I received a miracle yesterday. Oh boy, you guys. Do I have a story for you.

First, really quickly – thank you again for everyone who has been doing their Christmas shopping through my Amazon link, . It’s a free and easy way to support this blog.

And thank you for everyone listening to my podcasts and joining my series, Thoughts for Strength over on Patreon. Your support is invaluable.


Ok. Here it goes.

This whole weekend, I’ve been staying with my brother and his wife while I’m in town in Ohio. My parents are on a weekend trip so I had the pleasure of staying with two of my favorite people in the whole world.

Well, yesterday morning, being Sunday, we went to Mass. I love Christmas time, and Advent in particular. Seeing the ginormous advent wreath dramatically suspended over the Church always takes my breath away with its majesty and beauty.

And the priest was talking about how, during this time of prayer and preparation for Christmas, the Advent wreath is like a gateway to Heaven, with our prayers shooting upward through it. And he suggested we all walk under it as we left church.

Cool idea, I thought. It added a new dimension to this massive bundle of holly and candles. So on our way out, we passed underneath, and in true blogger fashion, I had my sister-in-law snap a pic. Because…Instagram.

Driving home and checking out the picture she took, we were remarking at how, in it, it looks as though Jesus is directly blessing me. This was a truly candid pic, and somehow, my position directly underneath the wreath ended me right in what looks like in His “blessing path” from the mural on the wall.

Awesome. That’ll make a great Instagram post. What a stroke of luck.

So we went about our day. I took some photos for her website and new business. We had some lunch. And on a whim, my sister-in-law and I decided to go back to church and go to their “Christmas Lessons and Carols.” The Church has a world renowned chamber choir and this was a truly spectacular musical and spiritual event.

Well. All of the readings at the Lessons and Carols were about the Annunciation of Mary: the miracle of Jesus’s birth. How the angel Gabriel proclaimed that Mary would miraculously conceive of Jesus in her womb as a virgin.

But I kept seeing the word “womb” be used over and over in the readings. And to be honest, I thought to myself…odd choice of wording.

ANYWHO. On our way out of the Lessons and Carols concert, my sister-in-law and I stopped in the side chapel to light a candle. And during this time, in addition to praying for my mom and family, I just prayed that God’s will be done in my life regarding my love life, my health, everything.

Fast forward to that night. ((I told you…this is quite the story. So keep up, people! We’re just getting good!))

That night, I come to learn that it is “IBD Awareness Week.” For those that don’t know, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis (one of the two IBD’s — Crohn’s and Colitis) when I was 16 years old, and I ended up healing myself through the Specific Carb Diet. (Hence, the recipes I have begun sharing on this blog every Wednesday.)

But thinking about how we’re preparing for the miracle of Christmas, I started to draft a post for tonight, about how miracles don’t always just happen. Sometimes the miracle is God’s spirit inside of us, giving us the ability to work towards the miracle itself. Much like my Ulcerative Colitis: God bringing the idea of this diet into my life, and then blessing me with the self-discipline to follow it every day. Thus leading to my complete healing of my UC! That’s the miracle.

And then along the same “work for it” lines: the miracle of my healing from anorexia – God equipped me with the disciple and strength to choose recovery every day.

So that was the post I was going to publish tonight. However, it didn’t quite settle with me, because as I have shared in the past, I am struggling with infertility. One of the devastating repercussion of severe anorexia and being so deathly underweight for such a prolonged period of time is that your reproductive system shuts down, and sometimes, never comes back…as was my case.

Even though I am now healthy, my reproductive system had never recovered, and I have never had a period, as my anorexia developed before I “officially” went through puberty.

So I was thinking that, how could I publish that I was living a miracle in my recovery from anorexia, when the #1 tell tale sign of an ED is amenorrhea?

My eyelids had become too heavy, so I decided to just figure it out in the morning with a fresh brain.

Well friends, wouldn’t you know, that on the evening of celebrating the miracle that took place in Mary’s womb, a miracle took place in my own, as well.

Yes friends, you can now call me Fertile Myrtle.

And I’m crying joyous tears as I type that.

Now, why on earth have I decided to disclose this mortifying information with the world?

Not just because I truly believe it was a miracle. Not because we’ve been on this journey together and your friendship and support has been such an important part of my story, but because God can make all things new, and restore, even the most hopeless of situations.

I had completely come to terms with my infertility and mourned that loss. I should have never counted God down for the count.

Advent is the time where we prepare for the miracle of Christ’s birth. Maybe it was the candle my sister-in-law lit for me. Maybe it was shooting my prayers up through the Advent wreath. Or maybe it was God working through my day-in-day-out dedication to recovery all these years.

I will never know. But I do know that I have a lot to thank God for.




@beauty.beyond.bones – Instagram




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472 responses to “It’s a MIRACLE”

  1. I am thrilled to hear about your coming addition! Congratulations “Myrtle”. Everything that you have endured thus far has fortified you as a person, and now you will pass on your experience and nurturing to your little one.

    May God (continue to) bless you!

    • Thank you so much! Oh gosh – I am not pregnant though hahaha I hope it didn’t come off that way! haha I am just now *capable* of getting pregnant! hahaha but thank you so much for your kind words and prayers! it means so much! big big hugs xo

    • oh Sarah Jo, thank you so much!! yes Praise God indeed. He is so good! thanks for sharing in the joy with me 🙂 big hugs xo

    • Thank you friend. yes! that would be such a blessing. A lot of life to be lived between now and then, but that is the ultimate goal!! 🙂 thanks for sharing in the joy with me. Hugs and love xox

  2. WooHoo I never thought someone’s period could bring me such joy and happiness but good old “Aunt Flo” has. After a couple of months the joy may fade but I will consider this a Christmas miracle! The best present ever, given by our Heavenly Father to you his treasured child. Have a wonderful Christmas Beauty!!

    • hhahhaah thank you so much Rachel! I know! I was like, Am I *really* going to blast this on the internet!??! hahah Oh well — all for His glory…amirite?? Thanks so much for sharing in the joy with me. Just call me aunt flo! 🙂 you too! Hugs and love xox

  3. Okay, Fertile Myrtle, do you know how very precious you are now??? Not only to God, but to me and so many others also????? A lot of the time we do not understand why things happen, but here you are helping so many, and receiving so much bc of it from God. It is time you realize how wonderful and beautiful your soul really is. I love you and God Bless, SR

    • haha aw thank you SR, yes I feel so incredibly blessed. and thank you for your encouragement and sharing in the joy with me. Your kindness means the world. big big hugs xox

      • I just had to come back and ask you. When you get married a little if, and, are, or but, is born are you going to name it SR? LOL! Love you and God Bless, SR

      • hahaha oh gosh, i’ll definitely add it to my list of possibilities! I vowed last night that I would name my first kids Mary, Joseph, Gabriel and Elizabeth! hahah Hugs and love xox

      • I would hate to be your child when I turned 16, if you are meaning all of these names for one kid! LOL!

        Worse than that I would really hate being a Mom to that kid when they turned to me and asked, “What MOM?” “Why MOM?” “Did you lose your mind the day I was born or what? ” LOL! Love you so much Kiddo! God Bless, SR

      • hahahaha – maybe I’ll just stick with SR 😉 hehe thanks friend, for making me smile and chuckle tonight 🙂 xox

  4. Great story. I know of one couple, told that conception was impossible, incorporated prayer and intercessory prayer to one particular Saint, (whose name escapes me) into their lives. And yes, they have a beautiful daughter today.
    There are events and circumstances science cannot explain. Yes ,miracles.

    • Thank you so much David! oh wow – what an incredible story. Nothing is impossible for God. Nothing. Bighugs xox

    • aw thank you so much Rose Marie!!!! Yes! Praise the Lord indeed! He is so good! big hugs xox

    • Thank you Steve! Nothing is impossible for God. thanks for sharing in the excitement with me! big hugs x

  5. Seems as though a “like” is not enough…there needs to be a “love” or a “hallelujah” button! Praise God. And blessings to you. God is working even when we think he isn’t. Way to give glory to God 🙂 Continued blessings!

    • haha a hallelujah button… i love that idea! aw, thank you so much Lisa for sharing in the excitement with me. Yes! God is so so good. big hugs to you xox

    • Thank you so much! yes, a happy situation indeed. thank you for sharing in the joy with me! big hugs xox

  6. SO glad for you, beautifully feminine in so many ways, and now open to new miracles. Lovely.
    PS TEnsion Tamer Tea by Celestial Seasonings is awesome for cramps! 😉

    • oh Anna, thank you so much friend. I am so grateful for your support and for you sharing in the joy with me! thanks for that great tip! Hugs and love xox

    • thank you so much, friend! Yes, Glory be to God indeed! lots to be thankful for! Hugs and love xox

    • yes it is! Nothing is impossible for God! thanks for sharing in the happiness with me! Hugs and love xox

    • thank you so much DM! Yes! God has surely blessed me 🙂 and i am so grateful. thanks for stopping by. big hugs xox

  7. The miracle for each of us as humans is Christ incarnated so He could go through the whole process from babyhood to manhood living in the perversity and evil of humankind yet without sin. Then to go to the cross to experience in his humanity what it’s like to know death. He had the power to lay down His life and take it up again. But all this was done with the goal to understand and be sympathetic to human experience when acting as our eventual Judge. Now to the real miracle. He wants us in heaven, not forcing it on us but asking us to choose to be with Him. And a miracle is when we realize our need and turn ourselves over to Him to accomplish that purpose. It’s not easy for us to do because we are defaulted to do evil and enjoy it. But His grace is sufficient for us. We can’t earn heaven by what we do, only accept that gift. Are there miracles other than that? Of course. You experienced one and I’m really happy for you. 🙂 It’s all because of God’s love for us His children.

    • Thank you so much for this thoughtful response, Ian. You’re right, He loves us so much, and nothing is impossible for Him. We just need to accept His grace. thanks for stopping by. Hugs and love xox

  8. This is awesome! Congratulations! God is so good! We have to have faith and trust him. He always knows what’s best for us at the right time. I’m struggling right now but I trust him and left everything in his hands.

    • thank you so much Nicole! same to you! I appreciate you sharing in the joy with me 🙂 hugs xo

    • thank you so much friend. I appreciate you sharing in the joy with me! i’m smiling too!! 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  9. Ah!!! I am crying tears of joy for you! A miracle indeed! Thank you so much for sharing, and I am doing the happy dance with you – leaping and twirling and raising my hands and shouting words of praise! Thank you Jesus <3

    • Hi Mindy! aw, thank you so much much! thanks for happy dancing with me 🙂 hehehe this brought a huge smile to my face! God is so good! Hugs and love xox

  10. You never cease to totally amaze and show forth the works that God can do! You are such a bright light that no electric co can harness the wonders of you!! Yes, miracles are sometimes things God puts in front of us (like many believe) But also they are things God has planted in us, for us to bring out. That part is hard for many because they want only the former, with no effort, no self giving. You are such a wonderful example of that giving!! I had some giving to do this past weekend. I won’t get into it all, but after a 5 month long missing person’s saga, my co-worker’s son was found dead in the woods north of us. My coworker was out for 2 weeks settling things. I covered not only my job but his job (HS Band) so his kids, as well as mine, could get ready for their upcoming holiday concert. The son’s official funeral and burial were down, out of our area, last week, but this Saturday was a “Celebration of Life” for him in our area. I sang at it, along with the HS Choral Director who sang and played the keyboard. It was a beautiful spiritual memory of the guy (who was now in his 20s) that I once babysat long ago. I’m so glad I could be a part of this for my coworker, both at work and at the church here. Keep shining your light this Advent Season!! You light up the darkness every day!! Hugs and love xoxoxoxo

    • thank you Dr. Lynn. Yes! That will be such a beautiful day 🙂 thanks for stopping by and for your kind words. Hugs and love xox

    • oh thank you so much Jeff! Yes, we do! God is SO Good!! Hugs and love to you and your wife!! xox

  11. I am so so happy for you!!! Jesus loves you and knows the desires of your heart. He is a great God. As a mother I will hope and pray for you, that one day you will become a mother yourself. Blessings! XO

    • oh thank you so much Adrienne!! what a kind thing to say. Yes, I pray so too!! God is so good. Thank you for your joy and prayers. big hugs to you xo

  12. I love how God has not only restored what you might have thought was lost, but He did it in such a personal way for you! He has such a beautiful way of speaking directly to each of us! Praise God!

    • thank you so much Cheryl! So true! He speaks into each of our hearts. thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

    • awwwww thank you so much Sophie! i am totally praise dancing over here!! thanks for sharing in the joy with me! Hugs and love xox

    • aw thank you so much 🙂 yes! He loves us so much. Nothing is impossible for God! Hugs and love xox

  13. Children are a real blessing. So, I’m very happy for you!! I had worried that I wouldn’t know how to be with a little girl instead of a boy. What do you do with a girl? Can’t teach her football right? Now I have two. What you do is watch them grow and learn and become themselves and the next thing you know… you’re more in love with them than you ever thought imaginable. Least that’s how it’s been for me.

    • yes they are! thank you so much! and wow – your comment got me choked up a little bit – that is so beautiful 🙂 thanks for sharing that. your girls are lucky to have you! Hugs and love xox

  14. I wish this platform had a “love” button alongside the “like”. How like God to orchestrate the perfect scenario. We all have a tremendous amount to be thankful for.

    • awww, thank you so much Linda! haha 🙂 and so true – we all have SO MUCH to be thankful for. big hugs to you xox

  15. Amazing miracle story. I was just sitting down to write my weekly spiritual column and had decided to write on hope, particularly hope in the light of the Advent season. God is good and all things are possible with him. Mary received a miracle in her womb…and she traveled off to the hill country to visit her cousin Elizabeth who had been barren but was now in her sixth month. Thank you for sharing your joy!

    • thank you so much Kevin! what a beautiful comment. you’re right! ALL THINGS are possible with God! thanks for sharing in the joy with me! Hugs and love xox

    • thank you so much!! God is so good, and I am just so grateful. Thanks for your kind words and prayers! big hugs to you xox

  16. Oh Caralyn! Congratulations and praise God! I am so happy for you… I think I did tear up a little bit. That is beyond awesome! Thank you for sharing that personal news with us. We are all very thrilled for you! God never stops working in our lives. I can’t wait to hear what he does for you next! 🙂

    • thank you so much Indigo! 🙂 So very true – He NEVER stops working in our lives! big hugs to you xo

  17. Wonderful news! We know intellectually that God can do miracles because He can do everything. But most of the time it’s just not really a part of our lives. Until we see one of those miracles up close and personal, because then it hits us at a whole new level.

    I know you will make a wonderful mother!

    • thank you so much JP! Amen to that – it hits us at a whole new level! God is good and is capable of all things! 🙂 thanks for your kind words! big hugs xo

    • Thank you so much! Yes they do. Nothing is impossible for God! Thanks for sharing in the excitement. Hugs and love xox

    • Thank you so much! YEs! God had it under control the whole time 🙂 His timing is perfect. thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

    • thank you so much Tessa! Yes it is! thanks for sharing in the excitement with me! Hugs and love xox

  18. Isn’t amazing that God keeps piling on blessing after blessing on us? We already have so much to thank Him for, and yet, He throws another gift our way. It’s unbelievable. Even though I’m am fairly new to your journey, I am so happy for you!

    Also, thank you for a challenge to be thankful for what I have. Sometimes we take things for granted and forget how important they are to us. Keep it up, girl!

    • Hi Tonya, thank you for this thoughtful response. you’re so right – His grace and love really is unbelievable! thank you for sharing in the joy with me! big hugs xo

    • thank you so much! amen to that – All blessings are from Him! so much to be thankful for. thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

    • Hi Sami! aw, thank you so much for sharing in the joy with me!! amen to that! Hugs and love xox

  19. Thanks for sharing your story!

    I have been recovering from PTSD.

    I hope to get back to writing soon! All areas of the world need prayer right now!

    • hahahahaha oh my gosh this made me absolutely laugh out loud! thanks friend. yeah, i still cannot believe that i posted this on the internet. oh my word, what was i thinking!?? hah thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

      • Super happy for you though. You seem like such a special soul that the possibility of life beyond your own is definitely cause for celebrating the gifts our Lord bestows in us – especially in your case 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  20. Wow! Amazing news! Trust in God! He will not disappoint. I’m betting that hubby will come along in same manner – when least expected and counted as improbable. But that is when He grants us those miracles. May God continue to Bless you on your journey through life.

    • thank you so much Joe! amen to that! Nothing is impossible for God! even miracles! thanks for your kind words. Hugs and love xox

    • oh Ashley, thank you so much, friend. i really appreciate you sharing in the joy with me 🙂 it means a lot. Hugs and love xox

  21. Awesome news! Celebrating your new-found fertility and rosy future with you 🤗. Like Joe said above, I’m sure your husband will show up in the near future, just as unexpectedly. Is it just me or does it seem like God might be getting you ready for that to happen? 🤔

    • thank you so much Mia! I sure hope so! I’ve got my eyes peeled for whoever he is! 🙂 I think you’re right! He’s making things fall into place! His timing is perfect – why should i ever try to rush it!!! thanks for sharing in the joy with me! big hugs x

  22. I can’t imagine how wonderful you are feeling. I am believing your life has forever changed for the better in many different ways! God Bless!!

    • You are so right – a major major blessing indeed. thanks for stopping by and for your kind words! Hugs and love xox

  23. Sobbing when I read this! (Tears of JOY!) Oh my gosh. God is so so so good! Wow ☺️ I am in awe of his perfect timing and soo happy for you ! ❤️❤️ Go fertile Myrtle 😆

    • oh Stephhhh, thank you so much friend! yes! God is SO GOOD! thank you for sharing in the excitement and joy with me. you’re a great friend 🙂 hahaha Myrtle for the win! 🙂 hehe have a great night! Hugs and love xox

      • Aww so are you!! I so appreciate the support on my litttle blog, it means a lot. I wish you lived in Minnesota!! Or that I lived in NYC! I feel a kindred spirit in you 🤗 and feel your triumphs as well as your sad times and frustrations with you. You are an AMAZING person and I’m so glad I get to go along for the BBB ride! Big hugs!! 😘

      • That would seriously be so fun! gosh, your comment just made my night 🙂 thank you again Steph. you are a blessing to me!!! xoxo

  24. Wow! A miracle indeed. Hope you find your soulmate in Church. I did..Our first date was on November 15, 1968 – pub, restaurant, coffee house and Greek night club. it showed our interest in each other but it was not as important as our going to Church together two days later November 17, 1968. The Friday was Eros, the Sunday was Agape. Cupid shot us with his arrow of erotic love on the Friday while on the Sunday our souls touched. Love at first sight is passionate but selfless love needs time and trust. Pat needed time and wrote just after Christmas “On top of this I feel an elusive fondness for you that can’t be classified; its too strong for Friendship and not strong enough for love.” I believe she was waiting for Agape before saying “I love you” on February 9, 1969. A marriage based solely on passionate romantic love can end in disaster; glad we waited for Agape. God and Agape made us soulmates forever. We married June 21, 1969 and she still lives in my soul and in the arms of Christ. Love is stronger than Death. Christ made it so.

    • wow, thank you so much for sharing your story with me. how incredibly beautiful. gosh, it sounds like an absolute fairy tail. Love is stronger that death. amen to that. I’m so sorry for your loss, friend, but how comforting to know that we will all be reunited one day 🙂 sending big big hugs xo

  25. Had to share your advent miracle with my wife and teenage daughters!
    Also, we just bought your journals are Christmas presents for them.

    • Hi Eric! ohh, thank you for passing it along! and wow! i am so touched that you would give my journal as a gift. thank you. i hope they have a growing experience with them! i will definitely keep them in my prayers as they make their way through the book 🙂 big hugs to you xox

  26. Amazing!!! It’s hearing stories like yours that make me want to get up and dance across my living room floor in jubilation before the Lord praising Him, extremely. and at my age it’s not so easy to dance in wild abandon to the Lord…so my spirit soars for your miracle, doing double back flips and swan dives in loving abandon for His personal care and loving kindness bestowed on each of us, personally in His time. AMAZING!! Double blessings, Caralyn!

    • thank you so much GW! haha dance on, my friend. dance on! Because He is totally worth dancing in praise for! 🙂 thanks for sharing in the joy with me! big dancing hugs to you! xox

  27. I got chills reading this. I am so happy for you and the possibilities that this brings. I have a niece with severe UC and IBS she is on intravenous medication every 4 weeks for it. I will check out your recipes for her. Thank you – for consistently stopping by my blog I appreciate the visits :).

    • aw, thank you so much Bryce! thank you for sharing in the joy with me. and gosh, i’m so sorry to hear that about your niece. i will keep her in my prayers. is where you can find all my recipes. 🙂 Hugs and love xox

    • thanks so much Matthew! i really appreciate your prayers and kind words. God is SO GOOD! Hugs and love xox

    • oh gosh thank you so much friend 🙂 I appreciate you sharing in the excitement with me! Hugs and love xox

  28. Doing the miracle IN US…funny, God was just teaching me that this weekend…you know the verse that says God can do “infinitely more than we ask or imagine?” Well, we rarely read the second part of that verse…

    “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Eph. 3:20)

    Check out that second part 🙂

    Oh and congratulations!

    • Oh wow what a coincidence! Amen to that – infinitely more! Thanks friend. Hugs and love xox

  29. OHHHHHH SNAP! Thank you Father for being so kind to Mello Yellow. It is a wonderful thing you did for her. A marvelous thing. And thank you for giving her the grace and wisdom and courage to share. I rejoice in her miracle. Thank you Jesus. Woot woot….! MELLO YELLOW….I AM SOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU! MAN….that was a long time coming. God is something else…surprising you like that to begin the season. There is more coming. Our Father in heaven has got somethings up his sleeve. Hhhh….a fine man just right for you. Yes…Father…do it…do it…do it! So Caralyn, we have to change you name. No longer shall you be called Mello Yellow. Its now Miracle Yellow! Say aye if your concur. (heheheh). Hugs and love.

    • Hahah thank you Ish! Yes! Praise God indeed! You’re right – He isn’t finished with me yet! Miracle Yellow! Yes!!! Haha hope you’re having s great Monday night! Hugs and love xox

      • Hey Ash! hahah you’re funny. i would love to speak! let’s see if God has that in the plan 🙂 haha Hope you’re having a great weekend! Hugs and love xox

  30. Caralyn!!! I cried tears of joy reading this. What an incredible God! Thank you for being faithful and obedient to His will and being open to whatever He has prepared for you. You accepted the next steps of life with determination and positivity and I am just overjoyed with the sweet healing in your life. Much joy sent your way today!

    • Awww thank you so much Sarah! I really appreciate you sharing in the joy with me! Yes! We have an incredible God indeed! Hugs and love xox

  31. Oh C!!!
    Just when I think you’ve reached the apex of boldness and transparency, you top even yourself with boldness! A double blessing.
    One, God blessed you. Two, you had the strength to proclaim it. Amazing. Cannot tell you how happy I am for you.
    And, you respond to each person painstakingly. I almost wince to comment knowing I am further burdening you but I HAD to comment on such a tremendous outpouring of God’s tender care.
    I and everyone rejoice with you. PLY!

    • Hi Roland! Thank you so much 🙂 haha yeah i CANNOT believe i shared this on the internet but all for sharing the glory of God! Haha no burden here 🙂 thanks for sharing in the joy with me! Big hugs xox

    • Aw thank you so much! You’re so sweet:) thanks for sharing in the excitement with me! Hugs and love xox

  32. This brought tears to my eyes, Caralyn, you are so blessed and your deliberate and unwavering expression of faith is an inspiration to me. I prayed for your fertility every time you mentioned it here. If it be your will Father let this beautiful young woman experience being the source. Praise Jesus

    • Aw thank you so much for sharing in the joy with me. It really means a lot. And wow thank you for your prayers. They worked!! Big hugs to you xox

    • Aw thank you friend! God is good! Someday i hope! I would love to be a mom 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  33. Caralyn, how wonderful to experience another miracle in your life. God is still in the business of miracles and doing wonderful unexpected things for his children. It is truly a time of breakthrough into the excellent miraculous! Thank you for sharing. xoxox

    • Thank you friend 🙂 yes! An incredible miracle indeed. Thanks for your kind words and for sharing in the joy with me! Hugs and love xox

  34. It was indeed a miracle! I praise God for his love towards us all. Wow. I am just so happy and excited for you. What a blessing! “Nothing is too hard for the Lord.”

  35. Little sister, I hope the Lord continues show His miracles in your life. You have been an inspiration for many people through your struggles and your honesty about them. Now may your blessings open the eyes of even more people!

  36. Praise God!

    Sister, Caralyn, your story gives me much hope. After going through un-diagnosed tumors for over 5 years and then getting healed through an instant miracle ( JESUS HEALED ME!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 ), I still suffered/ (suffer?) infertility and mourned over it just as you said. The certainty that we all can be spiritually fertile, had given me so much consolation.. And now, your miracle brings also the hope that my God is able to bring complete restoration of my body and emotions.

    God bless you more. <3 <3 <3

    **Big Hug**

    • Oh thank you friend. And wow that is so awesome! God is good. And you’re right – we are all spiritually fertile. I will pray for that complete restoration. Hugs and love xox

  37. Having grown up in churches of a more “charismatic miracle” nature, it has often frustrated me that so many people put God’s miracle working power in a box. Meaning, for it to be a true miracle, it has to happen in this supernatural fireworks kind of way. I don’t believe that. I believe God’s miracles take many forms. Sometimes a miracle really is a “take up your mat and walk” kind of miracle. Other times a miracle is God working through a physician who He has blessed with medical knowledge and wisdom. And yet other times, His miracles become apparent after a season of waiting, with prayer and obedience.

    I am so very happy for you and your miracle, Caralyn! God’s timing is always perfect — He is healing your physical body, preparing you — I do not know His schedule, but I would think your special someone is on His to-do list, too. <3

  38. “….but because God can make all things new, and restore, even the most hopeless of situations.” This is just it.

    Congratulations “Myrtle”.

  39. wow! We don’t personally know each other but I’m crying, I didn’t even get to the part about your reveal but somehow I knew :). I’m sooo happy for you. More blessings on the way! Keep touching other people’s lives with all your work. Merry Christmas.

    • Thank you friend! Awww you’re so sweet. I appreciate you sharing in the joy with me. Same to you! Hugs and love xox

  40. This is the BEST news I’ve heard all week! Talk about an early Christmas present–I am so very, very happy for you and this awesome blessing!

    • Aww thank you so much for sharing in the excitement and joy with me!! It really is such a gift! Hugs and love xox

  41. Celebrating with you as I wipe tears from my eyes!! God is our miracle worker. And no, it wasn’t the lit candle. He responds to faith. The fullness of His nature wants you completely restored so that as you tell what He has done, faith rises in another for their healing. Glory to God!

    • Thank you so much for sharing in the joy with me, Kathryne! He is a miracle worker! Hugs and love xox

  42. Wow! This was the first post I’ve been able to read of yours, :’) so glad I did!! I’m so new to this blogging stuff, can’t wait to gleen wisdom from you! Praise God for making Himself known to you is such a powerful way! His timing is always perfect!! 💗 I have a “womb” story as well! I’ll have to write about it someday ☺️.

  43. GOD IS GOOD!!! Celebrating with you and remembering back to when my wife was healed in a similar fashion. After 18 years of marriage, and having died to the dream of having children, He saw fit to heal my wife and blessed us with our daughter, whom we named ‘Raphaella – Healed by God’. She is our testimony and HE is an AWSOME God!!!

    • Thank you so much Scott. Yes He is SO GOOD! Thanks for sharing that story. Wow – that is so touching! Hugs and love xox

  44. Thank you for sharing this Christmas miracle with us. I’m so happy for you. I, last year was worried (well I have been for a very long time) that I could pass my medical condition to my future children and was so terrified. I finally asked my professor who is a scientist and teacher with a great deal of knowledge with great fear in my eyes. He had me sit down. He told me that it was not passable.That day I cried in my bed knowing now I could have children and not have that fear. So while our stories are not the same, I am truly happy for you. Your writing inspires me to share more of myself with my audience. I hope one day, I can give people the Christmas miracle of beautiful writing like yours.

    • Thank you so much Maria, i appreciate you sharing in the joy with me. Oh i am so happy to hear that for you. Thanks for your kind words. Hugs and love xox

      • You are most welcome. Merry Christmas to you. Also, that wreath is absolutely stunning and remarkable. Thank you for sharing the photo. It’s so lovely.

      • ✨💛✨isn’t it just breathtaking?!! I love the advent wreath 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  45. CONGRATULATIONS!! That is awesome and so, so exciting! My husband and I were both so happy to read this post from you, lol! May God continue to bless you:)

  46. Oh oh, what a miracle indeed. I am so happy for you and I pray that God continue to bless you with good health and happiness. Praise be to God forever and ever. 🙂

  47. Dear Myrtle! What great news! I’ll bet you can’t ewomberate how many kinds of happy you are right now! I think this miracle is all part of the miracle of your overall recovery form ED. Look at how you’ve grown both physically and emotionally in the last few years. How many years was it before you could decide to put yourself out in a blog, however anonymously? How much longer before you could share your voice and name in that oh-so-shy, self-conscious video?

    I’ve said it before; I’ve watched you grow – and Blossom – as a young woman since the first day I started reading your blog two years ago. Originally, you were wombed kinda tight, but you gradually loosened up. Your courage has grown, your confidence is apparent, and I think all of this physical and mental healing has contributed to your miracle. Sometimes the mind follows the body, and sometimes the body follows the mind. Just like attitude is critical in a patient’s fight against a disease, so it is in one’s overall health. Time heals all wombs.

    Couple more thoughts for you at Patreon…

    • Thank you Jeff 🙂 ahaha Myrtle. Yes so joyful and grateful! That’s so true – and I’m so grateful for your friendship through it all. I think you’re right – time, attitude. Looking forward to reading your thoughts over on the Pat 🙂 thanks so much Jeff. Hope you’re having a nice week! Hugs and love xox

    • Thanks so much Michele! And wow thank you for sharing your story! That’s amazing! God is good! Hugs and love xox

  48. Your beauty continues to blossom in the Lord. As we seek Him, He delights in our aroma of faith. And we takes pleasure in His gift of the fragrance of Life. Peace

  49. It is amazing how big of a God we serve!! I am so happy to hear of your blessing!! I know that God has great things in store for you!!! I am praying for a miracle of my own and reading this has given me hope. Praise God on His goodness and mercies!! Blessings this Christmas!! **HUGS**

  50. Thank you so much for sharing your miracle story. What a beautiful hope offering! To God be all the glory from your “Beauty beyond bones” Story! You are radiant inside and out. Merry Christmas!

  51. I know the feeling of being relieved to have your period! Ha ha! I was told about a year into being on a certain birth control that other women on that birth control had had side effects of infertility. I was SO mad and worried and scared. Then, as I got off that birth control, that first cycle was like an answer to prayers! Congrats girl! Embrace those cramps and flow! Ha ha (tmi?)

    • Thanks Gill 🙂 I’m so glad you can relate! Hahha yes! Embrace them! Not tmi at all 😎😎😎Hahah Hugs and love xox

  52. Caralyn, this is such wonderful news! Never thought I’d celebrate a sister getting her period, but there’s a first for everything, right?

    A friend of mine has a blog, Barren to Beautiful, that I believe you’d enjoy. God worked in such a way as to heal her heart before all else.

    • Oh thank you so much Lynda! Hahaha yes a first for everything! Awesome. Thanks for passing her info along. Hugs and love xox

    • Thanks so much Margaret! Yes! ALL things are possible! Yes she came to mind for me as well. Thanks for sharing in the joy with me. Hugs and love xox

  53. HALLELUJAH!! Praise Jesus! God is so good. That is the best that I can do, Dear Friend.
    God Bless You Abundantly, Caralyn.
    Luv, 😀🌹❤️

  54. I cried tears of wonder, amazement and joy for you in this miracle, Caralyn. Our God heard your cries and saw your tears, and all I keep thinking/praying (to Jesus) is, “You have SO much in store for her!!!”

    It reminds me of a really moving song I know called “(77) You Heard Me” by Loud Harp. The lyrics go:
    “My voice rose up to you God
    I cried out loud
    My voice rose up to you God
    You heard me, you heard me
    Oh in my day of trouble
    When I couldn’t see
    Oh In my day of trouble
    When I couldn’t speak
    You held my eyes wide open
    You sang to me.”

    Its based directly off of Psalm 77. It’s lyrics and melody both speak o Jesus’ faithfulness and goodness to us. May it bless you.

    Rejoicing with you,

  55. Amazing. Completely amazing. Your miracle was inadvertently a miracle for me too. Between medical issues and surgery, family stuff, stress looking for work and just the general stress of the holiday season, I wasn’t feeling very fulfilled in my faith. Seeing this miracle happen to you reminds me what an awesome God we serve and how good He is even when we’re not looking. <3 Hugs and polar bears!

    • thank you so much! Oh wow, friend, that just made my heart so warm. I’m so glad you feel that way. you’re right – He is good even when we’re not looking! so glad you stopped by! big hugs xo

  56. Well now … firstly, wonderful news and surely a huge blessing of hopefulness and promise … secondly (in case nobody else has pointed this out), God was at work within you before you had those signs and pointers in church … your womb had to grow a lining before it could shed one! You may or may not have ovulated this time…But he chose to show you the miracle with a wonderful lead-up of blessing and hearing the news through those readings! It’s wonderful how it was all co-ordinated – and you were being prepared for receiving the gift … being made whole.

    • hi Mari! aw, thank you so much 🙂 yes! a HUGE blessing. and wow – what a great point! i didn’t realize that, but you’re so right! so true – He coordinated it all behind the scene 🙂 this made me smile. thanks for sharing your kindness 🙂 big hugs x

  57. i am going to say the best “I told you so” ever.
    I am pretty sure I commented awhile back that this could happen. And it did.
    Even if my memory is wrong, I still thought it, so partial credit. Congratulations.

    • haha yes!! I’m 95% sure you did too!
      i remember that, and thinking how amazing that would be. i was guarding my heart at the time, trying not to allow myself to get my hopes up, but i should’ve never discounted God’s immense power. thank you friend 🙂 big hugs xox

  58. I’m in joyful tears reading this!!! If God the Father could send God the Son into the world to be come the Incarnate, Word Made Flesh through a Virgin Birth in Our Blessed Mother, surely he could facilitate any miracle that is asked of him. God bless you! You have Saints in Heaven, known and unknown who have interceded for you as well! I will remember you in my prayers! God be praised! Alleluia! God bless you sister in Christ!

    • Aw thank you so much for sharing in the joy with me! Amen to that! Thank you for your prayers and kindness! Hugs and love xox

  59. What a phenomenal testimony to share! Thank you for making hundred (or thousands) of people smile this week.
    And indeed, praise God from whom all blessings flow.
    Pun not intended 😮

    • Aw thank you so much! Hahahahahha oh my gosh that made me laugh out loud! Hugs and love xox

    • Thank you so much Barbara! I appreciate you sharing in the joy with me! Hugs and love xox

  60. As I was reading your post I thought ‘wow it really looks like she is being Blessed in that photo’ and then got to the end and was just OH MY GOD! Such wonderful news, congratulations!

    • Thank you so much! I know isn’t it crazy how that photo turned out? And it was totally candid! My sister in law was just snapping a couple pics! God is amazing! Hugs and love xox

  61. Healing is inevitable, thank you for your message, God is beautiful and loves beauty, love is the movement of beauty, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Salaam.

    • Aw thank you so much Sierra!! I appreciate you sharing in the joy with me! Hugs and love xox

    • Thank you Kelli! Aw i appreciate you sharing in the excitement with me. God is so good! Hugs and love xox

  62. By the grace of God, broken people like you and me get to be reconciled through Christ’s shed blood! He loves you so much sister. I’m joyful with you in this miracle! The beauty is, God is good no matter what happens to us during this brief life. I’m so thankful Jesus is our Redeemer. Hugs and love to you❤

    but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
    Romans 5:8 ESV

    • Thanks Annabeth! Amen to that! He is our redeemer and we are made new. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  63. Congratulations!!!! 🍾🎊🎉What a miracle! It’s these big things that where said to be impossible that remind us in this world running from God that he loves and cares for each and everyone of us! Did you break into like a happy dance??? I think I would have been crying tears of joy and dancing all at the same time, Your excitement might fade after a couple months just saying but it will be reminder that God is there!

    • Thank you so much Izzy! I really appreciate you sharing in the Joy with me. I did many a happy dance! Haha Hugs and love xox

  64. I rejoice with you!! What God has done for you is no small thing (as you well know!). It is all part of the bigger plans that are unfolding in your life. He is always working… and sometimes He just surprises us with the depth of His love!
    Your miracle reminds me of something that we can so often forget. Jesus not only came to give us new life, He came to make that life the best it can be. Even in areas where “the enemy” has brought devastation and destruction. Jesus is in the business of restoring us too!
    I would like to ask your permission to share a little bit of your story (and your miracle) in one of my posts. No names. Vague on the details. But your story reminds me of things I would like to share.
    Thanks for sharing your miracle with all of us. God is glorified most when we delight in Him! M. A.

  65. I’m so happy for you !!! great news to hear indeed, I was having the same problem but not to your degree and when I read your post it gave me hope that God is still in control. Thank you for sharing

  66. So, the old married Catholic chick rejoices with you. I am going to encourage you to check out Creighton, and Natural Family Planning to help track your fertility. Because “normal” is only defined in a dictionary and not in the mysterious personhood of woman. Tracking your fertility now will help you a lot even as a single woman, our bodies give us a lot of information. Our cycles can be anywhere from 21 days to as much as 60 days. The gift of this is that we are individuals, the hard part is finding a physician that will listen when we bring concerns. I remember teaching one of my docs how to look at fertility differently, and why we did this.
    The beautiful thing goes beyond the gift of fertility, and the potential to bear children, but to the mysterious working of God in our lives, in our bodies, and in our faith.

    • Thank you so much Teri! Thanks for passing along that information. I’ll definitely check it out. Yes! He works in very mysterious ways. Hugs and love xox

  67. So happy for you Caralyn! Yay! From the picture of Brad Pitt I thought you were going to say that you found yourself a man. Lol! But seriously, this is BIG! God loves you so much and has not forgotten about you and He showed you that by healing you. Like you said, you had come to terms with that area of your life, showing humility, which God saw and so He gave you a little early present for Christmas. Next thing, colitis! Gone, in Jesus name!
    Love you sis!

  68. Congrats! This is my first time stopping over at your blog and I’m glad that the first thing I get to see is news like this.

    Miracles. I’ve been thinking, praying, and writing (in emails) about them so much lately. Our God does the impossible, all the time, everyday, every moment. How do we not see it, believe in it? I love what you said about God’s spirit in us working us through and towards the miracle — sometimes that really is how it is.

    A few years ago I went through some very difficult and traumatizing health issues that left me believing the lie that I’d never be able to carry. Well, not only am I 35 weeks pregnant (due Jan 4th!), but it has been the healthiest and most hopeful journey, ever.

    God is beautiful in that he surprises us with miracles even when we don’t believe them possible, or see them coming. Love that you are living out His blessings and writing to tell the story.

    Blessings on you and your baby!

    • Aw man, I just reread your post and realized Fertile Myrtle was implying something else…

      Even still, God can do the impossible. I am seeing it in my very own life and womb right now and will continue to believe that he could do the same for other women, even you!

    • Aw thank you Rae! Yeah it’s super exciting! You’re right nothing is impossible for Him. And wow that is just amazing. I will keep you and your baby in my prayers! So exciting! Hugs and love xox

  69. Hey congratulations! I always enjoy reading your blogs and to see that God has given you such a blessing has also left me speechless and happy. I believe that we should glorify God for every good thing that happens to people we know. I too go through some problems I just hope that when I go to my next doctor’s visit it won’t be what I suspect.

    I pray that god continues to bless you. Keep up the faith and the good work.

  70. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral! I attend Mass there frequently, and I love the huge mosaic of Jesus. I kneel in prayer with my eyes fixed on his face, and it feels like he’s looking right at ME! (I’m sure you experienced that, too.) It’s just too bad I wasn’t there to bump into you. 😉
    Thank you for sharing this miracle with us. It’s mind-boggling and truly wonderful!! ❤️

    • Oh nice! Thank you so much!! Yeah God gave me an early Christmas present 🙂 heh Hugs and love xox

    • aw, thank you friend. Yeah, it was definitely an answer to prayer! Yes – God is good and loves to bless us! big hugs to you xox

    • Thanks again friend 🙂 that means a lot. Thanks for sharing in the joy with me! Hugs and love xox

  71. I’m so happy for you! The timing is such a “God thing”. Thanks for sharing this. I believe that God wants us to tell others of the miracles He blesses us with so others will see His power and love.

    • thank you so much Samantha! you’re right – timing IS such a God thing. so glad you stopped by! big hugs xox

  72. “Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee…” I love Advent – totally overlooked season but oh so counter cultural against the faux-Christmas muzak and retail overload. Glad you received this great blessing and may your Christmas come with even greater light and joy.

    • That just gave me chills to read the lyrics of that song, because how true it is!! I love it too. thank you friend, I appreciate it! Hugs and love xox

  73. Caralyn, I just read this post while snuggling my daughter to put her down for nap and I literally started crying and praising God! I can’t stop! 😂 What a wonderful gift and blessing! Our God is SO GOOD! I’m so so so happy for you and so grateful to God on your behalf. The merriest of Christmases to you!

    • oh my gosh Amanda, thank you so much for this beautiful encouragement. thank you for sharing in the joy with me. yes! God is SO good 🙂 thanks for stopping by! big big hugs to you xox

  74. I am happy for you and as Christopher Mcandless had once said, “Happiness is real only when shared”, so we all are happy.

    Besides, a few days back a post of mine was liked by you on Instagram. It was a long time since we had been in touch, so on first look, I thought I had seen you somewhere, but I could not recall and then suddenly I did, I recalled that you are the one that has a blog beautybeyondbones. ( P.S: Dropped a msg on Instagram, thank you)

    • thank you so much friend 🙂 oh cool, I’ll have to check IG! have a great night! Hugs and love xox

  75. Congratulations to you and many thanks to God for blessing you in this wonderful way! I know you’ve mentioned previously that you’re “husband hunting”, I can’t help but think that maybe one of the reasons you haven’t found him yet is that God wasn’t quite done preparing you! Wishing you many blessings and miracles this holiday season!

    • thank you so much Brianna! I think you’re spot on – God was still working on me:) thanks for stopping by! big hugs xo

  76. I love your blog and admire your deep faith. I couldn’t tell from your blog if you finally got your period or are expecting a baby. Also, and this is a very common misconception and I cringe to point it out, but the Immaculate Conception only has to do with Jesus in an indirect fashion. It’s really the celebration of Mary being conceived without sin. She is the Immaculate Conception. She was conceived by her mother, St. Anne, without sin so she would be a pure vessel (or have a pure womb and body) to carry Jesus. Merry Christmas and God bless you.

    • Thank you so much friend! Hahah oh — the former. I am not expecting a baby! I was just trying to say “ i got my period” more gracefully. haha And thank you for sharing that. Yes! That is very true. What a beautiful role model we have in Mary. Merry Christmas to you
      Too! Hugs and love xox

  77. It is a beautiful miracle you shared here. I am sure everyone has that one hope thinking that it was something impossible to achieve and have lost all hope for it. I have that one hope in me that I am still believing for and it has almost died down until I read this post of yours. Thank you for sharing, it was such a blessing to me. God bless (:

    • Thank you so much friend. Yes!! such an exciting time. God is so good and I owe Him my life. I will keep you in my prayers, friend. God can do the impossible. I had almost counted Him out, BUT GOD. But God, my friend. But God can do all things 🙂 love you friend! big hugs xox

  78. Glad to hear of this. my daughter has avoided puberty by having an eating disorder, but am hoping that like you she has only postponed it.

    • thank you friend, for sharing that. i will definitely keep your daughter and you and your family in my prayers. big hugs xo

  79. Haha! As I read this post, I, for some reason, thought you might be pregnant, and then at the end I thought I was right, but then started to doubt it, and then read a comment where somebody else thought the same thing 😂❤️ congratulations anyway xx

    • Hahha oh gosh no! I just didn’t have the audacity to be like. “I got my period!” *snort laughs* hahha thank you:) big hugs xox

      • Aw! haha x I must be the dumbest person alive because even after I realised it wasn’t what I thought it was, I didn’t get how you knew you were suddenly fertile 😂😂 I’m so sorry, this sounds incredibly weird.

      • hahahah oh my gosh you’re not dumb at all! i mean, it’s not a typical topic you read about on a blog! hahahahah

    • Hahah oh gosh, no new baby here…my amenhorrea that was left over from my anorexia was finally healed! Big thanks!! Hugs and love xox

  80. Something I am so excited about is the renewal of all things. I’m excited for Jesus’ promise of all things new. But even moreso I’m excited that it doesn’t just start some interminable time into the distant future, the renewal has already because Father is a creative (and re-creative) Papa and he can’t help himself. Glory, Papa…Glory.

  81. What a wonderful Christmas story! Yes, God heals in many, many ways. If He’d just waved a magic wand and healed you instantly you wouldn’t have be able to share your diets, solutiosn and plain day to day battles and victories with the world. But now in His own wonderful way He did the miracle in such a cool way you’d know it was Him. What an incredible Christmas gift! Thanks for sharing it with us! xxx

  82. This is just glorious and beautiful! I am so totally entirely happy for you. Thank you for sharing your journey and being faithful to the beauty that is yours to share with the world. Keep on shining!

  83. Wow! What an amazing story! God redeems and empowers us to overcome.
    The crohns testimony was great. When you mentioned infertility, you touched a sweet spot in my heart. I had to share what God did in our lives.
    Lisa and I were married in 2004 and began the journey for children in 2006-2007. We soon learned that we had problems with egg quality and that the eggs could never make it past the blastus stage. For years we tried and eventually became heartbroken. We tried two rounds of invitrofertilization and both attempts failed. I tried to encourage Lisa at times saying, “God’s timing, God’s will, and God’s way.” Yet, I do not feel that was what she wanted to hear. I could never provide the answer she wanted to hear. Often times I felt helpless to help her.

    We bought a dog and settled down a little bit in 2010-2011.We took our foot off the gas pedal of “procreation attempts” and Lisa did something different. She changed her diet and began a series of acupuncture treatments on a weekly basis. No more coffee and hydrogenated oil or high fructose corn syrup. She began eating healthy and persuading me to eat more healthy as well. She did this for maybe 5-6 months. I never gave serious thought that anything would come of it but I supported her in her endeavors.
    It was winter of 2011. It was a day in January that I came home from work and Lisa and her mother were waiting for me inside the house. Odd-as her mother had never been there with her waiting for me to get home before. I thought, “What is going on here?” I was led to the bathroom and laying upon the sink were three pregancy tests, each of which read “positive”. I said to Lisa, “What is this?” (I, being the uninformed man that I was, did not know how to read a pregancy test result) . She looked at me and responded, “They are positive. We’re pregnant!” She burst open in tears of joy and I joined her in the warmest embrace that I could remember. Her mom, herself, and I all weeping with joy and laughing together this afternoon.
    On October 25, 2012 God blessed us with Emma Lily-Grace Carroll: our miracle baby.

    I am so glad to hear that your ability to become pregnant is now actual and real. Keep trusting in God and seeking Him fervently. One of my favorite bedrock verses is found in Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” When our desires became Him His desires became ours. He is good. Bless His name. God bless you BeautyBeyondBones. Thank you for writing and sharing. You have inspired me today to reflect further upon God’s faithfulness.

  84. Thanks for your likes and your follow. I enjoyed this article, especially since I am about to start a post-Christmas diet. Looking forward now to trying some of your recipes.

  85. That is amazing news! I have Crohn’s and am struggling with infertility for pretty close to the same reasons. Reading your story lifts my spirit so much! I’m so beyond happy for you. ♥️

    • oh friend, i’m so sorry that this hits so close to home for you. i will definitely keep you in my prayers. also – have you heard of the Specific Carb Diet? I have ulcerative colitis and have kept it in remission for the past 6 years by (religiously) adhering to the diet! The book is called Breaking the Vicious Cycle. I’ll link it on my Amazon Influencer page: but the book spells out the entire thing. it literally saved my life. big hugs to you xox

    • oh friend, i’m so sorry that this hits so close to home for you. i will definitely keep you in my prayers. also – have you heard of the Specific Carb Diet? I have ulcerative colitis and have kept it in remission for the past 6 years by (religiously) adhering to the diet! The book is called Breaking the Vicious Cycle. I’ll link it on my Amazon Influencer page: but the book spells out the entire thing. it literally saved my life. big hugs to you xox —- here’s the link to the book!

      • I have heard of it! Recently went to a local CCFA talk where that was one of the diets mentioned. I couldn’t try it at the time because I was on low residue orders. 🙁 But currently I’m trying to go low carb as much as possible. Just gotta be careful so I don’t get a blockage. I’m an ostomate too. YAY me! Haha, not. 😛 But thank you for the suggestion and the prayers. I’ll check it out! 🙂

      • Hang in there friend. You’re a rock star. Sending big time prayers for you.

  86. Whohooo! I’m so glad to hear this! 🙂 I’ve been praying for God to heal you in this way, and I’m overjoyed that He has done this! Thanks so much for sharing this miracle. *hugs*

  87. Sometimes, years later, I come back and reread this. I’m struggling through a lot right now and when I am in the dark place doubting God and even throwing a few choice words His way at the sheer stupid unfairness of it all, I am reminded of this post and how I felt the first time I read it. Knowing that all things were possible for Him and through Him, knowing that His works ARE visible in the world. It helps me keep the faith.

    • Oh my gosh, thank you friend. I am honestly so touched by that. Praise and glory to God that this has been encouraging for you!! Hang in there dear friend. He is AT WORK for you and in your life right this very minute. Cling to Him, His mercy, His grace. He is for you, and has gone before you. Sending you so so much love xox

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