Hollywood’s Gross Disregard for Life

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Welp, in today’s edition of Pop Culture Garbage, I’ve got another delightful gem for you.

I’m telling you…the filth that’s out there for us to consume is absolutely heinous. Seriously.

And today’s culprit: Shrill, on Hulu, starring Aidy Bryant, from SNL.

Ok, so story time: and spoiler alert…it ends with me making my special gentleman turn it off, while proclaiming, “I don’t want to give this trash my viewership! We vote with our pocketbooks!” SO…buckle up, people.

So it’s Tuesday evening. I was over at my man’s apartment for dinner and a movie.

We had just eaten a gorgeous meal that I brought over. So we wanted to just watch something mindless. We recognized Aidy Bryant from SNL, and so decided to give it a shot.

It was your typical millennial, I’m-having-trouble-navigating-adulthood “comedy” (eye roll) where the writers pathetically lean on crass jokes about sex, drugs and the patriarchy. So from the jump, it was pretty shoddy.

But what made me sick was the scene where she has an abortion, and more specifically, her response to it.

In the scene directly following the procedure, depicting the following day, Aidy’s character gets all dressed up in a new dress, curls her hair, and impudently declares: I feel really, really good…And I got myself into this huge f***ing mess, but I made a decision only for me – for myself – and I got myself out of it. I feel very f***ing powerful right now. And I just feel like I need to go out. I’m feeling myself.”

In case you missed that, she was feeling herself after ending the life of her child.

**Pause for the silent prayer I’m saying for all the 50+ million babies who will meet the same tragic fate as this fictitious one, this year alone.**

Here’s the thing. Obviously, I hate that this show had the main character have an abortion. It is heartbreaking. It’s wrong. But I typically don’t have this level of visceral reaction to those depictions in other movies.

What I really despised, and the thing that is so dangerous – is how flip they depicted it.

There was no second thought. There was no even eye-bat of sadness or remorse – or even recognition that it was a big deal.

She just – boop – went and had her child’s body sucked out of her uterus with a vaccum, and then — hairflip — Let’s get margaritas!

I feel very f***ing powerful right now!”

Oh how my heart breaks for this woman.

The thing that was so tragic to me, is the message that this sends young women who are grappling with the situation of an unplanned pregnancy.

Here they are, about to make one of the biggest decisions of their lives, and they see THIS false depiction on TV that having an abortion is like nothing more than going to the dentist and getting your teeth cleaned.

Where was a) the physical pain? Where was the emotional trauma? Where was the post-abortion grief — which causes suicide rates to be six times higher in women who had abortions, according to the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

Having an abortion is a huge deal for the mother — and not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And even though it may not be felt immediately following, it is something she will literally carry with her for the rest of her life.

As you know, I was one of two speakers at a women’s conference back in March of this year. And the other speaker, was this amazing woman, Alyssa, who shared her testimony. And part of her testimony, was sharing about the multiple abortions she had.

And listening to her describe how it was like carrying anvils over her head. The crushing sorrow. The stifling guilt and grief was nearly too much for her to bear. And praise God she didn’t follow through with her plan to end her life, and instead, surrendered all that pain and suffering to Jesus, who absolutely turned her life around and set her heart free and on fire. (You can listen to her incredible testimony here).

Talking to her, and getting to know this absolutely incredible woman, and the tumultuous journey she has been through, I got to hear firsthand what it really is like in the aftermath of an abortion.

She was all I could think about, as I watched Aidy Bryant flip her hair, and declare that she felt “so f****ing powerful,” and was “feeling herself.”

It enraged me, but at the same time, my heart broke for the suffering I knew was in store for this — albeit ficticious — character.

There was a lack of responsibility there. For the truth. For the gravity of the situation. I don’t care if you’re pro-life, pro-abortion, pro-whatever…(well, I do…)…but the fact is, no matter what you believe, the truth of the matter is that women who undergo abortions have one heck of a difficult road ahead, and they need support. And love. And compassion. And healing. And Christ.

Because, on their own, the self-medications are full of vice, and emptiness, and even more pain, if that’s even possible.

There is hope and freedom of that pain in Jesus.

I want to close with just two quick things.

First: one thing that Alyssa told me that was really healing for her, that was suggested to her by her priest, was to name her babies in Heaven. Give them a name and start that relationship with them, that you can one day continue in Heaven. I thought that was beautiful, and incredibly powerful.

But lastly – I turned that garbage programming off. After that scene, I shut Shrill off.

We’re living in a time where conservative, faithful views and beliefs are being censored on social media — I mean, this post — like my previous FOUR pro-life posts were all banned from Facebook — will probably be censored. Faithful voices are being either silenced or made out to be backwards-thinking bigots.

And they can sensor us, they can lie to us through the news and media, and paint a false narrative about who we are and what we stand for.

But one thing they can’t control is our spending power, and where we give our views.

Because in streaming wars and the content boom that we’re seeing, viewership numbers matter — it’s a currency. So if we refuse to support the companies that promote messages and ideas you don’t agree with, or refuse to watch shows that belittle Christian values….they will hear us loud and clear.

And frankly, it’s the only option we have left.

So. I will not be finishing that show, and I encourage you not to either.

And instead, I will be saying extra prayers for the 125,000 babies that are killed every single day from abortion.

Let’s be the voice for the voiceless.

“This is what the Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” Ez 37:5


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132 responses to “Hollywood’s Gross Disregard for Life”

    • Thank you so much A. I truly appreciate your support. Hugs and love xox

  1. Reading this almost brought me to tears, Caralyn. This trash is why I just tune it out. Every bit of it, it smells like the evil one at work if I may say. Be well. 🙏🏻

    • Thank you John. I applaud your heart. You’re so right – the evil one is having a field day, and sadly THIS is an area where he has women in a literal death grip. So glad your stopped by. Hugs and love xox

  2. So many of us forget that it’s not only the food that we consume that matters, but what we feed our mind as well. Thank you for speaking truth to our generation.

    • You’re SO right about that Casey. My favorite quote is: “Better keep your mind clean and bright. You are the window through which you see the whole world.” Thank you so much for your support. Hugs and love xox

  3. There’s a lot that pertains to “the choice”, though not so much of it when it comes to love.

    Love has no relation to choice, no place among careful selection. Does the woman who goes for an abortion ever contemplate, for a lengthy period of time, over such a… choice? It can be the same for when we choose what fruit we want, off a stand. We run through the selections. We carefully analyze.

    It is not so, like this, with love.

    Love is spontaneous. Love is instant.

    To the point where we hold no moments to “think twice” on our choices is when, I believe, love begins to run out.

    • Thank you friend for sharing your thoughts on this. Some really interesting food for thought here. glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

    • I deign to disagree. Love is intentional. It is not a feeling. It is self-sacrifice. It is the laying down of one’s pride, desires, hopes, dreams, goals for the sake of another’s. It is dying to self, and choosing to prioritize the life of someone else. The ‘love’ you defined is emotional infatuation at best, and temporal lust at worst.

      • Though, I’ll add that what you described were the building blocks of trust.

        To trust, it is all what you recreate of yourself, upon another’s shoulders. Yes. We do self-sacrifice. We do drop all we fought for, alone, for the place of another. We construct a different sort of empire, through another’s image. This is all through the human willingness to trust, and then, comprehend that we’ve made ourselves vulnerable to all we’ve been building could come crashing down.

        Love… since I’ve written my whole blog of 2,000+ posts about it, is what I would say to be the foundations for what we build.

        Believe me, I’ve done all you described, and then some… with 1,600 or so poems written in her name.

      • As someone who has had an abortion, I thank you for posting this. I suffered for many years with the guilt of murdering my child, and only by returning to God am I able to bear it. His grace and forgiveness is everything to me.

      • Hi Beth, you are incredible. I thank you for sharing your story. I wish I could give you a big hug right now. Amen – God’s loving arms are full of mercy and grace that is deeper than the ocean. I am so glad He has you in His embrace 🙂 Thank you for this powerful response. Hugs and love xox

      • I’m sorry you went through that Beth. Our God is gracious and merciful. Amen, praise the Most High for His forgiveness. 😍

  4. All of the show I watch are 10+ years old (lol) because the current offerings are so misguided and disturbing … moral flippancy, forced diversity (it seems every show now requires a mixed-race couple, gay character, etc.) and making everything unnecessarily political. As Casey said, food for our mind and hearts matters just as much as the things we put into our body, so we need to remember to be mindful and intentional. It breaks my heart that they’re making light of abortion because, you’re right, so many woman later regret the decision and may have acted differently if they knew of the physical and emotional consequences of the procedure.

    • Thanks for sharing that. Yeah I don’t blaming you for watching the older shows… the ones today just leave you feeling empty and dirty. I may take a page from your book! So true – it breaks my heart too. So glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

  5. I am speechless! They are doing their best to desensitized the young people about abortion. It is very heartbreaking. No wonder the world has so much suffering and pain. The blood of these victims are crying out from the ground. May God have mercy on us. You are right in shutting it off. I personally do not watch these modern day comedy any more. They have eroded the true meaning of family. Thanks for bringing our attention to it.

  6. I am going to throw my two cents in. We have the right to make choices in life and Pro-Choice has their arguments ,but those choices should be moral. What is not moral is taking another human life. I know not everyone will make moral choices and that’s the difference between good and evil. Pro-Choice also quotes Scripture, which they misinterpret for their own desires. Our right to choose is up to us, but when it concerns a life of the unborn, that unborn has a right to live. We are made and formed by the work of God.

    • I so agree – when the choice effects another person — especially to the degree of ending its life — it is no longer our choice to make. Thank you for sharing your two cents 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  7. Far too few Christians have the “I don’t want to give this trash my viewership! We vote with our pocketbooks!” attitude.

    • thanks for sharing that, Matt. I agree! we need to start doing so! because if it’s not profitable, they won’t turn out such garbage! glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  8. I had the same gut wrenching reaction to an abortion scene in Call the Midwife. The way it was equated to “doing your nails”… I almost threw up. And the truth is, I haven’t always been pro-life. By God’s grace and mercy, He opened my eyes through a lot of painful situations. We need voices calling garbage out. Because young girls are seing this and believing the lie. And to see this evil excused and celebrated, it strikes fear in my heart- fear of the Lord and of His justice which will rain down on these people for their sin against the sanctity of human life, their sin against God. And that is petrifying.
    A couple organizations I’m really passionate about are 1) And Then There Were None- which helps get abortion workers out of the industry that is hell to get out of. And 2) Embrace Grace which ministers to single/unwed/ unexpectant expectant mothers, and encourages, supports, and enables them to choose life for their child. It is a truly spectacular ministry. And I hope to start one in my community.

    • Hi Eden, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I haven’t seen Call the Midwife, but I certainly won’t be watching it now! Oh gosh, that sounds just horrendous. God’s grace and mercy is amazing, isn’t it? Thank you for passing those awesome resources along! I have definitely heard of And Then There Were None – that’s Abby Johnson’s organization from Unplanned, correct? Powerful stuff. so glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  9. Hollywood is not the only group pushing abortion: The Democrats / Socialists / Liberals are as well. I am enraged that abortion is acceptable to some, and tax-payer money is used to fund abortion. How can we not expect to be judged by God as a nation when we allow this horrific practice to continue? Jesus said “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.” (Matthew 18:6; 19:14-5) Yet in His Mercy He forgives and accepts those who repent. Praise be to God, there is nothing on this earth He will not forgive if we truly repent.
    Thank you for standing in the gap and speaking out against abortion. God bless and keep you.

    • You’re so right about that, Myron. It is a foundational viewpoint of the left. And it is just deplorable. And it’s even more deplorable that Biden calls himself a devout Catholic, given his pro-abortion stance. So true – abortion is such a terrible stain on this world, and is evidence of our fallen world. we must pray pray pray. so glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

    • Thank you so much Deborah for your support. Yes. They cannot speak for themselves, so we must. Hugs and love xox

  10. More people are turning off Hollywood. You hope that this would bring a revival of some kind. For those who say, “It’s my body” sadly do not see the consequences ahead. They do reap what they sow.

    If you did a show, I would watch it.

    • I’m glad to hear that people are leaving Hollywood behind! Yeah, I pray for all those who find themselves in that scary situation. Hugs and love xox

  11. I have an idea that this is just the beginning of getting the next generation to disregard the value of life. Parents need to keep kids off the web and tv as much as possible.

    • You’re right Alice – what we allow to enter our minds, shapes it. It’s a scary thing. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

    • Yes!! I’m a millennial mom with young kids and we don’t have internet at home. My husband and I don’t want to get it again; it was a huge adjustment at first but so worth it. 👍

  12. It’s why I barely ever watch Netflix. A lot of trashy stuff on there too. Thank you for pointing this out. I agree with you and enjoy your writing!

    • Thanks Zina – you’re smart to stay off Netflix. I too, try to limit my time. At least with you tube I can control whose voices I choose to support!! So glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

    • thank you Patty, I appreciate your support! it means a lot! Hugs and love xox

  13. Excellent post again. The level of deception that is taking place in our world right now is outrageous and heart breaking. I mean truly, satan is a mastermind and has done quite a job of distorting the truth and reality and everything that is good. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the level of evil and the disregard for human beings…… although it shouldn’t, I’m finishing up Corrie Tin Booms book, The Hiding Place; we would all benefit from her and Betsie’s strength, courage, and love for lost souls. which is precisely why Christians must cling to what is good and lovely and true and LIVE courageously and boldly in light of His Word. We need Jesus!! Oh how I need Him for wisdom and grace in this crooked and lost world.

    • Thank you so much for your support and encouraging words. You’re right – this is one area where the evil one has a death grip on women, quite literally. Hugs and love xox

  14. Thank you for informing us about this and taking a stand for the lives of the unborn. The propaganda is getting worse and worse. It’s really sad and disturbing that many progressives are pushing this lie of ‘abortion’ as empowerment, not just this show. I appreciate your bravery.

    • thank you PK for your support. Yes! it really is getting worse and worse. Lord, have mercy! Hugs and love xox

      • I am reading a fiction book that presents a very disturbing scenario about what might happen if we criminalize abortion. I hope to be able to write a post about it. It’s a series and I’m on book 2. The first book is Unwound, second Unwholly. But first I want to do some research.

      • oh wow – that sounds like it would be an interesting read!

  15. Yes. For those of us who respect God, it is unconscienable to murder a person as flippantly as wash our hair. No morals whatsoever, certainly no consequences. It is our respect for God and love we return to Him that allows us to know it is seriously wrong and sinful. Always a good reminder that our war for life is the same spiritual war raged since the fall in the garden of Eden. We need to pray for a return to God and morals in our country and especially in those supposedly representing us. They need to be held account for their crimes against God. Someday they will. Keep strong, my beautiful friend. Love you as always. XO Hugs!😃❤

    • Thank you so much Tonya for this beautiful response. You’re so right – it’s a spiritual battle, it truly is, and we need to cling to Jesus during these fallen times. Love you my dear friend! have a wonderful weekend. hugs xox

    • Thanks Greg 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend. glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

  16. Carolyn, this is so sad. The media, which includes Hollywood, has an evil agenda to destroy the minds of future generations. It’s what Ephesians 6 says, “our struggle is NOT against flesh and bones.” It’s a struggle against an evil worldview. That’s why all I watch on tv is HGTV. I don’t watch Hallmark anymore, be cause they couldn’t continue the pure and wholesome, romantic movies they were famous for. Now, they had to add alternative sexual couples to deal with the new woke culture. What keeps me full of joy and peace is my faith in Christ, and not focusing on the evil agenda of this new radical movement. 🙏🇺🇸

    • Hi Friend, thank you so much for sharing your heart. it really is so sad. SO true – this is spiritual warfare running rampant on our world. Hugs and love xox

  17. It’s been 24 years since I made that choice, and I still have moments of sadness and regret. I still feel like I was rushed and pushed into something I didn’t understand at the tender age of 17. I still remember the pain and the nausea that followed. I left for college and found myself in church saying Hail Mary’s for forgiveness and guidance. The idea of someone turning into a moment of triumph hurts my soul. The idea that a young girl will watch this and think her outcome will be the same breaks my heart. We need honesty, compassion and enough love for others to help those girls make the right choice. We need to go back to bring part of the village it takes to raise a child.

    • Kristie, let NO ONE condemn you for your past. We ALL have a past and we ALL need the grace, mercy, and forgiveness of Jesus. Only HE has the authority to condemn us, but that’s not HIs reason for appearing on this earth: He came to forgive! He came to save! “16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” (John 3) Thank you for sharing part of your story. Stand strong and be of good courage! When we seek God, He is always there!

    • Oh Kristie, how I wish I could give that tender 17 year old a hug. thank you so much for sharing your story. I wish i could give YOU a huge hug right now. What a testimony, I am truly so moved. You’re so right- that glib depiction is so dangerous for women in that same situation. it is a gross disservice to them, they need the truth. And compassion and love. amen. thank you again for sharing your heart. you are an incredible woman, and are a blessing to me. Hugs and love xox

  18. Thank you Caralyn for always fearlessly standing for the unborn, the unborn who are murdered, and the mothers who are scared, forced, or manipulated into having an abortion, being told there is nothing to it.
    Thank you for speaking out at every opportunity for life and justice, because you are speaking for, and lifting up our Saviour, Jesus Christ, each time you do. And you continue, knowing you will face hostility and censorship at times.
    Our countries will be standing in judgement some day for the millions of lives that have been taken by abortion. Particularly Canada, as our government has sent millions of dollars overseas for “birth control” in that very way.
    Father, forgive us, they do not know what they are doing.
    I do believe though, all we as Christ followers will also stand in judgement one day, before our Father, if we did nothing to stop, or attempt to prevent these happenings.
    Flood the government with mail and emails showing disagreement, in a God Honouring way. Even though we may be ignored, some day it may hit a political leaders soft soft, tender heart, and place of truth in their mind. Be persistent when we do not agree, even though we may keep getting “thank you for your response, we appreciate it, but …….is too busy to reply”, automated responses. 😞

    And as for tv programming, if it wasn’t for sports, we would have a hard time watching anything. The one really good thing, during this lockdown for the pandemic, we can watch church services on tv or on line.

    You are a bright light Caralyn, reflecting the One Who is the Light, Way, Truth, Life.
    Keep shining the Goodness, Faithfulness, Salvation of Jesus for many to see.

    (Hope this isn’t too long, or too varied. Some topics wind me up).

    God’s Blessings as you faithfully serve Jesus.
    Love to you and Steven.

    • Thank you so much George for this awesome response. I love that – yes! Let’s flood the white house with letters. Becuase you’re right – we have a responsibility to stand up for what’s right, and we will be held accountable. Thank you for your generous words of encouragement. Been thinking and praying for you! hope you are doing well! love to you and yours! 🙂 xox

  19. Very sad. Abortion is grave matter, intrinsically evil and possibly mortal sin depending on circumstances.

    Support and Post-Abortion Healing is available through Catholic Charities: Project Rachel.

    Very healing.

    • thank you Gerry for sharing your heart on this. Yes! Post Abortion Healing is so important, and I love that Catholic Charities are standing in the gap for those women. Hugs and love xox

  20. Well said. It’s very irresponsible of the program to tell people there are no consequences to abortion; it’s even worse to suggest that it may in some way be empowering.

    • Thank you so much Penny! I agree – they have a moral responsibility to those young women facing the same decision to accurately depict what it’s like. Such a shame. such a cryin’ shame. Glad you stopped by, my friend. have a wonderful weekend! Hugs and love xox

  21. The rise of abortion symbolises a break down of moral and spiritual beliefs. Where pleasure and personal gain comes before everything else. Sex is a beautiful thing, it creates life but it must happen in the correct setting where both parties are prepared for the consequences.

    There lies the problem, sex outside the constraints of marriage, no one is willing to take the responsibility of dealing with the consequences.

    There is alot that has to be sorted out with the sexual relationships between men and women in the modern world, they are bent and warped demented out of shape.

    • That is such a great point. This is spiritual warfare to a T, and the evil one is having a field day. So true. All products of The Fall. Thanks again for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

      • In the film, The Matrix, one of the characters lines is, ‘ignorance is bliss,’ and it’s very accurate. The more you know, the more upset you will become.

        The media companies have a lot to do with it. I don’t know about America, but over here, most TV shows glorify sex like it’s part and parcel of the dating experience. From one partner to the next. As the saying goes, monkey sees monkey does.

        Have a good weekend. 🙂

      • Oh wow, that’s a powerful truth. and you’re right about that – monkey see…

  22. This is deeply sad the way america has normalized abortion. The same thing they did in “sex education” which I stumbled upon on Netflix and immediately stopped watching it. I’m pro and I believe that every life matters especially the lives of unborn children. For real though, if you don’t want to get pregnant STOP FORNICATING and obey the word of God. God created sex off procreation and pleasure in marriage. Like what do you expect to happen when you go ahead and do what God has ordained in marriage outside of marriage? Pro will happen. It’s is my opinion that women who carry out abortions are selfish.

  23. My favorite commentary on this sort of thing comes from the old play Butterflies are Free. A young playwright is defending his “edgy” material to middle age woman and tells her it’s part of life. She replies that so is diarrhea, but she doesn’t find it entertaining.

    Of course, this is Satan working through evil people who are bent on destroying society. They know that the way to do it is to destroy the family. It’s part of the agenda set years ago starting with Aleister Crowley. He said to let the old people die. He doesn’t want them. His goal was to get the kids’ minds. Rock and roll was a big part of that. It’s been working. We can see things that were abhorred years ago are now mainstream and even praised.

    It’s why I never liked the TV show Friends. It normalized promiscuity, as they passed Themselves around to each other like dogs in heat.

    Good for you to not give bad material your time and be part of their ratings!!

    • Hi Jeff! oh my gosh, what an analogy! (I can’t resist a little potty humor) 😉 hehe but seriously, true. And you’re aaaaaaaaaaaabsolutely right – the evil one is having a field day and THIS RIGHT HERE is the area where he has women in a death grip. It’s his golden calf. it’s destroying life, destroying women, destroying faith, destroying families, destroying the dignity of life, destroying that woman’s mental wellbeing and shaking her faith. it is just terrible. just so terrible. terrible. Yeah, the only thing good that came out of Friends was “the Rachel” haircut. thanks Jeff for this awesome response. i hope you and your girls have a wonderful weekend. Hugs and love xox

  24. Hi Carolyn I get what you’re saying and I agree with you that abortion is a henious sin. I don’t watch SNL its not available in Australia that I know of. I don’t know if you have studied drama or literature, however, sometimes the point of comedy is to make a social statement that is meant to shock by poking fun at something serious to show how shallow and benial we can be as human beings.

    Many wouldn’t think twice or bat an eyelid at the subject of abortion. I wonder if the writers intention is to commentate on how dismissive society can be about such a serious issue.

    I am not trying to defend SNL or its writers. Nor do I condone anything that paints abortion in a positive light… I am wondering if the point is to shock and point out where we are as a modern society.

    In any case whether the SNL writiers realise it they may have inadvertently given their viewers something to ponder.

    • Hi friend, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. Yes – I am very well versed in drama — I’m an actress in NYC! and have been since I was 5. I’ve even had to play a character (Sally Bowles in Cabaret) who had an abortion. So I fully understand the use of those story lines to make a social statement. This particular example in Shrill — there was absolutely nothing that could be construed as redeeming about it. it was just downright dangerous. And the language they used in it was obviously written in a way to communicate the “I am woman, hear me roar – I can do what i want with my body” nonsense. I do hope that you’re right, and that it gave viewers something to think about. Hugs and love xox

      • I’ll take your word that it is unredeemable trash that glorifies murder and promotes a toxic form of femanism. As I stated I can’t see it and can’t really comment on the narrative it was trying to promote

    • Smutville – isn’t that the truth, Jane! thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words! Hugs and love xox

  25. So very sad. This breaks my heart. The newest way to indoctrinate the members of your generation, as I’ve been told my own girls, is to convince them that it’s better for the babies to be aborted because these women cannot handle the emotional and physical stress brought on by the pregnancy, and the children will have unhappy lives. They are being convinced that “the system” does not help or support young pregnant women and their babies, so it’s better to let them send their children right to heaven. It’s the humane, caring thing to do. Can you believe that???

    • Hi Amy, I am so right there with you – it is heartbreaking. You are such a good mom.You’re right – that lie being told to this generation are from the mouth of the evil on himself. Our country has strayed so far from God’s truth, it is heartbreaking. this particular issue is where the evil one is having a field day with women. it’s where he has us in a death grip. Lord, help us. Hugs and love xox

  26. Everything’s been said here Carolyn and cannot be overstated. Abortion is a big business and perverting youth’s culture and values is an investment for their bottom line. Casting abortion in various settings like comedy, mainstream and normalizes it more and more. Sickening. Thank you for taking a stand!
    Also, thanks for sharing happy moments with your special guy. May the Lord order your steps together toward Him. ❤

    • Thank you so much Lisa Beth. I’m so glad this resonated with you! You’re so right – it is big business, arguable one of the biggest in the world, and it’s predatory. sickening for sure. thank you for sharing your heart on this. abd yes! lots of happy moments with him 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  27. Great post! I entirely agree with you about this issue of what Hollywood likes to throw out at us as being normal. I watched the first 15 min of another show..911…when it first came out…it was filthy…I was excited to watch a show about emergency people doing their jobs and thought it would be interesting. However, in the first few minutes the show started off with a fireman in the fire truck doing the deed with a woman, and then being flippant about what he was doing on the phone with someone. If I were a fireman I would hate the idea that the public is being given the idea that when there is no emergency all they do is fornicate in the firetrucks. That is disgusting. I turned it off and have no interest in watching anymore of it. I have heard people say, “it’s a good show.” well, any redeeming value it has to me was destroyed by the filthy message given in the opening episode.

    • Thank you so much Charlene for sharing your heart ont his. Amen – way to turn it off. You’re right – those shows that glorify sin and filthy messages don’t deserve our viewership. It’s getting harder and harder to find quality material out there. that’s why when we do, we need to support it wholeheartedly! Hugs and love xox

      • I agree. I have taken largely to watching Asian shows as there is a lot less garbage in them. The cultural differences are also fascinating.

      • oh that’s a great tip! thank you, Charlene! I actually have too! I’ve taken to Filipino shows and movies…I love them!! 🙂

  28. Wow pretty crazy. Were you banned from facebook or was it just this post that was taken down? I wonder if I could post this on my page. You have a story well told and a story worth hearing.

    • thank you so much Pete for your support. they were blocked from being advertised. It was incredibly frustrating. Any post that mentions anything “pro-life” in nature gets the big ol’ rejection from Facebook. It is a travesty. Hugs and love xox

      • Fyi I posted this on my Facebook page and so far so good. I only tagged friends who I was pretty sure wouldn’t flag me ( like my sister who I love but have am ongoing debate about life) Thanks for boldly telling the truth. Have a blessed day.

    • Thank you so much for your encouragement. it really means the world. Hugs and love xox

  29. I would say that it’s pretty much average Hollywood thinking. In the name of entertainment, let’s push the boundaries and not care about the truth, unless that truth violates their sensibilities. Then go on the offensive, calling godly men and women hateful names.

    • You’re right about that – average Hollywood thinking with complete disregard for the truth. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your insight! Hugs and love xox

  30. I watched some of the first episode of Shrill and I too found it revoltingly flippant about the lack of self respect of a protagonist who, sadly, ridiculously, gains it from the “empowering” act of abortion. I think it would have made for a better storyline if the character was empowered by growing a spine by, saying no to demeaning, loveless sex, saying no to those who condescend to her and by saying no to unhealthy body image and unhealthy eating patterns all without the “benefit” of abortion. Abortion = Not funny.

    • Right?! I didn’t even get into the other problematic aspects of that character, and how she was just letting people take advantage of her. I hope, at least, that the remainder of the series was her learning to respect herself and set boundaries with other. That would at least be ONE good thing to come out of that terrible show. You hit the nail SMACK DAB on the head. Amen to that. AMEN TO THAT. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoguhts ! Hugs and love xox

  31. I started medical assistant school in February and for a few weeks now the topic of abortion has come up. The number of young women in my class that have had abortions and their flippant attitude along with gruesome details makes me ill. One girl actually said “I know babies are a blessing from Jesus but this is a gift I’m returning “. And people laughed! We have been told details of what we would see if we ever worked at planned parenthood including young abuse victims (10 yr olds!) frequent fliers who have had 20 abortions and even the sounds we would hear or possibly having to hold a patient’s hand during the process. The men are just as guilty because pregnancy takes two!!! I struggle making sense of what a very young girl should do in a horrible traumatic situation as well. The world is so upside down.

    • Hi Hillary! Oh, my heart hurts hearing that girl’s comment. Lord, have mercy. Wow, what a powerful perspective. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. You’re right – Planned Parenthood is an abortion factory and it is in the big business of death, truly. I would encourage you to watch the movie, Unplanned …it’s a true story about the former Planned Parenthood regional director (I forget her actual title, but she was high up and won an award in the company), and her story quitting Planned Parenthood after coming to Jesus and now is one of the biggest prolife advocates: her name is Abby Johnson. It was an incredibly eye opening look in the cesspool that IS Planned Parenthood. just terrible. I agree – so upside down. Hugs and love xox

  32. This is why I barely watch tv. It’s sad how they make it seem like an abortion is no big deal. I know women that have had abortions years or even decades ago and still deal with the psychological side of it . The media doesn’t tell you what comes after the abortion. Thanks for speaking out on this issue !!! Always love your writing

    • Hi friend, thank you for sharing your heart. You’re right. there is so much garbage out there, and it just pains my heart, knowing how influential it is on our young people. You’re right. they don’t tell you what comes next. Hugs and love xox

  33. Keep bringing the FIRE! And btw, facebook and insta blocked me permanently last year. It’s almost a rite of passage these days, lol.

    On a more serious note, your blogging has impacted and even saved lives in my personal circle. I hope people reading this understand just how valuable that is.

    • Oh my gosh, Yael, thank you so much for saying that. I am seriously so touched, you have no idea. That is literally why I started this blog so many years ago: with the prayer that it would help even one person. So thank you, my dear friend. Sending so much love and hugs xox

  34. Thanks for speaking the truth … not just your truth. You are wise and brave and I am encouraged by your willingness to speak out.
    May you continue to speak, may you continue to feel and know conviction.

    • thank you so much Carole for your support. gosh, i am touched by your kindness. Hugs and love xox

  35. Thank you for this. Very powerful message. A lot of people choose Hulu because it’s cheaper. I would suggest dumping it. They’re comedies are not funny and they have a lot of horror. You’re much better off with Disney or Amazon Prime. Amazon has some garbage of course but the quality of shows is 100% better.

  36. I. Have. No. Words.
    I thought the Cardi B update was disheartening.
    This is the ultimate (appalling) litmus test of pop culture.

    Back in March, as I sat listening to Alyssa share her witness at the 138 Women’s Conference that day I was filled with an over-whelming sense of gratitude for her immense courage to share on such an intimate topic of her own personal experience with abortion. I had never heard anyone share their testimony before and she did so with such grace. I remember the tears. And I experienced them all over again reading your post. But this time for a different reason.

    That this character portrayed in the show you wrote about was devoid from any feeling, any responsibility for what she’d chosen, any remorse, any culpability…any grief…is EXTREMELY unsettling.

    I will forever be grateful to Alyssa for sharing her testimony. I believe she is the REAL authority on the consequences faced regarding the choices we make. And she is the living witness to the mercy of God through His unconditional forgiveness…when we ask for it. And THAT is true freedom.

  37. Again, thank you for your voice. I saw the ad for that show on Hulu but am glad I did not watch it. My shock factor would have gone off the scale! I watch McCLEOD’s Daughters for good mindless entertainment of STRONG WOMEN running a ranch. Their decisions are not always moral, but there is good discussion of the challenges of dating in the Australian Outback.

  38. Thank you!
    Speaking up for women and all of the children murdered throughout humanity and the left painting it as just a blip in peoples lives.
    I would not have known this person in the show as I turned off NBC permanently after they had their SNL not only supporting Planned Parenthood (the name alone brings my blood to a boil) but they also had the CEO (who later resigned) as a guest on SNL…also appearing on Jimmy Fallons show. What could the CEO of PP possibly have to do with comedy?!!!
    I have not watched NBC or anything___NBC since and I will not ever support that criminal enterprise.
    But,again,thank you!

  39. Shows and movies like this tick me right off, too. They portray these things as if they’re normal, cool, chic. None of us are perfect, and I definitely have my failures, but some stuff just seems more sick than other stuff. I would turn the show off, too. Thanks for sharing this story!

  40. Oh yeah, this show is so disappointing. I confess I’ve watched all the episodes hoping it would get better but it really didn’t. Yeah, I was very uncomfortable with that episode as well. I think it’s the first or second episode in the first season right? Yeah. There is just so much trash that Hollywood is trying to brainwash us with. It’s ridiculous. I miss the days when we could just watch TV without worrying about what I’m going to see.

  41. Thank you, Caralyn, for defending the lives of the unborn. There are so many victims in abortion–the children themselves, of course, but also the mothers and fathers who have believed the lies about abortion and now suffer (many in silence) from regret, infertility, and other consequences.

    I support one of our local crisis pregnancy clinics (Christian), and I know that their clients arrive fearful, anxious, and heartbroken about their unplanned pregnancies. So many of these women mistakenly believe abortion is the only way out. But, after they see their BABIES on ultrasound at the clinic and experience the loving care of the counselors, the Lord is changing their minds…we can praise Him for these moments. The counselors even follow these new moms through their first year of motherhood, with free parenting classes and baby supplies.

    For those who want to find real peace after an abortion, the clinic counselors recommend a book called “Forgiven and Set Free: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Women” by Linda Cochrane (available on Amazon)–it’s used in their private, confidential group study. Also, I encourage everyone to offer forgiveness to all those who have been so blinded to this tragedy. We must pray for them, asking Jesus Christ to open their eyes through His Holy Spirit. Again, thank you for speaking out on this…may God bless you richly for sharing the truth about His unfathomable, amazing gift of life.

  42. What do you wanna bet most of these shows are written by 25 year old guys who will never experience an abortion in the same way a woman will.

    Bravo for taking a stand. We won’t be watching it either.

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