What’s the Point?

Walking around New York, I often find myself just realizing that, if I didn’t believe, I wouldn’t be able to see God anywhere.

I mean, if I weren’t looking for Him, God seems nowhere.

Sure, I’ll walk past the occasional church that is empty, minus a few fanny-pack-wearing tourists snapping pictures on their iPads.



But, real talk: there just isn’t a lot of God out there to be found in our culture.

There’s just a whole lot of other stuff to occupy our time and our minds: the Olympics, summer blockbusters, the NFL, the latest Kimye/Taylor drama, back to school shopping, the presidential election, you name it – our culture exists in a spiritual wasteland, if I’m being really honest.

And for as incredible as NYC is, truthfully, it exemplifies this hyper godless environment.

But sometimes, when I’m walking along, dodging Pokemon Go players and briefcase-touting-powerwalkers on the sidewalks…


…I sometimes wonder, why do I need faith?


I am not questioning my faith or the existence of God. But I wonder, if I weren’t a Jesus follower, why would I think faith mattered? 

What’s the argument for it? Why would I care? What is the case for faith?

Because I look at everything around me, and you know what, I wouldn’t think I was really missing anything if I didn’t believe.

Things are so instantaneous and so immediately gratifying, I would look at faith and think, How painfully archaic. Why not live for the now? I’m only young once, so why drag around the old “ball and chain?” Who wants to just feel guilty and constrained all the time anyway? It doesn’t matter…


Does it?

Does faith matter?

And the answer to that can be summed up in three little words.

What’s. The. Point?

What’s the point? To life? To my friendships? To my career? To my body? To whatever…

What’s the point?

If you close your eyes and think about the life we’re bombarded with everyday, what do you see?

For me, I see this fast paced, movie-trailer-esk montage of images, narrated by none other than Morgan Freeman.

First there are the “high fashion” images of our society with Victoria’s Secret models and men with chiseled jawlines wearing suits that cost more than a downpayment on a car. Justin Bieber flashes by, peeing in a bucket and riding a segway, waving to his Canadian buddy, Drake.


There’s partying, reality TV and all of its quality family values. Trump’s yelling, Hillary’s barking, and Blair Waldorf is leaning over to whisper the latest gossip to Serena. (#GossipGirl) 😉


Then in my movie trailer depiction of life, there are shots of homeless people, starving children in third world countries, refugees in war torn nations. Images of kids being bullied at school or online. Of violence in our communities. Of maxed out prisons full of human beings with names and faces. Images that shatter your heart into a million tiny pieces.

Cut to my family. My friends. Teachers. The cashier at my grocery store. The kids I nanny for. The cross guard on 6th Avenue. All the people in my life that I come in contact with every day. People with stories and hurts and struggles.

Cut to me.

Open your eyes.

After watching that bombardment of all that life’s throwing at us, what’s the point?

Are we to think that this is it? 

Well, okay – thanks, Caralyn, for pointing out all the crap that’s out there. Sure there’s a lot of eFF-ed up stuff, but what does that have to do with faith?

And I think the answer is that, all of those things we’re bombarded with – all of those things in our movie trailer – without faith – without God – we would have to navigate all of that alone.

And I don’t know about you, but frankly, that scares the be-jezzes out of me.

We’re not in this alone. Everything that the world tries to throw at us, that makes us feel as though we don’t measure up — we don’t look a certain way, drive a certain car, own a certain brand, live a certain lifestyle — all those bullshit standards impressed upon us by our cultural movie trailer — there’s more to life than that.

There’s hope.

And that’s where faith comes in. That’s where God comes in.

Faith gives you hope, and hope gives you something bigger to live for.

I’m not just living for the here and now. I’m living with my eyes on eternity.

There’s more to life than making money, and getting more “stuff” or going on lavish vacations or having an enviable house or career. There’s something bigger than me that I’m living for.

I’m living for Him.

I’m trying to use my life to be His hands and feet for everyone I come in contact with.

Because the world can seem like a spiritual wasteland, void of goodness and gentleness and hope. So I want to use my life to be a teeny tiny glimmer of His love and His truth.


Because the world is not godless. He is all around. But it is up to us to choose to look for Him. To choose to see God in the everyday– In the people around us. In the opportunities around us.

Thatthe hope. That’s why faith does matter. Otherwise, the weight of the world would be just too much to bear.


So what’s the point?



Choose it. See it. Claim it. Live it.


“Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1


391 responses to “What’s the Point?”

  1. Yes awesome article! All those things you mentioned at the begining of the blog can be taken away at a split second. The Father God connection you have inside will never be taken away!

  2. Wonderful. Uplifting. Hope-full. True.

    You seem to have a keen perspective of things as they truly are. What a wonderful and freeing gift! Thanks for sharing, and God bless.

  3. As someone once said:
    God the Father is the heart of God
    Jesus Christ is the face of God
    The Holy Spirit is the voice of God
    And we, we are the hands of God

    Great post!

  4. This was a beautiful and thoughtful post. And this in particular is especially true: “Because the world is not godless. He is all around. But it is up to us to choose to look for Him. To choose to see God in the everyday– In the people around us.”

    May God bless you with peace and happiness.

  5. So very inspirational and spot-on true! You are so very right in everything you’ve written… I can personally testify that were it not for the grace of God and his love, I would not even be in this world now. Really. So thank you very much for sharing this, and blessings to you!

  6. Beautiful post. Yes, faith is…hope. And life, and purpose, and joy, and forgiveness…so glad you found it…so glad you found Him!

  7. Lovely post. It puts me in mind of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s words:

    Earth’s crammed with heaven,
    And every common bush afire with God;
    But only he who sees, takes off his shoes . . . .

  8. I love this post, Caralyn. You have a beautiful writing style that’s filled with so much truth. Thanks for sharing this today; It was a much-needed reminder:-)

  9. Wow! Powerful! Beautiful! Uplifting! Inspirational! Sorry, I’m speechless. 🙂 Only powerful feelings flowing throughout me. Tears in my eyes half way through reading. A message that goes straight to my heart and embraces it with God’s Love.

  10. Once again, you proceeded to blow my mind with this post. You are awesome! I cling to Hope and Him some days, because that’s all I have to get through whatever life is throwing at me. I pray a lot more now, more than I ever have. God is AWESOME!!

  11. The distractions from the truth have been around since about 2 seconds after the truth. Thanks for this contemporary take on how to keep facing the truth in our everyday lives.

  12. This was beautifully written, and you are just as beautiful for having written it. The last post I wrote contained some thoughts similar to yours— Maybe sometimes God has a certain idea that He wants to impress upon all of us in different ways, and at precisely the same time. It’s pretty amazing. I especially appreciated what you said in your opening sentence—that if you didn’t believe, you wouldn’t be able to see God anywhere. Even for those who do believe, it’s quite easy to lose sight of Him amid the constant influx of worldly distraction. I can’t imagine anymore what it must be like for someone who has never known of Him at all. Sometimes, I can barely stand to think about the world, the way it’s going—and it’s in those moments of despair when I realize most that He’s the only solace I have.

  13. Ah, so that’s how your name is spelled 🙂
    As usual, a really well done piece. I have learned to lean on the section from Hebrews, because while I don’t have certainty, while I keep questioning and seeking, I still believe that God is out there, and that I will find the peace I so desperately seek and the end to the questioning I seem to have. Nicely done my friend. 🙂
    And you might (maybe) find an evocative, or provocative, thought in my blog today. :/

  14. Thank you, friend for this. I needed to hear this message today. Did I say the other day that the videos would preclude your writing over time? I’ll just tiptoe out of the BBB lounge quietly… because writing like this has to continue. Much love to you friend, and I hope you have a great weekend!

  15. From A Course In Miracle, Lesson 12: What is meaningless is neither good nor bad. Why, then, should a meaningless world upset you? If you could accept the world as meaningless and let the truth be written upon it for you, it would make you indescribably happy. But because it is meaningless, you are impelled to write upon it what you would have it be. It is this you see in it. It is this that is meaningless in truth. Beneath your words is written the Word of God. The truth upsets you now, but when your words have been erased, you will see His.

  16. it is my God connection that keeps me grounded so that all of those things you mentioned, don’t and can’t suck me into their crappy little vortex

    “Through lack of disciplined attention and sometimes through lack of the right kind of faith, many of us keep ourselves year after year in a rather easy spiritual kindergarten ”

    Bill Wilson ,co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous

    • Hey Mike, wow what a powerful quote. Thank you for sharing that. it’s so true–a spiritual kindergarten. That’s some strong imagery. Thanks for stopping by! big hugs xox

  17. In one of the Father Brown mystery stories, G. K. Chesterton wrote, “‘What we all dread most,’ said the priest in a low voice, ‘is a maze with no center. That is why atheism is only a nightmare.” And I feel that today — so grateful that even in the darkest valleys, we who are in Christ have hope, and so humbled to remember that there are so many who do not yet know hope.

  18. Wow, wonderful points and writing style! I myself have been just getting closer to Daddy God as my dog has passed away this past July. He is so beyond anything and all I could ever compose, but yet we write out of gratitude to Him because we love Him so. I’ve recently been thinking of just asking people I meet if they would like to be healed of xyz, or prayed for, we live in a free country with nothing hold us back save for ourselves. Lovely words doll. Keep lifting Him up as Lord, and glorifying Him

    • Thank you so much. Oh, I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. That breaks my heart. You’re so right – God is an amazing Father. Thanks for stopping by! hugs to you friend xox

  19. Faith is vital. Sometimes it’s the only thing that sustains us. Without the love of God, I’m not sure how I would have managed many of my challenges. I know wonderful people who live without it, but that would be a sad life for me. I admire the thoughfulness you bring to your life. Blog on Baby Doll!

    • Hi friend! Yes it is! Thank you so much. You’re right – I find many many times when it is the exact thing that has sustained me. Thanks for stopping by! hugs and love xox

  20. Caralyn: having read this post, which, of course, was “spot on”, I would like to send you a copy of my newly printed booklet, “Basics of Life”. Mostly I would like your input on how I might improve the next printing. Basics is aimed at (in priority) seekers, baby Christians and chronological older Christians that can’t put on a single sheet of paper what they believe. In a 2014 poll George Barna, the Christian George Gallup, “The Christian body in America is immersed in a crisis of biblical illiteracy. When given 13 basic teachings from the Bible, only 1% of adult believers firmly embraced all 13 as being biblical perspectives.” So, if you could supply me with some address, I’d like to send you a copy. You can respond to my email address. Blessings!

    • Thank you so much Tom. Wow, I am so touched by your words. I would be honored to read it! I’m working on getting a PO box set up, so as soon as I do, I will pass it along! It sounds like an amazing and important topic! hugs xox

  21. There are so many things all around to distract us. They aren’t necessarily bad but can keep us from connecting with God if we allow it. Sometimes it’s only when we lose what we thought was so important that we start seeking what is really important.
    Thank you for your your insight on having that relationship with God that can get you through the darkest times.

    • Thanks for this reflection. You’re so right – sometimes things have to be taken away in order for us to truly see and appreciate what we do have 🙂 Thanks for stopping by! hugs and love xox

  22. If you Believe In GOD he’s always where you are. Don’t look for him. Just sense him. He will reveal himself to you when the time is right. Just know He Is God! Believe in YOU as well. You’ll get there. All things in time…”Hold’em Hook”!…..BG>

  23. This is a great declaration and example , How we keep our faith in this century . Human being seems trying to eliminate the spiritual element , But they can not. the soul is longing for his creator. Who can ignore Him.
    Amen , you said well. Faith gives you hope. Hope that’s what we are living for , Honestly . without Him , how can it be ?
    Psalms 112 : 10
    The wicked man sees it and is angry;
        he gnashes his teeth and melts away;
        the desire of the wicked will perish!
    They will see our Faith and will say how it possible , we got everything we need here . they see and be angry , But our God is faithful and saves His children.

    Great word.

  24. I love this post! It reflects a well thought out faith, not just one that has been handed down to you. Bravo for staking your faith claim in a largely materialistic and ungodly culture. I applaud both your courage and your articulate thoughts. We need more writers of your kind.

    Sent from my iPhone


  25. Without faith it impossible to please God, amen from Cambodia. When God becomes central, Love becomes central in our lives and that love (cliché as it may seem) is what the world needs. Here in South East Asia many of these languages do not have the word for forgiveness as this culture has been in many ways untouched by God’s love. To see the countenance of a man turn from darkness to light, solely from a message of faith and the love of God.Wow. love what was said, keep God center stage.

    • Hey Chad! Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. Wow! Cambodia! That’s so awesome! And how interesting about the language. I did not know that. Amen-let’s love for Love! Hugs and love xox

  26. I was hoping I’d be the first one! Nevertheless, this was spiritually engaging yet thought provoking. I loved getting a glimpse of your personality through your writings. Awesome! This blessed me so much. God bless you! You inspire me through your writings and obedience.

  27. This is my prayer Lord that I will be an extension of your love and kindness in the chaos of this end time. Thanks for sharing. Love the way you narrate your thoughts. Very inspiring

  28. Wonderful! I’ve wanted to say this for a long time but could never get it just right. You did, and I thank you. May I re-blog this on either my knitting blog, writing blog, or daily blog? If you prefer I not, that’s fine, too. Just, thank you 🙂 and God bless!

  29. Amen, BBB!

    I just listened to the 4th part in this sermon series by a pastor out in Portland, Oregon–Door of Hope Church. You might like it:


    I’m going to check out the other parts over the weekend. Also, give Josh Garrels a listen on Pandora, if you haven’t already listened to this guy. He’s connected to worship at this church. I stumbled across him while listening to Gregory Alan Isakov. Now, I’m listening to Josh Garrels Radio all the time.

    Either way, the series is called, Culture After Christ 🙂 Thanking God that you continue to shine, beloved sister and friend!

  30. “Because the world can seem like a spiritual wasteland, void of goodness and gentleness and hope.”

    Being an atheist doesn’t mean you can’t find beauty, hope or spirituality. It doesn’t mean you have to live in a spiritual wasteland or that you need to just chase materialistic things. You’re also not alone – you’re surrounded by other people, friends, potential friends, family, loved ones and even other life forms such as dogs and cats, with which you can bond and grow together with.

    I don’t feel that your answer is much of an answer at all, because it assumes that without god you can’t have any of the other things you talk about. I assure you, my spiritual life is full. I love and am loved and I’m definitely not alone. I see gentleness and hope every day, since I work in the social services field; mostly with the deaf-blind. Believe me, I hope is no stranger to my eyes and I don’t need an invisible, supernatural agent to see, notice or enjoy those things.

    Just some food for thought.

    • Hi friend, thank you for this perspective. I really appreciate you sharing this insight. Yes, there are some truly fulfilling things in life-friends, family, helping others in service – all those things you mentioned. They’re definitely life giving. There truly is goodness and gentleness to be found – because at the end of the day, we have that goodness in our hearts. Thanks for opening this dialogue. Hugs and love xox

  31. This is beautiful. I really see such an expansion of your open heart! <3 So many blessings your way, friend.
    By the way, my spiritual mentors John-Roger and John Morton have said something like … look for the good in all people and things, and leave the rest to God. Then you will start having peace.
    Words to live by 🙂

  32. H. O P E <3 I LOVE THIS POST!!!! The enemy likes to keep us busy so we wouldn't have time for God, some people have too many idols, it's all so consuming for some. I'd like to think that a balanced life is the essence of living a godly life. Psalm 46:10 says "Be still, and know that I am God! " So if we don't stop to hear and see God in all its forms we can easily miss it. If we don't 'quieten our spaces we don't hear the word of God. If we don't project God through good works our faith is dead!
    James 2:14. Lastly, we need to surround ourselves with people of faith to help us grow ". God bless you Caralyn <3

  33. Absolutely beautifully written. Not to mention the fact that you take time to reply to each comment. Thank you for encouraging your brothers and sisters to cling to hope in this “spiritual wasteland.” Absolutely beautiful.

    • Thank you so much Dev. I’m glad you enjoyed it! Haha yes! I feel like, if a person takes the time to read and write a reflection, I should express my gratitude! Lol so thank you!! Have a beautiful weekend xox

  34. love reading your posts because it brings so much hope in my heart. indeed God is all around, and we are to be used by Him, to be His hands and feet whenever and wherever we can. Thanks for sharing such a hopeful message, and really allowing hope to spring forth within the hearts of those who’re downcast, and feel hopeless. <3

    p.s i realised I've never gotten to know what your name is, until i read this post!!! hi caralyn!! 🙂

  35. Hey, Caralyn-

    Great post. I hope that somebody takes the time to stop you on the street and share what a light you are. I know that you get that here, but sometimes that affirmation doesn’t transfer until it’s expressed in the specific context.

    This came to mind: a friend told me that one day she saw Princess Diana walking from her hotel to a limo in NYC. Diana stopped and simply waved her hand slowly along the street. My friend said that she felt the grace wash over her.

    We can do that. We can call God into the world and allow his love to wash over others in a way that they can feel palpably. The trick is to only let go of the angels that are guided by our love when they land on somebody that will employ them to love others. Otherwise we need to pull them back into our hearts. As they come to trust are judgment with greater and greater certainty, they gather around us more densely. This is what Jesus meant when he said “To those that have, more will be given. And to those that have not, even what they have will be taken from them.”

    I realize that for women this can be a little like walking off the end of the pier. Some men will misinterpret. But you don’t have to be visible to make it happen. You can be looking out a window, riding by in a car, or passing in a train.

    I hope that you don’t mind my writing a sermon. I know that you’ve experienced this. I just want others to join in the process. When the joining of our little bubbles persists, the world will be changed. People will realize that they have a choice between the pain of the world the live in and the joy that surrounds those blessed by grace (which is to be given the support of angels in loving others).

    Wishing joy, grace and love upon you in all things,


  36. So, been a while. Work has been taking up my time and I have not been able to post regularly like I want. My journal is filled with things that I want to post! Slowly getting them up there! But saw this on my reading list and I have to say, in the work I’m doing for child welfare, I often ask myself this question–why do I do this? There seems to be no point and I’m draining myself for no good reason since the parents don’t care about the kids. But then I remember what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 10:23-33. And it’s summed up in this statement: “So, whether you eat or drink, do all to the glory of God.” That is my number one call in life, and any person who claims Christ is in their lives, it is theirs too. God’s glory is to be shown through us. Our faith is an example of God’s glory because it shows what He has done for us! Even when we get drained, He doesn’t and He pushes us to keep going and live for Him so others may know the love and redeeming power of His son’s name. As Acts say: There is no other name under heaven by which men can be saved. So, when you look at society, look at it how God sees it and let your heart be broken for it!!

    God bless!!!

  37. As always amaxibgand thought provoking insights. The point is to love Him and be the hands and feet and show the world there is hope and his name is Jesus Christ! May God continue to use you and your words as a vessel to share his message.

  38. You are so wise beyond your years. I love you and love your blog. So impressed! And I have got to check out more of your vegan dishes, not ready to transition but many of my stomach issues are so similar to what you went through, not as severe, but drawn out over thirty years. Maintaining a healthy weight now, finally. You’re so right that hope is key to having faith. Even the tiniest glimmer of hope can light the way to a better day. And faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. Bless you, sweet angel.

  39. “I’m living with my eyes on eternity”
    There’s the problem, right there. With all due respect, you (and the Jihadist) see yourselfs as passing travellers on this earth. You’re on your way to the “next life”. You do not see it, as we athiest see it. i.e. “This is it! This is the only shot I get.The only form I will ever be. After my death, It will be for me, as a “conscious” human, how it was for me in 1763. Nothing.

    This is the only life! There is no hereafter that we definitely know of. We should make the most of this life! Love each other, care for one another, leave it in a better condition. Don’t look forward to what may never be, cherish what is!
    I am not judging you. I love you. I care for you. You are my fellow human being and I wish you only the best. 🙂

    • I am not a Christian, nor an atheist, but I think atheists take the easy-way-out. It is far more challenging to understand that evolution is happening as consciousness develops in all the species on Earth, life, by life, by life. And therefore every life matters greatly in it’s continuation of wisdom learned. If life is just “for once”, it would be pointless, in evolutionary terms. I think Christians believe only in one life, by the way. Well, that’s only what I think. I found your comment most interesting. thank you for it. Namaste.

      • Thanks Elizabeth, I really appreciate this perspective. I definitely am grateful for all the lessons I’ve learned in my time on this earth. Hugs and love xox

      • You misunderstood me. I meant that YOUR “specific” life is the once off. Your genes are “keen” on living forever because they “compete” to be passed on. And they do get passed on, producing other iterations of themselves. This clearly nullifys your, “life in evolutionary terms, would be pointless if it’s once off” statement because clearly, from a genetic perspective, “life does want to go on forever. A la the selfish gene. Namaste 🙏

  40. Ours is, indeed, a godless age. And we need folks like you to keep reminding us that there is some larger purpose to life than just getting rich or buying a new car. Thanks!

  41. Ah, Beauty! All is not as it seems. The partying, instant gratification, etc.; your description reminds me of being in hospital for one of my surgeries. One of the tubes going in (there were plenty coming out too!) was from a pump. All I had to do was press the little button at the end of my cord, and a LOVELY shot of morphine was rammed into my bloodstream.

    The only difference between NYC and my dear, little, mechanical friend was that it had a timer so I couldn’t overdose. NYC? Not so much. That’s the difference. But what do they have in common? They both exist to run away from the problem: pain. Chest tubes hurting too much? *squirt* Life got you down? *snort* or *party* or *porn* or *movie/brain-candy*

    No matter the solution, the problem is always pain. How can I be so sure? I know every time I see one of those roadside memorials for someone who died in a car wreck, a shooting, or something else. Teddy bears that will never be hugged, balloons that will never be chased, and words of love that will never be heard. Why are those things there? The pain and hopelessness of no faith, no understanding of the loving God who rescued you, me, and countless others from our pain. No joy behind the pain of separation, knowing their loved one is FREE from their pain. Maybe even knowing, suspecting that they are in eternal pain, because they didn’t have God in their life.

    Where did your ED come from? The pain of self-loathing. Who was your ultimate deliverance? God.

    We are both the hands and feet of God. We minister to each other to build and rebuild our strength. We minister to those we meet and can help.

    Thank you for your inspiration for this morning’s response. Thank you for your ministrations to me and the rest of our blogging community. God bless, Beauty/Caralyn!

    • Wow this is such a beautiful note Jeff. Thank you so much. And what a powerful analogy. You’re so right. I’m sorry that you had to endure that, but wow look at the insight and perspective you’ve gained from it! God is good like that:) thanks for reading. Hope you have a lovely weekend! Hugs and love xox

    • This is certainly an interesting perspective. I’m not sure that I agree the purpose of faith is to relieve pain. Sure, it does provide a relief – we see that there is more to this life as believers than those who are not believers, but to state that that faith is merely a way to relieve pain suggests, to me at least, that belief in something bigger is simply another form of self-medication. Faith is so much more than that! There was a great analogy from a professor of mine years ago who stated that we all have faith – its just a matter of where we place it. We have faith that the chair we are going to sit in will hold us, we have faith that we will be able to take air in to our lungs and be able live another moment, you had faith that the morphine you had for your surgeries would relieve your pain. To me, faith is that piece of our brains and hearts that God placed there to tell us that we are not all there is to this world; that trusting in something we cannot see (like the air) has benefit and will nourish us. We don’t need pain to seek out that bigger something – it just is part of who we are.

      • Miss Faith! I did not intend to say that faith is MERELY for relief of pain. My apologies if I miscommunicated my point! Relieving pain is something that it does, but certainly not the whole purpose.

        I took a quick look at biblegateway.com for some quick references. There are 366 references to faith, almost all in the New Testament. Faith in the Gospels in largely used in connection with healing; “And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague” for example. The real lesson is, of course, to have faith in God’s love and providence in all things.

        Mark 4:40 – “And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” Pain can be physical, intellectual, emotional… Here they were suffering the pain of fear.

        As Caralyn pointed out using Hebrews, faith is about trusting in that which you cannot identify with your senses. For example I had no faith in the morphine. I did, however, have a LOT of experience! 🙂 When you have faith that God is on your side, both now and forever, that’s a comfort.

        Faith is about protection and comfort: Matthew 23:37 – “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!”

        It isn’t about self-medicating yourself with faith to run from pain. That would be no better that the drugs, sex, parties, etc. that people use now. What I was hoping to describe was how, through faith, pain is dealt with by way of knowing that God, even though we can’t see Him or His angels, is right here with us, and taking care of things. Maybe not in ways we always understand, but He is.

        Thanks for bearing with me as I expanded my thoughts and hopefully achieved a bit more clarity!

  42. We find what we look for. If you want to find paper clips, that’s what you look for on every sidewalk and gutter. If you want to find God, that’s who you look for, in every face and every place you go.

  43. While I’m not a huge fan of swearing in general, I do agree that overall this is a fabulous post. 🙂 Keep lettin’ that light shine, girl!

  44. Great Post Caralyn.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
    I have been thinking a lot about the things that our life can get caught up in, the busyness of life and the realization that we can put so much time into things like social media, Pokemon Go, sports, Fashion, etc. and they aren’t necessarily bad but when we are consumed by them, especially as a Christian, it leaves us empty.
    You are right that we need to choose to see God in our world everyday.

  45. Whoops, Caralyn, I’ve been spelling your name wrong! *hides* So sorry about that!
    Great post, girl. Thanks for sharing. (I hate self-promoting, so I’m not trying to do that with this, but I kind of wrote a similar post on my blog last year, and this reminded me of it: https://scatteredjournalpages.com/2015/09/19/im-just-contemplating-the-world-among-other-things/ 😂)
    Thank you for your encouraging post about our faith — the one that gives us real hope, real peace, and real rescuing. <3 (How many blogs do you read, by the way? I keep seeing your face all over the internet! :D)

  46. Well Miss Caralyn you have brought another smile of joy to my face this morning! Wonderful words and great reflections. Boy your birthday really does make you reflect and ponder your life 🙂 I truly enjoy reading your thoughts and perspective on life, faith, struggles, joy and Hope! May the peace and hope of God be with you! Keep spreading the Word sister! You do it so very well.

  47. Reflecting on a movie I watched once with Eddie Murphy titled, “Holy Man” in it he told a story of thousands of starfish washed ashore and a little girl rushing around the beach tossing them back into the ocean was told by an on-looker, “There were too many what you’re was doing doesn’t matter.” She looked at the starfish in her hand and said, “To this ONE it matters” tossing it into the ocean and picking up another saying, “To this ONE it matters.” Faith and hope to make a difference if we look at the creation as a whole is very discouraging, but if we focus on our circle of influence and circle of impact then to each one we touch or minister to it matters.

    I love your the line the Lord gave you, “I’m trying to use my life to be His hands and feet for everyone I come in contact with.” If we keep in mind, “I can’t help everybody” then we will help NO ONE, but if we keep in mind, “I will help those I can.” Then some will be helped who will in turn help those that they can. Faith builds upon faith. Love fosters love.

    • What a powerful image with the starfish. Thanks for sharing that. That’s so true-if we each help one person, think how many people will be reached! Thanks for stopping by! Sending huge hugs and love xox

  48. This was such a nice post! Thank you for writing it. I think Faith is is like petrol in our spiritual cars. Without it, we’ve got no ooomph! Faith is funny stuff. You’ve got to have it first – before belief. If you act in faith, the path is illuminated FOR you. I am not a Christian, but I enjoy your writing. A fan, you could say,

  49. Someone else may have seen this at the beginning as a plea for help, in the middle a serious question and then the magnificent end is you knowing you are saved. Which the trailer can go further and have you starring in a movie not narrated by Morgan Freeman and you rescuing starving and suffocating people. You are different and you know this I hope. I started this while thinking and I would have exchanged the time frame but you and I are somewhat kindred and I am different than you. I have been similar places and like both of us, different ones as well. Your beauty is not your only asset, nor is your faith, nor your brain or being a caring and wonderful person. You are all that and then some. That is the message. You keep repeating things like this and you will convert many, even if not full on believers but others that just believe in something and try or try to help. I may be one of the few that reads your full post and I normally am bad at commenting as i want to get to every person on my list and give all of them attention and I have been failing but I am slowing down and talking to people I look up to, like you and make time to comment as it is an important thing to do. But I do not want you to scroll my site as I am first a trainer, then a former model and actor/athlete and now someone trying and writing pretty well. I like story boarding like you do but I try to avoid as it takes time to load for people. But I am fine that you do it. I get to read and see through your eyes. By the way your bloopers could have had more craziness, LOL. The late 70s movies that did them like anything with Burt Reynolds had crazy and fun filled bloopers and I hope to see you one day doing amazing productions or movies.:)

  50. Deep very deep x. I look at my life now and look at my life then and even though I have a very long way to go in my walk with the lord with a few things causing me pain and heartache I have hope and faith in God to care for me the way he does do, If I was “living” they way I was before I wouldn’t have any hope at all, as scriptures say that jesus didnt come for the healthy but for the sick, I know, if God didn’t pull me out of that situation and surround me with a new family, I would have followed through with the plan to take my own life. but now when I look at the world I see god but I see the suffering aswell I see the pain of what the world has become and I mourn for it but I know God is doing amazing things despite all this pain and suffering x. Anyway my lovely sister you know how much I love to waffle on haha so i will leave it there x

  51. Reading this I thought of two books. The first, “The Book of Ecclesiastics”. If you haven’t already, it’s a must read. Solomon hashes over the triviality of what most people believe is so important. The second book “The Hunger Games” is what I pictured as you described all the nonsense that is taking center stage in this country like celebrities and cosmetics while some very real things are happening right under our noses. It is wonderful God has blessed you with a spirit of discernment in such times we are living in

    • Thank you for this reflection! Oh my gosh yes! Society is looking more and more like the hunger games! Thanks for stopping by and for sharing your great perspective! Hugs and love xox

  52. Beautiful post. It’s so true sometimes you just look around you and get sucked in the the culture of fancy parties and money and stuff upon stuff. But honestly, where does that get you? Your stuff is not going to help you in the end. It’s the good that you did, the kindness you gave, the God-conscious life you lived. For many years I didn’t have a faith at all and I think back and wonder how the heck did I get through life?? It’s not fun living without hope. May God protect us all and keep our hearts filled with Him especially in the times when it’s hard to see Him through all of life’s rubble!

    • Thank you Chelsea! I so appreciate you sharing this. Amen to that-that’s a beautiful prayer 🙂 and you’re right-the hope that comes from Him is truly life changing. Have a beautiful weekend. Hugs and love xox

  53. Great post 🙂 God is around us everyday, but he is only around us spiritually as opposed to physically. Regardless of how people live their lives, their always comes a moment when they are going through a painful time of their life and in the end, they feel that God can be comforting when things seem on edge. How do I know this? Friends of mine have told me this. This is not to say that have embraced God fully because even for the best of people, it always remains a work in progress and as long as that is happening, that particular person is not only showing maturity, but also fully understands that the only way to receive true healing is through Christ. I hope I am making sense, I just find this post to be very fascinating, but then again all of your posts are 🙂 Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

    • Thank you so much John! You’re right-true healing comes through Him. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your heart. I always love to hear from you! Hugs and love xox

  54. You are so right that God is not found in so much of the man made mush that many tend to prioritize themselves in. NYC or any other place big or small is leveled with things that focus away from God, YET through those things, God throws in things for us to, if we will, notice. Little, more subtle things against the bigger blast are how He tends to deliver and when it all comes out in the wash, those little things end up much bigger than what we “thought was big”. Have you ever seen that movie “Miracles From Heaven”? Its amazing and I can’t believe you wrote this beautiful entry on the same day I actually watched it. If you HAVEN’T, do so. When it comes to NYC, I guess that’s what I try to find (and photograph); those things that were more created by God Given Blessings of Talent, instead of mass media and business. You are a wonderful example of the blessings and grace that God has cast upon this world. You could have let yourself stay caught up in all the yadda around you that was effecting you, but God came through and here you are. x0x0x0x0

    • Thanks for this Migueltio! Wow thank you for such kind words. I seriously am so touched by your comment. Amen to that-God DID come through-like He always does. And yes! That’s the one about Jennifer garner right? About the little girl and the tree? That movie IS my story. I just watched it with my parents because that little girl’s GI issue were the same as mine. Let me tell you, there were WATER WORKS watching that movie. So glad you liked the movie too! Sending big hugs! Have a lovely weekend! Hugs and love xox

      • On a serious note, “god” is all around but it isn’t some invisible, intangible essence of the “greater good” that you are referring to.

        “God” is within each person as choice. Choice is what takes us higher or lower as a whole. It is what has steered humanity to this exact moment in fact.

        “God” is simple binary code. (1-0). We could say that human existence has a root in binary conscience.

        +1 if you empathize
        -1 if you do not empathize

        *Views vary. Batteries not included.

      • Thank you for this perspective Robert. I agree: God definitely lives within each person in their heart – and what a powerful thought that is. Haha-shoot-looks like I’ll have to run to CVS for some batteries! 😂 Hope you have a beautiful weekend xox

      • No. I didn’t say, “god lives in the heart of each person.” I said choice does.

        Have a good weekend.

      • Sorry I must have misunderstood 😬 It’s pretty late here in NYC and I’m out with friends so my reply skills are…shall we say…compromised at the moment 😂 hugs!

  55. I often think that the “noise” of a city can create a sufficient distraction to keep us from Bible study, meditation and prayer. Our faith development has to be intentional- which is challenging with all the noise that surrounds us. I hope that you continue to find the solace, tranquility and peace that comes through further development of your faith. God bless you. Great post.

  56. For a while I believed in the Hindu social myth that the East was “all spiritual” and the West was “all materialistic.” But like you, when I really got to know God in the Catholic tradition, I started seeing God pretty well anywhere, in anyone. It’s very liberating. A trip to the supermarket or countryside can be spiritually refreshing.

    I think some priests emphasize how “worldly” the world is and how “spiritual” Catholics are. To that I’d say yes and no. IMO it’s a bit more complicated than the story they usually tell at Mass. And I think some of the smarter priests are aware of that. But they choose to toe the line… not for cynical reasons but because they know where the Church is “at” and that they alone can do little to change things.

    I’ve only heard one priest, a monsignor, openly pray for “corruption” in the Church during a Mass. But there are other problems too. I don’t need to repeat them. We just have to read the headlines.

    I still go to Mass often. But at this stage of the game, I have to be honest about my experience and reflections there.

    • Thanks for sharing this. That’s awesome that you’re seeing God in the world. That is so important, especially with all the headlines out there, like you mentioned. Sending hugs xx

      • It’s sort of both. I find the Mass usually fills and lifts me up and gives me perspective. Then I go out and everything works better. I come back to Mass with the insights and perspectives I’ve gained from outside. I guess you could say it’s a dialog… 🙂

        Best to you 🙂

  57. God is everywhere and in everyone. I think his people don’t show his love enough. We are quick to hate and judge and that sort of thing. We are his hands and feet so we have to be willing to hug more, love more and perhaps be more inclusive of everyone.

  58. Very well said…deep, thought-provoking. Morgan Freeman is a good narrator, but I’ve always pictured James Earl Jones doing my voice-overs! But in reality, they’d probably pick Peewee Herman. And what about the soundtrack? I think mine would have lots of Enya…

    Anyway, thanks for sharing. It’s interesting that God can plant such similar thoughts in the minds of people in such different places (I’m in Colorado Springs, a long ways from NYC in many ways) and different stages of their lives (I think I’m WAY older than you!). It’s yet another very cool aspect of our Creator that He works in us and through us to change the world one encounter at a time, no matter who and where we are.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing.


  59. Whether Jesus was truly the son of God or not, we know from history and scripture that he was a real man. His sacrifice for his fellow man was great. He was a man of good moral teachings. He was a good example for men to follow. He died in extreme suffering that most of us could not endure to the point that he did, in believing that he saved all of us who believed in him. Personally, I would rather live a life believing in Jesus and following his example, then die and it not be true. If we all lived like there was no God or Jesus or some higher power and died and learned there really was…. we would all be screwed.

    • Very true. We would be up a creek without a dang paddle! Lol but seriously… You’re right-the amount of suffering Jesus endured is unimaginable. What a guy. thanks Dave, for this reflection and for taking the time to read. Hope you have a beautiful Sunday. Hugs and love xox

  60. Ohhh New York! Every time you speak about that place… My heart stirrs! I so badly want to visit that city. My dream as a kid was to live out there and be an actress….
    On another note… Your view of God and society as whole… Very insiteful… Very eye opening! Your blog is dripping with honey filled wisdom.

    • Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading it this morning! (It’s actually midnight where i live! haha) WordPress makes the world seem small!! 🙂 have a great day!

  61. Thank God for creating f-a-i-t-h. Anyone who fails to show the God given faith cannot deal with the Lord God in His Kingdom for the only currency acceptable in this Godly Kingdom is faith. This faith, once it apprehends God’s rhema, the deal is struck and done. Halleluyah! Another great post dear lady of inestimable beauty inside & out.

  62. Reblogged this on femidadaadedina and commented:
    If we do not have faith, then fear takes over. The fear of the unknown, fear of others who are not like us, fear of if it is true that really there is afterlife where we live for ever and fear of accountability. The fear of being alone and of finding no one with us in our valley moments and periods when it seems we have lost it. When we have faith as you said hope comes along and with hope you are able to think of something better than the crap and “shit”(sorry for my language, that you find all around you now. Without faith where are we going to be?

  63. This is soothing and straight to the point. In this era of narcissism coupled with those who have taken over God’s power and functions and claiming to do GOD’S will by terminating God’s creation and creatures, the question that comes to mind is : Where is GOD in all of this and why you we even have faith in the midst of inequalities, wars, discrimination and gross injustice? However, this is the period when God is showing and being reflected in God’s creation. Out of the decomposition of a seed comes a new plant and out of the creative destruction comes innovation. Our world is at the nadir and this is when we need GOD most and without faith we cannot even see God not to talk believing or having HOPE.

    • What a power reflection. Wow. Thank you for sharing this perspective. I so appreciate hearing your thoughts. You’re right-we need Him the most right now. Big hugs to you friend , and thanks again for sharing my post! xox

  64. The hardest part of your question is Does IT. Not It DOES. Many people say it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t matter to them. However those who say It matter, questions arise from some, on how much it matters. Myself most of my life matters as you can tell in my most recent post, however i would rather loose the dreams of my future if it means saving lives, because of this medical condition. I am willing to get on with my future, however the reality of my condition is, I will always have it. Just as I will always have my dream and try to live out my dream with the Grace of God that His hand was with the surgeon. on that FAITHFUL day in Dec 2015.

      • your quite welcome, I try my best to put insight into at least one post, I have also taken negative posts and turned them into good posts with proof positive articles from press, and other resources that I find on the net that I can use without getting into copy right infringement disputes. So what I said about your post, is a good thing, and you would like to c some of my other work and it doesn’t have to b a negative post either I can show u by taking a post of yours and then by returning my version via personal message. You can decide if it is something u would like or hate please b honest I am also a poem writer

  65. God is evry where we are.God is inside and Outside of us.God is Your breathing , eating, walking and …
    If we close our eyes or we dont we will see him.

  66. Beautifully said! I don’t know how we could live without God. There is so much brokenness around us. I am an animal advocate who believes animals are God’s creation and that abuse has to be stopped! This is where my heart is. We all have a calling, we all can help make a difference and yes…we do not have to do it alone!
    My blog is: https://animalsarefeelingbeingstoo.com

  67. I just came across your page and I absolutely love the way you think and write! I’ve been wanting to move to NYC for some time and I realized that I craved to fulfill “YOLO” because I wanted to taste everything the world has to offer (even though a lot of things don’t benefit us in the long run). But, thank you for the encouragement because I have found myself asking similar questions. Stay blessed!

  68. Love this. I’ve been following your courageous writing here for a bit. And I think you’ve been doing the same over at my blog. My battle was with addiction but there are so many similarities. Thank you for your boldness. I plan to be more bold sharing my specific story in the months to come. Would love to connect at some point.

  69. Sorry it’s been a while since I came and read your updating posts, yet they are always a pleasure to read. You made me smile about dodging Pokémon Go players
    In this modern world we live in we are bombarded with too many distracting things
    We miss out on what is important, like looking for God and sharing and spending time with loving friends like you
    There are many who say Christians are brain washed, and yet fail to see how brain washed they are by the general modern day media

    • Hey Graham! So great to hear from you! Thank you so much. Yeah, we’ve gotta just keep our eyes focused on the Truth and tune out all the excess noise. Glad you stopped by! Hugs and love xox

  70. I appreciate your article. I feel it sincere.
    I also have a sincere journey, from faith to no faith. But I am happy… why is that?
    Why do I enjoy so much this life, that like a good meal, will end?

    I am an apistevist, if I needed a label to identify myself.

    But that’s me. We all have different journeys. If you are curious, please read my posts also. Critique them. I am more than open to a good conversation.

  71. Thank you Caralyn,
    I for one enjoy all the questions! Please, do not forget the other side. The unbeliever is engaged in a faith also. Their faith is that there is no God. The other side suffers with the same problem we as believers have. There is no absolute proof that they are right or that we are right as believers.

    Please remember the passage: without faith it is impossible to please God. This means that if there was absolute proof that there was a God, faith would not be necessary and it would be impossible to please God. God is good and will not treat anyone that way.

    If you allowed to question any nonbeliever far enough about their beliefs they will come to the same empty place that any believer comes to with their questions about our faith. We just can’t prove absolutely our beliefs on either side. There is no place in the entire nature non-God ideology that Grace, and hope exist, hope and grace are good. There is only survival of the fittest and instinct to guide outside of God.

    Remember, all good comes exclusively from God. There is no other source of good. Each of us are given a lifetime to decide where we are will put our faith. Our decision is binding on earth and in heaven. I pray to be salty spiritually, that way people become spiritually thirsty around me, encouraging them to ask for me, then, pray I am ready with spiritual water for them to drink of.

    We are designed to have faith in something, it’s built and designed into us and must be satisfied. But we are giving a free will choice to choose what we have faith in. So what’s the point? Choose wisely, don’t let some ideology tell you how to choose!

    Feel free not to post this one it was long .

    Your fellow Pilgrim,

  72. Loved your post!!
    I completely agree that sometimes the things of this world seem easier to follow and we wonder what’s the point but we gotta see that we have hope and a Heavenly Father and thats what the world doesn’t have!
    For me that’s worth the struggles we encounter everyday

  73. Wow! I feel like you’ve really hit the nail on the head here. Beautiful thought beautifully expressed 🙂 🙂

    “Faith gives you hope, and hope gives you something bigger to live for.There’s something bigger than me that I’m living for.I’m living for Him.” I’m in awe. Thanks for sharing this mesmerizing piece of writing!

  74. Each time my wife and I drive through the city, often w our four children in the back , asleep we pass by the bright lights, the billboards and all those ppl chasing emptiness…we ask ourselves do they know they are empty? We feel so lucky to have little but everything w our God and our family. I do not share the same faith as you do but I do feel uncomfortable when I am there… I do know quite a few atheists and clubbers and ppl who others would see as empty or lost but I know they are all searching for something and we can never write them off just lead by example.

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