Retinas Burning — Eclipse 2K17

What did the moon bring to the beach on August 21?




So who saw the eclipse??

In true Caralyn fashion, I….didn’t.

I waited until two hours before to realize that I had to have special glasses to safely look at it, and the low key hypochondriac in me freaked out that I for sure was going to go blind if I glanced at the sun without them.


So, I just experienced the darkness shift from my jogging route in lower Manhattan.



I’m not going to lie, the whole hubbub over the eclipse was kind of fascinating.

I mean, you’d think the sky was going to open up and start raining iPhone 8’s from the hype this solar event was getting.

But what really intrigued me though, was how it seemed like, overnight, everyone became an armchair astrologer. And no, that was not a rookie word slip. I meant astrologer…as in the zodiac signs or whatever they are. Leo…Gemini…Cancer…blah blah blah.

And forgive me if you’re “into” horoscopes, but to be blunt…I just don’t buy into that crap. And frankly, I stay away from it with a 10 foot pole. My mother always warned me never to flirt with stuff that wasn’t “from God.”

But I mean, people are really getting into the repercussions of this solar eclipse. How, like, it could mean the rise or fall of a dictator. How, it can bring about certain aggressive or dominant traits in certain astrological signs. Heck, some people are speculating that there even could be more babies conceived today, as the eclipse causes a stirring in one’s loins….err…soul. 

Ugh…give me a frickin’ break.


But basically, the overall theme among these said, “expert” astrologists, was that the act of the moon blocking out the sun — blocking out the light — thus allowing darkness to cover the earth, brought about a lot of “doom and gloom” theories.

As I was reading about what the eclipse actually was – with the moon coming between us and the sun, I couldn’t help but think about the other “sun” in my life. The “Son” with an “o” and a “Capital ‘S.’”

That’s right…Jesus.

But I started thinking about what in my life was coming between me and the Son. What was blocking my view of Him.

And people, if you’ve never sat down and had that conversation with yourself, well…let’s just say it’s not a very fun thing to think about.

I thought about a lot of different “blockers” — everything from busyness, to anger, to social media — but there was one thing that stood out above the rest.


Pride is the biggest thing in my life that gets in-between me and the Son.

I mean, everything in my life can be boiled down to my struggle with pride. Right down to the anorexia in my past.

Proverbs 16:18 “Pride comes before destruction.”

Yeah…that pretty much sums it up.

But the more I thought about it, literally everything in life that I struggle with is an offspring of pride.

Not accepting forgiveness from Jesus — that’s pride that my sin is greater than the Cross.

Being judgmental or harshly critical of others — even just in my thoughts. — sneaky pride.

Refusing advice or guidance from others — pride.

Being overly concerned about looks or clothing or hair or outward appearance, or friend groups or other “status-y” things — pride.

Literally every bad thing in my life comes from pride.

So what’s a slightly-neurotic-when-it-comes-to-sun-safety girl to do? How does one eradicate pride?


That’s the million dollar question.

Well, humility is the opposite of pride, but adopting a spirit of humility is not something that you can just non-chalantly incorporate into your life…like bangs. Or a new Instagram aesthetic.

Turns out humility takes practice. It takes work.

And our greatest example of humility is Jesus on the cross.

So that’s where it has to begin: Contemplating the Cross. The gift. And what brought Him there.

Because when I realize that all the crap I’ve done —  All the sassy things I’ve thought in my head. All the self-centered decisions or preoccupations. My eating disorder. — When I realize that all of those things — that I’m personally responsible for — were the nails on that Cross, it kind of puts me in my place.

So that’s the answer I have for now.

The answer is always Jesus.

Hope you didn’t burn your retinas today.

If you need me, I’ll be spending the next hour looking up eclipse photos and waiting for the next dictator to rise.

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214 responses to “Retinas Burning — Eclipse 2K17”

  1. Just want to say I love reading your posts. Love the voice you’ve found in your writing. When I read them, I’m usually sitting in my favorite local coffee place and I imagine you’re sitting across from me just talking. Can’t wait for the next!

  2. Pastor, file this one away for your future sermon/message notes! You have written a very honest and humble testimony! You are awemazing, the further you go on your walk of faith! Prayers for you and your family and hi to your Mom! It will be some time before anyone will eclipse what you have shared here today!

  3. Always a pleasure! Thanks for thoughts and openness. The event was one very much worth enjoying amid ‘Family’ (whoever that may entail.) God willing, you will be able to catch the next…projected to cross your path around 2024.

  4. hehehe I didn’t even know there was an eclipse. I noticed it got shady but the sun was still out, and it cooled a little bit but again, it was still “sunny” God blessed me by not being curious enough to look up and see what was going on or I might have burned my retinas 😉 He is always looking out for me. 😉 I read about it in a blog later this afternoon, and when hubby called on his way home, he asked if I saw it. Nope, it happened without a clue on my part. :):)

    Made me wonder if it isn’t the “hype” that causes all these other side effects from the eclipse. Our words and belief are strong things, the Bible says so :):) If everyone is saying there will be more babies, a dictator, and all the other things you listed, well, we say it enough, and believe it, wouldn’t that cause it to come true 😉

    Getting the things that are blocking you from the Son are always a great idea. Nothing is better than a clear unobstructed view of our Saviour :):) love and hugs xoxo

  5. Not accepting forgiveness from Jesus — that’s pride that my sin is greater than the Cross.

    — I love this quote of yours!! I shared it on my facebook and I plan to add it to my quote book I have 🙂

  6. Thank you for this post! It is a fresh way of looking at this eclipse day! Practicing humility is definitely something that takes time! I struggled with what was blocking me from spending prayer time with Jesus and it was definitely my pride in thinking that God doesn’t answer my prayers. In reality, He does but in ways that I can never imagine! XOXOX

    • Thanks so much Damaris! You’re right – humility is definitely something I have to work on too. So true! In ways that are BETTER than we could imagine! Hugs and love xox

  7. First, thanks for reading my blog about the eclipse on Saturday! Check out the article that Dave Reavis linked to in his comment. EXTREMELY interesting article about how the darkness at the Crucifixion could not possibly have been an eclipse.

    Today in Memphis? Cloudy! No viewing on my end of town! I do remember a very impressive eclipse when I was in grade school. We were all terrified to look anywhere but down! My dad had a huge telescope; he could read tailfin numbers of jetliners at altitude! He also had a small projection screen that he could mount beneath the eyepiece to watch the eclipse on. Fun times!

    As for the meat of your article, I have comments waiting for you at Patreon!

  8. I read this quote today, Benevolence is between our pride. Honestly, it puzzled me until reading this post and your eclipse example. Dr. Schweitzer said once, find a path and the stones remain. Stones, don’t remove themselves because you found your way.

    All of us want to believe in something. Even atheists.

    It’s quiet on the farm in Minnesota. I was able to read today.

      • Maybe pride as in self worth is needed more for your, job. Than mine.

        When I was small. We would name professions and say ‘can’t’, I think it was ingrained in us to be lacking in self worth. Although, not many escape poverty. It’s why it’s always there.

        I remember Jesus as this poor guy with great ideas. Unsure of the world for a long time. Even, at his death. He could have condemned us all and just started over. His dad was God. That may have pride to do to us what we do to each other.

      • This is such a powerful perspective. thank you for sharing that Kenzie. you’re right – Jesus was the ultimate example of humility. Hugs and love xox

      • I agree. Entertainment is a hard path to be free from pride. Entirely.
        I delete most of what I create on Mondays at midnight. Why take space from others more relevant?

        We don’t get showers that often where I work. It’s these harsher conditions of the four million of us. That allow for so many to enjoy the conveniences of modern life.

        It wasn’t always like this. I really liked wearing fitted Dior and Bruno Magli made an excellent loafer. I live in the other America, now.

      • Wouldn’t pride be less of a sin as it is so prominent in our American culture today? As our leaders show less remorse for others. Even the lost. The need to be just a little bit better than, anyone else. Does not build community.

  9. You missed the eclipse too? Hahaha…lol. I was waiting for the sky to get all dark on the West Coast when someone walked in and told me – “Hey Ish’…did you see the eclipse?” Yeah right! She was right. Anyway…love the post. Its all about Jesus. Yes, Jesus…I know….Ana just told us its about you. You both – you are somethin else.

    • Thanks so much! Haha nice! Yeah I did actually see it for a second. I was walking home and asked a guy if I could look through his glasses for a second. Haha I like making friends lol Hugs and love xox

  10. I love this. Pride and humility. So true. It reminds me of a quote I have been pondering a lot lately, “The soul does not grow by addition but by subtraction.” – Meister Eckhart

    How does one become humble? Surrender and letting God subtract from us that which stands between us.

    Good thoughts, as always. Peace friend.

  11. I was at work and didnt get those eclipse glasses so I grabbed a welding helmet. Didn’t get to see the full eclipse but saw it before and after it hit. Too much cloud cover was blocking the sun at the time.

    Didnt see a huge change of darkness to light, was a bit darker than normal but seen Thunderstorm clouds block out more light. Did cool off quite a bit though during the eclipse.

  12. Pride. It’s a delicate area, I guess. I wonder whether fear of judgement is deeper. I think we can know our own weakeness, and also, work to be positive.
    Pride can also mean a consciousness of one’s own dignity.

    And from another perspective, pride comes up in storied Biblical Christian theology. It’s an important topic. To be brief, the church (as a people) is in a stable place.

  13. You’re on it!
    I didn’t watch the eclipse either, (I was busy with…life!) and I too stay away from astrology!
    Keep looking to THE SON, and as my mama always said, “If it ain’t written in red, don’t let your soul be fed!”
    Love your positivity!

  14. A very insightful analogy on thinking about today’s eclipse that has taken place, despite it being for a little while. You’ve given me another view on how to figure out and think of the question: Is there something within my own life blocking me from Jesus, His Word, and can I eliminate and get rid of these nuisances?

    I, too, was one that has not watched or looked up to see the eclipse due to hearing the safety rules in regards for having the proper glasses. We’ve watched on our news stations of how some people gathered together, and despite not following the rules, they still had taken pictures with their cameras and even were looking up at it. I just hope that they are all doing okay and their phones and cameras hadn’t messed up their systems.

    Thank you for sharing your point-of-view with us in regards for the astrological signs as well. I’ll admit that when I was younger, I used to follow its weekly advice, but as I have grown and matured in learning about the Son of God, I’m glad that I don’t deal with that anymore as well. Not only is it misleading in someone’s life, but it’s also is information that is not From God but a barrier foothold against God.


  15. Another great post Caralyn. Your perspective on so many things, if not all you write, certainly appears to be given and guided by the Holy Spirit of God. This is noted because Scripture tells us that the main emphasis of the Spirit of God is to Glorify the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
    You are an important vessel and conduit of His, I thank you, appreciate you, respect you, honour you, love you as you minister our Lord Jesus Christ, His Love and Salvation.
    Trusting Mom and Dad are doing well, and you also.
    God’s Blessings Caralyn,
    Luv, 😀⚘❤

  16. Great read! Pride is something that most of us struggle with in some fashion or another. Sadly, most don’t even realize it. On a side note, watch out for the next total eclipse in 2024. You will be closer to it then anyway.

  17. Actually, the simple fix to see the eclipse without special glasses (courtesy of The Weather Channel) was the set your cellphone for a selfie and look at the sun on the cellphone screen, positioning the sun over your shoulder behind you.

    The eclipse was a much needed break in a year that has had a constant drumbeat of depressing news. A lot of people needed this.

  18. Today I saw God’s eye in the sky. I was in the totality zone for the Eclipse. With glasses on I watched in awe as our Father pushed the moon in front of the sun. The darkness came and it was eerily surreal. I couldn’t help but think about how God placed His Son in front of the world. How His gift of Jesus is so brilliant in the darkness. He gave us the eclipse today – the sun and moon in perfect alignment to perform this beautiful sight. I’m in awe of His ability to move us, to just simply place beauty in front of us so we see Him in everything. When the moon started to pass over the sun and the brilliant white light peaked through, my heart just skipped a beat. I assure you His beauty was seen today, and I am overwhelmed by the brilliance of this peak of sun after darkness. There is beauty to be found in the darkness – it is in finding the brilliance in His light.
    The heavens declared Gods glory today; the arch of the sky makes clear the works of His hands. Psalm 191:1

  19. Seriously, though. You’d think humanity had never made it through other eclipses since they didn’t have social media to warn them. I watched it get dark, but I guess we didn’t get much totality, but lo and behold, I wasn’t raptured like a chunk of my Newsfeed suggested I might be. (Imagine that—I guess no man really does “know the day or hour”).
    I totally agree—sitting down to analyze what gets between us and God is especially sucky; it’s like admitting you’re not nearly as far ahead as you thought you were. I know for me, fear tends to get in the way, and I’ve spent the better part of the last year watching God reveal things to me and then gently wiping away the fear that’s been covering me for so long. Don’t get me wrong—it’s been a real struggle most days, but I’ve always thought it’s so beautiful that God loves us too much to leave us where we are.

    Also, if you’re looking for a dictator, I hear the Fire Nation can only be attacked during the eclipse, so maybe we should be looking for the Avatar instead. 😉

    • Thanks so much for this thoughtful response! Amen – it is so beautiful how God loves us 🙂 thanks for stopping by! I’ll keep an eye out for that Fire Nation! Hugs and love xox

  20. Very well said. Humility, yes, the most powerful antidote to pride. Even if I were not a Christian, I would have a hard time finding a better role model for it than Jesus saying, “Father God, forgive them, for they know not what they do,” while hanging on a cross.
    Too bad you missed the eclipse. I tried to brush up as much as I could on how it happens and why, so call me an armchair astronomer. All that astrology stuff, was that a New York thing? Cause I didn’t hear any of it. But if it makes you feel better, in my “expert” opinion, if you had any doubts about your glasses, you did the right thing not to look.

    • Thanks so much David. I know – His last moments on earth were just the epitome of humility. What a glorious example we have. So glad you enjoyed today’s events! Hugs and love xox

  21. So your mother is a smart woman…. I see that you are liking my blog posts. Thank you…. I have but one question. Do I blush first and than send you monopoly money for your support or do i send you monopoly money first and blu9 afterwards?

  22. Caralyn, so you made me laugh (out loud) “If you need me, I’ll be spending the next hour looking up eclipse photos and waiting for the next dictator to rise.” I didn’t watch it either – though I had glasses 🙂 And now that helps you get a better glimpse into my head. Fear. And well the 4 complete strangers I’d just acquired as friends who I was busily entertaining awaiting the “totality” moment on my back deck. Yep, I decided it was way more fun to photograph them and their kids watching it — I’m going to blog about it so you’ll see their sweet little family. Yep, today I was with you, Sista — this little girl aint going blind — nope, nope, nope 🙂

  23. Maybe it’s just me, but it seemed like for one day, this country came together to witness something that’s far greater than our arbitrary differences. People gathered, celebrated in a common experience, and all seemed good. That alone was nothing short of a divine act.

    Naturally, I missed it, too. 😀 But I did watch the reports on the Science Channel, and it was truly magnificent.

    Your tying it all back to Christ and our relationship with Him, however, was on point and is definitely something for all of us to consider.

    • Wow, Doc. this was so beautiful. you’re so right – it was a beautiful breath of fresh air. ahh, what a little bit of positivity can do. i could get used to it, that’s for sure. thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  24. Great post as usual. We watched it, it was our first day back to school so we had eclipse day. It was fun and provided a great opportunity to refresh the kiddo on all we had studied in astronomy last spring. To discuss the difference between astrology Satan’s twisting of God’s creation and message in the stars vs. astronomy which is the biblical study of the heavens. You know how I like to tie everything together with Scripture so we looked at several key verses in Genesis, Job, the Gospels and Revelation. For instance:
    And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years:  Genesis 1:14
    The first purpose God gives us for the lights in the heavens (sky) is as signs, which in the original Hebrew is the word ‘owth, which means sign, token,ensign,miracle, or mark. It helps keep us from being misled by Satan’s deceptions or man’s misunderstandings when we truly dig into the Word on a subject, going back to the original languages for clarification when needed. You mentioned astrology and the zodiac not being the things of God which is true but studying or looking at the stars which were created by God as we learn a couple verses later.

    And God made the two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.  Genesis 1:16

    Since God didn’t make any thing bad the stars aren’t bad, only the twisting of their God given meaning is. For instance the zodiac as you mentioned in Hebrew is the Mazzaroth and is entirely Biblical. God himself mentions it in Job.

    Canst thou bind the cluster of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season? or canst thou guide the Bear with her train? Job 38:31-32

    In fact studying creation astronomy this past spring we realized that those stars and constellations mentioned here in Job, which is the oldest book in the Bible, Job was a contemporary of Abraham some 400+ years before Moses wrote the Pentateuch, and the stars tell a glorious story, the story of Christ Jesus. Every one of the 12 major constellations of the Mazzaroth tells of Him from Virgo the virgin (symbolizing Mary his mother and the nation of Israel) to Leo the lion, from the first sign to the last God placed a picture book of the redemption plan in the sky for us to see on the 4th day of creation! It was ole Slewfoot, the Deceiver, who twisted the story to try and make it about man, not our sweet Savior, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Lamb who was slain for our sins. Don’t be afraid to look up Caralyn, even Jesus himself said to look up that there would be signs.saying to

    But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads; because your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:28
    And there shall be signs in sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, in perplexity for the roaring of the sea and the billows;  Luke 21:25

    We looked at many other verses pointing to God telling us to look to the heavens rightly, focusing on Jesus and His story written in the sky but my 2 favorites come from Psalms and Revelation.

    The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.  Psalms 19:1
    And a great sign was seen in heaven; a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars;  Revelation 12:1

    Studying astronomy from a biblical starting point led our family to the truth that God placed the sun, moon, and stars (including the wandering stars we now call planets) to point every person who has ever lived to His Son, to tell the story of Salvation to all for all time.

    When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;  Psalms 8:3
    He telleth the number of the stars; he giveth them all their names.  Psalms 147:4
    Psalms 19:2-4  Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.  3  There is no speech nor language; their voice cannot be heard.  4  Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,

    All of God’s creation was created very good, it all points us back to Him to give Him glory to tell us of His Son! Glorify God, seek His word my dear sister in Christ then look up and see that God is good and merciful to put the story of grace and forgiveness of sin in the one place and in the on form the entire world though all time has been able to see.

  25. Oh my dear friend (= I’m sorry but you are talking about a myth. Paul–you know, the guy that wrote a good chunk of the letters making up the New Testament–he wrote the church in Rome that he was convinced that nothing could separate us from the love of God–specifically, the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. Not life or death, not good or fallen angels, no creature, no power or distance. (Romans 8) There is no eclipsing Jesus!! <3 Halelujah.

    But I know where you're coming from. I know exactly where. Because the curse of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil–the feeding from which religion would perpetuate in the name of knowing how to do right by defining wrong–that tree tells us this lie that we have to do something to be like God; it has always given us an imagined eclipse and made us enemies with God in our minds but not in reality and Jesus broke that curse over his bleeding back so that we would never have to live eclipsed ever again! Halelujah!!!

    Because as Hebrews says, Jesus’ sacrifice was a one-time occurrence and by it he made everyone perfect (Hebrews 10:12-14) and I’m not gonna say nobody has problems but I am gonna say Caralyn Jesus made you perfect on that cross; you’re a beautiful mess but your identity is exactly who he created and there is not a thing in the world you have to do to not be blocked or to get unblocked from Jesus because you can’t get any more uneclipsed than to have died in his death, raised in his resurrection, and now live his life. Selah.

    So not to undermine your blog but… (: Jesus lives in you. He isn’t concerned about a little pride because he already knows you are his and you have all eternity to grow in–I don’t say into–his image. So don’t worry about anything; there’s nothing but to gaze on the face of your unveiled lover and rest in his embrace <3

    • Thanks for this, Carson. You’re so right — there are distractions, but nothing can ever eclipse Jesus! That’s so important to remember. Thanks for such encouraging words. It really means a lot. Hugs and love xox

      • You’re welcome – glad it was encouraging (: and don’t you forget it!

        Alright so I must admit I was somewhat fueled by your previous post which I also just read and I know you already know but there was never a point where Jesus thought you were a worse person for your story; he knows it, he wrote it, he adored you through it, there was never an eclipse then either, ever, he’s so in love with you my friend <3

  26. Ouch. Now I have to think about what is coming between me and my relationship with God.
    After reading this and your “Aliens” post from a couple weeks ago, I realize that I allow my time and my thoughts to be filled with a lot of things I just don’t need. (No, I’m not an alien fan, haha.) But if we don’t fill our minds with the right things (God and his instructions for life), then the rest of the world really will block our path to him.

  27. I’ve never been into horoscopes either, although my mom was a teenager in the 60s and has always been into that somewhat. She says I’m a very stereotypical Leo and she’s a very stereotypical Virgo, although I think those traits are vague enough that if you look hard enough, you can find them in anyone. However, I’ve heard somewhere that Leos and other Leos don’t make good partners/significant others/etc., and the three exes that hurt me were all Leos, interestingly enough.

    The other part of this post seemed to match a conversation I had with my new pastor and his wife yesterday. I think that’s God trying to tell me something. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    (The sun was about 77% covered for me. All of our classes were held outside during the period when the sun was most covered, and the students all got eclipse glasses.)

  28. Also, the humble thing is perfected over time with practice, like a really great piano piece. One note at a time over a long time. And before you know it… mastery!! It is more of Jesus and less of us is all. You got this (because God does)!!! 😄😄😄❤😙

  29. Lovely work my dear. I just got back from a road trip with my youngest to see the eclipse in totality in Lathrop MO. That’s about a six-hour drive from where I live, without traffic haha that turned into 9 on the way home. Self/Pride
    One must come to grips that it interferes with communion with Christ. imho that comes by grace and I cannot be rid of self without the help of the Spirit in my life and the realization that I am nothing without Him. Christ’s soldiers are the broken who have overcome with Faith in Him, Prayer to Him, Meditation on Him and action in Communion with Him

  30. Love this! It pretty much confirms what my husband and I were talking about on Monday. Also, thinking of how God created the sky, the stars and moon for signs, led me to ask the question; “What is He telling us? What does the eclipse mean?” Just like the 4 blood moons had a biblical meaning and prophetic message from God, I believe so does this eclipse. ((people can call me crazy, but God did create such things to communicate, too.))

    I love your bluntness. ❤

  31. In case nobody else has said this, there’s an eclipse when Jesus dies on the Cross. I wish you’d mentioned that in your piece about him as our Sun. Read the passage & remind yorself! BUT that does NOT mean that the amateur astrologers are right to see it as marking anything every time there is one … just people getting into a mode they’ll get out of, a throw-back to when the Universe hadn’t been studied so much, and when there had to be an explanation for weird natural phenomena…

    • Hi MariHoward! thanks so much for this response! You’re right – the period of darkness after His death definitely was a sign from God and His way of communicating with us. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  32. Caralyn you have really come so far on your journey, and in a way you are growing all of us who follow your blog. We all have our issues of pride whether we like to admit it or not and I know that true humility will only come to us when we hand over our lives completely to His agenda. In short when we say an unequivocal “Yes” to Jesus.

  33. When I was outside with my wife yesterday at the moment of totality at 1:31 PM central time for 1 minute and 51.3 seconds, I felt closer to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit than any other time during my 73 years on His earth. Watching daylight turn to darkness, feeling the drop in temperature and seeing a 360 degree sunset all around us was so moving. It was God’s way of showing us his power and his mercy. He was telling us that everything would be OK, that He was there for us and that we are all His children. It was an experience that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

  34. Within the context of your post, people’s pride seems to keep them from seeing that all the nonsense predictions, fears, etc are simply the ‘modern’ version of all the superstitious nonsense that has surrounded events like this for thousands of years. Humanity laughs at “the ancients” for their beliefs, but straight faced accept the possibility of a new dictator or whatever other rubbish you read.

  35. Social media is the greatest source of the menace of pride that the world has ever faced. I guess that sounds dramatic, but people are constantly on their phones, using FB, Twitter, Snapchat… the list goes on, but the reason is comparison. People are constantly comparing themselves to others, to their friends, to people they admire, and worst of all to so called celebrities.

    It isn’t healthy and it is making people depressed and anxious. We have seen an explosion of anxiety disorders in the last 20 years. Is it coincidence that this is how long the internet has been in large scale use? Or is it that there are more cases being reported? Given the poor state of the worlds mental health services, I would say its the former. Thanks for another thought-provoking post Caralyn.

    • thanks for this, Rich! you’re right – social media can definitely be an obstacle to the Father. i need to check my social media involvement – it can be little much. thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  36. I took a photo in midtown NYC that shows what looks like a crescent moon in a group of clouds. My mother and brother watched the eclipse in the Idaho mountains. They sat in a filed, wearing eclipse glasses. Everything became almost like night at 11 am. They saw a thin orange outline where the sun was and the sky was full of stars–and planets!

  37. Your posts always pull at me.

    Reading this was like a huge slap upside the head – one I’m getting used to, lately, as I examine the way I have been living my life and realizing what more I need to do. This past Sunday was a big step, personally, for me as I went to mass and have not done that in quite some time. I let pride get in my way of seeking out Jesus to be in my life.

    As I begin the endeavor on my own blog, I have come to recognize that pride has been my biggest downfall and I am starting to realize that feelings of entitlement went along with that pride – so the moon and a few clouds, metaphorically, blocked my own relationship with the Son. I am trying a new look at life and trying to accept life on life’s own terms, but rely on Jesus to guide me through life in stead of assuming I’m such an expert in all things…

    I appreciate you and God bless you for your perspective on life.

    • thanks so much 🙂 i’m so glad it resonated with you. yeah pride is definitely something that I think everyone has to deal with in one way or the other. Hugs and love xox

  38. Wow, what a great post! I attempted to watch the eclipse through a homemade cereal box but saw nothing special but light. I agree with you, I don’t buy into the crap either, it’s best to follow God. 😎💗

    • thanks so much! yeah i was going to try to make one of those boxes too, but I just decided to watch the events unfold on Facebook instead haha thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  39. Greeting from Saint Louis which was kind of the epicenter of the hysteria. The world didn’t end, the traffic snarls that were predicted didn’t materialize, and life has returned to normal.

    I like your thoughts on the eclipse. Good work. I’d like to add, just imagine what the people at the crucifixion must have felt. They didn’t know that an eclipse was coming, or what an eclipse even was. All they knew was that they had just killed a guy who said He was the Son of God, and now the sky went dark. As far as they knew, the sun was never coming back. Talk about scared!

    Then, for good measure, God threw an earthquake into the mix. They must have been terrified! They probably had second thoughts about that whole “Crucify Him” business

  40. I was at work during the eclipse. I was in the 2nd-floor parking lot and all I could see was the San Francisco fog. So I went inside and lo and behold all 6 store managers were leaving the loading dock. Apparently, I was just in the wrong part of the building.


  41. Hi! Thanks for dropping by! The eclipse was 90% where I live, and I barely noticed – I thought the light seemed a little eerie for a bit, like gauze across a lightbulb, making the edges of trees and stones waver with shadow, even as the rest of the day seemed so normal, just toned down, like a badly photoshopped version of my garden.

    Then I looked at the sun, because I’m smart.

    As a child, on car rides across country I used to stare at the sun, watch brilliant lines of intense jewelled light chase each other around the dazzling circle in the sky. I’m lucky I didn’t do permanent damage to myself back then, my eyes were young enough to recover, I suppose!

    I can still see today, so I didn’t look too long hopefully, not long enough to see those shining lines again, anyway.

    All the best to you and your readers.

  42. Great post! And I love your conclusion: Jesus! It’s all about Him. Jesus is the answer! Pride is the root of all sin — that is why satan fell. We all have to fight back the temptation to fall into pride. I have a family member who also used to have an eating disorder but she is doing great now and has raised a beautiful family.

  43. Great article! I love the way you can go from silly and light-hearted into something so powerful and pure. Jesus is the Way , the Truth and the Life that’s for sure and you made total sense of the whole thing. To see through the Eyes of God is to see humanity as Christ sees humanity. With unconditional love.

  44. One of my favorite things about the eclipse was the togetherness that came about. My friend/lyricist said it best “The great thing about today was the nation came together for something positive. Goes to show what happens when you look to the heavens.” For a couple of moments it did not matter who we were, what we did, or where we came from. We were all experiencing an AWE moment together.

    To be honest I missed the eclipse. I went to an American Idol audition and was totally distracted. Am I a bad person now? ha.


  45. And you brought us to the thought pricking junction of whether it should be the ‘sun’ or the ‘Son’. That is a stroke of masterpiece, lady BBB. Well done, ma’am.

    It is quite disturbing to the scriptural induced sanity of my mind to apprehend the fact that man would rather get enraptured in a monstrous fascination of a physical phenomenon than an adorable expectation of the given Son. A clamour for the creature in the stead of the Creator. Shame!

    Of course the eclipse was an awe inspiring spectacle, but how I wish creatures, made in the likeness and the image of Him, who is the great I AM, will use their free moral agency, and perform an ‘eyes up’ to Jesus Christ -the King of kings & LORD of lords- once in a while!

    But I know why man wouldn’t dream of it.

    Since that day, when Lucifer presented a homophonic ‘sun’ to Cain in replacement of the only, worthy of worship, ‘Son’, Satan had established his ‘god of this world’ hegemonic worship.

    “Let thy kingdom come,” I believe, is the prayers owe the world. Amen!!

  46. Great post, Caralyn. Thank you for being a light in the darkness. I am encouraged and motivated by your sense of evangelism! Keep up the great work. High fives to you 🙂

  47. Hi BBB,

    Right. Gotta love Romans 12. Great little nuggets of truth that knock out the pride, self, etc. Have a great week,


    On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 4:00 PM, BeautyBeyondBones wrote:

    > beautybeyondbones posted: “What did the moon bring to the beach on August > 21? Sunblock hehehe So who saw the eclipse?? In true Caralyn fashion, > I….didn’t. I waited until two hours before to realize that I had to have > special glasses to safely look at it, and the low key hy” >

  48. Ana. You know that feeling you have when you can’t wait for christmas day to go find your gifts. Well, its happening to me. Its difficult waiting for BLOOM. Can I buy your proof copy or buy and read an e-version? I am serious

  49. I really appreciate that you always bring it back to what Christ did for us. We are forgiven and set free. No #firstworldproblems or age old dilemmas can dim that.

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