Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood. A beautiful day for a neighbor. Would you be mine? Could you be mine?

OK – time to take a break from the Kavanaugh FBI investigation and think about something uplifting for a few minutes! 🙂

I’m officially back in NYC after a beautiful time at home in Ohio.

One of my favorite parts of being at home, is being able to spend quality time with my parents. After my mom’s stroke, I’ve really come to appreciate just how a) fragile life is, and b) how precious the time is that we have with our loved ones.


So honestly, my favorite moments are just when we’re hanging out together, enjoying an evening bourbon outside under the stars, or hunkering down with a bowl of popcorn and a Netflix movie in our jammies.

Well, this last trip, we ended up watching the Mister Rogers’ documentary, Won’t You Be My Neighbor


And if you receive my newsletter then you will recall that I mentioned this excellent documentary as one of my film recommendations earlier in the week.

But this film so profoundly moved me that I just had to share it with you.

We need more people like Fred Rogers in this world.

This man’s life was a gift. Using his life to teach children (and adults) the true power of kindness from the 60s to 2001, on his iconic television ministry: Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. 

Fred Rogers, who himself was an ordained minister, was showing people how to live a Christian life, one sweater at a time.

But that’s enough back story. You don’t need to read a book report on how incredible of a human this gentle man was.

I want to talk about why Mister Rogers matters today. Right here. Right now.

One of the things his show was famous for, was the way it tackled current events, and the delicate and gentle way he explained them to children.

During its prime time, the world was a scary place, with wars and assassinations, and segregation and racial tensions and riots.

Mister Rogers was constantly challenging those fears and prejudices, simply through the actions of a good neighbor: welcoming people into his home and sharing a meal – or sharing a swimming pool – with his neighbors, no matter the color of their skin, or beliefs, or what have you.

photo: Huffington Post

He was there to love people. All people. And that message spoke volumes.


This country has come a long way since Fred Rogers. And not in a positive direction. The concept of a “good neighbor” has become all but irrelevant in today’s world. Neighbors have become political opponents, depending upon which yard signs ends up on their lawn come election time. Or we’ve become so scheduled and busy that we hardly even know who our neighbors are!

And children’s programming has become so sad. One of the beautiful things about Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood – is that Fred was a real man. And he brought on real people and real kidsKids that a child viewer could see themselves in. So as the child on TV was learning and loving and practicing kindness, the child viewer could personally relate, and felt personally invested in the lesson.

Nowadays, everything is animated. So yes, the kids are still getting the “lessons” or “morals” of the story — if there is one — but it’s not as personal to them, because it’s through the eyes of a talking fish, or a talking animal, or a cartoon of a child with wildly disproportionate body parts.

And the “live action” shows that are available for kids nowadays are frankly garbage! The Disney Channel has completely given up on decency, in my opinion. Now, the kids are all snarky as all get out. They’re mischievous, catty, and most storylines revolve around “duping” their parents, who are portrayed as dopey — and frankly idiotic — buffoons. Not to mention the overly sexualized and suggestive clothing they have the little girls dressed up in.

It honestly is so sad. Just take a look at young kids and how they speak to one another and to their parents, and you’ll see the results of such irresponsible programming. We’ve created a bully culture — in person and, perhaps more detrimentally, online.

The world needs more Mister Rogers.

There was this beautiful moment in the documentary that was an interview with a young Fred Rogers — probably in his early forties. And he said,

The greatest thing we can do is teach people that they are loved and capable of loving.” 

What truth in that.

What happens when we approach people from a state of love? What happens when we choose to live our lives in a way that welcomes all people, and choose to look for the good in everyone we meet? What happens when we look for common ground that brings us together and builds bridges?

What happens when we ask, “Would you be my neighbor?”

One of his most iconic scenes was when he was having a conversation with a little boy with spina bifida. Fred was talking to the little boy in his wheel chair, and just showing him so much kindness and love. And this little boy was just lighting up. He felt seen. He felt known. He felt loved and valued. It brought me to tears. Because isn’t that what we’re all looking for?

Photo: TodayShow

Fred taught us – through the simplest of examples – to see people the way Jesus sees us: with dignity and value. Fred was loving his neighbors precisely the way Jesus instructed.

You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

There is so much to learn from Fred, the good neighbor.

And it makes me wonder, what would Fred say about the state of the world today? What would he say about social media, and the political division in our country, and the rampant culture of use and abuse, as evident in the #MeToo, #TimesUp, Tinder hookup era in which we live?

Kindness. He’d answer with kindness. He’d challenge us to consider: How can we act and speak in a way that communicates to every person that crosses our path, that he or she is loved and capable of loving

I started this blog to create community — a community of hope and love that encourages and builds one another up as we journey through adversity and through life. That is my prayer every night as I pray for each and every one of you.

So hopefully, when you visit here, you can say, in the words of Mister Rogers:

It’s such a good feeling.
A very good feeling.
The feeling you know that we’re friends. 


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182 responses to “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”

  1. So true! It’s nice to read and reflect on something that didn’t call upon me to run to my corner of cynicism or fight with sarcasm and misinformed sound bites on social media. Jesus said it, Himself – He that doesn’t love others does not know God, because God is love (1 John 4:7-8). We were loved while we (are) quite unlovable. Amazing, underserving love, outstretched on a tree and yet our go-to is clenched fists and love and grace with preconditions. Thank YOU for raising the level of decency and compassion with each blog post you share. –James

    • Thank you James! Hah yeah there is definitely enough divisive news out there right now. Amen to that – He have it all. What an amazing example. So glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

    • He really is a natural treasure. Haha so true!! A campaign of Mr. Rogers’ principles! He’d have my vote! Thanks Roy, for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  2. How fun to read about Mr. Rogers here! And what a coincidence that my bible verse for this morning’s post was Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad. Proverbs 12:25. Your email earlier this week was a real boon, which I’ve reread several times since…just because it was so uplifting.

    You’ve done a great job building the BBB community. The newsletter and the video are now how I start my day. You’ve got a virtual city in readership all because your care shows so clearly.

    Thanks for all you do!!

    • Oh good!! I’m so glad 🙂 meant every word! Thank you for saying that Jeff. That really means a lot. What a blessing your friendship is and has been. You have been such a source of encouragement for me, and for that I am so grateful. Hope that you’ve had a nice week and have a relaxing and good weekend to look forward to! Hugs to you and Julie! Xox

      • Aw yay! That’s right!!! I meant to respond to that calendar date in my email – unfortunately I’m not going to be in Ohio over the 14th. But gosh how exciting!! Will definitely be saying some extra prayers for y’all as the big day draws near!!

  3. It can’t be said any better. So sad that we’ve forgotten that everyone is our neighbor and we should treat them as we wold like to be treated.

    • Thank you friend. Amen – we’re all neighbors and we should love that way!! 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  4. You make me smile, nor in agreement, and be thankful to be your neighbor, if only by being a fellow blogger.

    • He really was a great guy. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! Hugs and love xox

    • Thanks Ryan! He really gave off such a kind and comforting spirit. Such a blessing to those kids and families!! Hugs and love xox

    • Thanks you Madeline. I appreciate you taking the time to read it! Big hugs to you xox

    • aw, thank you so much Jen! oh definitely check it out! it was such a terrific documentary about a wonderful man! Hugs and love xox

  5. When I saw the title, I thought-yes it would be great to be your neighbor especially when you cook. 🙂 Love the post. Being a good neighbor. We need so much more of that these days.

    • hahahaha oh my gosh your hysterical! I hope my neighbors in my apartment building feel the same! haha thanks for your kind words. Amen – we need more Mister Rogers in the world! Hugs and love xox

  6. There is so much I could say about this one post. First, I loved watching Mr. Rogers when I was a child. Second, I totally agree with what Disney and many other networks have done to children. Third, it is so awesome to see your mom’s progress. God still answers prayer. Through the audience He has given you online, I can guarantee you have thousands of prayer partners. Thank you for the way you inspire us through your writing!

    • Thank you so much Matthew. I really am so grateful for all the prayers — you’re absolutely right! God hears us and answers our prayers! So glad you stopped by! big hugs xo

  7. Hugs have always got to start my response to your posts! You are a treasure of treasures on the net, and as a whole hearted, whole minded, whole spirited, whole beautified human being. Yes, Fred Rogers was a treasure. I think my era when his show was one of the big 4 for kids on PBS (the others being Sesame St, the Electric Company, and Zoom) really took him for granted. It was seem as a kids show and then when you grew older, you were expected to have moved on. Nobody looked back and said, “what a treasure”. Everybody was out for “the next thing”. We didn’t realize what we had back then. Instead there were the parodies like Eddie Murphy (which Fred took in all good heart) and then the Burger King commercial where he sued their pants off, and won!! That one was NOT in good taste. I think since they thought Eddie Murphy could do it, so could they. But SNL parodies are taken mostly well by everybody who has ever been “done” (except for Sarah Palin) BK’s was just stupid. Yes, I agree about the shows on The Disney Channel. They’re a mess. Nick is the same way when it comes to the “tween shows” etc.. No shows really “talk to kids” about their feelings, opinions, possibilities, anymore. Biggest hugs to the most beautiful star in NYC!! Love and hugs!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    • Haha I’m all for hugs! I love this reflection so much Miguel. You’re so right — he took a lot of flack in his day. Only hindsight can illuminate how precious of a resource he was for children and adults alike. And my dear friend, thank you for such kind words. I am humbled. Big big big big hugs to you! Have a fabulous weekend!

  8. I love reading your blog! Thanks SO much for your authenticity and transparency. You’re encouraging and inspiring. I know I don’t “like” and comment nearly enough to reflect my admiration. Just want to say “thanks”!

    • Oh my goodness thank you so much!!! I am so touched by your kind words 🙂 sending you a ginormous hug! Have a beautiful weekend! Xoxox

  9. Mr. Rogers was a friend and neighbor to every single child who watched his tv show. I too wAs moved to tears as I watched the segment with the boy in the wheelchair. Is that okay for a man to admit? Of course it is.
    There is a worthwhile application that does promote a Mr. Rogers Neighborhood type of feeling and it is called Nextdoor. Check out the app or the web site and sign up to be a part of your Nextdoor community. In my community and its surrounding communities, I can address over 10,000 individuals who live in a 3-4 mile radius of where I am. It is a place where you can find a friend like I did. I placed a post about looking for someone to join me in playing ping pong of all things. So, who did accept the opportunity to play but a young man who just happened to have been appointed by God to join me in a game. He is also a believer and I was floored as we discovered our bond in the family of God. It was a true miracle of God.
    Other less amazing stories can be told but I am working on a post on my sight for those.
    May God bless you as you seek to love your neighbors as yourself!!

    • He really was, Richard. He showed so much kindness and love – and asked for nothing in return. Oh it is totally okay! I love that it moved you like that. I will definitely check it out thanks! Hugs and love xox

    • Thanks so much Hannah!! Definitely add it to your watch list! It rocks! Hugs and love xox

  10. My dear friend

    If we give love and respect to people we can create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, harmony as also Fred did. In doing so good thoughts and words are not enough – we have to put our good thoughts into practice and be of help and service to others – then life is shining in the hearts of the people. I want to share a story of my own life: As I travel every year to India as a voluntary helper to fight poverty, I also had a time when I asked myself – not only give a helping hand far away from my home, but also in my country as well. So I went to the priest and offered my help: I told that so many people are lonesome and suffer. Also there are many people where there is noone being near to them while having to die. When I was young beside my study of languages I used to make my living when working as a cook: So I offered also myself to cook for those who have not enough money to afford a warm meal in a day. The priest gave me then the opportunity to cook for the perish and those who are quite poor. Then I was also given an address to take care of an older man who had survived three brain stroke. Each time he fought and brought his lost language back and could even walk again. He is quite lonesome and there are not many who take care of him – we both became good friends and I see him once a week – it is a way of exchange and both we benefit from it. In the helping way – happiness can spread – and isn’t it beautiful to see happiness in people’s eyes – so we all can be a good neighbour… Let our good thoughts for our neighbours come true…

    Thanks for sharing, my dear friend
    For you and your mom a happy time

    • Hi Didi! Wow I am so moved by your story! Thank you so much for sharing. You are doing such amazing things with your time and gifts – it is truly inspiring. And I know you are making such a big impact to those whose paths you cross. Especially your that special man friend. He is so blessed to have you in his life. Amen – happiness can spread. You are living proof of that. Thanks Didi. Keep shining your light!! Hugs and love xox

  11. Dear Caralyn,

    You said something about Fred Rogers that I had never thought about before. Having grown up in the 60s, with not only Mr. Rogers but also Kaptain Kangaroo, Romper Room and such, all the people who taught me life lessons as a kid were real, live people. They wee flesh and blood, (even if the colors of flesh and blood were various shades of grey on my black & white television set).
    By the time my daughter, who is a few years older than you, was born, the world had moved into the third generation of Sesame Street where people were sharing the stage with muppets. Now my granddaughter, if I wish to share something from a DVD to teach her the same kind of moral life lessons, is sent Veggie Tales. Don’t get me wrong, I think that Larry and Bob are great and I love that they teach so many Biblically based lessons. But, what is missing is the realization that there are PEOPLE involved. The lessons being taught are by people and for people. We seem to have become a society that even wants to detach from our children when we teach them. It is even happening in our churches.
    About 40 years ago I help run the Children’s Church at the fellowship I belonged to. While we did use a puppet ministry on occasion as a treat for the kids, they could also count on every Sunday, either Pastor Bob or me, getting up and delivering a kid-friendly message to them.
    Have we become a society of adults who are either unable to communicate with our children anymore or are too many of us now looking at our pasts and feeling unworthy or ashamed to the point that we are using animation to do what we once did? If that is the case, I must admit that there are times when I am just as guilty as the next guy.

    Love and Blessings,

    • Hey Jim! Thank you so much for this thoughtful response. Yeah I think when kids can see themselves in the main character, the lesson becomes so much more personal and applicable. I know! I almost put “talking vegetable” in the piece, but changed it to talking fish at the last minute because I didn’t think people would get the reference, or if they did, would be upset that I said something less than lovely about veggie tales. – which like you I’m also a big fan of. But I just love the kid aspect. And wow what amazing and important work you’re doing at your church for the kids! Keep it up!! Thank you for sharing that! Hugs and love xox

  12. Another good one, “Neighbour”. You draw so many people together Caralyn, from various persuasions, and lifestyles, but you speak level to each of us, never talking down to anyone.
    No wonder you are so admired and loved.
    I agree totally with your remarks on Disney. Since Walt left the scene, that entire organization has gone downhill.
    Thank you, Caralyn, for the sunshine you bring into these days.

    Luv, 😀❤️🌹😘

    God Bless You!

    • Aw thank you George. You’re the best neighbor I could ask for 🙂 every time I read a message from you, it’s like the equivalence of a dear neighbor showing up on my doorstep with a homemade loaf of banana bread 🙂 thank you for your kind words my friend. Big hugs xox

  13. As usual you’re right to the point. In today’s world unless you group think like my group you’re an enemy of the people. I feel so sorry for the kids of our age. They have them out demonstrating at an age when they don’t really know it’s not a fun party but a deadly learning experience. It was safe to go anywhere without fear of sex offenders or drug addicts or drunks targeting you with a car when I grew up. Yes Disney is not a role model for kids any more and you need a mind virus protector program to surf the internet. we are being conditioned to hate one another because we don’t acknowledge the Bible that says love one another. There is no solution the UN or governments or scientists can bring to our world today, but there is One who has the ultimate control and He is definitely coming back to rescue the world from the damage we humans are doing to it and take those who have an interest in heaven to a much better environment than we have now. 🙂

    • Thank you so much Ian! I do too. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be a kid these days with all the pressures and social media and the cultural climate. Amen – we can trust that He is in control. Hugs and love xox

  14. This brings back such great memories! I grew up with Mr. Rogers and his was the voice that always calmed me down. A great man and great post.

    • Aw thank you Anne! I would definitely definitely recommend the documentary!! So glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  15. I love Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood! I grew up watching it. Sadly, you are correct about the Disney Channel. I do not like the girls watching it and I always remind them that it is fake.

  16. Lovely post dear, yes Mr. Roger’s show was a ikon for love and peace in this world, I loved the show and watched it even into my teens, yes we could us a hole lot more of his way of thinking in this world today.


  17. Love Mr Roger’s Neighbourhood. I liked how he broke through negative television clutter in a time when violence, like Warmer Bros cartoons, was making violence “funny”. He was a breath of fresh air.

    • Thank you so much Joanna! He really produced ground breaking programming. Hugs and love xox

    • Oh my gosh, Scarpoe. You just made my day! I am humbled to even be in the same sentence with Fred. Thanks for your awesome affirmation. Have a beautiful weekend. Hugs and love xox

  18. Beautiful post. He was a constant reminder to “just love them anyway * hence the whole basis of my blogging platform ! Thanks for this post! 💜

    • Thank you so much Sophie. So true!! I love that aspect of blogging too! Big hugs to you friend xox

  19. How often do I tell you that this is your best blog yet? Again, best blog yet. You, like Mr. Rogers, are an inspiration and a beacon of kindness. If you only knew how many of your blogs I pass on to my daughter who is truly suffering right now. I pray that they lift her up and inspire her the way the do for me. God bless you, Caralyn!

    • Oh my gosh, Amy – I can’t even begin to express how your words touch my heart. Thank you, dear friend. You are always such a beautiful source of encouragement to me! I will join you in prayer for your daughter. Nothing is too much for Jesus. Hang in there. Sending so much love and hugs xox

  20. Everyone I know that has seen this movie has been profoundly impacted by it! Fred Rogers was an amazing man & I look forward to meeting him in heaven one day! My daughter is obsessed with the animated spin off of his show, Daniel Tiger’s neighborhood, on PBS. It’s based on all of his puppets in the land of make believe & they sing a lot of the same songs. To me it captures the same essence of his show.

    • Thanks so much Gina! Yes! My niece loves Daniel the tiger too! Yeah, it’s good that they have that show out now for kids! Same here — there’s going to be a line 10 miles long in Heaven to shake his hand and give him a hug! Haha 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  21. I absolutely lovedddddddddd, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood as a child and even watched as I got older. They still show it sometimes on some older networks – I loved his approach and that’s something that the world doesn’t have today a good approach when it comes to worldly issues. I miss his show =(

    Thanks for shedding some much needed light on an incredible human being. I love the newsletters by the way.

    Have an Awesome Day!

    • It really was such an awesome show! Ground breaking and offered so much comfort and love and joy to so many people. And oh great! So glad you’re enjoying the newsletter! Big hugs to you Roshonda! Have a beautiful weekend!

  22. Hi Caralyn,

    I don’t care what anyone has to say about Mr. Rogers. His show was one of the highlights of my mornings before going to school every day. He basically reinforced the values that were being taught in my home when I was a child. We need more shows like his show instead of the garbage being pumped into American homes nowadays.

    Thanks for sharing…🤗😊

  23. Oh my goodness, this post brought me to tears! Something about the love and kindness with which he treated other people REALLY pulled at my heart strings. May we follow Jesus (and the good role model of Mr. Rogers) in treating everyone like they are loved, and like they truly do matter.

    • Awww thank you friend! I’m so glad this resonated with you! I know! Even just the way he interacted with the camera in such a loving way. In an interview in the documentary, he said that he would imagine one of his child viewers as the camera. So sweet! Hugs and love xox

    • Thank you so much David! Yes! Definitely add it to your watch list. It was absolutely everything I hoped it would be! Hugs and love xox

  24. Eh i typed up a tl;dr post that didn’t post so i guess I’ll try shortening it.

    I was a 90s kid who liked Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men, Star Trek, Thundercats which had substance and life values in them but these days kid shows seem to have fallen short these days. I probably liked a few Disney movies but for the most part they were just annoying. Shows are saturated with nonsense these days where all you learn is people are extremely limited in their thinking.

    I remember watching Sesame Street, Muppets and Mr. Rogers but i could only remember so much from Muppets and Mr. Rogers. Its been so long that ill have to see if the old episodes are lurking on Youtube.

    • Yeah I wish those types of shows were still around! Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  25. The importance of validation was very much part of Fred Rogers’ life. It was a powerful movie (saw it with the family this summer). Glad to know that your mom is doing well!

    • Hi Jim! Thank you so much 🙂 yeah she’s doing awesome! She’s my hero 🙂 thanks for saying that! Hugs and love xox

    • Thanks Heather! Oh def add it to your watch list! It was such a. Beautiful film! Hugs and love xox

  26. Wish our world today was a lot more loving and caring and not so divided. Mr. Rogers would definitely be shaking his head in sorrow today at how troubled everyone is. Such a beautiful blog. We can only pray for a better tomorrow and days to come. Bless you and your mom.

    • I am totally right here with ya Corrie. Thank you for your kind words. I will join you in that prayer! Hope you have a beautiful weekend my friend. Hugs and love xox

  27. I was talking about to a church member today about this today. How can we make a church a safe space for people to come and feel welcomed. It’s such a challenging issue in this political climate. How can we allow people to come as they are and feel loved by the community rather than chastised by their gender stance or political stance. While the issue may never be fully addressed, we have a hope of God’s eternal promise to reconcile and redeem our world to himself once and for all. But until that time comes, I think what Jesus would want is for us to shine His love to ALL people like Mr. Rogers did whether we agree with their stances on life. I absolutely enjoyed this blog!

    • Shine His love to all people —YES! Thanks Frankie for sharing your thoughts on this! Big hugs xox

    • Being a loving church is truly lacking in today’s world where we all seem to be too judgemental and demanding conformity. Your statement, “How can we allow people to come as they are and feel loved by the community rather than chastised by their gender stance or political stance.” is one to take to heart. However, we must also remember this about the example Jesus set. In His love and compassion, as He sat and met with the likes of prostitutes, tax collectors, thieves and other sinners, never did He “accept them as they were”. He invited them to change from their sinful ways to change from the way they were. A quick look at the woman caught in adultery in John 8 shows us that while Jesus showed compassion and forgiveness, His final words to her were not of acceptance of her behavior but a command to change when He said, “go and sin no more”.
      When we are living lives of sinful behavior that are not in line with Biblical teaching, (and we will all fall short and sin), we must repent. Part of the love and acceptance of the people coming to our churches needs to be steering toward Christ.

      • Well said. Tricky part is really having their permission to steer them towards that direction. Most people I come across in LGBT community are not foreign to those verses. I think that’s where patience and wisdom is really needed to wait on the Lord to move before we do. I agree whole heartedly that a loving thing to do is to direct them to Christ. But also in its season as well. I think the situation has to really be “ripe” to have that conversation with someone who take gender/sex stance that’s not aligned with those of Biblical values. And they have to come to those terms on their own for that to really have a profound effect on their lifestyle. Thanks for your input!

  28. I really want to watch this documentary. I grew up watching Mr. Rogers, and I agree – our world needs more of him. He wasn’t big or aggrandizing. Instead, he was simply kind. A small and simple thing like kindness is what will change this world for the better.

    • Thanks friend. You’re so right – he preached kindness by example. Amen! Hugs and love xox

  29. Great post! It’s disheartening how self absorbed we can be and not take time out to build relationships with our neighbors. 😢 I always appreciate the awareness your blogs give. And… Disney… Let me stop before I get started. 😡 Back to happy thoughts, thank you! 😊

    • Thank you so much Crystal 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoy my blog!! That seriously warms my heart 😍 hope you have a beautiful weekend! Hugs and love xox

  30. Hi BBB!

    I really loved your message! I am not american so I couldn’t accurately relate to all the names that you mention, but I got the idea. And the idea is very noble! I appreciate very much the choice you made to find a way to help yourself but also help others. I also like the fact that there is a deeply personal and honest tone in your message.
    Best Regards

    • Hey E! Thanks so much for taking the time to read. And also for such kind words about my blog! Big hugs to you xox

  31. I got to see Won’t You Be My Neighbor? in the theater over the summer and it might just be the best movie I’ve seen this year. I don’t say that lightly. I see a LOT of movies. I took my mom to see it and I know I was near tears several times. I remember walking out saying, what if there were a few more Fred Rogers’ in the world? Just how transformed would our world be if there were more men and women who used their platforms to inspire people to just love each other. If there was ever anyone who blatantly lived out the message of the gospel, it was Mr. Rogers.

    • That’s so awesome! Yeah it really was an incredible movie. So glad you thought so too! Hugs and love xox

  32. First I want to tell you that your photo of you and your mother is beautiful. The second thing is that I haven’t been visiting as many sites as before because I have been busy and I really regret not visiting your site for awhile, you always have such wise things to say. I watched that documentary about a month ago and I teared up because we lost a great soul with Mr. Rodgers. We could really use him now and you are right about Disney and their television shows. They do make the parents seem like fools to me. The world seems like it has gone a little insane and also I have noticed that a lot of television shows and movies portray Christians as being the bad guys. It is horrible how they make Christians look in the movies. I miss Mr. Rodgers and his words of kindness and wisdom but I watched enough of his shows growing up in the 70’s to know what he would want me to do and that is to pass out the kindness he taught me through that television set…so tag we are it now. In my kitchen there is a little chalk board and the quote for this year is that “No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted” and I know Mr. Rodgers would have agreed. Thank you for the great post. Have a great weekend.

    • oh thank you so much! I miss him too. I love that quote of his about kindness. so true! Hugs and love xox

  33. Awesome post! I could definitely feel the love and the kindness this Fred Rogers exudes through your post. The world does lack compassion and we all seem to live for self. We have forgotten what it means to love our neighbor. I live in NYC and I can tell you, in this city, it is very evident “neighborly love” is so absent amongst most persons.
    However with young women, like you out there, whose aim it is to inspire and remind us of the importance of loving one another and showing kindness to each other, the love will find back its way into the hearts of many. Keep up the awesome content.

    • Hey Kristina! thank you so much for your thoughtful response. And gosh, what a kind thing to say. You’re right, we really have forgotten. And hey! I live in NYC too! It really is sad — I don’t even know my neighbors! crazy. Thanks again for your affirming words! means a lot. have an awesome Tuesday! Hugs and love xox

  34. This post made me tear up Caralyn! What would the world look like if we showed people that they are seen, known, and loved by the Lord and by us? It would look like heaven!

    • awww, thank you so much Emily! You’re so right — it would look like Heaven for sure!! glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

    • thank you Monteelou. I appreciate that. He was such a powerful source of Christ’s light. Hugs and love xox

  35. I was moved to tears watching this as well! And trying to write down quotes in the theater. Years ago, My daughter had a figure skating competition and skated to his tv theme song; we even had her making the sweater & tennis shoe change😉) but she performed just around the week he passed. 😢 What a gift to the world he was! We need more like him!

    • It was such a well done documentary. And Mr. Rogers was such a beautiful source of Christ’s light. Oh wow!!! That’s so special about your daughter. hahah Sounds like an awesome routine. And gosh, the timing. What a tribute to him. Hugs and love xox

  36. I also wanted to say I couldn’t agree more with you about kids’ tv programming. Hearing them talk about how stupid their parents seemed, talking down to their siblings etc. One particular day, I got so fed up listening to a common theme I had heard on back to back shows. It was usually about some poor girl not having a boyfriend and how miserable she was…at 11 or 12!!! I stopped to talk with my daughter about the fact that a guy won’t make you happy, your world shouldn’t revolve around trying to get a guy and that that was waaay to young to be concerned about such things anyway…that there would be appropriate times for dating later in life. Made me so mad that young girls were being fed this junk!

  37. Making everyone you meet feel lovable and worthy is such a great mission. And you’re right that many times we’re just too busy to even realize we might have neighbors who need us. I’m not from USA and I didn’t know Mr. Rogers, but if he taught you the lessons you’ve shared in this post, he must really have been an amazing man.

    • Oh gosh, thank you Paola. I’m sure you can find his episodes on YouTube! And actually, I linked a source to watch and stream his episodes! He really was such a powerful source of Christ’s love. Definitely worth a watch! Even for just a 20 minute episode 🙂 thanks for stopping by! big hugs xo

  38. Great post, Caralyn! We need more Mr. Rogers in the world today. I have not seen the movie but I would like to. Very timely that I read your post today after reading the parable of the Good Samaritan and neighborliness. And, thank you for stopping by Reflections of a Lay Catholic today (https://reflectionsofalaycatholic.com). Keep up the good work!

    • thank you so much Jerry! Yes! Definitely add it to your watch list — it was terrific. Hugs and love xox

  39. I would gladly be your neighbor. Really. You would make a great neighbor. As for Mister Rogers, I have not seen the movie, but I remember him as being a man as you mentioned. Being kind to everyone even if that person was different. He had a great heart… like BBB. There is a monument to him in Pittsburgh. Anyway, glad you had fun with your mom. Meanwhile, your mom was enjoying her ‘pumpkin’. Well, thank you for being an exceptional neighbor… ‘pumpkin’.

  40. I agree totally. I love that you brought up Disney Channel, because it’s modes of media like that, that are degrading in quality. And to the young children who are the next generations! It’s very sad. We can only be examples ourselves by modeling behavior from people like Mister Rogers. 🙂

    • Thanks Rikakub! So glad this hit home with you. I think you’re spot on. Hugs and love xox

  41. Absolutely. In a world where every hero has fallen down under scrutiny, the look Fred Rogers’ humanity made him even more remarkable. He wasn’t a hero, he was a good neighbor and kind man – and how sad that those things are remarkable. Best film I saw all year, it’s inspiring in a genuine way.

    • Thanks so much Wezlo! It really is such a great film! Glad you thought so too! Hugs and love xox

  42. This is sooooo sweet! Thank You for this post. I’ll watch that documentary. Mr. Rogers is my era and I LOVED him so very much. Looked forward to watching his show and still know all the words to his theme songs; opening and closing. 😄 He gifted and gifted and gifted all of us kids…

  43. First time reading your blog. I noticed you like a couple of mine so I had to check your writing. I’m a follower! Look forward to your continued posts.

  44. Oh my this is all so true. My husband and I where talking about him the other night and was saying how this world is getting scarier by the minute and we need Mister Rogers. Also I believe we need a foundation more with God as well.

  45. I’ve finally surrendered to God’s calling, and w/ him teaching me to transform into the man and neighbor he asking from me—one of his main lessons has been to answer this world w/ love.

    “Do not be overcome by evil,
    but overcome evil w/ good.” Rom. 12/21 NKJV

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