
If you’ve perused the internet recently, you may have heard the latest “buzz” that is shaking the interwebs.

Instagram will be hiding the “likes” on photos.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Right now, every photo on Instagram shows a tally of how many people “liked” a photo. Jennifer Aniston, for example, gets literally millions of likes per photo…where as your girl here, I’m lucky if I break 1,000.

You can find me on Instagram @beauty.beyond.bones

But for better or for worse, there has always been a numerical value attached to people’s posts, indicating how “successful” of a photo it is.

And starting soon, Instagram is doing away with that feature.

People will still be able to like it, but there will no longer be a numerical tally keeping score publicly.

You can find me on Instagram @beauty.beyond.bones

And it’s safe to say, the influencer community is quite literally shaking in their over-the-knee fashion boots.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret — I think this is a great idea.

Sure, it could either be the greatest thing ever to happen to Instagram, OR the catalyst to its demise, only time will tell. But for the sake of mental health at large, I think this is a giant step in the right direction.

Ever since communities existed, “popularity” has always been a thing. An omnipresent referee that can cause, especially young people, tremendous stress and anxiety.

Pressure to fit in, to be well “liked” — both in person, and on social media — we’re getting so wrapped up in that fickle and fleeting facade of worth. And it’s slowing destroying our sense of self-worth.

We’ve forgotten where our true value lies.

During my recovery from anorexia, this particular issue was one that was not only incredibly difficult to overcome, but also the lynchpin for my true healing: I had to find my worth and value outside of anything externally dictated. I had to find my true source of worth.

It wasn’t the number on the scale. It wasn’t the size of my jeans, or the number of calories I did or didn’t eat that day.

It wasn’t in how I looked, or what I achieved, or any accolades I may have had.

No. My worth came from the fact that I was created by God – period. End of sentence. Learning this truth – which seems so incredibly elementary now – first brought me to my absolute break point, and then to the greatest freedom I could have ever imagined.

To the world, “good enough” is never good enough. The bar will always be raised higher and higher. And thanks to photoshop, there will always be a new, more unattainable level of perfection that that world demands.

From the way we look, to our job position, to the number of friends we have, the car we drive, — heck — even the number of instagram “likes” we collect.

They assign “value” and “worth” but the fact of the matter is that those indicators are coming from a hollow, empty space.

Their way of assigning value empties the person. It is a reduction of the person to a numerical, or measurable entity.

When we find our worth in Christ, it does just the opposite: it fills us up.

It causes our souls to overflow with the love and grace that only He can provide.

The fact of the matter is that the number of “likes” one receives can never, ever capture the magnitude of worth and value we have in God’s eyes. We cannot put a numerical value on that because it is infinite. It cannot be measured. Nor are our earthly brains even capable of conceptualizing the Father’s love for us.

But it certainly was able to be demonstrated: when Jesus embraced the cross.

That is the ultimate evidence of our worth, and value and dignity. That is the truth that set my free from my anorexia. That helped me embrace life, and accept and love myself: because He loved me first. He loved me so immensely that He poured Himself out for me.

And if He could do that – so could I.

There are no “likes” that could ever communicate that value we hold as His children.

So you know what? Yeah – bring on this “like-free” era of Instagram.

It’s time we start remembering just what it is that truly gives us our value in this life.

What do YOU think about Instagram’s decision to get rid of “likes?”

Also: You can find me on Instagram @beauty.beyond.bones

“This is what the Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” Ez 37:5

A big thank you to my foundational sponsor, BetterHelp Online Therapy. I cannot begin to express how beneficial therapy was for my recovery from anorexia.  Speak with an online therapist. Or check out content about eating disorders from BetterHelp.


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Here was yesterday’s video!

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THE FABFITFUN FALL BOX IS HERE! And I made an UNBOXING video! I was — flipping out — over the contents of this box. The skincare items are SECOND TO NONE! I had an absolute blast filming it, so I would love it if you gave it a watch! And to order a box for yourself, you can get $10 off by using my code PUMPKINSPICE.

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@beauty.beyond.bones – Instagram




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160 responses to “Insta-geddon”

  1. You’re right about everything being a popularity contest. I’m glad you mentioned mental health. It’s the single most important thing. We all want to be loved.

  2. I do agree, it is a step in the right direction. I feel people get attached to the likes. I’ve seen people become infatuated by the idea that likes reveal if you are “talented” or liked. As an artist, I would see other artists become influenced by the tally or number. Their style changes or content because people lean more to one variation of their work. They want to cling to that style and lose who they really are. I’m excited to see the change, not only as someone who deals with OCD, but as an artist.

    • Thanks 🙂 yes! Way too attached – especially young people – myself included. You’re right about that! Glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

      • I do feel like people around my age group tend to associate the number, be it followers or likes, with a sort of value to life. I’m only a year from being 30 and I see that even with adults. I do agree with young people. Youre welcome 🙂

  3. Even though I totally disagree, as always, I enjoy your blogs and writing style.

    I feel this is just another case of people needing to crap on someone elses parade because of something they don’t like, or worse… people not getting their way.

    I for one, have NEVER received over 300 likes on ANY posting on Instagram, I could never attest to it affecting my self-worth. Fact is, those who are popular will remain popular, and those who aren’t still won’t be. The original platform started this way, I’m not sure why changing it from a way we’ve all grown accustomed to and a way which hurts absolutely no one will help. I think it’s ridiculous and either pandering to a group of people who agree with handing out participation awards, and or Instagram/Facebook garnishing some much needed facetime in the realm of buzzworthy news.

    Also, I’m totally mad that you wrote a blog about this before I did. LoL keep up the good work!

    • Thanks Robert for sharing your thoughts on this and joining the conversation. I definitely see your position with this being like a participation ribbon. Interesting food for thought! Thanks! Hugs and love xox

  4. I also agree with instagram. This may cut down on the impressionist but it will leave the real people who love sharing their part of the world with everyone else.

    • Thanks Virginia! I agree – it will leave the real people who are on it for the love of sharing in a better place!! Thanks for sharing your two cents! 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  5. I have never paid attention to the number of likes as my philosophy is if I have something to pass around I will pass it around and not care how far afield it goes. I have had posts of mine bpunce back to after a couple of years so can still remain relevant.. I do like your comment “No. My worth came from the fact that I was created by God…” is so powerful to me that I should get t-shirts made!!

    • Thanks Gavin for joining the conversation! Haha t shirts! Yes! You’re funny. Glad this resonated with you 🙂 I appreciate you stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  6. You nailed a lot of us with that one. I’m always looking at my blog stats and wonder what more what better etc I can do to get more views. Simple fact is that this belongs to God and I need to remember that. I just read a devotional about God taking Job to the woodshed before it was all said and done.

    • Thanks Bruce 🙂 yeah, it’s definitely an easy trap to fall into! I do too! It’s just so tempting to get caught up in the numbers and stats! Amen – it belongs to God. What an important thing to remember. Glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  7. I agree! Tired of popularity contests and reinventing algorithms to please a set group of people. Let the photos stand on their own merit and people can still like them. No one but the person who posted can see the likes and, really, in the end who cares?

    • Thanks Denny! I agree – let them stand on their own, that’s a great point! Glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  8. I hadn’t heard of this Caralyn, thanks for posting this.

    Honestly, I thinks it’s ridiculous! It serves no purpose as far as I can see, I will stay there for a while, see what happens. The other side of this is since the ads were introduced, IG has really made me a bit mad. Such an intrusion, it takes away from the enjoyment of the site in a big way. Glad I still have my photo blog! May dump IG…

    • Thanks John! I agree – now every other post is an ad it seems like. No bueno. Hope you’re having a great night! Glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

    • Thanks so much! I think you’re so right! There really is only one true source! Hugs and love xox

  9. I’m hoping this change will reduce the amount of posts that are just filtered lies. There are too many posts just for the likes. Perhaps this change will help people become more honest and open and post things they may not have said otherwise. I’m excited about it as the mother of a teen who will soon be able to use social.

    • I hope you’re right Shell. Right now it’s everyone’s highlight reels. Yes! Agreed. Hugs and love xox

  10. I know social media depression is a real thing and can see how getting rid of ‘likes’ is good, however knowing how society is right now I believe it’s more of an “equality for all” type thing and that makes me roll my eyes. But, yes, people really look at numbers and put their esteem into the wrong things like popularity on an app verses value in life and worth coming from God.

    This is the first time I’m hearing about getting rid of the likes, but I don’t post on instagram often.

    • It really is a real thing. Amen – that’s where our true worth comes from!! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! Hugs and love xox

  11. Great post, as usual! I wanted to click like on it, but I’ve been having trouble with the like feature on blogs. I’m unable to click like when using my iPhone. Do you have any idea why? It’s frustrating. Thanks 🤗

    • Thank you so much Leila!! Hmm interesting – I haven’t run into that problem before! Have you updated the WordPress app to its latest version? Sorry to hear you’re dealing with that! Hugs and love xox

  12. You can still see the number of likes using a Chrome plugin that accesses Instagram from the computer in mobile format. The only downside to this extension is that you cannot post stories, but you can see them. The extension is called “Desktop for Instagram.”

    • Oh how interesting!! A little loop hole it seems. Thanks for sharing that! Hope you’re having a great night, Hilary! Hugs and love xox

  13. I am on Instagram, but I never go there. Needed to read your post and be reminded. Thanks. I dropped off Twitter and rarely go to Facebook. These social media nets catch the unsuspecting and then become an end in and of themselves. Don’t want to live my life in the quest of popularity. It didn’t work in high school or college and it doesn’t work now. I like the way the Lord uses you as a messenger. Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! Yes! I love the way you put that – they really are nets to catch us in. Gosh what a kind thing to say, thank you Sandman! Hugs and love xox

  14. Instagram always had the best logo – an old Polaroid.
    I am not confident about Instagram/Facebook/etc’s reasons, but the consequence sounds positive.

    Yet, information (statistics?) should not cause people problems. If they do, I cannot help but think that there are better ways to deal with the problem, than… hiding data.

  15. I heard about this. I found it most refreshing. I so agree our worth is in Christ. The rest can be nice, but so hollow. When we can tap into that truth, our outlook is vastly improved. Thanks for pointing this out. It’s so needed. God bless!

    • Refreshing for sure! Amen to that – it’s vastly improved! Thanks for stopping by!! Hugs and love xox

  16. I heard about this and will be interested to see how it plays out. Will they still track “views?” I wonder how that will work.

    But I totally agree that we need to stop deriving our value from other people or the number of “likes” we receive. God’s love is worth infinitely more than anyone’s opinion of us.

    • Thanks! Yeah it will be interesting to see how it turns out. Amen! His love is worth infinitely more indeed! Hugs and love xox

  17. The desire to be popular – and to be seen to be popular – has been around for ages, and the price is usually the truth. The term, “claptrap”, originated in the theatre (probably vaudeville or music hall) meaning a line that was guaranteed to get applause. “How about those Nats, huh?” Or “So I was in Charlotte, North Carolina, last week – anyone here from Charlotte?” (In a college talent show one time, one performer introduced a song by saying, “One of my favorite musicians… Mr Paul McCartney!” and clearly expected thunderous applause. Crickets. Undaunted, he said, “And some of you dig him too, yeah!”)

    Sorry – I digress. Look at the people who sacrifice truth or real conversation online for the sake of likes. Taking away that motivation is a step towards more truth in social media.

    Heck, if I worried about how many likes balmy blog got (and thank you, Care, for liking mine as often as you do!) I’d have packed it in long ago. My blog is about the love of Christ – the “Jesus I know”, although that sounds presumptuous – and I would rather know that, like it or not, at least people are reading it.

    With Jesus, “like” doesn’t come into it. He loves us – even if He doesn’t “like” us at times!

    • Thanks so much Drew for sharing your thoughts on this. You’re so right! It’s a big step towards more truth – I’m excited to see the fruits of this decision. So glad you stopped by and joined the conversation! Hugs and love xox

  18. Great post. It got me thinking about all the ways people allow social media to affect their self-esteem: People who post stuff because they think it’s what people will like; getting upset that they’re not getting enough likes; etc.
    Maybe we should get back to social media being something we do just for the fun of it, or to let our friends and family know what’s happening in our lives, instead of trying to compete for likes and followers.

    • Thank you so much Michael! You’re so right about that – people can get so wrapped up in the likes and let it effect their entire day and outlook! I agree! Back to just fun! Hugs and love xox

  19. Amen sister! God loves me, so who else should I care about? My aim is to please Him. And when I sin, I know He loves me anyway.
    So why is Instagram doing away with likes?

  20. People take social media far too seriously these days. My mom asked my sister to water her plants, while she is on holiday. It was when she got back that we realized it she was talking about FarmVille.
    In the resulting argument after, my disgust towards Facebook games solidified even further. I refused to take part even when she kept pestering me to join up. Kind of shows how addictive those Facebook games are.

    Instagram is no better, feeding the ego-centric and alienating the lonely.
    You say you barely break a 1000 on your posts, I’d be lucky to just get two. Well this was back when I was actually posting pictures of my face. I got more followers when I switched to memes instead.
    I’m not bitter about that. I know my face is right out of a horror movie. Who cares…

    But there are people out there who literally live on Instagram. If you notice all those around you who post amazing pictures and awesome stories, seeming like their life doesn’t have a care in the world, looking deeper you’ll find out it’s all a facade. Well most. The ‘likes’ are their bread and butter in boosting their own self-esteem.

    I see this change as a good thing. Remove the numbers. Force people to stop allowing social media to affect their self-esteem.
    However professionals might not like the change. Those who use Instagram for social media coverage and business marketing may not like the fact that they can’t gauge whether a particular slogan, etc., is being well received by the public. That doesn’t really matter though. People matter.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. You’re right – there are people who LIVE on Instagram. When the reality is that it’s a highlight reel, not reality. And when we forget that, that’s when our mental health takes a hit. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

      • I really feel like this is a great idea, because as you correctly pointed out people always get caught up in how mnay likes they get, and end up assigning how many likes they receive to what they are worth (I know I have before). I just can’t wait for them to make this change for us in the UK, because there are too many young people looking for validation in their ‘likes’.

      • Thanks so much! I agree – as a source of validation, social media can be fickle and fleeting. Hugs and love xox

  21. The influencer community can KMA. I’m ok with this.

    It’s interesting how whenever it comes up with the kids at school that I use Instagram, the first thing they always ask is, “How many followers do you have?” I don’t care. I don’t do it to count my followers. I do it to share pictures of what’s going on with my life and to keep in touch with friends. Occasionally I make a new friend on Instagram, because it is public, but I don’t make getting new followers a priority. (I should also add that I don’t post pictures of myself, something else that 12-year-olds don’t understand.)

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. Yeah the whole followers thing is a weird and sad state of you ask me. It gives something that should be fun this competitive undertone. Hugs and love xox

  22. Brilliant post! We need to be assured of where our true self-worth comes from, and I think Instagram will be doing the right thing by concealing likes. I hope other forms of social media follow their example.

  23. As a tech geek and heavy Internet user for the last 20+ years, I totally get where you’re coming from. For a few months now, I’ve been consciously dis-entangling myself from most social media. I’m now much more intentional with which platforms I use and how I use them. This has really helped my self-esteem. Personally, I find Instagram and Facebook to be the most problematic for me, so a few months ago I deleted my accounts.

    A little while ago, I started getting into Reddit. One day, I made a post which instantly got me 1000+ karma. It gave me a little boost of happiness, but it also made me uneasy… suddenly this meaningless number started to seem important. Reddit karma is a bit like Instagram Likes in that regard. So, I deleted my Reddit account too.

    I’m a social hermit and could easily stay at home all the time unless I had to leave the house. But 3 months ago I was kinda forced to start socialising IRL (drug issues forced me to a 12 Steps meeting)… and that is so much better for my mental health than anything I could get from sitting behind a keyboard.

    In the past, I’ve tried to use drugs, food and even relationships to fill the hollow inside myself. Right now, I’m finding it hard to have any faith in God, but I’m hoping I find *something* within myself that’s healthy to fill this void we all feel.

    Loving your work, BBB. Keep going!

    • Hey friend! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this, and sharing your story. Good for you for deleting your accounts. I think more people may follow suit! Keep searching for that filling source. I’d encourage you to read the book Wild at Hear by John and Stacy Eldridge. It’s incredibly powerful. So glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

  24. I’ve been hearing about this change all week, and I think it’s a step in the right direction also. It removes the ‘popularity contest’ factor of posting.

  25. Not an Instagram user, so I have no dog in this fight, but you made the major point well–our worth lies in the fact that we’re made in the image of God. Our true worth is not in what WE do or create or how popular we are but rather in what we choose to do with the God to whom we are all ultimately responsible.

    • Thanks for sharing your thought on this. You’re so right about that! What we choose to do with it!! Love that. Hugs and love xox

  26. I like the move by Instagram, but you will still be able to view your own likes, just not those of others. I think such a metric is still important, particularly for those who are trying to use the platform as a potential source of income or influence. You need to have some sense of what posts resonate with your followers. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

  27. I think it is a step in the right direction. Retweets, likes and blue ticks available on various communication sites and apps have had a debilitating effect on mental health, self-worth and relationships.
    Yes, the people using the platforms as a source of revenue might suffer a bit from it. I am looking forward to how it plays out.

    • I agree – it will be interesting to see how it plays out. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  28. I never really took to Instagram, but I was huge on Facebook when it was still making rounds and everyone was getting it for the first time. I became very taken in by the like count and how I presented myself on social media. I don’t Insta or Facebook anymore and haven’t for around 18 months- 2 years, (Facebook occasionally just to keep in touch with friends overseas) and my wellbeing has so far been much better.

    • Thanks Violet. I agree – the validation can be a slippery slope for sure. So glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

  29. I had to ‘like’ your post, because the world needs more posts like this and to hear the Truth spoken so honestly. I’m on my own journey just now in finding and learning and believing my Worth in Christ. It’s been a long road, but I do believe that it is the way to Freedom. Thanks for sharing how you came to this freedom to encourage others also. God bless. x

  30. We’ve all heard reports that the current generation is suffering from too much depression generated by being overly attached to their phones – read social media. Taking down the scoreboard is a great idea. Save the point system for baseball, football, etc. But for life? Let’s not keep score. God doesn’t thanks to Jesus.
    \I started writing an article yesterday about losing whatever we had at birth. How did we get from bundles of joy to murderers, molesters, bullies, and more? The answer lies in your article here. You rightly say that we need to judge ourselves on God’s love, not likes. Let’s extend that thought.

    How badly would you treat another person, if you saw their “God worth”? How likely would you be to cheat them, bully, them, hit them, rape them, or kill them if you to see God’s stamp of love on them?

    Recognize your own God worth – YES! Recognize everyone else’s too whether you like them or not.

    Thank you, Caralyn, for making me think with this! Great weekend!

    Oh, and for the record…I do get frustrated with my blog numbers, but I figure I’ll just be me, write about what I want to, and let the chips fall where they may! Let God use me how He will…

    • You’re so right Jeff – the link between depression and social media is HUGE. Save the points for football. Amen. What an interesting premise for an article. I can’t wait to read it. 🙂 I hear you there – quality over quantity when it comes to God 🙂 thanks for stopping by And sharing your insight on this!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Hugs to you and your girls! Xox

  31. This is one of my favorite posts of yours!! I have been prone to seeing my worth from others feedback via likes, shares, and things of that nature. But, this post really brings the REAL truth home. Thank you for these beautiful words!

    • Oh gosh, thank you so much Jess! I’m so glad this resonated with you. Yes! I can absolutely relate – yes! Our real with is with Him! Hugs and love xox

  32. You wrote…”It’s time we start remembering just what it is that truly gives us our value in this life.”… I couldn’t agree more & our value is in Christ.

    I think there’s more to examine though other than just the likes, for example, why do younger people think or feel this way? Part of the influencer is societal & advertising, but part of the problem rests with the parents, my generation. We rail against the milenials as the me & now generation, but is my generation which created that.

    It was two generations before, the boomers & X’ers who created the me, now, self image. By continually getting into perpetual debt for homes, cars, entertainment, pleasure, clothing, image, etc; we created the environment for the misguided milenial generation. They are the fruit of their parents misguided attempts at creating a “self worth” through materialism, milenials don’t have much in material so they’re reverting to imagery, which in all honesty, is what the parents did, having nicer homes, better cars, boats, sports, body image, job, fame, etc. All of the things the parents sought, only milenials are using the tools available to them.

    Milenials need to reexaime their fake reality but so do the generations before them, the parents & grandparents.

    God bless you & your ministry.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. Lots of really interesting food for thought. We’re all products of how we were brought up! Hugs and love xox

  33. I think what Instagram is doing is a really good thing. I’m pro mental health and we live in a world that attributes self-worth to popularity. I think this really help put things in perspective for everyone. Place us all on a more equal footing. People would stop doing literally anything and everything to get ‘likes’ or feeling down ,bad and depressed over something that shouldn’t really matter such as ‘likes’. It’ll help us all become more real with ourselves knowing that we can finally do away with the popularity contest social media constantly throws at us.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! yes! anything pro mental health is a positive in my book too! i agree. hugs to you xox

  34. Well since WordPress still allows “likes” I did like this post. But you are so right. Being popular is such a problem in our society. My little 8 year-old granddaughter who is in third grade was upset the other day because she is not “popular” like some of the other girls in her class. We had a conversation about what is really important but it’s sad that pressure to be popular sets in so early in our society.

    • thank you Barbara! you’re right about that – it’s built into the system. that breaks my heart that your granddaughter is seeing this first hand so young. you’re right – sad! big hugs to oyu xox

  35. I’m not really into Instagram, but if it improves mental health, I’m all for it. In terms of how this influences the influencers, they were able to survive before social media, so somehow I think they can survive after likes are taken away (even if I “liked” this post).

  36. Great post! I deactivated my instagram like two weeks ago to help me stop caring about people that seemingly don’t give a damn about me. I had no idea that instagram was getting rid of the like feature. That is was makes instagram, instagram. That’s what the popular page was all about. I’m not sure if I’ll go back now.

    • Thanks so much for sharing that, Chris. I agree – it will be interesting to see how it survives the change. thanks for stopping by. hugs xox

  37. I agree! It’s a great idea for us to stop obsessing about how many likes our posts and photos get…that doesn’t determine their value, and all it does is make us anxious about nothing.

    • THanks so much Ann! I agree – anxious about nothing! it’s a step in the right direction! hugs xo

    • Hi A! thanks for sharing your thoughts! I agree! With WP it’s different than just the popularity contest it is on Instagram! thanks for stopping by! hugs xo

  38. I am tickled they are removing this feature!! AND I am hoping it creates a trend….wouldn’t it be grand to just enjoy something for the sake of enjoyment or to DO something for the very same purpose WITHOUT the over-shadowing fear “will it be liked” and HOW MUCH “will it be liked???” Giggles.

    • Hi Dawn! thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! YES! oh gosh i hope it starts that trend! glad you stopped by! hugs xo

  39. I completely agree, I’m here for it. It’s the greatest idea! Now maybe spectators may like a post because they genuinely want to as opposed to liking it or not based solely on how many people liked it before them.

    • Thanks so much Natisha! (beautiful name by the way!) I agree! i think it’s a great idea! hugs xox

  40. I agree and I’m happy about this change. I’m raising two daughters (16 and 12) and I’ve overheard their friends say, “I’ve only gotten ___ likes on this picture, was it not good enough? Should I not have posted it?” And that breaks my heart. That people are looking for their worth in a number. Thank you for this post. I love your blog and what you stand for! 😘

    • Oh gosh – that breaks my heart to hear the kids talk like that … i agree – i think it will do a lot of good! glad you stopped by! hugs xox

  41. Look for more of this, actually. Tech companies are bowing to the pressure of the vocal minority SJW crowd who are tired of having their insanity ratioed on these platforms. I don’t use any of these, but I expect their general usefulness will decline when they can’t be used by creators to judge engagement.

  42. Definately a step in the right direction. Hopefully the younger generation will learn to value themselves to more than how many ‘likes’ they get on a picture.

    • thanks so much 🙂 yes! a step in the right direction for sure. glad you stopped by! hugs xox

  43. Great reminder of where our worth comes from! It reminds me of 1 Corinthians 12 where Paul talks about each person having unique gifts and talents to make up the full body of Christ. Thank you for the post!

  44. I’ve honestly been waiting for Instagram to do something like this. I haven’t used the platform in well over five years, but with this change, I might consider re-joining. I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression since college and I hate to admit that social media has always played somewhat of a part in it up until recently. It always made me feel like I needed to compare my life to the seemingly grand and perfect lives of the people I follow. It’s even like that for facebook. I realize now that what we see on social media isn’t always the true and honest case. People can sometimes stretch the truth! Besides that, the number of likes always made me feel inferior to other people back then. Not good enough.

    In college, I struggled with a bout of starving myself that ended up damaging my heart. I’ve always struggled with self confidence and having PCOS, it’s always been difficult to lose weight and therefore, seeing thin ladies getting all the likes wasn’t a healthy thing for me.

    Nowadays, I’m thankful for a select group of people that remind me that my worth doesn’t come from my appearance alone or how many people like my photo or my status. I’m a child of a KING and if that isn’t something to make me feel worthy, nothing can make me feel that way!! I’m unique and talented in my own ways, and God loves me just the way I am!

    • Hi Kris! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for sharing your story. Amen to that — the child of a KING! and your worth is totally independent of all of those things! thanks for this beautiful response. big big hugs xo

  45. No wonder King Solomon looked at the mundanity of humanity and did not fail to see the tagged mediocrity. Vanity.

    Of truth are these: “1. Their way of assigning value empties the person. It is a reduction of the person to a numerical, or measurable entity.
    2. When we find our worth in Christ, it does just the opposite: it fills us up;” your quotations BBB.

    Having been like by the Almighty Jesus, He did count me, putting me in the everlasting mix. And what is the asseveration of the holy One of Israel? “…I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” [Heb 13:5]. And this is our eternal rest.

    Thank you for this post. Your posts? They can only get better, by the grace of Him who is, was, and is to come.

  46. Great post! This also ties into studies that were done around Facebook and the ‘Like” button. They found that people would get a small dopamine hit when they see their likes go up on their posts. The dopamine response was a trigger to keep them hooked on Facebook (and other social media outlets).

    Removing the ‘like’ count is definitely a step in the right direction.

  47. I am so happy to hear that Instagram will be getting rid of the like feature. I think it will help people who struggle with low self esteem. Like you said its about the person not the number of likes you get.

  48. I’m excited for it to go away. That said, I heard that one will still be able to see their likes, they just won’t be publicly visible. I think this could still present trouble for those who constantly seek that affirmation, especially young folks. But at least the element of competition and comparison will be removed. I don’t think likes should be gone altogether, but this won’t be a cure-all. Let’s see how it shakes out!

    • Yeah it will be an interesting change to say the least!! I agree – it will now just be private, but those feelings may still be there! Let’s see!! Fascinating social experiment!! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! Hugs and love xox

  49. This is a great article. I agree that the likes should be removed. My IG personal account is private. I am making a public account so I can interact with my readers. Thank you for this insight.

    • You’re on a reading roll! thanks so much Ada! Yeah it will be interesting so see what happens! And you’re right – it’s a great way to interact with readers! Hugs and love xox

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