The Silent Majority: Priest Edition

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I had something really special happen to me the other day that I just had to share about.

If there’s one group in society that my heart goes out to the most, it’s priests. It’s no secret – I’m Catholic. And frankly that’s a hard group to claim these days. Given the societal climate surrounding catholicism and all the horrible scandals that have come to light in the past year, I’d say the only thing more difficult than being a catholic in 2019, is being a snowman at the beach.

3:00…Rosary time

But it makes me so sad, because the vast vast majority of priests are good and holy men. Selfless men who have given their lives to the church, willing taking on a life of singleness and celibacy. Bearing the humiliation and judgement brought on by the horrendous actions of a small handful of evil men in their vocation.

But the truth is, they’re not all monsters. And, contrary to what the mainstream media will tell you – Catholic priests are not all predators and corrupt deviants. In fact, they’re incredible humans. But their stories — the silent majority — aren’t the headline grabbing tales that fit snuggly into the Left’s narrative they’ve so manipulatively crafted.

Allow me to set the scene here –

When I first moved to NYC, I can still remember my first mass. I was down in this beautiful parish with lots of young people. And there was this really hip priest. He was a former surfer – young guy. Not your typical “gray haired, Santa Claus- esq” man of the cloth.

I just remember sitting there, watching him preach from an iPad, and thinking to myself — 1) Wow, what a cool priest! and 2) I am *definitely* not in Ohio anymore!

But anyways, after a few months he was transferred to another parish, and I thought that was the end of the story.

Well – fast forward 8 years to this past January. If you recall, I went to the SEEK conference, presented by FOCUS ministries.

Well, there were literally thousands of priests there, in attendance. It was the coolest thing. And wouldn’t you know, but I bumped into that very same hip, surfer priest at a private cocktail party for the benefactors.

Photo: @focuscatholic IG

You would have thought I saw a rockstar, I was so excited.

I like, tapped my mom on the shoulder and said, “It’s the iPad priest from New York!” Because, of course I had told her about how terrific his homilies were, and how he made the energy in the parish come alive.

SO. I mustered all my courage, and struck up a conversation with Father! I bumbled on about how I always referred to him as the iPad surfer priest, and how grateful I was that when I first moved to the city, his parish made me feel so welcome, at home, and on fire for Christ.

And we continued talking for probably 20 minutes or so. Chatting about our mutual friends — the catholic circle is a small one! He shared what pilgrimages and ministries he has going. And in that time, I actually told him about my past with anorexia – and my blog. But it was a great conversation, and he really made me feel like I was doing meaningful work.

Anyways. Fast forward now, to just this past month.

I go home to visit my family, and my dad pulls me into his office, and says, “I have something for you.”

And he hands me a little package. A hand written card and a beautiful wooden rosary.

Hip iPad sufer priest had sent me a rosary that he got during his trip to the Holy Land, and he blessed it with water from the Jordan River.

I mean, wow. What an incredibly thoughtful and special gesture.

(So, if for some crazy reason you’re reading this – thank you Father.)

He was doing exactly what the Lord put him on this earth to do: be a father to his parish, and to share the Father’s love and goodness with those in his flock, whom he shepherds.

But I wanted to share this tonight, to just highlight all the wonderful priests there are, who are the silent majority, with their heads down, doing the Lord’s work.

The humility and generosity to remember just this random parishioner, and then send her such a blessing — it just goes to show — you never know the power of a simple act of kindness.

It goes a long way. A long way.

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In this world where everything is digital, and everything is so “throw away” and impersonal — a text message, an email, a “tag” on social media — nobody picks up the phone anymore. No body goes out of their way for any body else.

And you know what? That needs to change. If we all just made one small little gesture — a letter, a phone call, a small care package — imagine the difference that would make.

Because here’s the thing: it communicates that you care. It communicates to the recipient that they matter. And I’ll tell you what, in today’s society, that is a rare message. Too rare.

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So thank you to all the good and holy priests out there. Your work is not unnoticed.

“This is what the Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” Ez 37:5

Comes in other fun colors too!

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144 responses to “The Silent Majority: Priest Edition”

  1. Thanks for sharing. It’s sad that the good many do is masked by what’s been done by the worst of their group. Yet even some of the most jaded former-Catholics I know have priests they will forever hold in their hearts, and even as a Quaker I appreciate the tremendous contributions of the Roman Church. If I’ve learned anything in life, it’s go on a case-by-case basis with people, and sadly neither side of our political or cultural divides seem to want to do that.

    • Thanks so much. I think you’re so right – there are such good priests that deserve to be given a pat on the back!! 🙂 and thanks for sharing that. I’m grateful for your openheartedness! Hugs and love xox

  2. That’s an amazing string of events Caralyn! The Lord works in wonderful and mysterious ways to use a cliche’, but it’s true! Be well. ❤️🙏🏻😎

    • Thanks so much John! Yes! It really was such a beautiful expression of kindness. God bless that priest! Hugs and love xox

  3. I understand the feeling. It’s so wonderful and heartwarming to know that these pastors, meant to shepherd the flock, are giving so much of themselves to see the churches they shepherd grow closer to Jesus. PTL for these men!

    • PTL for those men indeed! Thank you so much for your kind words – yeah they literally give their entire lives. What a selfless gift. Hugs and love xox

    • Thank you so much – you’re right about that. Their stories deserve to be told and honored! Hugs and love xox

  4. Fr. Ken Mikulcik (mick-ul-chick) showed me the importance of being a selfless servant. I was in attendance at a funeral vigil service on an evening when I knew he was exhausted, and he had more to do after the service. Once he’d finished the liturgy, he worked through the crowd slowly, giving everyone the time and attention they needed at the moment, and all with a smile on his face. No one could tell how weary he was. He is the best example I’ve ever seen of a PRIEST, the way the vocation surely was meant to be. I honor him here– Mike

    • Oh wow that is so beautiful. What a gesture of selfless love and kindness. Thank you Mike for sharing his story. They deserve to be told and honored!! Hugs and love xox

  5. It’s very important always to pray for priests and Religious. A while ago I even got a chance to see if I could become a priest. I’ve always been involved with things like that

    • You’re so right about that, Larry. They need our prayers. And oh wow thats so incredible! I’ll be praying for ya! Hugs and love xox

  6. I love that you were able to meet a priest that had an impact on you 8 years later, and have a conversation with him. It’s so very true that we honestly don’t know the impact a small kindness can have on another person. One of our priests lightly touched on the subject of how challenging being a priest in today’s society can be, in a homily a few months ago. I think that we sometimes forget that they are ordinary men, facing the same struggles we do, except multiplied due to the fact that they are a more public face of Catholicism. They certainly deserve our prayers!

    • Thank you so much Debora! It’s so true – such a blessing!! Oh wow sounds like a powerful homily. You’re right – ordinary men. Prayers for sure! Hugs and love xox

  7. There have always been good priests that care about people and I’m glad you were blessed by this cool man of God.
    But I really don’t think the mainstream media is out to get people, even priests. Sometimes the way you use the word “left” makes them sound like the enemy. They are not the enemy. The enemy is the enemy. And he works through sin.
    And that I think is what the media is after – the sin and hypocrisy. You have said very clearly that this issue has gone on for too long. The mainstream media simply agrees with you.

  8. Spring 2017, I started attending young adult events and was tentatively acknowledging that i was ready to convert. I had been emailing my local priest, and he invited me to get a beer with him at the local Theology on Tap. That conversation proved that 1- Catholics take their faith seriously 2- that Priests are intensely smart men and 3- the only obstacle to communion with God was me. It was a highly influential experience and helped clear the path yo my conversion. God Bless you, Fr. D! What an important vocation; what a great reminder that these men are our spiritual fathers. Thank you!

    • I love Theology on Tap!! Oh wow I’m so glad you had that experience. How absolutely wonderful!! Thanks Scoot for sharing that. Hugs and love xox

  9. Thanks for sharing! It’s hard to be a minister in any denomination. I have the utmost respect for anyone God has called into the ministry. They get flak from outside and inside and everyone has an opinion on what they “should” be doing or saying.

    Thankfully, we also have Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
    Have a great weekend.

    • You’re so right about that. Giving your life in the service of God is so deserving of honor!!! Hugs and love xox

  10. I’m Anglican (Episcopalian to you) and it is a bit easier for Anglican priests. They can marry and learn human love from a loving spouse and from their children. God is love and love is all you need.God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” Ephesians 4:2: “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” 1 Peter 4:8: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” Rabbis are expected to marry. Christ loved Mary Magdalene and urge us to love.

    • Hi friend! Thank you for sharing that. Yes! God is love! That is so important to remember and to try to live out 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  11. Thank you for sharing this, Cara. What a great story and the gift was so sweet and such a blessing I’m sure.
    I’ve always held fast to this; predators go where their prey is which means, are priests becoming predators (maybe some but most likely) predators become priests so that they can have access to children. They also become school teachers, doctors, etc. Having been a Protestant and now an Orthodox Christian with a parish priest, I can see a huge difference between a Protestant pastor and a priest. The accountability level is so much greater. My mother’s former pastor would not even minister to people. He fobbed it off on the elders. He just showed up and gave the sermon. Lives in another city about 40 miles away. Our priest is such a gem. He has an elegance of phrase I seriously lack.
    BTW someone on an art forum I follow introduced me to the Mary, Untier of Knots prayer. So wonderful! Love the shot of you praying the rosary. God bless- and pray for your husband!

    • Hi Melissa, I’m so sorry that your mom has that experience with her pastor. You’re right – good priests and pastors are true gems, and their stories deserve to be told. I’ll definitely look into Mary, Untier of Knots! Sounds intriguing! Hugs and love xox

  12. I read many of your posts and have to say I do enjoy them but you weigh on my heart at times. You follow Catholicism and I do understand you were raised in it but I Also know you have liked my posts speaking about all the heretical unbiblical practices and teachings your religion up holds, unless you just follow bloggers and like posts without really reading or considering what they post. It is confusing, but more importantly it seems you are seeking or at least open to truth. So allow me to ask you in light of this post where you specifically mention priests being celibate, how does that religious custom fit when God specifically tells Timothy and all after him through Paul to beware of those teaching such things. See:
    1 Timothy 4:1-5 KJV — “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”

    I am not trying to be hateful or hate on Catholicism, I love Catholics just as God does and as Christ died for them I want to see all come to be saved by trusting the Gospel of God’s grace alone for their Salvation. Not their works of baptism, communion, mass, confession, indulgences, etc. to get them to heaven because they wont. They can’t. Christ already did all that needed to be done to make all who believe in His death to pay for sins, burial to remove them forever, and resurrection for our justification saved, sealed saints in the body of Christ. It is a gift of God and not of works. We don’t deserve it, can never earn it, all we can do is accept and believe that Christ did it all.

    Please consider these truths straight from God’s holy word and see how it fits with what those priests who reject God’s warning have taught you. If you have questions or would like to discuss it then please do not hesitate to contact me either here or on Facebook under Grace and Peace

    1 Timothy 4:1-4 KJV — “Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”

    Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV — “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

    Ephesians 1:13 KJV — “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,”

  13. I love that you pray the rosary! Very attractive 🙂 and I love your writing…”Only thing harder is being a snowman in the desert.” 🤣🤣🤣

  14. Dear Beautybeyondbones,

    You mentioned, “In this world where everything is digital, and everything is so “throw away” and impersonal — a text message, an email, a “tag” on social media — nobody picks up the phone anymore. No body goes out of their way for any body else. And you know what? That needs to change. If we all just made one small little gesture — a letter, a phone call, a small care package — imagine the difference that would make.”

    I appreciated that thought, much along the same lines of some things that have come to my attention. I have not been much of a greeting card sender, ever, but have been taking small steps to get into a habit of it because it has begun to make a difference in my life that people have done that. Keep on writing.

    At this time I’m in the “done” category when it comes to institutionalized religion. Still deeply Christian and considering options, so your posts are appreciated. I subscribe to your Facebook page too, and just wanted to mention that I prayed for you and literally balled my eyes out the way that pro choice woman went after you when you wrote about that the other day.

    And all we can do is pray for such people due to the deep darkness in which they’re imprisoned, that they may be set free from the father of lies. Stand tall and keep on writing. You’re saying what needs to be said in so many ways, and I know there are folks picking up what you’re laying down.

    Christ peace to you,


    PS: If I knew where to send it, I’d send you a greeting card. Big huggzz.

    • Thanks so much for sharing your heart. I’m glad my posts resonate with you. And you’re right – there is power in prayer! And gosh you’re so sweet about the card! 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  15. What a great story about personal touches! You never know how far the ripples of a small act will reach! That’s why I bought a pack of small note cards some time ago. When someone crosses my mind, I’ll handwrite a short note on of these cards and mail it off. I used to mail letters all the time, but now electronic communication has just become too easy.

    Yes! A few bad apples indeed can spoil the whole barrel. Priests and pastors are people who can go astray. I’ve known people who entered the ministry who never should have, but the good ones far outweigh the bad.

    • Thanks Jeff! You’re so right -ripples for sure! That’s awesome – snail mail is the best! Amen – they FAR outweigh the bad! Hope you’re having a great evening! Hugs and love xox

  16. As an ordained pastor, with priestly responsibilities, it warms my heart that this colleague’s efforts to show you care and grace mean so much to you. Peace!

    • Thank you so much Darrow. Care and grace for sure!! And thank you for the work you’re doing for the Lord! Hugs and love xox

    • Oh my gosh Scott, you’re too kind! Haha thanks so much for taking the time to read it! Hope you have an awesome weekend! Hugs and love xox

  17. Hello BBB,

    Guess what? One of my sisters is a devout Catholic. I have no qualms with being Catholic. From speaking to her, and from reading your blog, one thing is evident, there is a pull to being Catholic. Like, you and my sister, love being Catholic. What’s wrong with that? Nothing. I just wanted to mention one thing, if at anytime we find ourselves holding on tighter to what identifies us as Catholic, or Baptist, or Methodist, than onto what identifies us a Christian believers, well.. In that case we want to consider why? I don’t want to be religious. I’m not trying to convince anyone not to be Catholic. I am sharing a message of being cautious of transitioning into a religious believer, because it happens so easily… And there is no power in that.
    About your piece, I’m glad you wrote about Pastors. The masses are so quick to judge and point their fingers and ask ‘How could that Pastor do such a reprehensible thing??!!! Such evil men, sort of thing’ yadda yadda yadda.

    If they want to know the answer to that question, let them go try and be a Pastor and they will quickly find out how. And they won’t be bumping their gums anymore, they’ll be on their knees praying to God Jesus for help.
    Try walking in their shoes before you criticize our Pastors, or any Church leader.
    Have a blessed day BBB

    • Hey friend! Thank you so much for sharing that. You’re right – we are ALL one family in Christ. Because amen – that’s what it’s all about – being followers and lovers of Jesus. Amen to that – and that’s a good lesson for anyone we come across in life! To walk a mile (or two!) Hugs and love xox

  18. All of them were good guys until they were caught. These days we just can’t be too careful. I grew up in a town that had two serial killers. Ted Bundy in my home town and Gary ridgeway in the next town over. Both dumped bodies of girls I knew within a mile or two of our rural home. Nobody knew.
    That being said, I tend to be too trusting and give everyone the benefit of the doubt. In the spirit of your post, it is good to see the good in people. I do like that.

    • Thank you so much Jim, gosh that is so scary. Wow. You’re right – can’t be too careful. I’m with you – i tend to give people the beefit of the doubt. glad you stopped by! big hugs xo

  19. Great sharing about adorable priests. I am a Catholic and there are some priests who are so passionate on their vocation. They made a great impact on the lives of many. And I thank God for them. Thank you for sharing! God bless!

    • Thank you so much! You’re right – those priests are priceless and are such great ambassadors for Christ! hugs xo

  20. I admire much of what you say in your blogs – you have a great deal of courage! Then, there comes a jolt of discomfort when I come up against signs of the complete difference in our perspective on the world. This time. It is the ‘manipulative narrative’ of the left.This remark added nothing to your message and just seemed an outburst of the tribalism that is today’s politics. Everyone has their manipulative narrative, even you! The phrase ‘horrendous actions of a few evil men’ is part of a different manipulative narrative, contributing to the exclusion of troubled people from understanding, or in your terms from God’s forgiveness, and locating the destructive expression of lust as purely an individual sin rather than behaviour that takes place in an institutional context. The term ‘pro-life’ is equally manipulative. I too am pro-life – I am pro the lives that are destroyed by poverty and inequality – the difference in life expectancy between rich and poor in our wealthy countries is an awful scandalous denial of the value of life. I am pro the life that is destroyed by climate change. I am pro the lives of victims of the trade in weapons. But it seems, if I differ from you over the issue of abortion, according to the narrative you employ, I am no longer ‘pro life’. The plight of the Church in the face of sexual abuse is a sad one but it derives not just from the behaviour of a few ‘evil men’ but from a failure to get to grips with the nature of destructiveness. The church is not alone in this – in the UK we are having a series of horrible revelations about the abuse of the elderly and disabled in care homes and the narrative equally lurches to the ‘few evil men’ or ‘monsters’ approach. Much easier than facing up to the true cost of providing safe residential care when we would have to take responsibility for getting care on the cheap at the expense of under-funded, poorly supported care staff. You won’t find much evidence of this narrative in the public debate for all your imagined dominance of a ‘liberal agenda’.

    • Thank you Caralyn, very interesting and timely piece you wrote here in my eyes. I want to speak to you wordwool and all others who care to listen to my perspective.

      You’re dead wrong and trying to soft sell Abortion and that the Left has no agenda which they most assuredly do, which is to promote radical and liberal things and squelch conservative traditional values and living. In many cases so they can be victorious in telling the world that they can do as they please even if it doesn’t fit into the conformity of thousands of years of civilized behavior or modus operandi and accepted culture that is not only based on religious context but on common sense in your face reality! This is something the fallen angels did when they transgressed God putting them above God! All this gender bending and saying be what you want to be is straight from hell and most sane truly honest people know that. You are born male or female and that is it, and sure there are rare aberrations but that is an extreme minuscule number of humans out of the billions that have walked this planet. The radical left would want the status-quo to be the minuscule minority that should be leading the way for all human standards and behavior or a justification to bend reality and say that it is fine to change what sex you are! Poppycock and stupidity have been allowed to take the driver’s seat because of very wrong and bad court decisions having been made over the years and a cultural shift was allowed to exacerbate becoming what we have now a diametrically opposed confrontation in world populations that’s grown into a feud of unrelenting attacks upon each other or the opposition! This should never have been allowed to happen but it did and I say because too many humans have put themselves above God and what life is and should be; ”radical thinking gone amuck,” just what the evil one wants us to be doing, killing innocent babies and wanting to do the same to each other.

      Infamous abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell had no problem with abortion just like Joe Biden a professed Catholic said he has no problem with same sex marriage during Obama’s 2nd Presidential campaign! Many of Gosnell’s patients were “given anesthesia by untrained assistants; patient’s died on the operating table from an anesthesia overdose; abortions were performed on babies older than 24 weeks; and some babies were delivered alive, after which Dr. Gosnell cut their spinal cord with scissors.”
      This by a doctor who did take an oath to “do no harm” obviously did every day and each time he terminated a pregnancy and that is the “heart of the matter” when life is life, and who if anyone can take a life and for what reason. In war we must do or die its kill or be killed and sadly the human race hasn’t found a way to prevent such war killing or major out of control disputes with each other! Now we have this “abortion war” that was allowed to grow to a point of having a global impact creating industrialized wholesale abortion and most of which would not be happening if humans found a way to behave in a proper responsible manner; to leave sexual relations to a devout love relationship and procreation between couples in order to produce a family and wanting to have a child together. In other words living morally, not like pigs or self-indulgent lustful flesh beings which pop culture and the like are promoting!

      Similarly we might say that priests are working directly for God Almighty and take vows of obedience to Him and when ordained as a priest they must stay above sin or reproach which is a tall order and big boots to fill! Caralyn is seeing that objective clearly and understands the great commitment these men have made and how much they have to love God our Creator to do such a thing, and they surely deserve respect and appreciation for doing so, just like any great doctor who fulfills his duty to do no harm and works every day to save life, any life, even that of a criminal shot in a gang war or any other man-made sinful behavior! We are all wreaking with sin inherently just by virtue of being human and imperfect beings at this stage of existence! God promised there is much more to come beyond this life and will give us that gift of Eternal Life if we will follow some simple requests of Him! Of course some will fail big time in this life and that is sad, and even priests fail at times or ministers, soccer coaches and gymnastic teachers or any other group where there is always going to be opportunity for sin and failing to enter the equation. Instead of all people now recognizing the fact that we are in such an important battle of Good vs. Evil and calming the turmoil while we peacefully face the facts and reality as to what has gone wrong and what is continuing to run us off the precipice; we instead as an imperfect planet of humans seem to be more interested in perpetuating the clamor and fight to win out or beat the opposition, over really fixing and curing disease that riddles us.

      Caralyn graciously pointed out a great good that took place, a pure example of humility and love that Jesus Christ expressed to all of us and how that is what all of us should strive to do each and every day, the “oath of the living” should always be to do that, and we’re obligated to try OUR BEST; if we fail, God will understand but we MUST try our best, not be fakers and liars! That is called true FORGIVENESS! We must all forgive each other and show that we will try our best to do that in all situations, but that is another tall order, nonetheless we must try; or will we be deserving and given forgiveness when it will really count standing before our maker? No; we will not and God has made that clear through His example as Jesus Christ who took all the sins and filth of this world that any and all humans have or will commit and took that unbelievable burden upon his own spirit to suffer its “full consequence,” an act mind you that obviously only God could perform; and all because He loves us more than we can imagine; allowing us all an opportunity to be FORGIVEN outright for any sin, and enter the Kingdom of God as pristine as the driven snow, His Heavenly Paradise for Eternity if we will hold up our end of this most precious “Everlasting Covenant “with Humanity! We must try very hard and with his grace and Holy Spirit the Comforter that we can depend on, this burden and difficult task can be made easier to carry as our own personal cross in our personal relationship with Him; but we must carry that cross or we will never succeed.

      I hope anyone reading my worlds will be inspired by God as I am to find Him in their hearts and act upon His will to do the right thing, be strong in his overpowering Love for you and submit to Him, He will never let you down! I did go to the Ascension Mass last night and when I got home I found the email notice about Caralyn’s new Blog Post and I was drawn to the fact that she does the Rosary which is a practice I wrote about recently for Easter and also that her rosary is made with wooden beads. I have the same type of rosary which I wore around my neck last night in Mass, and this rosary was given to me by a special good servant woman of God, who was in a hermitage for many years serving the God there and of course helping the nuns there. She had thought of becoming a nun herself but eventually her path was shown to her and it was to do as she did. She got this rosary at Medugorje which was blessed with Holy water there. She had gone there for a healing and when she got back home her illness got worse in time. She remained faithful and continued doing her rosary each day then when rushed to the hospital she had her rosary with her and died on the operating table. But she was revived and was shortly after cured miraculously. Around this time I had just been through a horrible chemical inhalation injury and was trying to deal with the difficulties of fighting the damage and illness that was caused by that injury along with having to finally fire a lawyer and take charge of my own workers compensation case in the court system. I used to see this lady in church many times and one Sunday she had told me all about her history with the nuns and then her illness. It turned out that I too had the same endocrine illness when I was very young and was eventually cured not by doctors but by God I believe, because just as mysteriously did I become afflicted with this disease I got well again, because I was tested and God wanted me to move on from that difficulty to the many more that were coming my way up the road; and all to serve Him and His will for me just like all of you. Again, on another Sunday I was in church and this nice lady came over to me after the mass and said here this is for you my dear friend, and placed her “precious rosary in my hands.” I’m crying now telling you all this, because I try to keep most of my problems and pains to myself but this was one issue where I felt I need to forget myself and give it all to the Glory of God and thus to all of you out there to hopefully make a difference for any of you who will see the light of God and follow Him. I do it out of love for God; I want no pat on the back, nothing.

      Understand please; it takes a lot to open up to virtual strangers for me about such personal things that are so deep in my heart and soul. That was the rosary I had with me in mass last evening, and I had it with me in court over an extended period while I fought my way through the legal system Pro Se, where eventually the judge at the closure of my case said I did as good a job if not better than any attorney could have. See with God you are going to make it; as He gives to us we must “mirror that kind of giving,” because, “that is the point Caralyn made here;” you have to understand and don’t be self-centered or weak in your sight.

      Look beyond yourself, far beyond; to where God has prepared a most unbelievable place for you to be with Him and all that is good forever. Amen
      Lawrence Morra

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I’m sorry that my phrasing offended you. You offer a powerful perspective – i need to watch my words too. thank you for bringing this to my attention. hugs and love xox

  21. Sadly, many times than not, we use because of a few bad eggs to throw the crate away. Thank God for the good ones who still upholds the office. God bless you for sharing

    • You’re so right about that. Thank God for those men indeed. So glad you stopped by! big hugs xox

  22. I once shared a house with a guy who went off to become a Catholic priest. I joked that tw5o years of sharing a house with me, he went off women completely, I even wrote to him in the Vatican for a while. Last I heard he did not complete his studies. I know it all sounds a bit Thornbirdy but …

    • Oh wow, what a story. Yeah discerning the priesthood is such a serious life decision. thanks for stopping by! hugs xox

  23. So true. Taking a few minutes to send a hand written note to someone can make a huge difference. There is something about reading a note scrawled by someone’s own hand that is more impactful.

  24. I loved your post about Catholic priests. I am a former Catholic myself. I left the church as a teen for reasons that are not important here. I am certain that what you say about the majority of priests being godly men is true. The ones I knew when I was a Catholic were wonderful men, as far as I could see. I feel that “religion” is not necessary and that we can be devoted to loving one another without it. The Father admonishes us to love one another and that is what I try to do in my life, and am very successful. Thank you for what you are doing to that end.

    • Thank you so much for sharing your story. Amen – it boils down to loving one another as Christ loved us! hugs xox

  25. The Catholic church is not the only one to face such… Have a look at the other church denominations and you’ll find the same depressing stories as well. It is even far more problematic when you find “men of God” believing wholeheartedly that they were acting on the will of creator. Yes.. that has been an excuse.
    A few months ago, one of my colleagues was arrested, here in Dubai, for visiting the palace saying that he was asked by God to marry the Princess of Dubai. Let’s just say that he was soon deported back to his home country.
    Being someone who is heavily known in my company for being a true Christian, I had to go to my management and say, “Listen, not all Christians are like this. This is not God. This was Demonic oppression.” Well I didn’t say “Demonic Oppression” but I did tell them that this was not normal and certainly not the way God works. God doesn’t tell you to do something without first opening a few doors.

    This is so typical of human nature. One wrong deed makes the world forget years of good. An entire group is demonized based on the acts of a demented few. Take the Muslim people for instance. In my homeland of Sri Lanka, we have idiots going around killing innocent Muslim members of their own community based on the recent attacks. “You grew up with this man and now you kill him because he’s a muslim?”… Sad, sick, and totally uncalled for.

    At a meeting yesterday, one of our managers was speaking about better understanding and serving our customers and he made a point that totally resonates with the message of this article – “Good News travels slowly; Bad News travels like fast. It takes years to develop trust and seconds to break it.”
    No truer words were ever spoken. For the many noble men of God, serving with the utmost diligence and determination, acknowledgment of their efforts are merely overshadowed by the wildfire of the shameful. By the time the world hears of a man of God, who selflessly fed an entire village with all that he had; they already hate him for being a Man of God in the first place.

    The only comfort we as children & servants of the most High God can take from this is found in the words of our Lord, “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

    In these days, the world will grow increasingly evil. It comes as no surprise, considering it is heavily influenced by the media; who mere moments ago would gladly set our vision alight with slogans about treating a tiny human life as a cancerous growth that needs to be eradicated.

    What do we do? Do we battle the world in heated debate? No.. We love. We react in the same way that Christ did moments before his crucifixion. Stay silent & love the same way, he loved a world that hated him. We shouldn’t allow what others think of us to stop us from doing good. Christ told us to take up our cross and follow him. That’s what we’re gonna have to do…

    • Thank you so much for this heartfelt reflection. you’re right – the beatitudes are so true – now more than ever! You’re right – we love. hugs xo

  26. I don’t think the mainstream media goes out of its way to make all priests look bad. The problem is many of them are bad and have done horrific things to little boys. Its talked about because people need to be aware of what’s going on in the Catholic church. That’s just a fact. I don’t think all priests are bad but I’m aware of what has happened. I don’t group them all together. I have noticed that from time to time you group “left wing” people together 😢😢 We’re not all the same. I love that you still stick with your church when alot of others have turned their backs on it. Thanks for sharing your story and your thoughts. It would be nice to be a little more open minded to people that don’t share your same beliefs. Just a thought. All the same I do enjoy your blogs and getting a glimpse inside of your mind, your world 🌻🌻

    • Hi Lane, thank you so much for sharing your heart on this. And I want to apologize for my choice of words, “left wing.” I think what I meant was not expressed eloquently. Because the “left” is full of good, loving, wonderful people. I should choose my words more wisely, and I’m sorry for the hurt it caused you. Thank you again for taking the time to read, I do appreciate you!! 🙂 sending you the biggest hugs xox

  27. Young lady, you know that the Lord has control on what happens in our lives. You were on the path to see the IPod Surfer Priest often in your lifetime. You are truly blessed. I admire your commitment to your Faith and you keep on doing what you consider the right thing to do and you will finish the race with colours.

  28. I’m not Catholic, so I’m musing out loud here (and with little actual thought into the topic, if I’m honest). It would seem that a few problems could be solved if the Church let its priests marry.

    On your part, you seem to have had multiple run ins with a good one — obviously one who shares your more important values.

    There’s definitely a double standard. Christ’s organizations are under far more scrutiny, and spiritual attack. The media will gladly hide the same acts by its own while convenient (Jimmy Savile and the BBC come to mind); but Catholic priests get all the headlines.

    • Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this! Yeah you’re right – the church is an easy target. There’s a lot that needs repair in the church, but throwing all the priests under the bus just makes me so sad. Hugs and love xox

  29. “I am praying fervently for you, that God may invade all the powers of your soul, that He may make you live in communion with His whole Mystery,that everything in you may be divine and marked with His seal, so that you may be another Christ working for the glory of the Father!” Elizabeth of the Trinity, letter to a priest, June 22, 1902.

    • Oh wow that is just so beautiful. Amen. Thanks for sharing that. Hugs and love xox

  30. Thank you Caralyn, very interesting and timely piece you wrote here in my eyes. I want to speak to you and to what wordwool said in particular. I think your great point was looked at in a negative way, so here is my perspective.

    Woodwool you’re dead wrong and trying to soft sell Abortion, diverting to how many elderly are mistreated which is true in many instances but your slant that the Left has no agenda which they most assuredly do; which is to promote radical and liberal things and squelch conservative traditional values and living that is diametrically opposed to them and what God said in Holy Scriptures, is clear to me. The two are plainly water and oil and cannot mix so the Left must tear down age old traditional values to merit its own survival so they do attack! In many cases so they can be victorious in telling the world that they can do as they please even if it doesn’t fit into the conformity of thousands of years of civilized behavior or modus operandi and accepted culture that is not only based on religious context but on common sense in your face reality! This is something the fallen angels did when they transgressed God putting them above God! All this gender bending and saying be what you want to be is straight from hell and most sane truly honest people know that. You are born male or female and that is it, and sure there are rare aberrations but that is an extreme minuscule number of humans out of the billions that have walked this planet. The radical left would want the status-quo to be the minuscule minority that should be leading the way for all human standards and behavior or a justification to bend reality and say that it is fine to change what sex you are! Poppycock and stupidity have been allowed to take the driver’s seat because of very wrong and bad court decisions having been made over the years and a cultural shift was allowed to exacerbate becoming what we have now a diametrically opposed confrontation in world populations that’s grown into a feud of unrelenting attacks upon each other or the opposition! This should never have been allowed to happen but it did and I say because too many humans have put themselves above God and what life is and should be; “radical thinking gone amuck and out of control,” just what the evil one wants us to be doing, killing innocent babies and wanting to do the same to each other.

    Infamous abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell had no problem with abortion just like Joe Biden a professed Catholic said he has no problem with same sex marriage during Obama’s 2nd Presidential campaign! Many of Gosnell’s patients were “given anesthesia by untrained assistants; patient’s died on the operating table from an anesthesia overdose; abortions were performed on babies older than 24 weeks; and some babies were delivered alive, after which Dr. Gosnell cut their spinal cord with scissors.” All of these atrocities a byproduct of the loose left agenda and permissiveness in our societies to replace wholesome standards and belief in God and consequences with who cares and do whatever!
    This by a doctor who did take an oath to “do no harm” obviously did every day and each time he terminated a pregnancy and that is the “heart of the matter” when life is life, and who if anyone can take a life and for what reason. In war we must do or die its kill or be killed and sadly the human race hasn’t found a way to prevent such war killing or major out of control disputes with each other! Now we have this “abortion war” that was allowed to grow to a point of having a global impact creating industrialized wholesale abortion, most of which would not be happening if humans found a way and the inner strength to behave in a proper responsible manner; to leave sexual relations to a devout love relationship and procreation between couples in order to produce a family and wanting to have a child together. In other words living morally, not like pigs or self-indulgent lustful flesh beings which pop culture and the like are promoting!

    Similarly, we might say that priests are working directly for God Almighty and take vows of obedience to Him and when ordained as a priest they must stay above sin or reproach which is a tall order and big boots to fill! Caralyn you see that objective clearly and understand the great commitment these men have made and how much they have to love God our Creator to do such a thing, and they surely deserve respect and appreciation for doing so, just like any great doctor who fulfills his duty to “do no harm” and works every day to save life, any life, even that of a criminal shot in a gang war or any other man-made sinful behavior! We are all wreaking with sin inherently just by virtue of being human and imperfect beings at this stage of existence! God promised there is much more to come beyond this life and will give us that gift of Eternal Life if we will follow some simple requests of Him! Of course some will fail big time in this life and that is sad, but Free-Will must be available in order to be an individual and not a puppet; and even priests fail at times or ministers, soccer coaches and gymnastic teachers or those failed individuals in any other group where there is always going to be opportunity for sin and failing to enter the equation. Instead of all people now recognizing the fact that we are in such an important battle of Good vs. Evil and calming the turmoil while we peacefully face the facts and reality as to what has gone wrong and what is continuing to run us off the precipice; we instead as an imperfect planet of humans seem to be more interested in perpetuating the clamor and fight to win out or beat the opposition, over really fixing and curing disease that riddles us.

    Caralynn you graciously pointed out a great good that took place, a pure example of humility and love that Jesus Christ expressed to all of us and how that is what all of us should strive to do each and every day, the “oath of the living” should always be to do that, and we’re obligated to try OUR BEST; if we fail, God will understand but we MUST try our best, not be fakers and liars! That is called true FORGIVENESS! We must all forgive each other and show that we will try our best to do that in all situations, but that is another tall order, nonetheless we must try; or will we be deserving and given forgiveness when it will really count standing before our maker? No; we will not and God has made that clear through His example as Jesus Christ who took all the sins and filth of this world that any and all humans have or will commit and took that unbelievable burden upon his own spirit to suffer its “full consequence,” an act mind you that obviously only God could perform; and all because He loves us more than we can imagine; allowing us all an opportunity to be FORGIVEN outright for any sin, and enter the Kingdom of God as pristine as the driven snow, His Heavenly Paradise for Eternity if we will hold up our end of this most precious “Everlasting Covenant “with Humanity! We must try very hard and with his grace and Holy Spirit the Comforter that we can depend on, this burden and difficult task can be made easier to carry as our own personal cross in our personal relationship with Him; but we must carry that cross or we will never succeed.

    I hope anyone reading my words will be inspired by God as I am to find Him in their hearts and act upon His will to do the right thing, be humble and strong by his overpowering Love for you and submit to Him, He will never let you down! I did go to the Ascension Mass last night and when I got home I found the email notice about this new Blog Post and I was drawn to the fact that you do the Rosary which is a practice I wrote about recently for Easter and also that your rosary is made with wooden beads. I have the same type of rosary which I wore around my neck last night in Mass, and this rosary was given to me by a special good servant woman of God, who was in a hermitage for many years serving God there while of course helping the nuns. She had thought of becoming a nun herself but eventually her path was shown to her and it was to do as she did. She got this rosary at Medugorje which was blessed with Holy water there. She had gone there for a healing and when she got back home her illness got worse in time. She remained faithful and continued doing her rosary each day then when rushed to the hospital she had her rosary with her and died on the operating table. But she was revived and was shortly after cured miraculously. Around this time I had just been through a horrible industrial chemical inhalation injury and was trying to deal with the difficulties of fighting the damage and illness that was caused by that injury, along with having to finally fire my lawyer and take charge of my own workers compensation case in the court system. I used to see this lady in church many times and one Sunday she had told me all about her history with the nuns and then her illness. It turned out that I too had the same endocrine illness when I was very young and was eventually cured not by doctors but by God I believe, because just as mysteriously did I too become afflicted with this disease I got well again just as mysteriously, because I believe that I was tested and God wanted me to move on from that difficulty to the many more that were coming my way up the road; and all to serve Him and His will for me just like all of you should. Again, on another Sunday I was in church and this nice lady came over to me after the mass and said, “Here this is for you my dear friend,” and placed her “precious rosary in my hands.” I’m crying now telling you all this, because I try to keep most of my problems and pains to myself, but this was one issue where I felt I need to forget myself and give it all to the Glory of God and thus to all of you out there to hopefully make a difference for any of you who will see the light of God and follow Him. I do it out of love for God; I want no pat on the back, nothing.

    Understand please; it takes a lot to open up to virtual strangers for me about such personal things that are so deep in my heart and soul. That was the rosary I had with me in mass last evening, and I had it with me in court over an extended period while I fought my way through the legal system Pro Se, where eventually the judge at the closure of my case said I did as good a job if not better than any attorney could have. See with God you are going to make it; as He gives to us we must “mirror that kind of giving,” because, “that is the point I believe you made here;” that we have to understand and don’t be self-centered or weak in our sight.

    We must look beyond self, far beyond; to where God has prepared a most unbelievable place for us to be with Him and all that is good forever. Amen

    Lawrence Morra

    • Thanks so much Lawrence. And I appreciate your defense. The horrors of Gosnell make me absolutely sick. SICK. I wrote a blog post about that. Did you by chance see the movie about him? Wow – should be mandatory viewing. I appreciate your response. Amen – He will never let us down, and we must look far beyond self. Hugs and love xox

  31. Thank you for giving your support and prayers for the priests. Those who dedicate their lives to God are on the front line in the very real battle against evil. All men and women of God need support and prayers from the rest of us. I’m not a Catholic, but I am a solid supporter of your blog.

    • Thank you so much friend. I agree – the front line. They need our prayers. Hugs and love xox

  32. Good morning, Caralyn. I so appreciate your honesty always. In this post, you make some very good points, calling those of us to task who have begun to generalize what some priests have done to the rest. Unfortunately, in the state of PA, what continues to be uncovered is a multitude of men of cloth who violated a multitude of children and then kept a multitude of secrets. I pray right now for God to bless abundantly His faithful servant priests, and I ask in the name of Jesus He continue to shine light upon hidden sin, no matter where it is in the world. It is difficult to live in this world but not be of it. So yes! More kindness, more connection with people. I am so glad you talked with the IPAD priest at the conference. What we as people miss when we don’t connect 🙁

    • Thanks so much Julie!! Amen – I will join you in that super important prayer. Yeah! It was a great interaction 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  33. <> Caralyn, you share The Good News in a very special way. ED, and other addiction spirits, can’t stand against you when you speak in the name of Jesus. I think the hip surfer priest would say, “Rock on, Caralyn.”

    • Thank you so much Dan!! Haha aww you’re kind to say that. Rock on 💪🏻🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼

  34. Hi! I can’t keep my silence with your awesome post! Thank you very much. Just want to let you know how I really appreciate your posts and of course, recipes! So glad we never run out with young, wonderful souls, truly with beauty beyond bones. God bless you always!

    • Oh my goodness, thank you so much!! I have so much respect and gratitude for you strong men! Thank you for your service to God! Hugs and love xox

  35. Unfortunately, we are now living in a Culture of Death and Rampant Rebelliousness that Holy Scriptures foretold of this prescribed time to come! It’s here folks make no mistake, it is HERE! I know what I’m talking about! I hope you all wake up if you aren’t already! God Bless.

    • I think there just. Ohh thank be something to that!! Thanks for stopping by! Hugs and love xox

  36. You’re welcome Caralyn. If I can defend I do so out of love for God and what is right and good. So much needs to be defended and so much wrong is being done all around; that any and all true servants of God know when He wants them to act! You do realize that Gosnell is one of many because as we sit here typing our messages throughout the earth many such monsters are ripping human innocent babies to shreds or full term deliveries are being snuffed out like a flickering flame by the snipping of spinal cords or worse in some places. Because the sanctity of life was not protected and various people placed themselves above God, so they made it normal or an everyday occurrence to take innocent life with no qualms until we had what we see now industrialized abortion machines! A system to me not unlike what Hitler set up to wipe out his undesirables and those in the way of his EVIL plan! Now we have the so called Planned Parenthood which is a load and a crock, saying you decide when and what is best for your body! How about deciding that before you play around and not use sex as a tool or a drug to abuse like some cheap trick to turn whenever; and saying if conception occurs well you have this birth control tool called abortion! Where is the love in all that; I dare say someone that uses abortion to correct their own poor behavior was not expressing any love before that pregnancy because if they had been “they” would be having a child!!! What a sinister and sinful thing to do; to just treat the start of a new life and gift from God like some potato skins or just like clipping your toe nails, it’s done away with!

    No I have not seen the movie and because I resist it as to the fact I know how emotionally crazy it will make me feel, I will be out of my wits nearly seeing that monster depicted and the evil he was doing! Every Easter I watch the Passion of the Christ before going to Church. I weep like a child and feel so much pain and sorrow for what I have done to my God who loves me and now I even start to cry thinking about the babies and what is being done to them! My only strength and sanctity is our Lord Jesus Christ, He alone gave me life and will take my life as well as giving me the will to carry on for Him until my time comes!

    But, yes I agree, I should like any other adult see the movie to be more mindful of the harsh reality of what monstrosities are being carried out in our societies and we are all to some degree culpable, in that we have allowed this wound and scourge to fester and grow into the abomination it has; which I too wrote about in my titled ‘Abomination and Massacre of the Innocent’ a very short Blog post. I will have to read your post about this horrible man who became a creature of sin and hell.

    Absolutely right Caralyn, He will never let us down, even though our short little lives here must come to an end there is so much more and better for those who will be faithful unto the end in HIM! Love and Serve God, the Savior Jesus Christ who is awaiting our response to His question; “will you have faith in Me, will you believe in me with all your heart, if so I will take care of you now and forever and fill you with endless love, peace, happiness and joy!”

    I also say as long as people try their very best to do what I stated about God they have a great likelihood of going to heaven, because remember God’s Mercy is greater than His judgement!

    That is how I think of Him in my Life and I hope for others to see it and feel it too!

    God Bless!

    Lawrence Morra

    Caralyn if you need my defense or help however you look at it I will always try to do my best, and that goes for anyone that is trying to do the good work that needs to be done. I can only hope to rub off some good positive energy and value to others for them to go out in the world and roll up their sleeves in a manner of speaking and get to work!

  37. Thanks for sharing that great story of a godly man doing work for the Lord. My husband was a pastor of small churches where he worked so hard to minister to others with a very small salary and few, if any benefits. It always hurt me when I would hear people talk about the “mega” TV ministers getting rich as if all pastors were rich or were doing ministry just for the money.

    • Thank you so much Barbara for sharing your love story. Wow that is so awesome. Sounds like an awesome man. He’s got his head down doing the Lords work. God sees that 🙂 Hugs and love xox

  38. Those who enter the Ministry are really no different to the rest of us except for the fact God has placed His hands on them for a specialized ministry for Him. The Bible describes us all as part of a priesthood of believers. Some are ordained to be teachers and others ordained to other professions. So each of us is to represent the love of Christ to bring comfort and hope to others within a profession. Human beings are not perfect and a church is not a club for saints, it is a hospital for sinners. So its not surprising to find deviants in any one of these ministries which I’ve illustrated spans all professions. Fortunately society has not broken down to the point where the majority are deviant. So while I’m not Catholic, I totally agree we can’t generalize about Catholic Priests any more than we can generalize about any other grouping. There’s too much of that going on in our world today, specially in politics. 🙂

    • Thank you Ian for sharing your heart on this. You’re right – we’re all called to our different vocations. And amen to that. hugs xox

  39. Many priests and other christian leaders are being prejudged these days. I also thought it is just unfair. It is not only detrimental to their well being, but also ruins the entire church and ministry.

    By the way, I know this is just a little thing but I thought I’d let you know that I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award.

    It’s a tribute for the great content that you have in this website.

    You may read about it here:

    • Hi Tina, thank you so much for sharing your heart on this. You’re right – unfair indeed. I think you’re spot on. And wow! that’s so kind of you! thank you SO MUCH!! hugs xox

    • Thanks friend – i think you’re so right – they mean a whole lot! hugs xox

  40. I agree that a little kindness goes a long way. It’s a shame a few bad actors stain the entire ministry of so many. That’s why guarding our testimony by having integrity in how we live is so important. I think the lack of response and slow reaction by church leadership has compounded this sad, sickening moment in the Catholic Church. Excellent post Caralyn. Blessings.

    • I think you’re so right about that – they go a long long way. thanks for taking the time to read! hope you’re having a great week! hugs xox

  41. I can agree with you that the vast majority of priests are good men. My husband and I were also cradle Catholics with 28 years of Catholic education between us. However, I cannot give these good priests a pass for the misery that has been caused by bad priests and Catholic practitioners. It has been reported that, in many cases, the actions of these men was common knowledge. If this was common knowledge, where were the good priests? Decisions were made to cover the bad behavior because it was more important to maintain the wealth and power of the Catholic Church than to protect children. In this time of changing attitudes about gay men and women throughout the world, hip priests seek out gay men like me to join their congregations to show how cool they are. I’ve fallen for that trap before. A new bishop takes over and you’re thrown out like yesterday’s garbage. As long as the good men promote a church that treats so many men and women of Faith with a total lack of respect, I’m unable to accept that they’re “good enough” to provide me with moral guidance. I’m sure there were good priests in Germany that watched their Jewish neighbors being marched off to death camps. Good is not always “good enough”.

    • Hi Kerry, thank you so much for sharing your heart on this. You’re right – there’s a lot of unclear and underground information that is cause for concern. Grave concern. I’m sorry that you feel as though you’ve been set in a trap before, that’s not right. I think that every person should be welcomed and respected, no matter what. We need to raise the standards bar — Jesus instructed us to love. Period. i appreciate you stopping by. big hugs xo

  42. Thank you for this! I agree, so much negative publicity about priests, hiding the wonderful good men who are beautiful Godly examples in their life-roles as priests. And even though I am not a Catholic Christian, I love your loyal dedication to your Catholic faith. We must stand up for what we believe in to show it is worth it. Love you <3

    • Hi Mindy, thank you so much for sharing your heart on this. you’re right – stand up for what we believe in to show it is worth it — AMEN!! so glad you stopped by! big big big hugs to you dear friend!! xox

  43. We look to the priest or pastor for encouragement in a hard world but your example is a great way we can be an encouragement to them.

    • you’re so right about that – they need encouragement too! big hugs to you! xox

    • Thank you so much Stephen!! 🙂 so glad it resonated with you! big hugs xo

  44. My spiritual director has been the most important person in my life, it’s thank to him that I’ve managed to recover from my eating disorder! And I can name at least 3 more priests who have been absolutely fundamental for me. I know lots of good ones, and also some bad ones, like with any group you may name. I would love to have a priest son 🙂

    • Hi Paola! oh wow that is just so awesome. I’m so glad you have that person in your life. Amen – they are such a blessing to their congregation. They truly are spiritual fathers. Like you said — with any group, there are the outliers and bad apples, but far and away — to give your life to the priesthood shows such a depth of character — it makes me get choked up to even think about. big hugs to you xo

  45. I’m still in awe at the sacrifices genuine people like priests go through for the Lord, His work and for humanity. It’s really humbling. May God continue to encourage and keep them till the end. Great post here always. Thank you.

    • Thank you so much Tito — you’re so right – their sacrifices are just incredible to think about. humbling indeed. thanks for stopping by and for your encouraging words. big hugs xox

    • Thank you so much!! I appreciate you taking the time to read! Hugs and love xox

  46. Thank you for sharing. Around the country, in different walks of life,some of life’s positivity is overshadowed because of the actions of a few. This goes far beyond the acts of a certain priests, and we witness it over and over with other types of people.

    We all must remain prayer warriors!

    • Thank you so much! You’re right about that – prayer warriors indeed! Hugs and love xox

  47. Love reading your stuff. I didn’t realize you were from Ohio. I grew up just outside Columbus. Keep up the great work you are doing in these posts. And again if you ever find yourself in Orange county CA, I would love to meet you for a coffee!

    • Thank you! You’re on a reading roll! I really appreciate you stopping by! hugs xox

  48. I am late getting here, but wanted to thank you for this affirming story.

    As the dad of a young man who is about 2 years from ordination, I have become very aware of the challenges faced by “the good ones” (meaning most of them) as they get stained by the acts of the predators.

    These young men (and women who enter religious life) are heroes who have a difficult life ahead of them. God bless them!

    • Hi JP! Wow that is so awesome that your son is becoming a priest!!!! I will keep him in my prayers 🙂 you’re so right about that – THEY ARE HEROES!!!! Hugs and love xox

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