Roe and Woe

Roe v. Wade.

Whatever gut reaction, just saying the name drummed up inside of you, I humbly ask that you momentarily suspend all feelings and emotions for the next couple minutes, reading this post.

I’ve had a number of people ask why I haven’t talked about this “unprecedented leak” about the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Being staunchly pro-life, I’ve been known to spit some pretty fiery remarks when it comes to the topic of abortion. But I’ve held off, because honestly, this inferno of backlash seems to be a bit out of control.

Pro-abortion people harassing the Supreme Court Justices by gathering outside their private homes.

The backlash and outcry against the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade has my heart devastated for humanity. Offering a perspective of peace that I invite you to join along with. #roevwade #prolife #catholic #antiabortion #jesus #pray #prayer #god #family #plannedparenthood

Angry people setting fire, breaking into and vandalizing pro-life pregnancy centers across the country.

The backlash and outcry against the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade has my heart devastated for humanity. Offering a perspective of peace that I invite you to join along with. #roevwade #prolife #catholic #antiabortion #jesus #pray #prayer #god #family #plannedparenthood

Calls to invade Catholic Masses this past Sunday on Mother’s Day, causing many churches to have employ armed guards at the door.

The backlash and outcry against the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade has my heart devastated for humanity. Offering a perspective of peace that I invite you to join along with. #roevwade #prolife #catholic #antiabortion #jesus #pray #prayer #god #family #plannedparenthood

People angrily taking to the streets in pro-abortion protests in major cities across the country.

The backlash and outcry against the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade has my heart devastated for humanity. Offering a perspective of peace that I invite you to join along with. #roevwade #prolife #catholic #antiabortion #jesus #pray #prayer #god #family #plannedparenthood

Indignant posts on social media from pro-abortion people, drawing a harsh “us” vs. “them” line in the sand, like this one from actress Minka Kelly, of Friday Night Lights fame.

The backlash and outcry against the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade has my heart devastated for humanity. Offering a perspective of peace that I invite you to join along with. #roevwade #prolife #catholic #antiabortion #jesus #pray #prayer #god #family #plannedparenthood

This all just seems really…dark.


There is evil afoot. And frankly, I don’t want to add any fuel to that raging fire of fury, even if it is in defense of the unborn.

But I do, instead, want to offer a bit of a different form of action.

I’m going to pray.

I’m going to pray for those pro-abortion people, that God may open their eyes to the truth, that they may see the evil of abortion at it’s face: the murder of innocent life — innocent children.

I’m not going to combat the pitiful argument that abortion is healthcare, or that it’s “my body, my choice,” or that “men shouldn’t write laws about women’s bodies” or that it’s about women’s privacy.

Though I would love to remind those arguers that we are, in fact, talking about two lives, here. And that the baby’s body is not the mother’s body….I’m going to instead pray for them. Pray that their hearts of stone be turned to hearts of flesh.

I’m going to pray that they be educated on the horrific procedures of abortion, in every gut wrenching nitty-gritty detail.

I’m going to pray for expectant mothers, scared and contemplating an abortion.

I’m going to pray for expectant fathers, that they stand up for their children, and invoke a voice of truth.

I’m going to pray for the doctors administering abortions, that they see the truth of their actions and come to repent for the ocean of innocent blood they’ve personally shed.

I’m going to pray for the employees at Planned Parenthood, that their hearts be moved with compassion and realization that these “fetuses” are children of God, as they count and reassemble the dismembered limbs, making sure that no rogue body part is left in the post-vacuumed womb.

I’m going to pray for those companies selling aborticant pills, that they see the evil and danger in administering a pill that causes a mother to have a miscarriage alone in the house into the toilet, which has resulted in over 4,000 serious effects for the mother, including 24 deaths.

I’m going to pray for those mothers who have had abortions, and are grieving, after coming to the grave realizations of their “choice.”

I’m going to pray for the 125,000 children who are aborted every single day, and pray that they be comforted in Heaven in the arms of Jesus, their loving Savior.

I’m going to take the sadness in my heart, that there are so many people who are up in arms fighting FOR the ability to murder children, and I’m going to turn that deep devastation into devotion to the Divine Mercy of Jesus.

May His mercy flood this land, and wash over the hearts of all, revealing His truth that we are created and loved by God, that every hair on our head was known and numbered in the womb.

And I’m going to take the soul disappointment I have in humanity, and turn it into action: going to Planned Parenthood, and silently praying outside: standing vigil as they perform abortions on Saturday afternoons, and praying for those innocent lives as they transcend into Heaven.

In order to pray for compassion in the hearts of pro-choice people, I must first act with compassion towards them, myself.

Anger and fury gets us nowhere.

I will not contribute to the toxicity afoot in this country. The enemy is having a field day with it, and I want no part, adding fuel to their fire.

The backlash and outcry against the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade has my heart devastated for humanity. Offering a perspective of peace that I invite you to join along with. #roevwade #prolife #catholic #antiabortion #jesus #pray #prayer #god #family #plannedparenthood

I would like you to join me in praying for the change of hearts, the realization of truth, the birth of compassion, and the end to abortion as we know it.

Come, Lord Jesus, hear our prayers.


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75 responses to “Roe and Woe”

    • Thank you John. There is power in prayer, that’s for sure! Hugs and love xox

  1. Amen, Caralyn. Abortion is evil, and I will never understand why or how women who are to nurture life, want to kill an unborn child. Incredibly selfish. Evil, pure evil and you are so right in stating that the evil one is having a field day with the battles. You are a great woman for our Lord! 🙏🏻✝️❤️

  2. I have been and am praying with you for the heart of Americans. Only the Holy Spirit can change our nation, to turn away from this awful holocaust of the unborn. Having seen the heartbeat of my beautiful daughter at only six weeks in the womb, I can attest that life begins at conception. Bless you for your prayers and your efforts to reach out to hurting women with the love of Christ.

    • Thank you for joining me in prayer! i truly believe in the power of prayer! amen to that. Oh my gosh, wow!! That must have been an incredible experience. Hugs and love xox

  3. Beautiful, my article comes out tomorrow on this very subject. I agree with everything you said. Hod help us all.

    • You’re right about that, Sandy. THanks for joining me in prayer! Hugs and love xox

  4. Very well said, C. I join you in praying. May God have mercy on us all and may He finally rid us of this holocaust of the unborn. 🤗🙏

    • Thank you Kenneth for joining me in prayer. I truly believe in the power of prayers, and in God’s infinite mercy. Amen. Hugs and love xox

  5. So cute that way you dodge the usual arguments as pitiful and those who make them evil. But while you pray for them to know more about the evils of abortion, you should also educate yourself about what the world was like for women before abortion was legalized.

    Of course, it’s only poor women who can’t get a safe abortion, another punishment for not being you. It’s estimated that 22,800 women die from unsafe abortions each year, a number likely to rise, so pray for these women who will opt for an unsafe abortion because they can’t afford a safe one. Making abortion illegal doesn’t stop abortions, it just drives them underground. The Bourgeoisie will never have a problem getting an abortion.

    Let’s look at the value of life as seen by most pro-lifers. Save the fetus, execute the prisoner, go to war. The Germans had the Lebensborn program even as they rid the world of the unfit and the Untermensch. Planned Parenthood was founded as a eugenics program to improve the white race.

    If you look at the states primed to make abortion illegal, it’s a conglomerate of once slave states, poor states, Jim Crow states, militia states, and states last in health care, education, etc. So pray for them too.

    While you’re praying, remember the Catholic priest who got one of his girlfriends pregnant, killed her, and cut the infant out of her so he could administer the last rites to the dead baby. (true story)

    • Steven, we will face these children and the God who formed them in their mothers’ wombs. We will face this tragedy

      Does the mortal sin of one man ever actually justify the mortal sin of any other?

    • Thank you Deborah for joining me in prayer. Amen to that. Hugs and love xox

    • Thank you Dan for your kind words. Amen to that – there is power in prayer! Hugs and love xox

  6. Yes. Good point.

    I think what blows my mind the most about all this is that those who call themselves Christians aren’t united in their condemnation of abortion. I don’t normally speak up on things like this, because I usually just end up adding fuel to the fire, but maybe I should, in certain circumstances…

    • I agree with you, Greg. It is frankly unthinkable. I appreciate you sharing your heart on this sad topic. Hugs and love xox

  7. I am joining you in prayer. God bless every unborn and born life, and you as well. Thank you for a post that has the love of Christ in it.

    • Thank you Wallie for joining me in prayer. I truly believe there is power in prayer! Hugs and love xox

  8. I was waiting to see your take on this topic. It’s been a dumpster fire in the Twitter realm and it’s hard not to get sucked into all of the fighting and drama. I too am #ProLife and feel like we have the unpopular opinion, which is really sad.

    Yenno, this past week I started going outside more often because the weather has warmed up a bit. I started going on walks to think and clear my head. I have a special spot called my “praying bench,” I am not kidding.

    • Hi Hilary. Thank you for your kind words – you’re right…I’ve been staying off of social media recently for that very reason. It really is sad, indeed. Aw, that’s so great! I know – time outside is so good for the soul. in fact, I’m about to head out on my daily walk too. the sunshine is calling me!! Hugs and love xox

  9. Caralynn. I was once pro-choice. When we adopted my son, the disconnect in the pro-choice argument became too much. Eventually I found my way to Holy Mother Church. I think the pro-abortion crowd protests so vociferously to drown out the still small voices of their own consciences. I could write for hours about what the world is like when we humans choose to deny God, but the news pictures from this weekend prove my point.

    • Wow, David, thank you so much for sharing this powerful story. You’re right – when we deny God, we are inviting the enemy into our dwelling place. I pray so hard for all those doing just that. Hugs and love xox

  10. Thank you so much for this post. I’ve felt alone in this subject as well and not knowing what to do. Pray is the right answer and I’m happy to say I stand with you on prayer for all people related to the abortion industry and all of the lives taken by it. So devastating. I am heartbroken by the evil that is going on in our country. May God continue to bless you with your inspiration and helping others through your blog.

    • Thanks Julie, for sharing your heart on this. Yes! I appreciate you joining me in prayer. i truly believe in the power of prayer. Hugs and love xox

  11. I wholeheartedly support your position. Many years ago, I was discussing this subject with a co-worker. We bounced back and forth from murder to a woman’s right to choose. Then, He said to me, “Joe, I don’t want you to think I am for abortion.” He pulls a piece of paper from his wallet and reads a poem; while holding back the tears; he wrote the day he found out his girlfriend aborted his son. Then I held back the tears. Some people are perplexed and don’t even know how to think through this horrendous subject of murdering their children. People are driven mad with a lust for power, particularly in high places, and they don’t care who they hurt, and some enjoy it. In our prays, we should as for the misguided to wake up to the enemy of their souls.

    • Thank you Joe, for this powerful response. wow. my gosh, my heart goes out to your coworker, that is just heartbreaking. amen to that. there is power in prayer. Hugs and love xox

      • Pray for our country and the world. Pray for our lives. Because evil is surrounded us. We are reliving the same moments Noah, the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, Rome, whatever you want to call it we are physically seeing good and evil battling.

        Having to fight to protect the unborn is among the many things we’re having to fight for. We’re having to fight everything God has given us because the devil is trying to take all that’s good away from us.

  12. The GREAT I AM ( GOD ) and HIS SON Jesus-Yeshua Christ are PRO-LIFE!!

    Shalom Aleichem and Mazel Tov Everyone!! 💕

    I Love 💕 you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because 💕 HE LOVED EVERYONE FIRST 💕 !! Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ for Today and Everyday!!


    Love 💕 Always and Shalom, YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

  13. Talk about timing! I too have resisted writing about the current SCOTUS flap. Yesterday I drafted something and published it this morning before coming to your site where I see you finally had to say something too. I referenced several articles I’ve written in the past showing how fetuses really are people, how aborted babies have survived, and one “trick baby” whose prostitute mother did not abort him. The last became a presidential advisor among other accomplishments. If you get a chance, see I hope you find it useful.

  14. Your heart has been captured by the Heart of the Father, who told us through Jesus “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:44
    And Paul reiterated it to the Corinthians: “When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; when slandered, we entreat.”
    When have pro-lifers threatened people or destroyed abortion centers? Never. Because they are mostly motivated by love for the unborn, not hatred. The pro-abortionist are motivated only by selfish desire to enjoy sex without consequences, and many of them do not even know what motivated them. They are deceived by the ‘gods of this world,’ and NEED our love and prayers.
    ❤️&🙏 for you and your fiancé, also, c.a.

  15. You know i disagree with you.

    With every public decision there are unintended consequences and collateral damage. In one case, we have a women who was unfortunate enough to suffer a miscarriage and who was subsequently charged with and convicted of murder for the said miscarriage, with no evidence that she wanted the miscarriage to happen. We also had the case of a town in Georgia that equipped patrol cars with listening devices so they could hear what was going on in people’s bedrooms and issue citations and make arrests as appropriate.

    Judge Alito mentioned that there was no right to abortion in the Constitution. True, but there is no mention of women at all in the document, by which we can infer that women have no rights except for the amendment assuring them of the right to vote. There is also no right to privacy in the Constitution, or right to health care. There is also no right for Churches to be free of property taxes in the Constitution or for a minister’s salaries to be untaxed. For that matter, you could uphold freedom of religion while burning all the churches and turning the land over to commercial development.

    In a strict constructionist world, if we allow government to go where it shouldn’t, we could easily destroy everything of human value in this society. We could eliminate almost all government programs until only the very rich can afford to live and everyone else is reduced to virtual slavery. Actually, the winners will be the technocrats like Musk and Bezos, whom I think it is fair to guess are atheists. The losers will be everyone else.

    We would have a technology-based dictatorship in which “freedom” has no meaning. We may very well get that.

    In this fight that you’re inviting. Be very careful what you ask for, as often, what you get is something you don’t want.

    • So who or what are you afraid of? Population control is something powerful people like more, because it gives them access to more resources.
      I doubt birthing babies is going to give more power to the powerful.
      There have been many women who had abortions against their will. So their will always be extremes on either side. But that can be adjusted.
      I think it’s the companies producing home abortion kits that need to be sanctioned.
      Like she said, this issue is something to pray about.
      That people have more compassion.
      What could be the problem or danger with compassion?

  16. Interestingly most miss the point of strong moral guidance. Christians are required to respect the standards of our Creator. Physical Intimacy is restricted to marriage, the idea of having a family outside the marriage is rarely mentioned.

    Unplanned and unwanted pregnancy can be a product of low esteem, a lack of self control and the desire to satisfy an urge without reflecting on the responsibility because there is an option of Abortion. Remove God and the principles of the bible from our life and we then have to realise we are going to damage, hurt or outrage others.

    Millions campaign for independence, but in the words of Hebrew leader “as for me and my household we shall serve YAHWEH!

    So we remain silent, let governments pass laws that suit them but we have already decided that abortion, just like child sacrifice is abhorrent.

  17. Abortion is merely an inversion of Christ’s words at the Last Supper, “Here is my Body, broken for you.” Instead, abortion says, “Here is your body, broken for me” therein lies the evil; it intrinsically denies God’s existence and sovereignty as Creator. I absolutely condemn the sin of murdering a helpless child in the womb, as well as the sins of pride, arrogance, selfishness, and disregard for life and personal responsibility. And I can do so with the full confidence that Christ changes hearts when they are confronted by the Truth, because He did that for me. He “called me out of darkness into his glorious light.” (1 Peter 2:9. Absolutely pray for the hearts and minds of these women, many of whom have based their position on past trauma. Christ redeems all things. Even unwanted pregnancies. Pray for them, plead for Jesus to reach their hearts with his redemptive love, mercy, and grace. And show these women grace, speaking the truth in love. “For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.” Ephesians 6:12. And point them toward life-giving resources; show them hope, love, mercy, and grace, because when they’re stuck in the mire, they don’t know and can’t see anything else.

  18. I just read a reply to a tweet where one person described “Killing babies is murder”. The reply said, “why should we force people to live with the consequences of their mistakes.”
    I was thinking. “OMG!!! Is this person serious?!”
    This was the very admission that abortion was never about women’s rights or giving victims of rape, etc. This was simply about an easy way out of responsibility.
    What the actress posted was really disgusting that she didn’t think that she was getting this innocent child to pay the ultimate sacrifice for her mistake and selfishness.
    To me that is the act of a coward. I don’t understand how someone can just sit by listening this selfishness and let it go on.

  19. Thank you for reminding us that prayer is more powerful than protest, though there certainly is a time to take a stand. Just as Jesus defended Mary the sister of Martha from her critics when she anointed Jesus’ feet so He continues to defend those who have no words. Blessings my sister. Be strong.

  20. I think Christians are realising that “for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
    Fervent prayers with fasting will do wonders.
    This is more than praying for the hearts of pro-abortionists. It’s praying against the evil spirits behind child sacrifice.
    We need to pray that the Holy Ghost collides with the stronghold of abortion, that its secrets are exposed and its stronghold is destroyed.

  21. My nephew is adopted. I am so thankful for him and for his birth-mom who did not decide that murdering an innocent child would be the best resolution to her unwanted, teen pregnancy.

  22. Brava! Only 73 other comments…I would have expected more, based on my observations of your past posts on more polarizing topics like this. So, I’m actually a little disappointed.
    Well, back to my opening praise is why. This is how people of faith should behave when engaging with the secular world: pray about it. Heck, post a blog about it or engage willing participants in hopefully thought provoking talk. But don’t lobby politicians for help or vote strictly based on whether someone promises to put conservatives into positions of power – because we all know that if you’re going to vote on a single issue, the issue should be “Is the person qualified to hold this office?” and not “What will they do to further my religious agenda?” At least until churches start paying taxes. Until then, pray away – it’s the appropriate course of action. Heck, if everyone who voted for Trump solely because he had them fooled into believing a reprehensible person like him was a person of faith and not because he appealed (lied) to them like suckers by promising he was pious – and more importantly, that he’d stack the court with conservative judges to do exactly what is happening right now – had stayed home and prayed that the most qualified person to hold the office of President would win the election instead of voting strictly for their faith-based interests, well…we wouldn’t be staring down the barrel at catapulting life in America back into the 1940s right now.
    So, I do commend you on your course of action. It’s closer to Christ-like than almost anything else you could do – and seriously, please no one try any Lazarus shenanigans outside of abortion clinics! – because as far as I remember, Jesus never tried to influence elections, politicians or lawmaking so I vehemently believe that his followers should stay out of that stuff, too.
    Have a great weekend!

    • Thank you Galby! This is such powerful insight. I truly appreciate it. There is power in prayer for sure! Hugs and love xox

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