Being Pro-Life in Post-Roe NYC

I’ve lived in New York City for 11 years, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt more alone in a city of almost nine million people, than Friday, after the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Second only to, perhaps, when Donald Trump was elected.

Friday, June 24. 3:00 pm. I’m working at my desk, when all of a sudden, I hear police helicopters outside my window, as thousands of protestors gathered in Washington Square Park, to demonstrate their outrage over the Court’s decision.

New York City is about as blue as blue can be, and it’s moments like this that really illuminate, not just how alone I am here with my conservative, Catholic values, but also how much my heart yearns for Ohio, where there is still right and wrong, children’s innocence is protected, and God is still present and alive.

I know it’s no utopia, but at least my heart feels safe and at home.

Though I am outspoken on this blog, in “real life” I have a personal “zero politics talk” policy. Meaning — I keep my mouth shut and my opinions to myself. Even if I’m with a group that’s talking politics, I will input absolutely nothing. I simply listen, smile and nod. I’ve lost friendships in the past over nothing more than being found out as a Trump supporter. Consider it my survival tactic.

Back to the present…Steven and I took a 2 mile walk through the city on Saturday afternoon. And in the span of just 5 blocks, we saw one guy wearing a T-shirt that read, “What Would Satan Do?” and another man dressed in woman’s dress with a sign that read simply, “F*#% God.” However, his “F-Word” was not censored.

Steven always reminds me that everyone is allowed to believe what they want to believe. Which is true. And by golly, they do here in Manhattan. But still — seeing those blatant public rejections of God like that…it cut to my heart like a knife.

We were watching the sunset that night on his rooftop, and there was a clear blue sky, and I just looked up, wondering how God must feel with so many of His creations hating Him, and how much that must hurt His heart.

There was a viral video that went around the internet this weekend after the Court’s decision, and it was the live reaction of a young female reporter from some left-wing online media source. I must have seen this video posted, I kid you not, 25 different times on my Instagram feed, and I’m going to transcribe it here, so you don’t have to listen to her shrill, cutting commentary…

Being a #prolife Christian in a Post-Roe New York City is like being on an island in a raging sea. Here's what this weekend was like. #catholic #nyc #conservative #roevswade #overturnroe #christianity #god #jesus #life

“I don’t care that you’re a Christian. I don’t care what the Bible says.  I feel like it’s a clown show sitting here trying to decipher what your little mythical book has to say about these very real political issues… I don’t care about your goddamn religion. I’m so tired of having nonstop conversations about what the Bible says… You don’t get to take the Bible and tell me, [mockingly] “Well, the Bible says this in this chapter in this verse…” I don’t care! I don’t care! I don’t believe in it and I have the right based on our Constitution to not believe in it.”

Which, let’s just be clear…from a legal standpoint, she is correct.

But it was just the mocking way in which she was talking about the Bible; the hostile and combative way she was literally yelling at the camera. She was so impassioned about hating God, it just made me really incredibly sad. And to see that video over, and over, and over again online. It was like one gut punch after another.

Sunday morning, I decided to go to Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Fifth Avenue. I wanted to make a special trip to the Cathedral in gratitude for the overturning of Roe, and for answering decades-worth of millions of prayers from all around the world.

Being a #prolife Christian in a Post-Roe New York City is like being on an island in a raging sea. Here's what this weekend was like. #catholic #nyc #conservative #roevswade #overturnroe #christianity #god #jesus #life

I was a little weary, as Catholic Churches and pro-life pregnancy centers had been warned to be on alert for riots, terror attacks, and violence. All of the entrances of the Cathedral were locked — barricaded with full police barricades and armed police officers — except for one small side door, where you were personally checked by a cop with a really large rifle.

If you’ve ever been inside St. Patrick’s Cathedral for Mass, it’s actually really hard to hear, with the significant echo of the mic. And honestly, I tuned out for most of the homily, unable to make out what was being said. But for the last five minutes, I strained my ears and really tried to listen closely, and sure enough, God showed up for me, right then and there.

The priest reminded us that if someone hates God, and rejects Him and everything He stands for — we shouldn’t respond in indignant anger, or a combative sparring match to try and gain the upper hand to win him over.

But rather, to just pray and leave it up to God. Because God’s journey for each and every one of us is different. And just because today this person may hate and reject God, it’s not the end of the story for him or her. God’s not finished with them yet. God is able to transform hearts, and sometimes a person’s journey must include a period where they are lost, so that they can come to find and love our Father. My journey certainly did.

And I thought – Wow, Lord. That’s really exactly what I needed to hear at this exact moment, in very hostile times, in the most hostile city in the world.

Does it make me feel less alone and on an island here in this city of spiritual decay? No. But it does give me the faintest glimmer of hope. It does allow me, instead of feeling sad, to pray for Lord’s will to be done in their life.

God is capable of incredible miracles, as we witnessed on Friday in the Court.

He can bring light about in even the darkest of places. My life, for one, is evidence of that.

To hear my story, click here.

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144 responses to “Being Pro-Life in Post-Roe NYC”

  1. Thanks for this perspective, it is really great to know others are also feeling this way. My children (who are all millennials) are also very good at reading the room. Important in this time.

    • Thank you – you’re right about that! A necessary skill! Hugs and love xox

  2. You’re not alone, we are many, but I understand how you feel. I work in a liberal college where my opinion is shut down constantly. I have been off for several weeks for personal issues, and upon my return have decided I will not be silenced any longer. God needs us to spread the word, with kindness and love. I will not nod at delusional and downright evil speech to appease someone who is lost. I’ll be safe and my eyes are open, but I feel God needing our voices. God bless, I love your blogs and your perspective.

    • Thank you RC for this encouraging reply. That’s very true – we need voices out there to balance the loud ones that oppose the truth! Praying for you upon your return! Rock on friend! Hugs and love xox

  3. It’s sad that almost 50 years gone by since this was implemented. Sad, I’ll be 50 next year too! The world doesn’t belong to us, we’re just visitors in a temporary land. The journey is almost over. Praying for you and your family sister. Stay vigilant

    • You’re so right about that – this world is not our home. We were made for Heaven! Thanks for the prayers and encouragement! Hugs and love xox

  4. These kinds have gotten worse through the decades. My Pastor said on Sunday look at what scripture says and follow that. Always keep in mind when people say those kinds of things they more than likely very unhappy in their lives so they have to attack believers so they don’t have to look at how empty their lives actually have become.

    • That’s very true – when we follow God’s word, He won’t lead us astray! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your heart! Hugs and love xox

  5. Caralyn, reading your post reminded me of 2 Corinthians 4:1-4, which is pretty appropriate for the time we are in: “Therefore, since God in his mercy has given us this new way, we never give up. We reject all shameful deeds and underhanded methods. We don’t try to trick anyone or distort the word of God. We tell the truth before God, and all who are honest know this. If the Good News we preach is hidden behind a veil, it is hidden only from people who are perishing. Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.” Peace! Pastor Roy

  6. Hi Caralyn! Wow. I figured it would be wild in NYC. How deluded they are. They’re protesting something that is still legal there. Bless their hearts. Praying God speaks to them even through their hatred.
    I pray for your safety, physical and spiritual, every day, but I think I’ll up that a bit for the time being. Stay open to what God tells you. It will be best. Have a great week! 🤗🙏💛

    • You’re right about that, Kenneth. Thank you for your prayers, they truly mean a lot. Know that you are in mine too! Hugs and love xox

  7. Even living in Florida, I felt alone on Friday. And honestly it scares me. Especially thinking about how our country and world will look in the future. I know God is with us and will protect us. But it’s still sad and frightening none the less. I am praying for you and Steven. Thank you for speaking truth and bringing us encouragement. God bless you! ♥️

    • Hi Bridget, thank you for sharing your heart. You’re right it is definitely frightening to think about. Amen – clinging to Him and His word! Thank you for your prayers! Hugs and love xox

  8. Carolyn, I have always appreciated your blog, and you. Thank you so much for using this platform to keep things anchored down when this country has lost its collective mind. You are brave for speaking the truth.

    But I just wanted to tell you this: You are not alone. And you are never alone. There are millions of people who think like you do. I am one of them. Seeing Ana Kasparian (the lady in the video) react to the Roe reversal made me sad too. That lady’s heart is just full of hate and anger. She’s a lost soul, like so many others. She’s been like that ever since Trump was elected in 2016. There’s nothing else we can do except pray that her eyes will one day be opened.

    But keep doing you. Keep speaking out. I for one appreciate it when you speak (or write) with no filter. This country and world need more of it!

    Hugs and blessings from Ohio to you and Steven. Hang in there! God bless you both!

    • Thank you Luke for this wonderful encouragement. I was incredibly nervous to push “publish” — and almost didn’t! Thank you for saying that. Lucky you to be in Ohio!! Thank you again for the prayers and hope!! Hugs and love xox

  9. This is a very powerful post, Caralyn, thank you for having the courage to post it. I have always been very Conservative in my political views and also happy that this terrible law was overturned. What so many seem to miss is that if they still need to kill their baby, that is now to be determined by the state in which the person lives. It’s so evil.

    Women are in my view, supposed to be loving and nurturing to children. I just can’t fathom why any woman would want to kill a child. It’s murder. When I read that you said there are armed police at the entrance to the church, my mind went right to the term Police State. Please, be so careful, Caralyn and Steven. I suggest that you consider leaving NYC for good.

    Not my business of course. The photo of you and Steven is really wonderful! ❤️

    • Thank you so much John, I truly appreciate you being in my corner – today and always! I definitely was nervous to do so!!! Yeah it was definitely jarring to enter the cathedral “at our own risk” with guns at the door. Felt surreal. But then to think what they’re there protecting us from…that’s even scarier. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this and for your prayers and friendship. I will pass that along to Steven 😉 haha Hugs and love xox

  10. Caralyn I finally have to agree with you. I now understand the court’s decision in the right context. Your goal is to return the country to what the founding FATHERS Intended. A white Christian God Fearing country. Overturning Roe v Wade is just the first step along this righteous path. Real American Exceptionalism.

    Justice Thomas said this decision is only the start. Next is banning contraception then gay marriage.
    I am with you. We can’t stop there. We need to ban interracial marriage as it once was. We can’t have white men and women hooking up with Blacks and Asians and giving birth to mixed-race kids. We can’t allow white Christian women to defile the race. We need to reinstate miscegenation laws — now.

    But let’s go further and bring the nation back to where it was at the founding by the reinstituting of slavery. How grand would that be. You could once again use the N-word and all those Asian slurs with impunity. There would be lots of cheap labor to harvest the crops and work in Amazon warehouses. Urban ghettos would disappear. Unemployed white men could get work as overseers and guards. White women would be safe again and cops could shoot Blacks without fear of retribution. “There will come a time when we will judge a man not by the content of his character but by the color of his skin.”

    Oh Caralyn, I know how much you pray for that day. We may not see it in our lifetime but we’ve made a good start and with God’ will and help we get there. Amen. God Bless America.

    • Steven. I didn’t even read your whole reply. I stopped at your misinformation. You are wrong. Thomas did not say that but in fact the opposite. If you actually read his dissertation, you will know that he said this decision does NOT IMPACT the standing on gay marriage, contraceptive, etc. get your facts right and then I will consider having a civil and respectful conversation with you.

  11. Now read the rest of my post.

    Justice Clarence Thomas wrote on Friday that striking down Roe v. Wade should also open up the high court to review other precedents that may be deemed “demonstrably erroneous.”

    Among those, Thomas wrote, was the right for married couples to buy and use contraception without government restriction, from the landmark 1965 ruling in Griswold v. Connecticut.
    “In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell,” Thomas wrote on Page 119 of the opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, also referring to the rulings that legalized same-sex relationships and marriage equality, respectively. “Because any substantive due process decision is ‘demonstrably erroneous’ … we have a duty to ‘correct the error’ established in those precedents.”


    • Actually, Mr. Reinberg, Justice Thomas’ point is the reasoning of the these other decisions is based on imputing these rights of privacy, same sex marriage, to a “right” read into the 14th Amendment by the Justices. All of these rights built on a flawed foundation can be codified into law on the federal and state level. Pointing out the legal flaw as Justice Thomas did, is not the same as saying any of these rights will be irrevocably proscribed. But then again, no opportunity to hate on Justice Thomas, can be ignored.

      • You must forgive me as I don’t possess your keen legal mind. If you look at the original post you will see that a was agreeing with Thomas and only pointing out other areas where we could act to restore the founders intent and Gods will with which I am sure you will agree.

  12. It’s all in the Bible. We could be in Revelations, everything is in chaos. These people fear climate change more than anything and it seems that the thing they fear will wipe them out. Just a possibility but I’ve been listening to Megadeths political songs and Impending Doom and it’s been predicted. Megadeth and even Testament has predictions to come.

    We’re not bound for a climate shift but we unfortunately are heading towards a war. There are many possibilities and while many believe God will save them we still have misguided people.

    Best thing to do is pray for these people. And pray God shakes up our entire world somehow to wake up the damned to show as many people as possible, to give them the truth of what’s happening. There is just so many lies and manipulation happening we are definitely heading towards Judgement day. Whether this is the end or a prelude to a new beginning, prayers are needed. The World is manipulated by evil right now. I’m trying to get a prayer group going in my area. These times we need to be specific in our prayers and really pay attention to what is happening now because we need to.

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. amen – gotta pray hard! and i think you’re right – these are the end times for sure. Hugs and love xox

  13. Currently reading “The Insanity of Obedience” by Nik Ripken. Worth reading NOW before our nation turns further away!
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.

    • Oh gosh, I will definitely look into that book. thanks for the recco, CA! Hugs and love xox

  14. Caralyn, you hit all points really well. I’ve been contemplating an article that involves having compassion for your opposition. The 1st part of your article makes me think about Jesus’ warning to not throw pearls before swine. For example, I wouldn’t even THINK of trying to engage the woman in that video. You rightly identify the only appropriate response – prayer! Keep the faith, my friend!

    • Hi Jeff! thank you so much – and gosh what powerful imagery…throwing pearls before swine. yikes. you’re right – prayer is the only way to go. There is power in prayer, and I believe that! So glad you stopped by, Jeff. I hope all is well with you!! sending massive hugs to you and your girls! xox

  15. My heart breaks too. I feel the heart of God crying over his children. I’m in Florida so even though the protests were happening, it’s nothing like New York or California, my home state where my family and many dear friends are. My friends here who are from NY mourn the fact that their home state isn’t the same place anymore. But I thank you for that beautiful breath of life, love, and peace you finished with. Praying is always our best option, not our last resort. God knows each heart and what it will take to soften them. He’s far more patient than I am, and but for his grace, I could be in a very bad place in my life still. Thank you for your heart felt, beautiful posts.

    • Hi Laura, thank you so much for this thoughtful response. you’re right – i feel Him crying too. There is just so much venom towards God, and it is heartbreaking. Thank you for your kindness. Joining you in that prayer — our best option for sure! Amen! His grace is truly amazing, and life changing! sending big big hugs xox

  16. Thanks for always being transparent. The challenge for each generation, I think, is how to present the unchanging good news to a rapidly changing culture that is repelled by antiquated jargon and religious terminology. But before that can even be done emotions have to come down; no one can dialogue very well when angry. Blessings on you.

    PS I just wrote something allegorical you might enjoy on

    • Thank you Ivan for your kind words. You’re right – Judge Thomas said it best…no matter the storm you’re in, north is always north. Thank you for sharing your heart! and i look forward to checking out your link. Hugs and love xox

  17. Hang in there. I work in an industry where I feel very alone too. I’m thankful for the respectful conversations I’ve been able to have the past few days, but there is a lot of venom being sent out by people who probably have no idea where my heart is on this issue. You aren’t alone.

    • Thank you Lorelei, I appreciate your encouraging words. I’m glad you’ve been able to have fruitful conversations! Hugs and love xox

  18. I was wondering how things were from a true on-the-ground perspective. I live in a southern suburban town, where things are more either middle of the road or leaning toward the right. But I’ve come across at least one of my high school friends posting online that she would no longer tolerate anyone who was pro life. It’s sad to see how some are allowing this to divide family and friendships. Prayers for you and Steven ❤️

    • Than you Ellen – yeah things are pretty wild here. I stay off my personal instagram, and only am on my BBB one…where I only follow “Good News” nites. haha I so agree — It’s heartbreaking to see how this issue is causing people to end friendships and draw such a harsh line in the sand. Makes me sad. thank you for your prayers. know that you’re in mine too! Hugs and love xox

  19. WoW! The comments. First of all, let me say, Thank you!

    Something so few people are considering, is who is complaining and exactly what is their biggest complaint? Do they think this is a precedent to take other, “rights” away? I’m guessing THAT is the real issue, not abortion.

    Who are the protestors? Are they even mostly childbearing women? I know this law can’t possibly be affecting gays and transgenders who do not conceive unintentionally, so why would they be up in arms? Ahhhh, the possibility of a future gay marriage ban?

    I worked at a clinic for a good time and one thing I observed is how many women came in who used abortion as birth control.
    We offered free (yes, FREE to them) contraceptives, from condoms to sterilization. We offered everything at no cost to the patient. However, many were careless. Those who took pills were not taking them as directed. Those who got the shots or implants were always advised to use protection for x number of days or weeks until it took effect.

    Rarely, did anyone, who adhered to the instructions given, have an issue. Some methods were better than others, no doubt.
    My point being, if one takes responsibility for conception there doesn’t need to be abortion to the extent these people are demanding. (I am aware of the rape argument and then there is that of the child with disabilities. If you’ve ever been loved by a Downs Syndrome child, you learn what love is). But, late term abortions?

    Late term abortions is my biggest gripe. If they are going to sustain life that long, to the point to where it is a well formed being, then why not go to the end and put the child up for adoption? None of it makes sense to me and that is my observation, if it’s even possible to do so taking God or the Bible out of their argument.

    I knew a woman who worked at a hospital, where fetuses were thrown into a bucket. She quit because these were live beings at different stages squirming around fighting for their life. This was nearly half a century ago before they found other ways to kill the child prior to its exit from the womb, so tell me what rights did that child have? Who advocates for he/her?
    I apologize for being so graphic, but I don’t get the sense of it all. What’s wrong with people?

    A part of me says, leave them to their own devise, they will be judged accordingly and maybe that’s why things are as they are. 2 Timothy 3:2 states all the things we see going on today, are to happen and are prophetic, yet just because we know it’s a part of the sign, doesn’t mean we don’t do our best to set the best example possible and save all we can. We are a nation lost in self indulgence. Hopefully, there are ones out there hoping for someone to lead them to the light. I could be wrong.

    There are so many cafeteria Christians out there, picking and choosing and having our ears tickled, only hearing what we want to hear. I feel there is a good many people floundering trying to find the right road and I’m thinking by our own conduct, our non condemnation but encouragement and logic, perhaps we can shine a light to help direct their steps. Those who are determined will continue to go their way, but we never know. It reminds me of the apostle Paul, who kept persecuting Christians, but when the time was right, he found his way.
    I think I may have rambled a bit much. I just hope I made some sense. God bless.

    • Wow, Jo this is a powerful comment. You hit the nail on the head: we are a nation lost in self indulgence. and wow, thank you for sharing your experience. My heart is shattered hearing about that bucket of little children, never given the right to live. It is gut wrenching to think about. Wow. You’re absolutely right – who advocates for those little lives? We must. I’m so glad you stopped by. sending big big big hugs xoxo

  20. Sweetheart, you are not alone as WE are with you. The cathedral is awesome and Tim(othy) Cardinal Dolan is one of my favorite clergymen, I wish he could be my “Spiritual Director”. Great perspective and post; as usual sending Hugs and Love 🤗 & ❤️!

    • Thank you HJ – that is so comforting. You’re right – we are the Body of Christ, together as one family of believers. And yes! Cardinal Dolan is a vibrant catholic and very exuberant! I would love to go to his Mass sometime! thank you, as always, for your support and friendship. Hugs and love xox

  21. I read a lot of the comments here. I have nothing to add. But I will say many people, including me, believe the way you do. You are not alone. Hang in there, keep praying and thank you for your courage.

    • thank you Steve, I really appreciate your encouraging words and prayers. means a lot. Hugs and love xox

  22. Absolutely on point, God is not through with us until we die. And all of us Faithful must bear witness to the Resurrection and Its power. As St Francis of Assisi famously said, “I preach all the time. If I have to, I use words.”

    • Thank you so much David, I really appreciate your kind words of support on this. You’re right – He’s never through with us! what a comforting thought! Hugs and love xox

    • I certainly will! I love St. Faustina! googling it now! thank you! Hugs and love xox

    • “Jesus gave me to know that even the smallest thing does not happen on earth without His will. After having seen this, my soul entered into an unusual repose; I found myself completely at peace as to the work in its full extent. God can deal with me as He pleases, and I will bless Him for everything.”

  23. I was looking forward to your thoughts on Friday’s big news since you live in NY. You are not alone. An army of Angels walk with you and protect you. Thank you for sharing. God wins!!

    • Thank you Kristine! Yeah, NYC is pretty wild. but you’re absolutely right – never alone! Hugs and love xox

  24. Oh Caroln, the fact that your heart is still tender enough to hurt when people are hating the God we both love means you are His child. As the book of Proverbs says, “Guard your heart.” May it ever remain soft before God and strong to obey and follow Him during these very difficult times.

    • thank you Pete, that is kind of you to say. Amen to that – my mom has always taught me to guard my heart since I was a little girl. Amen to that. i appreciate your encouragement. Hugs and love xox

  25. How is it, I wonder, that a law was passed that prevents us from murdering babies, but that a law still exists that enables children to be mowed down by people who have no business owning guns? Is there something wrong with this picture? It all makes my heart hurt.

    • Hi Julia, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I agree that our schools need to be safer, for sure. School should never be a place where children are afraid to go. Hugs and love xox

  26. I enjoy learning and reading others perspectives. However the ONLY reason I am pro-choice is IF a woman was raped and IF there is a risk of both mother and baby dying as in IF medically deemed necessary. To be honest there is too much hostility in these protests that are supposed to be peaceful. Everyone constantly pointing fingers without self-accountability. You have no idea but where I live I am an outsider especially because I am pro-choice. If you flip the switch you will see that whether people are pro-life or pro-choice it should be respected and not judged. At least that is my opinion. Let us be supportive and kind to one another regardless of our different choices and believes and not condemn one another just because. Peace, love, light, and bliss to you all. <3

    • Hi Sara, thank you for sharing your thoughts and your heart on this. I agree – I wish there were more respectful, open and honest dialogue between the different sides, but alas, people are too emotionally charged about this issue to be able to have a constructive conversation. I agree — supportive and kind! Hugs and love xox

      • I agree and I admire your strength in sharing your views and being positive in the platform you use here as you always have been. You never seemed to condescend anyone even if they think differently than you and I respect you for that and thank you for understanding my perspective as well! Keep doing YOU! <3

  27. I’m preparing a sermon for this Sunday on the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, and one element I’m including is Jesus’ remark to the Laodicean church in the Book of Revelation, where He says, “I want you to be cold or hot. If you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth.” Keep praying for that person who rejected “that mythical book” and be confident that she is closer to learning the Truth than she wants to believe. And the fact is, you don’t win people to Jesus by whacking them over the head with a Bible: I think, if I were in that woman’s shoes, I’d have a similar reaction. After all, who’d want to come alongside a belief system that appears to have a handle on what they hate — anti-abortion, anti-same-sex-marriage, anti-trans, whatever — but misses the point that Jesus calls us to love our neighbour? Maybe if we Christians did a better job of spreading and living the Gospel, these issues would become non-issues. Are we putting up a smoke-screen for our failure to do that?

    • Oh wow, Drew, what a powerful line about being lukewarm! Yikes! Jesus did not mince words! great points! thanks for sharing your insight! Hugs and love xox

  28. I’m so glad, Caralyn, you heard that message at Mass, Sunday. In the midst of all the God/Bible negativity and hatred, we need to hear again, that God is still with us, yes, even with those angrily against him, that he hasn’t given up on them, and that he will complete his purpose in every single one of us on earth, no matter the stand they are taking today. When God says do it, the Holy Spirit can melt and turn around even the hardest heart. We just need to keep loving these people – indeed ALL people, if even from a distance. And let God soothe our wounded hearts when it gets too tough. Much love to you 💜

    • Thank you Mindy – yes, it was so well timed!! Amen to that – He is always with us! thank you for your kindness! Hugs and love xox

  29. I can imagine how it feels to be living in a city that is filled with people with opposing beliefs. It must be very difficult. I will say that when I read those blasphemous words on the one guy’s T-shirt, I immediately looked to the icon of Christ in my room and said, “Lord, have mercy. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.” It reminded me of Christ on the Cross when he said to the Father to forgive them, for they know not what they do (paraphrasing), and that is true today. The “news anchor” in that viral video is Ana Kasparian from a neoliberal “independent” outlet called The Young Turks. She is shrill, and I haven’t watched TYT since 2016/17. Sorry I ever did! In any case, “the Bible says” always bothered me because the book doesn’t talk. The Apostles wrote of their experiences speaking to Christ God the Son. And God/the Trinity came before the book, and really it’s God’s revelations to mankind/humans that we have learned what He has taught us and never changes. I’m glad you were able to hone in on the homily at the church service. God bless.

    • Hi Dot, thank you for this thoughtful reply. You’re right – Lord have mercy indeed. And that’s such a great point! the Bibd doesn’t talk!! Men – He is unchanging. so glad you stopped by. Hugs and love xox

  30. Well said! May God continue to encourage your heart as you follow Him. I’m certain there are others around the world who know exactly what you are feeling. I love how God brings us comfort from His Word and one another. God bless and keep you.

    • Thank you so much Hope! I appreciate your prayres and encouraging words. big hugs to you xox

  31. Sounds like you’re living in Babylon. Pray for strength. You are surrounded by lost people who hate Jesus and God’s Holy Word. Be the light in their dark world. May God bless you abundantly.

    • It certainly does, doesn’t it, Rollie! Yes – that’s what my mom said too: pray for strength. thanks for this encouragement, my friend. Hugs and love xox

  32. It’s good that you are using this platform to be a voice for conservative Christian values. We need this in our culture and I enjoy reading what you have to say partly because of your experience and you are close to the same age my daughter, who moved to heaven 5 1/2 years ago would be. Blessings to you!

    • Thank you so much, I really appreciate you words of encouragement! amen to that – we must use our voices for good! And oh my goodness, thank you for sharing that. Heaven is our home, and your daughter is with our most loving Savior, watching over you and your family with love 🙂 Five and a half years is a long time, but what a joy to know that we will all be reunited someday in paradise. 🙂 sending the biggest hugs.

  33. Enjoyed your blog about attending St Pat’s following Roe v Wade decision. Thankful you found some peace and praying God will send people across your path who will help ease your loneliness.

    • thank you so much Carol, I appreciate your kind words! Yes – St. Pat’s was surreal! I’m actually doing a post of that tonight! thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

    • Bravo for your thoughtful comments on this divisive topic. As a lawyer I am frustrated by the many uninformed interpretations of court opinions (Alito and Thomas) that are quite solid in their reasoning. As a Catholic I am frustrated by the widespread refusal to see or acknowledge that abortion is not just about one life but two, and that each is of equal value. But I am gratified that I am not alone, so thank you.

      BTW, we have a lot of praying to do because I fear what things will look like in another 20 or 30 years, given what our legal education system has been churning out. Principled liberals like Ginsburg or Breyer are going extinct, followed by those who have no respect for the Constitution or religious liberty at all.

  34. I think those who scream about the right to “their” bodies should be less likely to want to threaten or harm someone else who respectfully disagrees with them.
    But of course, anyone who would kill babies 👶 and dehumanize babies will kill anyone.
    And of course, they don’t extend the “love” they have for themselves to others.
    It’s them saying, “the only way you have the same rights as me is if you do as I say, otherwise I would verbally and physically assault you!”
    Christians have to bind and cast into the abyss, all bloodthirsty demons that have possessed pro-abortionists to be abusive and violent.
    Just like Jesus did with the mad man who cut himself, couldn’t be restrained and lived in tombs.
    If you want to pray for their souls, that’s nice.
    But you have to face the reality that:
    One, some of them have willingly and consciously sold their souls to the devil.
    And two, you cannot enter into the treasure house of a strongman without first binding him. That’s what Jesus Christ said.
    We have to become Christian soldiers matching as to war.
    This requires spiritual warfare.
    The Bible says, “Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered, let those who hate Him flee before Him.”
    If God is leading you to move from New York then do so.
    But if God is NOT leading you to move, them arm yourself physically, spiritually and psychologically.
    Remember, “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.”
    No one, no agenda, organisation both physical and spiritual has the right to run you out of anywhere, God has not instructed you to vacate.
    Look at it this way, the enemy wants to control everywhere and everything, therefore they will try to get even the places you think are safe.
    You may yield territories to the enemy, but he will keep demanding for more.
    Luke 10:19, Psalms 2; 91; 27; 46; 121, Isaiah 8:9,10.

    • Thank you Ade-Oluwa for your kind words. You’re right – there is spiritual warfare afoot, and we must remain diligently focused on Jesus. This is some powerful advice. thank you. Hugs and love xox

  35. I sincerely feel you on this one. I live in Florida in a relatively conservative parish, my my social media has been flooded by friends and family all outraged at this and throwing down the gauntlet of, “If you’re pro-life, GTFO.” My converting to Catholicism was enough for my best friend to cut off ties simply because she had herself convinced I would start judging and condemning her life choices. It’s only gotten worse. The end to the homily you got to hear is a message I’ve needed, too. There is nothing I can say or do right now that won’t get distorted and twisted, even by people who have known me my whole life. God’s got this, and I have to remember that.

    • Hi Rena, gosh, I’m sorry that you’re also feeling that same outsiderness down in Florida. Know that I’m in your corner! 🙂 praying for you! Stay strong, and take heart! Hugs and love xox

  36. Caralyn, I’m sure I would feel alone too if I lived in NY city. Honestly I would never want to live in any city. I love the country and country folk. But today I traveled through Lancaster city and was sad to see gay pride banners hanging on the main street poles. I thought Lancaster was a conservative “Bible belt” city but not any more, I guess. I hope these people can find God too. He loves them more than they know. He did not make mistakes. I love reading your blogs! Carry on sista’ 🙂

    • Hi Christina, thank you for sharing your heart on this. Yes – city life is definitely a petri dish of decay, if I must say so. I yearn for Ohio, for the slow life. For home. Me too! Praying! Hugs and love xox

  37. Republicans are coming for your rights and am glad you have fewer rights now Caralyn. Contraception and Interracial marriage are next. Women’s voting after that. Love the founding fathers.

    • Peter, your statements are entirely false. I will not allow mis/disinformation on this page.

    • Thank you so much Mitch! I appreciate your support! it’s a wild world out there! Hugs and love xox

  38. Please continue to speak out boldly and with love. If you ever read the OT prophets, many were persecuted and even martyred. Their messages combined both judgment and love. There will be a final reckoning, but God loves us so much He doesn’t want us to be there when it happens. Those who rejected God’s message despite all our efforts will get what they want… a place that is dark and devoid of God’s warmth. CS Lewis said that in the final day, there will be 2 types of people, those who say to God “Your will be done ” and those whom God says “Your will be done.”

    As for those who want abortion as a fundamental right in the US Constitution, it was added as a right to privacy. Unfortunately those screaming journalists who want only what Constitution says, I will bet them 20 dollars they can’t tell me which article or amendment it falls under. 😀

  39. It is hard to understand people hating God, but I have to remember that in God’s eyes indifference is just as bad. He said if we are not for him we are against him. I don’t like hearing the hard hearts and I wonder if it was really this bad 4 years ago, because it didn’t seem like it at the time. But now we know what has been simmering, so we know better how to pray, and also to ask for wisdom and boldness to speak up when it is appropriate, even if it is not welcomed or feels like a lonely spot to stand. There are places where revival is starting…may it come to NYC.

    • Hi Linda, thank you for sharing your heart on this. I am right there with you — it is befuddling to say the least. And amen to that. Jesus did now mince words. May it come indeed. Hugs and love xox

  40. May the LORD God encompass you and Steven with His favor as with a shield. Psalm 5:12

    • Hi HJ, thank you for this beautiful prayer – it truly means the world. The Lord’s protection is what we all need right now!! Hugs and love xox

  41. I read this the other day. And I wanted to commend you for your honesty and sincerity on such a polarizing topic. I feel like anti life people don’t really understand your view or Christian beliefs that you cite from The Bible.

    As a Jewish person who lives in Staten Island, and thankfully away from what our city has become, I’m pro choice. However, that doesn’t mean I fully support what NYC has done in regards to abortion. It is my belief that there should be boundaries set up for women who want the choice to decide on babies.

    I sympathize with what you deal with in our Libwashed city. I never used to believe that until post 2016 when they turned this place into something foreign. Between the violent protests the past few years and the disrespectful treatment of our NYPD, I no longer feel the need to ever set foot in the city again.

    Maybe I’ll return to see the Rangers next season. My family has gone to games for 25 years. I’ve sure gotten to see some great games including 2014 Game 7 when they clinched to advance to the Stanley Cup. Something I never thought I’d see.

    It’s hard for me to grasp anyone who’s so one-sided in today’s world of toxicity. You’re the opposite. That makes you authentic Caralyn. A real good thing. Enjoy the rest of the week.

    • Thank you Derek for this heartfelt reply. A Libwashed city — that is the perfect description! You’re right – the disrespect for the NYPD is enough to make my blood boil — we have so much to be thankful to them for for keeping us safe, and yet they were villainized, mocked, etc. Just terrible. I went to my first Ranger’s game earlier this Spring. It was quite a hoot. Definitely come back for one! It’s worth it! Hugs and love xox

  42. Those are some solid thoughts. We can’t argue anyone into heaven- anything we could persuade them to believe someone else could dissuade them to believe. As someone whose mouth has lost friendships and family relationships, it’s wise you opt for silence during political conversations – it’s like most folks who discuss it publicly are fishing for dissention anyway. Speaking truth is important – but scripture makes sure to note we have to do it in love with wisdom’s gentleness. That’s the difference between spouting opinion, and asking questions that lead the other person to try to think critically about their own views and differing perspectives. I can’t imagine the scale you face attempting that in a place where your opinion, beliefs and convictions are in the minority. And I think that when God observes the blatant rebellion, He is grieved, but not at how much His heart hurts at losing His created ones, but at how much His created ones hurt or will hurt without Him.

    • Hi Eden, thank you so much for this thoughtful response. You’re right about that – people need to come to their own conclusions, and the arguing and forcing people to believe this or that only drives them further away. Amen to that – silence is often the best option! that is a great thought – He is always concerned about us. Hugs and love xox

  43. This was such a good word I shared your blog with my family. I was so taken aback (is that a word) by the hate that came out of Roe V Wade being overturned. As a Christian, sometimes it just leaves you speechless and not knowing what our response should be. I know yelling and screaming is certainly not going to be effective and will only enrage the other person more and me. The homily was so spot on and gave me hope as it gave you. It calmed me and reminded me, hey, God is so much bigger than you are giving him credit for. There may be chaos everywhere but my God is in control. Prayer is our biggest weapon. We need to remind people of that. Love your blog!

    • Hi Sarah! Thank you so much for passing this along! I am honored that you would share it. You’re right about that – God is the one capable of handling unbelievers, even those who outright reject him. He is in control, and prayer changes things! Hugs and love xox

  44. When you say you seen the same video over and over again? Its your personal feed, stop following people that would post or share such stuff?

    Good advice from the priest, dont response to these people its not worth it.

    After all that has happened in New York in the last few years why do you stay there? Im assuming that it fuels ideas for your blog, but seriously get out now before you have a run in with someone. People are getting more and more divided, and down through history this happens before a massive change happens in world power.

    There is a very good chance that they next election there will be full on riots. Please dont be in New York, move someone peaceful and quiet, you may think it would be boring, but being in nature is as close to God as you can get.

    Takecare of yourself.

    • Thank you for this thoughtful response. In regards to the video on Instagram, it was shared by friends and family…so after a while I just logged off, and stayed off for the rest of the weekend. You’re right – NYC is getting more hostile, and if I could, I would move home in a heartbeat. Although unfortunately, now that decision doesn’t effect only me. thank you for your concern and friendship – it truly means a lot! Hugs and love xox

    • Thank you so much Lisa, I appreciate your support. means a lot! Hugs and love xox

  45. I haven’t commented on this issue on social media, but when I was tempted to I kept wanting to say this, “Whether you believe in God or not the only one’s opinion on abortion that matters is his!” The woman you mentioned in your post reminded me so much of my antagonist in my novel “Kill The Preacher Man.” (Which is available at: She is the one who wants to kill the preacher man trying to stop morality returning to America and trying to stop God! It’s sad how deceived they are of the Truth.

  46. Dear Beautybeyondbones!
    Thank you for your thoughts on this topic!! We got a lot of press about this decision in Europe. First of all let me say I am all pro life because life is the biggest gift God has given us. What strikes me time and time again is my inability to understand that the same people who are now celebrating a victory in court don’t understand why banning assault weapons such as automatic or semi-automatic guns is unlawful because they obviously wish to be able to kill someone. Pro life for me means support life from the moment of conception until its natural death. Killing someone whether it is in woman’s whomb or on the battlefield of mass shootings can never be justified.
    My problem with banning abortions is simply that at least in Europe it doesn’t work. There is a danger of creating a two class system: Some richer people can afford to pay an abortion in a different state while poorer people tend to visit so called “angel makers” who perform an “abortion” by sticking needles and other objects into a woman’s whomb intentionally killing the unborn baby and hurting or even accidentally killing the mother to be as well. For me the law on this subject is not about right and wrong (that would be too simple) but about minimising the damage (or death toll in that case).
    Now I’m not sure if that is effected by the supreme court’s decision because the way I understand the decision it is still each state’s business to decide what way to go.
    But I would personally try to keep ideological questions outside politics otherwise you might just end at a point which your founding fathers were fighting against when they stood up for their independence and were writing your constitution which distinguishes very clearly between church and state.

  47. Love this post. It’s hard to imagine the hatred some have toward God in our nation, but like you said we are to pray for them because they are lost souls and eternity is a very long time.

    • thank you so much Teresa! i’m so glad this resonated with you! amen to that – we much pray hard! Hugs and love xox

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