’re just in a place where we’re blinded. What a beautiful way to start each morning. Cheering for you in your recovery, friend. Big hugs xox

  9. Glad that you had a good time out, Caralyn! How lovely of your brother and sister-in-law to arrange that for you. God is certainly in control and great sharing of your meeting with this lady…. continue to listen to His still small voice… hugs <3

    • Oh thank you so much! I’m glad you did! Yes-so amazing. And mysterious. And comforting. And all things that I don’t understand but am ever grateful for! Haha Hugs and love xox

  10. Every book is a conversation maybe all your books are people. We all learn differently. I tell my daughter I haven’t found anyone cool enough, yet. I don’t know if it’s waiting I’m just okay without the preoccupation of finding, love or dating. It’s all kind of, meh. πŸ˜€

    • Every book is a conversation. What a fascinating perspective. I think you’re really onto something there. Yeah, there is a lot of emotional exhaustion thy comes with opening your heart up to another person. I hear ya there!! Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

      • I might be dating myself we’ve been together for a while. Eight years, I think. We’re ten years apart so the females size me up quick. Do I have a house? Car? Timeshare? Will I change, ever? When you met someone it once felt like, destiny. I think that’s what I’m waiting for. I’m okay with waiting I’m good company.

      • I hung out with some arena rockers that turned to their faith. When the public wants you one way it’s hard to change that image. Like, the Mani Pedi lady she wants for, someone. So she creates that path. I’m glad she met you. Ever read FLANNERY O’CONNOR? You might like her

      • Oh cool! Yeah, I can’t image what it would be like to have a public life and a private life. That seems like it would be really difficult. I haven’t! Thanks for passing that author along πŸ™‚ hugs xo

      • I think we all have that division. Would Jesus be shunned at a rooftop party in New York or at a dinner on a farm in the Midwest. It’s unfortunate that culture and especially pop culture changes our actions and limits our acceptance of others. The Pope took a hard line about this a few weeks ago that our actions in the public should always reflect our beliefs. Faith is not a water faucet.

      • To be relevant we sacrifice faith for social importance in the world. I believe that’s where the breaks in the church happen. There was always a dominant culture but, not like this the way things are now. We sell ourselves for little gains and sacrifice, so much. For the wrong reasons.

  11. Like the picture. You look so happy so focused so confident. It is also the way you write sure of what you believe although it sometimes takes some maneuvering to get there. Waiting is a strength. Waiting is an intelligent choice as the first time happens only once. It is also an evidence of an exercised faith powered from a source that grows the more you are in the Word. Good post Good topic good example for others. I have to keep reading your posts to keep learning. Thanks. John

    • Thanks so much John! Wow, these are such kind and encouraging words. I am very touched. You’re right-there is power in the Word. That is honestly something I need to work more on πŸ™‚ thanks for stopping by and sharing this powerful perspective. Hugs and love xox

  12. Don’t read? Gimme a break, you have like 500 comments from people on every post you make, and you read and reply to all of them. You bother reading my posts sometimes, and I see you everywhere on WordPress blog posts you’ve read… sometimes I wonder if you do anything BUT read.

    • Hahah ok ok true πŸ™‚ yeah, I guess I should have clarified…BOOKS! Haha I don’t read *books!* but yes, I do tend to devour good posts on the internet πŸ™‚ thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

      • Yes it did, sometimes that’s a challenge to engage, it’s just easier to be buried in my phone. I’m working on that. I don’t take my phone everywhere now. Sometimes I leave it in the car. You’re welcome XOXO

      • Oooh leaving it in the car – that is a power move if I’ve ever seen one! I may try that–it gives me a slight wave of anxiety to think about but I’m going to try to rise to the challenge πŸ™‚ hehe Hugs and love xox

  13. It looks like you had a wonderful time. God works in mysterious ways. I am glad you took the time to speak to this woman.
    We also have something in common. I love to write but reading is not on the top of my listπŸ˜†
    I am trying to improve on this area of my life.

    • Thanks so much Pat! Yeah I had an incredible time. My bro and sis-in-law are too good to me! Haha ok if you work on that, I will too! My goal is to read a single book in the next 2 months. So by the end of May! Haha thanks for the encouragement. πŸ™‚ hope you have a wonderful evening! Hugs and love xox

  14. I have these experiences quite often..where you just know that it was divinely planned. It’s the coolest!

    • Oh Terese, that is such a kind thing to say. thank you so much πŸ™‚ You just brought a smile to MY face! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ big hugs to you! have a beautiful evening! xox

  15. I’m so glad God blessed you not only with amazing rest and pampering, but with this gift of ministering to this woman. So cool! Thank you for telling us as well!

  16. Ephesians 2:10
    For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

    Ah, Caralyn; what a wonderful moment to have! I run into situations like that from time to time, and always feels so good! Pray about having God give you eyes to see more of those. Actively seek them out. I’ve made a fool of myself a few times, but I never regret making an effort. You just never know.

    I’m glad you’re having a special time with your brother and his wife. I know that’s been on the docket for a bit. You deserve it!

    • Hey Jeff! What a powerful scripture verse — that’s another one — God speaks to us all the time in His Word, we just have to open the dang Book! haha Yes, that is a beautiful thing to pray for. Because you’re right, you never know. Thanks again, my friend. Yeah, I was just so blown away by their kindness. I am definitely counting my blessings πŸ™‚ Hope you’re having a great Tuesday! big hugs xox

    • Thank you so much πŸ™‚ You’re right == we’ve gotta love strangers just as much as we do family. For in the end, we’re all children of God – which I know sounds terribly cheesy, but it’s the truth πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by! hugs oxx

  17. Love this post for two reasons:

    1. It’s about our shared humanity, how nobody makes it alone. How we need each other and how we are just born for connections.

    2. If we just pay attention to the circumstances, the gentle whispers and nudge we will recognize God is gently patting us on our shoulders. It’s hard to give thanks for everything, but we really should- that for me is the epitome of trust.

    Thanks for this one……..

    • Thank you so much! aw, I’m glad it hit home with you. You’re right, God really is patting us on our shoulders — what a comforting image to think about πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by and for your encouragement .Big hugs to you xox

  18. I am reading a book by Squire Rushnell called “When God Winks at you.” How God speaks directly to you through the power of coincidence. He uses true stories to illustrate God’s intervention in our lives. It’s funny you would touch on this same subject. πŸ™‚

    Thanks for sharing,

  19. Dear friend

    Wonderful story and I am also happy for you and your “twin-sister” friend. It is a mutual exchange of what you both have in your hearts πŸ™‚

    These wise words: β€œThose who leave everything in God’s hands will begin to see God’s hands in everything.” – show that we are not the doers as I have written in an earlier aphorism: “The shadow thinks it is moving, but it is the light that is moving the shadow…” So God is the doer and we are His puppets on the string (not negatively meant) And if we let lose of everything, detach us from everything,attached only to Him, then we become empty and we may become conscious co-worker of the devine plan. If we surrender to Him completely we no longer swim against the tide – and all becomes easy and light…

    All good wishes

  20. Sometimes…some things are just too “coincidental” to be coincidental, ya know? “Fingers” in the coordinating “hand” of God?…yep…that’s what we are.

  21. Hi lovely!

    How awesome! Can I also recommend a book I’ve written called: “God Made Sex & He Saw That it Was Good” I too was kind of alone in my journey of waiting growing up and I write this book to encourage others and also to let them know that sex can also be fun and great when you do get married… not boring and dull as the world makes it out to be.

    I can email you an ebook copy for free x

  22. Thank you so much for sharing that!! πŸ™‚ I love it when God makes those little miracles happen, and when He decides to use my little being for His good!

  23. Excellent, i waited, 30 years for a variety of different reasons. Each being beneficial on their own merits, marrying a beautiful woman, with three kids. Very much worth the wait. We’ll be married 20 years next year.

    • Thanks for sharing this, Angelo. I’m so glad this resonated with you πŸ™‚ Wow, 20 years of marriage! congratulations, that is so beautiful and such a testimony of love πŸ™‚ hugs to you xox

  24. we read the book “Hands off this might be love” by Gila Manolson when we were dating and we practiced what it preached. We hugged, but never held hands, sat on our own sides of the couches, certainly didn’t kiss until we were married. it made things really, incredibly special. my husband had been married previously and it was a huge encouragement to me that there were no underlying things that were pushing our relationship further, you know? i think its a great read!

  25. aw I love this post <3 I'm so glad you two met up and thanks for sharing it here. I'm really struggling with my recovery from anorexia in terms of feeling attracted to men again and have been recently realising that a lot of my suffering is from the pressure I'm putting on myself to 'achieve' a relationship. Placing it in God's hands and trusting that love – IS the one thing that blossoms and that I DON'T need to force it or fake it until I'm ready. Sending you love and cherishing your honesty, courage and generosity xx Em

    • Thanks so much Em, for your kind words. I’m so sorry to hear that. Struggling is definitely part of the recovery process, because that means you’re growing in who you are πŸ™‚ You’ve said the exact right thing – place it in God’s hands. Honestly, that exact image — crawling into the Father’s arms as a little child — that was the only way I got through my recovery. There was comfort in that image for me. Hang in there, friend. Know that I am praying for you and cheering you on in your recovery! big hugs xox

      • The image of the Father and little child is really beautiful, thanks for sharing that too, I’m including you in my prayers and well-wishes too xx Em

  26. What a great telling. I always appreciate your posts. There are allot of people who just put stuff out there to have something out in the social network. I always take something away from your posts. It is a shame that we have disconnected from those around us and do not take the time to have a serious, or even casual conversation with those we run into. Who knows how many more opportunities there are out there to share your testimony, or listen to some one else’s testimony.

    • Thanks so much πŸ™‚ that really means a lot. You’re right- for as great as Apple is, it has really contributed to a free fall of in-person social engagement. So very true. Thanks for the great food for thought. Hugs and love xox

  27. This is quite possibly the best thing I’ve read all day- probably coz I was thinking of the same thing. Today sth happened, sth so unexpected and all I could think, “Well, that’s God having my back again” πŸ™‚

  28. “God is always taking care of us, giving us what we need. It may not be in the most obvious or grandiose of ways, but He’s always around…if we only take a minute and look up from our phones and interact with the people God places in our lives.”

    Love this. Thanks for this and for sharing.

  29. Good job lady! That was just what you needed to recharge yourself!

    I had to giggle though, with my kindle I have 2 or 3 books going at any one time! No books since 2006? But then you write and I get to read your stuff! So it all works out!

  30. Wonderful story of how there are no coincidences with our God; every appointment in life is an eternal one.

    Now, let me tell you what your toes reminded me of… Back in the late 80’s I let my then-girlfriend talk me into doing my nails, toenails included…and she did them in bright red. Before I left her house that evening, I made her take the pain off my fingers, but consented to allow the toes to remain red. Just a couple of days later I was involved in a very serious car accident in which I inhaled the chrome horn of my ’67 Mustang fastback (before it rolled down a hill). Guess who had to be stripped by nurses and doctors in the ER? ME!! However, I did have the presence of mind to ask one small favor: “Could you leave my socks on? My feet are cold.”

    They did. I was saved!

    • Thank you so much Anthony, for sharing this. Wow that is scary about the accident. I’m glad you were okay! But gosh what a funny twist! Thank goodness for those socks πŸ™‚ hehe Hugs and love xox

  31. Amazing Post.

    I want to trust God more in the ‘coincidences’. I want to open my heart to Him more regarding this. I was a lot more receptive before but I am opening my heart to Him again to trust that He talks to me in the most unconventional of ways. I pray that we will all be receptive to His voice and leading. God Bless You Beauty

    • Thank you so much for this thoughtful response. You’re right – He will often use unconventional ways to get to us, but He always does, one way or another, get to His children. I will join you in that prayer! And thanks for sharing my post on Twitter! you rock, my friend! hugs xox

  32. Very nice story. I enjoy your writing style and how you express yourself. I definitely think that God puts people in our paths for a reason. I don’t believe in coincidences. There’s a reason for everything and I believe He is the reason.

  33. Perfect. “God is always taking care of us, giving us what we need. It may not be in the most obvious or grandiose of ways, but He’s always around.” Yes He is always around us: We are always within Him. Blessings

  34. There is certainly more in play in life than ribbons and balls, electrical currents and automated responses. I hear a man in the church meeting I went to on Sunday mention to everyone to learn and follow the laws of the universe. I didn’t relate to how ribbons, balls, and electrical currents guide man aright. I didn’t know if that is official dogma of his religion, or…what? I prefer not to put my trust in “the universe.” I do hear more and more of people believing that way. Even Einstein was quoted to say, “God does not play dice with the universe.” Still, heavy trend toward trusting in “the universe.” I guess people could inflate a yellow balloon and trust in the air inside that balloon as to trust in “the universe.” Others term “society” as the way to go. But still, emotions, chemicals, motion response/behavior certainly is built on more than “society,” and “getting along with society” at least in my opinion. I believe the foundation is closer to what you describe in this article. Elements that are commonly missed, signs, that are unobserved by he who will not open his eyes to see or his ears to hear or his heart to understand. Thanks for the little speech toward people-ness.

  35. Thank you for sharing this story. I needed to hear something like this today. I have to confess that lately, I’ve been a bit mad at God. And then I feel guilty for feeling that way because I heard stories as of how sometimes certain things happen to us because He’s actually protecting us from something worse. I try to also remember that He can see all the pieces of the puzzle whereas us get to see only the pieces that are right in front of us.

    And I agree that we sometimes are meant to meet someone, even if it’s just for a fleeting moment. I cherish those meetings.

    Thank you again for sharing this. I know it helped me today.

    • Oh good, I’m so glad this hit home with you πŸ™‚ Thanks so much. Yeah, I have definitely been there before. You’re right — i always have to remind myself that I can only see a small piece of the puzzle. He knows what He’s doing…i just have to trust and have patience. big hugs xox

      • By the way, you have some awesome stories. I read your post about anorexia and the awareness week. You made such a compelling point about the bad timing (around Lent.) I have a cousin who was diagnosed with anorexia at the age of 9 years old and didn’t recover for about 4 years. Her body is so messed up. She’s over 30 and still looks like she’s 19. My surrogate sister suffered from anorexia, bulimia, and the nervosa kind, too. Her mother had to lock their fridge with a lock in an effort to prevent the binge periods she would have. I admire you all for overcoming those.

      • Thank you for that affirmation. Gosh, I am so sorry that this horrible disease has touched your life in those ways. It sounds like you have some warrior women in your family. You’re right – it is a tremendous feat to overcome, and I am so glad that your cousin and sister have embraced freedom. hugs xox

  36. I love how God works! You just liked my post on believing in God’s plan and presence in your life, which lead me to read this. Which is no coincidence. I’m glad your post was brought to me, because it has encouraged me so much. Thank you for you post and I can’t wait to continue reading your work πŸ™‚

  37. The Holy Spirit is amazing! And you were present enough to God and mindful enough of that moment that you were able to cooperate with His plan and recognize His work. What a blessing! I am SO encouraged by your description of His grace at work. Sometimes, we don’t get to see the fruits of our labors. We may smile at a barista and offer a friendly “hello” and never know the impact of that little interaction. Maybe it was inconsequential, and maybe it was hugely consequential. There’s no way to know all of the fruits of what happened between you and this lovely woman at the spa, but imagine all of the potential downstream effects! Even here, you are encouraging others to be open to God’s will acting in our lives, and, frankly, I really needed a spiritual pick-me-up this afternoon. Thank you! xoxo ❀️

    • The Holy Spirit is SO amazing! I really feel like I didn’t do anything special…I just all of a sudden heard that question come out of my mouth! without even thinking about it! haha I guess that really was the holy spirit! πŸ™‚ That’s so true – we often don’t get to see what that smile or kind word does. Well gosh – Lulu, YOUR kind words for me always make my heart feel so uplifted and warm. They are truly a blessing to me πŸ™‚ so thank you!! hope you’re having a great night πŸ™‚ big hugs xox

  38. As I’ve aged, I’ve tried to pay more attention to those urges to say or do something because I’ve found there is usually a reason for it. God does indeed nudge us to do things or say things because He knows what the person we are interacting needs to see or have done for them. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    • Aw, thank you so much Adam. What a kind thing to say πŸ™‚ You’re right – He knows what we all need…what a comforting thought that is! big hugs to you xox

  39. Love this! He will definitely place us in the right place at the right time to touch the right person. God bless you for asking the “crazy” question He placed in your spirit and being open to the response.

  40. Love this beautiful story– lives unexpectedly woven together. I’m waiting in a different way– putting a huge difficulty in my life in God’s hands and waiting to see him work. So I appreciate your facebook quote! Beautiful post. thanks.

  41. Coincidence or “God wink” as one of my friends would say. Coincidences are for atheists. This was a God wink. You made Jesus smile today.

  42. I’ve kind of come to the conclusion that there are coincidences and there are ‘coincidences’. The former is when we both had the same cereal for breakfast or if two people wearing the same top or tie.

    The ‘coincidences’ on the other hand, are God breathed moments of what the Celtic tradition refers to as that thin space, I think. Those moments where we come very close to God. Sounds to me like you had that latter kind of holy moment. Very cool.

  43. Okay, I absolutely loved your story. It’s true! God’s hands are in everything. He made a special day for you a phenomenal day! So awesome. Also, could not stop watching that gif of the girl falling in the pool. Omg. That was the best.

  44. Such a cute story! It helps so much when we know that we’re not alone on our journeys! And you’re so right, God always gives us what we need when we truly need it.
    Good stuff, per usual! πŸ™‚

  45. Great read….well written. A) what a lovely gesture from your loved ones & B) how lucky are we that we are afforded the luxury of enjoying other people’s company and delving into the lives of strangers xxx

  46. Beautiful story. Not only did you help this woman not to feel so alone by empathizing with her but you showed a geniune interest in her as a person.

  47. Like meeting over this blog! I truly believe God placed your blog In my path as a sense of comfort and inspiration. ❀ blessings always !

  48. I love coincidences like this, I find it so uplifting when when you meet someone for the first time but find a deep connection.

  49. Wow!!! I LOVE this article and that whole outlook!!! And I LOVE when those kind of “God-things” happens!!!! Thanks for sharing this 😊

  50. It happens so infrequently β€” almost seeming like a lucky moment β€” when there are two individuals who suddenly find something to talk about and connect. It is always a very pleasant and satisfying experience.

  51. It’s the same throughout the Bible – everyday interactions with people: the woman at the well, teaching in the synagogue, a dinner with friends aka the Last Supper. Even a walkabout with the Savior opened Him and the disciples up to tiny miracles daily.

  52. Amen.

    On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 3:59 PM, BeautyBeyondBones wrote:

    > beautybeyondbones posted: “It’s kind of funny…scrolling through Facebook > has become, almost a bit of a luxury here recently. Before, in NYC, it was > just another time killer when I was bored or waiting for the subway. But > here in Ohio, it’s an extravagance if I have a free 3 minutes” >

  53. I loved this post! Thank you so much for sharing! Loved the lady walking in the swimming pool with her phone…LOL! That was hilarious πŸ™‚

    I’ve recently been reading through the book of Esther in the Bible and studying up on Purim–the holiday that resulted from those event–and one of the big themes is how God is working in our lives behind the scenes, unseen, working through what seems to be lots of “happenstance” situations and events. It’s really changed the way I look at my life and what happens in it. Like you said, seeing God’s hand in everything. Causes me to be grateful for such a good God! Thank you so much for sharing! Just goes to show that God’s revealing that to more than just me πŸ™‚

    • Thank you os much!! hahaha, yeah that gif made me chuckle too πŸ™‚ Esther! You know, I’ve had it on my “to do” list to read Esther for years but have never gotten around to it. this is officially my invitation to get off my bum and read it!! Yes! God’s hand is in everything! thanks for stopping by and for the great encouragement! hugs xox

  54. wanted to share. A friend was at church last sunday, and met a gentleman who is recovering from a recent stroke. As they talked, he told my friend about a song he loves that is helping with his recovery. Given church, stroke, recovery and women I respect, this is too close to you not to share!

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