Sharing my Acting Work!

Oh my gosh, I cannot believe I am pushing publish on this post tonight. What am I doing!?

I have never felt more self conscious about putting personal content out into the inter webs than I do tonight. I mean, I wasn’t even this nervous when I shared the post about my virginity!

But first — before tonight’s post, I wanted to take just a quick sec to let you know about something super exciting! Many of you know that I have recently began a business venture selling a phenomenal whitening toothpaste over on Facebook. (And before I go on: I’m putting in a bulk order TOMORROW, so leave me a comment if you want to order one of these terrific tubes!)


But what I’m really excited about is that this week, I have TWO openings to mentor two special people who want to join this truly life changing business venture! It costs zero money to get started, and I’ll personally walk you through every step of the way!

So leave me a comment if you’re interested in learning more about joining the business that helps me fund this blog! 🙂


Many of you know that I am an actor. And one of the questions I get asked most frequently is How can I see something that you’ve acted in? 

And I’ve always shied away from answering that. Mainly because of NDAs, I am contractually obligated not to share information about projects that have yet to be released. Or simply because a lot of the projects can’t be shared via the internet because, well…they’re commercials!

But I finally figured, what the heck! It’d be fun to share a few recent projects that I’ve had the privilege of being part of, as well as a couple “oldies” that make me smile.

So any who – I hope you find this fun and entertaining!

This first one is my most recent TV ad — it’s the political spot I was telling you about earlier…where my character was a “liberal feminist” – complete with a double nose ringdouble lip ring, and pink hair!


The commercial turned out pretty awesome, so I hope you like it!

This next video clip is from a pepper spray product. One of the downsides of using a pepper spray is that if you’re downwind when you spray it, you get the negative effect too! So this product sprays a little ball of pepper spray that releases the spray upon contact. So my role was a testimonial. I loved being able to sink my teeth into that powerful character.

This next one was a fun music video I shot a couple years ago! The curls were large and in charge! And I actually love this country song. I still listen to it all the time. And fun fact…I actually have hazel eyes, but they used CGI to make my eyes blue in the video to match one of the lyrics!

And then from the archives — one of the children’s educational videos that I did. This company is such a powerhouse when it comes to creating children’s online content…I love working with them!

So there you go!

Acting has been a passion of mine since I was literally five years old. And I have learned a lot throughout the process.


Every audition. Every play practice and performance. My childhood was spent backstage in the wings of a theater with so many loving, creative people.

But acting has been such a tenacious teacher in, not only hard work and imagination, but in other lessons that, truthfully have taken a long time to “unlearn.”

As a child, usually the only actor under 21 in a cast, I spent my entire life feeding off of the approval of my directors. I found my worth completely in my performance. I would earn it. I was always on. Always aware of the eyeballs. And always aware that at any moment, another kid with talent could walk through the door and take my place.

It’s taken me a long time to reset that mindset and find my worth, not in a performance, but in Jesus.

The acting industry is a fickle lover — some days she lavishes you with applause and positive feedback. But you also hear a lot of “No’s” in the business. And so I’ve had to learn to become like marble, and let those highs and lows just roll off of me. Because neither define who I am or what I am worth.

Only Jesus can do that.


No great performance will make my worth greater, and no flopped audition can make it less. Because my worth is secured on the Cross. And boy, isn’t that Good News.

What’s one thing YOU’VE had to “unlearn” from childhood?


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Here’s the video from this morning!

A big thank you to my foundational sponsor, BetterHelp Online Therapy. I cannot begin to express how beneficial therapy was for my recovery from anorexia.  Speak with an online therapist. Or check out content about eating disorders from BetterHelp.

Have you seen my latest FabFitFun video? Because…you should watch it. It’s pretty funny. And then order yourself a box with my code FALLINLOVE for $10 off! 😉


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126 responses to “Sharing my Acting Work!”

  1. Wow BBB in that music video, my heart would melt if you looked and smiled at me like that 😍😍😍 not so sure about the first video though 😂😂😂 so excited for you to be opening up more we love you and want to know you more as the person you are ❤️❤️❤️

    • Awww Benny, thank you so much 🙂 hahaha yeah that was pretty wild, huh?!! Thanks for such kind words and for taking the time to watch! Thanks for being an awesome friend. Hugs and love xox

      • I wasn’t able to see the playdough which sucks I know you are amazing with your niece and you are going to be the most amazing mother ❤️ I know one day we will finally get to meet, our dorkiness matches to a tee I promise 😂🙈 xxx

      • Hahah love it!! And thanks for the heads up on the video – I’ll double check to see if the link works 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  2. I love your commercials Caralyn! The music video is wonderful. The kids are so cute! May God bless your work. 🙏🏻😍❤️

    • Aww thank you so much John!! I really appreciate that! Yeah the kiddos were so sweet 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  3. I’m totally blown away by your acting ability. I was already impressed with your poise, confidence and walk with Jesus. But these videos show your versatility and make me feel I’m n the presence of a star.

    • Oh my gosh that’s so kind of you to say!! I am seriously so touched, thank you Ian! Haha you’re too kind!!! Thanks for making a gal smile! Hugs and love xox

    • Oh my gosh thank you so much Kenneth!! I definitely will! There are a couple things that are in the hopper so to speak. I’ll update again soon! 🙂 you too, my friend! Happy almost Friday! Hugs and love xox

  4. YOU are beyond amazing oh Gorgeous Beyond Bones. WOW! Thank you for sharing. You make a great actor. Great videos by the way. When I make it to NYC, I could possibly use you in my photo shoots. I hope to write articles about Liberty State Park, the Brooklyn Transit Museum and possibly the High Bridge and possibly the old Penn Station site. I will have to let you know when I get up there. Thank you for another great post. I hope that you can do much more.

  5. Neat all around, share , work, identity in Christ. Man i think my daughter has been watching mother goose club for the better part of a year now. I’ll have to lookout for that clip now.

  6. How did you get so many followers? 🙂 Anyway, a friend is an actor in Hollywood and says it’s fickle as well, a good ole or young as the case may be, club out there. This was beautiful, for me knowing he is all that matters and is the most important thing puts all else in perspective. Peace.

    • Hey friend! aw thank you 🙂 yeah definitely fickle for sure! Good thing that we can ALWAYS count on Him! Hugs and love xox

  7. First video – you’re such a wiener! I’m now motivated to vote!!

    Without getting into specifics, there’s been some of the unlearning you’ve mentioned but there’s also been forgiving. Especially my Dad, who I was never close to. He was an orphan whose adopted parents spoiled him rotten. He wanted to be a good dad but didn’t know how. I was a kid with a dad who was a jerk I hated.

    Years after he died I came to understand just how many things he had going against him. Was he a good dad? Heck no! But he was just a poor guy who couldn’t find his way past the shit deal that was his own life. So I’ve learned to forgive him. Too late to do him any good, him having died 30+ years ago, but I’m at peace over it.

    Anyone reading this who has someone to understand and forgive?

    • hahahah thanks Jeff — yeah a wiener for sure! hahaha and thanks for sharing that – I’m sorry that you grew up with those hurts, but I’m so glad you’ve found peace and forgiveness. How beautiful to know that we will all be together again one day, and able to say all the things we wish we could 🙂 sending big hugs xo

      • I sometimes wonder if my dad will be the one or one of those waiting for me when I die. He was a real believer in Jesus and often chatted up complete strangers about Jesus. It’s a fun thought!

    • Thank you so much Charlene! I appreciate you taking the time to check it out! Big hugs to you xo

    • Oh my gosh thank you Laura! You’re too kind. Haha right?!! It has been such a wackado week in my brain!! I am ready for the weekend! Hahha five day weekend!! 🙌🏼 Hugs and love xox

  8. Hey BBB! Your videos are fun. This evening was the first opportunity I made to watch one of your interpretations of Scripture.

    I agree that Christians must not lose faith, even when times are hard. This afternoon I saw your tweet about your success on Pinterest! I have to admit that I was taken aback because that is almost like doing the impossible on your end.

    I hope that turns out to be very good tidings for you. You asked what your readers “unlearned” in childhood. My memory is vague, but I know my brother in the family, younger than me by three years, feels today a bit of blame toward me for when I scared him with tussles.

    It was, I think, often because as children we would pit ourselves against each other with board games. He was younger and weaker and at times he would lose interest or play poorly. I think I was one frustrated child watching a game come apart.

    I soon knew that being smarter or victorious wasn’t nearly as important as care and concern for people. I wish I’d learned the lesson without putting my brother through that. About you, I don’t want to trouble you in the least, but I think you have great videos and a fascinating blog.

    All your success is merited. If you regard my mischief with distaste, I understand, but for quite a long time now I have been sure to telephone my brother each Sunday and to leave him a voicemail or speak with him if he picks up. I try not to dwell on what happened between us as young children.

    Keep up all the great work that you do. Good luck, too, going forward into the winter.

    • Thank you so much for this thought thoughtful response! Yes! Wasn’t that crazy about Pinterest! I’m excited to see the effects of that effort. And thank you for sharing your experience from childhood. Hugs and love xox

  9. You are brave. You are clever. You are unique. Thank you for sharing some of your roles and acting challenges with us. It helps us get to know you as a person, not just a pretty face with white teeth and a blog. Oh, and btw, I have hazel eyes, too!

    • Hi Jan, oh gosh thank you so much. You are too kind 🙂 yay hazel eyes!! 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  10. That music one? You got to kiss a cute guy, too. I’m jealous. Lol
    The Testimonial though..Was it real? Was it someone elses? Personally, that doesn’t bode well with me when it’s not true.
    I couldn’t see the Play Do one, either, but I’ll bet it was great. What a fun career.

    • hahaha thanks 🙂 Yeah I love that song! The story was a real testimonial. I was portraying another woman’s story. I agree, gotta be truthful, especially when it comes to topics like that. thanks for taking the time to watch! sorry you couldn’t see the last one! Hugs and love xox

  11. Caralyn, you are a woman of many talents. I enjoyed watching your videos that displayed some of your multi-faceted talents. Love how your walk with Jesus shines through it all. Really related when you spoke of unlearning the performance attitude. I’m still working on not performing and just being me, Love and hugs!

    • oh gosh thank you so much – what a kind thing to say!! Yeah the unlearning process is, well…a process! haha hugs to you xox

  12. Wow!
    You wear so many hats.
    I didn’t know you acted too.

    I just nominated you for the Leinster Award.
    I look forward to reading your answers to the questions and some thoughts about yourself.

  13. I had the power of invisibility as a child. No one could see the abuse happening to me. No one could see my value. And no one could see my purpose. But I learned that God saw it all before I was ever born and that he has a purpose even in the hard things we experience.

    • Hi Karisa, I appreciate you sharing your story. Gosh, my heart breaks to hear what you went through as a child. I’m so glad that you’ve found healing and the truth of your value in God. Amen to that – He has a purpose. thank you again for sharing your heart. sending so much love and hugs xo

    • Thank you so much – yes, society can be a bit of a ruthless teacher! big hugs to you xox

  14. So, I learned how to make play dough and you looked really pretty in the country music video. Lyrics not that bad, either. I also like your ads. Thanks for sharing! 💙💙

    • Haha thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to watch! I haven’t shared any of them before! Maybe you’ve seen it somewhere else? 🤷🏻‍♀️ have an awesome weekend! Hugs and love xox

      • I was pretty sure you shared the music video before, because I can remember seeing you in a video for a country song, and when I was watching it I don’t remember being surprised to see you, I remember seeing it in a context that I knew you were going to be in it. It’s possible I was stalking you online to see if I could find anything you’d been in, but if that were the case I think I’d remember having done that, which I don’t, and I’d probably have learned your last name at some point, which I haven’t. Hmm.

  15. I enjoyed all your acting videos. But the one I liked the most was about you teaching the two girls how to make playdough. You are a natural at shows like that, and cooking. You work well with children.

    • Aw thank you so much Kathleen! Yeah that was a fun shoot! Thanks for watching! Hugs and love xox

  16. You mean…nothing in that country music video was true? The fishing incident, the 4th of July sparkler incident, not wearing a seatbelt in the front seat of the car cuddling incident? I don’t know how I can move on from this revelation? Jokes aside, I hope you have more success in the future with your endeavors.

  17. This was a really entertaining post… I guess we all wanted to know how you are, paradoxically, “behind the scenes” haha. You do have talent, the LifeLite video left me shaking. And also such a powerful reflection at the end. What have I had to unlearn from my childhood? That grades don’t define you or measure your intelligence or effort.

    • Hey Paola! Thank you for such kind words! Yeah what a powerful story that woman had. It was really eye opening to portray her story. Yes! That is so true! They don’t define or measure you!! Hugs and love xox

  18. Following your blog is such an adventure, oscillating between “I can’t even handle how wrong that is” and “I am so glad she’s voicing that particular issue.” As a liberal feminist with green hair, I hurt to see you delight in portraying us as flat, rude, sullen caricatures. But I also smile to see you interacting with the adorable girls making Play-Dough. You and I disagree on nearly everything save the power and importance of a relationship with Jesus. I wish that, for those of us ideologically other than you, there was more grace toward how complex we are, just like you and this blog.

    • Hi Christiana! (Beautiful name by the way!) thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I’m sorry that ad was so offensive to you. Yeah, I also found the way they had me dressed to be quite insensitive. In fact, the vast majority of my friends categorize themselves as liberal feminists, and so when I saw my costume, I felt the same pang of misunderstanding for those wonderful women. But I guess you’ve just gotta chalk it up to a “trump ad” with all the political mumbojumbo and bias that are spewing from both sides of the aisle, especially in political campaigns. Thank you for bringing that point to the surface. And Amen! Jesus brings all people together and hallelujah for that!!

  19. Caralyn:

    My studies in hypnotherapy have made me aware that serious psychological issues often arise from expectations that love is conditional – that it has to be earned again and again. We have so many stories of child actors struggling with this when they begin adolescence, and start growing into physical maturity. They’re losing the image that was so important to their success.

    And at home, parents should tell their children – “I love you, so let’s figure out what we can do about that problem you just created.” If that’s not offered in childhood, God is always the best choice we can make. In fact, the two are really the same thing: God is Love is a tautology – Love is also God. In spite of anything the parent may think, loving a child is really an introduction to God.


  20. “No great performance will make my worth greater, and no flopped audition can make it less. Because my worth is secured on the Cross.” This statement resonated with me. Although I am not an actor, I placed my value in my “success” as a pastor and worship leader. When I experienced marital separation and divorce at the end of 2013, that was the end of ministry as I knew it because of my denomination’s view on divorced pastors.

    I have had to “unlearn” that my value is not based on my performance or position. No one can take away the reality that, because I have placed my faith and trust in Jesus Christ, I am a child of the King. That is liberating truth! If I become an unemployed guy tomorrow, I cannot lose my value in Christ. I am thankful that you understand and declare that truth to thousands through this blog and the other open doors God has given you.

    • Thank you for sharing that Matthew. Amen – children on the King! What a joy that is!! Hugs and love xox

  21. It disturbs me that you chose to misrepresent so many people in the stereotyped Republican/Trump ad. It especially concerns me that they chose to stereotype the other side of the voting sphere as “good hard-working Christian” types, considering the massive amounts of violence and pro-Trump hatred that has been spread in our country recently. I don’t know, Caralyn. The more I read your blog…the more I’m not sure I want to read it anymore.

    • I’m sorry you feel that way Neal. As with all acting work, the actor doesn’t choose the costumes or scripts or direction of the spot. And to be clear, i found out about my character/costume when i arrived on set that day. Acting is my job. I need to support myself. And I am grateful for any opportunity I am given. I think it is clear from my body of work, the values I hold and the faith I possess. Do I wish that that commercial was a bit more sensitive? Yes. But it was not morally amiss. I have turned down so many high status roles that have gone against my morals or required nudity, because I won’t compromise what I believe. As for your future readership of my blog, I do hope you stick around. But i respect your decision either way.

  22. Oh, my, goodness, I had no idea you are an actress and you’re pretty good at it to. Props to you! You should display more of your work as you can, that is. Very impressive! ashes4him

  23. Such a great glimpse into your acting passion. I know you are proud and I am appreciative of you sharing it.

    What am I unlearning from childhood? That I am the “golden boy” who is able to “conquer the world.” While this was wonderful in giving me a strong sense of self and a “can do” attitude, it also served to make me too self-reliant. I have had a hard time resting in Jesus and letting Him do the heavy lifting. The Holy Spirit is so good to shape me into a surrendered Son of God who longs to do God’s will alone. I continue to learn to rely on Him instead of solely on my own resources

  24. Hey! I watched the country song video. It’s wonderful!!! You are fantastic in it and what a great song! Yay that You are sharing Your work and Cheers!!! Rock on, beauty! 🙂

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