Seven Things to Pray For as an Engaged Woman

131 days. One hundred and thirty one days until I get to marry to love of my life.

And as we’re journeying toward our wedding day, I find myself yearning to prepare my heart for this marriage, just as much as I am preparing for the festivities of that actual day.

Seven Things to Pray for as an Engaged Woman. The time when you're engaged is a beautiful and important period to prepare for your marriage, and having a foundation in Christ is first and foremost. #catholic #christianity #jesus #god #bible #Prayer #engaged #marriage #faith #family

And I’ve realized that I’m probably not the only one who is in this boat. The period of engagement is such an important time to prepare, to align your hearts with one another, and to work on yourself and your relationship with Christ, so as to approach the altar with eyes and hearts wide open for the beautiful — and challenging — vocation of marriage, that will last for the rest of our lives.

So here are the seven things I am praying for.

Seven Things to Pray for as an Engaged Woman. The time when you're engaged is a beautiful and important period to prepare for your marriage, and having a foundation in Christ is first and foremost. #catholic #christianity #jesus #god #bible #Prayer #engaged #marriage #faith #family

1.) Unity in One Spirit

It is my deepest prayer to remain rooted in the Holy Spirit as our guide and counselor. I pray that we align our attitudes as we adjust to all the newnesses of this stage of life — from location, to finances, to wedding prep — by aligning together in the Holy Spirit, and by seeking His guidance with whatever comes our way.

2.) Endurance.

There is a lot of stress and pressure when it comes to the engagement period, and frankly: planning a wedding, specifically. So I am praying for patience with, not only one another as we navigate this stressful time, but also with other people as we plan our wedding. I pray that we desire to follow God’s will, both individually and as a couple.

3.) A Joint Ministry

I know that God has a very specific purpose for us as a couple. God brought us together for a reason, and I pray that we may be able to work together to bring glory to God’s name, and find joy in doing so.

4.) Plans for our Future

It’s hard to prepare for marriage without dreaming and making big plans for our future, and future family. I pray that those plans that we are making are not only in line with God’s will, but also guided by the Holy Spirit. And in doing so, I pray that God removes any motives of our hearts that are unpleasing to Him. (And if it be His will, to please let those plans include children).

5.) Building our Home

One of the things I am most excited about in our future marriage, is building a home together with my husband. This is especially poignant because we just bought the most beautiful condo downtown, and though I am not living there until the wedding, we are still building our future home together right now. It is my prayer that God is the foundation of, not just our marriage, but our home. And that everything we do be guided by God’s hand, as we strive to follow His path both individually, and as a couple.

6.) Fruitful Spiritual Guidance

As we prepare for marriage, having support and positive examples that we can turn to for guidance and as role models is of utmost importance. I am certainly aware that marriage comes with challenges and bumps in the road, and I pray that God puts people in our path that can give us sound advice and wisdom that comes directly from Him. I pray that we are surrounded by a community that encourages us and exemplifies how to draw close to God.

7.) Spiritual Maturity

My deepest prayer is that we challenge one another to grow in our walk with Christ. I pray that we support and encourage one another to chase after Christ as we strive to follow in His footsteps both individually and as a couple. Help us to help each other reflect His grace, love and forgiveness.

There are a lot of other specific things that I pray for my fiance, of course. But these are the “big rocks” that I pray for, that I thought might resonate with you as well.

I hope you all have a wonderful week, and I’ll talk to you on Wednesday!

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28 responses to “Seven Things to Pray For as an Engaged Woman”

  1. There is a beautiful series called “Beloved” on the Formed network. It is very much worth watching. Both for marriage preparation and marriage enrichment. There are even study guides you can order! I have been married for 14 years and I am really loving that God put this series in my path. Blessings!

    • Thank you for that suggestion, we will definitely check it out! sounds pretty awesome! and wow! 14 years! that is so beautiful and really something to celebrate! Hugs and love xox

  2. Those are wonderful prayers / goals to lead you both into a blessed future together. Bob & I are about to celebrate our 61st anniversary and I can testify that each of the points you are praying about are essential elements to a long and happy Union. Endurance, yes! Praying together and staying together through thick and thin! God bless you & Steven, Caralyn. 👍🏽❤️🙏🏽🐝

    • thank you so much Jan! and wow – 61 years! that is so beautiful and really something to celebrate! I really appreciate your sound advice..clearly you have found the “secret sauce!” hehe thanks again! Hugs and love xox

  3. Keeping Christ in the middle of your marriage is the best advice. Also, be prepared for those times when you and your spouse don’t see eye to eye. It doesn’t mean you don’t love each other. It just means you’re human beings. Marriage is a marathon, not a sprint. God bless.

    • Thank you Rollie! These are great nuggets of wisdom! Bring on the marathon! 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  4. That is an excellent list! I wish I had that when I was a young woman. One of the hardest things we are still learning (both opinionated) is that unity doesn’t necessarily mean “agree with me.” Our unity comes from being one in Christ first. Different just means different, not better or worse/ good or bad. I recently released a book on our challenges and growth in marriage. I’d love to send you a complimentary copy if you’d like. You can reach me at the email listed or from my website. So thrilled for you both! It’s a pleasure to read your blog.

    • That is truly profound, Laura. Amen-one in Christ first! Thank you for this wonderful wisdom, and gosh that’s so kind about the book! Thank you! I will be in touch!! 💛 Hugs and love xox

  5. Blessings, my friend. Looking back on now-22 years of Christ-centered marriage, it is our mutual, yet individual devotion to God that made our union unshakeable all these years. Purity in dating. Having wonderful friends and mentors to help shape our ups n downs (and yes, they happen) into strengths.

    • Thank you Eric. That is such beautiful advice. Keeping that in the back of my mind. Blessings to you! Hugs and love xox

    • That is so true, CA – thank you for that wonderful wisdom. And awesome – those books look great – I will definitely give them a look. I am all about reading these days! Hugs and love xox

  6. You guys make a beautiful couple and when you have God at the center of your marriage, communication will be easy. Growing together spiritually you will form a strong connection with the word of God. Endurance comes by preparing and training your mind and spirit to work on your relationship daily and not to take things for granted. When the foundation of your relationship is built on God your marriage will be solid. Be blessed

    • Hi Suzett! Oh my goodness, thank you for those kind words. You’re right – we’ve gotta build upon the Rock! I appreciate your encouragement! Hugs and love xox

    • Thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words 🙂 amen – God is good! Hugs and love xox

    • thank you so much, I truly appreciate your kind words. God is definitely good, and we trust Him with everything! Hugs and love xox

  7. A big AMEN in JESUS!!

    Shalom Aleichem and Mazel Tov Everyone!! ❤

    I Love ❤ you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because HE LOVED EVERYONE FIRST!! Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ for Today and Everyday!!


    Love ❤ Always and Shalom, YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

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