I cannot believe that I’m about to say this, but…



Bloom: A Journal by BeautyBeyondBones


Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that the scared, sick, hopeless little girl at inpatient would tell her story one day. But here were are folks. Ten years, one irresponsibly honest blog, and 30,000 followers later. I’m sharing my story.

But this book is not just your normal, cover to cover book. It’s interactive. We’re embarking on the blooming process together: you and me.


And the best way for me to explain, is to just share the preview:

Bloom: A Journal by BeautyBeyondBones takes the reader on a motivating and inspiring journey inside the mind of a young woman trapped in the cycle of anorexia, and through the raw and often painful journey to new life.

Designed as an interactive, three-month daily journal with room to write, Caralyn shares the Scripture verses and quotes that were the most powerful in her own recovery from anorexia.

She weaves in dramatic entries from her own journal kept during inpatient treatment, while offering present day reflections on these daily entries – ten years later as a healthy and thriving young woman.

And she provocatively concludes each day with introspective questions meant to challenge the reader to deeper transformation.

She speaks to the heart of the matter in words that she “wished she would have heard.”

A must-read and useful tool for sufferers and their loved ones alike.

Now is the time to bloom.

When I went away to inpatient, one of my best friends (who I went to Iceland with!) gave me a beautiful journal. She had handwritten, on the top of each page, a quote about friendship.

Little did I know that her gift would change my life. As that journal became the catalyst for my healing.

Picking up a pen and writing was the most healing thing I have ever done. For by putting my thoughts down on paper, I was validating them. For the first time, I was allowing myself to feel, and I gave my emotions a voice.


And I wrote in that journal multiple times every single day. Every fear. Every triumph. Every dream for the future. It became an extension of my soul, and a beacon of who I wanted to be.

And so I wanted to give this gift to others.


But this time, instead of quotes about friendship, I went through and hand selected the Scripture that really spoke to me. The ones that truly changed my perspective, changed my recovery. For I clung to these verses and relied on them for strength and hope and courage. These are the verses that healed me. 

This journal is meant for everyone. Yes, it will be the most specifically meaningful for someone struggling with an eating disorder or addiction – or who are in recovery – and their loved ones. But it also offers incredible insight for those navigating the challenges of life too.


It is my deepest prayer that it moves in your heart, and deepens and guides your transformation process, as I hope it does. You all have been so incredibly loving and accepting of me as I’ve “bloomed” – albeit publicly on the internet – that I wanted to give back. You’ve walked with me along my journey, Bloom is a way for me to walk with you and be with you every step of the way along your path, too.

With deepest gratitude and love,


Click here to order your copy!


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@beauty.beyond.bones – Instagram




A big thank you to my new sponsor, BetterHelp Online Therapy.  Speak with an online therapist. Or check out content about eating disorders from BetterHelp.

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604 responses to “MY BOOK LAUNCH!”

  1. Pastor, so very very proud of you! First the book then the movie! Congratulations and prayers for you touching so many lives!

  2. Congrats! this is wonderful news!! All the best with your book!!!! This is the beginning of a new cycle in your life!!

  3. I am thrilled for you!!! You are the PERFECT person to write this. Recovery is tough. I’ve watched you over the past few years and have been so impressed with how you’ve worked within it.

    You go, girl!

  4. Congratulations! I am so happy for you and so proud of you! You have come so far and are an inspiration to all of us. You deserve this and I predict that it will be a best seller! Hugs & Love xoxo 🙂 <3

  5. I’m extremely proud of you and I love reading your blog. I know your book and you will be a great success. Keep writing, keep healing. Big ♡ from Australia

  6. Congratulations, that is awesome!! Who knows how many lives you will help transform into what they were born to be!!

  7. Congratulations! From your previous post, looks like you had a great time in Iceland! And good job finishing your book. It’s easy to start projects, especially writing projects, and never finish. Always wondering and editing. 🙂 Best wishes in the future; will there be a sequel? hahaha.

  8. Congratulations on the release of the book! What an exciting time for you. I’m sure lots of hard work putting it together (maybe even a little blood, sweat and tears too) . . . but it will help so many others through difficult times. So very happy for you Caralyn! Happy to see your perseverance, honesty and kindness rewarded. Please keep us loyal blog readers posted on how it does. I’m sure it will go over great. Can’t wait to read it and try out the journal. By the way, what a great book title, so very appropriate. Congratulations again on your book and the success of the blog. Most important, congratulations on your recovery and good health. God bless you and all the best!

  9. That’s wonderful! What a thoughtful gift for your friend to give you. I’m so glad that was how the journal entries you shared came to be. I think your book’s title is perfect! 🙂 Congrats, again!!!

  10. Amazing 🙂 What is a miracle? A miracle is just a shift in perception from fear to love. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. You are the visible proof that such an inner transformation is possible. This is the greatest of all miracles. The Risen Christ is the visible icon of our own True Self and healed mind in perfect oneness with the Spirit.

    Hopefully, the Spirit will guide you to write more beautiful books. Now you are a writer and spiritual teacher. Those who are healed become the instruments of healing. Deep within the mind is a place where the Kingdom of Heaven is known and we can learn to think, speak and act from that place. You can be a living example of that state of mind. I love you, beautiful Soul 🙂

  11. Caralyn,
    Again, I am so happy for you. This is so beyond awesome and amazing. I haven’t even read the book yet and your post about it touched my heart. Thank you so much for being you and being brave.
    Love and blessings,

  12. Congrats!!! You are deserving of this success. Learning how to accept yourself and heal your suffering with grace, honesty and courage is spectacular. Showing others the tools that you learned and spelling out how to overcome the behaviors that lead you down the road of uncertainly and too triumph with recovery is very beautiful. It may be hard, scary and frustrating, Yet it’s not impossible. Remember “nothing is impossible the word itself, says I’m possible” Way to go Kiddo!!!

  13. Congratulations on your book. It’s so fabulously wonderful to see someone not only overcome but use their experience to let others know recovery can and does happen. We dont have to remain victims. I see so much of that anymore. And journaling is a great tool I recommend it to most of my clients, very effective. Congratulations again…

  14. Sooooooo proud and enjoyed excited for this beautiful ministry of yours! How good God is to bring beauty and consolation out of our weakness and mistakes.
    Keep blooming, beautiful one! Congrats!!

  15. Caralyn…..!!! Woooooo hooooo! Guess what is on the way??? That’s right. A COPY OF THE LONG AWAITED BLOOOMMMMM BABY! Woooo…I can’t stop smiling right now. You did it Caralyn. You did! Congratulations.

  16. Twitter is how I got the official announcement, of your book. You are what I think of as an upstanding individual, if I do say so myself. You’re more socially responsible, as in you seem quite aware of consequences among people, than a lot of other people. Really, a blog comment such as this doesn’t do justice to you or your values, but I wanted very much to jot on your blog this word of congratulations.

  17. OMG I’m so happy for and proud of you! God has truly given you a gift and I’m so happy that you are sharing this with the world! May God continue to bless you in all that you do. You are Awesome!

  18. Good job. Very happy for you and for all who will be hopefully helped by your book. May God continue to be with you on your journey. Sending my love and heartfelt congratulations!

  19. Wow! That must feel incredible, it’s such a big deal – a real achievement! (I bet you can’t put your copy down!). I am certain it will be a big hit – you deserve it for all of the good work you do.

  20. For a novice blogger and aspiring author who also wants to share how God saves them from addictive, destructive behaviour yours is an inspirational story. I hope and pray the book changes lives and saves souls. Thank you. ❤️🙏🏻😊

  21. Congratulations! Seeing you get so far is just so inspiring and makes me so happy for you. You’re really seizing each and everyday and making the most of it. Thank you for doing this, releasing your book. That’s such a beautiful gift to give to anybody who suffers from anything. THANK YOU.

  22. Congratulations, Caralyn! I look forward to reading it. Will get it soon. And I pray that it will help many in the struggle. And all of us to help them, and find the help we need ourselves.

  23. Hey sweetie, congrats on the launch of your book!!!!!! I think it is great you opened up about your struggles and illnesses and are inviting everyone else who has similar issues to do the same with you! I knew a girl back in elementary and middle school days in NJ where I grew up who battled with anorexia, and it hurt to watch because she was beautiful like you are, but had a very poor self-image of herself. I have no idea what ever happened to her, but it is inspiring to know that it is something a person CAN overcome, with Christ! I hope you are able to reach all the people God wants you to with your book!

    Is there any way I could email you privately about Patreon? If not that’s cool, but if so then please comment back on my profile (unless you have the option to email me in which case you can feel free to do so)! Thanks.

  24. Welll, LOOK. AT. YOU!!!! My friend has definitely taken her life to the MAX! The light is on 100%, the Tiffany is lamp shining like a multi-colored beacon, and here you are helping more than just one person with your story! The book idea is BRILLIANT in format! Interactive? Great idea! I keep saying this, but – I am so proud of you and happy for you! From a quiet voice in the shadows to a full-throated roar by God’s grace, here you stand in His Power.

    Do you recall when I wrote “Beauty and the (ED) Beast?” So you have the book down. Next step is the movie, right? You’ve come this far; who’s to say this is the end of the road? Especially when God is the one building the “highway in the wilderness. making paths smooth!” Well done, you!!

    • Haha thank you so much Jeff! I ABSOLUTELY remember that! I have that post book marked. You’ve been such a huge friend and supporter, Jeff. You’ve been a constant source of encouragement and for that I am so grateful. God is good. Thank for everything Jeff. Hopeyou and Julie have a positively spectacular weekend 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  25. Your writing is so powerful and meaningful! We have only recently connected as fellow bloggers, but I can’t wait to read your book. You have been following my posts: spoken to me…and I have been following your posts with great joy and interest. Spirit connection, beyond a doubt! This is truly a God thing because I’ve written a book about my journey through stage III breast cancer treatment and it is all taken from my journals and scripture that helped me through my year of treatment. I know I have been drawn to your writing for many reasons. Thank you for putting yourself out there! Congratulations!

    • Thanks so much Martha. What a beautiful note of encouragement. It absolutely touches my heart. Wow. What an incredible journey you’ve had. Thank you for sharing 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  26. Excellent job!!! I will order as soon as things get back to normal with Hurricane Harvey so I can know that I will get it in the mail!!! Way to go after your dreams!!! Let’s Bloom! Cmon with the cmon.

  27. Reblogged this on Jeffrey H. King's Blog and commented:
    My favorite blogger has published her book, Bloom. I’m excited by this, because, aside from publishing a book which is hard enough, she’s written it in an interactive format. She doesn’t just tell us her story of recovery from anorexia. She models it for us and provides room for us to write in our own progress from WHATEVER struggle we are in. It can be an eating disorder or any fight we feel we are losing! Are you trying to overcome? Are you in the battle alone right now? Well, hang on…the cavalry is coming; it’s Blooming!

  28. so happy for you! Congratulations!

    On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 7:01 PM, BeautyBeyondBones wrote:

    > beautybeyondbones posted: “I cannot believe that I’m about to say this, > but… MY BOOK IS LIVE TODAY!! Introducing… Bloom: A Journal by > BeautyBeyondBones Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that the > scared, sick, hopeless little girl at inpatient would tell her sto” >

  29. Reblogged this on Musings in the Middle… and commented:
    I have followed the journey of recovery and faith of this young woman for a couple of years and I have reblogged this post (something that I do not often do) to let you know that she has a new book coming out that…well I’ll let Caralyn explain in her post! If you are someone you know is dealing with an eating disorder I encourage you to read her posts and get the book! I am praying that God uses this book to accomplish positive and Christ-centered change in someone’s life!

  30. God’s name be praised & you GO girl! The very situations we are ashamed of are the testimonies that will bless others. Continue to trust in the Lord and walk out Luke 1:45 “Blessed is she who believes what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.”

  31. Congratulations on your book launch! I know this is very exciting for you. You are diamond being polished by Jesus as you continue in Him. Praise the LORD for you and you keep on keeping on! Blessings always, D.T. Osborn

  32. Wow! How exciting to experience God’s purpose through this amazing journey of life, in suffering, pain, and now joy in the journey. May God continue to fill you with the LORDship of His Son. Praying your book will help many experience true freedom in Christ. Blessings!!!

  33. Congrats Caralyn! This is so exciting! I can’t wait to order a copy. I’m sure it will be very inspiring. 💙 God’s using you to shine a light for sure! You’ve definitely been an inspiration for my ED recovery.

  34. Best wishes on your book launch. What a journey for you. May it truly be a blessing to those who read your story and are inspired to be the person God calls them to be. Peace.

  35. What a beautiful idea and book. Congratulations on your accomplishment — wishing you so much success. (Now I’m off to the confessional for book envy…) 🙂

  36. Congrats! This is so awesome. What a wonderful way to share your faith and encourage the faith of others. You are such a beautiful daughter of God!

  37. What an achievement! Congratulations – and I pray that your book is hugely successful, and more importantly, a blessing through which God can work wonders in many lives!

  38. What an amazing testimony about the miraculous way that God can redeem our pain and not only make something beautiful out of it, but can offer hope and comfort for countless others. Your ministry – that’s what it clearly has become – honors God and is a blessings to many. May the Lord continue to prosper all that you do in His name! 🙂

  39. You are awesome girl! God made you in His image and He loves you sooooo much! Your book will speak to so many women, young and old, struggling with their image. God’s going use you mightily!

  40. Wow!!! I’m going to have to get a copy just to show support!!! I’ve enjoyed reading your blogs since DAY 1!!! I’m writing my FIRST book!!! Congratulations!!!

  41. Congratulations, Caralyn! The title of your book is simply perfect. Thank you for your willingness to say “Yes” to His call to serve others in such a beautiful way, by bringing new life to them on every page. Hugs and blessings to you!

  42. Congratulations on your book launch! I can only imagine this being an incredibly exciting time for you right now. Who would have thought all the purpose that has come out of your pain. But God!

  43. Congratulations! What an inspiring story you have, and what a powerful journey. I love the idea of putting one of the scriptures on each page. 10 years is a remarkable milestone. I had a friend who didn’t make it, and I admire you for your success.

  44. Congratulations, this is wonderful news. And a product of your hard work and dedication.
    I think the structure sounds well considered, and mature
    It’ll be on its way over the Pacific Ocean soon 🙂

  45. Thank you so much for taking the effort to write this blog that helps so many people, and now this book which I’m sure will be a priceless resource for those struggling in recovery as me. I can’t wait for it to arrive home. Your blog was the first one that encouraged me to choose recovery when I was still completely into my ed and since day 1 you haven’t ceased to comfort, help and inspire me. God has given you a great mission in your life and you should be proud of how you’re accomplishing it. I thank Him and you for that.

    • Thanks so much Paola. God is so good. I am seriously so touched by your encouragement. It means the world. Know that I am praying for you in your recovery. You’ve got this, friend! Hugs and love xox

  46. OH MY GOSH!!!

    I know the feeling, I cant wait to even start writing mine let alone doing it public xD Must be an amazing feeling girl, Never give up, you’re hopes and dreams have come true, can’t wait to order it.. Mum can get me it for Christmas haha!! <3

    Be proud always xxxx

  47. I’m happy for you!

    I can definitely relate that putting your thoughts on paper is validating them, allowing you to feel and give it a voice. <3

  48. Nice. Comment back. I’m starting a psychological series of books, self help requests and all other inspiration. I’ll check your book out. Stay safe. And congrats on your recovery!!!

    • Oh my gosh THANK YOU Jackie!! You’re a rock star 🙂 I really hope you enjoy it. I’ll be praying for you as you make your way through the book 🙂 and thank you for the prayers! I’m so glad our paths have crossed 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  49. I’ve been reading a few of your blog posts and came across this one about your book. I know I’m a little late to the journey you’ve taken, but it’s still inspiring to read about. Maybe soon I can pick up your book and learn more about the steps you’ve taken. Keep inspiring! God is definitely using you 🙂

  50. Congratulations on the book. Everyone has issues to resolve it is part of the human condition. Your book will help many to move forward. God Bless and keep writing. Voices such as yours are too few.

  51. Caralyn lass, I’m so happy that this has come through! Praise God for His presence that has made your story possible, and a big hug to you for pushing through with Him. I pray this will reach out and touch many people’s lives and that you will be able to share the amazing love of God in increasing measure.

    I’ve been off blogs for a while with way too much happening at home and work, but have been reading your posts that I get in email. I hope and pray I can get back to more reading and writing. My close friend whose blog inspired me to start mine is so overwhelmed in the hospital he runs in the badlands of North India, that prolific writer as he is, his posts have been few and far between.too.

    You’re very much in our thoughts, and I would love to have your book. However, I don’t use a credit card and Amazon India doesn’t have it listed. I’m not sure if any of my friends are visiting New York. Do you have a suggestion of how I can pay with a simple bank account in India and whether it will be delivered here. Do let me know your thoughts on this. i would really like to buy your book.

    Please give our love and regards to your wonderful parents, and much love in Jesus to you.

    • Hi Indi! So great to hear from you! Thank you so much for your encouragement and friendship. You and your family have been such a source of kindness and support through my blogging journey. 🙂 thank you. In terms of my book, I’m not sure! 😬 It is only being sold through blurb at the moment, and I believe they only accept credit cards or PayPal. I’m so sorry! I don’t have any physical copies, as they handle the fulfillment of orders, otherwise I’d send you one myself:) thanks for your interest though. Hugs and love xox

      • Hmm…ok, I’m gong to talk to some friends to see what can be done. There must be a solution. Your book’s unique – I can’t see why it shouldn’t cross the ocean to get here! That book makes it possible to talk to people in my contact here who need help and encouragement with multiple types of problems.

        I wonder if you would prayerfully consider approaching publishers like Kingsway and others, who print Christian material and distribute it. That’s why Philip Yancey, Paul Brand, Neil Anderson, and many others have their books out in affordable paperback versions here. If you’re interested in getting your book out here, I can start to talk to people I know for advice. Just let me know. 🙂 Nothing may come of it, but then again, you never know… 🙂


      • Very interesting ideas here. Thank you. I know blurb ships internationally. But I’ll try and wrap my mind around another way. I would definitely appreciate any ideas or advice you may have! Thanks I 🙂 Hugs and love xox

      • Ok, so Caralyn, many new ideas are emerging through some talks I’ve been having. However, these are really not for this comment line, or maybe they are – you make a call.

        They involve some links I’d like to send you along with the sounding off of some publishing ideas. What are your thoughts on how to share these ideas with you? Would you like these to remain in this comment line, or I think you have a bbb mailing address. Let me know and I’ll be happy to send the links and ideas your way.

        I need to check if my bank account allows online overseas payment. If it does, I can open an account on paypal and then move forward towards getting your book, after checking with Blurb if they do ship for sure to India.

  52. Aah so many congratulations.. absolutely amazing 🙂 You are kinda living my dream- i hope to one day do the same thing but with regards to mental illness. Reading this gives me hope 🙂 Wishing you all the best, and the most amount of happiness xxx

  53. […] Bloom, A Journal by BeautyBeyondBones is a new release.  A victorious story by an anorexic who recovered and gives thanks to Jesus for his help and blessings to her.  I haven’t read it, but her posts are a delight, so I wanted to send you another good suggestion.  Perhaps some of you have daughters or granddaughters who would benefit from this story […]

  54. Hey Girl! So Happy 4u!!! WOW!!!
    Thank you for being brave and sharing publicly your journey and your journal! You are blessing so many lives and that makes life a joy (to be a vessel in the Hands of the Almighty!) 🙂

  55. Congratulations! I am also in the process of writing a book about my life but it’s extremely hard to do for various reasons so, in the meantime, I went ahead and wrote a different kind of book and just released it for publishing — I am excited too because it’s my first book finally after all these years of wanting to write a book. I can’t wait to start the next one.

  56. Picking up a pen and writing was the most healing thing I have ever done… Absolutely! For sure. Wholeheartedly agree. Same here. An extremely pivotal experience that continues to transform and inform my life. Congratulations on your publication! Thanks for stopping by #formidableWoman today. Perhaps you would like to do a guest post on my blog to promote your book. We have much in common. Peace, d

  57. Hello Caralyn, First I thank you for stopping by and reading/liking my latest post. So I decided to stop by here and read about your book. Congratulations, on so many fronts..choosing to get help healing and that includes using God’s words to help you. For writing in your journal to help yourself, and writing your book.
    You are a beautiful young lady, and I don’t mean just physically, but also in heart and soul. Blessings to you.

  58. This is amazing, and very inspirational! I also want to share my testimony with the world with hopes od God’s word saving somebody!! I know with consistency and on God’s timing to opportunity will present itself. Thank you for sharing your light!!

  59. Congratulations! Wow! this is so awesome! I love the idea of turning your journal into a book! Reminds me a bit of Anne Frank. I’m so sorry about what happened to you for those past years. My grandmother and mother both had anorexia so I know how you feel and how horrible it must have been. I hope your feeling okay now. Can’t wait to read your book!

    • oh thank you so much!! i really appreciate your encouraging words and support. and gosh, i am humbled to be in the same breath as Anne Frank. I’m sorry that this disease has touched your life in such a personal way. big hugs to you x

  60. BBB, I thank you for your kind words, but you know that each day for me is a struggle as it is for you in your own. Just check out the music I recorded on my site. That’s MY composition, and most of the time, I’m a total mess. Sometimes, I can wear just enough masking tape to keep the blood in.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  61. Thanks for your book cuz it helps everyday to think of what I can do to help others along with myself. I love what helps especially when I went to church all my life which keeps me in the know even after I fall in different ways. Your blog brings new light to me while I am away when have lower back problems that finally have subsided while getting this health problem gone in over 20 years all natural. That works so well even when I have used certain meds to take pain away that has & is physical & keep stretching & doing sit-ups & twisting some. Right now is working on how to try & find something that will make a gel in my discs at lower back from my spine. Its a long process to naturally get repaired.

    • Oh my gosh thank you so much for this wonderful note of encouragement! Wow – I am so touched by your kindness. I’ll be praying for your back!! Hope tomorrow is a good day for you! Stay well! Hugs and love xox

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