Wow, you guys. Never in a million years, did I think that the response to Monday’s post would have been what it was!

I think it’s so remarkable how this quarantine is something that – as a global community – we’re collectively living through together. And as a result, we’re all learning uniquely individual things from it.

So thank you for taking the time to share what you’re learning from this time of lockdown.

It was really fascinating to read all of your responses. The overwhelming majority of responses had to do with communication and interpersonal relationships. Which has been the same for me.

I’ve really learned a lot about how much I value and appreciate the small effort of a phone call or FaceTime. I’ve been so impressed by the relationships in my life that have really shown up and stepped up their communication game. And oftentimes from surprising sources.

Another common lesson of quarantine you shared is how it is really impacting relationships. I loved reading how the togetherness is giving people a new found appreciation for your families and loved ones! Taking walks, doing fun activities together – like puzzles, cooking. It’s a special time that a lot of you are really cherishing.

There was A LOT of appreciation and prayers for medical workers and those on the front line of the fight against the coronavirus.

As well as a new (or renewed) devotion to, and dependence on God. One friend in particular shared this quote, that I thought was really moving: β€œWe have no right to judge where we should be put, or to have preconceived notions as to what God is fitting us for. God engineers everything; wherever He puts us, our one great aim is to pour out a wholehearted devotion to Him in that particular work. β€˜Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.’” Oswald Chambers

People are learning new skills! Many of which are therapeutic in and of themselves: musical instruments, cooking, painting, dancing, journaling, writing poetry, sewing masks! One friend even learned how to make ice cream! YUM!

With changing realities around jobs and social interactions, people are gaining new perspectives on themselves, and their self-worth. One friend shared this quote, that I found to be especially powerful: β€œIt’s not how much you do that’s important, but who you are.”

You shared that you’ve found a new appreciation for a lot of little things: like going to church, our “little” everyday liberties, our mundane routines, our coworkers, the wildlife outside our windows, reading books.

And there were a lot of people who are really enjoying this slower pace of life!

Lastly, the most common response, was the realization that we were created for community. There is a yearning in our hearts for connection during this time when we are being starved of that physical togetherness. And I wholeheartedly relate. And it makes me so grateful for this little community we have here πŸ™‚

It was really really insightful to hear your thoughts, so thank you for pouring out your hearts. Check out the post if you’d like to read more of the enriching responses!

Well, tonight, to keep with this week’s “let’s lighten things up, let’s have a little interactive fun” theme, I thought it’d be kinda fun to play Quarantine Superlatives.

Fun Fact, my Senior year — despite being in the throes of anorexia — I was voted Most Likely to Star on Broadway. Which is hysterical.

But Here’s How You Play:

I’m going to just spout off some fun quarantine related superlatives, and if you feel like joining in the fun, you can share you own answers, or come up with new superlatives of your own in the comments section! Answer one, a couple, add your own – just have fun! πŸ™‚

BEST QUARANTINE PURCHASE: Evergreen Scented Candles (So that my apartment smells like Christmas) It’s been a game changer.

MOST EXCITING PART OF THE DAY: The 7pm Cheer for the hospital workers. I bang my pots and pans out the window. MORE COWBELL!

BEST QUARANTINE ADVENTURE: Running to Central Park and exploring, and then walking back in the freezing cold through an empty Times Square. There was an old man who was playing an old Chinese string instrument by a deserted fountain. It was hauntingly beautiful.

BEST DAY OF THE WEEK: Thursday – because there’s that feeling of mischieviousness when you have a drink with your friend over FaceTime. Kinda like have a sleepover on a school night.

BEST HOME WORKOUT SONG: Safaera by Bad Bunny. That song hits

BEST TOILET PAPER BRAND: Charmin Ultra Soft, no competition


BIGGEST KITCHEN FAIL: Dropping a block of cream cheese on the floor making this dip.

BIGGEST KITCHEN WIN: Making this ice cream!


BEST TIME WASTER: Instagram memes

BIGGEST LAUGH: Having a “wardrobe malfunction” while on FaceTime with my two best friends. Oh. My.

MOST INSPIRING CONTENT: Father Mike’s Easter Homily. Or his Good Friday homily. I mean, wow.


WORST QUARANTINE TREND: Either Quarantine mustaches, OR the Instagram Pushup Challenge

HARDEST ITEM TO FIND BESIDES PURELL: Frozen Pineapple — shockingly difficult


BEST BINGED TV SHOW: The Office – classic


BEST NEW HABIT/PRACTICE YOU’VE ADOPTED: Teaching my nieces music lessons over FaceTime

OK — now it’s your turn to play along!! What are some of YOUR superlatives? I’d LOVE to know!

Have a great weekend, and I’ll talk to you soon!

Also — for my Patreon friends, keep an eye out tonight for a special podcast just for you! Something I was too chicken to share on the blog…eek!

“This is what the Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” Ez 37:5

A big thank you to my foundational sponsor, BetterHelp Online Therapy. I cannot begin to express how beneficial therapy was for my recovery from anorexia.  Speak with an online therapist. Or check out content about eating disorders from BetterHelp.


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Here was yesterday’s video! https://youtu.be/8pmp4ZI968A

MAGIC TOOTHPASTE? Yes! I am in love with this superior whitening toothpaste. It keeps my smile sparkling, without sensitivity or bleach! I made a website where you can directly order this miracle product! So if you want to give it a try, you can go ahead and grab a tube for yourself. I promise, your smile will thank you!Get a tube!

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I had so much fun going through the FabFitFun winter box — it’s filled with awesome products — from beauty, to fitness, fashion, skincare, home — all full size, valued at over $250, but sold for only $39.99 when you use my code “SANTABABY!”

Be sure to check out my affiliate, Audible. Listening to audiobooks while I cook is literally my new favorite thing. And just for you, they’re offering a Free 30-Day Trial Membership. And with this free membership, you’re going to get 2 free audiobooks! Literally. Free. It is the best deal ever. And if for some reason, you decide it’s not for you, you can cancel within those 30 days and it’s zero money out of your pocket, plus, you get to keep the 2 audiobooks. Soooo…it’s pretty much a no brainer. Plus, it’s a free and easy way to support this blog! So thank you!! 

Huge shoutout to my favorite: Ethos Spa Skin and Laser Center in Summit, New Jersey! Located just outside of NYC, this gorgeous medical spa keeps my skin healthy and bright! Stop in and treat yo’self! πŸ™‚

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@beauty.beyond.bones β€“ Instagram




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For Podcast versions of my posts, please check out Patreon! It’s only $2 a month!! You make this blog possible πŸ™‚

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And really quickly, I’ve had several questions concerning my Amazon link (amazon.com/shop/beautybeyondbones) — You do not need to buy one of my specific highlighted products on my page, in order for it to “credit” my account. Any purchases that you search or make from anywhere on Amazon, after first visiting my Amazon page, will credit this blog and help support this blog ministry. I am truly so grateful and appreciative to those of you wanting to do so! So thank you! Again, it is an absolutely free, and easy way for you to help keep this blog going!


  1. What I love the most: Being blessed to work from home and my new and improved commute.
    What I miss the most: my friends and hugs fro them.
    What I’ve learned: I have a stellar group of friends who make every effort to meet over Zoom and FaceTime at all costs.
    What I hope for the future: That we continue to make time to connect with our loved one when we are released back into society and that society is kinder and more patient.

    • Hi Judith! Thanks for sharing that! I feel you – I miss hugs so much!!! And I love that!! It’s great to hear you’ve been Zooming and FaceTiming your friends! What a lifesaver. And I’m with you there. Let’s carry that on!!! Hugs and love xox

  2. BEST QUARANTINE PURCHASE: The only thing I’ve bought since quarantine started was a pair of dust masks–more kpop style than anything else. I bought them for fashion reasons, not for coronavirus reasons. They’re super cute! I really actually like them, and I plan on wearing them after this is all over.

    MOST EXCITING PART OF THE DAY: I’m a college senior finishing their last week of school, so the most exciting part of the day is when I’ve decided I’ve “done enough” and can go to sleep. I’m sure I will find something else to be excited about once I’m Graduated! And it does give me a thrill every time I finish an assignment and know I’m one step closer to never having to be in school again.

    MOST SURPRISING “HOMEBODY” QUALITY I’VE SECRETLY ENJOYED: I’ve always identified as an “ambivert” but I think the quarantine has showed me how much of an introvert I really am. I’m perfectly fine with all of my social life being regulated to online meetings. It’s kind of nice–it’s less effort. I miss hugging people, but I don’t need a lot of social interaction to survive.

    BIGGEST KITCHEN FAIL: Eating a whole bunch of chocolate whipped cream my mother made and then remembering I was supposed to bring a treat to eat with my friends in one of my last online classes…but now I’m too full to eat…not my finest hour.

    BIGGEST KITCHEN WIN: I learned how to make fried rice!! And I love it! It’s the only way I’ll eat eggs. My sisters love it when I make it. And chow mein.

    BIGGEST TIME WASTER: Instagram, unless it’s checking in with my friends.

    BEST TIME WASTER: Fanfiction. I know, I know, let me read my AUs in peace.

    BIGGEST LAUGH: Having my mother and sister walk in on me while I’m in Jazz Class and start doing jazz hands and dancing behind the camera. They’re the two shyer members of the family, so it was unexpected and hilarious.

    WORST QUARANTINE TREND: People who never followed you on Instagram before and who you weren’t close with to begin with suddenly sending you friend requests.

    THING YOU REALIZED YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Actually, this whole quarantine has showed me how much I can live without. I don’t need much–just a room, productive work, friends that check in on me every once in a while, a steady pace, and a good hug. Also sweatpants. Seriously, I never wore them before and they are a GAME CHANGER.

    • Thanks for sharing these! Oh my gosh I’m so sorry that this has taken such a toll on your graduation situation πŸ™ congrats on being almost finished!!! The finish line is in sight!! So excited for you πŸ™‚ oh my gosh chocolate whipped cream YUM!! and I love fried rice yum! Haha jazz hands yes!! Isn’t that the truth! We really can live more simply! Thanks for sharing! Such an awesome response! Hugs and love xox

  3. Best moment in the week, Saturday Morning! Getting carryout breakfast from Crave CafΓ© with Julie and Hillary, eating it in an empty parking lot, and then taking a nice drive in the country.

  4. β™‘ nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit; it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that “God’s” NOTHING!!! without Goddess and 2020, like ALL Leap Years, is The Year of The Goddess…so Step Up to The Plate Ladies and Do YOUR!!! Thang; especially Proposing


  5. I defintely have to add to this! I love this! i want to fill in the whole thing… but to be short and sweet:
    Best Isolation song first thing in the Morning with a coffee in your hand:

    Blessing (the live version!!)- Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes and Elevation Worship

    • Thank you so much! Oh I love Kari Jobe! That is abbbbbbsolutely the best way to start the morning!! Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  6. Hmmm…superlatives…

    Biggest laugh: My technological malaise on a game night I had with some old college friends.

    New good habit: Walking before my work day starts.

    Favorite religious tradition from home: Singing all four verses of “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” for the Easter Vigil TV Mass with my brother, even though the organist cut it off at two verses.

    Thing I didn’t realize I’d miss: Community. Church community, friendship community, the community of people who I sometimes gather with to root for my favorite football club (Norwich City), to name a few.

    • Thanks for sharing that Brendan! I love that Easter tradition! That’s always one of my favorite songs at Easter – our church brings in the brass instruments and the timpani drums! It’s so beautiful! I feel you there – community is something I’m missing too. Hang in there! Hugs and love xox

  7. BEST BINGE-WATCHED SHOW (Actually the only one): The Chosen directed by Dallas Jenkins

    MOST SURPRISING QUARANTINE FACT: I have less time on my hands now that everyone is home all the time. Hence, no time for shows.πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

    LEAST SURPRISING QUARANTINE FACT: The days are a lot like our old homeschooling days only without the mad social scramble every afternoon.

    BEST NEW QUARANTINE HABIT: Learning the names of the bazillion gorgeous flowering weeds all over my neighborhood.


    • Hi Heather! Thanks for your superlatives!! Ooh I have to check out The Chosen. Gosh, yeah this quarantine looks different for everyone! How nice to have everyone home though!! πŸ™‚ stay well!! Hugs and love xox

      • You should check it out! I am always hesitant at anything portraying our Lord, but they did a very good job. Some speculation and artistic license, but I enjoyed the imagination in the disciples’ characters and in the way Jesus was portrayed as a man on a clear mission – because He was!

  8. My rescue dog (puerto rican beach dog) arrived just before total lockdown, she is the type of dog that HAS to be in your lap or touching something at all times, I am lucky and still working (remotely) but the combination of the confinement and dreary weather really can get to you… but a mutt? you see that tail wagging and everything else melts away for a time… like reading a good blog post with a positive vibe πŸ™‚

    • oh my gosh that is so sweet! glad you have that friend! stay well! Hugs and love xox

  9. Just a few of these:
    BIGGEST TIME WASTER: (tie) Facebook and computer solitaire games
    BEST QUARANTINE PURCHASE: For me, it’s an odd one: A new chair for my computer desk. I am telecommuting these days, and I bought the PERFECT chair for me about one week into lockdown. My back has not felt this good in over 30 years.
    HARDEST THING TO FIND BESIDES PURELL: I’m having no trouble with hand sanitizer; my local 7-11 finds a way to keep it in stock. Lysol wipes are impossible to find, though.

    • thank you so much Michael for these great responses! oh gosh – a good desk makes all the different! so happy for you!! stay well! Hugs and love xox

  10. Awe I love this post! It’s different from your usual post but nevertheless just as great. Always love reading what you have to share with us. Thank you for including your readers in a post. Much love to you during this time in the world. For the past few years, I’ve really looked up to you. You inspire me to keep going and to keep believing in God. You’ve encouraged me to continue writing and sharing my life. Love you, Caralyn! ❀️

    • thank you so much! yeah, i wanted to change it up a little bit πŸ™‚ haha leave it to quarantine to do that! haha thank you so much for your kind words – gosh I am seriously so touched πŸ™‚ you are a blessing to me! stay well! Hugs and love xox

  11. Favorite silver lining- Having my youngest daughter home from college. She is so much fun and loves to watch Hallmark with me.

    Favorite quarantine therapy- Hiking on empty trails. It’s so peaceful and relaxing and takes me away from all reminders of COVID-19.

    Favorite renewed activities- Reading funny romance novels and baking bread.

    Favorite family quarantine project- Giving our backyard pond a makeover. We rearranged the rocks, planted lovely flowers, bushes, and ornamental trees around the water, and added a little fountain in the center.

    • thank you so much Camie for playing along! awww that is such a beautiful silver lining! and yay hiking!! stay well! Hugs and love xox

  12. I gave up work and became a stay at home caregiver in 1984 – BIGGEST TIME WASTER: : Pinterest, so many cute puppies and other pins to like, YouTube another time waster, if I allow it to be BEST BINGE-WATCHED SHOW: “The Last of the Summer Wine” repeats fom upto 35 years agao – Silly but enjoyable comedy MOST SURPRISING QUARANTINE FACT: Missing the normal amount of cars on the roads, it seem so odd having empty roads KITCHEN FAIL: Being a butterfingers and breaking drinking glases and mugs KITCHEN WIN: Making homemade apple juice

    • thanks for sharing that Graham! oh gosh- Pinterst is where time literally evaporates!!! haha yay apple juice! stay well! Hugs and love xox

  13. section! Answer one, a couple, add your own – just have fun! πŸ™‚
    BEST QUARANTINE PURCHASE: Gardening supplies and plants!
    MOST EXCITING PART OF THE DAY: Early morning before the family gets awake.

    BEST QUARANTINE ADVENTURE: trespassing on abandoned houses in the country.
    BEST DAY OF THE WEEK: Sunday. Even more quiet than normal.
    BEST HOME WORKOUT SONG: Take a Walk by Passion Pit
    BEST TOILET PAPER BRAND: Whatever was given to me
    MOST SURPRISING β€œHOMEBODY” QUALITY I’VE SECRETLY ENJOYED: online Dungeons and Dragons sessions
    BIGGEST KITCHEN FAIL: Feeding my dog spicy meat.
    BIGGEST KITCHEN WIN: Making cookies nearly every day
    BIGGEST TIME WASTER: social media regurgitated news.
    BEST TIME WASTER: Reading new books
    BIGGEST LAUGH: I’m sure I cried laughing while making fun of someone to my mate during our daily drink.
    MOST INSPIRING CONTENT: our family prayers at Sunset
    BEST CORONA-TIME BIBLE VERSE: Stay inside and the angel of death shall pass over joy.
    HARDEST ITEM TO FIND BESIDES PURELL: Smiles at the grocery store
    BEST BINGED TV SHOW: The Expanse. The Colony.
    BEST NEW HABIT/PRACTICE YOU’VE ADOPTED: Daily writing. Teaching my daughter piano. Gardening.

    • thank you so much for playing along!! how fun that you’re teachign your daughter piano!! and oh my gosh yay for homemade cookies! stay well! Hugs and love xox

  14. Okay I have a few best/ worst etc.to add:

    Most exciting time of day. 3:30 p.m. when I get to go take a walk after being at my kitchen / work desk all day.

    Most binged TV show. Shameless. It’s all I watch. I’m hooked.

    Kitchen fail: when I made spinach balls with Parmesan cheese and breadcrumbs. It sounds good. It was a little too dry. I was trying to figure out how to use bagged frozen spinach somebody had gotten for me by mistake.

    Kitchen Triumph: curried chicken and noodles.

    Best time waster: Text Twist word game.

    Best adventure: discovery of new beach near the house that is gritty and as Boston as it gets and not overpopulated. I adore your description of the old man playing the haunting instrument.

    Best new activity: reading plays and screenplays online.

    Best laugh: playing Pictionary with the very limited drawing feature in zoom…πŸ˜‚

    Thanks for keeping us inspired. Much love…Julia

    PS! Gotta say who the best take-out is: Shanti Indian Food, Dorchester

    • curried chicken and noodles! ooh yum that sounds amazing! and i love picitionary! thanks for playing along! Hugs and love xox

  15. As I stated in my last comment to you, nothing really changed for me except I know I cannot live without Mass! Finally got to go yesterday, and Girl, when I received Jesus tears began to flow without a sound. The entire front of my blouse was wet by the time I got back to my seat! I have never known such peace in all of my life. That has not happened since I came into the Church and received the Eucharist for the first time. And the peace, I cannot explain, as there are no words. Hope you are doing well. Love you more. God Bless, SR

    • amen to that! thanks again SR for sharing that! stay well! Hugs and love xox

  16. I guess that we are all dying for a laugh!

    It is a good time to:

    o Learn new things;
    o Start an exercise program;
    o Start a new spiritual discipline;
    o Call people that you have not seen for awhile;
    o Work in the garden;
    o Check out a new church online;
    o Work on that pile of books on your desk.

    People are walking more in the neighborhood and they make a special effort to say hi, like never before.

    • thank you so much Stephen! oh those are really great ideas! yay for gardening! stay well! Hugs and love xox

  17. It’s good to see how a lot of people are getting together on the internet and producing some choir singing from their individual homes. It’s amazing how they get the harmony right and instruments fitting in with the melody. Some really funny entertainment too which shows the human spirit can rise above the lockdown syndrome.

    • you’re right about that! i love the virtual socializing too! amen! we will rise! stay well! Hugs and love xox

  18. Hello!
    I was finally able to go visit my family. I’m covered in scratches and bruises from my nephew’s 50lb puppy and I don’t care… worth it! When I go for walks, I wave and people and they wave back. They used to not so this. I think in many ways we have regained a sense of community.

    • thank you so much Melissa for sharing that! how fun! a puppy! i’m sorry about the scratches, but gosh what joy!! stay well! Hugs and love xox

  19. MOST HOPEFUL PURCHASE: a clutch small enough to take to the Chicago concert in July that I have tickets for

    BEST SURPRISE: I went to confession and was thrilled at the end when the priest had a gift for me: I received Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!

    FUNNIEST PRIEST VIDEO MESSAGE: https://youtu.be/1ZIFlzyK_qw (watch the whole thing)

    • oh that is so fun! yes! way to look forward! i’ll have to watch that video! thanks for passing it along! Hugs and love xox

  20. I finally got around to reading this post, and thoroughly enjoyed it. One thing I miss the most (no competition) β€” HUGS. I am a hugger, I mean my hugs. I literally put my back into them. I think my hugs are my super power – a God given gift 😊. Hmmmm… this quarantine has forced me to enjoy my company all the more, and I have found that I’m actually not half bad πŸ˜…, oh and with less distractions I have been able to spend quality time with God and seriously loving it! It’s something I am determined to carry over into β€˜normal’ everyday living post corona aka β€˜roro’. Also, who knew I would enjoy Bollywood movies so much…? Thanks again for this post. It was a pleasure to read! Cheers.

    • aw, i’m so glad!!! oh my gosh I MISS HUGS TOO!!!!! so so so so bad! haha Oh gosh, hug super powers – you are not joking — there is power in a hug, that i know to be true! stay well! hugs are right around the corner! haha Hugs and love xox

    • aw thank you Eliza! i so appreciate those virtual hugs!!! πŸ™‚ what a blessing to be with your family! stay well! Hugs and love xox

  21. Biggest quarantine adventure: Decision to bake the boxed pecan bar mix found in the back of the pantry with a best-by date of,uhhhhh, 2012.

    Biggest quarantine cooking fail: See above.

    • hahaha oh gosh – that is definitely quite the undertaking! hahahha oh boy

  22. I always enjoy reading your post. I am now making it priority to blog and read my WordPress friends blogs for an hour a day. It fills my soul with so much encouragement. Thank you for all you. Stay strong. I am so proud of you.

    Best Corona Time Bible Verses: Psalms 23, 27 and 91
    Favorite New Habit: Cooking breakfast for myself daily.
    Favorite New Food: Pineapple
    What miss the most:Hugs
    Favorite Video Platform: A tie between Google Duo and Google Meet

    • Hi Ada, aw you are too kind, thank you!! That’s such an awesome goal! yeah i love checkin in with friends from all over the blogosphere – and the world! OOOH YES FOR HOMEMADE BREAKFAST!!! πŸ™‚ Stay well! Hugs and love xox

  23. 1. Best quarantine Purchase: Toilet paper!
    2. Most Exciting part of the Day: Coffee time! My dog, Duke says breakfast, snack time, and dinnertime
    3. Best Quarantine Adventure: Going to the recycle center with my grandpa
    4. Best Day of the Week: Saturday
    5. Best Home Workout Song: Praise You With The Dance by Casting Crowns
    6. Best Toilet Paper Brand: Whatever brand Grandpa brings home from the store.
    7. Most Surprising “Homebody” Quarantine I’ve Secretively Enjoyed: Extra FaceTime calls with Friends. πŸ™‚
    8. Biggest Kitchen Fail: Non-chicken eggs salad. Ran out of canned chicken. πŸ™‚
    9. Biggest Kitchen Win: Best Friend’s Chicken-egg salad recipe.
    10. Biggest Time waster: Trying to understand Zoom
    11. Best Time Waster: Bible App!
    12. Biggest Laugh: Anytime my best friend and I laugh is the biggest and best laugh.
    13. Most inspiring content: My best friend telling me it’s okay to let go of my broken past and continue forward. This blog too! πŸ™‚
    14. Be Corona-Time Bible Verse: …”Behold I have a plan for You…”
    15. Worst Quarantine Trend: Anything that is hurtful and people think it’s funny, but it’s not.
    16. Hardest Item To Find Beside Purell: Wipes.
    17. Best Quarantine Podcast: Please make some suggestions…I’m new to the podcast world.
    18. Best Binged TV Show: To be honest I don’t watch TV. It makes me feel “Car Sick.”
    19. Thing You Realized You Can’t Live Without: Toilet Paper!
    20. Best New Habit/Practice You’ve Adopted: Trying to read my Bible App everyday. Plans on that app are amazing. πŸ™‚

    • Hey Amanda!! thank you so much for playing along! i love your answers!! ooh that chicken egg salad sounds yummy! and aw – sounds like you’ve got a wonderful friend there. haha feel you on the toilet paper!! podcasts: hmm – I love Fr. Mike Schmitz podcast, The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivy, Do SOmething Beautiful with Leah Darrow, The Pop Cast, The Morning Toast! There ya go! hahah Hugs and love xox

  24. Hugs, I miss the hugs. I’m an extrovert and so is my toddler. We’re missing our social playdates the most. We were definitely not made for isolation. πŸ’—

    • Aww I feel you there! Hang in there friend!! Sending a huge virtual hug!! Xoxo

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