Earbud Life


I have recently discovered podcasts, and I fear I’m beginning to turn into a geek.

But seriously.

I have just discovered the Serial podcast. Which, oh. my. gosh. guys, do yourself a favor and go listen to it. And then listen to the spinoffs: “Undisclosed” and “Truth & Justice.” They are addictive. As in, I listened to all three in the course of two weeks. SO. GOOD.

*Theories to the case are welcome in the comments section 🙂 *

But anywho – podcasts were pretty much anomalies to me. I don’t listen to NPR, I’m not a talk radio person. I frankly don’t even really like reading…so why would I like podcasts? Anywho – I gave Serial a shot at the recommendation of my sibling, and let’s just say…it was a game changer.

So, I found myself one night, perusing the deep recesses of the iTunes podcasts store — a dangerous place to find yourself, might I add. But I was searching for some soothing background noise to help me fall asleep. (Listening to a “who dun it” podcast can sometimes leave me a little jumpy as I’m falling asleep.) And so the very top hit was this podcast with 1000s of reviews, called “Sleep with Me.” (And PS, I’m only just now realizing that its title is mildly inappropriate. But I digress.)


You guys. This podcast is strangely hilarious. It’s this old man telling you a bedtime story where the plotlines are just bizarre. Like, how he comes up with these story lines is beyond me. It’s seriously like someone is telling you a bedtime story when they’re high on drugs. This particular story line was about cave paintings and a newspaper delivery boy… Like, what?! But the narrator is stammering and monotone and going all over the place. But it’s genius, because the premise is to tell you a story so absolutely boring that you’ll fall asleep.

So, in an effort to suppress my imagination from thinking I was hearing bumps in the night, I listened to one. And guys, I can’t lie: it worked. I fell asleep nearly instantaneously.

But. It got me thinking. I mean…this guy has created a dynasty off of helping people fall asleep. But what he’s really doing is basically making it so you don’t have to be alone with your own thoughts. He’s making is so that you can fall asleep without ever having to reflect on the day, or have “quiet time” where it’s just you and your thoughts.

And realizing this, it kinda blew my mind. I mean, thousands of people subscribe to this podcast! In my mind, I was thinking…W T Heckkkk?

But then it just clicked. It made perfect sense.

The world we live in today is full of so much uncertainty. So much of life is unresolved, leaves us worried, scared, anxious. There is so much that keeps us up at night.

I mean, (aside from the silly stuff, like who Ben is going to propose to on The Bachelor), off the top of my head: there’s paying my bills. Taxes. Worrying about whether this movie trilogy I booked is actually going to go through or not. Anxious about my love life…and whether I’m ever going to meet the “right guy.” And if I do, if I’ll be truly able to love him and let him love me. Worrying about my ulcerative colitis. My job. My parents’ health. The state of the nation and the presidential election.

There is a lot to worry about.

And I was listening to -yes, another podcast – this time, by a speaker that I truly admire. His name is Fr. Mike Schmitz. And his message was so powerful: Let God be God.

Let God be God.

Are there about a bajillion reasons to worry or fear or be anxious?


But, God is God. He’s the creator of the world. He can handle it.

We just have to let Him.

For me, I spent a long time being reluctant to do so, simply because I was ashamed of what I was going to have to “give Him.” I was ashamed of the fact that I still was having body image issues, that the ED voice was still trying to chip away at the foundation of my recovery, that I had lied and manipulated loved ones during my anorexia, and that I had succumbed to ED and destroyed my body.

These were things that I did not want to bring to God, just out of sheer shame. Fearing that He’d be disgusted with me. Reject me. Be so disappointed in me that He’d disown me.

But those were the exact things that He was wanting me to hand over. Those were the very things that He longed to take from me. So that I didn’t have to bear their weight anymore.

We have to just let Him do what He does best: be God.

Because when we do – when we hand over all those things we’re trying tirelessly to control, or alleviate, or change — everything that’s keeping us up at night — we won’t have to listen to a goofy, monotone man bore us to sleep with incoherent, rambling stories.

We’ll be able to sleep, knowing that our lives are in the capable and trustworthy hands of our Father: God.

 Let God be God.

186 responses to “Earbud Life”

  1. I love this podcast also. I haven’t tuned into this seasons yet but listened to last seasons and it was amazing!

    • Thank you so much! Yay podcasts! 😎 I can definitely relate. What a comfort though knowing that He’s always got our back:) thanks for stopping by! Have a great night! Xox

  2. Ok so here’s the thing podcasts are amazing they’re unlike any radio show I’ve ever heard and I used to be on the radio. I prefer a podcast / radio any day of the week. No man just add that you are the blogger that sets the bar for everybody else. I say this because no one thinks like you do, and no one has your quirky sense of humor and no one can’t activate as much detail as you can in the space of one single blog it’s incredible. You’re incredible have a fantastic day and I’m just over the moon about the fact that you like podcasts. I wanted to start of my own quite frankly I want to call my podcast project viable I want to base the podcast on the blogs that I’m already doing…. By the way major update. Its good a week then I’ve been on my own in my new house and I got out fridge full of food because Anthony went shopping today and let’s face facts here the only one that’s going to feed Anthony these days is Anthony… Even though sometimes I want to be a subway Jared… Anyway have yourself a great night I’m going to turn on some music and mop the floors, you heard me right I actually mop the floors. This new independence and wonderful it’s stimulating to

    • Hey Anthony! Thank you so much for this encouragement:) id definitely listen to your podcast if you ever made one! ☺️ yay for clean floors:) haha have a great night

      • Hahaha! Thanks I will let you know when I start it. FYI The only reason I know how to mop is because being Canadian I have watched a lot of curling during the winter olympics. Haha I kid…

      • Dear Heavenly Father I ask that you grant this one exceeding joy. I ask that you grant this girl boundless courage I ask that you make your face to shine upon her leader in the paths of righteousness put a crown of peace upon her head. I speak edification unto her because it is the way that you have treated me through the Jesus ministry that I attend. Day by day with each notice then I receive the email it’s easy to see that this woman love you see you and is on fire for you the most of all is grateful for everything that you have accomplished for her. Gift for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints grant her the peace joy and love that can only be found in your son Jesus. I asked that you grant her spirit of contentment so that whatever trial or tribulations she face she would be of good cheer I thank you Father but you’ve listened to this prayer and I pray many blessings upon her and those around her and those around her. She said gently hides your word within her heart. he proclaims your word with victory not because of self but because of you. in the short time that I have known this one I have seen the zealous to seek you with her whole heart. she has parlayed many difficult situations for the world to witness and draw strength from she is marked as one of your children and I thank you do you have reached down to make her former feed that were broken now they are beautiful. I thank you that you’ve heard me Father as I know that you’ve always heard me.

      • I have to give you some of the credit for tonight’s by post because it was your picture of the boxing gloves allowed me to write a post like this. I’ve been going through some spiritual warfare for the past couple weeks and when I saw the picture of your boxing gloves on the post stay determined I thought hey what about boxing with the devil putting the word to fly so I tested it out and it worked I give God all the glory for what he is given me on this project Bible 365. God is so great and we are so insignificant as human beings yet He calls us his children. how does the father love us so that I do not know but I’m certain of this one thing God’s love surpasses any and all understanding…

      • Hi Friend, yesterday I took some time to read your blog. I appreciate the fact that it had no nudity in it. Good girl 🙂 Ref: to Galatians 5. I just want to let you know that you’re a good writer and you could do good things for God. God has healed you completely. Be thankful for that everyday. Even more than that. As wrote the blog yesterday, I reflected on my most recent blog concerning Kanye West. I had a chuckle because I thought, “You have these two people on opposite sides of the border and yet we proclaim and stand up for the faith, aganist all odds. Good work my faithfull sister. God would be smiling down on you for the victories that you proclaim in His Name.

  3. Great post 🙂 I think we all have trouble sometimes in leaving stuff to God, but If we all just stop and take the time to think for a bit, we all realize that we have a trustworthy spirit in God 🙂 Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

    • Thanks John! So so true. It can be really difficult to relinquish control and let God work. But that’s the best possible place to be: in His hands. Thanks for stopping by and for sharing this great perspective! Have a great night xox

  4. I listen to so many podcasts! I got into Serial the last season but didn’t for the new one. I love podcasts because I like having a companion which I do not have to talk back to =P There are so many good ones!
    Right now I am giving God my worries about my jobs. It’s nothing I can control and He will take care of me. Thanks for the post xoxox

    • Hey Ellie! Haha a companion you don’t have to talk back to! That’s hysterical! Yeah I’m not a fan of the new season either. I quit listening. But wow! That first one! I feel ya about the jobs. Definitely something to hand over to God! Thanks for stopping by! Have a beautiful night! Xox

  5. You’ve got wisdom starting to drip off you – (this is a very good thing)… Two things struck me about this one… no – three…
    1. The absolutely stunning wisdom of “if it’s too heavy, stop carrying it around” – which takes me right into how hard it can be to let things go, and why we hold onto them… (another story, another time)
    2. The oh-so-powerful lesson behind the lighthouse photo of “Lord, Right now I’m asking you to be strong enough for the both of us” – so true… which reminds me of this I saw the other day: 😉 http://www.chriscade.me/images/funny/my-child-i-never-left-you.jpg
    3. Podcast… Hmmm… should I read some of my stories? there’s 143 on my blog right now, all true… let me know if I should give it a shot… 🙂

  6. Reading you is hugely cathartic for me. It brings me to tears with huge gaffaws of laughter then rips open my heart exposing the raw fragile inner smoldering wick inside me than renews my heart and mind with the tender face and hands of my Healer and the lover of my soul. I can breathe again but my face is a wet mess.

    I’m reblogging. Everyone should be so afflicted!

  7. Your articles are so inspiring. Keep up the good work. I haven’t really tried podcasts but I may give it a shot. I do have a hard time falling asleep. Maybe this is just what I need.

  8. This post was right on point. We must let God be God. If we do so we won’t worry so much. We will have a peace that surpasses our understanding. Thank you for this reminder. God bless!

    • Thank you so much Sherry! You’re absolutely right- a peace beyond our understanding. What a comforting thought. Thanks for sharing this insight. Hugs and love to you xox

    • Aw thank you so much Tanya! I’m so glad you enjoyed my post:) yeah, letting go can be super hard, but it is so freeing. thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  9. Hi. Thanks for sharing. I like how you bring day’s experiences (good and bad / big and small) back to and into God’s Hands. As I get older (now 65 whew!) I am finding myself “thinking about myself less seriously and about God more seriously” especially since I have fewer years to live than have lived so AM CLOSER HOME! Anyway, I think you might enjoy some cute minute dramas in resource link in my blog. Go to “donsdevotions.wordpress.com” and “Link to Don’s Devotional Journal Entries 2013-2016” and click on “…other resources” and then open “LLP_Works” folder. Then can choose and listen to any listed.
    God’s blessings,

    • Hi Don, thank you so much for this wonderful insight. I appreciate the encouragement and affirmation. I’ll definitely check it! Thanks for passing it along. Hugs xx

  10. Love this! You are so right – we’ll do anything to block out the noise of our own hearts and minds, when all God wants is to speak to us there. Thanks for the reminder that we need to be still with God and let Him be who He is: God. May He continue to bless you. 🙂

    • Thanks Ashley! Oh my gosh you are SO RIGHT. That’s where He wants to speak to us! In those quite moments. Thanks for this beautiful perspective. Hugs and love xox

  11. Oh gracious, so true! I find that we worry ourselves out of our minds over EVERYTHING. (And when you said “He’s making is so that you can fall asleep without ever having to reflect on the day, or have “quiet time” where it’s just you and your thoughts.” it made me think of the song Car Radio by twenty øne piløts – look it up if you haven’t heard it! – because with all our worry, we don’t like to think. I can attest to the fact that thinking is stressful.) But God is God, and we are tiny humans that in His mercy, He cares about. We have to remember that He’s got everything handled, and it’s not our place to try to worry ourselves into trying to fix things out of our control! 😛 Awesome post. Thanks for reading my blog, too. 🙂

    • Hey Amanda! Aw thank you so much for such kind words! You’re right-it’s not our place. God is God. And what a comforting thought that is. I haven’t heard that song so I’m excited to look it up! Thanks for passing it along! And thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love to you xox

  12. Yay!!! Fantastic post. Very insightful and thoughtful. Your mention of the sleep-inducing podcast is intriguing. Isn’t it interesting that there is a whole industry built up around helping us tune-out, numb, and avoid? The reason I’m so excited about this post, though, is your mention of Fr. Schmitz’s podcasts. I started listening to them at the beginning of Lent, and when I was playing the most recent one, I burst into tears. It is SO HARD! Why is it so hard? I can hear his energetic voice in my head repeating “Let God love you,” over and over again. If you’re looking for another great podcast, I highly recommend “The Word on Fire Show.” (http://wordonfireshow.com/) Bishop Barron is one of my favorite Catholic theologians to listen to and read. I always find something relevant to my recovery in his words.
    Thank you so much for sharing your incredible story and your incredible faith. I always find encouragement and hope here. Have a lovely week!

    • Hey Lulu! Thank you for this awesome response. I know-his podcasts are UH-MAZING. Aw it seriously makes me so happy to know that you listen to him too! Soul. Food. Amirite?! I’ll definitely check out that podcast! Thanks for passing it along. I was actually just talking to my mom today about how I need more Christian podcasts to listen to–I’ve literally listened to every single one of Fr. Schmitz’s! Haha But girl, I feel you about letting God love you. Such an easy concept to intellectually “get,” but unbelievable hard to actually put into practice. One day at a time–we can do it! ☺️ thanks for stopping by! Hugs!

      • You are so welcome! And yes, you are totally right. Definitely soul food! It’s really exciting to feel connected to my faith, like it is alive and stirring in my heart. I definitely feel that way when I listen to Fr. Schmitz and Fr. Barron and when I read your blog! I have only started to listen to the UMD podcasts, and there are only a couple Word on Fire podcasts, because it’s relatively new, but Fr. Barron has hundreds, maybe thousands, of YouTube videos, and those are also awesome. Sometimes I just listen to them without the video while driving, cooking dinner, or play them in the background as I’m falling asleep (after reflecting on my day, of course 😉). One day at a time! Hugs back!

      • Oh my gosh that’s what I do too!! I think I’ve mentioned before, but I have ulcerative colitis and I’m managing it through a therapeutic diet, so as a result, I cook all my meals–so I spend A LOT of time in the kitchen. So I listen to his podcasts then. It’s my favorite time of the day. Again, thanks for passing that along. Definitely going to give it a listen! Xoxo

  13. Great message. Learning to turn the brain off can be challenging for some. Podcasts can offer a positive distraction that soothes the nervous system by allowing the “wine and dine” side (aka the parasympathetic component) to gently overpower the “fight or flight side (aka the sympathetic component). Incorporating a spiritual component only enhances the experience.
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful solution to a very large problem.

    • Thank you so much for this awesome perspective. I agree, it can be really hard to turn off the brain and unplug for the night. Something that I need to think about doing here myself pretty soon! hehe thanks for stopping by! hugs xox

  14. Great post. I don’t listen to podcasts either (except this one time a long long ago, Kevin & Bean) because my husband is such a fan. I love your thoughts about letting God be God. I was raised Catholic, went to a Catholic school for 10 years and learned about faith and stuff like that. Still, I get scared. Especially now that I have my own family. If I could just keep all of us inside a bubble…. But yes, trusting God. Because He already has our life planned for us to the very end. We are just living it. xo

    • Thank you so much zelynne:) what a beautiful reflection. Yes, He does have our lives in His capable and loving hands. What a comforting thought. 🙂 because you’re right: it is really scary. But then I have to remember that He’s our loving father and only wants the best for us. Sending so much love and hugs friends. Thanks for stopping by! Xox

  15. Listen to multiple podcasts during the multiple hours each week I spend driving. That’s been a game changer for me, helping me to take control of what goes into my mind. Almost as big as letting God be God!

    • Hey there John! Yes, I love how podcasts open up my mind to new ideas and information! Haha, yeah, letting God be God is quite hard to beat 😉 haha thanks for stopping by! hugs xox

  16. It’s weird, some days I find it easy to talk and pray about what is going on in my life but other days it’s so hard. Like you say, it’s like I am ashamed that I couldn’t get through something without asking for God’s help, like I wasn’t strong enough. But I have to remind myself we are strong BECAUSE God loves us and helps us. By myself I would be even weaker but with God’s help and strength and love I can face the world. Even Jesus had moments where he needed God to help him get through things. Asking for help is a good thing and sometimes we have to remind ourselves of that. Your post is so right, and put in such a lovely way! <3 definitely going to reblog this!

    • Hi Gini! What a beautiful perspective. Such wisdom. You’re right. he IS the source of our strength. What a comforting thought☺️ thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love to you xox

  17. Love love love this post, on so many levels! Love that you have discovered podcasts (you were introduced by sibling, I by offspring). Love your delight in the discovery. And love your description of the Let God Be God experience. Thank you, and keep blogging!

    • Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it:) and yay for podcasts! So much interesting material out there. God is good! Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love to you xox

  18. Sometimes it’s so hard to admit you need help. I struggle often with this, as if I am ashamed that I am not strong enough to deal with things on my own. I have to remind myself that even Jesus had moments where he needed to lean on God’s strength and love to help him through his mission. I hope you can remember the things you have written here the next time you worry. If you are anything like me – I have moments of clarity like this and then something will happen and I go back to worrying again and it’s like I have forgotten the wonderful things I learnt the day before! I’m a worrier by nature so I constantly have to remind myself of what you have said here. I hope you find peace from your worries.

    I can’t find the reblog button but I definitely want to share this about for you as it’s a brilliant post. Inspiring!

  19. I have actually recently become interested in Podcasts too, so I definitely want to check out the one about Let God Be Good. It sounds so good! I actually have a recommendation that got me started into listening to podcasts. Recovery Warriors with Jessie Raymond is awesome!

    • Recovery Warriors–totally intrigued!!! Thank you for passing it along! And thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read! Hope you have a beautiful day! Hugs xox

  20. Thanks for liking my posts beauty! Also, these are great messages that you are putting out:) Nevertheless, stay safe beauty, and God bless!

  21. I really enjoyed reading this one! Now, I HAVE to check out both of those podcasts, Serial and the boring guy telling odd stories. And you are so right…you really hit something on the spot about us not wanting to be alone with our own thoughts and worries. It is probably why it can be so difficult to hear God’s whisper amid our own worries (I know I have that problem sometime!). God bless!!

    • Hey Joel! YES! They’re terrific! And you’re so right — we can get so bogged down with the noise and clutter that we can miss the gentle whisper from God. Thanks for stopping by! hope you enjoy the podcasts 😉 hehe

      • You are so right! It takes me a lot of effort to just break out of ‘The Matrix’of every day life to hear him and talk to him during the day to day activities, but our souls need it so bad! Hope you are having a great day!!

  22. I got into podcast late last year with the Bad Christian podcast, Pastor without Answers, and Break It Down with Matt Carter. This year I have started listening to Don’t Feed the Trolls, Creative Pep-Talk with Andy J Miller, and The Graphic Sounds with Brandon Riley. I love listening to them and I am not a big fan of talk radio either so I m not sure why I enjoy these so much. 🙂

    • Hey there Scruffy! Oooh, very intriguing titles there! I’ll definitely give those a listen. thanks for passing them along! Have a beautiful day! Thanks for stopping by! xox

  23. Great post. I could write a thousand words about; what I like and my own reflections. But hey, nobody has the time for that, so here’s my little input. I’m dealing with the same issues, from my spiritual relationship to falling asleep. A friend turned me on to this little book; The Untethered Soul, the journey beyond yourself by Michael Singer. It’s become my 2nd Bible. Simply put it taught me the difference between my conscious mind and my soul, and more important, who to live from my soul. It’s been the beginning of my journey on the path to enlightenment. I am now aware of that eternal space within that reflects the image of God in which we are all created. There I observe the problems of life without becoming distressed by them and am able to access the power of love that overcomes all fear and evil with which I’m faced. When I’m unable to sleep I go there and meditate and without fail I drift off before I know it. It’s not a magic tool. It takes work and self discipline and I read and reread the book to fix its principle more firmly in my mind. Life is still a struggle for me, as anyone who reads my blog will see, but I’m always aware that the problems I face belong to this world and the eternal part of my being is separate and rests and observes from the safety of a place that is entirely divine love. It may sound like Eastern gobbly gook, but for me it’s made all the difference.

    • Hey there! Thank you so much for this perspective. I’m glad you’ve found that source of strength and peace and comfort! You’re so right: we all do reflect the image of God and it is from there that we get our worth. But there is definitely peace in His Divine Love. Thanks again for stopping by and for sharing this! Hugs and love xox

  24. Ok, so I really enjoyed this post! I’ve never listened to a podcast…for me, it’s so hard keeping up with all “the stuff” that’s out there! FB, Twitter, Instagram, WordPress, etc. I’m new to WordPress so I am trying to keep up…thank you for liking one of my posts or I may have never found you! I’m so glad that at the end, it always leads back Him..to God – the author and finisher of our faith. Now I am curious about the monotone man who wants to “sleep with me” LOL so thanks for sharing one more thing I have to try to figure out! Good luck with all of your endeavors, I’ll be following your success!

    • Thank you so much! I know! I fee like every day there’s a new social media platform to join! Seriously though, thanks for the encouragement. It really means a lot. Hugs and love to you! Xox

      • My son is also in the acting industry so I can relate to the whole waiting game also! He’s 13 and says he’s tired of working for free LOL If he only knew!! Hugs and much love to you also! XOXO

  25. I can totally relate, I sleep with my iPad under my pillow instead of using earbuds. I usually fall asleep listening to sermons from pastors the world over. It calms my mind and helps me fall asleep! Thanks for sharing!

  26. I’m glad you discovered podcasts 🙂 They can be great when you’re working out, walking, cleaning…I listen to a good number of them now, and I was never a talk radio person either. They can really help – sometimes you hear the right words at the right time.

  27. I became a podcast junkie when my day job became so monotonous I had to find something to engage my brain. What did it for me were digital online recordings of Old Time Radio shows. The comedies are actually funny without all the dirtiness of today’s so-called funnies and the dramas are of course done by some of the world famous directors and producers.

  28. If you like podcasts with bizarre plotlessness I highly recommend Welcome to Night Vale. It’s basically the king of bizarre podcasts – the creators have said that the original idea started with the thought of ‘a town where every conspiracy theory was true’ and it’s only branched out from there.

  29. Good Post. 🙂 Good sleep is actually a promise we get in the bible.
    Proverbs 3:21-24
    “21 My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight,
    preserve sound judgment and discretion;
    22 they will be life for you,
    an ornament to grace your neck.
    23 Then you will go on your way in safety,
    and your foot will not stumble.
    24 When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
    when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.”

  30. You know, it’s true. Many things are addictive and are hard to get away from, but you shouldn’t call yourself names and think bad or harsh things about yourself or anyone. It isn’t a bad thing to like the Serial Podcast, you know? 🙂 P.S. I really wish I could write like you! Can I borrow some inspiration from you? ~ xoxo MaryLouise xoxo ~

    • Hey MaryLouise! Oh my goodness thank you so much for such kind words! It means a much:) you’re right-we need to speak kindly to ourselves! Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  31. I think I know how God feels cuz I’ve got to be me! I would like to let everything stay just the way it is! I’d hate to wake up and find it had all changed up! (YAWN!) I’m so sleepy… Why does it say QWERTY on my forehead? Here’s a fact. The odds of life starting on its own are 10 to the -39th. power! It’s like shaking the parts of a watch in a container, and expecting the watch to reassemble… Not likely!

    • Hi there! What an incredible fact! You’re right-this world is not by accident. There was a Master Planner at work for sure! Thanks for stopping by! Hope you get some sleep! Xx

  32. Well, you’ve got my brain pinging around. Most important is to remember that chocolate is one of the many ways God says, “I love you!”

    Next; a grandfather telling a bedtime story? Have you ever seen the Princess Bride. If not, fix that…immediately!

    Too much in your own thoughts? I always used this quote for myself and taught it to my girls to check themselves when things are going south. It’s from an old writing called Desiderata. “Many a fear is born of loneliness and fatigue.” So, have you been too long between your ears? Have you eaten? Have you slept? Likely one of those is running on “E.”

    Finally, a friend told me a phrase he uses: “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” Don’t try to corral what isn’t yours. See https://jeffreyhking.wordpress.com/2016/02/02/not-my-circus-not-my-monkeys/

    • Hey Jeffrey! Amen to that! Chocolate is DEFINITELY a way that God shows his love for us! ☺️☺️☺️ wow Jeff, you hit me with two powerhouse sayings here! Those are going down in my journal for sure!! Thanks for sharing those! I’m now officially in contemplation mode:) thanks as always for stopping by and sharing your wisdom! Hugs xox

  33. “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Romans 8:1

    Don’t feel ashamed cuz it’s a lie and the devil is the father of all lies. In God’s eyes, you’re so perfect, and He’s so pleased with you. Go to Him as you are, and He’ll accept you regardless of all the flaws you can nit pick about yourself. <3

      • I’ve been pretty busy with uni stuff thats why i haven’t had the time to read your posts 🙁 but they never fail to ignite inspiration in me, and you truly inspire me to be like you one day, to reach out to those who’re in need of God’s love and to those who’re in recovery, learning how to accept the love they deserve 🙂 email me soon ya? 🙂

      • Oh my gosh thank you so much! That means the world☺️ absolutely. We all need to be reminded how deeply and fiercely we are loved. Love ya friend xox

  34. Great post, though I don’t subscribe to theism. I love podcasts on #cbc radio: Ideas, Writers and Company, The Sunday Edition, even Tapestry, which is on religion but doesn’t take sides. Check out CBC Podcasts on iTunes. For a geek like me, they are real oxygen. Thanks for liking Mist.

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